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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 6, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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fed fund futures maybe the first rate cut we would see in june. what are you along those lines, and what's the trade ahead of that? >> remember in december they were saying five rate cuts. i'm going -- liz: seven. >> seven the market got it wrong again. right now the market is near all-time highs and we haven't even cut yet. they're zero percent in march. 25% in may? i think they probably finally cut in june but i feel like we need to have a corrective phase. at this point it feels like the market is getting a little frothy. a few strategists like myself have reached target in s&p, 5450. [closing bell rings] i think the move is four or 5% to the downside, not new highs. liz: scott redler, thank you. major averages snap their two-day losing streak. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to
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"kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. an historic election victory by former president donald trump last night on "super tuesday." he is now poised to be the republican presidential standard-bearer for an husband tore rick third time. he could also make history by being the first president to win, then lose, then win again since grover cleveland in 1892. south dakota governor kristi noem will join us, talk about how success will bring the republican party and the entire country together in unity. senior house member, steve scalise and jim jordan will talk about drill, baby, drill, fighting inflation and a second round of trump tax cuts. and then david bossie, charlie hurt and katie pavlich weigh in on the fate of nikki haley. why republicans are more united than democrats and donald trump is going to take his campaign all around the country. but, first up, our very own the great edward lawrence live at the white house with all the
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details on tuesday's history and it was interesting, edward, it really was. >> reporter: it was obviously a huge win for the former president donald trump. nikki haley won one state on "super tuesday." she did bow out of the race now. she did not endorse the former president but offered this advice instead, listen. >> it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him and i hope he does that. at its best poll ticks is about bringing people into your cause, not turning them away and our conservative cause badly needs more people. >> reporter: immediately after this announcement, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell endorsed, bringing some old conservative guard into the trump plant. i want to be clear there is a place for them in my campaign, i know there is not a lot we agree
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on but the fundamental issues of preserving american democracy, standing up for the rule of law and treating each other with decency and dignity and respect on preserving nato and standing up to america's adversaries i hope and believe we can find some common ground. the new line from the democrats now is both candidates are old and america should choose the one to protect democracy. questions about the president's mental health linger. i touched a nerve yesterday, listen to this. why does the president rely so heavily on note cards. >> you're upset because the president has note cards. you're asking me a question about the president having note kurds? >> i'm asking why -- >> the president has had a, probably one of the most success if you recall three first year of an administration than any modern-day president. >> reporter: but she did not answer the question as why he relies so heavily on those note cards, larry? larry: edward, is anybody asking about like why biden didn't appear last night? i mean he after all won the
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democratic primaries but nobody saw him. you know, kind of goes back to the super bowl. nobody saw him there too but i would expect to him to hear from him last night. we never saw him. >> reporter: we heard he was working on the speech, state of the union address at camp david. he came back here. he was again, nothing on his public schedule today. yesterday he had the community conference that he met, talking about his community involvement there but no, nothing on in terms of the president coming out late last night. obviously getting some rest before today and rest before the state of the union address. they're putting, they're razzing expectations for that address here at the white house which is very interesting for this president. anything less than perfect this president may be seen as a ding against him but we'll have to see what happens. clearly they're making sure he is prepared for thursday and not doing anything to upset that. larry: all right, very interesting, edward lawrence as always, great stuff. we appreciate it so much. now folks, couple extra thoughts
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from me. not enough that donald trump romped to victory in 14 out of 15 "super tuesday" primary states last night. he will wrap up the gop nomination in a couple of weeks and really, year or two ago, wait a second, a year or three ago, no one, virtually no one honestly expected any of this to happen. it's a comeback, it's a comeback for the ages. remember he also won crushing victories in iowa and new hampshire and south carolina and michigan before last night. so, no, it's not enough for pundits to keep trying to chip away at the former president's achievement by getting into this dog chases tail argument about unifying the republican party. of course he will unify the republican party. he said so last night. in his speech last evening at mar-a-lago, and he said i will quote, we want to have unity and we're going to have unity and
