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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 11, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good monday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i hope you're having a good monday. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, march 11, just before 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the . robert hur is set to testify tomorrow on his report of president biden's handling ofs classified documents. here's florida congressman byron donalds on how biden's age doesn't absolve his from violating the espionage act. >> i find it to be completely disgusting by the department of justice, house oversight and house judiciary are doing our jobs. we're requesting the information from the special counsel on his investigation into joe biden and let's be clear. this is not about joe biden's activities during his presidency. its is the fact that he did take classified information from a
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secure facility when he was vice president and when he was the united states senator. both are a violation of the espionage act and having a poor memory does not absolve you from violating the espionage act. maria: jonathan, of course we know what robert hur said after the interview of joe biden, that the public would see him as an elderly man with a bad memory and yet the doj will not hand over the actual tape, the actual audio and notes, transcript from that interview. >> yes. quite interesting because i'm not sure the real reason for not turning it over other than not wanting president biden to look bad and my guess is that tape would be even far worse than robert hur's characterization of the interview. and we see it time and time again, whenever he's not reading directly from a teleprompter he's a mess and everyone can see it. there are a couple things in the report that are quite
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interesting. i hope they get into what is the circumstances if which these documents were found? it seems very odd that his lawyers were trolling around the biden center and his garage, like why were they doing it? clearly indicates that president biden knew he had the stuff, knew it all along, was concerned somebody else would reveal it. the other thing i thought was interesting, president biden declined to answer a line of questioning about whether or not he thought he was a allowed to keep classified information after leaving the office of vice presidency which is a great distinction between the trump case because president biden never had the right to have these documents outside of his office of the vice presidency and yet he had them going back i think from i think the '70s from when he was a senator. i hope they drill down on -- they say president biden keeps saying how fully cooperative he was, yet he refused to answer a very relevant line of questioning. maria: i think it's a great point that you make. and mark, that's part of the reason that the two systems of
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justice issue keeps coming up. they're aggressive against trump and his handling of documents and they're calling joe biden oh, well, he did it but he's an elderly man with a bad memory. meanwhile, there's a different allowance when you're president in terms of taking documents versus being a senator or vice president. it's not allowed. >> that's an important point. because obviously president biden did not take these while he was president. he was either vice president or a senator so there's certainly a different set of standards there. maria: senator, yeah. >> but to your point about there being a two-tiered system of justice, that's obviously what's happening here. i mean, we saw trump's mar-a-lago estate get raided by the fbi. that's the same thing that did not happen to joe biden's garage or where you had boxes with files overflowing next to the corvette that hunter was working on. so look, there are certainly a ton of issues here. and to jonathan's point, i mean, look, ignorance is not a
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criminal defense. old age is not a criminal defense. having a forgetful memory is not a criminal defense. if you commit crimes, you have to be prosecuted. you are a danger to society. you did something wrong that hurts somebody else or takes somebody else's property and when that is the case, when you commit a crime, there has to be consequences. maria: yeah. well, the congressman from florida, byron donalds, also addressed the impeachment inquiry into president biden yesterday on sunday morning futures. watch this. >> we now know that hunter biden did bring joe biden to this dinner at cafe milano. hunter biden couldn't recall. you have the text message about requesting money from chairman zao. the money showed up a week letter. photos show he was at joe biden's house on the day the text message was sent. you have money that flows to jim
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biden the same day checks are cjoe biden. there are no loan documents that exist. i think if you're talking impeachment, joe biden has violated immigration law in the united states, he has violated supreme court ruling when it comes to student loans. maria: well, the impeachment inquiry continues, jonathan. your reaction? >> well, i think the second part i think is quite interesting on the immigration because he has willfully violated immigration you law in that they basically granted mass amnesty to anyone who comes here. they say we will not support you no matter what you do unless it's a serious felony. they encouraged people to come here illegally, encouraging people to falsely claim asylum. one hand, they're saying they're coming because of root causes of climate change and corruption which everyone knows is not a basis for asylum. they are saying when you get to the border, falsely claim asylum. we'll bring you in and you'll never be deported.
