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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 7, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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as for me, let me riff on this. americans are accustomed to a prosperous, confident and happy state of the union. all right. that's their normal attitude. but these are not normal times. and under joe biden, the american condition looks like it's unhappy, somewhat demoralized, and even fearful. now, a recent poll shows 43% believe joe biden's policies have actually hurt them. and the same poll shows that the lives of working class blacks, latinos, whites, women, other groups, they're actually better off under donald trump than they were under joe biden. biden has spent $6 trillion of democrat pork on climate and welfare and woke schools and student debt and other crazy boondoggles, but all that's done is up. inflation
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hasn't made people any happier. the high prices for basic goods like groceries and gasoline or home mortgages, all that's been killing off the middle class. under joe biden, the work force has taken a pay cut. listen to this from a real weekly wage of $399. when joe biden took office to a decline of $380, most recently, that is a drop of 4.9, a pay cut under president trump over the same period, they had a pay hike of over 9. right? given a choice, i think folks would rather have a pay increase than a pay cut. meanwhile, illegal immigrant crime is causing fear in the streets, towns and cities across the country. fear is not the natural state for america. but now we're told mr. biden wants to raise taxes on successful companies and entrepreneurs. that's just more left wing, progressive democratic. perhaps all it's going to do is depress the
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economy. all it's going to do is reduce tax revenues. and ironically, donald trump's successful tax cuts are probably the biggest source of economic stimulus in the economy today. go figure. anyway, it's all been driven by after tax profits from trump's tax cuts. anyway, joe biden wants to squelch all that. it is just the stupidest thing i've ever seen. and finally has this business about shrinking flation and cookie monsters. this is about biden's inflation, not serious business. that's all there is to it. but remember, liberals always hate business. even though business creates jobs and business creates higher wages. meanwhile, countries bombing each other all over the world right now in the us looks like a helpless, powerless bystander. and finally, americans are sick and tired of being told what to do or what not to do. what appliances, what cars to buy or what they can't buy. and i think they are sick
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of it. that's what the collective government or big government socialism does to you. a bunch of overeducated, permanent bureaucrats in washington, d.c, trying to dictate how ordinary working folks can live their lives in mainstream america. people are fed up with it. they are sick of it. the question is whether joe biden is going to do anything to change it. well, folks, don't hold your breath on that one. but there is a guy down in mar a lago in florida who's just itching for a second bite out of the apple. at least that's what i hear. and that is my riff. and joining me now, our very own john roberts, co-anchor of america reports right here on fox news. john, thank you. i know you're a busy guy today, nobody knows this stuff better. give me. what's what's your expectation about the state of the union? i think it will probably be a review of accomplishments that this president believes that he has gotten in the last, almost three
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years of his presidency. and it'll probably be viewed through very rose colored glasses. i don't think that he's going to go out there and say, here's what's wrong with the country, and here are my prescriptions to fix it. he'll propose a lot of things, including this massive tax cut on the richest americans, as well as corporations, which you continue to tell the nation will not be good for the economy. he thinks it will raise revenues, but there's a lot of evidence to the contrary. and i think it'll probably just be a pretty standard state of the union address. i think the big question will be, how does joe biden look in terms of delivering it? remember, bill clinton, one of one of the most incredible state of the union, addresses the ability it was 1994 where he got up on the podium in the in the well of the house, and he looked at the teleprompter and it was the state of the union address from the year before. that's right. and rather than panic, rather than saying, oh my god, rather than walking off from the from
