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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 14, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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ashley: oh. lauren: your producer gave it to you. ashley: this is about me. what a man. good morning, everyone, 10:00 eastern. straight to your money. going up for "the opening bell," nicely so. we've gone over an increase in inflation and we are off 160, lots of red ink now. the 10 year treasury yield has gone up above 4%. a key benchmark. price of oil $80.69.
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73,000 earlier this week, 717 right now. the president has a new economic strategy. he's writing what he considers the racial wrongs of the past. that's where the construction of two interstate highways back in the 60s separated the black community from the rest of the city. black leaders maintain those highways deprive their community of opportunity and jobs. biden has a $3 billion plan to retrofit or remove community dividing highways across the country. in milwaukee biden said communities left behind, rebuilding the roads, pre-repairing cracks in the sidewalks and that is a race-based policy designed to attract votes and put right what are considered historic wrongs. wisconsin is a key swing state and milwaukee has a large black population. the president's speech had a long list of things he's done
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for the black community, lowering the price of insulin, lowering the black on employment rate. he knows he's losing ground with people of color so he hopes the strategy will pooling their votes. that's politics in an election year. will it bring real change? immediately, no. it takes years, decades to revitalize rundown districts and when it is done, no guarantee growth and jobs will return. how about fixing the deplorable state of public schools or the justice system broken by radical das or the theft that closes convenience stores or the violent crime that hurts minority community the most? the president's strategy is not an economic policy. it's political outreach. second hour of varney just getting started. murdock is with us in new york city.
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this is aimed at minority communities who have been negatively affected. would you want to reverse this strategy? >> this interesting concept of racist roads, there may be instances they were put in for racist reasons and they are keeping communities divided and tearing them down would help but local black people in new orleans to take this out you slow down traffic and make people's commutes longer. you are saying yank it down, not a smart policy. if it looks like it will help, keep track of it, that is a good thing but even if this does improve it will be years before these roads will be in place. a more sensible thing to do is put pressure on mccright prosecutors, you guys are democrats, crime is out of control in minority neighborhoods, stores are closing and you guys need to lock these people up. neil: publicly demonstrating
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look what i'm doing for this community. look what i am doing. not the same as vote buying. it's a political strategy. that's legit. >> i've seen polls lately saying trump is up to 28% of black support. for a republican to have more than 10% is unheard of so pushing -- republicans called racist all the time, that extraordinary. neil: few got 20% of the black vote the election is vote -- >> a big chunk, the whole thing falls apart. stuart: i read your recent op-ed and you say the term illegal wasn't always considered hate speech by democrats. when did it change? >> comments like this, that was obama back in 2005. people in the united states without permission are illegal aliens, illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people in the state legally. that wasn't trump or matt
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gaetz, that was senator chuck schumer in 2009. he saw biden getting pilloried in reference to the alleged killer of laken riley, democrats used illegal aliens until two years ago, they backed off the line which and talk about undocumented migrants, because many of these people are here illegally, have no right to be here but if you call them migrants, call them undocumented that softens things, maybe they should stay here and get amnesty. stuart: they keep saying immigrants contribute to america. but that's radically different from illegal migrants. >> if you are against illegal immigration, illegal immigrants, you've been successful, my parents are immigrants, they came legally, that's fine. if you break into the country without papers, that's
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different from somebody coming with a passport. stuart: they wouldn't like the expression breaking into the country. >> that's what is happening. stuart: thanks very much. next case, cnn's legal analyst calling out georgia da fans about i willis. >> screwing up, specifically she failed to make specific allegations to support some of the charges she brought, so 6 of those 41 charges in this election interference case being tried in georgia were tossed. >> i don't think this ruling changes the type of evidence the da is going to be able to introduce but it does knock out the charges, it's embarrassing for prosecutors, it's a screwup by prosecutors when you bring a charge and a judge throws it out before it goes to trial. there is still a case, the lead charge, the racketeering case is still in place, but this is a setback. lauren: here's what can happen. prosecution can try to secure a
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superseding indictment to correct the mistakes but that takes time. that will delay any proceedings, could be after november, this same is expected to issue a ruling this week on whether fans about i willis will be disqualified. stuart: let's get back to the markets, look who's back with me this morning. gary, the rally this year and last year huge. with the importance of this enormous run-up in stock price which i'm using that were deliberately because i think it is enormous which what the importance of that for america's middle-class? >> the wealth effect. a lot of the middle class had 401(k)s, if you feel wealthier and you are wealthy you tend to feel better about yourselves, psychology, you tend to spend more and the economy tends to do well going forward. nothing bad happens when people feel better about where they sit and where they stand as far as well. we want you think this rally mode will keep going for a few months?