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it's going to happen very quickly. and then his money line, and i'm going to quote again, and i have been saying lately success will bring unity to our country, end quote. that is just so important. now with all respect to nikki haley's voter totals they were disproportionally not republican voters. it has always been a small sliver of sort of remaining mitt romney, john mccain, gop establishment that never liked donald trump in the first place and certainly trump will reach out once again even to that sliver, count on it but for the broader electorate, the "new york times/sienna poll" showed those voted for mr. trump in 2020, 97% expect to vote for him again this year which is a huge number. of those that voted for biden in 2020, only 83% expect to vote for him again. so if anything, kind of look
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like it is joe biden who has a unity problem, especially when you analyzed democratic party primaries, democrats not voting for biden, well you know, they ranged from 36% new hampshire, 29, minnesota 19, and michigan, 17, in massachusetts and on and on, it is a very, very big number. then newt gingrich writes today that the new trump coalition is breaking up the old franklin d. roosevelt democratic coalition of minorities, jews, working following the and small buses. that is exactly the new trump coalition and that's the unifying element that so many pundits don't seem to understand. the reason joe biden's losing right now, at least in the polls, i know polls aren't votes but in the polls is lower and middle income working folks have taken a big pay cut when accounting for the ravages of inflation but those very same groups had a big pay increase
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under mr. trump and they remember that. in today's "wall street journal," interesting, jason riley talks about "the new york times" sienna survey showing his black support, this is trump's black support, ticking all the way up to 23% and among hispanics, 46% compared to joe biden's 40%. now in 2020 biden won the black vote 92-8 and hispanics 59-38. when you look at those are gigantic changes. now the affordability crisis is taking its toll. working class folks whether they be white, black, brown, asian, female, male, young, old, all of them want a pay raise, not the biden pay cut. now mr. jason riley who is a friend is not a supporter of donald trump's, nonetheless jason points out during the trump years the lowest percentiles of earners of which minorities make up a greater
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share, they had the biggest percentage gains in weekly income. now if you add that to a tough policy to close the border, major concerted effort to stop crime and lawlessness throughout the country and common sense strategies to restore our reputation abroad, you have got the makings of a trump victory based on successful policies and a newly united, proud, america. that's how this game could be playing out. all right, enough of me. joining us now we have very grateful, welcoming back to the show, south dakota governor kristi noem. governor, welcome, pleasure seeing you. thanks for doing this. last night, big historic win for mr. trump as you know, and he has a great comeback going. i just want to play for you what he said at mar-a-lago about success and unity around the whole country. take a listen to this, then
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we'll get your comments. >> okay. >> a tragic thing happened during the election, it was a tragedy because you without have, think of it all of the problems that you have today, i don't think you would have had any of them. you would only have success. that's what is ultimately going to unify this country and unify this party. we have a great republican party with tremendous talent and we want to have unity and we're going to have unity and it is going to happen very quickly and i have been saying lately, success will but unity to our country. larry: so, governor noem, how do you read that? this is unique to politics. people don't think in those terms. they think of republicans, democrats, independents. he is saying his policies will succeed, that will bring unity. how do you read that governor? >> i loved it, i loved it, larry when he said that. that was so perfect because it is so true. we've seen that play out in different parts of the country
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the last several years, states with the right leadership, their families have been more successful and they're happier. if you look at my little state of south dakota, we pursued very conservative policies. people are making 30% more money than they had before. having more babies than ever before. businesses are more successful. taxes are lower. more money in reserves. we have aaa credit rating, pensions are funds and mentality health challenges are going down, suicides are going down, drug overdoses are going down. president trump knows his policies bring success. when you do that people are happy, they get along and they enjoy each other. that is exactly what we're seeing here. i can't wait to see it on a national scale. larry: he went on, too, last night in the mar-a-lago speech, i think it was an underrated speech because if you actually read the speech it was really quite good, i watched it a second time when i got home but he is putting together this populace coalition.
