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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 15, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. we are about 30 minutes away from the opening bell for a friday. take a look at markets here as we see is a gain in the dow industrials, up about 47 points. the nasdaq is down about 19, and the s&p 500 higher or by 1.a 5. it has been a there true pleasure to talk with kellyanne conway and morgan ortagus this morning. ladies, thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks, maria. >> thank you. maria: great9 to see you both. have a great if weekend and please come back soon, and we will see you tonight on maria bartiromo's wall street, 7 p.m. eastern. join me, and i'll see you on sunday live on fox news for "sunday morning futures." have a great weekend, everybody. e stay right here. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, maria, and good morning, everyone. the democrats' legal attack on donald trump is not going well. delays and complications mean
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trump may not be tried and/or convicted before the election. that was biden's strategy. the radical new york d.a., alvin brag, just announced a delay in the hush money case. a win for trump. a loss for lawfare. the chinese government does not want bytedance to sell tiktok. they want to keep control. they would rather have tiktok banned in america than it being sold. there are the legal and financial complications to any sale, looks like there will be no resolution to the controversy until after the election. to the markets, bitcoin coming down throughout this week. it's been well above $70,000, now you're looking at 67,8 on bitcoin. stocks, little change so far this morning. dow up 50, the nasdaq down 18. interest rates, yeah, the 10-year treasury's still above 4.25%, actually, it's reached 4.30 this morning. the 2-year still well above $4.5%, it has reached 4.72 odd.
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oil pulling back from oar 80 a barrel -- i'm wrong. it's now $81 a barrel on oil. and gas keeps on creeping up. average for regular, $3.43, up 2 cents overnight. no change for diesel, $4.03. on the sew today, bernie sanders loses it with our ownhill hillary vein -- our own hillary vaughn. imagine if it was a republican putting his hand in a female report's face. on the campaign trail, kamala harris tells hispanic voters, look who brought you these economic gains. she's trying to hold on to the hispanic vote which is sliding away from the biden-harris ticket. it's friday, march the 15th. romance associated this day with doom and gloom. it was the day jewell whereas caesar -- julius caesar was murdered. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪
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♪ stuart: i've been there. if i have been -- i think it's the temple bar in dublin. it's a pedestrian ferry. that is dublin, a couple of days before st. patrick's day. like the music. let's get started this friday morning with politics and a key word, delay. looks like a procedural win for trump in his new york hush money case. the trial could be delayed at least 30 days, and trump's other three cases have been hit with delays and derailments as well. sean duffy with me on a friday morning. is this really upsetting biden's lawfare strategy the? if well, a little bit, stuart. they want a conviction before the november election. think think -- they think that's what's going to put joe biden over in the polls. in regards to the strategy of tying donald trump up, he's stuck in courtrooms around the
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country and out of the campaign trail. donald trump was in a courtroom yesterday in florida, so, yeah, in that regard it is helping. i don't think that's the full strategy though. they want a conviction before the election, and and that's when they'll see the strategy -- stuart: they're not going to get it. i don't see a trial going all the way through to a convict ant guilty assignment before the election, do you? >> does it -- well, i don't know. they are hell bent on this, stuart. you know, you have prosecutors who know the game plan, right? this is not just joe biden's game plan, this is the attorneys', if prosecutors' game plan if as well. you have some prison pretty progressive youngs in some of these -- judges in some of these cases. you can see them try to push this as much as possible as close to the election. so it is possible that they'll get there, and the problem with that too for democrats is, again, the american people will see it potentially as lawfare,
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right? their using the legal system to -- they're using the legal system to take down a president that most of them like in regard to a failing owe biden. stuart: we should tell you that fani willis will remain on the case. the judge just made that judgment. any if delay there might be limited as opposed to -- next case, i've got something i really need to you to watch, sean is. this is what happened at a biden event in michigan yesterday. roll tape. >> reporter: we're going to take a few questions. >> thank you, guys. >> thank you so much. >> back to the cars, thank you. >> back to the cars. thank you. finish. [inaudible conversations] >> thank you. [laughter] stuart: now, that -- i would call that an enforced basement strategy, sean. [laughter] >> shiewrt, i was going to say the same thing. this is the basement strategy. you and i have sharing a mind this morning. i mean, listen, you have staff staff theres that don't trust that the president of the united states can take questions from a really compliant press.
