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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 7, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EST

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♪. maria: good thursday morning. thank you for joining us. i am maria bartiromo, thursday march 7. your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. market searching for direction ahead of federal reserve chairman jay powell second day two of testimony, dow industrial of 29, nasdaq up 75, the market extending yesterday's rally after fed chair jay powell told the house financial services committee rate cuts are coming this year. he'll testify once again in front of the senate banking committee right now. we will preview this morning, the house dodging a partial government shutdown after $460 billion funding bill, more stress on the banking sector as the new york community bancorp a new infusion of cash set to receive a billion-dollar investment, everything you need
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to know about the regionals and the impact on the broader market. european markets are lower, take a look at the eurozone a mixed story with the cat caught up six attacks and accept sexiness and p100 in london is lower by 17, the european central bank making the decision at 8:15 a.m. in asia overnight markets finish mostly lower, look at the asian embassies with the bright spot in korea, the others lowers lower across the board, biden delivers the third state of the union address amidst polls for the president as the majority of voters say they are disappointed with biden's handling of the economy and foreign policy. president trump says he's ready to me on the debate stage and nikki haley exit surveys but stops short of endorsing trump. joining the conversation based politics cofounder hannah cox is here, strategic wealth partner mark tepper is here and gop strategist and tech expert krysia lenzo is here. "mornings with maria" is live right now.
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♪. maria: time for the hot topic of the hour. we are watching president biden and will be tonight when he takes the podium for the state of the union address. biden will have to convince voters that is up for the job as concerns remain about his age and mental acuity and he will have to defend policies that have failed including excessive spending and open border, peter doocy press whitehouse secretary karine jean-pierre about this yesterday. watch. >> the polls consider the president's agent is acuity do you think he's going to quiet concerns about the president's age and acuity if he decides not
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to debate. >> what i say about that, not talking about the debate that is something to the campaign to speak to i'm not going to speak about that, to your question about age i think i sort of answered that, you're going to see the state of the union tomorrow and hear the president lay out his plans and hear the president who has had a successful three years of progress in a lot more work to be done but progress nonet nonetheless. >> former president trump challenging president biden on true social saying and calling for debates anytime anywhere any place. president trump writing this, we will be doing a live play-by-play of cricket joe's biden state of the union. it looks like trump is going for the jugular. >> i think he is and i might choose to watch instead of biden is going to get a lot of gas lighting, soccer to work the
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american people know what they're dealing with and understand the economy, the terrified of the growing complex overseas and always handling multiple fronts. i don't think is good to gain much traction, i tend to live tweet because i love pointing out when is lying to people. >> is interesting to see trump coming back saying he could go for the jugular for chop not a good idea for donald trump to come right back. >> 20% chance of biden debates trump, all he has to do is whisper i cannot debate i'll get in trouble that is go to every time he's in front of the camera, donald trump obviously when you look at the neatest new york times siena poll things have gotten so bad with president biden that 10% of 2020 voters have flipped a trump and when you flip a voter you're not just winning over an independent or a moderate, when you flip the voter, that's minus one biden, plus 12 trump that is a two-point swing it's pretty substantial but the economy is
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in a bad situation and going on tv talking about shrink flexion in the cookie monster, that is not going to do anybody any good that's very insulting to people like us in the american voters who understand that it's his inflationary policies that have us in the situation. maria: i'm not buying the cookie monster is an independent like sesame street, the all came from the white house it was all coordinated whereas put something out from cookie monster and all react to it, it's a ridiculous and this is what is focused on where migrants being apprehended and committing migrant crime. meanwhile the biden campaign fired back telling fox news digital this. i know donald trump's thirsty for attention but if he so desperate to see president biden primetime he can join the tens of millions of americans that will tune in to watch a state of the union, how do you like that response. >> that's going for the jugular again they have to do much
