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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 8, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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demographic. people that are 65 and older are now sitting on a trillion more in spendable assets. and they're the ones that we're looking at in term of am-ex. liz: we've got about 15 is seconds left. we're overdue for even a 5 correction. do you see it coming? >> a pause to refresh is not a bad thing, but we still see upside is. nvidia is basically the poster child for if a.i., but also people are talking about how expensive it is. market is a discounting mechanism. it's going to be trading at 32 times forward earnings. for a company that's grown at 75%, i'd be there all day. liz: interesting. gus, it's great to have you. ah, the bell closing out the week. and, folks, it's not the biggest loss here right now. minor losses. we'll see what happens next week. but propelled by a better than expected jobs number. it's interesting to see the red. ♪ ♪ larry: hello, folks, welcome to
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"kudlow." i'm larry kudlow. so president biden's state of the union peach last night mainly vilified donald trump -- speech. mr. biden had some memory loss, he he thought it was the democratic national convention instead of the state of the union, but he was standing at the end of the speech. we will have commentary from vivek ramaswamy and governor doug burgum about all that. we're going to ask our own steve hilton who's going to win the presidential election. good question. plus, today's jobs report came in on the soft side. our own taylor riggs and breitbart's john carney will tell us why. kash patel is going to try to explain how the u.s. military can actually build a new mediterranean port in gaza, no less. but first up, let's head to washington d.c. edward lawrence standing by with more from last night's to hangover. edward, what can you tell us? [laughter] >> reporter: well, you said it, larry. we heard one of the most partisan state of the union addresses that the i can remember. it seemed president biden used
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to occasion to talk directly to his democratic base without much reaching across the aisle or unity in this speech. >> my predecessor, a former republican president, tells putin, quote, do whatever the hell you want. my predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about january 6th. i will not do that. my predecessor is determined to see roe v. wade overturned. he's the reason it was overturned, and he brags about it. my predecessor failed the most basic presidential duty that he owes to american people, the duty the care. >> reporter: 13 times president biden said my predecessor. the president tried to good a response from republicans -- g goad a response which largely failed, and he said israel has the right to defend itself and and then seemingly reached out to voters or in michigan and minnesota who have protested him on this. >> israel must do its part. israel must allow more aid into
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gaza and insure humanitarian workers aren't caught in the crossfire. [applause] they're announcing they're going to, they're going to have a crossing in northern gaza is. if. >> reporter: so the gop response alabama senator katie britt brought the debate back home, asking the age-old question -- >> america deserves leaders who recognize that secure borders, stable prices, safe streets and a strong defense are actually the cornerstones of a great nation. just ask yourself, are you better off now than you were three years ago? >> reporter: and as you said at the top of the state of the union address, it could have been used as a convention speech. it looks like this presidential race is going to get nasty. larry: all right, edward lawrence, thank thanks very, very much. just a couple thoughts from me on this story.