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it's not like the press is asking him really tough questions. again, what's your favorite ice cream, and he can't even take those. but, stuart, this just underscores what we see from joe biden. he can't handle tough situations, and he makes mistakes. and so it's not just what's happening here. you're right, this is going to be the strategy throughout the election, but if this is our commander in chief, if this is the leader of the free world and we have hot 1309s all over the world -- spots all over the world which you talk about on your show and we do on "the bottom line, "joe biden can't handle it. how do i put a guy who can't take questions from a compliant press to deal with xi, putin, iran or deal with the conflict in israel and palestine? if i mean, it's -- he can't do it. and i think, again, this undermines joe biden's credibility with the american people. and i'm going to tell you, what i know that the staff wants to protect him, and good on them for trying to protect him. but in the end, tear doing him more harm. -- they're doing him
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more harm. joe biden has as to be the ready to take questions from the press if he wants to have the faith of the american people. stuart: and he has to be ready to debateup donald trump if he wants to preserve his image of being capable of holding a conversation. sean duffy, something else you need to say there? >> yes. i'm going to bet you a corned beef and cabbage, stuart, that joe biden doesn't debate. stuart: the no bet, no bet. i won't take that bet. i don't think he will either. sean: happy st. patrick's day to you. stuart: and to you, tough my. "the bottom line, "6:00 tonight on position business. senator bernie sanders, to say he lashed out at hillary vaughn, i think it's an understatement. e he was trying to spook about the 32-hour workweek bill -- speak. >> many of our people are exhausted. we work the longest hours of any people in the industrialized world. i think it's time for a shortened workweek. >> i want to ask you a question about that. it seems like democrats -- >> really? that's not my assumption --
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>> reporter: pay their workers more lower prices and now paying people not to work. >> you know what i would like to see -- >> reporter: how are businesses going to survive that? if that's the question, how can businesses -- >> when mr. bezos pays an effective tax rate lower than the average a worker, i think we have a real problem in our tax system. [laughter] stuart: okay. taylor riggs with me the morning. -- this morning. he got kind of heated. what do you make of a 32-hour workweek? >> nope, i'm a capitalist. changing to a 32-hour workweek is not the solution. we are the greatest country on this planet because we work hard and and you get rewarded for that hard work as long as businesses pay fair wages, i'm a fan of working your 40-hour weeking maybe more, and you'll get rewarded for it. stuart: well said. david bahnsen, what a do you think? >> i think it would be the end of the country, and i'm not being melodramatic. i don't do melodrama ever. it would be the end of the country. the unique american dna that
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requires this work ethic that blames a culture of risk taking, intend newel i remember and religious liberty. if that they pull a 32 hour workweek, it destroys what america was founded on. stuart: what if a republican had put his hands right in the face of a female reporter? >> you can't do that. i don't know how we got to screaming and putting a hand on a reporter's face or near it. unacceptable. tithe stuart david? >> in some jobs you'd have to go to hr training for sensitivity. stuart tor before we finish this, what do you say to the wealth tax proposed by the administration? to me, it looks like the democrats retaining over by the hard left. >> he said other countries are working less, and he didn't mention other countries tried a wealth a tax and got rid of it, 15 is out of 17 countries in europe got rid of it. you know why? it doesn't collect revenue if because people don't pay it. it is unconstitutional a, but i'll save that for another day. it doesn't work. it incentivizes people to move things around. stuart: you got that the right.
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>> how do you do an unrealized gain? do i get a refund if i have an unrealized loss? if i don't know how you would implement that. stuart: it's con confiscation. it's unconstitutional. >> right. stuart: let's get to the markets. david, you're saying that investors have to stop obsessing about the fed. make your case. >> well, the case is easy. the fed so far this year, the expectations have gone from six rate cuts to three rate cuts, from starting in march to not starting til june is, and the market is up 8%. what the fed expectations do is a lot of noise the day before, the day of and maybe the day after the fed says something. the day before or after a cpi report, that's it. it's noise, it's volatility. investors need to have a real investment plan and not let all of this news that the fed is responsible for get in the way. stuart: the fed watching and the expectations of a rate cut, as david says, it's not gotten in the way of a really strong rally. >> i know. i'm probably guilty of it because i love the fed, and i'm just obsessed and i watched it.
