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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  March 13, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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rest of the world. on this topic. institutions discovered or co-discovered drugs in the last year, take a look at the chart this shows you who we are as a nation to what we could do as a nation, 66% of the united states 66% 5.4% out of canada, 4.7 out of germany, 4.7 out of the uk to nobody time to her politicians say we should be more like germany and more like the uk, those are great countries but with united states of america this is where it all happens. i'm really worried along the way were going to forget that and if we do we go somewhere else and do something different forget it regret it, longer lives in living better because were an amazing country. in part because ashley webster. always gotta get you in on a tease, and for liz claman today. ashley: is going great, you could not be more right.
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why everybody wants to be here the land of opportunity and amazing country, never forget that. i am ashley webster and for liz claman read we begin the final hour of trade with the fox market alert, e dow aiming for a record close keep an eye on this it must finish up more than 126.04 points, mark that down, if it does that'll be the 15th record close of 2024, just a little short as we head into the final hour of trading. any gain for the s&p 500 would also be another record. it's been floating right around the mark there bobbing up and down negative, positive weather weekend finish in the green at the end of the day. receiving gains from energy names including valero energy which is also on track for a record close up 5.5%, the u.s. energy sector is rallying with oil with russian refineries,
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those gains in their counter active in the dollar tree and the fallout on the story a little later in the nasdaq and the red, slightly on beauty day of trading to be fair in the tech stocks marvel, micron and intel, land research, look at all those names there in the red, down for a half percent. investors are being very cautious ahead of economic data that comes out tomorrow and what the consumer is feeling like these days, with that in mind it's getting to the floor show and dissect all of the action, joining the regents chief investment officer alan mcknight, the man himself dan
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geltrude thank you for being here. alan let me begin with you do you have the sense of we have a bullish trend. we know there has been a town of money on the sidelines, i feel like the bullish trend is continuing would you agree? >> we completely agree we think the trend is your friend in a moment to wave at the end of last year that is continued up for good reason because the names that have delivered from an earning perspective and a revenue growth are garnering more inflows and supporting higher evaluations and can continue and maybe not to the degree that we saw last year for the rally across the board of s&p 500 but driven by a few names as it broadens out in the s&p can do well this year. ashley: has a bullish trend been too concentrated.
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is there broad-based advance? >> there's no question about the concentration all you have to do is look at the numbers, if you go beyond that, you can absolutely see there are a number of gems out there and you have to go searching and looking. personally i really like the energy companies. i always have, like the prophets in the dividends. to me when you looking at investing across-the-board there is plenty of places to make money out there. ashley: very good let me bring you in on the fed, will be getting a fed decision next w week, very unlikely to do anything in march and now the chances in the rate cut in june
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around 65%, the data continues to suggest that the inflation is sticky is not coming down as much as the fed would like it if they don't cut rates isn't that bad for the market. >> as offices consisted in the past year and the market got over it skis and investors in terms of a belief in go out for significantly more cuts behind that and as long his head stays on his path we see a few cuts over the balance of the year the market can still do quite well in the 50 and 200 day moving averages, two thirds to the beginning of this year, and the fed being a little slover.
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ashley: that hurts the market. the rate cuts even more. what are you expecting i think it's going to be slightly elevated but i don't expected to be down that's my projection. in any movement with a substantial difference of how the fed is approaching interest-rate i think they're pretty set on this is good to be the second half of this year, i think the market is baking that in, i'm not expecting too much on this. ashley: what can upset the trend, are we definitely in a bullish frame of mind, the momentum is there you cannot fight about what can upset that. >> if we see a reversal in the trend of inflation and slowly coming down and the shock that
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drives a higher and telegraphing revenues are to be lighter than expected all expenses remain elevated that's problematic and suddenly investors start to scratch their head and are we going to pay these evaluations and multiples for earnings. i think those two things could create a bit of a maelstrom of the mark as it relates to the balance of the year. >> we know you like oil, what areas are you avoiding in this environment. >> in terms of what i'm looking forward to and specifically you know i like oil, target resources, that is a stock out there that has growing even to and growing dividends in reducing share count strong balance sheet and that's
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something i really like out there right now. ashley: alan and dan thank you both for joining us a lot of great information it's much appreciated. breaking news, i want to get to this. you are taking a look a live look at treasury secretary janet yellen she's delivering remarks from elizabeth town kentucky about the biter the administration efforts to invest in america. earlier janet yellen told the tech facility supply products and ev battery production across the globe, guess what before her speech fox business edward lawrence was able to sit down with janet yellen for an exclusive interview, edward joins us from the bluegrass state there was plenty to talk about. , not far from where she is speaking right now, what are the most important answers that came out of this interview in the weeds but china's move making deals with other countries to trade their currency.