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the floor, he did his current state of the union address from memory. that's right. can you imagine this president doing that? i can't imagine doing that . that is a great story, yeah. he riffed through it and he went quite long, as i recall, went way too long. it was it was a very long speech. but he was a smart, young, energetic guy. he was. but to be looking at that with biden, to be able to ad lib, i think it was almost the first ten minutes of the state of the union address before they found the right copy and rolled through it. that's remarkable. and that's something not a lot of people could do. so i don't think joe biden's going to be measured against that, but he'll certainly be measured against donald trump and he'll be measured against barack obama tonight. you know, that's an important point. it's dwell on that for a minute. leave the policy alone. but this other sort of political appearance business, which you raise, super tuesday night. so this is thursday. so that was tuesday night donald trump appeared in mar-a-lago, right? no teleprompter, no card spoke for i thought, i'm going to say 30
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to 40 minutes. i don't recall exactly. he did it off the top of his head. did it pretty well. he's been doing that for a long time now. that's right on the campaign trail. and he's got a lot to say. i've been i've been in places like when we were in singapore for the very first trump, kim jong un, conference over getting rid of north korea's nukes. trump came down into an auditorium. there were probably a couple of hundred journalists in there. we thought he'd take 2 or 3 questions, and he was there for the better part of an hour. maybe even a little bit more, just fielding any and every question. and had a robust answer for it. you don't see that with this current president. he'll take one, maybe two questions, he'll walk away. most of the time. and to have a president who can't be off the cuff and spontaneous and just kind of ad lib a response based on the knowledge that they have and joe biden should have more knowledge than literally any other politician in this nation. but when it comes down to delivering the goods, there
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seems to be a bit of a distance. so we'll watch the energy level. tonight is going to be very important. john, how political, how attack dog, how anti maga. you know, how how harsh, mean nasty is biden going to be you think i think he'll be his typical self at this point. he doesn't seem to be in a mood to try to win over trump voters. he probably figures that they're gone and he'll never win them back. he might try to win over some people who voted for nikki haley, though there's no indication at this point that they would they would do that either. but remember what jamie dimon said when he was at the world economic forum in davos, switzerland? be careful how hard you pursue that rhetoric about maga, because what you're saying to every trump voter out there is just because you support him. you're just like him, he said. i don't think the people are voting for donald trump, for family values. and there's this he did a lot of things that were good for the country mostly right on china and
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immigration and mostly right in a lot of things now jamie diamond may not be left wing liberal. but -- >> no big trump supporter either. >> but what he says carries a lot of weight from i think a pretty balanced perspective. >> biden should watch. see how partisan he'll be to some extent this is the beginning of his general election. >> here's the question why would he not be partisan he's trying to tell every progressive every democrat out there these people are the enemy -- of america. and whatever you do do not get into the camp with them. and you're going to like trump did in 2016 like president obama did with people bitterly clinging to bibles he's going alienate and is that what a alienating president should do? >> catch john don't forget john -- co-host, and smith by dear friend on america report week days every day 1 p.m. eastern, on fox news.
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thank you john rockets we appreciate it very much i'm going to -- do a little scamming and glamming here a little vamping while we fix border bring in the distinguisher speaker of the house michael johnson of the grate state of louisiana. you were -- were you ever a radio host among your many skills? >> that's what i thought i thought i remembered somebody so vamping and you have a small tv set and thank john roberts mr. speaker thank you ever so much thanks for buying us all a cup of coffee that was very revealing off the record briefing. that wasn't always fox people there are people my friends from other networks -- can i just ask you this i want to start should be talking about policy and rest of it. but i'm saying -- or i believe in my heart look at what i look at. that the "state of the union" is not good that people are not happy -- they don't feel prosperous. they don't feel confident.
