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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 13, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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for more details, go to larry: that's it for "kudlow." thanks forthan watching, folks. ♪
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maria: good wednesday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is wednesday, march 13, your top stories right now. todays thest of tiktok, lawmakers are readying a vote on a bill take could ban tiktok in the united states unless it you divests from bytedance. executives including the ceo on capitol hill for a lobbying blitz ahead of the vote, what's got washington divided on the bill coming up. markets are flat after a technology led rally on wall street again yesterday. take a look at where we are right now, the nasdaq is negative by 20, dow industrials up by 15, s&p 500 at another record high close, they they are looking at that right now and extending it. chip makers and a.i. powering stocks as nvidia hits an all time high at the close
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yesterday. what we're watching this morning as the momentum in bitcoin continues r, now above 71,000 this morning, this morning we are looking at the euphoria around bitcoin. european markets are mixed. as you can see, mostly higher but fractional moves across the board in europe. in asia markets finished mostly lower, fractional moves, as you can see. a 2020 rematch on the way, president biden and president trump both clinching their resprespective pri p primary co. robert hur testifying on his investigation into president biden's classified document scandal as we see the taken script from the five hour interview with the president, raising further questions about biden's mental capacity and the president's willingness to retain the secret files. joining the conversation all morning long, adam johnson, todd
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piro and lee carter is here. "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪ without love where would you be now. ♪ without love. ♪ >> the president, i did not share classified information, i did not share it, i guarantee i did not. that's not true, is it, mr. hur? >> that is inconsistent with the findings based on the evidence in my report. >> yes, it's a lie, isn't it. >> the likely outcome would be a conviction. >> you exonerated him. >> i did not exonerate him. >> mr. hur, it's my time. >> all i have to do when i'm caught taking home classified materials, i'm sorry, mr. hur, i'm getting old, my memory is on so great. this is the doctrine you established in our laws.
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it's frightening. >> you can't tell me you're so naive to think your words would not have created a political fire storm. >> what you're suggesting is yishape, sanitize my reasons for political reasons. >> that you not shape your response for political can reasons. >> that did not happen. maria: time for the hot topic of the hour. that was robert hur yesterday, on his investigation into president biden's mishand a dhandlingclass need documents. democrat congressman adam schiff and hank johnson sparring with hur with his decision to include statements on biden's poor memory in the report. >> you are a republican, aren't you? >> i'm a registered republican. >> yes, sir. you're doing everything you can do to get president trump reelected so that you can get appointed as a federal judge or
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perhaps to another position in the department of justice, isn't that correct? >> congressman, i have no such aspirations, i can you a assure you. partisan politics had no place whatsoever in my work. maria: hur confirming that white house attorneys asked him to, quote, revise his descriptions of biden's memory lapses before the report was released. lee carter, good morning. your reaction? >> i think it's fascinating. did you watch the whole thing? i think democrats really feel they have this got you moment but i think they really did a poor job because i think what we left with is feeling that joe biden is not mentally fit. i think they repeated that narrative that they shouldn't have been doing because it's only harmful to their interest. and i think that hur did an you amazing job in staying level headed the whole time, he despite being really, really under attack and i think you're going to see it in the polls and we're continuing to see this decline in polling that they
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believe that biden is honest and trustworthy, 43% believe biden is honest and trustworthy and 37% believes he's mentally fit. maria: that's an incredible number. >> it's down 25 points from when he took office. maria: from when he took office. your thoughts, todd piro. >> there's spin and there's lies. i expect democrats and republicans for that matter to spin. but what you heard in that hearing was lies. they said you exonerated the president and robert hur said you did not. maria: she talked over him. >> it's my time, it's my time. it's not your time if it's a lie. this notion that he is innocent because of this report is not what robert hur said. robert hur used his prosecutorial judgment to make the decision that he did not feel he could get a conviction probable conviction. when asked by one of the
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republican congressmen, he said a jury could have found joe biden guilty. could. hes a-- he admitted this bring it. i talked to a number of people who said he should have brought it anyway even if there's a chance he could lose, because of what it meant to the political system to not show the favoriteism. the way the democrats are trying to out and out lie is abhorrent. maria: the white house asked robert hur to revise comments on the president's memory lapse. >> which is shocking when you think about it. maria: it's so wrong. >> we read your 350 page report. we don't like it. now change it. maria: so revise it. former president trump and president biden officially clinching the nominations. they won enough delegates to clinch their respective primary nominations. trump writing this it's my great honor to represent the
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republican party as a presidential nominee. our r party is united and strong and fully understands we're running against the most corrupt and disruptive the not the united states. biden said this in a statement. i'm honored that the broad coalition of voters representing the rich diversity of the democrat party across the country put their faith in me once again to lead our party and country in the moment that the threat trumps poses is greater than ever. your thoughts, adam? >> my hope is that mr. trump shows us the presidential version of himself which was in full display after the iowa caucus. he was gentlemanly. he was thoughtful to his opponents. he was calm, cool, collected, in command. that's the president that i want to see. joe biden meanwhile seems to get angrier and angrier with each week so i think there's a contrast where kind, old uncle joe becomes angry old uncle joe and maybe donald trump becomes the more presidential version.