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better biden will present the state of the union and his achievements and top them but there are none. we have cookie monster leaving the economy and crisis at the border i doubt he will mention lake and riley other than blaming the republicans saying the supporter crisis that they caused even though we know that's completely false and we know donald trump will explain that. the bar unfortunately is so low for joe biden because the media will buoy him and prop about, all he has to do is read from a prompter and ultimately i agree with mark he will not debate that will be such a stark contrast between the two candidates. maria: whitney's up there tonight and trying to paint these policies as if they were good and blame republicans on what has failed do you think that will pass muster with the american people will they see right through it. >> i hope so it's the media, they're going to say he got to the speech in stamina and is
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been at camp david prepping this entire time he has not been seen since the last few days he did not give a speech on primary night. >> did you see how jen psaki on msnbc they were mocking virginia and how virginia voters are worried about immigration, it was incredible, there's so out of touch to not recognize the issues that are important to the american people. >> the whole border crisis has become a national crisis is not just a texas thing or an arizona thing and needs migrants are indeed in denver, colorado, virginia wherever they might end up. maria: were just getting started, keep it and i am the regional banks. your community bank landed a 1 billion cash infusion. it was a rough trading yesterday, capital advisors president and cio to talk aboute stress of the banking sector, generous donation to help finish medical school, all finish one of the billion-dollar tuition
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payment, don't miss that you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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tens of a basis point, jay powell telling the house financial services committee that the central bank is on track to cut interest rates later this year. watch. >> we would like to see more good relatively low inflation readings, were not looking for better inflation readings and we've had were just looking for more of them, the 12 month will continue to drop because it'll be lower than early last year, the committee does not expect it will be appropriate to reduce the target branch until it has gained greater confidence in inflation is moving sustainably toward 2%. >> we remain committed to bringing inflation back down to the 2% goal in keeping longer on inflation expectation while anchored. maria: powell will testify before the senate banking committee today as part two of his humphrey hawkins testimony. joining me to discuss that and more mending capital advisement chief investment officer and rmv financial services fund portfolio manager anton schutz. great to see you.
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what did you think of jay powell, what were your takeaways. >> i think he was down the middle of the fairway, he did not do a lot of hinting he was a bit dovish because he said he was waiting for better inflation numbers, more of the same. the real issue is there is always a lag to anything that they do, they tightened, the lack the economy is slowing down and slowing down into it, there's going to be a lag after they cut once they cut the good have to keep cutting. maria: he basically suggested a cut is coming but we don't know when andy wants to see more of evidence of inflation coming down, what do you think is going on in the banking sector, you know this better than most, you've been a student of this and an investor in banks for much of your career. new york community bancorp has agreed to a deal for more than a billion dollars in exchange for equity, the cash infusion is led by treasury secretary steven
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mnuchin strategic capital investment firm. the stock has fallen out of bed is down 66% year to date now is $3.59 a share. with the rally yesterday of 7.5% on the one billion-dollar news, your reaction. >> at the end of the day, the regulators let them by signature. they blessed them and they said will give you time to get everything in order and the regulators came and said you don't have enough in your long-lost reserves. the loan-loss reserves are unallocated which means they can point to projects that have expected losses on so a big shock, they scared everybody, the whole procedure the filing is not out it scared everybody, the shorts own the stock they were killing it was down to one and a half yesterday before the announcement. maria: exactly i'm wondering if this is an indication of more stress in the banking sector. ucr exar scott richler said, he
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is predicting 500 or more banks will fail or be consolidated in the next two years and regional banks will face a slow moving train wreck on commercial real estate loans maturing federal reserve jay powell said that commercial challenges are still manageable, he said this yesterday, watch this. >> i think it's manageable and we have been working hard to management for some time it's a lot of downtown real estate where there is too much office-supply because of work from home and downtown retail that is no longer profitable but certainly there will be some banks, probably smaller ones that have a high concentration. maria: remember the last time that we heard from powell he removed the line that says the banking sector is secure and you wonder where it's going. he says were expecting a mess in commercial real estate and office space, howard.nick said he's going to see 800 and default stephen schwartzman who
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is the ceo of blackstone and the largest owner of commercial real estate said the office space area is going to continue to deteriorate, exactly to be something that affects the whole sector? >> it is going to be very concentrated in the downtowns like new york city and san francisco and washington, d.c., even boston. those are going to be bigger banks with the high-rises, most regional banks have a two-story building for love doctors and dentists, they cannot work from home and rates are higher and they have been underwritten properly and lost content is quite manageable, this depends on powell at the lower strata makes it easier but i do not see large problems because the other thing bigger regional banks that have the loans have paid it forward, they have literally got 10% reserves, 8 - 10% reserves against the loans so that means they can absorb that and probably underwritten at 50 - 60 loan value and 50% drop in the
