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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  March 6, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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manufacturing pmi in the world and the other end and grease, hungary -- greece, hungary, russia and communist countries doing better and all of its neighbors and banned nuclear power and imported liquid natural gas from anyone and it wants to blanket the entire nation and wind farms and solar farms and listen, america pay attention because we're at the same cross roads right now and stick with what propelled us in the top of the heat and not here in germany and going from the run away well fare and what's great in the first place and we can fix it and the cruise ship once said america they would defeat america without firing a shot and when you met we defeat ourselves. you don't have to. am i right, liz claman? liz: oh, no, together we're stronger, let's stand together. we don't need to defeat it. that's too . there's some defeating and some winning going on right now dow
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jones industrials up 18 points and s&p up 17 and nasdaq gaining five and all off highs of the session and the big market story of the day that may very well be what is keeping a cap on some of these gains here. new york community bank as we take this inter-day chart full through the entire screen, we're doing that because they resumed trading due to two hour plus halt due to volatility and throughout the session and it was halted starting just before noon eastern time due to volatility and it was down 42% and earlier on a wall street journal report indicated a bank was seek ago cash invasion to shore up confidence but within the last hour and new york
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community bank announced it got that lifeline more than 1 billion equity investment and the investment is being led by former u.s. treasury secretary steven minutan and reverend investing $200 million and this transaction is expected to close on or around monday, march 11. now in connection with the deal, the company will add four new directors to the board of the bank including steven mnuchin, former controller of the currency joseph auding and become the ceo. even if sharing gain 15% yesterday and two-day picture and "claman countdown" warning for days that the biggest issue, exposure to troubled commercial real estate lows could trigger the confidence crisis and the
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positives as well and clearly it's the bank understood that and may have started seeing that erosion and hit the phones and got some of this cash infusion on the books and they are announcing it now. the stock is flat. it is not getting a big bump here. other regional banks are falling in sympathy and nowhere near as much as community bank was earlier and metropolitan and fulton county bank both down and trying to punch into positive territory and news breaking of interesting timing and federal reserve chair jay powell testified before the house financial services committee un-aware at the moment of the stomach churning drop in the stock and bank may be
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fayettevilles a problem more anticipated and shutting down the emergency program and implemented a year ago as silicon valley bank collapsed taking down other regional bank withs it. ensuringly kidty if the bank -- insursuringly quitty and gold ad bitcoin at the moment in gustable slightly all time high and it made yesterday and up about 6% at the moment to $67,000 and gold recently hit an all time high as well and we got it here. let's fix that chart for you. we do have the yellow medal up about $10 to $2,152 a troy ounce.
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bitcoin billionaire mike and bing capital cochair steve here to assess all the breaking news and first wall street journal top fed journal and what bizarre timing that jay powell was before the house financial services committee had no idea what was happening with new york community bank stock and what do you think he learned and what would he have done with right after he finished testimony in q2? >> new york community banks problems well known for awhile now and they replaced their chief executive last week and clearly a bank that's had some problems and problems with commercial real estate problems but this wasn't new news to the fed and in fact when fed officials have been is asked about it in the past, they down played it and this doesn't seem to be getting anywhere near the level of attention that svb got one year ago. liz: new york community banks
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troubles do not from your seat incur the fed or push the fed to cut rates sooner than they would have? >> not at all this. is one bank like i said their problems have been advertised for awhile and like you just showed, the kre index is not showing how big contagion is through the banking sector here and seeps like something you could say is in a league of its own and not contagion risk right now. liz: again, there's two points to this and actual balance sheet liquidity and many banks as you and yesterday sheila bayer, former head of the area and a logical piece of it and we had a columbia professor thomas melnick that came on at the business school and he talked about how there could be a deposit run in just case there's a point where people get anxious and what do you hear from what
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you said and you can weigh in. >> actually several hundred banks in the u.s., smaller and mid sized banks and community bank and sfb in other words they're looking for solvency run by this and the risk is the ability and they're going to have it and they can survive the current situation and the sitwas unstable and the reason equity is brewing for deposits and throwing commodities and don't have the value of assets coming back. >> it's that depositor flight and not happening right now. who knows. liz: how closely is the fed looking at this? >> i think the professor is absolutely right.