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yes, yes, in last night's state of the union speech president joe biden had a whole bunch of whoppers and tall tales and fabrications that never if seemed to coincide with factual reality. the committee town leash prosperity's hotline reports on the budget deficit the familiar biden untruth when he says he reduced the deficit by $1.7 trillion, and can that's a number he's carried on with for years. and the washington post gave him a bottom withless pinocchio for it. -- bottomless. mr. biden generated about $6 trillion of red ink during his term so far, and the latest cbo base withline sew ises -- shows that federal debt in public hands is projected to rise to $48 trillion or 116% of fdp. both unheard of -- gdp. both unheard of numbers. biden's most recent budget includes $82 trillion in spending, over 10 years,
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eclipsing 24.8% of gdp which is $21 trillion higher hand the pre-biden cbo projections and is 21.1% more spending than the historical average of the past half century. then, of course, mr. biden gives the usual left-wing we will make the rich pay their fair share, which is always an amusing charge. given the fact that the top 1% of earnings pay nearly half of the federal income tax. 46%, to be exact. even though, by the way, they only earn 26% of the income, they pay 46% of the tax. go figure. by the way, study after study shows that lower tax rates reduce tax sheltering and produce more tax revenues. widen, of course -- biden, of course, with the usual far-left democratic class warfare promises to grow the economy, get this, with a soak the rich tax plan that will raise the
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corporate tax, nearly double the capital gains tax, quadruple the stock buyback tax, impose a new 25 wealth tax on unrealized capital gains on billionaires. but biden define cans billionaires as a -- defines billionaires as anyone with more than $100 million showing once again that he cannot count. then, of course, he keep telling us that he inherited a terrible economy from donald trump. the only problem with that assertion is in the third quarter of 2020, trump's covid v-shaped recovery produced a 3 3% growth rate, a 4.1% gdp in the fourth quarter of 2020 and a 6.5% growth rate in the first quarter of 2021. and get this, that was an inflation rate of 1.4 percent. now, this is not an economy on the brink of disaster, this is an economic silver plater that trump handed to biden and then proceeded to slam it into the
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ground with a 9% inflation rate peak and two negative gdp quarters in the first half of 2022. so go figure. now, one of the more troubles in the -- many troubles in the biden economy is the a affordability crises where typical working families is have lost money in the last three years because of high prices of essential goods and services and lackluster income. during the trump years, working folks got a 9% pay increase adjusted for inflation. during the biden years, they lost nearly 5%. the average oil price under mr. trump, $53 a barrel. under biden so far, $80 a barrel with. the average inflation rate under biden, 6 at an annual rate for three years. under mr. trump it was 1.9% for his entire 4-year term. adjusted for the pandemic, trump created 6.4 million new jobs and mr. biden only 5.5 million. and, of course, last night
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mr. biden continued his free-spending ways adding a new wrinkle this time. now he's going to try to push out a $400 mortgage credit for everybody to deal with the mortgage home ownership affordability crisis where mortgage rates, with by the way, were 2.5% during trump and now over 7 under biden. and, of course, mr. biden wants to forgive student loans. even though the supremes have ruled it unconstitutional. plus, he wants to increase a refundable earned income tax credit and a refundable child tax credit and a permanent expansion of supersized obamacare. subsidies. and the biden climate war against fossil fuels continues while he does nothing to solve the open border war against illegal immigrants and the illegal immigrant-related crime wave. yes, mr. biden was still standing at the end of his speech. but, no if, doesn't seem like he's doing a thing to make
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america great again. and that's my riff for this evening. all right. now we'll bring in the great vivek ramaswamy. former 2024 presidential candidate. vivek is, welcome back, as always. it was good to see you last night washington d.c. let me play just a quick sound from mr. biden. quick sound from mr. biden. here it comes, vivek. >> all americans deserve the freedom to be safe, and america's safer today than when i took office. larry: well, that's my -- is, in your judgment, is america safer today than it was three years ago? vivek ramaswamy? >> absolutely not. that's a lie, larry. and -- to the contrary, we have 10 million illegals who have entered this country and rising under biden's regime, that's what i'll call it. that's the largest scale violation of the rule of law that i think we've seen in modern american history. many of those criminals, people
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whose first act upon entering this country breaks the law. it predicts they're going to continue to break the law while they're already here. combine that with what we're seeing in cities from chicago to new york, a wave of crime that actually even requires the new york governor to now talk about bring out the national guard, something president trump said they would dismiss as dictatorial yet now they realize as potentially actually necessary. it veals that the state of the union we saw last night was orwellian in nature. say one thing when, in fact, the opposite is true. and i do think the american people now are attuned to see through that smoke screen, and i think many of them especially in the cities, larry, will do just that. larry: i mean, i would have thought if he was serious about crime, first of all, he has a plenty of executive authority. you and i talked about that. he's got 212f and 287g, both laws stop people from coming in illegally, work with the local police to deport criminals, okay? he could have used that. those are laws on the books for years.
