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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 15, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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morning thank you so much joining us. i'm maria bartiromo i hope you are having a good friday morning, friday, march 15, 8:00 a.m. on the button on the east coast, ruling whether to disqualify fullerton county d.a. fani will fridays the georgia election conveys is expected day 6 so you wants tossed against former president 18 could deft jim jordan is threatening to hold willis in contempt of congress if she does not comply with subpoena give up documents related to federal funds joining me harvard law professor aemeritus author of get trump threat to civil liberties due process our constitutional rule of law
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alan dershowitz thank you so much for being here i want to go through cases with you spot-on with your book get trump what are you expecting out of fani willis debacle, the person on trial is the judge, everybody knows what happened to his courtroom willis lied, the witness on their be half lied we know they had affair started before she hired him, we have pings cell phone records everything we saw them testify, everybody knows what happened in that courtroom, now the question is will judge be honest -- [line noise interference] -- and -- -- [line noise interference]. >> maybe, aapparent convict not enough nonsense on trial
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now american public wants him to do justice, we all know what happened. he knows what happened. let's see if he has courage of convictions >> i think you made a great point about the judge, he was very specific he said i am not going to allow politics to get in the way of my decision making here. let's say fani willis is off the case what happened do you think somebody else picks it up. >> yeah has to be sent to different county cobb, or whatever they have to start interest scratch welch after election, this judge is going to take politics into account -- is running for election has opponent has to go to work every day fullerton county not looking d.a. in the eye say i think you committed perjury ought to be disbarred go to jail not going to say that going to figure o ultimate a way around that. >> a wow. . this is really interesting case can't wait to see how
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this plays out let me take you to florida. alan judge canon says not dismissing, president trump classified documents case even though white house dismissing joe biden's case she is citing unconstitutional vagueness as reason won't dismiss this what does that mean? >> well, the law for it to be you have equal protection if a person president, isn't being indicted or investigated for comparable facts remember crimes are identical, both cases, president former president, held papers up said essentially classified, biden told his ghostwriter be carefully this is probably classified read it the crimes identical hur says, biden is a nice guy old man not going to
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prosecute him the crimes are identical the law not required dismissal because of denial of equal protection should but doesn't she is going to let the case go forward but a jury will know a comparable case against biden it wasn't prosecuted may very well take that into account. >> how would you asasse all these cases against trump then alvin bragg in new york. >> weakest case possible a made-up case he should be investigated for bringing that case. nobody in history has ever been charged with failing to disclose in a corporate form the fact he paid hish money the reason hush money not to disclose it alexander hamilton paid hush money first case in history anybody tried on this made-up case, so it is the weakest case of all now he is prepared to have -- but that case may get tried first, and it is new york so there will be conviction in
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manhattan a jir will convict a ham sandwich if the name is trump i ti conviction likely reversal on appeal not until after election. >> you think conviction happens before election. >> possible because it is new york city, i have what, the jury polled probably hated donald trump will find a way to convict eliminate. if judge is recommend would throw case out there is no case there at all, look. the strongest case is the florida case -- did hold a piece of paper say this is classified but that is like looking at a signature ret butt would not affect voters new york would not affect voters the case would probably washington, d.c., case now on hold as a result of president's lawyers's motion
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for immunity and all pundits predicting, thrown out i don't think so i think the supreme court may split difference say there is some, trump wanted not is other side wanted send it back see where it goes complicated cases i could have had whole course in law school on they cases loan all acute election interference none of these would-be brought if trump were not running for president. >> i am joined rest of the hour with kellyanne conway go ahead. kellyanne: this is fascinating i am fully recovered attorney general have not practiced in years if anybody told you a year ago the fani willis case in georgia would be falling apart because of shenanigans illegality that alvin bragg i
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-- i twefd in stormy daniels case unanimous decision by united states supreme court, professor dershowitz says nonwould happen if donald trump within the reasoning for ht if they knew how to beat fairly and squarely at polls if they had joe biden-kamala harris we heard what makes you feel good about handling of the major issues inflation crime on border ukraine israel name it underwater all these issues a couple extra points on january 6, abortion climate change electric vehicles what this, again, is going to be about from which commander in chief with crisis everywhere we look trump -- nobody -- eludes prosecution quite like him. maria: alan. >> -- shouldn't matter whether you support trump or biden every american should be -- criminal justice -- against
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any politicians today trump tomorrow you know, democrat next day -- so we have -- concerned about abuse of the criminalization of the judicial system, politicization of justice system. maria: they make it obvious alan with white house sent a letter to the speaker of the house mike johnson this morning, saying that it is time to move on from impeachment effort against president biden, the lawyer writes this general white house investigation has continuually tender up evidence in fact the president did nothing wrong, alan first time the white house counsel has ever sent a letter directly to the speaker of the house even though james comer will tell you they've got plenty of evidence ties joe biden to everything. >> i don't think completed any more than -- you need to have treason bribe high crimes and
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misdemeanors, trying to make it up gernz biden as against trump i am opposed positive both let people decide election coming up don't know who is going to win the american pay chuck schumer shouldn't be telling, the israeli people who to vote for in their election either should keep his nose out of israeli politics the way israeli politicians shouldn't interfere in american politics neither of us are banana rbs we are democracies people determine who leaders are not people or politicians in another country chuck schumer i ad mirror support for israel please keep your knows out of israeli domestic politics. >> he is most senior jewish person in the senate alan, and asking for elections now to get bibi netanyahu out in middle of a war. he shouldn't be doing that.