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this is a calfs game at end of the day and you have to understand well, if a bank fails how are depositors going to react and debt holders going to react. i think the big difference between right now and a year ago dealing with svb and first republic is inflation. inflation stuck above 4.5% and the fed was gone and the fed changing monetary pol policies d responds to some kind of financial stability or banking crisis. look today and inflation using fed's target is below 3%, 2.5%, 2.8% depending on the measure. liz: can i interrupt and say during the financial crisis of last year the regional banks some were failing started by silicon valley bank, the fed continued to tighten rates >> that's right. liz: we can show that. they've implemented many rates of 40 year highs.
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they don't see this, jeopardizing the macro-community. liz: bank funding program is expected to shut down monday. >> borrow 12 months at bank term funding programs and they can go borrow for 12 months right now and then this goes away, there'll still be the discount window and fed's main emergency funding operation. liz: there's options and event to extend and implemented and created >> there's a emergency and don't take them with the emergency being over and permanent temporary program. liz: we'll be watching it all very quickly and your best guess of what the fed is thinking,
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which meeting will they chop rates? >> teashop to say. tell me what the inflation data does. you didn't see the chair push back against market pricing today and markets are pricing in a june cut and didn't seem like he wanted to change anything and going to make a better guess if i won the lower rates. liz: i can tell you what the markets think and june fed funds futures indicate about a 69% odds of a cut that's june but not so much in may. >> moving around a lot and get inflation numbers and jobs data if it's hot and cool but the data will decide. liz: nick timeros of wall street chair. john on the floor of the new york stock exchange 6789 new york bank is trading up 47% and down earlier and how are the markets holding up in light of
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that? >> yards in aggie, this is wild act and i have the i've been watching all day and don't think it's contagion reaching out to other ba banks and what had to happen is it had to get washed out to this point and have somebody or a group of people come in and step in and that's what we're seeing here and after monday, the dust will set and will we're not going to see a contagion event. the markets are in this all eyes on powell and tipping his hand or giving us indication and you mentioned 69% chance that the -- or a june cut occurs and interesting how this continual
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data compend seizure disorders >> all these factors back and forth and leading more to a stronger position and giving us indication of what they're truly thinking. liz: we got adp, which is a precursor to the friday labor department and jobs report and wasn't horrible. just slightly lower than the expectations. 140,000 jobs and private payrolls added here and estimate was 150,000 as you continue to look at this data, you just heard nick of "the wall street journal" saying people should not hold their breath till a rate cut till the fed decides they see an extended solid move
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lower and hopefully end of 2% target rate. >> yeah, we don't need great economic data or bad economic data and we need in-line day it and that in-line data shows us things are starting to base out and solidify and show us that the economy has moved back from where it was as far as inflation is concerned. getting to a point where it could be feels sustain and will feels strong enough to continue and get to that rate hike move. again, once we get towards that point, how is the market going to react to it and they've clearly taken march off the calendar and may is not a factor seeing in the percentages there and the june date as we get closer, that's going to be interesting and adding more to this, getting closer and closer mentioning this before and
