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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  March 8, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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to join the united states, delaware, new jersey, connecticut. lauren: connecticut. stuart: i'm going to go with connecticut. the answer is connecticut. the first four states to join the union were dollar, penciling you, new jersey and georgia. connecticut was the fifth to join the union. i'm going to say thank you for sticking around. we will be watching you 1:00 eastern on "the big money show" right here on the fox business network. i wound up a little early. for 20 seconds now. i did say i remembered the fifth, i was contacted by a relative who told me, with dire straits, i was informed by a relative. coast-to-coast.
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adam: what i hand off. last night the president kind of the trend was his friend, white house got some ammunition. today it showed the trend is playing out. 275,000 more americans joining the workforce in the latest month and the two prior month revise sharply lower is it turns out but the president said it is onward and upward for america. same for the stock market. not across the board particularly with a lot of technology stocks taking a beating that completely reversed what had been heady advances in the nasdaq. gary, what do you think? gary:the nasdaq has gone vertical the last few weeks and is overdue. amazing points on the scoreboard with a i and the rest of that but the market overall is in good shape. the financials are acting better, the small mid-caps are
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acting better so i think we're in good shape notwithstanding, we needs and settling down and pull back and that will work well as we move forward. neil:'s with the drop-off 10% on the week, talking about 30% since two weeks ago when announced those earnings. one day does not define an entire sector. how do you look at the market, a lot of technology stocks, maybe this is a chance not only to bring them back but i noticed when that happens. >> nvidia from the breakout january 8th is up 80% and i just think a lot of it is too much too soon. ed in the crypto which is a lot of froth and i always worry when there is too much froth and i believe there will be some comeuppance.
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and 200 sectors, every commodity. and notwithstanding this thing does need to settle down, to pull back, especially high beta names, amazingly so. neil: every night you do this? what do you do for fun? >> only takes me about an hour. jack: like me with the script of the show. let me ask where we stand after the state of the union address. some snap polls overnight, maybe 10 points, that he doubled enthusiasm. don't know how they number that. it's not uncommon for president to benefit from a state of the union address especially if expectations are low. bill clinton comes to mind when he had his statement the union
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address when the monica lewinsky thing broke up. he comported himself well, he was up 10 points. didn't last long but bottom line his presidency survived that. what do you make now of this? >> normal to get a pop off the state of the union but we've got a long way to go. the amount of months is like five years in the political world and there's a lot going on. what we are not going to have debates, they are not going to go front and center and i believe, this is my worry, i know he was all tough and going. a lot of numbers he gave out not true and i worry, the mountain of debt, the sea of debt, the big increase in government control and spending, $4.4 trillion in spending in 2019, this year approaching 7 trillion which is more than any covid year, that worries me and i worry the economy is on stilts because of
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the massive government spending. we will see how it comes out. if we have a balanced budget, there goes the economy. that's how bad they put us in the straits right now. adam: pockets are not shrinking violet when it comes to spending. we will see how that sort out but good seeing you. i want to go to hillary fun because this president was outlining more spending to come and tax hikes to come but whether that addresses that spending is anyone's guess. hillary with more on that. >> reporter: president biden talks about giving americans a little more breathing room and last night in his state of the union address he laid out plans to make those rooms americans are breathing in less expensive by delivering relief for homeowners and renters. >> president biden: the cost of housing is important to you. inflation keeps coming down, mortgage rates will come down as well. the fed acknowledges that.