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chuck schumer al put his person ambitions over support for illed wasn't as strong as lands deal we would like a strong supporter of israel but not proper for american leader jewish leader any other leader to tell israelis who to vote for they are smart people have a democratic they can figure out how to do this. maria: great point. >> on election not -- in other countries. maria: thank you very much for weighing in on all that good to see you, we will see you soon, i want you to stay with us, our pour power coming up, don't miss it quick break we'll be right back you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . ♪
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time for hot topic of the hour hillary vaughn, questioned ceo of tiktok yesterday, and he refused to answer weather or not his social media company tiktok is influenced by chinese communist party, joining me power panel, morgan ortagus with me fox news are contributor kellyanne thank you for joining us for the hour let's start with issue of tiktok, morgan how do you see it? morgan: i think there is a couple different buckets that tiktok is in, there is first national security bucket means tom cotton a lot of people migrant gallagher in committee
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concerned about national security ramifications of the chinese communist party a data concerns that is really algorithm concerns as well how are they able manipulate almost entire population seen that relates all over the world as israel-hamas war how tiktok has been able to manipulate so many users around the world, into a hitting israel jew hatred a national security bucket, then if this legislation goes to the senate you are going to have people who i think are very concerned a lot of constitutional lawyers in senate will be concerned about things like bill of attainer does this specifically go after one company does it violate that clause? i don't think when i look at it politically, i don't think that senate is going to rush i have the as much as house did because you are going to have a lot of people, just as congressman from florida is concerned about does this bill without amendments put too much power in the hands of
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biden's doj, finally i would say third bucket relates to politically young people in america, are obsessed with this app i don't think a very good thing but we should probably be looking at regulating social media at large, not just one app so when you look whether tiktok, facebook instagram incredibly unhealthy platforms for our young people, suicide rates amongst teenage girl incredibly dangerous a holistic issue not specific just to tiktok. for me i am in national security bucket when i look at all considerations i don't like the chinese communist party having an algorithm they can manipulate our entire population, so i hope senate takes this looks at it reasonably looks at -- there are plenty of legitimate concerns, in the house by many that i think the senate is willing to fix. maria: i mean i think you know, i am also in that national security corner but kellyanne what even worries
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you more so is the government heavy happened on this how do you see it. kellyanne: no question, this is a 12-page bill in house rushed through for any to intelligently believeing covering different scenarios riled i think slowed down in senate i am second to no one wanting to hold china to account, i want them to get fentanyl out of our country number one killing 18 to 45-year-olds held to account for national security violations threats i want the uyghurs not persecuted as rimgs minority i want to know you origins of covid bias the biden family financial connection to chinaing all is important but the idea that in this bill you are giving more power to the executive branch the president of the united states unilaterally decide which apps pose a quote national security threat when
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president is joe biden we know in the closing weeks of the 2020 pain, jack dorsey's twitter, ripped "new york post" twitter feed down because they dare tell truth hunter biden laptop, this is mornings with maria you are, you know the most trutd person on all things markets, maria, would take five seconds sitting here with eyes closed to find any number of big banks private equity firms members of congress get donations from the heavily vested in china state pension funds their job make money to pay pension hollers sequoia all other compensates don't have china in, people thumping chest saying i did -- china
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fentanyl, now, i believe we should hol china to account so do most americans i am in national security bucket but can't though out constitution the montana example state banned tiktok in state a disaster from the moment they did it people in montana sued tiktok was sued being held up in addition to possible bill of attainder constitutional problem also is could be first amended, 14th amendment i think not thinking lu, last point donald trump asked tiktok to do two things when president in off thes they are doing them number one project texas american data on american soil american hands, oracle ellison, oversee that in texas spent billions to make sure that exists number two donald trump said why don't we have american ownership we tried that in
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trump administration a 12-page bill allows you to with divest a company morgan's point is correct not just politics you don't rip out of americans hands feel shadowed banned sentencered senored, entrepreneurial pursuit to connect communities on health concerns, on hobbies last point, it was testified to congress hout and senate one year ago march 23, 2023 why congress so busy a year to do this if tiktok is burning brains bodies of teenagers should have come back march 24 done -- 100 to zero unanimous consent politico story on you said you had least 10 meeting