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he didn't. point number one. point number two, he's not going to oppose any sanctuary cities. point number three, he has made no effort to defend cops. this is another thing. where's the blue line? in all these cities, new york and chicago and san francisco and elsewhere, biden, you know, he never seems to want to defend the blue line, the police or the firefighters. and his supporters are often a on the wrong side of the blue line. i think that dose part and parcel -- goes part and parcel with the fact that we are not safer than we were three years ago a. >> well, it does. i think 212f and 287g are excellent points, larry, because these are tools that the chief executive of the country, the u.s. president, already has. biden tried to make the case last night that they need new laws. we don't need new laws, we need a new who enforces the laws that are already on the books. 212f basically says the u.s. president has broad authority to set the criteria that other countries have to meet in order to send migrants to this
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country. the trump administration -- [inaudible] certain other countries need to have data points they need to provide, and if they can't provide them, people can't come from those countries. a reasonable step to talk. 287g effectively says that the 6,000 i.c.e. agents can use about a million local law enforcement to serve their own warrants. these are tools that don't require congress to act. it requires the president to execute the laws of the united states. which, as a reminder as if we need it, that's exactly what article ii of the constitution says the u.s. president not only has the authority to do, but has the responsibility to do. to execute the already existing laws of the united states. that's where this president has failed. and so i think it is a myth, and we've got to be careful not to fall into this trap, them saying that the republicans aren't going to pass some bill for the border. the real problem is if you don't have a president who's endorsing the draw -- enforcing the laws already on the books, we have no reason to believe that same president is going to enforce any new laws on the books
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either. it's another bait and switch, it's another smoke screen, and it's up to us to explain to independent voters why they shouldn't fall for that trick. and if we do a good job of that, larry, we're going to win. what we saw in that state of the union is they're going to deflect, lie, create a false mirage that if we are just complacent in our own right, that's a real risk. larry: one last one, vivek is, on this point of crime, lawlessness and, of course, the border collapse, why not end sanctuary or cities? this was a very bad idea to begin with. >> look, i think that there are easy steps we can take. how do you end sanctuary cities? no more federal funding for a city that is paying for and sanctioning a breakage of rule of law. mayors in other cities across this country regretting those decisions that were made. so one thing we can do on the right is rather than to point out the fact that they were wrong when they did it, let's actually celebrate it. when you have even democratic
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mayors that would say that was a mistake. if somebody made a mistake, they're willing to own up to it and at least correct their behaviors, we should always be the one to say, you know what? we will cheer you on as you do it. it creates the incentive structure for more of them to do the same thing. end sanctuary cities, end birthright citizenship for the kids of illegals, end federal funding for central america until each of those countries has done their part to blockade their own boards -- borders, militarize our own southern border, finish completion of the wall with. our border crisis is solved. this isn't the stuff of rocket science. the country that put a man on the moon can get this much done. this is a challenge of will, will power, and it's not going to come from biden. it's why we need to elect president trump as the next president. we saw what happened with four years under trump. you laid it out well. now we have four years under biden almost. compare and contrast, if it comes down to that, this should be a landslide election. larry: it's great, i love that. vivek, it's like let's not make
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in any if harder than it needs to be. there are a series of simple, straight forward steps that can be take. anyway we're out of time. vivek ramaswamy, thank you ever so much, as always, for your gracious time. appreciate it. all right, folks, coming up here on "kudlow," we are a business show. we continue with today's february jobs report which was soft, okay? it was a lot softer than people thought. and then president biden spun a web of economic falsehoods last night. so we're going to have a little discussion about that with two the experts, our very own taylor riggs and breitbart's john carney. they'll make sense, or try to make sense of something or other. i'm kudlow. i'll try to make sense. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ l money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside -