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maria: we've got a lot coming up. quick break and then we're diving deeper into robert hur's testimony, where the house stands on impeaching p president biden right now. congressman russell frye is here. we'll go over what we learned. bitcoin at all time highs, above $73,000 this morning. everything you need to know about the crypto space coming up. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ (♪)
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maria: welcome back. let's take a look at futures this morning, mixed showing, fractional a moves, dow industrials up 11, nasdaq down 20, s&p pretty much flat. stocks, however, closed higher yesterday. the dow jumping better than 200 poi200at the close, the s&p 500t 5175 right now, up 1 and a quarter percent yesterday. nvidia led the chip stocks higher after the semiconductor index suffered the worst two day loss in more than two months, take a look at nvidia this morning, up 7% yesterday at the close, this morning up half a percent, extending the gains. joining us is slate stone wealth chief market strategist, kenny polkari. what's going on with the momentum behind stocks. >> i think it's nuts, especially
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with the cpi number. adam and i are on opposite sides of this argument. i think they're trying to find all the positives in a rising inflation story, telling everybody don't worry about it, it's almost the transitory argument we heard for months and months of. they're trying to talk people off the edge, yeah, it ticked up, but don't worry about because ultimately inflation will cool. i think it's a little premature. i'm afraid if they start to lower rates, which i don't think they can, which the market is saying there's a 66% chance of a june rate cut, that it will ignite inflation like it did in the late '70s. maria: do you think the rally is due to the expectation that we're getting rate cuts? >> i think it's due to the expectation. maria: that and a.i. >> that and a.i. i think it's also due the fact that they're trying to talk us away from inflation. let's not focus on inflation, let's focus on how a.i. is changing the world and how great it is. it's true. a.i. is very much the story. i get it. i think the market is way too
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stretched at the moment. maria: adam, what do you sunshine. >> thank you for -- what do you think? >> thank you for allowing me to make a republican rebuttal. fair point, yes. cpi is not yet back to 2%. it's at 3% but it's down from the 9 and by the way, the pp be i, the pce and gdp price index are already below 2%. so three of the four measures of inflation are down where they need to be. that's point number one. point number two, the fact that we could not two months in a row have stocks rally in spite of hotter than expected cpi tells me that the market's over it. we're over inflation because of what i just said, three of the four are already down where they need to be. so i think we're moving past it. i really do. >> listen, i hope we're moving past i at some point we need to move past it but last month's cpi, pp bi and pce ticked upwar. pp pi is a leading indicator.
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if prices rise at that level it filters down to the consumer in three or four weeks so you can expect if the ppi is higher on thursday, the cpi will be higher next month again. maria: look at the things within the cpi index, motor vehicle insurance up 20%, sewing machines, up 11%, admission to sporting events up 11%. so it's not your tip cap -- we were focused on eggs within the food index. it's a lot of the services. >> have you been to broadway lately? try to buy a ticket to a broadway show. it's $200. a broadway show. maria: so we still see inflation bubbling up and even with all of these efforts. >> agreed. i don't think rates are yet restrictive. i don't think they're going up. but i don't think they need to go down at the moment. 5 and a quarter percent is actually normal historically. the market can do fine with 5
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and a quarter percent rate so this call for had have to go down, they have to go down, is from a generation of people that only know zero rates. they came into the market in 2007 where rates were zero for 15 years. maria: you how do you explain bitcoin? is that also behind the rally. another record high, $73,000. it's 73,417. >> i think that's a huge momentum trade. i think it's exciting, bitcoin it's exciting. you've got the etfs get into it. there's that demand there. i own a little bit, not a whole lot. so i'm playing in that space. but i also think it's a little bit extended. but i think you're going to continue to see it push higher until we get to the having. maria: what do you think, adam? >> i think it's curious that bitcoin and gold are making new highs simultaneously. bitcoin is risk on. gold is risk off. we were wrestling with that earlier. i think bitcoin is very exciting. and as kenny points out, there's only so much of it out there. in the his he tri of the world,
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-- history of the world, there were only 21 million bitcoin he create. there's 19 out there now. there's a scarceity value. maria: anybody own bitcoin? >> i own $15 on it. >> being on fox business, i'm if the space, guys. but could i press polkari. here we go. you said you think we are a little bloated right now, you think it could go down. does that happen before novembe. >> i was actually looking for the market to pull back at the end of the quarter, in the next two weeks. on the s&p we're at 5200. that was the year end target for half the street. we're already here. it's not even the end of the quarter yet. i am looking for the market to pull back a leal bit. not crash. if we had a 5 or 7% correction, see what falls out of the trees, i think that's good. do i think the market is going down 15, 20%, no, i don't think that's happening. i think we'll see a pullback.