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with law enforcement yoibdz -- lobbying. >> i am not lobbying anyone i lobby on behalf american people with what i did shows the difference between users nonusers on tiktok where you sit stand on whether or not to ban tiktok, depends where you sit as i could not say i never had tiktok not on -- instagram facebook, tiktok but i think you have a right to be i there i people already there have a right this is america not china. we are going to act like china? citizenry i am not a lobbyist i am a pollster i showed important thing published in "washington post" anybody can pull it, we asked following 11 measures what is most important way for us government to hold china to account in we have 11 tiktok was dead last, we asked very important question i know a lot of members didn't like i put it in front of them when is more important to you the
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voter which is more important banning tiktok or banning members of congress from buying selling or owning stocks in companies, 66 members of congress to 14 ban tiktok high-ranking democrat said kellyanne that is not issue i made maybe should it be. >> a story on "just the news" about loretta lynch former ag already barack obama morgan she planter is allegedly lobbying on behalf of a chinese drone company wanting doj to take dji off the chinese military list i will get your take on after this the break a lot more with you stay with us we will talk about that stay with us we'll be right back. .
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maria: welcome back. take a look futures we are expecting a higher opening for dow industrials, the opening bell an hour away the dow up 60 points right now the nasdaq turned negative now down 14 points s&p 500 up 1 1/4 ahead of the fed meeting either th next week look at treasury yield on 10-year after the higher than expected inflation data now sitting at 4.29% on 10-year looking ahead to fed two day monetary policy meeting march 19, 20th central
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bank expected to hold steady but give us some commentary about the future of rates perhaps if a rate cut on the away freedom capital markets chief global strategist jay woods your expectations for the fed meeting next week. >> we expect absolutely nothing to happen focused on one thing that day forecast, when jay powell on capitol hill said close to that rate cut but seeing inflationary data especially from cpi, ppi last two months, there is nothing on the table saying, we should be cutting inflation sticky here i want to see if that narrative changes if it continues to tick up, we won't be talking cuts but i still think stabilizing in the general direction they like but earliest cut in june may be to test waters but fist meeting in a row we stay flat,
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as i mentioned ahead watch 10-year spiked first time in a while yesterday, we had that big move what happened? the russell down 2% small caps absorbing higher longer now under pressure so that is what i am watching. maria: maybe, but look. with this inflation data that we got this week, i spoke with jim grant founder of and editor of grant interest rate observer said fed may change mind to say 3% is fine on inflation we don't have to go to 2% target, i know what maybe a cut is actually not coming it could turn into a rate rise watch this. . >> you are not expecting a cut in rates anytime soon. >> no. the thing -- the three-ish is fine. >> 3% inflation. >> concern over inflation, and to focus on financial stability if they would define it so but, however, i think
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also a chance this year fed raises, yesterday confronted, with accelerating rate of inflation feel they have no choice who is to say the 3.2% thing couldn't go up 80 dollar oil price no longer 70. maria: what a contrary comment to what market is expecting rate rise. if they see inflation, is not backing down. >> let's watch that, indicated by end, 4 1/24 3/4% to his point yes if we see a rise -- i don't think in election year they are going to really get too active. that is why i think june will be the time to cut then kind see of how market digests that information but that 3% month like whisper number at earnings time a lot of people say yeah if they get 3% going to be content but never admit that, 2% will always be language you hear as far as
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target i don't think that language will change anytime soon but 3%? that would be a good start to get back towards target we are not there jet. maria: jay your take on tiktok story wide range of companies boy oggs to purchase tiktok lawmakers would a boon app if it does not divest from bytedance, steven minimum wage shin said he put together. >> we could talk for hours a political hot potato, i like private equity congestion involved as far as kevin o'leary opportunist good threw hiem out i will put a bid in myself as far as real players go watch, sam altman, those are people, that, you know, in private equity that could do something divest it, but are they going to divest in two companies could probably buy
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right now in meta, and google, but it will never passion regulatory strunt you have to look for outside investors, as far as mnuchin may be in washington in a few months maybe getting a group together how involved i don't know he was vital trying to divest late in trump administration oracle got involved made a better bid than microsoft to try to have that tiktok global operation in texas set up interesting to watch, people flip-flopping on issue fact president made a tiktok after trying to ban it lead by capital trump, was against it now kind of quiet, so i want to see what happens, but, this is something to watch out for, it is going to be interesting not going to just solve itself over the. maria: thanks for weighing in quick break president biden avoiding all questions once again, some democrats still tout his job performance last
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saban points out he worries would affect graduation rates, depending on compensation, also takes really the spirit out of the game. a man criticality injured shot with his own on rush hour subway train in black lynn pulled out gun after aggressive with another xhurth able to wrestle gun out of hands fired multiple shots toward that aggressor days after hochul deployed 750 members national guard on the subway, professional golfer making history at players championship, in florida watch this. >> -- takes that club up and out a little bit of a -- hold off faded with wedge this could be really good look out look out, he's doing it, the hole-in-one! wow! .