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newt gingrich is writing about it. i have written about it. working class folks, black white, brown, asian, doesn't matter, working class volks, governor, prefer pay increases after inflation. under biden they have had a pay cut. we have some sound what i think is this populace coalition mr. trump is putting together. please take a listen. >> they wanted to get together african-american, asian-american, hispanic-american, women, men, people with diplomas from the best schools in the world and people that didn't graduate from high school, every single group was doing better than ever before and it was a beautiful thing. our country was coming together. [applause] larry: again, you know, this is not your grandfather's republican party and it's a brand new trump populace party and you think you're very much part of this movement, ma'am, i just wonder what you thought on that, right across the board. doesn't matter, they're working
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folks and they want pay increases. >> i remember when he first ran for president, i was driving down the interstate, driving on a road trip with a truck and trailer with my daughter, every trucker i saw, had a make america great again truck on. i thought what was happening? 2016 what was happening president trump broke politics. he didn't care what party you were in, he would fight for you, people that get up every day that go, work, have a job. >> take care of their families, make good decisions, still love america. he hasn't changed once. he has not change ad single thing. he continued to fight for everybody. what i love about his poll numbers, people are recognizing how devastating and socialist the democrat party is and how badly they need president trump back in the white house. larry: if you add the economic stuff to the border, you know, no one will be tougher on the border than donald trump, no one. of course other issues. there is the culture war and we need to improve our image and
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our standing overseas. i mean how do you see this campaign playing out? how do you see the issues playing out? i'm sure you're going to be campaigning for him. you've been a supporter. >> i will. larry: what are the top issues will be, what does joe biden, what do you think joe biden shows up copa set i cannily what will he say about it? >> i don't think he will know what he is going to say about it. this is how i explained it to somebody last night. you can only light a person on fire so many times until they don't feel it anymore, they will just do it right. that is where he is. president trump is literally at every single arrow, dart at him that they possibly could he will keep doing what he is right. they will use divisive topics against him. i don't think they will be successful on the economy. they will not be successful on family budgets, gasoline or grocery prices every family knows joe biden wiped out their bank account and maxed out their
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credit cards. they will do it on social issues. republicans will have to be smart, to recognize the people should be making these decisions and these people that we are a country built on freedom and on, a standard that allows people to have a say in what their government is and people making decisions closest to those folks and those families where they live make the best decisions. i have never seen a solution come out of the federal government that actually made something better. so if you walk and look who has been leading the last several years it's governors, it's states. on a lot of those issues they have been making the best decisions. so president trump should continue to point to straights where there is good leaders that made tough decisions and their people are thriving. larry: governor noem if president trump asks you are you open to a vice-presidential nomination? >> i told him i want him to win. i will do anything he needs me to do to help him win. so that is important to that country. if he wants me to go out there
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to knock on doors and put yard signs in i will do that too. whatever it takes. it is that important that whatever policies in place but we need someone who loves this country. larry: you would come to washington as his vice president? >> it is not my favorite place, larry, you know that. larry: yes. >> i go there once in a while and i would certainly help him. larry: so i will take that as a yes. final thing, governor noem, appreciate your time as always, i know in south dakota, you have a bill, a new bill combating anti-semitism or reaffirming old bills and can you tell us about that because it is such a important issue. >> this is a bill that defines what anti-semitism is, it has examples that we put in statute that will be used in model legislation in every other state to define what a hate crime is and prosecute those who engage in it. this is the strongest language in this country to push back on some of the hatred we've seen
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across this country since the october 7th attack. i was devastated to see folks in this undertry uneducated some purposefully stand with pro-hamas and attack our allies israel and our brothers and sisters in the jewish community. this is a bill we signed into law today in the rotunda of our capital. we had hundreds and hundreds of people there. we have one of the smallest jewish communities in the entire country and we dearly love them and stand with our allies and proud to sign this bill i believe many, many other states are going to use because it gives them strong language we can win in court and prosecute those who engage in hate crimes. larry: congratulations on that. we appreciate it. governor kristi noem, great to see you. >> good to see you too, larry. larry: you betcha. quick update, switch gears, other side of the country, fani willis, hotlanta georgia, the fiasco gets worse and worse. fox news jonathan serrie joins