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maria: a selloff on stocks means buy at the dip. >> absolutely. i'm not chasing tech but the other stuff, absolutely. maria: great to see you. thanks so much. we'll take a short break. former special counsel robert hur firing back on capitol hill yesterday. watch. >> i'm going to continue with my questions. i -- >> whether the evidence existed, the likely outcome -- >> you exonerated him. >> mr. hur, it's my time. maria: we have more of the highlights of yesterday's explosive testimony, where the house stands on the impeachment inquiry into joe biden as well. stay with us. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> we identified evidence that the president willfully retained classified materials at the end of his vice presidency when he was a private citizen. we have other situations where
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mr. biden read classified information allowed. my assessment was necessary, accurate and fair. what i wrote is what you i believe the evidence shows and what i expect jurors would perceive and believe. i did not sanitize my explanation. nor did i disparage the president unfairly. maria: that was robert hur defending his report on president biden's mishandling of classified document, my next guest asked whether some of the classified documents are still missing. >> then vice president biden failed to return top secret sensitive information contents of a classified briefing from a trip that he took to the hamptons and to date you were unable to determine if these documents were ever recovered, is that correct? >> correct. maria: joining me right now is south carolina congressman, russell frye, a member of the house oversight and judiciary
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committees. thank you for being here this morning. why did you press hur on that particular point? >> well, i think it's important to remember that you have a senator, vice president biden or senator biden, 36 years, he served eight years as vice president, had all types of experience handling classified information but what was perplexing from the report is that while he was vice president, it was so bad they had to create a special memo for joe biden on how to had handle classified documents. because he kept taking them home, they were missing, he would the a take them to the hamptons and so even when the special counsel was investigating this, they were unable to determine and, heck, even joe biden's staff was unable to determine whether or not all of the materials had been returned. maria: i don't understand, taking them to the hamptons. in other words, he traveled with them on a trip to the hamptons? why? >> correct, i don't know what his purpose was there but there was some discussions when i interviewed staff and he
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absolutely took documents here, there, and everywhere and the pattern of conduct i think is concerning because he really viewed them as his and chairman jordan talked about this yesterday that he looked at this as a legacy issue so there was pride here, he looked at this as a financial issue because he was writing a book, obviously that was discussed yesterday when he divulged classified information to his ghost writer. you have this guy that's looking at this that's going these are my documents. well, they don't belong to you. they pyou.they belong to the amn people. they're clas classified for a r. maria: democrats made the hearing all about former president trump, claiming hur wrote the report to help trump become president again. watch this. >> you're doing everything you can do to get president trump reelected so you can get appointed as a federal judge or perhaps to another position in the department of justice, isn't that correct?
