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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 6, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow.
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historic election victory by former president trump last night on super tuesday. he is now poised to be republican presidential standard bearer for an historicker third time, and he economy first president to win, then lose then win again. since grover cleveland in 1892. south dakota governor christie gnom -- kristi noem will join us, senior house member steve scalise and jim jordan talk about drill, baby, drill, fighting inflation and a second round of trump tax cuts, and then we'll weigh in on fate of nikki haley, why republicans are more united than democrats. ddonald trump will take his campaign around the country, first, very own great edward lawrence live at white house with details on tuesday's history it was
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interesting it was. reporter: it was a huge win for former president trump, nikki haley won one state on super tuesday she did bow out of race, she did not endorse former president but offered this advice. >> it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him. i hope he does that. at its best politics is about bringing people into our cause. not turning them away. and our conservative cause badly needs more people. reporter: immediately after this announcement, mitch mcconnell endorsed former president trump bringing some old conservative guard into the trump camp. in a statement from biden campaign president said, donald trump made it clear he does not want nikki haley supporters, i want to be clear there is place for them in my campaign, i know there is not a lot we agree
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on but fundamental issues of preserves american democracy, standing up for rule of law treating each other with respect, preserving nato, i hope and believe we can find common ground, new line from democrats that both candidates are old and america should shoe choosing the one to protect democrat, questions about -- >> why does president rely on the note cards. >> you are upset about the president's note cards. >> why. >> he had a a most sul fe 3 years. she did not answer the question, to why he relies on note cards.
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larry: he won democratic primaries but no one saw him back to super bowl. i would expect him to hear from last night we never saw him. reporter: we heard that he was working on the speech, state of union, at camp david. he came back here, nothing to public schedule today. yesterday he community conference he met, talking about his community involvement there. but no, nothing in terms portfolio -- terms of president coming out last night, and rests before state of union, they are raising expectations for that address here. which is very interesting for this president, anything less than perfect for this president may be seen, as a ding against him, we'll see what happens clearly, they are making sure he is prepared for thursday. >> all right very interesting edward lawrence, great stuff. >> now, a couple extra thoughts from me, not enough
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that donald trump, romped to victory in 14 out of 15 super tuesday primary states last night. and will wrap up the g.o.p. nomination, in a couple weeks, and a year or two ago, wait, or three, or no one virtually no one expected any of this to happen. there is a come back for the ages, remember he also won crushing victories in iowa and new hampshire, and south carolina. and michigan before last night. so, no, not enough for pundits to keep trying to chip away at former president's achievement by getting into a dog chasing tail argument about unifying the republican party. of course, he will unify the republican party. he said so last night. in his speech last evening at mar-a-lago he said, we want to have unity, we're doing to have unity, it is going to happen quickly, his
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money line, i will quote, i have been saying lately, success will bring unity to our country. that is so important. now with all respect to nikki haley's voted totals they were disproportionately not republican voters, there is always a small sliver of the sort of remaining mitt rromney establishment that never liked donald trump, trump will reach out again even that to that sliver, are about broad irelectorate, "new york times" sienna poll shows of those who voted for mr. trump in 2020, 97% are expected to vote for him against this year. this is a huge number. and if those who voted for biden in 2020 only 83% are expected to vote for him this year. so if anything, looks like it is joe bidens that a
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opportunitity problem -- a unity problem. democrats not voting for biden they range from 36%, new hampshire to 29% in minnesota, and 19 in michigan. 17% in massachusetts, and on and on a big number. then newt gingrich writes today that the new trump coalition is breaking up the old franklin roosevelt democratic coalitions of minorities, jews, working folks and small businesses that is the new trump coalition this is the unifying elements so many pundits don't understand. the reason that joe biden is loses right now at least in polls, i know polls are not votes, is lower and middle income working folks have taken a big pay cut when accounting for ravaging of inflation, those very same groups had a big pay increase under mr. trump. and they remember that.
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today's "wall street journal" interesting, jason riley talks about "new york times" sienna survey showing his black support ticking up to 23%, and hispanics 46%. compared to joe biden's 40%. now this 2020 biden won black vote, 92 to 8 and hispanics 59 to 38, look at those huge changes, the the affordability crises is taking its toll. whoever it may be, they want a pay raise. not the biden pay cut. now, mr. jason riley, a friend of mine is not a supporter of donald trump's nonetheless, jason points out that during the trump years, the lowest per per sense tiles of
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earnerring this biggest percentage gains in weekly income, if you add that to tough policy to close the border, major concerted afford to stop crime and lawlessness and common sense strategies to restore our representation abroad, you have the makings of a trump victory based on successful policies, and a newly united proud america. that is how this game could be playing out. all right. enough of me. joinings us nowed is governor kristi noem. welcome. last night's big night for mr. trump, i want to play for what you he said at mar-a-lago. about success and unity around the country.