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it's not just a dereliction of duty. they nullified laws which they have no rights to do. maria: it feels like they're trying so hard to get these people to vote, mark. i mean, you've got the left going crazy over joe biden calling a murderer illegal. and then you've got ag merrick garland vowing to stop voter id laws in various states. >> without a you doubt. i would think their strategy is to import voters right now. maria, we've seen the videos of these migrants coming to the border saying thank you, joe biden. it's exactly -- we've seen the exact videos of this stuff. but senator ron johnson, he made a good point i think over the weekend and his comment was regardless of whether or not merrick garland is successful in striking down the need for voter id, whether or not these illegal migrants vote or not, they will be reflected in the census and there will be states that a pick up additional congressional
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seats in response to the flooding into the states of these illegal migrants so either way, this is going to have a big impact on future elections. maria: that is incredible to me. we are just getting started this hour. quick break and then bitcoin, wow, euphoria around bitcoin hitting an all time high this morning, surging past $71,000. can the crip crypto continue ths run? the word on wall street coming up. we will get some expectations. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ you must try to ignore that it means more than that. ♪ oh, what's love got to do, got to do with it. ♪ what's love but a secondhand n a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small...
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newage makes it possible with beautiful all-weather cabinetry, grills and appliances that transform your backyard into a complete outdoor kitchen. visit to book a free design consultation and create the outdoor living space you've always wanted. maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street. top p investors watching your money. joining me right now is raymond james investment management
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chief market strategist, matt orton, also with us is mark tepper this morning. matt, thanks so much for joining the conversation. we are looking at a market under selling pressure after a losing week last week, the nasdaq and s&p 500 closed lower on friday led by chip stocks, nvidia fell better than 5% in the worst session since may. even though the stock is still showing incredible gains over the last year. take a look at nvidia this morning, matt. i want to get your thoughts here. the stock is down a fraction. we've also gotten the last bit of fourth quarter earnings on deck this week, we'll hear from software company oracle after the close tonight. your thoughts on the tech sector so far and what earnings have informed. >> good morning, maria. it's always a great to see you. i think the action we saw from nvidia was concerning, the fact that they started up and ended significantly down. while trending downward after such big gains this year in and of itself isn't that concerning. i think we need to watch if
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there's any follow-through today and this week, if there's a lot of weakness in some of these biggest names across the mega cap complex. that being said, maria, i still think technology and a lot of these companies are incredibly high quality, they're throwing off tremendous free cash flow and companies you want to invest in. what i've been telling our clients for the better part of the last month is there are so many other parts a of this market that look really, really ayouattractive, industrials, healthcare companies, and those parts of the companies are holding on and i'm telling our clients to get into those parts of the market. don't continue to have big overweight positions. maria: especially since you've got so much money in tech and that's been the leadership group. mark, it's nice to see some capital markets activity, reddit is going to go public, looking
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to raise $148 million in what will be one of the largest ipos so far this year. the company plans to sell 22 million shares. the pricing is between 31 and $34 a share. what are your thoughts on this reddit deal? >> i think that puts they them at a total market cap valuation of roughly like 7-ish billion dollars, something around there which i think is high. if we go back to when elon musk bought twitter, he paid over 4 $40 billion for a company that was worse less than $10 billion at that point in time. i find it hard to believe that reddit is worth roughly as much as twitter was when elon musk bought it. now, i think it's important for investors to note that when it comes to ipos, these typically end up being a disappointment for retail investors. the people had what make money get in at the ipo price. by the time the thing is trading it might be 20, 30, 50% higher. that's when retail investors get in. they tend to be disappointing
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investment hads for a lot of retail investors. you go back and look at coin base's performance after its ipo, you look at what happened with wework when it came out as a spac ipo. there's been issues. maria, it is good to see there's risk appetite, it is good to see. when an ipo comes out, it is a risk-on move for the market so i think that's good. i just feel like retail investors probably should kind of sit tight, see where it goes, and make their decision later on as to whether or not they want to get in. maria: talk about risk-on. what do you make of bitcoin, mark, surging above $71,000 for one bitcoin this morning. this is an all-time high right here, mark, 71,678. what is behind this move? i know that bitcoin etf certainly was part of it but it's continuing. >> yeah. and you're seeing just more and more continued demand for crypto and maria, i want to tell you, i am not a crypto bull by any