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>> congressman, i have no such aspirations. >> i want to first see if you will pledge to not accept an appointment from donald trump if he is elected again as president. >> congressman, i don't -- i'm not here to testify -- >> seems like an easy answer. >> president biden had the mental you ayo acuity to navigae situation, donald trump did not. >> i suggest you did not shape your report for political reasons. >> that did not happen. that did not happen. maria: congressman, this is unbelievable how much politics was thrown into this whole thing. what was your reaction to all of that? >> well, just what we expect from the democrats on this is that you distract and make a lot of noise and pound the table and make sure you can create some sort of distraction or red herring to look away, look away from what is actually going on and we know -- ultimately, i disaagreed with hur's final decision to not prosecute but
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you look at did he have the classified documents? yes. were they secured? no, they were not. they were in his house, in boxes in his garage. did he have these over a long period of time? yes. where the special counsel landed was whether it was willful or not. he concluded it was not. i would conclude it was. i've only been here a year, but i know that there are certain things that you are supposed to do and not do with classified information. he served 50 years. he knew what he was doing. maria: todd, isn't it extraordinary to you that this is truly a different approach in terms of the two levels of justice? president trump took documents but he was president. you're talking about joe biden as a senator. and yet on the democrat side they're bringing up trump. >> to that point, maria. congressman, do you think that should have been more focused on in the line of questioning yesterday, that dichotomy
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between what trump could do and what joe biden couldn't do based upon the position he was at at the time or, congressman, do you think that would have played right into the democrat hands by making the hearing about trump and not 100% about joe biden which technically it was supposed to be about? >> no, i think some of that stuff came out yesterday which i thought was incredibly important and certainly the american people see it. look, three people have had the nomination for their party since 2016, hillary clinton, joe biden and donald trump. all three of them have had allegations of mishandling classified information but only one of them has been charged. americans see this as as a two-tiered system of justice because it is. it's an unequal application of the law and people are rightly frustrated by he it and they you theyview the attacks on presidet trump as political, not necessarily legal in nature. maria: we keep saying that but it keeps happening. is there ever a correction here? is there ever something done about snit le it?
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let me move on to your work in the house oversight committee. the committee at this subpoenaed at&t for 15 years of hunter biden phone records. hunter biden and his former business partners all invited to testify publicly next wednesday, congressman. what are you expecting to get here? >> well, this is really interesting. because obviously if you look at the testimony of tony bobulinski and others, it is inconsistent with what has been testified to with hunter biden. so to me, i think this is great. this is where -- if you're a lawyer like i am, put all the witnesses in the room and see kind of where the fissures really are. the inconsistencies with hunter biden's testimony i think are incredibly important when you have his had former business associates that are in the room with him, let's find out what the truth is and let the american people see it. maria: congressman, we'll be watching that. thank you for being here this morning. russell frye joining us. we'll take a short break. when we come back boeing's problems keep coming after the failures with the 737 max jet,
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the latest ripple effects on workers and passengers coming up. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ ♪ he's so shy. ♪ he's so shy. ♪ that sweet little boy, you caught my eye. ♪ he's so shy. ♪ he's so shy the best advice i ever got was to invest with vanguard for my retirement. the second best? stay healthy enough to enjoy it. so i started preparing physically and financially. then you came along and made every mile worth it.
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republicans holding a narrow six seat majority in the house. they can only lose two votes on party line votes to advance legislation. the break down will be 431 members with 218 republicans, 213 democrats. the gop will be able to lose two votes on their own on any given issue, buck you addressins decision with reporters. >> why did you decide to announce your resignation by the end of next week? >> not wait for the end of your term? >> i feel there's important work to be done concerning the election and how we choose candidates. i want to get involved in this election cycle, make sure we choose the best candidates we can. >> did you g you give the speaa heads up. >> yes, i did. >> can he talk you out of your decision? >> about as well as he talked me into some of the votes. >> buck served in congress since 2014. a japanese rocket eb exploding
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seconds after its launch. space one hoped to be japan's first private firm to put a satellite into orbit. the spacecraft exploded five seconds after liftoff. no injuries. united airlines is telling boeing to stop producing the 737 max 10s they ordered after another delay in getting the model certified by the faa. southwest and alaska are cutting flights as the aviation giant delivers fewer jets during an ongoing criminal probe. the ceo said we've asked for them to stop building max 10 and start building max 9s. it's impossible to say when the max 10 will get certified. this as an investigation is underway as to what caused a 787 flying to aukland to suddenly drop mid flight. it injured 50 passengers and
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crew. one passenger described what she saw. >> it went like a roller coaster and then it went up and the people who were not wearing seat belts or who were coming out of the bath room and the same people, the same steward stewardesses who were walking, there were two that were had hit. the lady in the seats behind me was with a baby, i saw a baby fly. no, it was terrible. >> another passenger telling the wall street journal that the pilot of the jet came into the cabin and said the panel went black. we should say the black boxes have been retrieved. an investigation is under way. all we know, a technical issue is to be we think blamed for this. that's all we know. the investigation continues. and then stay with boeing, lawyers for boeing's whistleblower john barnett are calling for a thorough probe into the circumstances surrounding his death. he was found dead on the day he was set to testify against boeing. reportedly he died from a self
