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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 8, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EST

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talking about fentanyl. she worries about the family run the table. >> american dream is turned in for tonight. they are tied with sentinel, talkfentanyl,talking about the . she said about president biden bless his heart if you are not from the south that's not a great thing. she delivered a speech is tough to give republicans are going to say this hit all. >> she did she connect with younger women and what that what breached. the mood to thank all of you for watching with the summit box news coverage of the state of the address republican response that followed. >> there will be a lot to digest from tonight. a lot of different angles keep it here on the fox good night from washington hannity is next. ♪ ♪.
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maria: good friday morning everyone. thank you for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo friday march 8, your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast, was it the state of the union or a campaign speech, president biden using the time to attack president trump multiple times while mentioning ukraine's border before the actual american border, touting his trillions of dollars in federal spending as the backbone of strength for the u.s. economy. >> i hear the economy is on the brink in our economy is the envy of the world, 15 million new jobs in three years, a record. >> inflation keeps coming down edge dropped from 9% to 3%, the lowest in the world and lower the landing is and will be soft. >> biden using the time to pressure congress to pass more
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of his spending bills while mocking republicans for voting against him and botching murdered nursing student laken riley name calling her lincoln riley after being prodded to say her name. will break down everything for the state of the union address. futures indicated a mixed opening for wall street, take a look. futures indicated a decline for the dow industrials but again for the nasdaq and s&p 500 even just barely, jay powell takes on worries of the banking system yesterday in his testimony to the senate banking committee, the u.s. banking system can handle this issues in commercial real estate while he signaled more banks may fall in the regulations are coming. we will preview the regulations while awaiting key job stated this morning. it is jobs friday the fibroid jobs report out at 8:30 a.m. eastern, all hands on deck. european markets are mixed, take a look at the eurozone, the s&p
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100 and bonded as lower by 33, the cat crown in paris is higher by 17 and dax index in germany lower by ten. in asia overnight green across the board, take a look at asia you will see the best performer overnight, the korean index, cosby index one and a quarter percent, the others will be higher fractionally. joining the conversation gop strategist joe pinion, cheryl casone and lonski group founder john mann ski. "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪ ♪ ♪. maria: time for the hot topic of the hour president biden delivering the third state of
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the union address touching on taxes, crime, inflation in ukraine, white house correspondent hillary vaughn live from capitol hill with the speech details. good morning to you. >> president biden open his address talking about the state of ukraine, not the state of the u.s. economy and really did not have significant time to v devod to talk about the cost of living that is crushing families or what he will do to make groceries or gas less expensive instead bragging about how great the economy is any talked up tax cuts that he is working to bring middle-class families while pitching new tax increases. >> does anybody think the tax code is fair? do you think the wealthy and big corporations need another $2 trillion tax break. >> no. >> i sure doubt it's time to raise a corporate minimum tax to 21%.
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so every big corporation finally begins to pay their fair share. >> biden talk about the border about not passing the bipartisan bill, he saw congresswoman marjorie taylor greene who handed a p lakin laken riley's name. biden held up the pen and mentioned riley say in his heart goes out to her family. >> give me any new president new emergency authority to temporarily shut down the border with a number of migrants at the border is overwhelming, you say low, look at the facts i know you know how to read. a political loser for me and him is not about him it's not about me, i would be a winner, not really. >> biden's address felt like a campaign rally in the state of the union speech he did not name
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dropped from that referred to him in other ways over a dozen times and he was interrupted by democrat several times with a chant of four more years. maria: hillary vaughn on capitol hill. president biden repeatedly mentioning former president trump but never by his name only by his predecessor, watch this. >> now my predecessor a former republican president tells pu putin, do whatever the hell you want. that is a quote, the former president actually said that, my predecessor failed the most basic presidential duty that he owes to the american people, the duty to care. my predecessor and many in the chamber wanted take the prescription drug away by repealing affordable care act. maria: it was all campaigning all the time, joe pinion your
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reaction to last night's campaign speech. >> apparently my predecessor was the phrases that we didn't hear much anything about the chinese communist party and run roughshod all across the world on his watch, we heard very little about the fact that he did nothing while we sell russian hackers take down our beef supply in the colonial pipeline on his watch and he said putin got the message right before putin rolled the tanks across the board into ukraine, much about the actual state of affairs in america on main street, the economy that is not working in the border that is become a nightmare for people and states alike missing from his rosy interpretation of what the last three years and what america has been. maria: how does he not see that he did not address the state of the union at all talking about junk fees, woman was murdered by an illegal who came into this
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country september 2022, he got laken riley's name wrong calling her lincoln. >> that shows out of touch part of last night. i will say it was a campaign speech, absolutely because they came in knowing that his biggest weakness is the polling that shows that most americans think he is too old and too fragile to even serve as second term, that is one issue. the other he did adjust the border but he deflected and he blamed the republicans and he said it's your fault, there is a bill you have to pass it when he did not mention the power of the pen through executive order can fix the border, he will not do that and i will make this fast but when the goldstar father started to yell and he got thrown out and arrested, his son died in afghanistan at the abbey gate and i think that's when this president lost this country and our standing in the world.