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means. i'm not a bitcoin bull but i buy some every week. i think it's a great you diversification play, i think it's a hedge. there's a lot of people in other countries worried about their governments confiscating assets. take venezuela as an example and this would be a hedge against that but now there's more and more people right here in the united states that are worried about the government potentially confiscating our assets so again, that's a good hedge. you then look at the fiscal path that we are headed on as a country, i mean, we are deficit spending a trillion dollars every 100 days. we are on an unsustainable fiscal path and ray dalio's book, principles of a changing world order, he goes back and looks at history, looks at all the gre great empires throughout history, the average empire lasts 250 years before it begins its decline and it begins a
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decline because of massive debt levels, because of high interest servicing costs and then what happens is you end up losing the reserve currency status and that is something that i don't think enough people are talking about that as it relates to the u.s. dollar. that would be one of the worst possible things that could happen to our country, the lifestyles that we've all become accustomed to, become incredibly comfortable with, we wouldn't be able to recognize those lifestyles anymore. recessions would be a heck of a lot longer, a heck of a lot deeper. things would change and bitcoin, it's giving investors the opportunity to diversify some f that risk away. maria: that's an incredible statement. who is predicting that the empires typically begin the decline after 250 years? that's all incredible what you just said, mark. >> that's -- so ray dalio, he studied past empires, past civilizations, that's what he concluded.
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that's when they begin their descent is 250 years. there's typically another country, china as an example, who happens to be rising at that same point in time and then the reserve currency status ends up coming up the microscope and that's when things hit the fan. maria: ray dalio has been a mass a i've china bull for a long time. great analysis there. malt, thank you very much for -- matt you cans thank you very much for joining the conversation. we appreciate it. quick break and then president biden is apologizing for calling laken rye riley's alleged murdr an illegal, he said he should have called him undocumented as he claims undocumented people helped build the country and they're the reason the economy is growing. senator nicole malliotakis is here with reaction. you're watching "mornings with watching "mornings withmaria" l. stay with us.
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>> oh, come on. we're in a house of god. first, simmer down. thank you. thank you. thank you for getting it out of your system. i want to thank commissioner cavanaugh and chief hodgens for that recognition. maria: wow. what a day. new york city fire department staffers booing attorney general latisha james at a department promotion ceremony on thursday. well, now the top brass at the fdny want to hunt those people down. the chief is promising to punish any firefighter who they they say broke protocol. the new york post obtained and e
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e-mail from the chief of the department saying he recommends anybody who protested come forward so the commissioner, laura calf y cavanaugh, won't ho hunt them down. a spokesperson telling fox news digital that no one is being hunted, they want whoever broke department regulations to come forward. joining us now, new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis. congresswoman, good to see you. what a day for latisha james. your reaction to all of this? >> you know, that's why they call them new york's bravest. t they're not afraid to speak their mind either and, look, latisha james is trying to burn down our justice system and the firefighters are calling her out on it. they see what she's doing, the injustice she's conducted against president trump and they don't like it. and so, look, this is silly to go after these firefighters. they had have the ability to speak their mind, free speech as well, similar to what we saw at the state of the union, karine
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nikolo, who is a marine who did at abbey gate, his father yelled out his name and he was escorted out and he was arrested. he is trying to bring you a tension to the fact that the isis k killer who killed the 13 marines he was released because of the command to close the air base prior to the evacuation of our citizens and then when they you saw him approaching the gaetz, sniper wanted to take him out and he was told not to. that's why 13 marines died. we have the freedom of speech here. it's not just if the democrats agree. maria: how should we be viewing this? you have the gentleman you're talking about still in mourning that he lost his son and the other son actually committed suicide afterwards so he lost two sons and he speaks his mind at the state of the union and gets arrested and now the new york firefighters, they're
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trying to speak their mind, trying to make a point to latisha james and now they're supposed to be hunted down by leadership at the fire department of new york? where is freedom of speech in this is very disturbing. >> it is disturbing. and we just have to have their back, we have to keep fighting. multiple members have called for charge toss be dropped against the marine father. we're going to continue to back the fdny in new york city. the firefighters should not be reprimanded, should not be retaliated against. they're cheering for someone they like, president trump, and they were booing somebody they didn't like. deal with it. they shouldn't have brought latisha james, a polarizing figure at this moment, to speak with them at the first place. maria: governor kathy hochul is ordering 700 national guard troops to go to the subways, patrol new york city subways, the troops can randomly search bags, check for weapons.