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>> brazil has a deal with china not to deal with u.s. dollars were seeing countries not dealing u.s. dollars and that seems to grow around the world how is the u.s. countering these moves and are you concerned of the reserve currency status. >> i think the dollar has always been and will remain the most important reserve currency, there really is no rifle in terms of the depth of the u.s. financial markets. there are countries that would ideally like to trade in other ways and we are seeing limited experiments in different parts of the world, there is no broad-based move away from the dollar and i believe it's critically important that the dollar remain the world's
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reserve currency. >> are we countering those in the u.s. >> we continue to run an economy where we have a commitment to low-inflation and solid economic performance in the underpins in the dollar use as a reserve currency. >> she called an expert met by other countries, the experiment is being led by china, where goes and how far it goes. >> great stuff thank you very much, very interesting, a recap of what's going on at the mark at this hour, the dow on pace or close to it to close that a record will be the 15th record close of the year the energy sector rallying with oil with signs of strong demand, janet yellen telling fox business will remain the most important reserve currency.
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in janet yellen may think the economy is on the right track and the backbone may be worried about the future, coming up to get a check to state a small business with the ceo of j.p. morgan chase business banking. as we head to the break we should point out small and mid-cap, ticker s mlt of more than 20% over the last year. not too shabby. "the claman countdown" is coming right back. ♪
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ashley: while wall street hits record optimism on main street fell in february the nfib small business optimism falling to
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89.4 from 89.9 in january that is the lowest level in nine months as inflation continues to be a big concern especially for small business owners. with that said joining mina fox business exclusive j.p. morgan chase business banking ceo ben walter, great to have you here, what you make of the latest survey of small businesses. optimism dropping a bit, are you surprised. >> i'm not that's been bouncing along for a 15 or 16 months so i'm not totally surprised we do our own survey and we serve over 6 million small businesses across the country and we surveyed 500 every month and the fog is starting to lift i see that head north over the next few months. we see cautious optimism around listening of the labor market, that's a pain point and you hear a lot of talk about inflation and tight labor markets and source of inflation for small
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business because they drive their cost up and we see that using a bit. ashley: that's one of the biggest things from small businesses, the higher cost of interest rates that apparently are going to stay higher for longer because the data continues to be somewhat hot or certainly sticky inflation and that's going to be a drag on small businesses it is a drag but demand is staying strong and small businesses need that as well. i think you will see push and pull, remember also the rates are not that high by historical levels we need to go through a psychological reset we hear that from customers 15 years of 0 got people used to something that cannot stick around. ashley: i came here in 1982 got a mortgage at 16% and i thought i got a steel there is some reality. by the way what small businesses are doing well flourishing right now? >> the ones that are doing really well are in professional
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services entity thing related to housing we see strong demand for contractors and strong demand for professional and technology services the ones that are struggling other ones were super close to the consumer, restaurants, retail trade where the costs have gone up and they're up against ability for consumers to pay more or some of the transportation related sectors where they seen their margin squeeze pretty aggressively. ashley: getting alone is part of us part of being a small business owner and hopefully your thriving and want to extend and expand but i hear the banks are being pretty tight these days and what it takes to get alone, to get a mortgage in a business loan is that still the case? >> we are not if you look at our business credit looks just like it did before and that's something we try to do is be there for clients through the cycle.