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[cheers and applause] >> foxy. >> in industry fox 14' governmental a hole-in-one 17th island green finished day 33 under second round tees up this morning headlines back to you. maria: president biden hold off the record event in michigan questioned reporters tried asking questions his staff immediately removed him watch this. >> -- a few questions? >> thank you, guys, thank you. thank you guys thank you so much. -- thank you. thank you very much. >> -- thank you. >> thank you, nothing to see fox news contractor liz peek with op-ed writing democrats gaslight about biden's record cannot change facts or minds as president's posse wants voters to deny what they see and experience every day.
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liz points this out compared to four years ago trump was president country is safer, more prosperous more energy-independent, there are more people working, making higher wages more people. these are just facts says chris hayes, kellyanne what is he saying? kellyanne: [chuckling] laughable nobody on tv is under oath immediate are stuck here the one hand know this is most inaccessible rude abrasive press operation in have recent history i mean, give donald trump due we created globingization information talk in briefing room oval office, the plane nobody thought i didn't like every tweet i say needs to tweet like we need to eat about better clois we knew what president was thinking what was happening, here, entire job of press to get
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information, from people in power representing, the will of the people need that chris hayes to think duty-bound maybe feels safer more prosperous on back in black lynn for most america don't see it that way vast majoritentt way growing -- party of democrats don't see it that way they know need to be supporting joe biden prop up with biden at the same time, of they've been personally offended by how inaccessible downright abrasively rude this press corp has been i worn why i worn why mainstream media investing millions probably
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tens of millions in polling routinely ubiqutious disaster polls siena poll "washington post" abc, "washington journal" nbc news poll repeatedly bad for joe biden they continue to ask questions, continue to show us the answers. maria: amazing to me that he writes that on x, says these are facts, as if we're not you know like i said tell them raining -- when you are wearing black say it that makes it true i mean outrageous, i want your thought on that as well, i also want to come back to a question i wanted to ask earlier morgan, representive stf in accordance slamming loretta lynch lobbying apparently for military base in coastline taken off military companies that are chinese off that list, the doj
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list, loretta lynch served under barack obama apparently lobbying on behalf of dji the drone company here we are talk every day, about how china has become inside gates of america surveilling nothing everything american citizens businesses are doing you are telling me now she wants the u.s. to buy drones from dji? are we buying drones from dji? what thank you tell us about this why move dji technology from department of justice list of military companies in china. >> ols on dod list, kellyanne political analyze was great i would say for all things chris hayes said doesn't replace the fact every time i go to grocery store i get pissed off to grab a you few things 150 bucks used to be entire bill
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for the week not quick stiff on political side i think kellyanne summed it up well every time you go to grocery store you feel, paying for gas pissed off, pentagon has dji asless of chinese companies that are participating with military, something that you covered quite well your viewers probably know contest in china civil military fusion to monday are innize pla, peoples liberation as i havilian laws, the dji not only are they a part of aiding abetting modernization of the chinese military really importantly we called out in trump administration involved in human rights abuses the genocide, you remember under
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president trump state department with mike pompeo i came back from -- i wanted a statement under my name president trump, pompeo declared a genocide,the drones have been used for surveillance purposes to surveil uyghurs over minorities, throughout china you have two big problems here one is involvement massive human rights abuses technology, two, involved in helping modernize pla no sense to have that technology nor consumer use in united states i say good for elise stefanik for calling out former attorney general on this, you know elise has been prolific on these issues i think time for people to be named and shamed s, pla, if we get into god forbid if if we were in a military incursion over taiwan
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would be with pla, why former obama cabinet firnldz in effect lobbying to help military killing u.s. men and women service mens' is ununconscionable to me i am grateful for calling out individuals. >> chinese drone company could have that surveillance on military sl we should all be concerned to earlier point what are we doing about things like this as opposed to just tiktok. and so, we should be very concerned i think totally legitimate to ask people why they are involved, on bavr, american citizens on before of china i think totally legitimate, i think that this administration, is never truly going to touch all the issues that we're talking about as true national security threat to china for same reason