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they some extent are fearful because of the immigration problem and the crime problem that goes with it. i mean it is not a good "state of the union." and you're going to be up there at the podium listening to president biden but, i mean, how do you sense this too? >> i think you said it well in the riff and summarized it well i think american people are fed up with weaponized big government socialism with the open borders that we have in this country i think they're fed with a high cost of living, and with weakness that we're projecting on world stage because they see the effect direct effect this is having on their lives and their families and families are hurting inflation is up 17.9% -- i saw this stat today. the average american household is paying 11,400 annually just to make ends meet. you know, household debt is up at a record high. this is not a sustainable trajectory that we're on -- and the media asked me over the weekend somebody asked me in one word describe the "state of the
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union" i said sadly decline. we're declining in every metric and i'm not sure this is something that we can continue any longer that's why american people ring going to deliver us a big victory in november. larry: showing constituent city is latino and blacks, for example, start with those two they did better on donald trump than they did on biden we looked at the average weekly waging in the riff and so many times my arm and rest are getting sore they have to pay raise under trump. they've had a pay cut under biden. that is not a good position to be in. now i'm hearing -- we threw this out this morning at breakfast but biden want this is by raising taxes on successful business and entrepreneur but the point is he's losing core constituencies because of this situation. >> he seems to be completely tone deaf and facts are stub
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bonn things facts are on our side people can look at these things objectively see they have a better standard of living more security america was stronger when president trump was in office first two years you were there you were part it have. we achieved greatest economy in the world not just in the u.s. in every demographic everyone was doing better and safer more secure, the crime was not through the roof as it is in every community in america the border was secure. all of these things and they're looking at this they're measuring that i think there's going to be a really energy. there's a huge enthusiasm gap in the election cycle. i've been in almost 20 states in the last several weeks larry because when the speaker when we're not in session i'm fileting around country helping my candidates and colleagues doesn't matter where i am out west midwest, long island deep south it is the same feel, same sentiment out there in the base i think people are ready to make a change. that's what's going to happen. larry: one of the most distinguish predecessors newt
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gingrich advisor and so forth trump is breaking up the old democratic coalition because folks have done better under trump than they've done under biden now pulling over -- a lot of you see with the hispanic latinos. but you know some of these numbers -- with women with even college kids. even with african-americans, i mean this could be a new coalition now, speaker, what is your role? your piloting the house. you're the north star, i know it is a thin deck nonetheless you have the political gavel and plit platform how do you want to play this? >> listen, i think that we've got to demonstrate that we can govern and hold fast to core principles things that made america greatest most powerful benevolent and rise in jeopardy because there's a rising people and elected in congress on the other side trying to dismantle the foundation of the country that is a battle not r's versus
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d's but vision and who are we in a country going forward and i'm delighted that donald trump is our nominee i think we work together and retake the white house i think the republicans will take the senate i think we'll grow the house majority. before i forget grow the, that's our website everybody can be a part of this. and record numbers of people are larry, we have a record number of new donors coming into the fold and that shows the enthusiasm that's out there. it is very real and have a big effect in november. larry: you have to run speaker i want to ask you -- this came up at breakfast look, you're a constitutional lawyer you know as well as i do i'm not even a lawyer. but we did a lot of research. there's two sections of the u.s. immigration and nationalization law. this stuff has been passed by congress and signed by presidents decades ago. section 212f, gives the president any president the power to stop people from crossing into the border illegally. and section 287g which i believe
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was passed in 1996 under bill clinton and newt gingrich as speaker gives the president the power to work with local law enforcements to deport criminals. now, joe biden keeps telling us publicly he doesn't have the power to do this. apparently he's hold other people privately he understands that he does have the power he's afraid to use it. i don't know, help me out on this and where is this going to lead? because this is a gigantic issue. >> this is i read provisions to the president myself over the phone about two months ago. larry: i'm only the real track that is real stuff. >> he claims for a while he claimed that he didn't have the ability to use it and setting him straight on that. this afternoon we voted on the lake and riley act one of the latest victims of this -- illegal immigration violent crime. where the biden administration is releasing violent criminals into the country. communities all around country georgia is not on the border. but every state is a border state now, and it's a tragedy
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but 177 house democrats just voted against the lake and riley act what it would do is require i.c.e. to detain criminals -- criminal illegal immigrants engaged in crime and to put them on a path to deportation democrat os pose that white house opposes that. larry: how is that possible? in all honesty putting politics aside -- ordinary common sense people -- how is that possible? >> president biden and mayorkas secretary engineered this and documented 64 specific executive actions in agency actions they've taken since joe biden walked into the oval office on day one by the way -- to create this situation. why did they do it asked that in every town hall every forum around country the answer is -- they ultimately hope to turn these people into voters that's the answer it sowngsdz like a conspiracy theory that's the fact and jerry knadler chairman of the former chairman of the house judiciary committee admitted that to me in a hearing late one night and elon musk found that video and shared it
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to 16 million new people. this is what it is about. and sinister as that sounds there are apparently willing to allow americans to be preyed upon and to be the victims of violent crime and zeal to maintain power that's what's going on. larry: one of the biggest problems with our "state of the union" today one of the biggest problems the fear factor. speak or johnson you're most gracious sir we appreciate it very much and wish you luck. >> i'm a big fan. larry: like wise same way. joe biden latest brainstorm you're not going to believe this apparently wants to build a u.s. military port in gaza. right, with u.s. troops, okay -- i'm dumb founded by this but we have senator marco rue owe, of course, is foreign policy expert to weigh in on that and of the "state of the union" issues please don't miss tonight "state of the union" special coverage hosted by bret baier and martha all starts at 9 p.m. eastern on fox news. i'm kudlow be with speaker johnson.