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larry: all right, february jobs report actually came in soft. not even as good as it looks, because there were so many down revisions in the prior reports. so let's talk about this with breitbart's john carney and our own taylor riggs, cohost of "the big money show" right here on fox. john, of course, is the co-author of the cult following breitbart busy jest. business digest. taylor, you're the only person on the 20th floor that can interpret these. [laughter] this number came in, but actually 167,000, downward
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revisions for the prior months. the january bulge, not all of it, but much of it was taken away. can you give us a quick riff? >> right. the headline number looks good. the problem is the downward revisions for december and january which wiped out 167,000 jobs. so a lot weaker than we expect. i don't think people want to say that we don't trust the day da -- data, but it's hard when you get the data, you have to wait a month or two to understand what what's really going on in the economy. i think some of the good news here for the federal reserve, they want to cut rates maybe in june because wage growth is decelerating. and so that is sticky. wage inflation that a looks like it is slowing down -- larry: let's really i screw the work force, get those wages down. pretty soon we can turn them negative again hike they were. john carney, do you agree with taylor, first of all? >> yeah -- larry: softish? if not collapsing. it's not a recession report. >> no, it's definitely not a recession report, and i don't
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think it gives the fed any room to cut, because if you look at the 3-month average, it's still 265,000 jobs per month. that is a lot of jobs created. that that's not a, oh, no, we need to cut. even the move-up in unemployment to 3.9%, that's still a very low unemployment rate. we've just gotten spoiled because we've been down at 3.7 for a little while. i think that while this was soft and it was -- and they took away a lot, even when you take away all of the jobs, first of all, we don't know if they're going to come back. because one of the things these revisions go both ways. a month ago they told us the december number was too low and and they revised it up. this month, no, no, we're going to take it back down. larry: on these points, why can't the government get it right? if i mean, i think i know why in a general sense. i've been in and out of this business for a long time including in government, but i think a lot of viewers, ordinary if folks who do not have economics, you know, analytic backgrounds or degrees or whatever scratch their head and
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they say, what's up with this? you know, are they lying to us? is it political? take a whack at that. >> a big problem is the response rates from businesses has gone way down. it was headed down pre-pandemic. it crashed after the pandemic. and so they're just not getting a lot of businesses serving in the forms saying here's how many people we have onboard right now. and what that means is when they come back to businesses, because they go back again when they do the revision and say, no, really, can you fillet out this time? they do, and that's why they end up with this wild volatility. larry: taylor, you don't think the bureaucrats in the bureau of labor statistics are, quote-unquote, rigging the numbers? >> no, i don't think so. i think it's a harder and harder to gauge the data. i would also say there is a huge divergence between the hard data versus soft data, what we're hearing from consumer sentiment, what we're hearing from people on the ground about grocery prices, about inflation. there's a big divergence there.
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larry: and i want to raise one other thing just to complicate it. the non-farm payrolls, these are the large corporations with human resource departments that answer the phone and either tell the truth or they don't. but the small business-oriented household survey from which unemployment is derived, all right? if a lot of the newspaper reports and media don't do it. now, that thing's down three months in a row. households are are down three months and three of the last four months. and the yearly average, john, is only 56,000. now, that number, it is hinting at a downturn. >> yes. but that typically gets revised towards the establishment numbe- [laughter] >> isn't this great? >> so you would not -- i trust the establishment number. i think the household number probably going to come up. larry: it's not all bogus. nobody knows what. >> no. look, they -- go ahead request. >> well, no, i only want to say