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i think there certainly pockets, lots of banks playing a role in this country including regional local and they've had a tougher time with some of the things on commercial real estate so there might be pockets where it's getting tougher but there's plenty of capital for people of good plans and a good track record. >> imagine the regional banks, how do you think the health of the regional banks are it's been about a year since we had the last fallout are you more confident? >> i'm more confident from a systemic perspective what i would say as always these things generalizing are difficult there are some who are in good shape and some less, that will have to play out over time. >> absolutely true i have to ask you about the fed at one point if i'm not mistaken one point people were predicting seven rate cuts that was overly optimistic. i would imagine the money right now is on a june cut down to
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65%, what is your take on this when do you think will see a rate cut from the fed? >> i don't think we'll see a rate cut from the fed until we see economic slowdown and that means slackening the labor market and consumer demand which leads over 70% of the economy honestly i think they have been true to their word and though read the data. i hesitate to predict if it'll be june or september or anywhere in between when they see enough data to warrant a cut that is a good thing. it means if there is enough demand in the economy they will let it support itself that's good for small businesses and consumers. ashley: what a good place to leave it on optimistic notes, thank you so much ben for joining us. >> thank you for having me. as always great stuff, thank you very much. america's defense contractors planes, missiles and drones as the wars in gaza and ukraine verbal lawn. were heading straight to georgia for an inside look at marquis martens war room and how it's
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building the advance weapon systems in the world, don't miss that, as we head to the break, u.s. aerospace and defense ticker ita that is up over 15% over the last six months. will be coming right back. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities.
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you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain. ashley: the biden administration announcing its sending a
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military aid package to ukraine worth up to $300 million and includes antiaircraft and artillery rounds to kyiv ukraine basically voted on the battlefield for another couple more weeks. this comes as american military supply lockheed martin is ramping up its production of one of the most iconic airplanes, the c-130, let's go live to madison alworth to the hercules plant in georgia with an inside look. >> we are here at the plant in marietta georgia in behind the c-130s, part of them not completed but these planes are made from start to finish right here at the site and iconic plane with the nickname of hercules work celebrating the 70th anniversary this year, that is why were here at a time when there are two wars overseas an increase concern around national security were getting the inside look.
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when it comes to the planes over the course of this year were expecting to have over 20 made. over the course of the 70 years 2700 c-130s have been made at approximately half of them are still operational vps at lockheed tell us is a combination of the american craftsmanship and the reliability and durability of the aircraft that makes that possible. >> a number of aircraft made in the early 60s continue to operate even after all that time and they've only gotten better since then. >> the way it's built to provide to fly fast enough and refuel fighter jets and slow enough for helicopters to land and 3000-foot runways is what makes the aircraft so unique. >> is an incredibly important piece of air technology for the air force. this year they're expected to make 20 although they have the capability to make 36 if more orders come in.
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when it comes to the aircraft in the site huge economic impact for the state of georgia. aerospace is the number one export for the state and when it comes to lockheed martin and economic impact of $4.4 billion each and every year. ashley: georgia is booming always on my mind. madison alworth, great stuff, the c-130 and iconic aircraft thank you very much, fox business alert for you this is an interesting story tesla ceo elon musk says the berlin giga factory is back online after the power last week due to an arson attack the chief executive was pictured at the german factory wearing a black t-shirt that read we are the future. >> elon musk is germany still the right place. [inaudible] ashley: we couldn't make that out but he seems happy doesn't
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he. doing time after wells fargo cut tesla's to underweight and/the price target to $120 to 200 which is the lowest on wall street, the stock is what are the biggest losers of s&p 500 year-to-date tesla stock down 31%. dollar tree is at the bottom of the s&p 500 and nasdaq after he posted disappointing quarterly results and announced the closure of several stores, the discount retailer missed market expectations for holiday quarter sales and profit dollar tree by the way will also close at 600 family dollar stores in the first half of fiscal 2024, the stock is getting hit hard down more than 14% shares of dollar general lower on the news ahead of its earnings release by the way before open tomorrow dollar general down nearly 3% and by the way a new top dog at petco
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health and wellness ceo is stepping down and being replaced by the board's lead independent director until a permanent replacement is found the stock is in the doghouse as well, down 72% over the past year. down another half 8% today, $2.55. alright the house voting to put the nation's favorite social media apps on notice tiktok facing a possible ban house energy and commerce vice chair republican congressman buddy carter of georgia will be here next to tell us why we need to take tiktok and the threat seriously mean time let's take a look at the nasdaq leaders as we head to the break. paypal, palo alto, monster beverage to name a few. "the claman countdown" is coming right back. o) i'm the richest guy in the world.