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i mean, doesn't make me sense to me. but joining us tonight is florida senator marco rubio. senator rubio welcome back as always, sir. i don't know whether you've gotten wind of this apparently he's kind of making this announcement tonight at the "state of the union." to me it doesn't make a lot of sense. but you're the foreign policy expert. you want the u.s. military to build a port in gaza? >> it is theater it is all designed just like air drops last week. it is not designed to solve anything. it is designed to basically appease that element of his base that is screaming at them about genocide and demanding cease-fire all of the pro-hamas stuff. and these are voters these are voters their base the voters invited under coalition threatening to vote mid-november and coming up with creative ways to try to appease them. the second, though, if they follow through with this is they're going lead this is what the military said in the past don't need 2,000 troops on the ground say no boots on the ground you need them who is going to secure you need somebody to protect you while
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you're putting up things you need through the army corps and others to build a temporary port that's the second third is once you get aid in who is going to district it because that's really the factor in place right now, the only people on the ground with any organization to distribute things are hamas. so in essence can they guarantee we're going to go through all of this trouble put american lives on the line just so aid can be districted to hamas? who in turn will then control like they've controlled everything there is no hamas fighter starving to death and no history whatsoever zero history of helping civilian and people so all for show and dangerous the fastest way to get assistance to people suffering in gaza to allow israel to defeat hamas because they are the ones that have been brought the suffering upon them. larry: is anybody suspecting is any -- this came as new like new news to me. all right you're much closer to it than i am lord knows. but putting -- all of a sudden committing u.s. troops into the israeli hamas situation, israel has have not
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asked for that as far as i know and i don't think american voters, american parents -- i don't think american patriots want to do that. so this like some whole new horizon and as you say if you build a port, then you have to protect the port because they'll be u.s. military assets or related civilian assets. so this is streakings me as sheer insanity. >> it is not insanity reckless it is them grasping what can we announce at the "state of the union" with disenchanted voters no one is ever woke enough for you sought congresswoman from new york the one heckled other day by people demanding that she say that it is genocide enthough she's said that in the past you saw adam schiff at his victory speech heckled, i mean they are just being -- hounded by these radical elements that are apartment of their voter base that are pro-hamas anti-israel. and -- they're trying to appease them. larry: senator what's going
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happen? do you have any expectations with respect to solving border problem southern border problem actually i should say in u.s. northern and southern border problem here do you think biden will have anything to say about that tonight? sir? >> i don't know he has the power and law says that everybody who is in this country illegally should be detained. through removal -- we've had exceptions in the past for, you know, cases on an individual basis. biden through executive order turned the exceptions into the rule because he campaign. this is baskly biden campaign 202 he said if you elect me i will do the opposite of what donald trump has done on the border everything he's done i will do the opposite that's what he did in january and result is 7.2 million people have come into the country illegally in three years or three years and two months and growing every day. so now in order to actually solve it, he would have to admit that trump was right. but he doesn't want to do that. plus he has elements of his base that will go bonkers if he does it i don't know what he's going announce tonight but at least
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admitting they have executive order power. to reverse his executive orders and go back to what policies were in december of 2020 when we didn't have numbers facing now and you know, the "state of the union" is whatting tonight yesterday the state of new york -- deployed national guard troops to protect the city against this migrant crime wave. so that's happening. larry: after they said they would never do such a thing. or that no one should ever do ouch is a thing can i just switch gears before i lose you i know it is a busy evening. is it possible -- to have peace overture or peace amendment to solve ukraine, russia rather than just throw more money into it? i don't to leave ukraine in the lurch sir that is not my view but what i would like to know is why can't there be some kind of diplomatic offramp or peace negotiation offramp? is such a thing possible? >> i think that's what we're ultimately going to arrive at
