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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 7, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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eagerly awaiting that. that's the song. that is the white house. good morning. 10:00 eastern time. let's get to the many, still seeing get green, down one hundred 78, nasdaq one hundred 30, the 10 year treasury yield is down back to 4.08%, the nasdaq liked that. the price of oil $78 a barrel this morning and bitcoin holding onto it gains a, $67,180 as of now. now this. it's going to be a rematch. either going to be debates? absolutely says donald trump. anywhere anytime anyplace. president biden, peter doocy did ask karine jean-pierre. >> now that the field is down to two's president biden going to commit to a debate with donald trump? >> that something for the campaign to speak to. >> we know when the debates are
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going to be, where they are going to be. is he going to go? >> you should speak to the campaign. >> in 2,020 want to got down to one on one president biden said i can hardly wait to debate. how about that? >> you should reach out to the campaign. stuart: they are not too keen on debates and we all know why. biden is not fast on his feet. can't speak with her prompter and notecards which are due date -- debate with a dynamic and articulate donald trump would be a disaster. his handlers will do anything to avoid that. they will be taking a big risk if they said no to any debate at all, that would confirm the fear that biden is not up to it. tv debate since 1960 richard nixon lost to john f. kennedy. ronald reagan beat president carter with that put down there he goes again. four years later he knocked out
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walter mondale when he said he would not exploit his opponent's youth and inexperience, that brought the house down. it ended mondale's campaign. with biden it's not a 1-liner from trump, it's the idea that for 90 minutes he would have to stand, speak clearly and defend his dismal record. when the state of the union message is over tonight we should have a better idea of whether he is capable of debate. second hour of varney is just getting started. stuart: kaylee mickey white joins us, do you think biden will debate donald trump? >> i don't think he will and i think it's because of this. is any lose/lose situation. he doesn't debate, his concerned about mental acuity will increase but if he does debate, the concerns about his mental acuity are also going to
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increase. either way, he's going to lose in this situation but the calculus for the biden campaign is to mitigate the damage and the best way to do that is by preventing biden from getting on that stage and this is something they've already communicated that they are going to do. there's a reason he didn't do the softball super bowl interview with tens of millions of viewers where he would not be ask hard questions. there's a reason most of his campaign events have been private events with a small group of donors. he's done few rallies at met with very few of voters the voters in public because the campaign is trying to shield him from the public eye. for him to get on the debate stage at this point would be a bridge too far. stuart: even longtime democrat james carville is concerned about the president's age. >> it was telling when he didn't do the super bowl interview but to their credit they came back and put him on
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seth meyers which helped. this is a big obstacle they are faced with and they have to deal with. stuart: i think tonight is going to be about biden's performance, not so much the policy but his performance standing there addressing the congress. what say you? >> absolutely and it's a big obstacle for him and refreshing to see some honesty from democrats on that part but i wonder if they would be admitting this if biden weren't trailing in the polls. if he was way out ahead of trump would they admit that biden's mental acuity is a problem? i don't think so. the fact is voters are concerned about this issue. now it is something democrats have to wrestle with. there - their concerns are justified. what biden is asking of american voters is unprecedented. there's a reason nancy pelosi and mitch mcconnell decided to step down, both 82 years old, there's a reason supreme court justice anthony kennedy decided to retire from the bench when he turned 82 and yet president biden is asking another four
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year term starting at 82 years old. if you wants to be the exception to the rule he needs to prove that but the past few months approved anything it is that his age has caught up to him and his undermining his ability to do the job. stuart: a big test tonight, thank you for joining us, appreciate it. next case, it has been revealed by the washington post that senator bernie sanders met with president biden in a closed-door meeting last fall. he had a warning for the president. what was a? lauren: when you tout your economic a compliments can realize ordinary americans are in pain. he wants biden to lay out this progressive fdr style agenda to address that pain. this is the washington post, quote, sanders cited roosevelt's 1936 results at madison square garden emphasizing the extent of elite business opposition to the new deal, never before in our history have these forces been
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so united against one candidate, very unanimous in their hate for me and i welcome their hatred. working against biden now are not only ordinary americans in pain but big business. oil, big and bad, pharmaceutical companies, lower drug prices, he keeps telling his enemies in businesses they have to do more because his policies aren't working. we when gary bomb with us. >> when bernie sanders talks, hide your wallets. the fact that president biden is listening to him. amanda once called for one hundred% tax rate on americans making above $1 million, it's on video, run for the hills. stuart: the president was addressed by senator sanders, sanders told him go after business like you did in 1936. that's what's coming out tonight. all this spending the democrats want to do could help the market, couldn't it? >> not that they want to, they