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>> not so sure and i will give you two reasons why. commodity prices are taking up. oil prices are taking up, gold, copper, aluminum, palladium, you name it, it's going up. that's the cost of businesses and that's a worrisome sign. i'm going to give you will number. 4.35%, if the 10 year yield goes above that, we will get some head wents in the market. the leading stocks and leading groups of non-vertical, we can be due for some pullbacks as we go forward. markets never up perfectly forever and i can tell you we got back in the s&p november 14th and it has been one sweet quiet trend up since then, not even teasing one day for me getting out, we will see how long it lasts. stuart: look further ahead. suppose trump pulls out a victory in november, is that good for the market? >> if under his watch interest rates and oil prices stay down,
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that we will be good for the market, simple as that. i have one huge worry, that everybody should worry about. if president biden gets this monstrosity of a budget, $7.3 trillion, an increase since the size, scope and spending of the government which guarantees $2 trillion a year of deficit going forward, people get in front of the camera said they are lowering the deficit, i worry about interest rates, and economics 101 always states the more debt therein, the lenders of that debt are going to demand higher yields and look out. keep that in mind, the republicans better grow one and do something about it and not let this happen, they are taunting markets, taunting the
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economy with their control and domination, what i call control freakis am. we won watch out for the future but we are having a lot of fun now. nicely put. see you again soon. thanks a lot. we've got nvidia on the screen down 2% today. neil: what. increase their price target, they are going to $1000 from 850, it's been a great year. maybe some people are buying this. stuart: maybe so, u.s. steel is down. stuart: president biden is expected to say u.s. steel must remain a us owned and operated company. japan trying to buy it. have to premium, the fact that might not go through is one reason u.s. steel is down. it happened down 4%. stuart: in stuart: in an election year to year it goes to japan, not a good deal. under armour on the downside. lauren: their founder is returning as the ceo people
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first. time to excel the stock, they think plank's return is a clear signal the strategy for under armour and other sportswear giants is not working. stuart: better have a look at boeing because another boeing plane forced to make an emergency landing. what happened this time? >> 777 operated by american airlines forced to make an emergency landing in los angeles blowing said possible mechanical issue. they are investigating, everybody's okay. that plane was 23 years old. the new plane, 737 max 9 where the plug blue out on the alaska flight in january, the ntsb says they do not know who worked on that door plug. security camera footage has been overwritten. this is crazy. stuart: boeing doesn't have the records. lauren: they said reportedly their policy is a scrub or delete records after 30 days. stuart: what a mess, stock is under 200. stuart: point does the flying
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public collect? stuart: are stuart: thanks. coming up, hollywood stars with red label pins at the oscars calling for cease-fire in gaza. the israeli government says the pin represents something completely different. jonathan hunt has that store. vladimir putin says russia is ready for nuclear war is a new poll finds only 37% say biden is respected by world leaders. christian white non-that next.