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maria: this poor guy is yelling abbey gate so he can get satisfaction that the president mentions a boxed withdrawal out of afghanistan, what happens he gets arrested, he got arrested after the speech, that is disgusting alabama senator katie britt delivered the rebuttal after the president's state of the union address, here she is. >> our commander in chief is not in command, the free world deserves better than it did the ring and diminished leader, america deserves leaders who recognize and secure borders stable prices, safe streets and a strong defense are actually the cornerstone of a great nation, right now the american dream has turned into a nightmare for so many families.
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maria: john lonski, your reaction. >> foreign policy has been an outright disaster, biden's energy policy has strengthened the hand of russia and iran and we see where that has led, the domestic front, the same misguided energy policy has pushed prices in general, hi higher, we find according to the wall street journal about 52% of recent college graduates cannot find a job that fits a college graduate. in other words they wasted four years of their time, this administration needs a lot to be desired and without government support the u.s. economy would be crawling along, let's not forget were getting the jobs report today, 60% of the jobs created sent june were in government and healthcare in its
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heavily funded by government. maria: all of his bragging about the jobs he created were the jobs that we lost during covid. we will talk more about that coming out were just getting started, quick break jobs friday all hands on deck, markets on the move ahead of the number 8:30 a.m. eastern, all hands on deck coming up. first our political power hour is coming up. we will get insight from jason chaffetz, doug collins and morgan ortagus, live today reaction to the state of the union. it starts at 7:00 a.m. eastern,a you are watching "mornings with maria", live on fo rr 28x busin. n for luxury and adventure. enjoy fly fishing and america's finest trout stream. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat.
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>> when i left office we gave joe biden the most secure border in u.s. history. title 42, 571 border wal in, crooked joe and his radical left lunatics deliberately dismantled each and every one of those policies. that's former president trump calling out president biden for weakening border security. that was prior to last night's state of the union address. and now, after the speech last night, trump blasted biden on truth social. he was basically posting live in reaction to the biden campaign speech, calling the state of the union address an angry, polarizing and hate filled speech. trump also slammed biden for barely mentioning immigration or the border. republican lawmakers booed president biden when he brought up the senate border deal. watch this. in november, after my team began serious negotiations with the bipartisan group of
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senators, the result was a bipartisan bill with the toughest set of border security reforms we've ever seen. oh, you don't think so? oh, you don't like that bill? that conservatives got together and said it was a good bill. i'll be darn. joining me right now is south carolina congressman ralph norman, a member of the house budget, financial services and rules committees. congressman, thanks very much for being here. what was your takeaway from the state of the union? maria joe biden? the premise of giving the state of the union speech was to give an update on how he's addressing the problems of america, that his vision for the future, what we got was a another political speech, nothing was mentioned about the border. the chinese balloon that flew over this country, the inflation, the supply chain shortages and the list goes on and on. but you could have turned on a recording of past
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politicians who gave canned speeches. it would have fit the day. and it was a sad day. but the bar was low for him anyway. well, to me it felt more like a campaign speech than anything else. i mean, he kept trying to mentioning america's border griff jenkins was in eagle pass and he spoke to one honduran migrant wearing a biden here is 2020 t-shirt. the man claimed not to know who biden and harris were, watch this. [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] [laughter] maria: congressman, your thoughts. >> where did he get the biden kamala harris shirt, where did they get the food, the shoes, i've been to the border, it's an embarrassment, the taxpayers do
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not deserve having to pay for this who is paying for the airline flights, the taxpayers, joe biden is disconnected from america, he is not truthful and that was on full display, he was propped up for 67 minutes but 40 of it was criticizing the republicans in talking about his immigration bill with the stroke of a pen he could end the war that caused the death of laken riley who he mispronounced the name, but he did not do that and that's how this man does. maria: newt gingrich tweeted about the flights that you r referring to, he writes this why is president biden so desperate to have illegal immigrants in the united states that he would use taxpayer money to secretly fly 350,000 illegals and refused to tell us who they are, where they went and how much it cost, are they going to use illegal immigrant boats to defeat