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>> tragic thing happened during the election, a tragedy, you wouldn't have to think of all problems. you wouldn't have them, you would have success that is what is going to unify the country, unify this party. we have a great republican party, with t tremendous talent, we want to have kounalakisty -- unity it will happen quickly, i have been saying success will spring unity to the country. larry: all right so gov govgov high is saying his policies will succeed. and that will bring unity, how do you read that. >> i loved it, i loved it when he said that, that was perfect, so true. we have seen that play out in different parts of country last several years, states with right
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leadership, families there have been more successful they are happier, my little state inside we pursued conservative -- of south dakota we pursued conservative policies, people are making more money than before, we have other babies and we have more businesses and triple a credit rating, we have businesses moving in mental health challenges are going down and suicides are going down and drug overdoses are going down, president trump knows his policies bring success, people are happy when you do that, they gets along they enjoy each other, i can't wait to see this on a national scale. larry: he went on too last night, in mar-a-lago speech. i pl. i think it was under rated speech. he is putting together a populous coalition, newt gingrich wrote about it, i have written about it, working class folks be hey
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white, black, brown, asian whatever. working class folks, you know governor, they prefer pay increases after inflation under biden they have a h pay cut, we have sound about what i think is a populous coalition mr. trump is putting together. >> they want to get together african-american, asian-american is, h hispanic-american, people, and that done that didn't graduate, every group did better than every. and it was a beautiful thing. our country was coming together. larry: you know, this is not your grandfather's republican party. it is a new trump populous party. i think you are very much part of that movement, ma'am, right across the board, they are working folks that' pay increases. >> im when hi when
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he first ran for president, i was driving down the interstate on a road trip with a truck and trailer with high daughter, every trucker i saw had a make america great hat on again, i thought that was happening it was in 2016, president trump broke politics, he broke politics, he didn't care what party you were in, he was just fighting for you for people to get up every day and go and work have a job and take care m of their families and love their job, and love america, he has not changed, people are recognizing how devastating and socialist the democrat party is now and how badly they need president trump back in the white house. larry: if you add the economic stuff, to the border, unno oning be tougher -- you know, no one will be tougher on border than donald trump, and there are other issues, culture war and we'd to improve our image and standing overseas,
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how do you see this campaign playing out? the issues playing out? i am sure you will be campaigning for him, you have been a supporter, what -- >> i the. larry: top issues and what is joe biden -- what do you know joe biden with me shows up will say about it? >> i don't know he knows who he will say about it i think that this is what how i explained it to someone, you can only light a person on fire so many times until they don't feel it any more, they just do what is right, i think trump at point they have thrown every arrow and dart at him they could, he will keep doing what is right, they will try to use divisive topics against him, i don't think they will be successful on the economy, they will not be successful on family budget on gasoline or grocery store prices because every family knows that joe biden has wiped out their bank accounts, and
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maxed out their credit card, they will try do if on social issues, people should be making decisions people we're a country built on freedom and on standard that allows people to have a say in what their government is, and that people making decisions closest to those folks those family where they live make the best decisions, i have never seen a solution come out of federal government that made something better. so, if you walk it and look it who has been leading it is governors, states, and on a lot of those issues they have made the best decisions president trump should continue to . to states where there were good leaders that made tough decisions. larry: governor, if president trump asked you are open to vice presidential nomination? >> i told him i want him to win. he needs to win, i will do anything he needs me to do to help him win it is that important to the country. it he want niece go wants me to knock on doors
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and put yard sign its, whatever it takes it is important his policies get back in place, he loves this country is back in white house. larry: you would committee washington as his rice vice president. >> not my favorite place, larry, you know that. so, yes, i go there once in a while, i would help them. larry: all right i'll take it as a yes, final thing, governor. i know in south dakota you have a bill, i think new bill, combating anti-semitism or reaffirming old bills, could you tell us about that? >> this is a bill that defines what anti-semitism is. it has examples we put in statute that will be used add model legislation in every other state to make sure we're defining what a hate crime is, and that's to prosecute those who engage in it strongest country in language to push back on what we've seen for hatehatred spread
