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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 13, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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a high of $72000 backed up just a little 724. that is a stand on the financial market. now this. after the state of the union speech, democrats should be doing cartwheels, that's according to the washington post, they thought biden laid to rest the idea that he was too old for the job, he is jacked up performance reversed worries about his cognitive decline, wishful thinking. a harris poll taken after the speech reveals 59% of voters, 63% of independents believe the speech was divisive, worse than that 57% of voters, 67 under present thought it raised questions about his age. tuesday a semi outpouring of democrat and media support after robert hur testified before, grace. the democrats insisted he had
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been exonerated in the documents case and robert hur was out of bounds when questioning the president's memory. the white house, case closed. no it's not, the president was not exonerated, that were does not appear and robert hur's report. what emerged from the hearing is biden's decline has gone so far that he can't stand trial but he could still run the country? today he sets off in wisconsin every move will be scrutinized. at the moment he's making a gaffe a day on average in the matter having english protect him they cannot completely isolate him. his campaign is in turmoil. the contrast with trump is particularly upsetting for democrats because the challenger is quite obviously quick on his feet and shows no sign of decline. unless the democrats managed to ease him out it will be biden versus trump eight months from now in the polls consistently show trump leading biden in key
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battleground states. the democrat celebration is premature, the third hour of "varney" start right now. stuart: a perfect time to bring a martha maccallum, the state of the union were premature, what say you spit is premature, there is a lot that will happen between now and the selection yet for convention happening over the course of the summer and these are very close polls in reality when you look at the battleground states have trump ahead too, biden had to. this can be a very tight race and i think people will make the decisions along the way and when you look at what happened with robert hur yesterday and you're right to point out that he was not exonerated unfortunately most people don't pay close attention to this the get is a nothing happened with the documents with regard to
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president biden, that is why they're pushing the line so hard that he was exonerated because he knows a lot of people glanced at the headline and accept it. the state of the union was a fairly strong night everything is relative when it comes to the president because of his performance he can have a few verbal stumbles which he did on that night and calm out a winner, the bar is low in terms of his physical mental performance on the campaign trail. we are hunkered down for a 2% fight although 18% say that they want another alternative and certainly not his ground the rfk junior will try to expand in the battleground states worries pulled fairly well, that is a landscape right now. stuart: can i ask you about that, rfk junior is considering aaron rodgers a quarterback. jesse ventura he asks. there was a mention of tulsi gabbard and rand paul that they turned on the opportunity. now he's a little bit lower on
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the list with the other individuals as a jets fan is my understanding he will be on the field in the fall and i thought they met a football field. we will see what happens. interesting they clearly like hanging out they have been posting pictures but these are less serious ideas that people had expected. stuart: jesse ventura is not serious. britain will no longer prescribed puberty blockers to children in the services there is no evidence that the treatment is safe and effective you think will see the same van coming to america state-by-state. >> i do i think you are really starting to see movement in this direction, the uk was in front on these procedures and treatments a long time ago that a lot of clinics all over the united kingdom's and what we saw became unfortunately for a lot of women in particular a sad a
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trend which is terrifying to change your body this is why we don't allow people under 2118 to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol and vote because her young and impressionable in the idea that we allow them to do surgical changes to their bodies at these ages is so deeply upsetting as a society and i think you will see a lot more of this. >> this is just coming out as a judge has thrown out six counts of charges against trump in georgia it sounds like a win for trump may be a possible delay. >> you always have to put the cases in the category to remind people this is georgia and fani willis nathan wade case that we watched play out in soap opera fashion over the last several weeks. scott mcafee has to make a decision whether he's going to take willis and wade off the case and today he made a surprising move by removing six