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i'm not waiting. >> reporter: biden proposing mortgage relief tax credit that would provide first-time middle-class homebuyers and annual credit of $5,000 for two years, the white house effectively cutting the rate by one. 5 percentage points, biden's plan would provide down payment assistance for first-generation homebuyers, 25,000 for people who are first in their family to buy home and also announced a $20 billion grant funded to build more homes and rental units to boost inventory and alleviate the demand pressures on the current housing supply. >> president biden: to build and renovate 2 million affordable homes and bring those rents down. >> reporter: he talked more about raising taxes than can cost on everyday americans, introducing his plan to raise the corporate tax rate of 28% and to blend a new 25% tax on billionaires. he also called out shrinks laois and and snickers without
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addressing the fact that people can't afford to feed their families. >> president biden: snack companies think you won't notice if they change the size of the bag, they put a lot fewer, same size bag, put fewer chips senate. they charge the same amount, you've got 10% fewer snickers in it. >> reporter: tax hikes to tax cuts to making sure you are getting all of the snickers you are paying for, all of this requires congress to get it done. we will see if the president can get them to do it. lauren: 1 is he saying? these companies do that, so it's like a shock absorber for the higher price you would pay. the snickers thing, i don't flipped over snickers but italian sausage, the fact of the matter is going to have to make it more affordable to you and that is one way to do it, the alternative is lift the price of 30% and see what you think of that. it's a backward target.
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lauren: they have to limit what they are selling you so they don't increase the prices much but i'm glad to know when i'm eating an entire bag of chips i'm not a getting as many chips as i thought i was eating. neil: great stuff, hillary vaughan following that. steve forbes is back here, jerry baker, wall street journal editor at large. to that argument i think it misses the point of the companies are in this position if they want to pass along the increases, that's one way to do it, go ahead and lift 30% or whatever it is or try to find a way that makes a little more palatable for people, you know what i mean? >> somebody at the white house is done a focus group and talked about snickers, the president should talk about shrink for laois and. you' in. you are absolutely right. companies are not raising the costs out of avenue arrest or evil or something like that.
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they are raising their prices because the prices, the cost they have to pay themselves, labor costs are real estate costs or cost of imported goods have gone up so much in the last three years. the other thing is this focus on the shrinks laois and and talking about chips in the bag, it focuses people's attention on its greatest economic vulnerability, the fact that prices have gone up. i don't know why people think this is helpful for him to go after companies when everybody understand that inflation has gone up because of the very supply-chain pressures but also when he first became president they spent huge amounts of money on stimulus and continue to spend more money after that and it focuses attention on his biggest point of vulnerability, doesn't make -- stuart: you said better than i, we wouldn't have shrink inflation if we didn't have inflation but this goes back a
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couple thousand years. when you have inflation in roman times, good for the lions, the medieval times witches and now greedy corporations. somebody said it's like saying an airplane crashes caused by gravity. there are other factors involved. the scapegoating is a poisonous atmosphere we have today. neil: does politically work, seems wanting to me to blame something and i get that but in the end you are the guy in charge and i was a member john f. kennedy after the bay of pigs disaster, he took the blame, he could have just as easily set as new president, he might have poorly delivered the goods but the fact of the matter is he said success has a thousand authors and failure is an orphan but it is amazing. >> john kennedy was a leader and joe biden is no john kennedy in terms of being able
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to make policies that work and take responsibility when things don't go well. this whole thing of ending last night, what you saw last night was part one of the democratic convention. normally presidential campaigns really get underway after labor day now it starts with the state of the union and a bump in the polls leaves a bad taste for most people. what he did was try to show he is cognizant. he loved the interruptions from the audience to show he could respond to that and also to get democrats in line and say you got me, i'm feisty and ready to go. it was more for the democratic base and independents. neil: i'm looking at that. if he shored up his base to steve's point you can say the search for an alternative might be put off for a while if not completely. there is is that.