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maybe all of this is my fall. i'm with you. you have to read through the tea leaves, put the fed aside, look at fundamentals. profits are are killing it, maybe that's in part what's we'ring the markets. jamie dimon saying rate cuts shouldn't come million the second half of the year, but the markets believe what the markets want. stuart: it's a terrific rally we've seen. explain it. >> well, it's broadened out, okay in i don't think it's a rate rally if the s&p's up 8% and it's only 5-10 companies that are doing it which was the story of a lot of last year. since early november until now, the equal-weighted s&p is now at an all-time high. that had not been the case. so you have seen it broaden out a bit, and i've talked to you about this several times. magnificent seven right now is the magnificent two. you have a few companies down or a few companies doing okay and a couple that are up big. you need consumer staples, financials, utilities. that has to drive the whole market. if this market's only about nvidia, it's going the crash and burn. stuart: ugly words on a friday
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morning. >> you started off talking about julius caesar getting killed to the. -- today. [laughter] stuart: that was historically accurate. one last one. i've never seen a situation where the market is so dominated by just a few companies which have just gone to the moofnlt have you ever seen this before, david? >> it's never happened to this degree. the closest was the year 2000, '9 going into 2000. we know what happened then. stuart: you're a youngster. you've never seen anything like this before, have you? >> well, i'm older than i look. tesla overtook boeing as the worth performer in the if s&p 500 yesterday with, so you are seeing the tetes la and apple -- tesla and apcoming off their highs. senator mitch b mitch mcconnell says it's time to finish the job in ukraine. roll it. >> withholding critical weapons has a not helped manage putin's escalation, it has only emboldened him it's time for the house to take up the senate-a passed national security
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supplemental and finish the job with. stuart: it has been two year since benjamin hall was injured reporting on that war. ukraine getting the support they need to one -- is ukraine getting the support they need to win? i'll can him. the crisis in haiti could lead to a migrant surge to florida. the administration if may use guantanamo bay to process the influx. florida congressman carlos gimenez takes that that on next. ♪ ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills
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♪ stuart: the number of migrants
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crossing the border in texas has a fallen dramatically after the state installed more barriers. now migrants are crossing the border in state like california or arizona. garrett tenney's in texas for us. disease this show the different -- does this show the difference in border policies in democrat-led states versus republican-led states, garrett? >> reporter: stu, it absolutely does. human smuggling is the biggest cash cow for the cartels right now. it's a more than $13 billion a year business, bigger than even the drug trade. so they're going to focus that business where it can be the most successful. that's why in texas you are seeing more cases like this one, human smuggling where they don't want to be caught. but in places further west like california, arizona, new mexico, you're seeing other cases of people just walking across the border. it's really like, in a lot of ways it's similar to a travel agency. you've got different packages based on what you're looking for and how far you're coming from if. if you want a gude,
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transportation once you cross the border, a place to hide out, all of those things cost you extra. some rough estimates from the border patrol, $4-5,000 for a kid. $8-9,000 for an adult. but the most basic package and the most popular one is where they essentially just walk you up to the border and let you cross. and here in texas that's getting a lot more difficult with all of the fencing enforcement the state is setting up. that's why you're seeing cartels shift the bulk of their operations out west for what you can call their most basic packages to places like new mexico, arizona and california. >> so those are three states that are controlled by democrat governors, and the cartels recognize and understand that they're not going to do the same thing that texas is doing, and so all they're doing is they're exploiting our weaknesses where they know weaknesses exist. >> reporter: here's video from late yesterday in lukeville, arizona. two large groups of more than 100 people from all over the world -- africa, the middle east
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as well as central and south america -- the numbers back this up as well. on wednesday this week more than half of all encounters along the southern border were in the sand san diego, tucson and el paso sectors. and in i tucson there were four times as many crossings as here in the del rio sector where texas officials are trying to make it as difficult as possible for folks to come into the country illegally. stu? stuart: garrett, thank you very much, indeed. president biden's considering holding haitian migrants who are fleeing that chaotic island at guantanamo bay. congressman carlos gimenez, republican of florida, joins me now. how do you feel about using gitmo, congressman? >> gitmo's been used before for these mass migrations. it's not something that we haven't seen in south florida. we have mass migrations from the sea all the time, and so, yeah, it's something that i think he should consider. i'm also very grateful that the