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presidential election cycle says it's not reliant on politics and focus on that and not getting through the year and that's not going to come into place more. liz: you know what, i think new york community bank shares were just halted again. we got to be@least, i don't know, seven halts at the moment. don't really know why it's up about 14%. go ahead. what can you see from that post over there? >> yeah, there's two types of halts. one is news pending when a company is going to announce news. liz: we got that. >> and the other are volatility trading pauses and bans around every stock and if a stock gets too volatile in order flow and pop it is outside of those bans, we pause and gives everybody a time to take a deep breath, collect orders and see where the market is overall and we'll reopen that stock within a short period of time. those bans outside the markets reset and we continue to trade from there and those can get triggered again. that's what you continue to see. rules that have been in place
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for 8 to 10 years ago and massive swings in the market and run away trains and gastroenterologists everybody time to get orders together and get their thoughts together and get back into play when you do see these vtps and pauses, you do see clips of stock prices that moves higher and ends and for a little while coming back in and find that nice range and obviously above 2 in my opinion based on deal price that's going to be mentioned for monday's close. liz: okay, the swing in the stock has been in a sing 8 session from trough to peak about 53%. right now it's up 14% halted. let's keep everybody aware of that and we're going to keep the bug here in the lower right side of the screen and john corpina, thank you. really valuable information for
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the viewers. we'll watch any developments regarding new york community bank in the meantime he said they said battle between elon musk and openai reaching new highs and the team behind the hottest artificial intelligence company outs elon musk's e-mails in the wake of his lawsuit against the profitable nonprofit. the battle only further proves ai is the hottest investment on technological spectrum and boston celtics and co-owner and one startup to back with big bucks and the former bing capital cochair telling us what's different about the mit spinoff and if he's worried ai could one day spin out of control. the post firmly in charge of the markets as well. i wouldn't say firmly. i would not. it's dicey. dow up 12 and s&p up 19, we're coming right back. ♪ voya ♪ there are some things that work better together.
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liz: palantir hitting a more than two year high after software platform builder bagged a contract worth $178.4 million. palantir, which is popping about 10% right now will develop 10 ai-powered ground stations as part of a project tighten. it's called titan. big, big contract and government contract for pal entier and expanding into commercial contracts and crowd strike at top of nasdaq 100 after topping wall street's quarterliest mattes and the company issued strong guidance and
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cybersecurity giant's management also reiterating its plan to reach $10 billion in annual recurring revenue by 2030. that's good enough for a nearly 10% pop. nordstrom is done and 2% decline and 1 bernards healthcares gain last year and food locker worse down 31% about stomped after the sneaker retailer reported a loss for the fourth quarter and issued weak guidance for the current year. and super microcomputer looking super after argas initiated the data company with a buy and price company of 1,350.
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the stock right now is at 1,133 and change. by the way, argas at straight high and it says it's super microcomputer and smci for those of us that have been following markets for a bit longer than five minutes is primed for multiple years of strong top line growth and march an expansion and eps acceleration and stock is hitting a record at this hour and up 1,000% over just the past year. new attacks, serious attacks in the red sea adding pressure for energy sector reeling from opec's latest announcement and pain at the pump and truck drivers head to the city of brotherly love and more on the rising price of gasoline. the vanguard energy etf ticker vbe, well, it's up over the last two weeks. what's interesting is over the last year it had actually been
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kind of flat down and we're back. don't go away. maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. fresh, warm hot dogs! when i'm not selling hot dogs, i invest in a fund that advances innovations like robotics. fresh, warm hot dogs, straight out of my torso!