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the question is when that moment comes who will have the leverage putin whop thinks that he's going to be able to have the upper hand and insist on -- greater demands? or is it ukraine? because putin realizes he's not going to be able to achieve not able to achieve his original objective taken over the country. but that now putin realizes he can't achieve some of the more recent objectives who will have the leverage that really should be the purpose of our assistance to ukraine. is to provide them maximum amount of lempleg to get best conditions possible when that time comes to have that negotiation which i think ultimately arrive because near ukraine nor russia anywhere close to achieving their goals as they define it and state it and really purpose is to give ukraine maximum amount of leverage going into negotiations they won't have it if putin feels like he has upper hand and america is cutting and running but we have to take care of our border first. that's my objective here we have to show americans that we care as much about the safety of this
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country as we do about the sate of another country and they're both important. but america always has to come before the others. larry: senator rubio thank you sir we appreciate it again. all right folks coming up later on here we go again joe biden guess what -- hold your breath -- joe biden wants to raise taxes. wait a minute, he wants to raise taxes on people and businesses -- wow where's the shocking surprise all so shocking the left never learns. anyway we'll talk about it. the great kevin and great steve moore, plus, how does biden plan on raising all of those taxes without cutting the deficit? wait a second does anyone ever cut the budget deficit or just keep spending? we'll ask that from kentucky senator rands paul who will be live and right on set live with kudlow. we'll be right back.
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here's a shocker it is all over the place joe biden is going announce today wait for it hold your breath at the "state of the union" a tax hike on wealthy people successful people and successful corporations that pay wage earnings more money. we have kevin hassett former chair of the council of economic advisor author of socialism and steve moore, what i like is steve moore host of more money that's any favorite one. [laughter] kevin hassett you practically invented corporate tax cut. every single study you just sent me some other new nbr study shows that worked everybody benefited from it. particularly work force, particularly wages, paid taxes revenue went up not down why do they want to raise the corporate tax which was so successful? >> the point is that the biden white house is all in on science denial so if you look at the latest economic science all that studied tax cuts and jobs act have been finding that it has
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made economic growth higher it made wages grow more, it increased capital spending and there are who else bunch of really detailed studies by nonpartisan guys at harvard or princeton places that aren't friendly to tax cuts that show this. but the most striking thing really is that tax revenue corporate tax revenue right now is about double what it was before the tax cuts. so the curve is so visible and so if president biden is going to raise the corporate tax rate, then what's going happen is revenues going to tank and when revenue tanks then what's going to happen to the bond yields so on destroy the economy right now we have a big huge deficit and make it worse by driving up interest rates by driving up the deficit. >> i think ironically -- the trump corporate tax cuts which promoted corporate profits -- for three years for years -- is the one of the biggest sources left in the stimulus that hasn't been blocked out by biden regulations and inflation and interest rates and so forth
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even more now. i want to go to you on this, they want to penalize again, billionaires -- but i was reading anyone making over 400,000 dollars year and raise tax on stocks buybacks everything that moves hang on a second didn't you show me in committed unleashed hotline that -- that top 1% pays almost half -- half of the income tax -- almost all 46% of the income tax how much more can they pay and that increase -- actually you know when the tax rate under when reagan came in 70% the top 1% only paid 20 you know 20, 25% now paying almost half. this is going to be a class warfare speech right, it is going to be basically bash to the rich. corporations shouldn't be making so much money. and when is this ever worked? i mean you know you have so much evidence from what happened in 20s under coolidge reagan
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every time we've cut tax rates has happened and over and over again, and i hate this assault on wealth. one of the quick thing it is not just the corporate rate that want to raise. they want to raise the dividend tax and capital gain tax and raise a tax on unrealized capital gains these are things never done before in the history of this country. >> written a nice book about ronald reagan the intellect and you remember 1986 that tax reform was totally bipartisan when -- >> 97-3, and took to the top rate to 28%. if that's believable. kevin hassett have you met the cookie monster do you think shrink inflation biden is going attack businesses for the cookie monster and shrink inflation. >> it is -- help on this. >> when there's a lot of inflation then, you know, firms that have to adjust and this happened to be just a little while ago we were doing this recipe that required a pound of