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us live with more details. thank you for this. what can you tell us? >> reporter: certainly, larry, the republicans leading this georgia senate committee hearing that took place earlier today say they're trying to determine whether district attorney fani willis misused public funds. they only called on one witness today, ashley merchant. she is the first defense attorney in the georgia election interference case to attempt to have willis disqualified from prosecuting it. merchant suggested that willis worked out a new contract with her special prosecutor and than romantic partner nathan wade while the two were traveling together. >> there was a period of i think it is 15 or 16 days where he did not have a contract. they, which also happened to be one of the times they were out the town but so they re-upped the contract november 15th and then it had a cap but the cap was significantly huer. >> reporter: after the committee hearing one senator in the
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democratic minority said willis' fate should be left to the courts, not legislative politics >> that judge is going to make a decision within a couple weeks. that is the role ought to be played out. we ought not to be doing that. >> reporter: larry, there were two new filings proposing, two new witnesses come forward and testify. these witnesses are apparently ready to testify that willis around wade's romantic relationship began much earlier than the pair had testified under oath in court last month. now the judge has yet to rule whether he is going to hear anymore witnesses before rendering his decision on whether or not fannie willlous will be disqualified from this case. the judge expected to make that decision sometime before the middle of this month. larry? >> thanks very much, jonathan serrie. we appreciate it. folks, moving right along, coming up here the fate of nikki
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haley, why republicans are really more united than democrats. we're talking to political experts david bossie, charlie hurt, and katie pavlich, all up next on "kudlow." please stick around.n se ♪. three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy fly fishing and america's finest trout stream. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to three forks to book your luxury experience.
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larry: former president trump inviting haley supporters to join the maga movement, he invited them in a truth social post today. so let as chew on this. we have dave bossy, president of citizens united. former trump 2016 deputy campaign manager, co-chair of the rnc convention. we have to be nice to him. we have "washington times" opinion editor, fox news contributor, charlie hurt around we have katie pavlich, townhall dot-com editor and fox news contributor. they lost your fox news contributor. i put it back in. >> how does dave bossy get the longest title? larry: he has all these title. >> because he won an election. larry: won the election and he is running the convention, so we're all sucking up to hum. >> trying to get good seats, unlike where the vermont republicans are going to be? larry: [laughter]. that's very good. so bossie, i will sort of skim read this thing this is trump on
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nikki haley today, truth social. nikki haley got trounced last night, record setting fashion despite the fact democrats are allowed to vote in vermont as we just pointed out, blah, blah. you hope she stays in the race and fights to the enthat is not happening. this is the key point, dave, i would further like to invite all the haley supporters to join the greatest movement in the nation. not miss haley per se, about you the haley supporters, david bossie. how does that work? what do you read into that whole statement? >> i think it is an incredibly smart thing to do, reaching out to those supporters of nikki haley ask them to join his movement. conservatives, whether in 2000, 2008, with john mccain, mitt romney, george bush, for that matter, the conservative movement was always assumed that we would fall in line and this year we have the establishment saying hey, we're not going to
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fall in line. that is what nikki haley basically was saying. now it has become a binary choice. it is between donald trump's effort to save america and the carnage that is america under joe biden and the american people now will have a simple choice between donald trump's save america, make america great again agenda versus more of socialist again today joe biden. that is what that will be about. that is why the nikki haley supporters will come to join the trump movement over time. larry: i mean, charlie, i just, you know, you look at the polls, at least "the new york times" poll of those who voted for trump in 2020, 97% will vote for him again. only 83% will vote for biden. by the way biden lost huge chunks in his primaries. >> he sure did. larry: people that either voted for the little candidates or voted, whatever it's called, unaffiliated or we don't like joe biden, whatever the