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ashley: breaking news the house resoundingly passing a bill which would force by dance to sell the social media app or face a ban on all u.s. devices the legislation passed by a vote of 352 to 65 the bill is effectively one senate vote away for getting signed into law after president biden voiced his approval for saying he will sign the bill if it reaches his desk but before that the question how will the fair in the senate is there enough votes. hilary vaughn on capitol hill with the latest. there are rumors that this bill won't even reach the senate what are you hearing. >> chuck schumer is backed into a corner after it passed the house he released a short statement saying he'll take a look at the bill but nothing
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else, he did not make commitments to put it on the floor but when you look at the overwhelming bipartisan margin that passed the house, the clock is ticking for schumer to decide what to do with tiktok in the white house is getting in the middle of it today saying they want to see the senate takes swift action democrats and republicans are really teaming up to supporter, marco rubio and senator mark warner releasing the joint statement saying were united and are concerned about the national security threat ppost by tiktok we were encouraged by the strong bipartisan vote and look forward to working together to get the bill passed through the senate and signed into law. as much of a bipartisan effort backing this bill the opposition is also popping up on both sides with senators like rand paul against the bill tiktok reacted to the news saying this process was secret and the bill was gm through for one reason it is a band were hopeful that the senate will consider the facts
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listen to their constituents and realize impact on the economy 7 million small businesses and 170 million americans to use our service but some democrats say they know what's at stake and they don't think it'll get band they just think it'll get be better. >> first of all this is not a ban on tiktok, my grandmother teenagers i understand entertainment value, the educational, communication and the business value for some businesses, this is not an attempt to ban tiktok it's an attempt to make to talk better, tic-tac-toe a winner. >> tiktok thought it would be a good idea to encourage their young users to reach out to the congressperson and begged them not to vote for this bill but that may have that backfired because a lot of young people call the congressperson and some of them threatened to commit suicide if the lawmaker voted for the bill and others threatened the lawmakers themselves and showcasing the
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grip that this app has on young americans. ashley: it sure does. thank you very much for that report. our next guest sponsored the bill that could lead to the band-aid of tiktok, georgia republican congressman buddy carter is a vice chair of the house energy and commerce committee and last year he came face-to-face with the ceo of tiktok, watch this. >> why is it that tiktok consistently fails to identify and moderate these harmful videos. why is it that you allowed this to go one we heard god bless from parents who are here with us and lost children. i submit to you everybody up here cares about the children of this country. tell me why. >> this is a real industry challenge and were working very hard. >> this is not an industry this is tiktok were talking about
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tiktok why is it that you cannot control this. >> asked what congressman buddy carter joins us now in a fox business exclusive. do you feel the same way today as you did almost a year ago. >> even more so i'll tell you today is this dork and i'm so proud of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle congress has spoken the house of representatives has spoken and they said were not going to do this were not going to show on our responsibility of protecting our homeland and protecting our citizens. instead were knocking about a chinese communist party owned app operate in america. if they want to divest themselves but were knocking to sit aside and stick her head in the sand and we don't know what's going on. >> let me play devils advocate,
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critics have made points, they said if you warn consumers about the data in the exposure of the data and the potential for it it should be the final choice should be left with the consumers enough the government, the government has already banned tiktok to be used on government phones why would we ban and the government and not banner for children it just makes sense and again, let me be sure that we understand this is a decision tiktok has to make its own by the company by dance which is owned by the chinese communist party if they will divest of the majority of ownership in this company then tiktok continues on and people continue to enjoy it and continue to watch it.