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americans in the fall? that's what newt gingrich is writing this morning on x, your reaction. >> that's exactly right, why else would he do it, i've been to the border they have cardboard nametags with numbers on it and when you look at them and try to take a picture yet of an american that comes up, strictly for voting power or to retain democrats to retain the power and they're putting them in states all over the country and it's so unfair and the flight that i was on in mcallen texas most illegal immigrants did not have form of identification that the taxpayers are paying for, it's really a crime. maria: i'm glad you mentioned taxpayer ids. now ag garland, merrick garland is pledging to fl fight any laws that require a voter id.
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you have to help me understand this. we are a few month away from presidential election and their outlawing using your id to vote? >> they give them a federal id and the worst part about it, they can vote and they can buy guns and firearms, it's a national security threat what joe biden is doing to america and it should not happen in the end of his reign of terror hopefully will end in november would americans finally figure out we cannot afford this nor the terror threat that is plaguing every american in the threat is real and it is there. maria: i know you been supporting nikki haley throughout this and she dropped out of the republican race this week you were the only gop congressman to endorse haley, now you endorse president trump but haley has not are you expecting haley supporters to move on to trump?
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>> absolutely, this is not democrat or republican this is american in the fact that you have a comparison between donald trump between four years were great and what joe biden has done to this country i don't know how we walk it back. i think all of the supporters for nikki will be on board and it's really no choice are you better off today than you were four years under trump, absolutely not. i think the voters will express themselves and biden is disconnected from all of that, his words will not explain the policies that he has inflicted on america. maria: how far america has fallen in these three years under joe biden of the democrats, joe pinion, jumping. >> quickly i know you listen to the speech last night from the president and we know the constitution says the president from time to time give to congress information on the state of the union, many of us
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waiting to get an acknowledgment of the reality facing everyday americans, how do we make the pivot to get people in the key swing states to recognize how bad things have been and how dishonest the narrative presented by the president was every single day and certainly on full display in that speech. >> americans are feeling and their pocketbook, they are scared and the negative effect that is having. the fact that he says that is not true he is the one that is not telling the truth and not trying to address it. i don't think he understands that he does not want to and his main goal is to remain in power in the american people are going to get that. i think they will express it in november. maria: he tried to use last night as an opportunity to do that stay in power with a campaign speech, thinking for being here. ralph norman joining us, stay
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>> welcome back, president trump ordered to pay off in the defamation case, cheryl casone with the details. >> the judges demanded the former president pay the $83.3 million jury award teg and carol ann trump has denied all the allegation which included sexual assault in the defamation issue and also trump requested to delay all of this, lewis kaplan giving the former president until monday to pay up. breaking news a ship is on its way to gaza carrying humanitarian aid president confirming a ship that belongs
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to spain's open arms will make a pilot voyage to test the c corridors, residents of gaza face hunger and supply shortages, president biden said he will build appear to deliver humanitarian aid. the tsa unveiling a screening checkpoint at las vegas harry reid international airport this is the first time the agency is using this technology aimed at secondary screenings or pat downs that are needed, tsa saying the aim is to provide a self-sufficient passenger screening process while enabling passengers to directly receive on person alarm information and allow for the passenger cell for revolution of those alarms to reduce instances where a patdown or a secondary screening procedure would be necessary, the video monitor will provide step-by-step instruction, agents on hand in the test as seen as a plan for other airports, finally let's stay with aviation, attire
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falling off a united plane after it took off from the san francisco international airport from japan, united flight 35, boeing 777200 immediately diverted to los angeles where it landed safely and in a statement united saying this is the fox news digital, the aircraft is designed to land safely with missing or damaged tires once it lands to los angeles and aircraft to continue this trip with customers and on their way and as for the tire it landed added employee parking lot and a damage several cars, luckily nobody was hurt. maria: there is something seriously go would wrong with her airplanes. president biden downplayed the china threat last night in the state of the union address. watch this. >> i heard many republican and democratic trends say that china is on the rise in america is