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stuart: llama putin says it is a significant this collation of the war. kristin whiten joins me. yc saying of this now? is he trying to intimidate us? >> because they are going through an election. early voting has begun. the outcome of the contest, vladimir putin will be reelected president but other political competition exists in russia despite the lack of critical opposition, he wants to appear strong. stuart: if the russians set off a nuke for want of a better word they would lose and down. what do you say? >> we are at parity with russia as far as the size of our
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nuclear arsenal. a nuclear war could be contained, an interesting question if you believe it would escalate out of control to a full nuclear exchange we would both be annihilated. russia has no incentive to use nuclear weapons first at the current time. it has the initiative in ukraine. if the situation were to reverse and ukrainians push russia out and invade to crimea which russia thinks is part of russia they might consider the use of nuclear weapons locally. stuart: us officials reportedly held secret talks with iran earlier this year to end those red sea attacks which may be those talks worked, i've not heard that many reports recently of red sea attacks which am i right on this? >> that's a little that optimistic. if you look at the timing, the talks were held and subsequent a there have been a number of attacks in the red sea by houthi forces which are essentially iranian proxies, prudent sending two ships to
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the bottom. the financial times report a bit of a positive spin on this. the situation is unresolved and shippers are very hesitant to put things through the red sea and closer to somalia which raises another threat which is the pirate threat. stuart: do you think those secret talks include talks about iran's uranium enrichment program or where they may be going? that came up i'm sure. >> the negotiator president biden had been using, security clearance yanked, brett mcgurk who has been around since the bush admin a station working on counterterrorism writ large, closest thing to a permanent undersecretary was involved in these talks so it's a broad range of things, the biden administration things it is getting summing by talking to iran. if you look at the region the evidence is the iranians are
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missing with us interact and jordan and they are a major factor behind hamas's war on israel so iran is not contained but biden thinks these negotiations are producing something. stuart: we will see. always a pleasure, thanks for joining us, see you soon. on a related note, house republicans are demanding that john kerry disclose details of his shadow diplomacy with iran during the trump's presidency. what are they saying? lauren: they demand that john kerry turn overall private correspondence with iran and its previous foreign minister. they want information about these back channel communications could today violate what is called the logan act, did they amount to unauthorized correspondence to influence a foreign government? why is this important? iran is funding these terrorist groups in the middle east.
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president biden loosened sanctions, freeing up money for iran to use for its proxy groups, house republicans want to know what john kerry told iran and what he said. stuart: we would all like to know that. thanks. celebrity is protested at the oscars, red pin as they walked to the red carpet, the red pin calls for a cease-fire. jonathan hunt with me now. the israeli government says it means something completely different. what are they saying? >> a dozen celebrities at the oscars sunday night. it was immediately seized upon by some supporters of israel as a tacit show of support for the killing of jews. that narrative was taken up by the israeli government which said on the state of israel exit camp, quote, the image in your red hands is associated
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with one horrific event imprinted on the minds of israelis and palestinians, the 2000 ramallah lynching of israelis and the account said, quote, the symbolism isn't a coincidence. the incident the israeli government is referring to is the brutal murder of two idf reservists in the west bank in october 2000 after which one of the palestinians involved in the killings was photographed holding up his bloodstained hands. the group that made the pins refuse the israeli narrative and said in a statement sent to fox, quote, recent allegations about the design and intent of the cease-fire pin are completely false. the group says it conveys urgency, the heart in the middle symbolizes love and the hand, they point out, is orange rather than read, adding, quote, the orange hand conveys
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the beautiful community of people from all backgrounds and faith come together in support of centering our shared humanity. the aim of the penis to call for, quote, an immediate and permanent cease-fire in gaza and the release of all the hostages being held by hamas. we reached out to many celebrities who asked about their understanding of the design and message. we've not heard back from any of them. stuart: why am i not surprised. thank you very much indeed. great report. coming up, former cnn anchor don lemon claims elon musk canceled his new show after a tense interview. tesla down 32% year to date 2024. is musk's air addict and compulsive behavior partly to blame? we will deal with that next.