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it's our responsibility the number one responsibility of federal government is to protect our homeland in our country and we would be irresponsible if we did not pay attention to what is going on we had a secure briefing and after the secure briefing the vote in the commerce committee i would challenge the senate and if you will listen to the same facts that we listen to you will agree we need to do this. ashley: the question is are there enough votes in the se senate. 352 votes that sends a strong message to the senate, we need to take a look at this. and they need to take up the spell and pass this bill, the white house has already said that they would sign and the president said that. , we have three different groups the house, the senate in two out of three have already said my
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dad always told me someone that looks like you're the only one that isn't right, everybody else is wrong you better stop and think it might not have him. >> mark warner was on the show. it doesn't bother where this company is from afar data is available to communist china it's wrong, listen to the sound by all gate reaction it wouldn't bother me if it wasn't an american company or brazilian or a french company. at the end of the day the communist party of china has faced on the algorithm and i'm not making the claim but is very believable that they would be trying to use this algorithm to promote anti-american activity. that is from democrat mr. warner
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i think both democrats understand all the data could be used for. >> i think he is spot on. he understands. that is what this bill does it identifies if these are adversarial companies. china does not allow american apps to be on their phones in china monitors the content of tiktok in their country we would be more than relist we would be responsible if we didn't do t this. ashley: what about the comments of donald trump who said we should ban this but now he's flipped and said no it would give other competitors advantage, how would you respond to that. >> he is right in the sense to give mark zuckerberg any more business.
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but at the same time this decision is to be made by tiktok they need to decide whether they will divest themselves from being involved with the chinese communist party or whether they will sell to american company. they are the ones out to make the final decision. we are not banning tiktok, if you are owned by the chinese communist party or an adversarial country iran, north korea, russia, then you're not could have a nap in our country. ashley: there's a lot of talk about entrepreneurs and business owners that rely on tiktok and they don't tell themselves then they will have the outlet. what would you say to them. they ought to be the ones calling tiktok you need to divest yourself. we depend on the platform and we need this to be under and under
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the communist party and you mentioned us getting these phone calls and when you expect communist china to use child labor, nevertheless most of them were from young people and again, were not banning them we are just saying we were born at night but not last night. come on you going to let the chinese communist party have all of your data here. ashley: we will have to leave it there, congressman buddy carter. congratulations, will be following very carefully what happens in the senate, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. let's get to this bitcoin hitting a new record high today one of the biggest bitcoin believers, michael sailor said he's never selling his company's bitcoin holdings we will ask the ceo if you should follow his lead. in all time high today.
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we will take a look at that as we head to the break up more than 8%, "the claman countdown" coming right back. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen. get ongoing advice; and manage your investments in the chase mobile app. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you.
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ashley: bitcoin right now, just above3,000. you can see, 73,182. this after hitting another all-time high earlier today. it is not just bitcoin posting records. spot bitcoin etfs saw one billion dollar inflows for the first time ever on tuesday, showing how strong the demand is for bitcoin. a company and security company is custodian for two of those etfs. the company's ceo joins me in a "first on fox business" interview. mike, great to have you here. maybe we need to begin with what the heck does a custodian after couple of etfs do? i believe you have the valkyrie bitcoin etf and hash decks bitcoin etf. what exactly your does company do? >> we've been around since 2013
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building security assets. we have $65 billion under cost at this today. most people know what a bank is. a bank is a depository. they take your money and lend it out. we are a custodian, we take your money and assets hold it for you, securely, and give it back to you when you want it back. ashley: so you're giving investors peace of mind if nothing else, right? >> that's right from a technology perspective in 2013 you used hear about hacks and things like that in the space. we started pioneering security solutions. today the solution we pioneered, multisignature protocols for bitcoin is by far and away the gold standard how you protect digital assets these days and that is what we do at our core. on top of that we have a highly regulated and compliant digital custodian. we're regulated in new york under new york dfs and regulated in seven other varies are places around the world with seven trust companies we own and