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here's the governor's response when asked about the subway bag checks. >> what happens if you don't want your bag searched? >> then go home. we're not going to search you, you can say no but you're not taking the subway. maria: i mean, criminals with ties to ms-13 and other of gangs reportedly selling fake green cards and social security cards to migrants on street corners in queens. she's not doing anything about that. but of course this has become a big business, given the migrants in new york right now. >.>> look, we've been pointingo the policies that the democrats be put in place that have caused crime to surge. i was one of the first people to call for police officers to be put in our subways and people like alexandria ocasio-cortez saying we're trying to turn new york city into a police state. the reality is, is that democrats have pushed these policies whether it's the raise the age law, whether it's bail reform, sanctuary city policies that put people who are
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committing illegal activity first. they're protecting them and continue to do so. what you said is disturbing. we have individuals here who are here illegally, committing all sorts of crimes. you mentioned selling green cards and stuff. but look, they're pick pocketing. they have well over 1200 arrests tracing back to migrant shelters in our city. people being repeatedly arrested and released and going back to the luxury hotel room that we the taxpayers are paying for them to stay in because the mayor is misinterpreting the right to shelter law. democrats control the city and state h they have the power to make the changes. on the federal level, i saw joe biden at the state of the union and i told h straight to his fae that he needs to secure the border because americans are dying. he claims again that he needs authority. he does not need any more authority. we know that he used 1182 and 1225, those sections of title 8 immigration law to dismantle our
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border so i told him uses the same authority you used to dismantle the border to put it back together. you can reinstate remain in mexico and catch and release, you can change parole and asylum, you can shut down the border all together. the murderer os laken riley was given parole by the president, one of the rules changes allowed him to enter into the country. maria: is this really the right use of our national guard to be checking bags? i mean, that's one issue that i have with this whole thing. there's standing their checking people's bags. these people are commuting to work. okay. and then you've got ag merrick garland pledging to fight voter id laws. what? i mean, what is wrong with having a voter id? the attorney general was with vice president kamala harris and he pledged to fight voter id laws and election integrity measures that he deemed discriminatory. how is that discriminatory?
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because it doesn't include an illegal? >> it's interesting, because they always say it infringes somehow the rights of african-americans. if you poll african-americans, they overwhelmingly want voter id laws in place as do the vast majority of americans. i think it's like 70 or 80% issue. people supporting voter ids. states that have them, they're happy with them. new york could have hem they. it's one of the biggest things i hear from constituents, why don't we have to show anything when we vote. i agree with them. i'm sponsoring a bill that would require voter id throughout the nation and going back to your question about the national guard, you're absolutely right. we need more police officers. we're down thousands of police officers here in new york city. because they've driven them out. they're retiring, they're leaving in droves because they made their lives so miserable, their jobs so difficult. we need more police officers and we need the law to you allow them to do their job. maria: then there's this,
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former new york governor andrew cuomo will be on capitol hill this week, appearing before the house subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic over his mishandling of nursing homes, he ordered nursing homes to admit patients that tested positive for covid. we know how that went, congresswoman. how does this play out? >> i'm a member of the subcommittee. i pushed very hard to get andrew cuomo to come before the committee because 15,000 seniors died in new york in our nursing homes as a result of orders he put in place that were not in compliance with federal guidelines. he should have never put covid positive patients in with nursing homes. we knew our seniors were the most vulnerable and then he even did it after there were alternatives, when there was the u.s. navy comfort ship, makeshift hospitals set up like the psychiatric center the on stat open island so we have a lot of questions for andrew cuomo. we look forward to having him testify. it's a shame we had to do it by