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of the 41 charges that exist in georgia, these charges have to do with the rico statute and the collaboration between the former president rudy giuliani and all these people, this is a win for the trump team and a marker along the way and will see what happens next. stuart: we will be watching you 3:00 o'clock eastern time. see you again soon. back to the market what i'm looking at is a nice game for the dow industrial up 100 points, the nasdaq trimmed its loss to a minus 76. mark capra with me for the hour. i want to start with that coin. the standout market debate is 7. >> it showing absolutely no signs of slowing down. when anything about bitcoin is a play on liquidity and we have a ton of liquidity in the market right now, it's also a supply and demand. come mid april that having event happens for those of you that are not familiar essentially new
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production of new coins will be cut in half so you get a phone well feeling where people are like i gotta get some now that's what you see what happened in the rollout of the etf's now etf companies have to buy more this looks pretty darn good and you have to size it appropriately. stuart: you are not in it are you? >> i buy a little bit every single week. >> what about your clients. >> i have a few clients own s some. it's far below 10% of the liquid investable assets and most below 3% so you have to make sure you own the right amount if you go down that path. stuart: a quick question you think there's a chance of a second wave of inflation? >> it's looking like that. everybody wants to pay attention to the year-over-year inflation changes in actuality you have to look at the momentum in the month over month changes and we
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watched cpi go from 0-point to to 0.3, 0.4 it's moving in the wrong direction a month over month it looks like it might read excel the rate core cpi is worse and i think the last three month 0.3, 0.4. as looking like inflation is stickier than the fed is expected. i find it highly doubtful that the fed ends up cutting three times this year i don't think they will cut in june everyone else seems to think that. >> stay there, back to you later, lauren is with us taking a look at cooper's up 2%. >> the house passed the bill to force bytedance to divest tiktok or face the band 170 million americans use tiktok i'm" nancy pelosi, she says were knocking a bandit we want to make it like tiktok tow, more friendly and to get rid of the chinese owner, easier said than done. >> meta is not trading higher, snap is.
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stuart: $12 a share on snap, dollar tree, average ticket size down, why they're down 15%. the lower income consumer has to watch how much they're spending at the dollar store they also own family dollar in the next couple of years are closing 1000 dollar tree and family dollar's. >> i thousand stores closing, the stock is down 15%, shell, are they cutting jobs? >> the cutting of faith of their jobs in the deals team the m&a team through looking to cut cost and my question we might find out tomorrow because i with energy transition report does not mean there cutting green investments also? shall in a gas company pivoting to green as energy giants have their looking to cut costs, what does that entail. stuart: the greens will go nuts. subpoenaing 15 years of hunter biden's phone records we just learned hunter declined to attend next week's hearing house
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oversight chair james comer will tell us where the investigation is going. illegal migrants may not be able to vote in our elections but there countered in the census, senate republicans want to change that and we will tell you why. enrollment in public schools has been on the decline for the last five years on the teachers unions to blame? education secretary bill bennett will tell us, he is next. ♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. colleges are putting together
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financial aid packages for incoming students. i'm told this is a chaotic situation what took them so long to come up with the rules. >> it is the government, back to you. the education department said it sent out student data to a few dozen universities this past weekend but delays have led school scrambling to put together financial aid offers for incoming students congress ordered a revamp in 2020 to simplify the complex application form reducing the number of questions from 108 to fewer than 50 and of course the government hasn't been able to rollout the new procedures without delay on technical hiccups many colleges are forced to extend their enrollment deadlines leaving families wondering how much financial aid can they get and school officials worried that the holder could discourage students from pursuing higher education at all. if your government at work.