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liz: new york community bank is trade up about 9% at the moment and has been down 42% and been all over the map and we're watching it in the bug for you to watch. ma jurity of tech bros never ceases to amaze and elon musk
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clapping back at openai today and the tesla ceo taking to x and posting fixed it with a selfie of openai ceo sam atman holding -- sam altman reading credentials with the range closed ai. what's next? i know you are but what am i? guys really? musk trying to regain the upper hand over chatgpt parent and ceoaltman releasing the private e-mails to the public and musk's lawsuit claim that had startups original plan for ai not for profit but openai dump revealed musk left openai's board because it would not grant him a leadership position. he wanted to run it, and "attach to tesla as its cash cow". openai was like, no, not going
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to do that. openai not bending to musk's narrative and another startup is putting all of that aside and sprinting past or at least trying to sprint past openai by developing a new generation of ai backed by former head of bane capital. liquid ai and 47 in seed capital and ceo is an investor and joining me in a fox business exclusive, steven, for a guy that's bought or funded hundreds of companies in your career, what about liquid ai said to you i've got to financially back this startup? >> very excited about liquid ai and i met the entrepreneurs from the 19th who friended him and really like what had they were doing and they were doing something revolutionary and they were modeling -- they're doing their model basically they're not on how warm spring works so
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models the brain differently and models network differently than chatgpt and transformer-base model and created a huge efficiency and chatgpt may cost millions to load that model. liquid ai can build the initial model and they're showing for something on the order of 80% less than that and something we'll really enhance and revolutrevolutionize that in th. liz: would lost a lot less to be able to do the same or even more? >> absolutely and test showing same or better performance with 70, 75% less gpu situation. that'll be huge. right now if a company wants to build its own proprietary foundational model and power of gpu usage s with chatgpt race credits for gpus
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usand every version is costing millions and they've got to bring the cost down and these applications work. liz: if you don't know, these are chips. nvidia obviously in the lead here. does liquid ai use nvidia? nvidia stock hitting all-time high at this hour a more. >> they have a nice power band and making it more efficient than the current models out there and we're excited. liz: must be nice to be part of the tomato throwing contest between openai sam altman and elon musk. but this is such a rich area and you being in private equity at this moment, how does this
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private equity world look and you tell me it's good for you guys and right now and banks have tightened lending standards and new york community bank situation going on here and people are scared. they don't want to be stuck with bad loans on their books and that may leave real opportunity for you guys with private opportunity. >> private equity with a great track record in general and paying back all the debts and businesses were really high levered whistled started doing this 35 years ago and deals down to $5 million and if you can below that and they're down with purchase prices for less and right now there's mostly 30 to 50% equity and it's been not a problem and loans you're talking about are maybe for commercial real estate and they'll be really issuing for us and offices are about having
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refinance and revenue with private equities and liz: high inflation meant a lot of companies and startups had to cost cut and forced to be more aggressive in doing that and leaving less for private equity once you guys get in to shave off you're known for making companies lean and mean s. that less pressure for you guys? cost companies are pretty well run today and the way private equity and bane capital and
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we'll disinvest in divisions that aren't doing well and core business and lost by a company that's cost cutting and stock growing and growth is the key. growth is the key for the multiple and a sixer a whole nother ball game and revolutionizing every industry out there from healthcare to manufacturing and processing because it'll make it a lot more efficient so i'm seeing a world that's kind of amall gus of 1999 and lots of money going to ai and there's a lot of losses in ai and you haven't picked the right companies but picking the right companies and several successful ones. liz: picking right sports teams and owners of >> running for
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them and you're doing pretty well there and >> the better teams and celtics and going an incredible job and suddenly a great group of players and i'm very proud of both those and like the celtics of italy and a team that everyone loves and a team that wins and manager and president of ceo who's been doing this for years and we're fortunate and now they've come over here and look at all the operations and operations and it's been great above and doing a fantastic job. liz: soccer team may be a little team that everybody loves and a lot of crew members here that don't love the celtics and
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that's all i have to say. we got a lot of different fans so so far boston has gone on top of that one. liz: la girl and steven, great to have you. thank you so very much. >> great to be here. liz: come back and hear more about liquid ai. thank you. cryptocraze taking wall street by the horns and fueled bay wave of retail oriented bitcoin etfs and now the 100,000 question, how high can the crypto go as it continues to make brand new records? we are going to ask one of the top cryptocurrency investors in the world. there he is disney up more than 35% over just the last six
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months. you weren't looking, were you? bottom of the heat map and all 2.8% and we like to give context and the "claman countdown" is coming right back. ♪ by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ moving forward with node-positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy.