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subpoena. he refused to comply for nearly two years. maria: where is this going, though? there was the ship that president trump had put in place on the west side that could have been used for this purpose. rather than putting them in nursing homes. >> that's right. he could have used the u.s. navy comfort ship or south beach psych. americans want answers, we want to see where it leads. we want to know what was the reason that he made the decisions, what led to it. was it lack of resources or places to put people or of was there more to it so that's what we're trying to find out and we'll see from there. maria: all right. we'll watch that. congresswoman, thank you. good to see you. nicole malliotakis this morning. we appreciate your time. the race for the white house heats up as president biden loses support from key voting groups to former president trump. julian epstein and ward o'connell are here with the state of the race. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. maria: welcome back. president biden releases his wish list for his 2025 fiscal budget. carl cheryl with details now. >> we need more details from the white house. we hope to get that today according to edward lawrence at the white house. according to a release so far from the white house on this new budget which is over a month late it was not intro ahead of a state of the union address, it will include lower costs for families, reduce the deficit by 3 trillion, raise taxes on billionaires, protect and strestrengthen medicare and socl security. it was not released ahead of the potential government shutdown that was averted over the week. on saturday the president did sign the spending bill that take avoids the shutdown, partial budget deal covers funding for
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six major areas, the va, agriculture, transportation and urban development and energy. the federal deficit will grow to $1.8 trillion in fiscal 2025. well, new pressure for boeing, the department of justice opening a criminal investigation into the door plug blow out of a flight earlier this year. transportation secretary pete buttigieg says it's time for boeing answer some questions. watch. well, he again made those comments over the weekend. boeing saying in a statement, quote, we have looked extensively and have not found any such documentation. we likewise have shared with the ntsb what became our hypothesis. yalaska issued a statement, in n event like this it's normal for the doj conduct an investigation. we are fully cooperating.
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this as we're learning this morning another boeing jet, a 787 dream liner suffered a technical problem during a flight from sydney to aukland, south american airline did land in aukland. there were 50 people on board and a lot of the crew and passengers were injured. we'll try to get more details. i'll update you in the next hour of that developing story. and then there's more trouble in the skies to tell you about. an indough knee sahn airline under investigation after two pilots fell asleep mid-flight for 30 minutes. air traffic controllers were trying to communicate with the plane, they were met with silence. 159 passengers were on board. it was going from the island of southeast sualese to indonesia's capital. both pilots have been temporarily s suspended, sharesf boeing are down in the
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premarket. we're trying to get more details on the latest dream liner incident. i'll have those when i get them. maria: thanks very much. president biden and former president trump meanwhile holding dualing campaign events in the battleground state of georgia over the weekend. trump m met with the laken riley family before he went on stage during the rally in role. rome. he slammed biden for mispronouncing laken riley's killer. >> we understand that he got laken's name wrong. calling her lincoln. he said he should have called him an undocumented, not an illegal and he wanted to you apologize. they want to call him neighbor, they want to call him another name. did you hear the other one. newcomer. a newcomer to our country. are we going crazy or what?