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we are weaker, 80 of the dow down 18 on the nasdaq. lauren is back with us, looking at the movers. what is lithium america? lauren: they mine for lithium and they now have a commitment for 21/$4 billion loan financing in the department of energy. they can process more lithium in the state of nevada and it could be the largest one around. stuart: there you go. dick's sporting goods which was way up earlier this morning up 12% now, tell me more. lauren: holiday quarter strongest sailing corporate history, they increase their dividend and numbers were looking good. kids are playing water sports now. stuart: equip and you got to buy for whatever it is. lauren: i'm frequently asked dick's. stuart: build a bear. i remember them. lauren: you typically season at
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a mall, 15% and also stronger. you can have a birthday party and everyone takes home something. stuart: i never participated in one but i do remember. look at tesla stock please, down 32% in this calendar year 2024. garrett nelson was a tesla analyst and joins me now. does musk's air addict and compulsive behavior have anything to do with total stock declining? >> thanks for having me. of course it does. the stock price reflects all available information regarding the company including musk's behavior but we argue the pullback was overdue, when you look last year, tesla shares doubled, for the stock to have a 30% pullback is not all that
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surprising. that is what we've seen so far this year but there's a lot of positives we see with the total story and we are buyers. stuart: this is a pullback, it's a dip and you are buying. why are you buying? what are the positives looking forward? >> tesla is different from the company of 3 or 4 years ago. the company has in investment grade balance sheet, they are sitting on $29 billion of cash, hardly any debt, ramping up cybertruck production, they have a new factory under construction in mexico and we think they are going to unveil their mass-market ev model later this year so there are plenty of catalysts. you are seeing other automakers abandon or really pullback on their ev growth plans in favor of how more hybrid vehicles which are getting more traction with consumers and you look at
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other smaller ev manufacturers there's a lot of distress happening. just yesterday you saw one of tesla's competitors report that they are preparing bankruptcy filing. a lot of this stress taking place in the ev industry and that opens the lane for tesla to grow their market share. we one does tesla have a china problem? >> we think they do. if you look, the ev manufacturers, evs of had a lot of success in china, the adoption rates in china are higher even than europe so there's a lot of competition, a lot of subsidization of evs in china and so we kind of view tesla as the best house on a bad block in the western market. looking at north america in europe, there's a ton of
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competition coming from china. stuart: the price of tesla on screen, one hundred 66. i believe your target price is 275. >> that's right. looking at target, based on a view that is a will become the world's largest auto manufacturer by the end of this decade. they plan on growing their annual volumes to 20 million units, making them far and away the largest auto manufacturer surpassing the number one which is toyota. really, the runway is ahead of them to execute on the growth plan. even if they fall short of that target we still think there's a pathway for them to be the largest auto manufacturer. stuart: garrett nelson on videotape suggesting tesla will go to 275 from one hundred 66. thanks for being with us this
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morning, very interesting, appreciate it. senator bernie sanders wants to move to a 32 hour work week. elizabeth warren's wealth tax, steve hilton will deal with the far left's apparent grip on biden's policies. biden running out of time to appeal a judge's order to build the border wall. will a president comply? that report is next. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk,
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stuart: former cnn anchor don lemon claims elon musk stopped paying for his new show on x. what does don lemon say and has musk responded? lauren: musk did but let's do don lemon's take. he said musk canceled the partnership and informative him of the decision hours after he interviewed with him.