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across the country since october 7 attack, i was devastated to see some folks uneducated some purposely stand with pro hamas, exphrk and attack our allies israel and your brothers and sisters in jewish community, this bill we signed to law today. we had hundreds of people there was amazing too see support, we have one of smallest jewish community in country but we love them, and stand with our allies, and are proud to sign thebility pl bill -- believe that many other states will use. larry: congratulations on that. governor, kristi noem thank you. >> good to see true, larry. larry: now we a quick update. to other side of country fani willis in georgia, it gets worse and worse, jonathan is joining us live with more details, thank you
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for this. reporter: the republicans leading this georgia senate committee hearing that took place today, saying that they are trying to determine whether district attorney fani willis misused public funds, they called on one witness today. ashley merchant first defense attorney in to attempt to to have willis disqualified from prosecuting it suggesting that willis worked out a new contract with her special prosecutor then romantic party wade, the two were traveling together. >> there was a period of i think 15 or 16 days he did not have a contract. they -- will happened to be one of times they were out of town. but they reupped that contract november 15 then it had a cap, the cap was higher. reporter: after committee hearing one senator in democratic minority said
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that fani willis' fate should be left to courts not legislative politics. >> that judge will make a decision within a couple of weeks, that is where if shouit should be played out. reporter: larry there were two new filings proposing two new witnesses come forward and testify these witnesses are ready to testify that willis and wade a romantic relationship began earlier than the pair had testified under oath in court last month. now the judge has yet to rule whether he will hear any more witnesses before renterring his decision on whether or not fani willis will be disqualified from this case. the judge is expected to make that decision before the middle of this month. larry: thank you very much, johnathon serrie . >> the fate of nikki haley, why republicans are more
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united than democrats, we'll talk with political experts david bossy, charlie hurt and katie pavlich up next on kudlow, stick around. t lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis
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larry: former president trump inviting haley supporterring on join the maga movement. he invited them today. let's chew on this with d dave bossi e . we have to be nice to him. and we have washington times opinion editor, charlie hurt. we have katie pavlich. that is they lost your -- i put it back in. >> how does dave bossi e get longest title of them all. larry: he has a lot of titles. >> he won an election. larry: okay. i'll skim read this. this is trump on nikki haley
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today, truth social. nikki haley got trounced last night, record setting fashion, despite fact that democrats are allowed to vote in vermont. he said, i hope she stays in the race and fights it out in the end. then he said this is key, i would further like to invite all haley supporters to join the greatest movement in history of the nation. all right so, not miss haley, per se, but supporters david. >> there is a smart thing to do, it is reaching out the those supporters of nikki haley asking them to join his movement. the conservatives whether in 2000 or 2008 with john mccain, or mitt romney, george bush, for that matter, conservative movement was always assumed we would fall in line, this
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year we have establishment saying we're not failing in line, that is w nikki haley said, t now there is a binary choice between donald trump effort to save america and carnage that is america under joe biden. the american people now will have simple choice 29 d between donald trump make america freigh great again versus socialist agendav joe biden, that is why nikki haley supporters will join the trump movement over time. larry: charlie, you know you look at polls, the "new york times" poll, of those who voted for trump in 2020, 97% will vote for him again, and biden lost huge chunks in his primaries, people voted for little candidated or
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unaffiliated or we don't like joe biden whatever it was, the unity stuff, i keep hearing, from certain former campaign managers of certain republican presidents, i don't want to name names but you know who i'm talking about we can unify the party. >> that is -- you know, media spent so much time focusing on division in republican party, they ignore real profound i did rigs in democrat party. -- profound divisions in democrat party. somehow, nikki haley is that donald trump needs to extend olive branch to nikki haley, the fact that there have -- there are these people who don't like donald trump in party, and in politics no duh that is las been truth from the beginning, the key to his popularity that is why everyone outside of politics loves him. i think that -- half of them are democrats any way,
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democrat voters, but you know, i get why people don't like trump he says things, but he is so funny, when me tracks about nikki haley -- talking about nikki haley in record record setting fashion losing as if she set out new records seeker broke a lot of record -- she did break a lot of records in losing. larry: guess she will. >> katie pavlich not your father a or grandfather's republican party, i worked for ronald reagan 40 years ago, he started this stuff, but it is different, this is a populous party, a party going, you know this, a party goes after blacks and hispanics, i was quoting from jason riley's article today about how trump is piling up hispanic numbers and black-american numbers, the basic point is they would like pay increases not pay cuts. biden has been giving them