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inflicted gunshot wound. the lawyers want the charleston police to investigate and they're questioning whether or not he committed suicide. so barnett was a quality control engineer at boeing for over three decades. then he retired. he said that boeing was cutting corners producing the 787 dream liner. so, yeah, a lot happening with boeing right now. and that jp morgan investor conference, obviously i was telling todd on his show this morning earlier, timing is everything because obviously now what happened with the lat am jet, the probe with boeing, stock is down 29% year-to-date, it's a really rough time for the company can. maria: what a twist, the whistleblower found dead. >> yeah. >> in the midst of two straight weeks of what feels like an incident with boeing per day. it just doesn't smell right. maria: and he said that they cut corners. >> yeah. that was his testimony, that
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they were you c cutting cornersa he heworked at boeing. maria: the plot thickens. thank you so much. meanwhile, president biden says he's not planning on taking executive action to address the border, the record number of migrants entering the country. he wants congress to fix it. fox news correspondent jacqui heinrich asked white house press secretary karine jean-pierre about it yesterday. watch. >> the president said yesterday that he was hoping executive action on the border would happen by itself, that congress would legislate it. can you consistent fill for us - confirm for us that this indicates he's no longer considering executive action on the border. >> the president is trying to make it very clear no executive action would have that effect, the effect that this bipartisan negotiation would have had. the reason why it was stopped, the reason that it didn't go forward is because republicans awe're told in congress were tod to reject it by the former president. they chose politics instead of
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the majority of the american people. maria: joining me is lieutenant christopher olivarez. thank you for being here. karine jean-pierre just said the president would not have the same impact with exact testify e order, yet when he reversed president trump's executive order t impact was opening the border. why wouldn't an executive order have a similar impact the other way. >> it would. the federal government continues to gaslight the american people. you look at the data, 2021, prior to that we saw a secure border low immigration, high enforcement. post 2021, we're in the current situation we're in right now. it is a complete disservice to the american people, to our country, the fact that they have the authority to take executive action to secure our border, to stop the flow. once you stop the flow then we can have discussions about passing new laws or creating
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legal pathways. right now, in the interest of the american people and the country, we need to put a stop to the flow of illegal immigration that's taking place between the ports of entry. with that, you can reduce crime, you can reduce criminals making their way into the border. i think that in itself should be a priority for the federal government to safeguard our country, safeguard the american people. maria: we've been talking so much about laken riley having been murdered by an illegal whwhoentered the country from eo in 2022. there's a 12-year-old buy that was killed in a car crash in missouri because an illegal migrant was allegedly speeding the wrong way when her car collided with the boy and his parent's vehicle, leaving him on life support and he just passed away last week. what is going on in terms of people coming from venezuela? are you seeing particularly significant or anything specific
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about crime coming from venezuelans? because i know you talked in the past about this gang that's also in new york from venezuela as well. >> right, maria. first off, this is a cause and effect as far as deliberate result from the federal government and not securing our border and it's created these type of results, these type of tragedies, laken riley, the washington state trooper was killed. the federal government has continued to allow this catch and release procedure, also the abuse of the y asylum and parole process. the venezuelan that killed laken riley was released on parole. that's a complete aabuse of the asylum and parole process he's. some of the gangs from venezuela, that are in the country right now, we see that with the assault of new york city police officers, they were part of the venezuelan gang.
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this is part of the situation. we sounded the alarm at the beginning that when you allow illegals to come across the border, millions in the country right now, on top of the got aways, you'll have these type of activities, these tragedies taking place as a result of crimes perpetrated by illegal immigrants that should not be in the country in they the first place because they have some type of criminal backgrounds or nefarious intent to cause harm, to commit crimes and i see that if real-time. you would think that right now because of all these events that have transpired, the loss of lives, that the federal government would take action to actually put a stop to what's happening right now but they want to continue to point the finger and put blame on someone else and that's not going help anyone as far as the interest of our country. maria: how has the makeup changed in terms of the people coming in? is it largely from the northern triangle but increasing numbers from china. >> nothing has changed as far as the number of people coming across or people coming from