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numerator was. the point is this unity stuff, i keep hearing from certain former campaign managers of certain republican presidents, i don't want to names but you know who i am talking about we can't unify the party. what do you make of these arguments? >> oh, i think that's, you know, the media has spent so much time focusing on the divisions in the republican party and they completely ignore real profound divisions in the democrat party. the idea somehow nikki haley, donald trump is the one that needs to break bread, extend and olive branch to haul hail, i think to nikki haley i think she overstates her significance in the party. the people that don't like donald trump in the party and politics, no duh, that is the truth from the beginning that is the key to his popularity. everybody outside of washington, outside of politics loves the guy. half of them are democrats, democrats who are -- another
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thing i get why people don't like trump because he says things but you have to admit the guy is so funny. when he talks about nikki haley in record-setting fashion losing as if she set out to set these new records of losing? which by the way she did, she broke a lot of records for losing. it was extraordinary. i don't know if it was meant to, she will go into the history books with some of these losses. larry: katie pavlich, it is not your fathers or grandfather's republican party. i worked for ronald reagan 40 years ago. reagan started this stuff but it is different this is populace party, you know this, this is party going after blacks, hispanics. i was quoting from jays respond riley's article in "the wall street journal" how trump is piling up hispanic numbers and black american numbers and the basic point is they want pay increases not pay cuts, and biden delivered them pay cuts. so the instrument of unity, i think misses the point. trump will build a bigger
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coalition. i mean that's unity and it's based on success! >> well look, every election will be a tight election especially in places like michigan and which is. so getting and gobbling up as many votes as you possibly can is obviously a good thing but you're right, larry. donald trump treated this primary like the general election from the beginning. i thought the meeting he had with the teamsters a couple weeks ago was really interesting in washington, d.c. in michigan he has an opportunity to peel off a lot of these voters who are very upset with joe biden's electric vehicle mandates which will put a lot of people out of work, not to mention making their lives more expensive. they talk a lot about the unity of the republican party, but you and charlie mentioned the dysfunction in the democratic party. it is completely underreported how many people voted uncommitted to joe biden. one how thousand people in michigan. 20,000 people in north carolina. michigan in particular, joe biden ran the first time,
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third time i believe it was for president as this moderate, unifier who was going to you know bring the country together. he has been a far left president. now he has this problem in a place like michigan he has to win if he wants to win re-election where he has to kowtow to rashida tlaib who is a member of the "squad" promoting a pro-terrorism agenda in that state. he has to figure out how he will keep that coalition together while also not allowing coalitions that have been typically for democrats, black voters, hispanic voters as well. he is down to 66% of african-american voters, 49% of hispanics with a border issue they think is helping them with that demographic. they don't have a lot of places to go in terms of the timing before the election. larry: we're having so much fun, i want the panel to hold over. i have a couple things i want to hash through. we have to be nice to david bossie because he is running the
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convention. stay tight, please. go get a cup of coffee. mine is honey tea for my cold. we'll talk about border security, cutting inflation and drill, baby, drill. we have some senior house people, steve scalise and jim jordan will stop by to say hello. someplace on the back end even steve hilton will make it discourse on this whole story. i'm kudlow. we're working things through here. we'll be right back. you can get tea with honey.t s all it take s. work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen. get ongoing advice; and manage your investments in the chase mobile app.
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>> back we're talking politics about the whole race, david bossie, charlie hurt, katie pavlich. david bossie, mr. trump made up with mitch mcconnell. i call that party unity. it is kind of funny but it is not unimportant. mitch mcconnell is a gentleman. he has been around the block a little bit and i want to add one more thing, i don't know whether he is involved to these debates but trump challenged biden to
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debates. do you think biden will debate him? biden doesn't even show up. he didn't show up at the super bowl, or didn't show up any place but palestine, ohio, what do you think? that is part of party unit. >> jobe doesn't know where he is day-to-day so i don't believe he can. i don't believe the democratic leadership leadership and white house will allow him to debate. donald trump will crush him in a debate. american people have seen cognitive decline over the past 3 1/2 years in the white house. donald trump will just mangle him. i don't think they will put him on a stage. they can't. that is the problem, he will not be able to answer the concerns of the american people who you see through the polling. they all believe that he's too old for the job. so that is going to be a big problem. it will be even bigger problem when donald trump goes on off fence in minnesota and in wisconsin and michigan, pennsylvania, when he is