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it was a 90 minute sit down the covered a wide range of topics. they were heated and it went like this. >> you recently met with donald trump, what you do discuss? >> he did most of the talking. >> did he ask you for money? >> he didn't. did. >> are you going to loan him money? >> i'm not paying his bills in any way, shape or form? >> are you leaning towards anyone? >> no. >> i'm leaning away from biden. i don't have to answer questions from reporters, the only reason i'm doing this interview is your on the x platform and asked for it. otherwise i would not do an interview. >> do you think you wouldn't get in trouble wouldn't be criticized? >> possibly. i could care less. lauren: no chemistry between those two. that was a bad -- it was hostile. musk also said lemon's approach was basically just cnn but on social media and he felt jeff
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zucker was talking to don lemon. he said it lacked authenticity and he was really annoyed. reportedly we didn't show you this question but unlimited asked him about his report dominant the straw that broke the camel's back because elon musk, sensitive topic for him. is a government contractor. stuart: can't ask that kind of question. check those markets again. the loss is narrowing, the dow is down 23 points, nasdaq is turned around. the white house has until friday to appeal a judge's ruling ordering the administration build the border wall. william, what happens if the white house does not comply? >> reporter: right now this is a big deal, if they don't comply, the judge could come back and order that they do, money could run out but right now they have a federal judge ordering president biden to do something he doesn't want to do
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which is billed the trump wall. biden immediately stopped construction and diverted the money to other projects. friday a federal judge ruled that was illegal and ordered billions and congressional money be spent, quote, only on construction of physical barriers such as additional walls, fencing or buoys. >> definitely a victory. a rare case the court ordered the administration to do something that will be effective in stemming the tide of illegal immigration. >> the administration diverted that construction money to flood control, repairing gate and environmental remediation. the judge says you can't do that and the order means come tomorrow projects like is this in the san diego where they are installing cameras and sensor wire stopped while construction could begin later. >> if there isn't an appeal,
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this order goes into effect, we should expect to see massive construction project. >> the agents do support walls but they also support cameras and sensors. either way, i'm told hundreds of workers could walk off the job. this is a major setback for the administration and a win for texas and missouri. the many expires after five years so the administration that answer your question, could run out the clock, if you will, if the money expired and disappeared. stuart: i have a feeling that is exactly what's going to happen. they don't want to build the wall. that's my opinion. we have one retail company in new york city, they want to get out of the deal with the metropolitan transportation authority. what's the deal they want out of? >> everything wrong with new
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york city, west field, the big food and retail shopping place near the subway station. they are halfway through their 20 year lease and are looking to break the deal because safety, they say has degraded the experience. it's nearly impossible for them to attract tenants. there are empty spaces, they brought in some art galleries because no real merchant would run a business there. there's reports of homeless everywhere, you have the crime, but thieves are coming in, whatever the food station is, thieves coming in and taking it, the tip char. you invest all this money, you have this lease with the city, you want to revitalize the area and you can't get businesses to come in and rent space. we went to cities nowhere near recovery at this point. x border patrol officer just pled guilty to helping smuggle
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migrants across the southern border. any more details on this? lauren: his name is manual and he worked in laredo, texas. he would tell smugglers this is elaine eyman today, they would show up, he would let them through and get paid $6000 every time. he pleaded guilty to four cancer bringing in undocumented aliens to the us, he admitted to bribery and attempted importation of cocaine and this has happened at least nine times since late last year. stuart: thanks. house lawmakers passed a bill to crack down on tiktok, 155 mccright supported the measure. what are the chances it passes in the senate? aishah hasnie has the latest from capitol hill on that. the white house may use guantánamo bay to process the possible influx of haitian migrants. what does congressman andy barr think about that, congressman is next? ...
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nationwide wireless that works for you. switch to comcast business mobile and save big with up to $500 off an eligible samsung device with a qualifying trade-in. don't wait call, click or visit an xfinity store . stuart: on the market this morning, than not that much reading, dow down 34, nasdaq
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just turned positive and microsoft, $425 a share ads 67 points to the dow industrials. bitcoin dropped to 70 one thousand dollars a few moments ago, still at 70 one-6, it had been at 73, the house passed the bill to crack down on tiktok, in our heads to the senate. aishah hasnie on capitol hill for us. will it pass the senate? >> reporter: good morning to you. that is the billion dollar question on the hill. the longer it sits in the senate the higher the doubts are that it goes anywhere. i will tell you that tiktok is turning its sights to the senate, turning its focus of their and the ceo last night went to x and posted a video in which he said he was going to take legal action, use every resource to fight this and he was calling on tiktok users to start making phone calls to senators just the way they did in the house.