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are but he doing and yet it also helps gdp, giving you the numbers, 2019, federal spending was 4. 4, we are running at 7 now and most of it is debt. the last 12 months, 2. $7 trillion were added to the debt yet they go on tv in front of the camera with economic advisers saying we lower the debt and deficits and we are going to do better going forward. gargantuan government takeover of 50% increase over the last five years and on purpose and there's no stopping if they get another four years. stuart: stay there for a second. i have some interesting news coming out of netflix. >> july 20th, they are airing a live boxing event at at&t stadium in texas between 27-year-old jake call and mike
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tyson. netflix saturday, july 20th, the first ever live event for combat sports for netflix and its third ever live event that will bring in eyeballs. stuart: i call that a winner. >> netflix to deal with the wwe for $5 billion, that's big time. that's what netflix is going around before going forward. stuart: jake call is a popular guy and he will make a ton of money. doesn't to make an energy drink? >> it was called crime at every supermarket now. this will be quite interesting. i've seen mike tyson train. he's in pretty good shape. his speed on the hunches, i wouldn't want to get in front of that. stuart: interesting. stay there. a lot more from you later on. president biden says he will raise the minimum corporate tax rate for businesses.
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>> augustine 21% if you are a company that makes $1 million, he plans to bump up the corporate tax rate from 20 one% to 28%. then, if a company pays a worker, you make one million dollars, your company, fox, is denied certain tax deductions because you make too much money and then, you make too much money, 25% tax on rich people if their wealth tops one hundred million dollars. we won how does that work? 25% is a wealth tax on unrealized capital gains. he's going to suggest it. >> spend the money and come after america in every way, shape or form and follow the money. that is the player. lauren: people are saying we are not rich, we don't have to worry about it but the trump tax cuts that expire in 2025, whatever happens this year with
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congress is going to affect everybody. individual tax rates are going up. blue when if you tax corporations, profits go down and possibly prices go up. them blessed that. that is how it works. stuart: thank you for sorting this out. coming up, listen to this. john kerry says people would feel better about russia if vladimir putin made a greater effort to reduce emissions. we have a soundbite. president biden facing a challenge, 80% of voters think he's too old for the job. he's got to convince us he can have another four years. can he pull it off? chip roi on the high-stakes state of the union next. ♪ ♪ lect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep,
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stuart: on the market this morning, the dow is up one hundred 60 points, the nasdaq is up one hundred 50 and that's. 93%, modest rally. all eyes on the president has he delivered his high-stakes state of the union address. jackie heinrich at the white house. what's the latest you've got on what the president will say about the border tonight? >> reporter: we got some news to share with you. it has been long expected that the president would announce an executive action to secure the border around the state of the union address. there was even a cnn report this morning indicating biden told montana governor to expect that at the state of the unit. i was just told by officials here that no such orders are coming tonight and that interaction, they claim, never
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happened. however, this is going to be biden's last state of the union address unless he wins a second term and at 81 years old he's going to have to convince voters that he deserves another four years despite his age, despite voter concerns about big issues like the border. this speech will be watched as much for biden's delivery as the substance of what he is saying and white house officials countered questions about what might happen with a stumble or gaffe by trying to show their approach is inherently youth oriented. >> there's always in these moments a desire to focus on the distractions, this will be the first state of the union we are live streaming on instagram to make sure where reaching young people where they are. >> reporter: biden will try to connect with average americans by marketing himself as scranton joe from mainstreet it is 24 likely opponent donald
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trump as a wall street elite. biden will make the case that despite voter sentiments he led the post pandemic economy to a historic recovery and paint greedy corporations as the bogeyman responsible for stubborn prices and less bang for your buck these days but the central theme of biden's campaign is trump undermined democracy with his efforts to overturn the 2020 election and his party's embrace of restrictive abortion policies, the president might strike some dark tones tonight, team biden spokesman says at the biden campaign we intend to remind voters of the chaos and lasting damage trump caused as president and why the american people voted him out and he and his extreme project 2,025 agenda will devastate them and their families if he is allowed anywhere near the oval office. republicans are gearing up to hit biden on the big voter concern, the border. >> number one issue in the country because every state is a border state now. it's a catastrophe, humanitarian catastrophe, national security catastrophe