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breaking that iron belt just like we did in 2016. we went on offense and that's what this campaign must do. larry: going into the south bronx. he is going to madison square garden. he will cause holy hell. he will have a rally in madison square garden in front of 50,000 people. this place will go nut. it could be the best thing that will possibly happen to new york. just the fact he comes back and does a rally here, oh, my gosh, i just can't imagine how good it would be. katie pavlich, this guy, biden, he doesn't show up. he won a bunch of primaries last night. you would think he would show his face, say something, thank you? not a chance. who was it, ari fleischer asked it on set. what happened to biden. everyone is talking about trump. joe concha said, biden you no only work as 2 1/2 day week. yesterday, tuesday, he is still in camp david, tuesday by the way, david, as you know was a
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school day. it was a work day. where was biden? i'm sorry. [laughter]. >> i think republicans have to start asking the question about why democrats are so comfortable with joe biden not having to show up and not having to give speeches and one reason is of course because the risk of putting him out there against donald trump, he would get mangled. i think they understand they know how to work the voting system. they know how to use dropboxes. they know how to use early balloting, mail-in voting. they're like olympians at the sport of voting. republicans have to really do training here to catch up. larry: i agree. >> there is reason always comfortable with the polling, comfortable not putting candidates out, bank millions of votes for election day and things happen, people can't get to the polls. larry: i love you all. charlie, i'm getting out. i'm running over time. >> i enjoyed it. larry: being around you is so great. katie pavlich nobody better than
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you. nobody better than charlie hurt. dave bossie, nobody better than you are. we're all afraid of you. we appreciate seeing you. let's go into some economic issues that surfaced again. we welcome back house majority leader steve scalise. hello, great to see you. i want to say, we have some sound, trump talked a lot about drill, baby, drill and energy and by inference your great bill, hr.1. take a listen, sir. >> three years ago we were at a level we were energy independent. we'll be very shortly energy dominant and today we're getting oil from venezuela. can you believe isn't we were going to be supplying oil to europe, all over the world. then a tragic thing happened during the election. larry: steve scalise, there is a lot of substance to these trump speeches even though pundits will not say that he will be committed to going back toward
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energy dominance, energy independence, i think the lng thing, biden is trying to stop the lng, such an important thing nor america's domestic security and foreign security. trump will turn that around, won't he? >> he will, larry, he will do it in short order. you were there the last time the president was in the white house. i got to work with him on a lot of the things we did to become energy independent and energy dominant. we were not only supplying all of our energy needs, we were helping our friends around the world. that undermines countries like russia. it undermines putin. what joe biden did, he came in and reversed trump policies that were successful. he made our country dependent on those foreign countries again. by the way the latest effort as you alluded to on lng exports where biden put a pause on lng exports, that is a gift to vladmir putin from joe biden. why would he wants to do that. it hurts america. raises costs for family. families are fed up with this.
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why donald trump is doing so well. he knows how to get energy production going again. joe biden wants to shut down american energy. he have wants to bring it in from other countries that don't like us. we have to end that. larry: we do indeed, other thing mentioning, jim jordan will come on, we'll talk to him too, he talked tax cuts last night, steve scalise. you knee when anyone talks tax cuts i get a chill down my spine. i was so happy to hear it. he wants a second round of tax cuts. he hadn't told us. you are one of the leaders in the house. he was given a growth agenda last night at the mar-a-lago speech. >> it was a very presidential speech last night. i was with the president last week at mar-a-lago and we talked about a lot of the things we can do. we got to get there. there is a long way between now and november, but i think the idea what we could do to get our
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economy moving again, to cut taxes, so everybody could benefit like we saw last time, to secure america's border, be energy independent, people are excited about that. why you're seeing the numbers for trump continue to rise. that's why you're seeing him do so well not only in the primaries but look at polling in the swing states, when matchup of biden against trump in states like michigan. you're seeing with african-americans, with hispanics who are fed up with the biden policies. lower income families are getting hit hardest by biden's inflation agenda and they want to go back to the days under donald trump when we had a robust economy and our friends knew we had their backs around the world and our enemies feared under the circumstances. that was all the case. we have to back to that. that's where we need to go. larry: tax cuts, drill, baby, drill, border control that is good combination. steve scalise i'm own a short leash as always. see you in due course in