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liz: bitcoin back above 57,000 and crypto hit an all time record of 69,202. if you stretch it out week-to-date and see where bitcoin hit the high briefly becoming the eighth largest asset in the world before tu tumbling, yeah, tumbled and most analysts are tributing the taking and minors off loading some of their holdings and with crypto up 60% this year alone and can bitcoin past 100,000 in 2024 and i want to bring in
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galaxy digital holding in michael jacobson who's here in a fox business exclusive and we want your reaction to the moment it hit that fresh brand new record, mike. >> yeah, our salesmen traders and came down to share and we're in a new phase of bitcoin, you've just opened up the boomers to bitcoin and so boomers do bitcoin and there's $40 trillion of liquid wealth and $95 trillion overall and first time they can buy it and price discovery and hard to see where things will go. in general, when you come with 330% from a low to a three-year
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high, you don't take it out on the first time. can't find one frayed going from 15,000 to 69,000 and go right through and we'll take that very soon and who knows and 100,000 because it's a round number and you're in price discovery, you don't know where the buying stops. like prices are set on the margin and more buyers than sellers. liz: what is this catalyst, though? aside from the fact there's been a mentum trade and spot bitcoin etfs and one you have and i would love to know what else is pushing it to these numbers? >> the number one thing is etfs and it's opened up wealth channel and buying bitcoin very easily and saw rieder filed a report and $38 billion found is
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buying etf in his fund and small indications and the fed cuts rating and more importantly there's a banking crisis today and again every one of the stories plays into bitcoin and election more than anything. we've got donald trump who half the country sees as deer hunting ranged and adding $1 trillion of debt in very short intervals to our budget deficit and as lon as the federal government passes 25% of gdp on government and not like we used to and bitcoin going higher. deliz: report card on fiscal pry
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den seizure disorders. you -- prudenty and 100,000 in year. >> i think s. i really do. again, i can't tell you if we're going through 69 in the next day, week, or two months. wouldn't surprise me if we take it but also wouldn't surprise me if we bounce between 58 and 69,000 unstill some of the buying gets digested and the next move up. it's hard to say right now because there's this almost like run away momentum in these etfs and it just keeps coming in. liz: your cents galaxy btsco. really quickly again, nikki haley dropped out of the race today and dean phillips, the democrat that you had actually
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supported also announced today he's out. if you had to plug and vote for one of the two for parent presumptive candidates >> i had dinner with one of the ex-cabinet members and he said it was scary during that time and it's really telling to me that almost none of trump's cabinet, people that served for him will endorse him. and this is the five, six, seven secretary of defense, secretary of labor, all who have come out and said this guy is dangerous so we're in a terrible dilemma as a country. i can't believe we're here but would far rather have joe biden as president than trump. liz: we'll end it there and
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watch what you believe might happen this year. bitcoin 100,000. mike, good to see you. thank you very much. >> thanks so much. liz: michael novogratz and we're coming right back on with more on the 2024 election. app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management. (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher investments. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees.
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♪. liz: well, former south carolina
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governor nikki haley as we just discussed officially ended her request to become president earlier today. former president donald trump appears to have a clear path to the republican nomination. now the big question, will haley's donors give their support to trump or put their money elsewhere and where would that be, charlie? >> let's unpack this a little bit and we were among the first to report this on this show that her donors were getting antsy about a month ago and that they were likely to pack it in. they would tell her to pack it in after "super tuesday," particularly after she lost south carolina, they were getting really antsy. were telling her to pack it in after this. that is why she did it. the big donors said we'll not give you anymore money, you will run out of money soon so go. that is what she did. the question where do the big donors want to go? will they support donald trump?