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stuart: that is a mess, low enrollment and chronic absentee are plaguing our country school system, public school, public elementary and middle schools lost more than 2 million students between the former 2019 and this year. former education secretary bill bennett that's a huge loss and coupled with chronic absenteeism do you believe the unions? >> not this time i often do as you know but not this time this is broader. a lot of interesting things. one we know about covid and how enrollment went down during covid but it was going down before covid and after covid it's still going down and were wondering why kids are losing the connection to school and interest in school and particularly those kids in underserved and underprivileged
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areas, that is a big issue they need school the most. my wife it runs a best friend program she is in schools talking to kids and they don't feel connected to the adults in their lives either teachers or in many cases even their parents. >> they want to go to school to be recognized. stuart: how are you going to fix it no simple reason why this is happening but how would you go about fixing it. >> at the complex and philosophical problem i think anna herring had it right in the crisis in authority we cannot abandon children through upper hand, this is my view in a brave new world, young technology, a.i., we don't understand it, good luck go ahead and have your
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sex change operation that is not what we want from adults so our engagement with adults of all levels and that means teachers as well as parents and give kids a reason to go to school they like to know that there missed if they don't go and they haven't felt that they want the connection that hurt a lot during covid. stuart: how do you feel about smartphones in the classroom or in school at all. >> it should not be touring them and they should not be in the classroom and you lock them up so you can get your lesson learned. i have plenty of time of the smart front. >> the college board is being accused of dumbing down the sats they have a new adaptive test. in what way are they dumbing down t sat event digital leader doing it digitally and this is not the first time the sat has been done this is ironic for the same time that a couple lightly and others are bringing back the
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sat and the old original sat is a great predictor of what students will learn and how quickly they will learn, now you bring back the sat but you cripple it by watering it down, we water down expectations of time in her sats and her colleges in our schools and were starting to pay the price. stuart: last one of public school in austin, texas teaching students that strengthen immigration laws are a part of the system of oppression against mexican americans this is one high school in austin, texas. is this a system? >> no it's not a system, good immigration system is a system of freedom and what this is doing is obviously showing that this curriculum or this program has been taken over by progressives, liberals and their indoctrinating these kids.
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i think it's in round rock texas close to austin but maybe the austin influence. stuart: the austin influencer should remember that. come back soon and talk about the legalization of marijuana which i think is out of control. we gotta get into. >> that doesn't help either. we need brains in school. stuart: the genie is out of the bottle how do we do that, come again soon. thank you very much indeed there could be a crackdown on school lunches, what does california want to get rid of now. >> fruit loops lucky charms a lot of kids get cereal instead of a hot meal or any food or drink like skittles and gatorade that has one of seven artificial dyes, read 40 hyperactivity a lot of kids with adhd, titanium linked cancer this is the first of its kind bill and it passed then schools in california will not be allowed to sell any of
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the seven ingredients. we all want kids to be healthy but they also have to eat and sometimes they don't like broccoli. >> what about a hot dog nobody knows within a hot dog but we still eat those. >> you should see the waste in the school lunch program roots and vegetables are out, starch in that's the way it is. >> i'm the mom that is more than okay giving them something bad as a bribe were to motivate them but a lot of parents say no my kid is behaving bad because they ate this and has read 40 it's a thing among parents and it puts a few company or the chef to use healthier ingredients. stuart: moving on. president biden may start to win the inflation blame game how about that a new poll shows voters blame businesses for inflation not biden's policies. will break it down former special counsel her says his report did not exonerate president biden he's accused of
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political bias from the democrats. house oversight committee chair james comer on that next. (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there. viking. exploring the world in comfort. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪
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stuart: on the market at dow up 150-point anna couple of dow stocks doing well that accounts to the big rally the nasdaq on 78 and it is simply down five. mark tepper is with us the entire hour and he brought his stock picks including primo water corporation. >> super exciting this is the company that makes the water coolers the water dispensers that are around the office and at your home and they also deliver the water jugs and every filling station they have the razor blade affect where they got the continuous recurring revenue, this is an under appreciated company as it relates to ozempic affect as people are making smarter and smarter health decisions, eating less junk food, drink and more water, less soda, this is a company that should benefit, we have the fair value at $29 today it should be worth $29 today 75%
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upside. stuart: if you use ozempic does that make you use more water? >> is deterring people from drinking alcohol it's been shown that it subsides cravings which include alcohol even if you're an alcoholic it shown positive effects in those categories. stuart: we hear you don't lay it on too thick. lift a nice competitor to uber. >> we owned uber as well and we made a lot of money and uber boatlift ridesharing is a duopoly, lift is normally a year or two behind uber we expect them to following uber's footsteps with regards to profitability and beginning to return capital to shareholders we think that's coming down the pike we have it valued at $23 fair value now, what is that a decent amount of upside. >> we don't do math on the spirit of the moment.