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building then throwing the keys if they can get 50 cents on the dollar there even. maria: how much has to do with regulation. i know powell will address the bank capital standards at the fed is trying to implement, you also have the three rules that have undermined a whole host of larger bank expectations, i spoke with jamie dimon earlier in the year and he said the new basel three rules are putting u.s. banks at a disadvantage, here's the exchange, watch. >> i know you spoke quite a bit about this, they require capital levels for the major banks as were nearing the end of the comment. for the basel three end game proposals for regulators what is your assessment of these proposals. >> they will be embed with everything. some say the corporation pass it on to their customers, it'll be passed out in a million different ways, what bothers me the most no one looked at it and said here's the outcome of the
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changes and we want the outcomes, the outcome should be what you want the mortgage business leaving banking and a lot of credits leaving banking that's what the regulators want, so be it but have other serious concerns we would have to hold 30% more capital in the u.s. than competitors, foreign competitors in the u.s. i don't think that's appropriate i have strong objections and i think the work was poorly done. maria: that's pretty sizable 30% more capital than your foreign competitors. >> jamie dimon's right to read at the end of the day its unintended consequences. if you force banks to hold more capital, you're going to get it passed on and leave lines of business much like the late credit card fee that happened the other day, who does not h hurt, does it hurt the banks or the people who are tried to get credit. if you have about five" in the bank won't lend money for being late they won't let you have a credit card. maria: is a tight lending environment.
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allocating capital, what do you own and what you want to buy as you look ahead for the rest of the year. >> first horizon is a position in the southeast headquartered in tennessee, great market, you're not worried about commercial real estate, by the way i want to go back to consolidation. i agree with the real estate developer that there will be a lot of consolidation in the stock would be driven by failing real estate and will be driven by getting effective all the regulations are expensive so you have to get bigger and be able to pass on the cost through a bigger entity. maria: interesting how regulation can spark a wave of m&a with them banks, great to see you. thank you so much. anton schutz joining us. stay with us we'll be right back. ♪ rude. who are you? i'm an investor in a fund that helps advance innovative
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s.
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great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. maria: welcome back federal reserve jay powell will be on capitol hill testifying for the senate banking committee. powell expected to provide lawmakers and update on rates, the economy and biannual humphrey hawkins testimony. north dakota senator and senate banking committee kevin cramer, it's great to see you. thank you for joining us. what are you expecting from powell today, what do you want to ask him. >> i'm expecting what i heard yesterday and when you go second, the banking committee can do it one day after the host
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committee, you kind of have to get a little bit creative, one of the interesting discussions yesterday and the house committee was the workforce and immigration policy and when you look at the barriers to the growth of the economy going forward and seems like workforce is a big one and it seems like rado human being shortage cannibalizing between industries and within industries. i might dig into that and were all curious about basel iii and regulation to and the impact of regulation has and frankly i thought your previous interview with anton covered banking and financial services going on. maria: thank you i think regulation is top of mind for certainly the banking sector with expectations of a tighter regulatory framework. even while we continue to see stress in the banking sector as
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evidence of community bancorp yesterday let's talk about president biden in his role with the state of the union address tonight. your colleague katie britt will deliver the gop response of white house put out the statement, saying president biden will highlight the middle class families deserve further relief from corporate greed and high cost. he is basically blaming all of the failures on corporate greed, your reaction? >> the beautiful thing about this election year is the contrast between two candidates cannot be clear because they both been president and both have a record and middle-class americans know which presidency they were better under economically and middle america and middle-class america were the ones that were left on previous administrations prior to president trump and the ones being left out now in the white house own admission obviously and how they can blame that on greed or republicans when they have been controlling the government for the last few years the government that raised interest rates and raised inflation much higher than family incomes.