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bacon and i spent eight bucks on a pound of bacon and only 12 ounces of bacon so i understand that but this is caused by inflation that is caused by a run away spending to the big thing right now about -- biden's economy that is something that we've got to fix is no, ma'am mall jdp up by 500 billion less than held by the public so it is kind of like this. so what president biden has done is supposed to be running small business he borrows 100 grand from the bank and gives wife a 70 grand and blows 30 grand in vegas and brags that it is up 70 grand but this is going on the economy right now. larry: either you raise prices or you have to cut back on product it is no way fewer poet chips in the bag. >> shrink inflation is bidenomics a way of companies basically -- dealing with the inflation because inflation is just killing consumers. it is hurting businesses too. because they're cost rise so you know look i'm addicted to droa
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doritos i notice that you get less chips in the bag. what are they doing to me that is inflation -- >> more bag -- kevin hassett and steve moore terrific stuff while we switch around because great senator rand paul is going to be coming on from kentucky -- and he's going to continue this conversation, by the way, about raising taxes lowering revenue and not cutting spending why are deficits growing why are we borrowing faster than we're growing the entire economy? and is any of that ever going to change? i don't know that it is ever going to change i don't think maybe joe biden is going try to el us here is the aforementioned senator rand paul you're doing great you don't need a microphone you think there's going to be any serious budget work done in this "state of the union" tonight and that message? >> only if it is talking about busting the budget further. and then it won't be anybody talking about cutting spending.
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it won't be anybody talking about the fact we spend $6 trillion and bring in about $4.5 trillion. there's a little bit of a mismatch. there won't be anybody talking about that the tax revenue only covers the entitlements nothing else. the entire budget that congress votes on which is about 1.5 trillion is all borrowed. there's only enough tax revenue to pay for medicare, medicaid, food stamps, and a few other entitlements social security that's about all there is. everything else is borrowed. and that's why even on our side i get tired of republicans saying oh, don't talk about entitlements you know trump did some of this don't talk about entitlements some of the republican conservatives was house don't talk about entitlements you have to because that's two-thirds of the spend. larry: we have, you have a spending bill before the house. this whole -- border, and ukraine, and israel and taiwan so forth. but putting aside the foreign policy issues just for one second. it is over 100 billion dollars i don't hear anyone talk about pay fors.
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what ever happens to the concept of pay -- you spend a buck here you should cut a buck there. what happened to that? >> it was one of the things i liked when speak or johnson came in aid to israel and paid par it taking money away biden was going allocate to irs first time since i've been up here since foreign aid should be paid for for even our friends and back pedaled and abandoned ultimately house will bring up the a hundred billion. senate passed it with big government republicans and then all of the democrats. larry: paid for in the senate? >> no pay forsing with nothing. >> you can't do that. the week that the chairman of the federal reserve comes out and says that debt problems urgent. jamie diamond say there's a debt problem you have all of these figures of wall street saying a debt problem what does congress react by spending a hundred billion that we have to borrow. larry: let me get this right. the budgets side is spending money like there's no tomorrow. really nothing is changed
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trajectory hasn't changed at all. we're running 6, 7 deficits perrage with low on unemployment and peacetime and the fed on the other side supposed to be restraining monetary access so the fiscal side is inflating monetary side is restraining. that's just doesn't strike me as something that can be sustained over a period of time. >> no it isn't and which comes first fed creating problem or congress i think it is the congress frankly fed reacts to what congress does and fed does what it has to do and they always buy our debt and always will and a question whether it will be worth as much as it is today but they'll always buy the debt and when they buy too much and all of a sudden things get out of hand and prices are going up. then they'll say oh we have to do something and that's where they are now trying to control inflation but at cross purposes right the fed is worried about it. and the fed will even say we're worried about it but what does