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my only worry a little bit about this, i know that we're spoiled. i grew up with 3.5, 3.7% unemployment. 3.9 looks a little scary. you had a few fed speakers saying 4% unemployment start ises to get to the level where we do think about cutting, so the increase in unemployment is something that we're watching -- larry: are you kidding in i think that's insanity. 3.9% unemployment -- >> i know, i'm spoiled. >> that used to be regarded as full employment. >> i know. larry: look, i want as many people to work as possible, and and i want the work force to make as much money as possible with a zero inflation rate, etc., etc. but i seem to say 3.9% unemployment means the fed should start cutting interest rates. if they do, they're going to create a lot of election year friction. i'm just saying, i'm warning. so far the fed 's done good, played it by the book not too too bad. but the inflation targets have not yet seriously been met. john, i just want to -- what was the most egregious economic
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falsehood you heard last night in a speech full of economic falsehoods in. >> right. we went through all night long last night on breitbart, we just fact checked, you know, an almost unlimited number of falsehoods. the worst one was when he said he eliminated the trade deficit. larry: oh, really? >> we used to import goods and now we just with, port them. that's not true at all -- export them. and if you look at the numbers, by the way, the trade deficit is much higher than it has been under any president ever. it went down a little last year, but that's just because we were at the record highs the year before that and the year before that. every year of biden's presidency has seen the worst trade deficit that there has ever been, and yet he has the nerve to try to claim that he got rid of the -- larry: the other is, i don't want to put taylor on the spot. i just want to say though he keeps telling us one of his accomplishments is he cut the budget deficit by $.7 trillion. he's carried that for years --
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1.7. "the washington post" gave a bottomless by pinocchio on it, and he repeated it again last night. >> i know. larry: it's pa. pat: endly not true. the -- patently not true. the cbo just put out projection- >> it's bigger. larry: it's going to come in over 1.7. he keeps saying this number. >> and this is definitely, i mean, we are talking, like, gen-z, millennials, and they're saying we're9 now realizing how much we have to bear the burden of the dumb spending that's a going on in government. if you have tiktok influencers talking about how dumb the spending is -- larry: do gen-z kids work hard enough. >> we're trying to push 'em, larry. larry: i gotta -- i should have never asked that. [laughter] >> look at manufacturing jobs last night. by the way, in february they shrank by 8,000. he is not adding manufacturing jobs. larry: we're going to have this again z discussion another time -- gen-z. right now, john carney and
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taylor riggs, you both terrific. don't forget, catch taylor with jackie deangelis and brian brenberg with on "the big money show" weekdays every day, 1 p.m. eastern right here on fox business. and, folks, coming up, we're going to change subjects a little bit. chinese spy cranes conducting espionage if in america. this is some weird, far-out story. you have to watch the chinese every inch of the way. it is exactly what we do not need. plus, there he goes again. president biden is going to grow the economy by taxing rich people and waging class warfare. what a fine, unfine, stupid idea. we'll talk about it with north dakota governor with doug burgum. and then bind's using american troops -- bidens' using american troops to build a port in gaza on the mediterranean -- really? we're going to build a port on the mediterranean in gauze g gaza? we'll have defense specialist kash patel on that.
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kudlow is available as a podcast, if i get through this one, available every weekday after our show is. spotify,, apple, fox business pod i'm trying -- podcasts. i'm trying to get through my nose and chest cold like every human being. we'll be right back.e bi bye-bye ♪ ♪ boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain.
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♪ larry: all right. fast breaking story out of congress. congress moving to perhaps if finally ban tiktok. let's hand it over to fox business ' kelly o'grady for more of the details. what can you tell us? >> reporter: larry, there are some pretty upset tiktokers, and they are blowing up lawmakers' phones. just for some context, yesterday the house energy and commerce committee voted unanimously to advance a bill that could effectively ban tiktok. it doesn't target the app directly, but it would allow the president to classify apps that are under control of adversarial countries as national security threats. so in that case, it would ban the app unless it cuts ties with the country in question.