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across the globe, over 170 different countries, that's happening right now. that's not changed. chinese nationals, people from the middle east. we're dealing with those type of individuals what are coming across. you look at the threats, suspected terrorists, criminal gangs coming across our borders. those are the threats right now to public safety and national security. that's why we look back, maria, we talked about this numerous times. when we launched operation lone star, the initiative to secure the border, it was to focus on those types of criminals, criminal activity. we want to stop these tragedies from taking place. fentanyl, that remains a significant threat to our country as well. that's been lost in the conversation. we need someone to step in and do something for the american people. maria: todd piro, christopher wray talked about all of this the other day, saying that the border is where we're seeing the biggest threats originate. >> we haven't mentioned the threat coming from hey he at ha. the way you i understand it, the individuals that would be ultimately coming from haiti the, we know would be the gang
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members because any efforts to try to stabilize haiti would force those individuals out and where are they going to come? across the united states border. how worried are you about that threat on top of the threats we fotherwise. >> we're very concerned. in 2021 we had the situation with haitians in del-rio, over 17,000 came across our border. we don't know exactly where they ended up, what the process was as far as the vetting and now we're looking at what's happening in in haiti, we expect another surge because of what's happening over there. it goes back to having the proper checks, the proper policies and following the rule of law to do proper vetting on some of the individuals coming across. that's not been happening. it's going to pose another threat on top of what we've been dealing with for the last three years. it shows the p priority for the federal government is not to secure the border, not protect the american people or the
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country, but just continue to mass release people into the country and we're going to continue to see more tragedies like what took place with laken riley. maria: thanks very much for the update. we appreciate your work. >> thank you, maria. maria: quick break and then the test of tiktok today. lawmakers readying a vote on a bill that could essentially ban tiktok in the united states, the vote is today. fox business' kelly o'grady with a preview. >> reporter: we could see the start of the most severe enforcement on tiktok start today in the house. coming up, i'll tell you what's in the bill and what the path forward would be if it passes. ♪
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marmaria: welcome back i'm time for the morning buzz, tiktok on the clock as the house is set to vote on whether the company would be forced to split from bytedance and bytedance divest in tiktok or face a u.s. ban. fox business' kelly o'grady is here with more ahead of the vote today. kelly. >> that's right, maria. today marks a critical vote on the house floor and this
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legislation has rare bipartisan support. for some context, the bill would allow the president to classify apps that are under control of adversarial countries as national security threats. in had take that case, the app e banned. lawmakers attended a national security briefing on the app a, all while the ceo met with senators on capitol hill, a clear sign we are inching closer to sweeping action against tiktok. house republicans seem confident they've got the votes. they'll call for the vote under the suspension of the rules, requiring two thirds majority to pass but it speeds up the process. an interesting wrinkle. former president trump is opposing parts of the bill saying the tiktok ban would strengthen facebook which he called the enemy of the people. if the house goes forward it would need to pass the senate and move to the president's desk. there's a possibility it could be challenged on free speech concerns though gop members pushed back on that. >> it's prospective, not
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retrospective, protects the first amendment. it's about conduct, not content. it's about the ccp and their ability to own data and use the data no nefariously against our citizens. >> there would be an immediate need for bytedance to split. i worked on large scale m&a deals like this before. it normally takes upwards of a year. maria: thanks very much, kelly o'grady, interesting developments here. adam, your thoughts? >> i don't like bans in any form. i don't think you can ban tiktok. take that goes against free speech. any more than you can ban gas stoves or you can ban gas powered cars or michael bloomberg back a few years ago when he was the mayor of new york tried to ban 16-ounce sugary sodas in new york city. you can't ban.
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bans are art a initial. they the don't work. maria: it's -- artificial. they don't work. maria: it's a good point. what do you think? >> i don't view it as a ban, i view it as an investment, until the chinese say we won't let the american government tell us who we sell our company to. even though we get billions of dollars from the sales, we don't like the united states government telling us what to do so if that ultimately is the case and china does sort of play chicken with this, that could lead to an ultimate ban if china refuses to. maria: i understand what you're saying about bans. lee, there has to be some boundaries in place to ensure that the ccp cannot do whatever it wants in terms of spewing out propaganda and surveilling citizens and businesses. >> i mean, absolutely. it's a really, really complicated issue. many americans believe it should be banned but the bottom line is should the government be telling us what we can and can't do or
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should people be able to make an informed decision for themselves? should they be able to say i know the risk, i'm still willing to swipe through tiktok, knowing this is one of the possible threats that the chinese government can make. >> if it's a national defense threat, the government doesn't let us join up with national defense enemies. that's one way the government bans us from doing something. i can't go join russia tomorrow. that's what we're doing here. we're joining 170 million americans are join china. that's what it is. maria: or making yourself vulnerable to the threat china is bringing. we'll keep studying this. quick break and then former special counsel tell robert hur said he did not exonerate president biden over the classified documents scandal even though the democrats were pushing the narrative yesterday. we're digging it into. it's the hot topic of the hour and it's coming up next. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ just got paid.
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maria: welcome back. good wednesday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is wednesday, march 13, i'm time for the hot top ebbing of th


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