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who are they? people like ken langone, cliff asmus, stan drunkenmiller. liz: billionaires. >> billionaires. this is as of now, i didn't have a conversation with ken langone about this, i talk to people that know him, his money, the other guy's money is not likely to go to trump, it is most likely, it already has been moving in that direction to go to republicans in the house and senate races. they are, they just don't like his disposition. they don't think he is good for the country. liz: you just hear mike novagratz, he hating both choices he would have to basically plug his nose to go for biden because of those very reasons. >> he is left of center. these guys would plug their nose go to trump probably, vote for him. i don't think they will give their stamp approval with money. liz: financially. >> what you will see haley donors going to house and senate
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campaigns. they're going to, going probably give a decent amount of money. republicans a lot of people think they will puck up the house, pick up the senate, just the way the map is drawn. the house will be a difficult, more difficult to hold on, they have a slim majority right now, we keep hearing there is a possibility. the money might help but again, liz, this is money, this is money that does not want to go to donald trump. it really is interesting, liz, that we have these two candidates. they're kind of the best for both of them. i don't think joe biden can beat anybody but trump. i don't think trump can beat anybody but joe biden of major democratic candidate. >> i don't know. you see such position in trump voters. >> those are base voters. there is always passion in the base, trust me, the progressive caucus is very passionate but not everybody in this country agrees with the progressive, the progressive wing of the country or else joe biden's approval number which he is, sort of pair
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roddying them would be higher. that is where we are right now. interesting to see where it goes. it will be -- larry: what is funny? we have a long way to the election and these two guys are there. it's really amazing. >> too long because, yeah. >> let's do it tomorrow, get it out of the way? liz: oh, sure. charlie, thank you. have you guys looked at gold? we talked about at the top of the show that gold and bitcoin are these flights to quality. gold had a incredible run, it is up 16% over the past year. at record highs, $2154 a troy ounce. we're in the after-market. our count down closer says there is opportunity to go elsewhere, we have scott redler. gold, you tell me which precious metal you like. >> gold broke out finally. short term, nice move in the last week. long term it has been in the
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same place but now ready to go. 2400 is target. that will happen in the next few months. what could happen, silver is still in the base. it is not breaking out yet. it is 24. i think the outperformance can happen in silver. it is just starting. be in gold, play it, buy dips. i think silver will have a nice push especially if gold gets to 2200, 2300, it will play catchup. liz: you said it languished for 11 years, it suddenly started moving? i'm talking about gold. what are we $34 trillion in debt? every 100 days another trillion in debt. the dollar has peaked. they say the bigger the base, the bigger the move. gold is under accumulation sun the last time it peaked. i think it is ready to go. another regional bank is almost failing today. the mood of the country they love the metals. they don't trust government as much. that is why bitcoin is going
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crazy, metals are front and center and they're working. liz: can i ask you, new york community bank is what you just referenced. it is up 7%, completely face planted earlier down 42% t had real issues here. you are a trader. is there a short-term trade because they did just announce they have a one billion dollar cash infusion from a consortium of investors? would you somehow think that's worth a trade? and number two, do you think that is good money thrown after bad? >> i think they're trying to do a lot of things to save the banking sector especially regional banks. they did it a year ago. it is starting to go away. i would stay away. so much money playing than regional banks. they're a home run or strike yacht. i rather go for consistency. a.i. semiconductors working well, rather go for crypto names. regional banks i would not rather do a hit or miss. let whatever hedge funds give them whatever they need at $2 a share so it is not zero.
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liz: what you think about the federal reserve, looks like the fed fund futures maybe the first rate cut we would see in june. what are you along those lines, and what's the trade ahead of that? >> remember in december they were saying five rate cuts. i'm going -- liz: seven. >> seven the market got it wrong again. right now the market is near all-time highs and we haven't even cut yet. they're zero percent in march. 25% in may? i think they probably finally cut in june but i feel like we need to have a corrective phase. at this point it feels like the market is getting a little frothy. a few strategists like myself have reached target in s&p, 5450. [closing bell rings] i think the move is four or 5% to the downside, not new highs. liz: scott redler, thank you. major averages snap their two-day losing streak. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to


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