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tiktok, of course, is owned by bytedance. in response to this bill, tiktok said, quote, this bill is an outright ban of tiktok no matter how much the authors try to disguise it. this legislation will trample the first amendment rights of 170 million if americans and deprive 5 million small businesses of a platform they rely on to grow and create jobs. but it went further. so take a look at this. the company began showing users this message warning the bill would destroy the lives of creators, it then charged users with calling their representatives to protest the measure which they did in droves. the phone was ringing off the hook. now, law a makers say this is just one example of how china could weaponize the app against americans. >> china is at war withs us. and they use tiktok as a weapon, or at least they can. >> this is the a serious national security threat to the united states and to the privacy of every american. and we can't ignore it. >> reporter: the irony though is the biden campaign is using
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tiktok to reach young voters despite the app a being banned on government staff devices. the president even to reportedly met with tiktok influencers ahead of his state of the union address. representative steve scalise is vowing to bring the bill to a vote as soon as next week, so we could with see some movement then. larry: many thanks, kelly o'grady. appreciate the rundown. let's stay on this china story. china spy cranes conducting espionage in america. this is also part of the story. joining us now to talk about this and a couple other things we welcome back north dakota governor doug burgum. governor burgum, thank you, sir, we appreciate it. you know, i want to get back to tiktok in a moment, sir, but there's a story breaking now. china using, you know, cranes, construction craning but they've got little cameras on them to spy, and it just so happens coincidentally right near if military bases. and i want to add, sir, that when i was in the government, we
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saw the same thing. the chinese telephone company, which has since been banned, huawei used to build those old wooden telephone poles. yes, right near if military bases in northern california and i think the dakotas. and they'd is have tiny, little cameras on these wooden telephone poles which the fbi finally discovered. now, i would say it's time for us to do something about all this, wouldn't you? >> well, absolutely, larry. we're in a cold war with china, and part of that cold war with china is not so cold because it's a hot cyber war right now. and whether they're collecting information on all the goods that are entering our country and where they're going through observing cargo coming in through ports or whether it is with tiktok infiltrate thing its way directly into and collecting information around all of our citizens and all that video, this is part of an active strategy on their part. and thenning, of course, we're taking mass casualties because
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of the fentanyl coming in from china, and we've lost five vietnams worth of citizens to overdose deaths. it's hard to say. we're really at war with them now. it just isn't a hot war, it's a cyber war and it's a cybersecurity war, and it's an intelligence war. and that intelligence war, we're an open society, and they're winning. they're taking advantage of our country right now left and right. not a surprise to me. my first trip to china as a business person, i was a kid in 1989. i walked into a street market, and there was the software that we had developed that was selling at a street market for a buck a disk when back here it would have been $25,000 in software. so for 30 years they've stolen everything i've ever made in the software business, and we shouldn't be surprised. larry: governor, is it, in your your judgment, worth the fight in the respect to tiktok, let's go back to that one. i mean, if congress were to force -- it's not an easy thing to do. we tried it in the trump administration. but if congress were to somehow force bytedance to divest of tiktok, now, i don't know if
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that solve ises the information problem -- solves the personal information problem, the software problem. but is that a fight worth making, in your judgment? >> well, absolutely. in north dakota we banned tiktok on state devices several years ago a because it was clear then that this was an information-gathering tool for the chinese. and i think that this time -- it's time that the federal government does something as well. and the fact that this is being weaponized today to say, look, don't shut down our tiktok and weaponizinging americans, i mean, we look through the whole hamas attack on israel, you look at the algorithms behind tiktok, and they're push out all kinds of pro-hamas, pro-terrorism messaging that's influencing debates in america right now. larry: one other thing before i lose you regarding president biden's speech last night and so forth. if he's going to grow the economy, governor burgum -- i know you're going to love this -- by taxing individuals, taxing businesses, taxing
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wealth. he wants to now go back to the unare realized capital gains tax. let's just grow the economy by raising taxes across the board. what do you think about that? pretty clever idea. >> well, i think every day that joe biden's in office is a day where he's hurting our economy, he's hurting our national security with open borders, he's trying to crush the energy business, and we've just got to get president trump back in. as you described in this hour, the president trump's economy was booming, and now, you know, my kind of gdp growth we have right now is actually just driven by all the federal spending. that's what's juicing it right now. that's what's driving inflation. we just don't have high -- and americans know that. joe biden convinced no one last night because if you're half of the americans who actually have savings, you know that inflation came like a thief in the night and stole 30% of what you'd worked hard to save in your life. and americans understand it, they feel it. but we've got to get back to having president trump in the white house.