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falling behind they got it backwards i want competition with china not conflict in a stronger position to win the conflict of the 21st century against china than anyone else for that matter. maria: gate stone institute fellow and author of the coming collapse of china and china is going to war, gordon chang back with us. he says repeatedly he wants competition with china not conflict but when the communist party is putting conflict on a silver platter in front of you, you actually need to respond there were no comments with the aggression coming out of a communist china included the decades of intellectual property theft cover surveillance in american citizens and surveillance balloon, fentanyl flowing into the country killing
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100,000, not to mention support for the other adversaries of the world and that is russia and iran and all of the chinese nationals coming to the southern border, no comments on any of that? >> what he talked about that no he talked about two places he did not say the important word which is china he declared quote unquote peoples were in 2019 a phrase that americans say is propaganda which is great meaning for the communist party they call that total war and we need a president who is saying and he will say china is an enemy but biden won't call them an adversary, that is a failure many of the problems he talked about last night begin in beijing and he did not address that at all. maria: why isn't he mentioning the u.s. number one adversary, why isn't he mentioning all the efforts by communist china to undermine america.
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>> there are only three possibilities that he is misguided and naïve, he's corrupt or he's a trader, pick your choice i don't know what's inside of his mind that we seem very disturbing behavior from president biden when it comes to china. for instance you went through the list and there are more but just to take one on his very first day in office he allowed into the u.s., he repealed president trump's executive order banning the importation into the united states upgraded equipment made by china even though there was evidence that china was sabotaging before sending to the u.s., that is incomprehensible to me, i don't know the answer to your question but the american people need to ask questions and need to demand
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their president talk to them about this. maria: also in the first week of office canceled the china initiative, the china initiative was quite successful. secretary pompeo and president trump put to the china initiative which was indicting anybody who was sending intellectual property and stealing intellectual property and surveilling american citizens that's why they close down the houston embassy and indicted the professor at harvard et cetera et cetera he canceled that, james comer will tell you they have $30 million that is gone directly to joe biden from china and others, 170 suspicious activity reports the gift of a porsche from kazakhstan into diamonds from china as well as perjury and violations, that from chairman comer, what do you say in terms of number two him being compromise is certainly a possibility, the president failed to mention tiktok in the state of the union, the house energy and commerce committee
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unanimously voted to move forward with bipartisan legislation that would give bytedance the owner of tiktok six months to divest or risk being banned from the app stores, are they really going to do it? will biden do it when he's on tiktok regularly doing campaign to young people, house majority leader steve scalise posted this on x saying he plans to bring the bill to the house for a vote next week, tiktok is trying to stop the bill a new notice on the app is warning users of a total ban, the social media platform is directing users to call their lawmakers to stop a shutdown of the chinese owned at, your thoughts. >> certainly, we know that tiktok poses to primary national security threats the continual theft of data from users as well as china using the app to propagate its narratives in including a narrative like promoting illegal drug use, we know they exacerbate political
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divisions of the united states and propagate russian disinformation about the ukraine war, we know all of this and we know biden himself banned the use of tiktok on federal devices and during the super bowl this year his biden hq joined the app into play the video. really what were talking about is the president who is using for political purposes and app known to be a danger to the united states. i don't understand this and by the way whether the first things that biden did when he came to office he also refers president trump's efforts to ban tiktok and we chat from the united states, that shows a president who is allowing china to continue to attack the united states. maria: the three reasons are spot on, why would he do this, if you go on tiktok right now