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i don't how they can lay that on republicans and frankly i don't think it passes the smell test for the americans who he says he's going to try to help. maria: we were talking about that and i asked the panel whether or not it will fly, do people really believe it when he blames other people for the inflation situation which skyrocketed the 40 year highs within the last year is up 18% on his watch. would you attribute this emplacement to the spending excessive spending in some regard, $6 trillion and borrowing on his watch? >> the very nature of the foundation of inflation when you have too much demand and not enough supply or on the money side not enough supply created the demand for those products. maria: actual description and inflation is too many dollars chasing future goods. >> how you look back when he became president we were already
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coming out of the tough economy created by a pandemic, there was a lot of money to say the least into the economy because we were flying an airplane while we were building it, then biden comes into office and he wants to flood another 2 trillion all borrowed dollars when we were coming into recovery and that really was if you will on the flame of inflation and then you throw on the continued spending when they used partisan politics, the past, all of the spending. it's a very definition of the creation and that a broken supply chain at the same time and all of these things are under his watch and by the way 100% democratic government watch. maria: your green to again the house past six spending bills to partial fund the government yesterday combining the father for the so-called minibus instead of an omnibus, that's worth $400 billion and that's headed to the senate, where does
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it go from there, speaker johnson says republicans are making gradual changes and reforms to the funding process. but at the end of the day you're still working on nancy pelosi's budget, kentucky congressman wrote this on x, the house past the minibus of tens of millions more than pelosi spent on the same things last year, are you going to agree to that? >> there is a reduction from the $2023 is an actual reduction as light increase on defense spending on the defense side of all of this including the next minibus that will be the biggest challenge for all of us. not where we would be if we were in control it's an improvement and frankly there was not regular order which is my greatest frustration but more regular order this time for several years but we did not take each appointed time but at least the appropriation committee voted them out in the senate and the six bills passed
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by a total of 1721, the strong bipartisan and conservative support as well as democratic and liberal support in a divided government is the best we can do. maria: i guess at the end of the day that is where we are, we will be watching what happens in the senate, i know you're on the senate veterans affairs committee and mark tepper made a point earlier and we're going to talk about in a few minutes that homelessness is increasing for veterans, how do you feel you see homeless increasing for veterans and illegal migrants getting put in the hotels and getting prepaid credit cards? >> i feel like most americans do, it's a gross injustice and completely upside down set priorities, it is fueled by the left. maria: can you do anything about it? >> one thing that we have to do is elect a new president that will secure the border under the very same policies that he did
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before that this president has used to open the borders and welcome all of these people put out the welcome that, obviously you have the sanctuary cities who are suffering the most who have put out the biggest welcome mat and now the regretting that. clearly we have to win the election and we have to use all of our leverage that we can to deny 60 votes whenever we have the opportunity to make some changes but we can do a lot more on the veteran affairs committee and the banking committee because banking has housing and urban development as well. we just need to focus on that particular population. maria: will be watching your work. thank you so much. kevin cramer in d.c. house lawmakers pushing light dance to divest from tiktok or face a u.s. ban of tiktok. were talking about it. sticker shock the fast food restaurant of five guys receipt going viral. we'll tell you all about it, stay with us.
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maria: welcome back. to date has been set by the supreme court to hear president trump immunity claims for the january 6 case. cheryl casone with the details. >> the high court had to hear on april 25 on whether or not trump has presidential immunity from prosecution this is tied to jack smith's election interference against trump. the criminal trial pending on the justice decision trumps legal team stating the threat of future criminal prosecution by a
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politically opposed administration will overshadow every future president official acts especially the most politically controversial decisions. a decision by the court expected in mid may be late june, house oversight james comer has invited hunter biden, tony bobulinski, devon archer and jason galanis to testify publicly on march 20, all four have testified behind closed doors as part of the impeachment inquiry but there was inconsistencies. he writes that president biden knew about participated and benefited from his family cashing in on the biden name during the deposition and interview phase of investigation, hunter biden confirmed evidence about joe biden's involvement but his testimony conflicts with other witnesses testimony giving the president's sons repeated calls for a public hearing i fully expect hunter biden to appear for scheduled oversight committee hearing on march 20 alongside biden family business
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associate, we shall see. elon musk says he will not be donating to president trump's presidential campaign or current president biden's campaign either. the tesla ceo put this news on x he writes just to be super clear are not donating money to either candidate or u.s. president. his post can be today after the new york times reported he was part of a group of wealthy under wealthy republican donors that met with trump over the weekend. he's the second richest person in the world were covered 196 billion. finally how much do you think a cheeseburger, bacon cheeseburger, small fry the soft drink ten or $15, one customer's receipt from five guys burger wet viral. an x account called wall street silver posted a 24-dollar receipt, again a bacon cheeseburger, regular soda and a small french fry, the post has been viewed over 25 million times, that is a lot sparked the