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and was done by design. president biden it is been a station took 64 specific executive and agency actions to open the border why. they put the welcome mat out. >> we expect the president tonight to deflect blame for the border crisis to the other side and hit republicans for rejecting the senate brokered deal that would have addressed many issues that the border but the president hasn't taken any executor action to address it. we are learning that tonight he still won't. we will watch and see if he can make an effective case that legislating this issue is still what the american people should wait for. stuart: see you again later. republican congressman chip roi from texas joins me now. sorry i stumbled over that. i couldn't get it out. i want to know what you think about the president. can you hear everything? i don't think you can here. no audio?
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we will fix that. okay. hold on. let's go to the story here. some people may laughing at this. i am you come you may not be, john kerry made comments about russia and co2 emissions. what have you got? >> he said people would feel better about the atrocities and ukraine if russia cared more about the environment. >> if russia wanted to show good faith they could go out and announce what their reductions are going to be and make a greater effort to reduce emissions and maybe that would open up the door for people to feel better about what russia is choosing to do at this point in time. stuart: feel better about an invasion? >> it out of touch, it's weird, it's insulting it is no longer climate czar, he is working on the biden campaign. stuart: let's get back to
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congressman chip roi, republican from the great state of texas, audio has been restored. what do you think. you are from texas, border state and we just heard that the president will not issue any executive orders tonight. what do you say? >> we do not expect president biden to mention the name laken riley or if he does he will deflect blame to republicans, try to hide behind, what came through negotiation in the senate would have had no chance to secure the border. the fact of the matter is the president's culpable. we have a young woman, 22 years old who was killed by someone who was clearly released under the mask for all policies of this president, of this administration, of alejandra mayorkas, a young woman who was raped in louisiana by someone released by this administration. on them to-year-old who was killed in montgomery county
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could not too far from where i am standing outside the nation's capital by someone released by this administration into the united states. the president of the united states is not going to address that. is not going to focus on the issues the american people want to hear him address because he has no answer. he has nothing to say but to point and use recommendations to point at the former president because he's not going to talk about the inflation it's killing american families, not going to talk about the open borders causing americans to die, not going to talk about the fentanyl causing americans to die, he's going to cast blame and aspersions on republicans, republicans passed legislation to secure the border, democrats refused to do it and i'm not going to let them hide behind it and reported that was introducing the segment said they passed a bill that would have fixed some things are made some improvements, that bill would have codified mass amnesty or mass releases into the united states, that is what it would have done, codified release policies that are attracting people to this country causing migrants to die, little girls
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sold into sex trafficking trade and laken riley to be dead, two weeks ago today she was alive and well, today she is dead because of president biden. stuart: i'm getting some advice from some of our viewers, they are saying don't heckle. be dead quiet tonight, don't interrupt. leave the interruptions to the pro hamas demonstrators who will be in the chamber tonight as guests of democrats. what do you say to that? >> what i say is i think the president of the united states that's going to be standing there tonight at the lectern in the house of representatives, the same spot where franklin delano roosevelt stood up and describe the day of empathy in the nation's resolve to beat imperial japan, the same place we had leaders, whether it is john kennedy or ronald reagan standing up there, you are going to see an empty shell of a man standing up there and frankly someone that the world is going to look at and see
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should not be in the oval office, that's what you're going to see tonight and that is what is going to shine through tonight. not the noise of the house chamber but that we've got an empty shell of a man sitting in the white house who is standing in front of the united states house, senate, supreme court and executive branch. blue when you previously backed ron desantis and have been critical of donald trump. are you going to back trump now that he's the candidate? >> of course. i said that all along. when i was campaigning for ron desantis, i said i would support the republican nominee, donald trump stood up to defend the border, donald trump loves this country, he is an american success story, understand what creating a, growth and opportunity means for the american people, doesn't want to advance a woke agenda this coupling the country, he. we should secure the board, he believes in western civilization is unlike the current president he's not going to allow radical progressive democrats to destroy our country.