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is this country going crazy. no he was illegal. i say he was n a illegal alien, he was an illegal immigrant, he was an a illegal migrant and he shouldn't have been in our country and he never would have been under the trump policy. maria: over 60 miles away in atlanta, president biden unstead you touted his immigration policies. watch. >> donald trump calls them vermin, poisoning the blood of america. no one should ever doubt where my heart is. unlike donald trump on my first day in office as president i introduced a comprehensive plan to fix the immigration system, secure our border, row vied a pathway for citizens, dreamers and their families, farm workers, essential workers who helped us through the pandemic and are part of the fabric of our community because unlike donald trump, i know who we are as americans. maria: a new abc news poll
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finds americans are divided on who they trust to lead the country, president trump trump -- trump has a slight lead over biden. joining us now is democrat consultant and chief counsel julian epstein and republican political analyst and campaign strategist, ford o'connell. thank you for being here. ford, your reaction to these dueling rallies in georgia over the weekend. >> look, president biden's absolutely right, this is bonkers. democrats care more about labels than they do murdered american citizens. democrats by and large do not believe that anyone is fundamentally illegal. they're trying to import a new set of voters and this idea that the term illegal alien is derogatory, it's a legal term. donald trump as long as border security is one of the top issues, donald trump is going to win georgia in 2024. maria: what do you think,
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julian. >> i've been arguing for a long time i think democratic elites are out of touch with the public on the question of immigration. americans are for legal immigration, americans are very much against illegal immigration. if you look at the polling on this, new york times or pew and down the line with multiple poll, 70 to 80% of the american public disapprove of biden's immigration policies, what has effectively been open borders. look at the democratic stronghold in cities across the country, they're going through meltdown experiencing a small amount of what the border says have had to experience. biden's policy has been to blame republican, blame trump and then come out as he probably will this week or next week with executive orders on immigration and that dog just won't hunt. president biden has the authority to close the borders. it's what the very strong majority of the american people want and he can do it with a stroke of a pen. he should do it. maria: but the fact is, people are questioning whether or not
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he actually wants to do it. julian, you know that. because the fact is, here we are in around election year and -- in an election year and suddenly he's getting religion about immigration. 10 million illegals are in the country on his watch. >> this is the problem i and othhave been be arguing about te democrats for years now since the beginning of the biden administration. the elites have really been taken over by the far left progressive intersectional left who have taken positions on a whole host of policies, not just immigration, crime, deficit spending, gender in the schools, you name it. that are out of step with majorities and i think if the democrats have any chance of winning in 2024, they're going to have to have a major course correction to the political center. i haven't seen evidence of that but what i do see, half steps on immigration.
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same thing with israel. the argument the administration is making with israel we have to protect civilians but we have to defeat hamas. it's very hard to square that by saying we're going to m make raa a protective zone that hamas can operate in. that's the argument the administration a is making. i think the administration will have to make a more serious move toward the political center if it wants to get closer to viability than it is right now. maria: all of these things you're mentioning is one of the reasons why biden is losing support with some key blocks including black america, hispanic america, i spoke with sows carolina senator tim scott yesterday on sunday morning futures and he said everywhere he goes increasingly he is seeing the african-american community backing trump. watch this. >> i have never seen the type of enthusiasm for a republican presidential candidate than i'm
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seeing right now for president donald trump. 40% of african-american men are willing to vote for president trump. they have more money in their pockets, we had more law and order in the streets and we had a greater future for our kids. president trump is the president that says every child in every zip code he deserves a quality education. president trump is a president who says every neighborhood deserves for police, not he defundthe police. african-americans are definite stated by migrant crime, african-american kids are staying home from school in new york city so they can put illegal i'm grants the schools. maria: your reaction, ford? >> look, i think this is great news. remember, donald trump lost re-election in the swing states by 43,000 votes in 2020. he got about 10 to 12% of the african-american vote. right now in the polls it shows him anywhere from 18 to 22%. and if he does get 18 to 22% of
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african-americans, he will be the 47th president of the united states. further, he's almost even with joe biden when it comes to hispanic as well. remember, in the six battleground states, michigan, wisconsin, arizona, georgia, nevada, pennsylvania, prices and illegal immigration are the top two issues. as long as those are the top two issues, the biden administration is not going to make a course correction on illegal immigration and prices will not go down, lic particularly on electricity and groceries. these are not luxury items, food, electricity, gasoline, these are essentials for middle america and if those prices don't come down, donald trump has got the receipts to win yeah. but julian, is there a master plan here with this wide open border? i mean, look, mississippi secretary of state sent a letter to president biden's doj asking it to stop enforcing a biden
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executive order that he warns is being used to y you attempt to register ineligible convicts and illegal immigrants to vote. is this the whole point here? ag garland the other day pledged to fight voter id laws. on what universe is he voter id a bad thing? according to ag garland, he's going to fight it. why? >> again, i think this is -- look, i think this is, again, the problem with the democratic beltway elites which they have been taken over by the progressive left on the policy making front and i think to ward's point i think the numbers are correct. we're looking at about 22% black support for trump right now and as much as 46% hispanic support. the polling on both of he these communities, particularly as you look at working class blacks and working class hispanics, the polling for years has shown these voters are very, very moderate. you talk about immigration, crime, the economy, and inflation, and even thinks that
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to your earlier guest's point voter id, working class voters are moderate. the central argument i make is democrats want to be more viable and biden is behind in this election, there's no mistaking it if you're clear eyed about this. democrats are behind, biden is behind. the best way they can begin to claw back is make a shift to the common sense center. whether they'll do it or not remains to be seen. maria: great conversation, we prior yappreciate your time. julian and ford, thank you. we'll be right back. stay with us.