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hunter biden's father never touching the drug crisis they are too close to it. i would love to in other under oath more about the family connection from bidens brother, son firm community of interest commander in chief as in china we need to kooig into this people say not high in polls it is inflation, it is crime. it is all the same we have hot spots, administration morgan in an worked all we heard crisis and chaos why a tweet here and there now crisis and chaos everywhere we look border communities neighborhoods, ukraine, middle east with iran, bullies do what bullies do when they sense weakness if one word people want out of the election this fall it is strength, because the opposite of strong is weak the opposite of strength is failure what they want you just i think ripped the band-aid off a very important piece of that. maria: i think such a dangerous story, loretta lynch lobbying for dji keeping a
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lobbying for dji keeping a spotlight on tha stay with us. we'll be right back. . (♪) (♪)
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welcome back senator bernie sanders proposing a new plan for a 32-hour workweek, without, in pay claims working
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longer hours lower wages than decades ago. >> many of our people are exhausted, we work longest hours of any people in the industrialized world i think high for a. >> let me ask you a question about that seems like democrats want businesses to be tax -- >> pay their. >> pay their -- for lower prices now paying people not to work. >> you know i would like to do. >> how are going to survive that that is the question how can businesses survive that. >> all proposals. >> when, pays an effective tax rate lower than average worker i think we have a real problem in our tax system. >> the new act would reduce hours in standard workweek lowering maximum hours required for overtime compensation, kellyanne morgan your take morgan start us off. morgan: first of all, i don't think chinese communist party are greatest competitor as certified by both trump and biden administrations, it is
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reducing workweek to 35 hours we know europeans tried this not had competitive economies tried over a decade ago low growth rates. it is -- it is silly if you want to talk about problems in the united states look for biden's economy, the fact people to having work multiple jobs as we just talked about last segment being priced out from the grocery perspective making real trade-off decisions to, fill gas tank up or grocery cart i think, senator sanders wants to discuss u.s. economy let's talk about inflation, let's talk about spending, but, you know, maria i was raised by a small business my parents, with entrepreneurs did not graduate from college working class people my father was, later ran air-conditioning business in florida i can tell you what is happening, to small businesses around this country they are being stifled, by regulation, by
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onerous demands technology gains that senator sanders was talking about as relates a.i. other technologies, small mom and pop of businesses which a this country thrives on will not be first beneficiaries of technologies they will eventual but you are putting more regulation on small businesses that i was raised on makes it harder and harder for americans to make ends meet when already struggling with that due to inflation. maria: great point, exactly the way i grew up as well work hard there are no shortcuts, good that you bring up who we are going to be competing against in the future, may very well be someone, from china, and, you know, they got pencils down to paper kellyanne. kellyanne: no question. let me ad third voice being raised, would hurt moms and pops i go back to bernie seems so angry, tlaifrngs to hillary
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not calling him sexist, but bernie jealous thinking if we need old white rip lib guy screaming all the time, he is very jealous of biden, 3 workweek no laughing matter democrats said in print, that this is because of all the gains in ai and automation, so there are saying quiet part out loud hey we're pretending to give you shorter workweek going to brag about job gains it is a.i. automation not always helping the wroeshg the other thing if you are in united states, like bernie is frankly biden, been in washington over half a century, 32 workweek sounds like an awfully busy time they won't work 3 hours maybe senator works 32 hours in a
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week also said in one of the articles that i read that quote this 32 workweek will allow people to spend more time with families and on hobbies, like tiktok. >> there you go, that is incredible we will take a short break come right back you are watching with maria" live business. stay with us. . . ♪ , ♪ . to raise a family ♪ ♪ . ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy—
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9:00 am
maria: welcome back. we are about 30 minutes away from the opening bell for a friday. take a look at markets here as we see is a gain in the dow industrials, up about 47 points. the nasdaq is down about 19, and the s&p 500 higher or by 1.a 5. it has been a there true pleasure to talk with kellyanne conway and morgan ortagus this morning. ladies, thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks, maria. >> thank you. maria: great9 to see you both. have a great if weekend and please come back soon, and we will see you tonight on maria bartiromo's wall street, 7 p.m. eastern. join me, and i'll see you on sunday live on fox news for "sunday morning futures." have a great weekend, everybody. e stay right here. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, maria, and good morning, everyone. the democrats' legal attack on donald trump is not going well.


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