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and i'll tell you, this thing that came out today, larry, the86 pages of regulation -- 886 pages of regulation from the sec that's going the force all company reporting related to climate change? if all these things hurt investment in the things that would actually help the environment. i don't know that anyone if understands economics in the biden administration. they're going exactly the wrong way on the economy, on energy and on national security. the things that would help every american. larry: thank you. governor doug burgum, as always, sir, we appreciate your time and point of view. talk soon. >> thank you, larry. larry: all right, folks, going to shift gears a little bit. the latest from the state of the union message, we heard this rumor the night before, president biden is now going to use the u.s. military, get this, to build a new mediterranean sea port in gaza. all right? he's going to pull this off somehow. no casualties, no military involvement, or so he says. i don't get any of this. joining us now, kash patel, former deputy director of
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national intelligence. author of the book "government gangsters." you got to help me on this. we're now going to commit u.s. military personnel to build a port or a pier in the mediterranean, in gaza, and somehow that's not going to cause us to get involved on the ground and somehow hamas and other terrorist groups sponsored by iran won't try to attack us? would you walk me through this? because i don't get it. >> great if to be with you, larry, and i'll try. look, i think this gives new definition to the meaning too cute by half. so now we're not going to have boots on the ground, we're going to have boots on wooden planks and plastic pillars floating off the territorial waters of a sovereign nation? when we talk about territorial waters, legally, that means the mile markers extend miles and miles out into the sea for a place like israel and other countries, every country in the world. would we, the united states of america, allow south asia or african nations to assemble
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docks and piers in a territorial waters of the united states to deliver aid to inner city children? it would be illegal. it is an overt act of aggression by a nation-state that the united states would not tolerate. why would this administration break the law, violate international authority just to stand up a post that floats with united states soldiers to accomplish a political objective? i think that's what biden's doing. he's further if utilizing the military. and when i was chief of staff at dod for president trump, we would have never doning something like this. we would have shut down the problem at the source, which is terrorism. larry: this is vote getting in dear born, michigan, more than anything else. the idea, kash, you've been involved in this stuff, so we would set up this pier or whatever it's going to to be, and it will not with attacked? if -- be attacked? you think the terrorists would just let are us do this willy-nilly? i find that farfetched. or i think the odds are one way or another we would be putting
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american military personnel and related contractors in harm's way. >> you're absolutely right. going in reverse order there, this is putting american military personnel, men and women in yawn form, in a -- in uniform, in a active theater of war, make no mistake about it. you cannot say, oh, we're floating off the coast. if you're floating off the a coast of a nation at war, you are participating in that conflict if you are actively engaging either the enemy or your ally. and, of course, the terrorists, hamas, flush with cash from joe biden are going to perform some sign of theft operation or some kind of harm to american interests, because they've done that continuously in the red sea. we lost two navy seals in the red sea, we lost a number of american soldiers thanks to joe biden and lloyd austin's weaponization of the department of defense. and now we expect to believe them that they are going to keep us out of war with this floating
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flotilla? it is a ruse, and worse than anything else it is going to endanger american men and women for another war that joe biden allowed to occur on his watch. [laughter] you're right, it's an absolute lie -- larry: you're right, it's an absolute lie. whatever he tries to put lipstick on this pig. and the other thing, kash, who's going to distribute this, quote-unquote, humanitarian aid? have not we learned that all the a ngos and the u.n. and all this stuff, they're all pro-hamas? >> yeah. it's not going to go to where it's intended. that's the biggest thing. we are going to spend billions of dollars building this, billions of dollars pouring in aid, and we are going to have no oversight and no insight into where it goes because, of course, there's no inroads into gaza for americans unless joe biden's going to attach soldiers to this aid. larry: incredible. carb papa tell, thank you, all right? if -- kash patel, thank you. i learn from your wisdom. i tell you, this is the dumbest