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pay cuts, trump will build a bigger coalition that unity based on success. >> well, every election will be a tight election in places like michigan and wisconsin, so. getting and gobbling up as many votes as you can is good. you are right. donald trump has treated this primary like a joinal election from the -- general election from the beginning, i thought meeting he had with teamsters was interesting in michigan he -- has an opportunity to peel off a lot of voters who are upset with joe biden's electric vehicle mandates. that will put a lot of people out of work. then they talk about unity of republican party, you mentioned in ch charlie did the disfunction of democrat party, unrespected how many people voted uncommitted against joe biden, 100 thousand in michigan, 20 thousand in north carolina in michigan,
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you know joe biden l ran third time for president, as moderate unifier who was going to bring the country together, he has been a far left president. and now he has a problem -- michigan, he has to kowtow to are sh ra s -- rashida tlaib, a member of the squad, he has to figure out how he will keep that coalition together and also not allowing coalitions that have been black voters and hispanic voters from falling apart, he is down to 66 percent among african-american voters and 49% with hispanics, the border being an issue. they think is helping them with that, they don't have a lot of places to. >> -- to go in terms of timing. >> i want this panel to hold over. we all have to be nice to david, he is running the
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convention. stay tight, get a cup of coffee, mine is honey tea, we'll be back to talk about voters and affordability and drill, baby, drill, and we have some senior house people, steve dis scalise and jim jordan somewhere steve hilton will make it, and discourse on this whole story. i'm kudlow, we're work together through, we'ring right back, get tea with honey. that assault it takes.
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meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you know what you'll get. larry: all right back with me now, talking politics, david bossie, david hurt and katie pavlich. mr. trump made up with mitch mcconnell. this is party unity. mitch mcconnell is a gentleman, he has been around the block. entertainment add one more thing, trump invited biden
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to debates, do you think he will go, he doesn't show up, he doesn't show up at super bowl or last night, anyway, bossie, what do you think? >> joe biden does not know where he is from day-to-day, i don't believe. i don't think he can, i don't believe that democrat leadership of their party in white house will allow limb to debate. donald trump will crush him in a debate. it is the american people see the cognitive decline over the last 3 1/2 years he has been president in white house, donald trump will just mangle him, i don't think they will put him on a stage, they can't that is the problem, he will not abtoab-- not be able to answer concerns of american people you see through polling they believe he is too old for the job that will be a big problem. a bigger problem when donald trump goes on, fence in
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minnesota -- on, f offense on minnesota, and michigan, he is breaking iron belt like he did in 2016,. larry: he is going to south bronx and madison square gardens he will cause holy hell with a rally, in front of 50 thousand people, the place will go nuts the best thing that could happen to new york. just the fact that he comes back and does a rally here, oh, my gosh, i just can't imagine how good it would be, katie pavlich biden, he does not show up, he won a bunch of primaries last night, you would think he would say thank you, not a chance, and ari fl fleischer said that happened to biden. and joe concha said biden not only works two and a half days, yesterday tuesday, he is till still in camp david, tuesday is
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school day. it was a workday. where was biden? [ laughter ] i'm sorry. >> i think that republicans have to start asking the question, about why democrats are so comfortable with joe biden not having to show up. not having to give speeches. and one reasons is because the risk of putting him out there against donald trump he would from the mangled. but i think they understand they know how to work the voting system. they know how to use drop boxes and how to use early balloting, they are like alimbians at the -- olympians at sport of voting, republicans have to really do some training here to catch up. i think there is a reasons they are always comfortable with polling not putting their candidates out. >> i have to get out. >> and then things happen and people can't get to polls. >> i love you y'all, charlie i'm sorry, i'm running overtime, too were fun. >> i have enjoyed it. >> so great.
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katie pavlich, no no one better than you and charlie hurt, and david bossie, nobody better but we're afraid of you. >> you are killing my. larry: we appreciate it. >> let's go to some economic issues. joining us now we welcome back house majority leader steve scalise. great to see you, i want to say, i think we have some sound. trump talked a lot about drill, baby, drill and energy and by infrance your great bill hr1. >> 3 years ago, we were in a level. energy independent, we will be shortly energy dominant today we're getting oil from venezuela, you can believe it we were supplying oil to europe than a tragic thing happened during the election. larry: steve scalise, you know. there is a lot of substance to the trump speeches, even though pundits may not say that, you know he will become ibe
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committed to energy independent, and lng thing. that is important for american domestic security and foreign security, trump will turn that around, won't he? >> he will in short order, you were there last time, the president was in white house, i worked with him on a lot of things we did to become energy independent and dominance, we were not only supplying our energy needs but helping our friends in the world. and by the way that undermines countries like russia, and putin, and so what joe biden did he came in reversed those trump policies that were successful. and he made your country depend on the foreign countries. the lthe latest effort on lng expert that is a gift to vladimir putin. from joe biden. why would he' to do that, it hurts americas and raises costs for families.