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operate. we continue to provide better service. yes, we help secure the assets behind the et fs. ashley: absolutely fascinating w very to talk about the surge with bitcoin up 73,000. of course a lot of that i guess momentum coming from the etf money coming in, how has that affected your business? have you seen a big increase in volume? >> yes, it is a pretty strong period for us this year has been very good. obviously the digital asset marketplace goes through more ups and downs, has more higher highs, higher lows than what you see. because it is relatively small. we are in the process as an ecosystem building the markets and plumbing between them to make it very strong and liquid. so yes, right now we happen to see things going very strong. it is primary rooted from the etfs. the etfs create a massive distribution channel with the largest markets in the world. there has been pent-up demand
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for bitcoin for quite sometime. the etfs make it a simple vehicle for people to participate. ashley: it is not just bitcoin. ether hit its highest price in two years, breaking over the 4,000-dollar mark. i believe you're the sole kudsiian to wbtc that is another alternative to bitcoin. what is the future like for alternative crypto? bitcoin gets all the headlines but is the rising tide of bitcoin lifting all boats so to speak? >> to some degree that's true. i would advise all investors to understand what you're investing in. there are a lot of small meme stocks, different, i said stocks, token, find a lot of meme things out there will be a very different quality. bitcoin obviously far and away half of the digital asset market cap itself. ethereum also positioned very strongly. there are a few others also. one of the great things about
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this industry is that innovation is here. what's been holding back traditional finance, financial services for decades is the fact that you know so much regulatory constraint, so inability to work through things through apis, programmatically we haven't seen as much innovation as we could. all of sudden that innovation gate has been opened and the innovation has been unleashed. ashley: absolutely fascinating. i now understand exactly what you do, mike bell she. i didn't before. you sprained yourself very well indeed. thank you for being here on the show, explaining it to us. best of luck for the future. thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. ashley: our pleasure. a custodian i like that term. the closing bell ringing in under four minutes or thereabouts now. the dow up 24 points, losing some steam, the s&p and nasdaq down slightly. the nasdaq down 100 points.
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the rug sell 2000 up a .1 of a percent. the dow we thought it could be on pace for third day of a row in a record close. doesn't look like. it has to be up more than a tad more than 126 points. doesn't look like that is going to go, that will not happen i do not believe. anybody can happen but i do not believe. s&p is flipping back and forth between positive and negative but down 11 point from now. a week from today we'll know what the fed did when it comes to interest rates which is most likely no move at all. i think that is pretty much expected. joining us now jordan kimmel, valuengine chief equity strattist and portfolio manager. great to see you, jordan, it has been a while since we've chatted. let's talk about this positive momentum. a lot of analysts saying look for now, the bullish sentiment continues. do you agree? >> well, ash, it is good to see you again as well. ashley: yeah. >> there is no doubt there is some momentum in the market right now. i think i want to caution everyone to marry their momentum
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to quality and what we're seeing right now is you know, a lot of the focus is on a couple of names that have run up dramatically and i sent you a couple of names that come out of our facts portfolio, the most trustworthy companies in america. so we look at quality and of course you don't want to have a someone just sitting around not moving. momentum is very important but money wants to be in this market. it wants to be in america and i think you just have to be a little bit more selective than just chasing pure momentum. ashley: well, i'm talk momentum we have to talk when those big tech giants that have been carrying the weight for years and years now, nvidia being the prime example. are you still into those stocks? do you buy on pullbackses or are they just a little too pricey? >> great question. we have an index, which is the trust 200. it is in the index. what we do we take that index
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and we boil it down into 25 to 30 companies. so the answer is no, we don't hold nvidia in our separately managed accounts. the model picked it earlier in the year but i want to do today, ash, show you what we would buy with today's money, with new money that came in for us. so it is important not just to be chasing because algorithms will pay anything. facts a little more disciplined. >> very good. let's take a couple sectors. how about consumer, you like amazon, tjx, right? >> not only do i like them, these ones rank out highest for us. we're qualitative screeners. ashley: wow. >> we look at revenue growth, we look at cash flow, we look at margin and we look at momentum. tjx, amazon in our portfolio. cintas another big name the uniform company in the portfolio. while we have couple smaller biotechs in couple other portfolios, it is amgen and
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regeneron really powering the facts model. ashley: in tech, you like microsoft. microsoft has been an amazing story as well. even at this price a food value? >> even at this price, ash. this has gone a little bit sideways this is the standout. i don't buy into "the magnificent seven" story but microsoft has gotten into our portfolio and we're just riding it right here. ashley: well, jordan, we'll have to leave it there, but as always, sir, always full of information, really, really good insight. we appreciate it, jordan. thank you very much, as we head towards the closing bell in about 15 seconds from now, no fireworks. [closing bell rings] you can see the dow up, very slightly. not a record close. s&p down, nasdaq also down 89 points and russell 2000 slightly her. that will do it for us. "kudlow" is next. ♪. larry: hello


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