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thing the i ever heard. thank you ever so much. all right, folk, coming up, we're going to ask a very simple, straightforward, direct question. i'm going to ask the great steve hilton and former congressman doug collins who's going win the presidential election. i know who they want to win. but i want to ask 'em who they think is actually going to win. at this point in time. all right? if i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. bye-bye. ♪ ♪ (woman) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (vo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar
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larry: all right, having some fun on a friday afternoon. direct question, who is going to win the presidential election? not who do you want to win, but who do you think actually will win and why many so let's ask steve hilton, my pal, fox news contributor, and doug colin, former georgia congressman -- collins. gentlemen, welcome back. steve hilton, i'll start with you. right now, right now, who's going to win and why? the presidential. >> well, larry, you're a numbers guy, let's start with the numbers. the polls are very clear, very consistent. a lead for president trump from roughly 2 points to 5 points in all the polls. a lead on all the issues, a lead on all the characteristics you look for in a president and a lead in all the battleground states. and the further pointer that i'd make -- point that i'd make is that historically polls have
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undercounted trump's support. so this is, if anything, an underestimate of where he is right now. now, of course, polls, as all the pollsters tell us, are not the election, they're not predictive, they just tell you where we are now. and so the crucial thing is that as we go forward towards the election, the trump campaign and the president himself are very disciplined about making clear the positive agenda he has. i know you agree very much with this and the criticism of biden, and those two things have to go hand in hand. and i think if he does that, i think there's every likely hood that these polls will -- likelihood that these polls will prove to be accurate. larry: but, doug collins, listen, i like the swing state polls, they're a little more convincing. 2-5 in the general polls are not convincing. i regard that as a toss-up. but, doug, i think to make this strong the trump case, he must
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stay on message. issues message, okay? taxes, spending, deregulation, drill, baby with, drill. the border, of course, crime, the war against the woke culture and and improving america's standing in the world. you follow me? i think -- he's had a message-based campaign for the past year, doug, and he's done better than most, you know, almost -- i mean, it's been the comeback of the year. it may be the comeback of the century. [laughter] it may be one of the greatest political comebacks in history. he's messaged on issues. >> larry, you're right about this. i'm going to agree right now the snapshot in time of poll, the battleground states are the most important where where the trend is a happening. but i think this is a 2016 election. it is the 2016 election, this is why i think donald trump's going to win. in 2016 the democrats were all about -- [audio difficulty] larry: we lost doug collins.
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wait -- >> in -- there we go. larry: all right, go. you're on. >> 2016 was about this legacy of obama and hillary clinton was going to come in and democracy around the world, doves flying, and they didn't really drill down into people's pocketbooks and people's concerns. donald trump did that. immigration, economy, world standing, putting america first. that's what won that election. think about what happened last night. joe biden was vindictive, he was mad but he was still all over the place with his message. we're about democracy and fighting these maga republicans and franklin delano roosevelt coming to the congress to get us all fighting against these maga republicans. this big issue stuff. and yet he never talked -- [audio difficulty] larry: see, steve -- we're having a little trouble with doug. steve hilton, come back to you, if you're still there with me. is steve still with me? >> yes. larry: all right. just want to make this point in the last seconds. what doug collins is saying is
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right. but, steve hilton, joe biden showed a lot of energy -- too much energy. bellicose last night. but he did show energy, he was standing at the end of it, and he did hit on the democratic issues. i don't like their issues, okay? i've said this a million times. i don't think you do either. but i'll just say one thing, this election's not over yet. biden in some sense last night, steve hilton, did what he had to do. i'll give you the last word. >> oh, yes, he did. he dispelled the talk of replacing him which was very strong in democrat circles privately. now, if you believe in the general election he's a fundamentally weak candidate, that's good news for republicans. but i want to really amplify what you said and what doug was saying, because in 2016 this is what people forget. they talk about trump trump the showman and the rallies and all the rest of it. it was an ideas and policy-based campaign. larry: yes. >> the key messages, build the wall, china --
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larry: yes. no, no, gotta -- yeah. >> the the working man.r larry: i don't agreein with bid' b't i think he did what he needed to do last night. if also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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