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tiktok could have a real opportunity to kill this piece of legislation or at least solve it forever. so far senate majority leader chuck schumer has given the bill lukewarm reception despite the fact that one hundred 55 house democrats and the white house support this. mike johnson says he's going to apply every amount of pressure on schumer to take up a vote quickly. senate republicans say tiktok must sell because it is not about the data. it is about china controlling the algorithms. >> all our data is in texas under the control of oracle and american company. the algorithms are controlled in china by the chinese bad guys over there so the algorithms allow them to use our data potentially against us. and american-owned company that had the data and the algorithms you would solve this problem. >> reporter: senators are back on the hill today, just
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starting to react to this piece of legislation but the longer it stalls in the senate means it is probably not going to pass. stuart: i can see that. thank you very much indeed. the white house says they are glad to see this bill on tiktok move forward. watch this. >> we are glad to see this bill move forward. we will look to the senate to take swift action. as we have said, this is something national security adviser jake sullivan said, this bill, the step in ongoing efforts to address the threat posed by certain technology services operating in the united states that would at risk americans personal information and broader national security including through the manipulation by foreign powers of americans views and beliefs. stuart: congressman andy barr, republican from kentucky joins me now.
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you voted in favor of the band. let me ask, which do you prefer, tiktok divests control from china, get rid of that control or have tiktok band completely? what's your preference? >> i prefer this bill. to be clear, this bill is not a ban on tiktok. this three points. tiktok is a national security threat, second, this legislation is a day ban. day band. it's a diverse structure of chinese commonest party control and third, it is consistent with the first amendment. the first point is important for the american people to understand especially the 150 million american users of tiktok that this application is controlled by bike dance which is an internal chinese communist party committee on it and it is required by chinese law to report americans private data through the government of china, they target, bike dance
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targets americans with this application, they collect and surveilled sensitive data from the american people and manipulate public opinion as was demonstrated last week when tiktok weapon eyes the 150 million american users to fight this bill. so this does pose a national security threat. it's not a ban of tiktok. it is simply a regulation of the control of this application and in order to do business in the united states and protect american sensitive data, an american company must control it. stuart: if the control was not transferred to an american company, you would ban tiktok? >> it places the choice in tiktok's hand, tiktok is not banned from operating in the united states, tiktok has the choice. stuart: can you really see -- getting extreme here, can you
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really see banning outrage a platform which is used by 150, 180 million americans including many young people, you would lose their vote, sir. >> the reason we are doing this is to protect americans national security and the reason why this approach is consistent with the constitution and the first amendment is it allows tiktok to continue to operate. it is not a free-speech forum when the application can throttle up certain opinions and viewpoints and throttle down others. that's not free-speech. that the manipulation of free-speech. we want through free-speech. that is why we want american control and ownership of this application so that public opinion is not manipulated by the ccp. stuart: here's an example for you. senator eric schmidt grilled the ceo of tiktok on how chinese migrants are learning to cross the border with
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step-by-step instructions. what do you make of that? >> this is a great example of how the ccp can create problems, national security challenges for the united states. think about the scenario where if tiktok is controlled by the ccp and god for bid there was an invasion of taiwan, and our response was sanctions, pulling back on trade status, permanent normal trade status for china. of the government was attempting to do that and the ccp weapon eyes to the american people against actions by our government to counter chinese aggression, that compromises national security. it is about americans data privacy but it is also about national security, sowing
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discontent in the united states and exploiting the southern border in this way, tiktok threatens the national security. is currently configured. stuart: thank you for joining us. still ahead. iowa senator joni ernst wants to put a end to biden's so-called secret spending. steve hilton on california wanting to tax the rich to make energy more equitable and affordable. california -- biden telling his supporters we are a country of immigrants, to normalize the illegal migration we've got. that's my opinion. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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