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the white house says it is case closed in time to move on from the special counsel report peter doocy at the white house. robert hur confirmed he did not exonerate the president. his administration said anything about that. >> you start with the hearing the operating theory, maybe president biden was holding onto the classified material over the course of several decades because he was hoping to someday write something that could live up to a multimillion dollar book advance. >> joe biden at 8 million reasons to break the rules, he took classified information and shared it with the guy who was writing the book, the oldest motive in the book pride in money, do you agree with that you wrote in your report. >> the language appears in the report and we identified evidence supporting those assessments. >> robert hur cannata been more clear, his decision to not recommend charges against
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president biden does not mean president biden did not do anything wrong. however, i'm going to presume you would never prosecute someone that you thought was outright innocent. >> correct. >> in this case, did you reach conclusion that this man was outright innocent. >> that conclusion is not reflected in my report. >> the report does not say that the president is not in the sickle, white house officials are saying the official line in yesterday's hearing in the report only affirms the innocence of the president. >> thank you peter, all good stuff, house oversight committee chair james comer, give us a broad picture, what you take away from robert hur's test testimony. >> robert hur experience a few things that i experience
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investigating, they just don't tell the truth. when they have to play in hunter's case, the drug card he says i can remember sending that text because i was on drugs and joe biden when he has to play the card he placed dementia and is difficult to produce a product. one thing i mentioned in my testimony of lines of questions yesterday was the fact that the timeline is off by a year end a half to transcribed interviews we know the discovery of the classified documents happened a year end a half before the white house declared there was a discovery of the classified documents. what happened in the year end a half, who had access. unfortunately robert hur's report did not dove into that. especially when we proven in our investigation that the biden family has taken $30 million from adversaries around the world and they've yet to excite anyone what they did to earn the money but would you classify documents being mishandled one
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would suspect they could've played a role in their influence schemes. stuart: the white house does not think that anyone needs the tapes abided interviews with the special counsel's office. >> i think the main thing to take away from today, two words for the american people, case closed. there is no reason that anyone would need the audiotape, we have a transcript that's been made public, house republicans ask for that has been released the point of an audio recording to inform a transcript that is the official record of a proceeding and that's how this works. stuart: you have seen the transcript while you also want to see the tape. >> they interviewed a lot of people that didn't make the final report, we need the tapes and we need to know exactly what happened with respect to which document in ukraine and russia particularly where mishandled because we found suspicious
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e-mails that the president's son was sending to the oligarchs in ukraine and russia after joe biden left office at a time when hunter was trying to prove he was still with the same amount of money that he was getting paid well joe biden was vice president which he was not in office. we suspect some of these documents could've been in the boxes and how to the boxes and up in a different locations. none of this makes sense and robert hur's report did not go deep into that. i read his report and i read the same level of frustration that i have every day and with respect to recordings they said we don't need the recordings, richard nixon didn't think the router gate needed recordings either. it didn't matter what they want is what the investigators want and the reason that we wanted is because we've already proven this family was influence peddling and from robert hur's report we know joe biden mishandled the documents because he is trying to get money, this
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is a greedy entitled family and we need to know what documents were mishandled. stuart: i'm sure you've seen this by hunter biden has declined to attend the hearing on the influence peddling, the letter was addressed to you what can you tell us about it. >> we did not get the letter for over an hour. we agreed to the letter in the press and when the white house and colluding with the mainstream media they forget to include us what we had written a letter finally just a few minutes ago and i'm shocked because all i heard from hunter biden he wanted to come and have a public hearing, now we have a venue for a public hearing and he's declining to come. the media attacked me for weeks because we wouldn't allow him to testify public. now we are now the media with the media going to do i think the american people have a lot
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of questions. in hunter biden's deposition there were many discrepancies from what he claimed happened in his father's involvement versus three of their business partner said. three of the business partners who were in business with hunter biden and that would joe biden said totally different very serious things when you're investigating a family for this level of public corruption we deserve the truth the american people deserve the truth, were getting hunter biden avenue to testify publicly and i think he'll be there we expect them to be there and i look forward to having hunter biden there next week. stuart: thank you very much for joining us. you're in the middle of this and we want to keep in touch. the cdc has sent a response team to a migrant facility in chicago they're dealing with an outbreak of measles. treasury secretary janet yellen sat down with edward lawrence with an exclusive interview, edward is here to share their conversation. that is next.