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he has to get back to this point he has been pushing, this trend is your friend thing for the american people to realize what he says is going on around him. >> his polling numbers are terrible, we know that. we have to see if this has an effect. i doubt it will have a lasting effect. his poll numbers are terrible, loses to donald trump in a head to head, his approval rating the lowest since jimmy carter. he loses in swing states except one. that has been leading to more murmuring among democrats, is this last and do we have to find a way to find another way it if biden doesn't perform well is this the opportunity and what he did last night, he quieted that murmuring because he came out, shouting and confrontational and what was really interesting, was kind of
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a populist message, it was the old joe biden and all democrats, we heard about democrats being obsessed and there was a bit of this, the modern left, this was bashing corporations, bashing the rich, promising things. neil: incorporations will pay more taxes, they are evil and all that stuff and i always think to myself whatever you make of the top one%, what account to tax the -- half of the taxes you pay. well. >> that part doesn't annoy me when they say it's time for the rich to pay their share. as you pointed out not only are they paying their share but a higher share. neil: what is fair share? it's one hundred%. everything you own. where do we go with this? the base is energized more than it was.
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it may be shows when the battle is on he can get up for the battle but we are still in the long battle another 8 months. where do you see it going? >> he is in deep trouble. there was a lot of talk this morning on some of the networks, biden favorable media outlets, this stops the bleeding, this was, biden is that, won't here a bore about biden's troubles, it doesn't do that and he defined last night he did fine it was animated and looked alive which is important. stuart: is that the bar? >> the front page of the new york post, he is alive. but he's got to keep doing that every single time. he's got to look good every time and he's not going to. there's going to be more errors and moments he goes around
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looking like a roomba and that is going to be more of a problem for him. the fundamentals are really bad for him. the inflation problem, immigration is a big issue, the world is in disarray, don't see it getting better. stuart: might look too many people, he is within the margin of error against donald trump and certainly he is right about these polls that show trump leading but not by much so it's a contest here. for all his problems maybe that's a reflection on donald trump, he can make a contest of it. >> in the months ahead, despite the happy talk about the economy a lot of people might say it's a tale of two economies, a lot of people are in desperate shape, saw a number this morning the amount of interest households are paying on nonmortgage debt matches mortgages. a lot of people are over their
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heads, they don't feel they are getting off the treadmill, the treadmill is winning and they don't see a future. what biden did last night was guarantee a lot of this, businesses know the rules of the game after november so in that sense it was productive. in terms of he shored up his base and i also think this goes to show republicans have to put out substantive things like ronald reagan did and trumpeted in 2016 saying here are the things we will do to make your lives better. we did it in the past, here's how we will do it in the future. neil: great job, number one comment is a comment. we are going to take -- >> i'm not the author. stuart: got to own it. neil: this could be decision day for no labels, this teasing of a third-party alternative to a rematch of the last election. joe lieberman is heading up the effort, where that stands. ♪
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neil: the hungary's prime minister is in town to visit the last president, donald trump. here's more from palm beach, florida. >> reporter: that meeting with the hunger in prime minister is expected to happen a little later today, that will be happening between trump and that prime minister. the biden campaign is come out and called him a dictator and already attacked him on that but in terms of the former president, some people call biden's speech last night saying biden came alive, the former president took the social media and called biden, quote, psycho and this is what he told fox digital exclusively about biden's performance last night, quote, he was angry, mentally disturbed, misrepresenting a lot of the facts concerning almost every subject he discussed, he was very angry and that's a symptom of a certain type of problem, senility. the senator from alabama deliver the republican party's
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official report will from her kitchen table, trump said she did a great job and offered a great contrast to biden as the youngest female republican the senator ever. >> right now the american dream has turned into a nightmare, the american people are scraping by while president biden proudly proclaims that bidenomics is working. bless his heart. >> reporter: robert f kennedy junior delivered his own state of the union last night saying americans don't want to choose between the lesser of two evils. >> our nation, americans everywhere want to heal the divide. our nation has become artificially divided by political forces that can survive only when we the people are at war with each other. people are tired of being manipulated by fear.