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you can find videos of all the instructions about how to breach america how to get into the country illegally, the chinese are directing the illegal migrants to come into america also again undermined the united states. then this from the wall street journal reporting congressional probe of chinese built cargo cranes deployed at ports throughout the country has found communication equipment that does not appear to support normal operation in the installed components in some cases include modems that could be remotely accessed. what a surprise chinese made cranes all over the country at u.s. ports are being compromise by the chinese communist party potentially. this is no surprise to you, these cranes are made in china why are they being used at airports. >> that's a great question and we know that china is using the supply of critical infrastructure in the u.s. to
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monitor and probably for acts of sabotage i'm sure on the first day of the war the cranes would not operate because of the modems, this is on us we know the chinese have been doing this for decades and surveillance cameras and electrical grid equipment is the cranes and we don't do anything to protect ourselves this is republicans and democrats and what we need is the american people to be outraged at both political parties who are failing to deal with a known threat. maria: we need to understand what else has made in china that could be undermining our own personal lives, what else are we buying that is made in china that could work against us? >> i think the answer to that is anything that we buy from china, really what were talking about is a full-fledged an assault on the american republic by china they use every point of contact to take down our country
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included the supply of critical infrastructure in simple things could be like food, really were talking about a chinese assault on us. maria: we will keep watching as we have been. gordon chang on communist china. turning the state of the union address into a campaign speech at a campaign rally for himself. hillary vaughn with a recap coming up. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ ♪ voya ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices.
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maria: president biden delivering his third state of the union address where he tried to counter criticism about his age and mental acuity, fox business hillary vaughn on capitol hill with more. >> good morning president biden had a lot on the line he needed to prove that his old age would not be a problem there were over 80! in biden's prepared remarks in an effort from the biden team to make the president seem energized enough for the job.
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>> i've been told i'm too old whether young or old i've always known what endures the issue facing our nation is that how old we are it is how old are ideas. >> republicans think while trying to come across energetic biden seemed angry and in denial. >> is a proof of life speech, i'm alive i'm able to give a speech i read off a teleprompter and i'm able to do the whisper and most of the screaming and then there were parts that were czar, for example he is out there lecturing americans about basically here's the message, the economy is doing much better than you think it's doing, i don't care how much you think things cost you or how much are suffering. >> former presidents have reserved the state of the union to unify the country biden wasn't shy about turning this into a campaign rally this is
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likely the biggest captive audience biden will ever have all year he took the opportunity to scold the supreme court for overturning roe v. wade. >> with all due respect justices women are not without electoral power electoral or political power. >> those bragging about overturning roe v. wade have no clue about the power of women but they found out when reproductive freedom was on the ballot in 2020 and will win again in 2024. >> even though president biden bragged that abortion been on the ballot is a winning issue for his campaign he did not say the actual word abortion it was in his remarks but he skipped over it. maria: hillary vaughn on capitol hill, joe pinion, there was a lot about abortion and ukraine and a lot of attacks on
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president trump, it felt like a campaign speech to me and definitely not a state of the union. i do not come away from that speech understanding the state of the union better. >> certainly i don't think that was the purpose of the speech i think one thing was on full display and have a candidate that has not much to say and struggles to say it, you walk slowly to the podium and did you scream very loudly when you get there, shrink flake and perhaps the word of the night 1500 words less than you would expect from the state of the union but again more about what you did not hear from the president than what you did here you did not hear but the chinese communist party and you most certainly did not hear the aftermath of october 7 for the prohibitive were the leader of the free world to say send home the hostages, that is such a great point, nothing about sending home the hostages. other problem i have with the speech last night.
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joe pinion, thank you for joining us this hour we appreciated we will see you soon without political power hour, here the state of the union thoughts of jason chaffetz, doug collins and morgan ortagus. you are watching "mornings with maria". stay with us. ♪
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