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governor has added more resources and given more resources to stop the migration into by area because this is where it's going to come. i mean, you know, the haitiansnd up coming to south florida. that's what happens. stuart: are you keeping them out specifically? ghel, i think the biden administration, i think what they're going to do is take them to guantanamo and figure out what they're going to do from from there. look, the problem is that the biden administration has done nothing in haiti. three years ago, almost three years ago the president of haiti was a assassinated. we could have seen this a mile away, or that a haiti was going to dissolve into, you know, a nonstate, into chaos and that it was then going to cause mass migration. the biden administration chose to do nothing in our own hemisphere. stuart: congressupman, vice president harris is making a play for hispanic voters. she says the administration has created millions of jobs for latinos. what do you make of that, congressman? >> i think that the democrat party has a real problem with hispanics now. the democratic party values
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don't match up with hispanics', and and that's why hispanics are going away from the democrat party and to the republican party, because we actually match their values. you can talk about all you've done for hispanics but, frankly, they haven't done much. look, hispanics fared much better under the trump administration than the biden administration. and the crazy policies of the biden administration are really driving hispanics away. stuart: i need your comment if on a news development that's just coming out. a judge has just ruled that either fani willis must step aside or her romantic e partner, nathan wade, must withdraw from the case in georgia. the case is now unlikely to go to trial until after the election. finish i put this as a trump win. what say you, congressman? >> yeah, it's a trump win, and i figure i guess we're going to say good-bye to the boyfriend and she'll stay on the case. but i also believe that the state of georgia needs to looked at her and investigate her for corruption because nobody
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believes that, you know, cash theory, that she repaid her boyfriend in cash for the lavish vacations that they went on together using taxpayer money. and so i don't think fani willis' problems are over with, and i do believe this is a victory for trump of -- stuart: the democrats have a strategy, it's lawfare, tie up donald trump in court as much as you can, throw all kinds of charges at him, get into court, try him and maybe convict him before the election. of is that strategy falling to pieces? >> well, i believe it is. and i also believe that's a third world country strategy. look, the president in nicaragua, what he did, ortega, what he did, he just jailed all his opponents. that that's one way to win an election. or keep them in court. and so i think that president biden is trying to use the same ortega kind of strategies on president trump. i don't think it's going to work because here in the united states every time they do that
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to the president, his numbers go up. people know that it's inherently unfair and and undemocratic. and so i think in the end, it will fail. stuart: congressman carlos gimenez, thank you very much for being with us. we appreciate. quick check of futures this friday morning. in the early going before the market opens, a little bit of red ink but not that much. we'll take grow to wall street for the -- you to wall street for the opening bell next. ♪ ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪
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stuart: all right. a couple of minutes before the market opens. dow down about 150100 -- 100, nasdaq down about 90 points. mark mahaney, you just is raised your netflix target price. you were at 600, now you at 640. why the increase? >> we did some recent survey work, stu, into the paid sharing initiative that the company has in the u.s. and globally. and also into the ad-supported plan the company rolled out, or i don't know, about two years ago, and t been building up. both of these are gaining momentum, and third incremental in terms of driving new subscriber ises onto netflix.
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nothing like lowering the lead price by to -- 30% to expand your market, and the second thing is they are anti-churn. so they're reducing the typical churn that netflix has faced over the years because they givd of safety net for consumers. you don't like the higher prices that netflix is roll anything? they've got a low priced $6.9 offering you can stick with -- 6.99. i think it's greater than the street realizes. stuart: you know, you've been right on netflix all along. you've been saying this for some months now. congratulations, mark. of you got it right. if let me turn to this. question: what is the impact of -- what is the impact of social media stocks on the tiktok controversy? >> well, this is, this is a surprise. now, we went through this, you know, a few years ago under president trump when we, when there was a debate as to whether tiktok would get banned and seemed like a little bit of a stretch back then, but it seems