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stuart: edward lawrence sat down and wanted to tell you about our state of the economy today? the state of economy is going to get better throughout the year and i'm still sitting in the seat and we finish the interview with secretary yellen and elizabeth town kentucky i asked her where we were when president biden came into office and where we are now if you look at chicken breast from the day
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president biden came into office today, those are up 26% if you run down the list of things we cook with, but it is up 27% all prices up 18 and not present since president biden took office treasury secretary saying once rent cycles through as new leases are signed and placed in will come down more. >> it takes a while for that to filter into the cpi. i have every expectation that the single largest contributor to it to inflation is going to be moving down over this year. >> you did say 2021 inflation is an transitory. >> i regret saying it was transitory. , i think transitory means a few weeks to months to most people. the president to energy is up
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35%, the transitions moving forward with the president's proposed budget the treasury secretary saying she believes that investments will add jobs eventually not giving a timeline and electric vehicles will catch on once consumers see the charging station are being built out those can take years and more on the interview and clips and conversation from the interview and an hour on cavuto "coast to coast". stuart: thank you very much. mark tepper is still in new york. treasury secretary suggests. i disagree. i hope that would be the case. were looking a month over month inflationary numbers that are actually getting hotter in higher up 0.4% month over month that's a .4% annualized easy enough of those and it becomes very concerning when you begin to think about three said rate cuts this year at a point in time where inflation
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accelerating and as i mentioned there's no way that we get to rate cuts its maybe one maybe two at the very end of the year because the fed is going to have to deal with this spike in inflation again. stuart: not good for the market. thank you. a new poll reveals who boaters blame for inflation, whose fault is it? >> a greedy corporation, that is a terrible and perspiration a mr. biden who loves to say man financial times online poll found that 63% of people blame price increases over the last six months on large corporations take advantage of inflation. that by the way up 54% from november, 38% blame democrat policies for the price hikes. okay. but 59% for this country and disapproved joe biden down
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slightly from 61% in november, conflicting results but as we head toward november the biden campaign continues to bash corporations for higher prices while apparently dropping the term bidenomics i wonder why. stuart: come on man. i think yours is better than mine. lauren is back with us. i want to look at citadel, ken griffin what is he saying about future rate cuts. >> the fed should moves slowly and cutting rates. june is cut into the market. the worst mistake a powell can make is pausing for a long period and having to hike rates again because they could get transitory inflation under control he sees the biggest inflationary factors as government spending and d globalization which i took to mean bringing assembly lines back to the u.s. stuart: thank you very much, it's not time we show you the
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dow 30. there is strong buying out there e dow was up 150 points, i would say two thirds of the dow 30 are in, not record territory but they're up in the dow is on pace for a record close right now 39157. in chicago a limit of 60 days has been placed on migrant stand in the government run shelters. where are they going when they get kicked out? we will tell you next. ♪ ♪ your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description.