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washington. you look great, 100%, god bless. do we have time to go to jim jordan or take a break to go to jim jordan. we have jim jordan in he is here, ready to rock and roll. my idol jim jordan. known him a very, long time. i'm sure you saw the mar-a-lago speech. i was talking to steve scalise bit. >> yeah. larry: just one thing, you have a lot of supply side blood. i know you. trump is up there, no one is paying attention, all the pundits, republican pundits, he has to unify the party. trump is saying drill, baby, drill. we'll close down the border. we'll deregulate business and we'll have a second round of tax cuts. it is a growth agenda and he is trying to appeal, right, he is trying to appeal to working folks. >> larry: the kind of people you brought into the white house. i spoke to your gang in the roosevelt room once or twice that is what trump is trying to do. >> letting families and small businesses keeping more of their
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money is always good. it is good for them, it is good for their families, good for their state and community and it is good for the overall economy. you have known that. you know forever. you preached that. that is what president trump did in his first term. let's do it again. what president briden has done three years, 46 days, secure border to no border, safe streets to record climb, stable prices to record inflation. let's get a back to the way trump is doing things and everybody in this country will be better off, on inflation, trump made special mention if you read the speech again how inflation destroys countries. you can't maid dell, he has always been for a strong dollar, dollar to be the world's reserve currency. drill more, bring the prices down, that affects almost everything in the entire economy. >> of course, of course it does particularly states like ohio
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where we're huge in manufacturing. energy costs matter but it matters to everybody. every family, every business, everybody. president trump nappeds that. he wants growth because growth is the only remedy to the fiscal situation, financial situation joe biden has put our country in. anybody with any common sense understands that. that is why you see president trump up in every single poll. that is why i think he will be our next president. larry: that is this new coalition, this populace coalition he is trying to put together. >> yeah. larry: you're such, you're chair the judiciary committee, when you come on we talk about judiciary stuff. look you who excited you are and happy to talk about tax cuts and deregulation and economic growth. i mean that's the thing. like we all have to be liberated. that is what trump does. he will release these forces into the political atmosphere that will liberate us and go out and get the job done. i will give you the last word, mr. jordan. >> i was in steubenville, along
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the ohio river, working with senator bernie marino that area is trump republican. 15, 20 years ago, that was total democrat. they see the growth agenda, policies that help them, working class, middle-class families, working for families the key institution in our culture. president trump understands that. that is why we need him in the white house, fabulous. jim jordan, chairman of the judiciary committee. overall patriotic american. >> i hope you feel better, drink the tea. larry: i'm on it. a break and steve hilton, life, liberty of the pursuit of happiness. maybe pursuit of nikki haley. no pursuit of victory for the country. i'm kudlow. i'm drinking my honey tea. things are looking up. i will be right back
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♪. larry: all right, just a little sidebar, we are a business show, jay powell testified before congress today and really did the right thing. the guy stepped up and he basically said, okay, the economy is resilient, our inflation which has come down, nonetheless is still above target and the fed is not confident that they have conquered inflation. very contribute tiff and therefore they are not going to be in any rush to lower their target rate which is still 5.25 to 5 1/2%. the stock market did okay. it didn't panic. it didn't get creamed. actually the dow was up 75 points. bond rates slipped down. the 10-year is 4.10, 4.15. price of gold relatively stable. gold has been coming up recently. fed not in a rush to do the right thing. i will give him high marks. i give fed governor chris waller high marks for being strong behind this decision. i will mention atlanta fed, i
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believe rafael bostic. go slow, fed. there is no rush. don't have any election year juice. don't get political. meet your inflation target. in a couple years with lower taxes and deregulation and drill, baby, drill we'll get this economy moving again like you wouldn't brief without inflation because we go on the supply side. i'm kudlow. we'll be back in just a minute with my last word. ♪. .. big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours.
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larry: i just want to kind of repeat this. we've got a couple extra seconds, we're going to take it. former president trump last night outlined a supply-side is economic growth agenda, and he was very clear. he said absolutely no inflation because that destroys countries. then he talked about another round of tax cuts, more deregulation and, of course, drill, baby, drill to produce more energy and get those prices down, which will help inflation. this is a unifying theme for economic growth. it is a supply-side plan for economic success that the will rev up the animal if spirits. and every wage earner, no matter race or color, will love this. and this is something that i think people miss, what trump said last night. and now, liz macdonald, one of my favorite supply side isers of all time. elizabeth: i agree with you, larry. and you know what's going to happen? here's what you're going to see, more and more in the media are


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