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cost of fast-food and then a tip of more than $2 were trying to figure out, social media is trying to figure out are we supposed to tip at mcdonald's, wendy's, i'm confused at that one. is it food inflation, employee costs, real estate, $25, that is insane. >> i'll stick with the mcdonald's double cheeseburger underappreciated, underrated you cannot go wrong. >> classic food is up across the board up 18% on joe biden's watch it is not a surprise to me, people are spending 30% more on food and more in more of their paycheck on food. >> that's what they have to work two jobs. >> that hurts the lower income american group out there, those are the ones suffering under this. a lot of people will take their family for mcdonald's, that's
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affordable the best way to feed my family and other getting hit with the price increases. maria: i'm sure tonight how blame corporate america. thank you. the house energy and commerce committee is expected to mark up and pass a bipartisan bill today which calls on bytedance to divest on tiktok. if not divest risk getting it from app stores, here's what the biden administration said yesterday. >> we welcome with the steps that they've taken, obviously it still needs work and were providing technical support and once he gets to a place where we think to your points on legal standing and a place where we can get out of congress the president would sign it but we need to continue to work on a obviously. maria: the president is still using tiktok for campaigning. joining the hudson institute senior fellow atlas organization founder of the author of china's vision of victory, jonathan d.t. ward. thank you very much for being here, your new book the decisive decade talks about what the united states should be doing in
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terms of addressing that credible threat of communist china, in terms of tiktok, how dangerous do you see it and what about the democracy of saying it's dangerous and the administration is using it to reach young people during the campaign season. >> i think we know what tiktok is, nothing has been more extensively discussed by government in the right research institutes in the whole world, we know what it is it's been banned by federal government, it's been banned by contractors the federal government, congressional members have called it malware which is accurate, reporting from human rights to major reports in from australia and around the world, they told us what tiktok is and it's time to act on this. i think congress wrote a good bill has bipartisan support in the real tested my mind at this point for america, were dealing with a global grand strategy of
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the chinese communist party but if were unable to execute the important stuff right here in front of us, what kind of future we really got in the grander contest. something like tiktok, i've always set on your show the problem is bytedance and that's where congress is going they are known to be at the very center of the heart of china's surveillance system the human rights abuses that they have undertaken and have everything to do with domestic roundups to suppression in hong kong in their partnership with all sort of other chinese companies that are really constituting the chinese surveillance state and human rights abuses and atrocities. the entire system the world is aware of, bytedance is a part of that, it is here and we need to get rid of it, congress has put something here that would move that forward and another side to this, the aggressive lobbying
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and marketing campaign, we see every night we see it during presidential debates and will probably see on the state of the union there will be tiktok ads you will see them everywhere and something else that was interesting when congressional members said that they would close the doors to any lobbying firms, major lobbying firms that were working with chinese companies and a lot of those were things like tji, the drum company or ones in the biotech sector. maria: i wonder if that includes tony podesta's firm a lobbying firm. >> it's a major operation going on and that is something that people need to focus on. maria: i want to get your take, don't invest in china says goldman sachs cio, this is just this week the chief investment officer of goldman sachs is saying our view one should not invest in china, just a bit ago
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yet they rethink pushing the chinese stocks and now it looks like goldman is getting religion even as china blames its poor economy on the united states and tensions the foreign minister of china blaming the united states for bilateral tensions worse on the sidelines of the two sessions earlier today. he accused the u.s. of failing to fulfill promises in america is obsessed with suppressing china, you know that the national people congress is underway in china this week and the premier announced that beijing will boost the military spending by seven and a quarter percent, he also said china is vowing to resolutely oppose separatist activities in taiwan independence and external interference. i spoke with the state department spokesperson morgan ortagus yesterday she was here on the program discussing the national progress underway right now in china, watch this. >> we don't believe dictators when they say what they're going to do whether it's putin saying
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he's going to invade ukraine in the administration missed the warning signs, same thing with china, xi jinping speaks about what came out of the party congress, the language that they used to use on taiwan which talked about peacefully reunification is no longer there. xi jinping definitely has his sights set he wants taiwan like he wants his next. maria: your thoughts on what's going on other people congress this week in china and also in wall street whether or not this is the tipping point to hear goldman sachs say china is on investable. >> i'm glad that somebody at goldman sachs is listening, a very important bank and if a few of the big banks can lead on this and get a grip in terms of what their risk exposure is in the entire risk and the economic system is, that will be a major step forward in the next big thing that we have to do is shut