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he will stand up and fight for the hard-working americans. that is what he wrote into the town to do in 2016, he came into drain the swamp and came into build the wall, we need to have a congress that will stand up alongside him and fight and you know what that means, don't send empty bills to the senate and walk away, let's do our job now, let's do our job and set the stage, hold spending in check, let's not fund the dhs the the door with the american people, let's do our job rather than handing a blank check to them administration is crippling the american people, donald trump will come in, the leadership we need to kick this congress in the butt to do its job. stuart: no doubt who you support. always appreciate it. msnbc's andrea mitchell says her network's poll shows trump leading biden is wrong, role it. >> that result, leads you to think that 5 point spread in
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the new york times polling article and the head are matchup is not quite accurate. maybe the enthusiasm for joe biden's, as there campaign is claiming bigger than we think, once was a binary choice. stuart: enthusiasm for president biden, i'm not seeing much of that. a new bill that would ban tiktok in the us is gaining bipartisan support. cara fredericks's team helped draft that bill. she joins me next. ♪ ♪
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constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. ( ♪ ) constant contact. helping the small stand tall. stuart: on the markets i see green. the nasdaq, solid gains all around. lauren has the louvers. how about really and -- rivian? >> it looks like a smiley face. you know rivian.
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it's going to be smaller, significantly cheaper. the federal tax credit is 7500 because it is made in georgia. why my telling you this? because jeffries initiates coverage by, $16 price target, they say it is just like tesla in spirit, brand, identity, software system. i don't like these faces. >> you lose thousands of dollars every time you sell a car. they come at with ridiculous prices. stuart: the bloom is off the rose i do believe. micron is up 2.8%. lauren: the second-highest price target on wall street of $120. intel, a report of $3.5 billion contract by the federal government for chips for the military or in video. that just took out the high on nvidia is 909.
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stuart: but that is -- lauren: 91599. stuart: is yours in? >> i got most of what i bought at 505. but when you're going to pay the capital gains tax no problem? >> gladly. stuart: on live tv you've got to say that. american eagle clothing and demand. lauren: people buying casual clothing, stock is down 6%, 65% increase in adjusted earnings, 12% jump in revenue. i don't say that much. stuart: let's move on. the new bill that could ban tiktok in the united states gaining momentum on capitol hill. mark meredith is there. what exactly is in this bill? >> it would give the government power to limit these apps in the future and lawmakers taking a big step forward to potentially banning tiktok, public video sharing apps and others like it, lawmakers from
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both parties saying they believe in national security concerns, today we are going to see the house commerce committee take up this action to mark up the bill making it clear they will move forward with this proposal which would allow illegal process to begin to allow the president to essentially label certain apps dangerous if foreign adversaries to control them, iran, russia, china, the designation could eventually force apps stores to stop the public from being able to download this kind of apps. >> they are collecting an enormous amount of data and manipulating or using, that's how they operate in china. that' s how they surveillance their own citizens. we cannot trust them. >> tiktok which is owned by the chinese based company, never allowed china's commonest government to access the data of its users, the company is spending a lot of time and money trying to lobby washington against efforts to block the apps. we heard from tiktok. they said this is an outright ban of tiktok no matter how
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much authors try to disguise it. this legislation will travel the first amendment, one hundred 70 million americans and deprive millions of small businesses all platform they rely on to grow and create jobs. there's a bipartisan push, the white house as president biden supports it, the president's own reelection campaign recently joined tiktok in an effort to reach out to younger voters, republicans say this is outrageous, how could the white house support banning it. we heard from the speaker today. stuart: should be ban tiktok. and elections have consequences. stuart: okay. we really ought to get an expert here and we got one. para frederick joins me now. your team helped draft this.