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much closer to reality now. look, if it happens, it's got two major impacts. advertisers are spending about $6-7 billion a year now with tiktok are going if to have to run their campaigns elsewhere. you're also a probably seeing a pausing in ad campaigns on tiktok now and the obvious beneficiaries are going to be meta, google and snapchat. that's on the advertiser side. on the user side, if it gets banned, you know, tiktok has come up with some extremely popular innovations in social media, and is so people are going to have to get that tiktok fix other places. snap has got similar functionality and so does meta now, so they're clear beneficiaries of a possible tiktok ban. stuart: mark mahaney, thank you very much, sir. just a few seconds to go before the market opens. we with say this every day, someone's going to rife down and press the button, there we go, and the market is open, ladies and gentlemen. right from the get go, we're down. the dow is down 117-odd points,
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120 points. a vast preponderance of sellers among the dow 30. i see only 4 winning stocks at this point. the s&p 500 also on the downside in the very, very early going, down about a half percentage point. and the nasdaq composite, that's down as well. we're off there by, again, just over a half percentage point. big tech, not doing very well this morning, i don't think. let me have a look. they're all down. alphabet, meta, apple, amazon, microsoft, they're all off in the very early going this morning. and adobe, now, there's a big decline for you with. right after their report they're down 12 p. what went wrong? if. >> guidance is what was weak. it was a good quarter otherwise, but guidance going toward a little bit tweak -- a little bit weak. the problem is analysts are saying a.i. is a double-edged sword. yes, it could help adobe, but it also opens them up to a lot of competition, and that's where some of the weakness is coming in. stuart: david, do you deserve a
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12-package point drop? >> the forward guidance wasn't that bad, but the valuation was that high. so then you have to reprice to get into some level of normalcy, and pit ends up being a big hit. stuart: that's quite a reprice. uber and lyft starting may 1st, they will no longer operate in minneapolis. why? >> because the city council voted to raise the minimum wage, so starting may 1 it makes their operations effectively untenable, we can't afford it. uber coming out with a similar statement. they tried to do this earlier, and they got pushback because they knew uber and lyft were the only people in the mark who could serve that market. i don't know if anyone fills the gap. , but uber and lyft are out. stuart: what have you got? >> i have an office in minneapolis, but we're out in kind of the suburb areas. there's nobody downtown in pin yap lis. so i think that's part of it, they're trying to increase costs and revenue opportunity can't be that high. stuart: it's only just in the
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city of minneapolis? >> yes. if you go outside the city, then they'll drop the charge, you can take an uber there, but inside those city limits it goes into effect. stuart: fascinating, isn't it? let's have a lack another bit -- look at bitcoin. down from $73,000, i'm looking at 67,6 right now. i presume the crypto stocks, they're down as a well. >> exactly. you're getting a little mini correction. off about 10% from the record high on crypto. crypto stocks too falling in sympathy. overall though earlier this week, or stu, bitcoin sur surpassed the market of silver. that is how crazy this is. ask and jpmorgan just came out and and said bitcoin has surpassed fold in terms of investor portfolio allocation -- gold. bitcoin's wild ride, i think, is still here. stuart: this is a favorite topic of david, who's with us this morning. he's grouping his teeth -- >> it is funny. i was just thinking about beanie babies in that chart. this is stability.
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this is what we want to replace the dollar. up 20%, down 10%. it's a bull market wednesday, it's a correction friday. this is stability. stuart: but everybody knows it's a gambling chip, and everybody -- >> people talk with a straight face like this is the future of currency. i know it's a gambling chip, you know it's a gambling chip. people say, are you upset it went to $70,000? i think it can go to 170,000, but you can't justify any valuation, and and it's never going to be a stable medium of exchange. stuart: thank you. this is a story. home depot is teasing halloween decorps. right now. halloween decor is out there. of it's not even easter. >> i know. so the caveat in there is that they're starting to promote what they want to do. there's called a skelly, a skeleton, for $2.996789 it has lcd lights -- $2.99. there's a frank frankenstein, a little dog -- stuart: i can understand at a
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party store. >> i know. they're hoping to put it around july is, it'll be in stores in labor day, so maybe it's a little bit later than march, but i'm request you. let me at least get to easter first or labor day before we start the talking about halloween. stuart: do you wish to comment on this, david? >> i do. i saw some people mt. bars last night for st. patrick's day, it look like they're practicing halloween already. [laughter] >> stuart: good one. you brought some dividend picks with you starting with amgen. what do they pay and why do you like them? >> amgen has grown the dividend at 16% per year for 12 years in a a row, that's why i like them. a dividend yield over 3%. they're growing at double-digits, one of the best biotech portfolios of any company. this is the new thing with good biotech companies, they're returning cash to shareholders where they used to hold on to all their cash for more m if a. they're much more fiscally responsible. stuart: johnson and johnson, a dividend play?