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congress do? keep spending and this is the problem with speak or johnson he's allowing spending bills at the same rate, in fact, it is above the mccarthy said mad that it had a crummy dealing year ago and johnson will spend money above the mccarthy deal. larry: what happened to the 1% cut if not done by april a discretionary -- >> only an a small sliver of government i've been across the board but it has to be across the board so you have to have one percent of everything if you do that, then you can actually gradually balance your budget. >> thing is senator, all of this spending from biden $6 trillion and then the cbo baseline going to run another four or $5 trillion. it hasn't made people happier it hasn't made us more prosperous, it has caused more inflation, i mean, that model of spending
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your keister off i don't think it is done us any good nobody is happy in this country and you see these polls -- we've talked a lot about it on this show. you know, working families whether you're -- african-american or latino or white or whoever -- they're making less money now than the under trump spending is not helping anybody so why do we do it? >> there's illusion of wealth and stock market wealth and wealthy have gotten wealthier, that's why when you look at the demographics of republicans support now, our best people are truck drivers. our best people are blue collar workers. the people who run unions don't support us. but you go to the assembly line and ford plant or the -- she everly plant gm plant work reverse for us because they're -- wealth is being eroded. their dollar is eroded they can't afford stakes they want to do and afford trips they want to take. the rich have the goen richer but that's a dirty little secret of inflation. people get the money first. and invest it make money of a their investmentings people that trickles down to get more money
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and prices have risen to match increase wages. larry: great fun tonight at the stadium and hear it all over you senator rand paul appreciate it. hang with us for a minute and great congresswoman claudia going to talk to us about donald trump's "state of the union," prebuttal, stick with kudlow. be right back. only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership. ♪oh what a good time we will have♪ ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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larry: all right we have a little slice of donald trump state of the union prebuttal. and here to rebut prebullets is claudia tenney take a look at what former president said earlier today. >> communist and party looted trillions of dollars from you and spent it on illegal alien and green new scam, triggering the highest inflation in many, many decades. if your packages are getting smaller that's the reason why under my leadership, there was no inflation. we had the greatest economy in the history of the world. larry: so -- when you think about it this is interesting as a campaign tactic that prebuttal let's start with that. >> it is a great idea, of course, trump is a genius when it comes to marketing getting his message in a simple way and everything he said there i'm a
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small business owner upstate new york everything that biden has done has hurt us in every way. the disaster at the border, you know, more taxes in new york for illegal immigration, raising, you know, letting the tax cuts and jobs expire. it is going to be expiring we can't get that bill done we have to get that bill done all of those things cutting regulations you and i talk about one of the top things that led to us having -- low inflation, growth, all of the thaings wed need to get out of this malaise that we're in biden does exactly the opposite we're seeing the terrible consequences and sadly the american people are paying the price. larry: you know it is interesting -- at the mar-a-lago speech super tuesday night the great victory speech he spent a lot of time on talking about -- new second round of tax cuts, more deregulation, and, of course, drill baby drill, and he said he would never admit inflation to reoccur again because inflation destroys countries he had a strong economic message some people overlook that. >> i thought it was great and
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other thing is we need to do more and we did as jobs act we had that slim majority in the senate so we had to do through reconciliation but what we did was best thing to small businesses and businesses throughout our state in 30 years or more -- that was incredible what we got done and more tax cuts helping our middle class taxpayers -- helping our small business owners and my community that's 90% of the job creators. it is 60% of the new jobs across the nation. it is going to be the key to our growth and getting us out of this fiscal malaise that we see. larry: i have about 30 seconds you've got guests from afghanistan tonight tell me about this. >> i have the wife and children of american citizen who has been wrongfully detained in afghanistan by the taliban who we're trying to get out. he's been there 19 months. >> wife and kids. wife and children joining me my constituents he's there, and he's not being released as an american citizen we're working to get him out. we want to shine a light on it.
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larry: claudia tenney i'll be right back with my last word. ♪ ♪
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larry: that's if for kudlow. thanks for watching, folks. ♪


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