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stuart: republicans are pushing a bill that would exclude noncitizens from the census count that determines congressional districts on the electoral college map. rich edson joined us if illegal immigrants cannot vote why are they counted in the census? >> the federal government has counted those living here, citizens or not since 1790 the census bureau means that means on authorized are included in his population count. the census performed once a decade decide how many congressional seats in electoral college votes each state receives. >> this is about power at the
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end of the day. we need of legal migrants at this expensive states like mine that don't have 70 migrants undertaken where voting power. >> bill hagerty offered an amendment to a funding bill to ensure that only factors legal citizens into the account for congressional districts in the electoral college map it failed along party lines, the amendment would've sank the entire spending bill and accuse republicans are trying to boost their political power. >> this adds detrimental requirements that would inject politics into the census and have a chilling effect on the census bureau's constitutional responsibility to count the number of people in the united states. >> this amendment is constitutional if unauthorized immigrants were excluded and
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population change alone. the study says alabama, minnesota and ohio each would hold onto his seat that they otherwise would've lost. the trump administration tried to include a citizenship question on the form that year, the supreme court essentially block that initiative. stuart: thank you. starting friday chicago will evict migrants who stay in the city shelters for 60 days, jointly gubernatorial candidate dan croft, where are the migrants going once the kicked out of the shelters harbor. >> this is been by the seat of johnson's pants by the beginning, they were going to house migrants that was ruled to environmentally dangerous by the state, that opportunities through chicago to use catholic facilities and they have not taken the facilities up on that,
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they went after, indoor and then retail and old commercial space. here's what i'll tell you, they're not going anywhere there's one reason why and it picks up on what you were talking about with the census. when chicago the average daily attendance for chicago public schools in the chicago teachers union will not let the migrants in the migrant children go anywhere because the amount of state funding is based on the average daily attendance and andblack families and many othes in c.p.s. on the student population and enrollment declining, this is a godsend for them to prop up their salaries and their benefits and their political power. stuart: i knew there would be a rational explanation, that is a good one. there is an outbreak of measles, one of the city migrant shelters, seven cases reported so far. is there an element of panic in the city? >> i think there is pushback, i would not say panic, somebody
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boaters in chicago are dead from the neck up i don't know panic is an option but i think there is an element of pushback, resource issues and from a humane perspective you would think this will be spending hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars on a weekly basis and other intersection with people's money and incompetence. stuart: i work and live close to new york city and there's a sense that is spiraling down. you are in chicago, is there a sense that chicago is spiraling down. >> yes, if you talk to anybody that spent any time in chicago, they will tell you it is not the city it used to be. it is a city i do not go to if i
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live in the suburbs, the city i do not come down to unless i absolutely have to for work if i have to work down there. it is a city and region i'm plotting my exit strategy from. obviously a lot of discussion has been about the preventable crime that is occurring at the hands of people in this country illegally and that spiraling into the suburbs conversations are extending behind chicago in the metropolitan area. stuart: thank you for joining us, setting the record straight. we appreciate it. period. it is, the wednesday trivia question. about how many days does it take them into trouble once around the earth, 24, 27, 30 or 33, i'm fairly confident that i know the answer. i'm prepared to be wrong. the real correct answer after this. ♪ business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition.
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11:58 am
one of the leading causes of stroke. and it's the only personal ekg that's fda-cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think this costs? probably in the hundreds. $79. oh wow! that could be cheaper than a tank of gas. checking your heart anytime, anywhere has never been easier. don't wait. get kardiamobile today for just $79 at or amazon.
11:59 am
stuart: all right before the break, we asked -- about, interesting use of the word "about" which means it's rather vague. about how many days does it take to moon to travel once around the earth. ashley? you're first. ashley: okay, i'll go with 27. number 2. stuart: and tepper is our guest? >> i'll go with 33. stuart: okay, lauren? >> i'll take 24.
12:00 pm
stuart: i'm going for 30. oh, 27 who got that right? ash got it. okay. many ancient civilizations actually tracked the moon's cycle to track time. the oldest confirmed use of the lunar calendar dates back to 8,000 bc found in scotland. how would you not know that? >> what news! stuart: what was that again? say it again, ash. that's right, yeah. yaki-dar as well isn't it? ashley: yes it is. stuart: we better move on. tepper, thank you very much indeed for sticking around for the entire hour. >> thanks for having me. stuart: got 10 seconds left. got anything to add lauren? >> we were at an irish restaurant two nights ago. and i was trying to do the accent and i couldn't. neil: well thank you, guys. the clock is ticking on tiktok


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