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this bill says either tiktok divests itself from china completely or the apps is banned. those are two extremes. is there no middle ground. >> not at all. looking at the havoc, in terms of national security case. everything tiktok plans, this committee, the house committee on energy and commerce, the tiktok ceo got on stand and said things that were later proved to be false, the tiktok pr machine is in full effect, panicking because they know we are over the target and this is a noxious platform in links to the chinese, is party. they have to obey the chinese communist party. stuart: i've got on very large family, 11 grandchildren, they use tiktok. i've got a daughter who uses tiktok to run her business profitably so. >> those are tiktok pr talking
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points and we know -- stuart: but it is real. >> to a degree. because the social fabric of our nation, they are using that, saying there's a first amendment issue, it's about -- there's legal precedent for that. the ia argument goes out the window at the national security effects, this is a chinese comments party surveillance apps was we know engineers in china despite tiktok protestations actually access americans. stuart: you don't think the chinese know every single person in america, everything about them? >> why are we helping them? look at the data they got from the forecheck transfer, ip that from happening, omb data, our information, those who worked in the government, healthcare issues, all of those can be integrated with tiktok date and
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have a dossier on every american. stuart: what about gary? you're not going to ban it before an election when biden absolutely have to have the youth vote. >> leaders have to lead. leaders are not going to be politically advantageous with the biden administration. that's why we put them up there and, put them in washington dc, so they can lead, they can make these hard calls and not sacrifice the next generation of american citizens. stuart: ridiculous line was way over the top. way over the top. >> what exactly would they have to do to make everybody happy at this juncture, that there is no national security problem? >> cleanly divest from their parent company which is subject to the chinese communist party, the law and governance emissary and policies. a clean break or else they will
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be prohibited from working in the us marketplace so it's not targeting those users and this is crackle about the bill. it's not targeting individual americans. it's looking and putting the onus on the companies apple and google if they make the wrong choice and decide to keep tiktok and keep those vestiges of the ccp to the chinese comments party. when you think biden will bring up tiktok tonight? >> i don't, it is politically radioactive for him. as conservatives, those who like the free market that you tell us something if he doesn't want to talk about it. it means we are on the right side of history, not biden, not the political animus. stuart: okay. an interesting argument. not sure i can buy it all the way through. you will be back soon. thanks very much indeed. still ahead, more people, this is interesting, not heard of this before, more people are
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ditching summer beach vacations for colder climates. >> article northern lights in iceland. stuart: we will tell you why sony people are opting for cool vacations. there you have it. concerns over regional banks return after new york community bank shareprice went on a wild ride yesterday, stock dropped 40% and was halted several times. however it has returned to favor, kelly o'grady will bring us up to speed. ♪ ♪ ♪
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your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit stuart: new york community bank shares rebounded after falling
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40% at one point yesterday. what happened? how did we get such a rebound? lauren: they got a billion-dollar equity investment, essentially a vote of confidence to put the money and, they did their due diligence, they saw something that was okay, just to play devil's advocate, same happened with first republic a year ago, all of a sudden a week later it was coming down. just to give some context on the deal, it was led by steve mnuchin. there you go. the stock is up. and the cash infusion comes with four board seats and ceo spot. the conference call they had this morning showed the deposits were 80% insured so they will be addressing the material weakness that was revealed last week and stock is up 11% right now. they have been under pressure from months. it down 60% year today. some of these charges are unique, the exposure to the
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commercial real estate industry is hitting the regional banking sector as a whole, $929 billion coming due this year. if you have to refinance in a rate environment there remains high, that could be tough, regionals are already overpaying for deposits to keep customers from big banks, there's not much wiggle room there. the question becomes will customers feel comfortable or do they move their deposits? we saw last year how quickly that psychological element causes contagion across the sector. listen to this. >> the mass majority of banks are well-run and healthy but depositors won't be sure if you give them of other day to enter deposit exposure, you will see this kind of flight for deposits again which is discussing the regional banking sector. >> reporter: on a conference call, nyc revealed 7% of their deposits have fled over the past month, that's not good news and a reminder that