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>> reporter: rfk junior at no labels have democrats particularly worried about hurting biden in battleground states. fox can confirm no labels holding a meeting today at expected to vote to move forward with a bipartisan unity ticket from the november election, no labels is not expected to announce or pick their president or vice president on that note, some potential contenders who have already ruled out third-party runs include nikki haley and larry hogan. joe manchin and kirsten sinema. neil: brian yannis doing independent work in florida. the no founding labels chairman on what that group is up to. good having you on but still on the hunt for an alternative to a replay of the last election, how's it going? >> absolutely. these are the moments of
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decision. when our members came to us a a year and 1/2 ago and could see the possibility of another trump/biden matchup in 2,024 and were upset about it because it will be another nasty, partisan, divisive campaign whichever one of them is elected doesn't offer us much hope that washington will get back to working across party lines so we said to them we can't make the decision on this until after supertuesday because we don't know who's going to be the nominee. that will be primaries. can't start getting access to ballots which we have done but now it's after supertuesday and we are implementing the plans we've had for a long time, going to the no labels grassroots convention today basically for an authorization to go forward with two things,
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establish a process, have a nominating committee, gather data to make sure we have a chance to win and not going to spoil it for one of the candidates and most important to come up with a ticket. julie: need names, you need individuals. i know what you're trying to do, get on the ballot in all 50 states, you need people are the types of people you are looking at to drive that and i'm wondering are you looking at nikki haley? >> nikki haley, she expressed interest in the no labels nomination it would have been a lot of support in our group which is chosen otherwise and you got to respect that. . 20 she set out right she's not interested in that? she's running as a republican. that is still her view? >> we take that as the last word.
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lauren: 1 me ask about christensen, the independent arizona senator, former democrat, running again for that office, have you talked to her about a bigger office? >> she's not interested. but here's the good news. we have a good crop of really fresh faces will present a contrast to trump. neil: give me some ideas. >> i wish i could but they will not kill me but they will punish. neil: a lot of marquee names, larry hogan running from maryland senate. acted like an independent governor but i am wondering, mitt romney was out there for a ticket, you want to republican and democrat still, right? >> we definitely do. we are talking to some people we think are exceptional
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candidates that represent the no labels commonsense majority. . 20 are they well-known names? joe manchin took himself out so a lot of the players we heard first, apparently opted out and they were frustrated. >> they have their life plans but here's what i want to say. we are talking to people who will present a real contrast to trump and biden and rfk junior and joel stein. the american people seem to be crying out for 1/3 choice including within the last week, the supporters of nikki haley, so my guess is we are going to give them that choice. i look forward to coming on the show. i can tell you the names but could be a long way from that, we are ready to go if authorized today. that will happen the next couple weeks.
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neil: you could also played to exchange who was looking for running mate for george w. bush and end up the nominee yourself? >> it is a wonderful precedent but i have withdrawn myself. neil: i was just curious how that one went. it is out there. joe lieberman, keep us posted, we appreciate it very much. thank you. in the meantime, corner of wall and broad, the s&p is fine off of its lows, not so the nasdaq. a lot of these chipmakers are under enormous pressure. what's behind that and some classic profittaking. we will get more on that. ♪ jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal
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adam: these are the images that if you're a boeing good, you don't flipped over. the boeing the rolled onto the grass in houston, everyone was okay but it comes on the heels of another, was it an american flight are united flight where the wheel fell off, united. we are seeing more of this sort of stuff, these reminders for boeing coming outta time when they don't need it. a lot of travelers getting ready for easter, related spring holidays, a little antsy about that and we will keep you posted on that. gary is back with me. we were touching on this but boeing can't get out of its own way. gary:the number one job is safety. i've got news for you. if they were in higher altitude when the door fell off it would have been a disaster and likely