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families are fed up with this, that is why trump is doing so well. joe biden wants to bring energy from other countries that don't like us. larry: other thing, he keeps mentioning, jim jordan will come on, he is talking tax cuts last night, you know, when anyone talks tax cuts i get a chill down my spine, he wants a second round of tax cuts. i find that fascinating. you will be one of the leaders in the house, we have to get moving on tax cuts, he gave a growth you know a growth agenda last night. at mar-a-lago speech. >> it was very presidential speech. i was with the president last week at mar-a-lago. we talked about a lot of things we would do, we have to get there there is a long way between now and november, the idea of what
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we could do to get our economy moving again, to cut taxes so that everyone would benefit, like we saw last time, secure america's border, people are excited about, that it is why you see the numbers for trump continue to rise, why you see him do so well, not only in primaries but look at polls in swing states with the match up of biden against trump. in states like michigan. and you see with african-americans with hispanics who are fed up with biden policies and lower income families who are getting hit by biden's inflation agenda they are fed up, they want to go back to days of d donald trump wa our robust economy. that was all case we have to get bang to that, donald trump will bring us back quickly. that is where we need to go. larry: drill, baby, drill a tax cuts, deregulation, border control, a good c combination, steve s
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scalise i'll see you in washington you look great, god bless. >> thank you. larry: to we have time to go to jim jordan or a break, he is here we're ready. number him a very long time. -- i have known him a long time, i am sure you saw mar-a-lago speech, i was stalk talking with steve scalise, you have a lot of supply side blood in you, trump is up there, no one is paying attention, he says we'll drill, baby, drill and close count down border and reregulate, -- deregulate business and have a second round of tax cuts, a growth agenda appealing to working folks. i spoke to your gang in roosevelt room, that is what trump is trying to do. >> letting families and small businesses keep more
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much their own money is always good, good for them, and good for families and the state and community,t and overall economy. you know that, you have known that forever you is preached it. let do it again, what joe biden has done in 3 years and 46 days we went from second exsecure border to no border, and -- let's get back to trump way of doing things, everyone in it country will be better off. larry: another point on that last one, on inflation trump made a mention, how inflation destroys countries. you know you can't meddle with it he has always been for a strong dollar. and he also knows that you drill more, you will produce more, bring prices down. that affects almost everything in the economy. >> of course.
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it does particularly states like ohio we're huge in manufacturing, energy costs matters to everyone, every family every business, and ever body, president trump understands that he wants growth. because growth is is only remedy to fiscal situation that financial situation joe biden has put our country in, and everyone with common sense understands that, that is why you see president trump up in every poll that is why i think he will be our next president. larry: that is a new coalition. the populous coalition. you see, you are -- you are chair of the judiciary committee, you come on we talk about judiciary stuff, look you on happy you are to talk about tax cuts and deregulation and ex economy growth. that is the thing, we we have to be liberated that is what trump does, releases forces to political atmosphere to will lib liberate us. >> i was in campaigning
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monday, we were campaigns this area is trump republicans, 15 or 20 year its was democrat, but they see this growth agenda, and president trump a policies that helped them and working class, middle class, families that good for families, key enstu everyonestu -- institution if our culture. >> fabulous jim jordan, chairman of judiciary committee, great patriotic american. >> feel better drink your tea. >> i'm on it. >> take a quick break. y david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪
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larry: all right, a side bar we're a business show j. powell testified before congress, did the right thing, he said, okay. the economy is resill yip, ient, our inflation is
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above target and fed is not confident they have concurred inflation. and therefore they are not going to be in any rush to lower their target rate, which is still 5.25 to 5.5%, stock market did okay. bond rates have slipped. price of gold was stable. fed in no rush, i'll give hthem high marks, and fed governor high marks, and atlanta fed. also, go slow, fed there is no rush, don't have any election year juice, don't get political, meet your inflation targets in a couple of years we'll get
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this economy moving again. without inflation, because we go on the supply side. i'm kudlow we'll be back in a minute with my last word. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer!
7:56 pm
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7:59 pm
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8:00 pm
(soft dramatic music)


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