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tomorrow marks one year from when spp started to collapse. a weird time. stuart: i remember that. thank. let me get back to the stock market, nice rally going on. some individual stocks are going to the moon. gary is anxious. some of his stocks have indeed gone to the moon and he's worried about what to do, aren't you? >> we study the history of the market a lot of the stocks of gone vertical and when i mean vertical i mean straight vertical. if you go back to 99 vertical went straight down, made eiffel tower pictures. i'm worried. the good news it is still going on. i can tell you i added advanced micro devices and taiwan semi last week, up 15, 12% in 5 days. it is stupid time right now but people are jumping on each other but we will take whatever it gives, the problem is when does it end and if it ends
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there's a lot underneath as far as come down. stuart: were member the bubble. that was based on eyeballs looking at the computer. this rally, the magnificent seven is based on huge profit ability. >> great profitability, the super microbe that has gone insane, huge profit ability was up 25% for the s&p 500. it's too much but i will take everything they want to give. facebook and meta doing it also. i think i am more humble and more paranoid. we are getting 10 steps up and 20 steps. neil: what are you going to say? i've got a luxury women's clothing store inside san francisco's historic palace hotel broken into six times in three weeks, they are closing after 32 years. we will speak to the co-owner
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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stuart: during tonight's state of the union address president biden is expected to go after businesses for unfair prices. madison alworth in new jersey, you are speaking to the owner. does he blame biden for high prices? >> reporter: he does blame the government but more specifically this is a restaurant based in new jersey, he looks at the state government, especially the minimum wage increases. i want to bring in john the owner of the old mill kathern. what has that meant for your business. >> to be profitable, the effect to raise prices, we have a lot of families and seniors and only so much we can do.
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>> reporter: this is decided by the government, the state government. they will say it's for living wages. is that what is going towards when it comes to your restaurant and people you employ here? >> folks affected here are serving staff which are mostly high school kids. not meant to be a living wage. it's putting great pressure. >> reporter: you are not alone. small businesses the majority say the biggest inflationary pressure they have had his labor costs. what have you had to do to keep up with those increased labor costs? >> had to increase prices of goods and services to our customers. there is only so much we can do. with we start turning people away or losing business is my biggest concern. >> reporter: they had to increase prices by 18% to 20%. you started to notice a slowdown this year and that is
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what we are thinking about tonight with the state of the union, the economy, seeing the american family slowdown. we got our spread here, quality food we whipped up early. stuart: my next guest owns a luxury clothing store inside the historic palace hotel. he closes his doors after 30 years because of crime. david raphael is co-owner and vice president and joins me now. your business was broken into six times in three weeks. how does someone break into a store inside a hotel? >> thanks for having me, top of the morning to you. it has been 46 years, start on union square, the towers hotel building faces market street.
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it is a beautiful street, great traffics and provided a beautiful space for an artist that make unusual, one of a kind to pieces in europe and the us. it has been a wonderful business for many years. the idea of -- stuart: you are done? what is wrong? who do you blame for this? >> i believe the literal ideas that exist in san francisco which creates sanctuary cities for homeless people and crimes that can cross since the pandemic. individual homeless people that slip in front of our stores every morning the clean it up,
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it has been a disaster for quite a few years that broke into the store a year and a half or two years, six times in three weeks and restored $4 million, wrote a letter to the mayor and governor. stuart: we heard a lot from storeowners in san francisco, a long line of people who have been forced out and appreciate you coming on the show to tell us. david raphael, see you again soon. thanks for being on the show for the hour. ari fleischer on biden going after big business, straight out of bernie sanders's playbook. trump's repeated calls to debate.
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>> there is no place where joe biden would beat donal


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