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nobody was sitting in that seat. one guy lost his shirt. very lucky. all i can tell you is their stock has been cut in half and feels like murphy's law. if they don't get their act together and we keep hearing from the faa saying we are okay and they are flying those planes but this, a tire falls off? this was a 37 max. neil: you don't get many chances to make a second or third impression and that is where we are. let me ask about technology, the sell off. for nvidia it's not quite 4% or 5% but up 10% in the last week or so. no one feels sorry for investors but what do you think. gary:these stocks have gone vertical. i charge these things and they have gone vertical. nvidia up 80% as of this second
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from january 8th and recently, taiwan semiconductor, vertical. never lasts. what happened today without getting technical, you would pass some levels, you broke some big trend lines. that's where you get exhaustion. that is all that happened here. they will go higher. near-term got to have, a year ago they sat for six months before the latest move. neil: do you look at these as internet boom type stocks that crashed? i look at it as the difference being a lot of these guys are making money and before the bust back then, and all, they were not. gary:my job is to find the pretenders. what happens when the few
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stocks get going others will follow but not as good. when you have nvidia where earnings and sales growth triple digits, big triple digits, taiwan semi up, not growing sales and then 25% to 30% and others, there's something going on and a lot of talk about ai being hyper, i think it is for real right now. that can change, the semiconductor industry, over buying, if everybody buys too much you end up in a glut and if you have a glut stocks come down and i'm not sure that's happening at this juncture. this is big stuff and i've been talking to smart ai people, they think it is for real and we are going to stay on top of it. lauren: the always good seeing you. in the meantime the president was trying to sell the notion in his state of the union address that trend is his friend, inflation is stabilizing and things look good. madison alworth goes to people to ask if they believe that
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going to diners and other places, she doesn't eat. the fact is she is seeing and talking to folks in pennsylvania about that subject. >> reporter: come en. i love my bacon but that among other food items is up. last night the president said the american family are doing well. the economy is strong. i've been talking to diners all morning at the etc. family restaurant. i will bring you what they have to say after this. ♪
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adam: the president of the united states growing about things getting better, inflation getting better as well. madison alworth decided to talk to people about that as she does, going out and getting a sense of how men and women are feeling about this in reading, pennsylvania. madison: the diners are dishing. i will join is lunch table here. we were talking about inflation in the grocery store, you had some pretty jarring examples of the way you are still feeling that inflation front and center. >> definitely. one item is orange juice. orange juice, a gallon of orange juice is $6.80, around $6. you don't expect it to be that but that is one item. there's many more but i have a
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home business, in walmart and that is $6.50 or something like that. it is plastic. it's like every item in the grocery store, it is up $0.50. it is gradually but never coming down. >> reporter: it feels like they are way up. one thing we talked about was housing if you look at the housing market, they are up. >> house pricing is still high and housing pricing is so high and the interest rates are high so i don't know what's going to give but i don't see how the economy is good when both of those things are high. lauren: 1 not helping my case with thank you for letting me crash your lunch. let me move to iris.
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interrupting the end of lunch and iris, we were talking about food, you have a family, younger kids. do you feel inflation with food or where do you feel it? >> we do groceries now. every week we go and spend $300 which i've not seen a change at all on the contrary, it is going up. we got a letter at home saying the rent is going to go up. our insurance just went up. everything keeps going up and up and up. i haven't seen the difference in anything. >> reporter: you said parking spots are up. >> everything is up everywhere you go you see it. >> reporter: thank you. there you have it. when it comes to the american diner although they are paying at a restaurant or at the grocery store where i am hearing it, they are not feeling that relief so there seems to be a disconnect there. back to you. neil: could expand the president's low paul numbers, thank you for that.