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down as much investment as we can into china and turn to the national people's congress and the work report which is actually very important, it's essentially an update. it is the kpi of china's vision of victory, they are talking directly of the chinese nation and they laid all the industries in an update on maiden china 2025 and the talking about the aerospace, the shipping industry, domination of electric vehicles, battery markets and tightening of supply chain the work report is to explain their progress on their general strategy and also shows the entire battle space. if you're willing and able as i laid out the decisive decade to take apart everything that they're trying to do, we still have the power to do that, this can all be stopped, they are telling us how they go about it and i think we have all the targeting majors to start but we doubt the economic growth,
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bringing our supply chain back in what they're going to do next is focus on increasing especially investment into advanced manufacturing so a lot of this depends on whether or not were able to rebuild the industrial base and do that with our allies and ensure that china diminishes its share of global output, this could be very important in something also was interesting they laid out their official estimate of the gdp in 2023 and it came in at 17.5 trillion which is significantly less. we are bringing the bow under battle for gdp. as long as we can maintain the delta and keep them down to 50% of u.s. gdp, there is 65 now but the drop for the first time, that's good to be a big difference. on the other hand what they're talking about is taking down the barriers to foreign investment into specific sectors. they want to take market access restriction down for
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manufacturing. we cannot prop that up, we are going to have to pull our capital out of china. maria: they want to have more foreign investment, meanwhile they have their companies trading in the u.s. even those that are sanctioned. investors need to understand you're not just investing companies tied to the military and the adversary of the united states but you're also putting yourself in a money losing situation. the economy has declined and chinese stocks are down in 2024 given the growth targets of missed expectations. real quick before you go how bad is the chinese economy, do you think people have a clear picture of how bad it is, very quickly, we have to jump. >> i think is bad i think you're headed into a structural crisis but a lot of that depends on our willingness to absorb their exports and participate in the next strategy which they have been up from the work report about a lack of domestic demand and external demand but we cannot give them that.
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it is our markets that are going to drive there's. maria: they are in the united states. the deepest and most liquid capital markets of the world, thank you, jonathan dt work on china. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets.
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the morning vice president biden is set to deliver the third state of the union address tonight. the american people are watching and how he will defend his policies at a failed including excessive spending and wide open borders, hilary vaughn is on capitol hill with more. good morning. >> president biden state of the union address is not a do over it is a double down on the policies at the white house says have been working in the hope americans want more of in the plan is for president biden to convince american about tonight. >> you hear the president layout the historic achievements is delivered on for the american people in his vision for the future. the president will outline an agenda that is about continuing to build on the progress that we've made over the last three years. he will share what he's hopeful about this country's future and why it's a mistake to bet
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against the american people. >> the white house as president biden is preparing for a victory lap on his economic achievements, lowering costs and putting the middle class first and making the wealthy pay their fair share, tonight biden will pitch new taxes including proposing raising the corporate tax rate to 28% and denying corporations a tax deduction when they pay more than $1 million to any employee that's an effort to pay down the debt, biden will push a unity agenda urging congress to find common ground on privacy and big tech legislation missing from the white house preview of his remarks and any mention of immigration a top a voting issue we will see if he brings it up but this will be awc biden's mental fitness and a shot to show americans what he's got it if he is able to do a second term with many concerned about his age, the white house invited is prepared this bar with any lawmakers that turn into hecklers.
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>> you saw the president last year when some republican members behaved in a way that was i would say disrespectful, he called them out as they were obviously heckling at him. the president is ready for anything. the hecklers may not be coming from the right side of the room but the left side of the room as many progressives in his party here on capitol hill are not happy with him. maria: it's funny to hear him paying your fair share when his son hunter has not. >> that's a great point. thank you. hilary vaughn on capitol hill. a quick break and what prison abided is expected to say and not to say about the border tonight at the state of the union the hot topic of the hour is next. i will answer, send your questions to my instagram or x account all answer questions at the end of the show. "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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7:00 am
maria: welcome back. good thursday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. i'm hope you're having a good morning. it's thursday, march 7. time for the hot top


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