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you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: welcome back many time for the morning buzz. the 96th annual oscars happening last night and oppenheimer was the big winner of the night, clinching seven of the 13 nominations. fox news headlines 24/7 anchor gianna is here with more. what a night. >> it was a big night. the stars were all out for last night's academy awards. last night it was all about oppenheimer, it won seven of 13 nomination as.s. jjimmy kimmel acknowledged the
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oscar snub heard around the world. he joked that killers of the flower moon was so long that he had the mail forwarded to the theater. barbie and on oppenheimer camet mid-summer. the actors couldn't do promotion. ryan gosling poked fun at the rivalry. >> hello, emily. >> a bit of a frosty hello. >> not at all. no, i'm just happy that we can finally put this rivalry behind us. >> that's right. ken and kitty. just leaving all that fodder in the dust. and the way the award season has turned out, it wasn't that much of a rivalry so just let it go. >> she got him. barbie was up for eight awards but only won one for best song making billie eilish the
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youngest person ever with do oscars but we all won in this moment. ♪ i'm just ken. ♪ anywhere else i'd be a 10. >> that's ryan gosling with slash. as for the big winners, there were some heavy favorites in some of the categories, i'll talk about it in a second. many said best actress was the most suspenseful with the race between lilly gladstone and emma stone. she won for her role in poor things. best actor went to killian murphy who played oppenheimer and best picture went to oppenheimer. the award was you announced by al pacino who instead of listing all the nominees instead said my eyes see oppenheimer. maria: i saw you that. jgianna, who do you think was te best and worst dressed last
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night. i'm always focused on the clothing, aren't off, cheryl. >> absolutely. maria: gianna, what do you think. >> i liked emily blunt. she had the little champagne moment. what do you thinker. >> i'm with you. same thing. we woke up and thought i'm going to wear a light color today because emily blunt looked fabulous and her husband was with her and they matched which i thought was really cool. the worst dressed, i love billie eilish but i thought that outfit she wore was a little too pedestrian for the oscars. i realies she's got her quirky thing but i would have liked to see her graham it up a little bit -- glam it up a little bit. >> you i used to work in cater thing in high school. the top is giving catering hall server, the tuxedo top. maria: some viewers not thrilled with jimmy kimmel's performance. the audience loved it when he
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responded to president trump's criticism on truth social. >> i just got a review. [laughter] >> has there ever been a worse host than j jimmy kimmel at the oscars. he tries to hard to be something he's not and never can be. get rid of kimmel and perhaps replace him with another washed up but cheap abc talent, george slopinopolic. he would make everyone on stage look bigger, stronger, blah, blah, blah, make america great again. thank you, president trump. thank you for watching. isn't it past a your jail time? maria: gianna, your reaction? >> listen, i think we should host the next time. we'll make everyone look super graham. maria: cheryl. >> i thought it was for the most part politics was out of it. i enjoyed watching it. we'll see what the ratings are.
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we should get those soon. maria: thank you, ladies. great conversation. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. to invest wd for my retirement. the second best? stay healthy enough to enjoy it. so i started preparing physically and financially. then you came along and made every mile worth it. hi mom. at vanguard you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. helping you prepare for today's longer retirement. that's the value of ownership. we're traveling all across america talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? i feel like it's good. how do you know? let me show you something. it looks like a credit card, but it is the kardiamobile card.
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