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tom, this is the stuff you and i have gotten in the past, a disconnect between economic numbers which are improving whether you credit the president or not, they are getting better and the jobs growth shows that, retail sales and a lot of that activity shows that but these are average folks who say when i go to the grocery store looking at orange juice rocketing along and these other things rocketing along, it's not working for me. what do you think? >> is that woman charging more for her cookies? that's the challenge, that is the problem in mainstreet, people are complaining about the fact that things are more expensive but they want to get paid more money and so inflation arises when there's more money in the system and people are being paid more so we have this situation that mainstreet wants what they want and the fiscal system,
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capitalism works on a supply and demand model and when there's more supply of cash in the system people are getting paid more, this is what is going to happen on inflation. the reason the job numbers were good today is because we have more companies and more employers than we ever had before in the world. there's more startups, morris mds so we are reading about companies laying people off but those people are getting hired again in small and medium-sized businesses. that's why we are not having high unemployment and that is why inflation isn't coming down at record rates. neil: the president said blame these companies, shrinkwrap, i say they are compelled to do that to sell product because of the alternative to sell the same products, 30% more but it is their fault, not his fault. >> this is a typical situation of every politician clings to their base.
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he has to play to the people he's trying to get, blaming corporate america, the reason you are not making more, goods are more expensive, companies are oppressing you. i'm in the picket lines and that's the message to send. the reason things are more expensive, the government subsidies and cashback during covid, a lot of the situations, when interest rates are low for so long ago higher. what it does to the system is it takes a while to adjust. when you're dealing with an economy of 350 million people, trillions of dollars of deficit, and gdp, it takes longer to get fixed no matter who is president. to blame corporate america gives the jobs is sending the wrong message, since the wrong message the people in this country. lee 20 very good seeing you again.
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12:50 pm
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12:51 pm
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>> president biden: it's not about him, it's not about me. [shouting] >> laken riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal, that's right, but how many thousands are being killed by legals? jack: a lot where the president was interrupted and it got to be raucous for those looking at the border it should be and given the attention of the fact
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the president hadn't mentioned laken riley prior to this, that was a constructive development. congresswoman kat cammac, what did you think of that disruption? some people, speaker mike johnson said it would have happened anyway. >> it's good to see you. i attended the state of the unions as a member of congress, despite the fact i might not like who is in the office at the time i respect the office of the president and i believe in the long-held tradition of listening to the state of the union but last night was more of a state of delusion rather than state of the union because it was embarrassing and dangerous, that interruption in particular really highlighted that he was trying to make a point. she was trying to show that he was still quick on his feet and able to react and in a horrible misstep not only didn't even say her name right, calder
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lincoln, but looked to the gallery as though her parents were there which we know her parents denied the invitation to come to capitol hill. it was embarrassing, hurtful and highlighted how out of step he is with the american people on this issue. neil: you are making a double effort to those who get arrested, not just to be let out so where is that right now and how much support behind that beyond the house? >> it's a very great common sense measure that democrats will find very hard to argue against. we've seen time and again where they took down the fentanyl act on the house floor for reasons unknown. they seem to squirm their way around in trying to figure out ways to take these commonsense measures down because it doesn't jibe with their political agenda but in this case it is so wrong, so front
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and center, it's happening all over the country in my district, 76-year-old man was hit by van for the 5 illegals left on the side of the road to die, this is happening everywhere in the united states. if biden is serious about tackling crime as a result of the open border crisis which two thirds of federal arrests are from illegals. when you think about that we need to make sure we are staying focused on it. it plays right into his narrative that he is certainly tough on border issues. neil: blamed republicans for blocking the bipartisan border bill. i had a feeling that was how this would play out. what do you think? >> last night was about shoring up his base. it was reminiscent of an old man yelling at you to get off
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his line. lots of yelling, lots of screaming, pounding of fists and it was trying too hard but he was touching on subjects to shore up his base because his polls nationally are abysmal. he is already seeing that if he can't win his base he can't win at all. that was a partisan speech, this effort to call the package is a misnomer. we know it was nothing but an attempt to throw money at a problem government and big government don't care about solving it. the package didn't secure the border. it processed people faster. neil: good seeing you again. thank you very much. no labels has gone ahead and voted to move forward with a presidential ticket. they currently don't have one but are intent on finding one and getting it on all 50 states. after this.
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neil: of yours to go but for the major market averages getting tested today and all are down, don't cry for them. keeping an eye on it


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