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really? >> one of the great dividend growers of all time. johnson & johnson's paying 3% yield, they've grown the dividend every year since world war ii. johnson & johnson if you bought it 40 years ago, has a 100 dividend meaning the cash yo you get year-over-year over your on what you paid for the stock. that's what a made me fall in love with this 25 years ago. you get to compound those dave the tends over time. stuart: but you've got to hold the stock for a long time. >> well, in johnson & johnson's case, you held the stock from $3 to $1690. stuart: i'll give you that one -- 160. stay there. let's have a look at the big board, we're almost six minutes in, we're down 50, 38,849. dow winners, there are a few. amgen, top of the list. home depot, caterpillar, honeywell and donald's. s&p 500, put those winners on the screen. valero, phillips, cummins, micron engine. nasdaq win with wers on the
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screen, pay car, micron, dexcom, intuitive surgical, t-mobile. any comment on any of the winners, david? >> not in the nasdaq screen, but i like seeing amgen as the winner of the dow right after i talked about it so i'll take some credit there. stuart: coming up, former alabama football coach nick saban says it's time to reshape the name, image and likeness rules in college athletics. >> instead of having a collective of name, image and likeup, i thought a revenue sharing would be a lot better system. you go to college to create value for your future, and i want the quality of life for student-athletes to be the best it can be, and i think they should have a seat at the table. stuart: all right. a former ncaa swimmer, riley gaines, is going to join us a little later. i'll ask her whether college athletes should be a paid at all. lawmaker orers want to force bytedance to sell tiktok. of potential buyers are already circling.
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we'll tell you who's eyeing the app next. ♪ you gotta want with it, you gotta need it. ♪ when it's time to lay out -- lay it on the line ♪ you gotta feel it -- ♪ when you dig down deep, so deep ♪ everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? moving forward with node-positive
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stuart: the house is pushing bytedance to sell tiktok, so who is interested in buying? kelly o'grady with me now. take me through the people who might if want to buy it. >> reporter: okay. first up, oracle and then one of your favorites, microsoft. remember four years ago they were the two that were in the mix roughly summer 2020. you also have, i have from a source that a high profile media company is doing a due diligence process on this. and then you've got your investor group, your p if e type, former activision ceo is reportedly floating it to sam altman, you've also got former treasury secretary steve mnuchin indicating he's putting together a bid as well.
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those folks would make sense if you're hooking for tiktok to have a successful ipo eventually. then the ones that would make the most strategic sense, your metas, your googles would present a lot of synergy opportunities with instagram and youtube. amazon could also present a really interesting opportunity from a social commerce perspective. they already do a lot with influencer lives to bolster their market place, you could have a complement there. but all three of these would see antitrust hurdles. the value lies almost entirely in the algorithm, but last time around bytedance was very relate reticent -- relate are sent to reeling wish as access, and a source tells me they're considering just selling the u.s. side of the product. tiktok doesn't turn a profit yet on $20 billion in revenue, so if you buy it, you need to have a lot of capital to burn in this growth phase. price wise with, if the ccp were to approved -- it and, of course, that is a big if, bytedance would probably want hundreds of billions.
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elon musk bought it for $50 billion -- rather, twitter. not matching up this. stuart: okay. i'm just going to switch to david for a second. my opinion this controversy will not be resolved before the election. >> not even close. and what's e really interesting, linda khan, and you mentioned antitrust -- lina khan, head of the ftc, she's made a career out of trying to block amazon from doing things. this administration if could block iting from from being able to be sold, and none of those companies are going to get approved, none of them. stuart: david, kelly, thank you very much, indeed. cody and erica archie are first generation ranchers, they've become tiktok stars, and they're joining me now. welcome to the show, by the way. cody, your account has 1.2 million followers. what would you do if tiktok is, in fact, banned. would you just move to another platform? >> well, first off, we'd just keep ranching like we'd been doing before we ever started tiktok. we're already on all the other
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platforms, so we would just continue to post on those other platforms like we've been doing on tiktok currently. stuart: do you make much money from tiktok? >> we do make some additional income. it's like a side gig. we make extra money there. but unlike some of the creators on here, we don't rely on that the money as part of our budgeting for our house hold income. you know, it's just extra stuff where we can make improvements that might have taken longer to do had we not had that extra income. you know, we have some brand deals that allow us to have some things that we wouldn't have as quick as we have so far, but, yeah, we make a good bit of money from it, a decent amount. more than, more than some, a lot less than others, but with we don't rely on that. there are a lot of people that do. i mean, we've been in the game long enough to realize that if you put all your stock in what the government's going to say they're going to give you or some company, you're going to be crying at the end of the day. stuart: i understand that
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entirely. erica, or you both -- you made headlines for charging your 19-year-old daughter $200 a month in rent when he graduated high school. by the way or, i'm very much with you on this. but with i understand you got a lot of backlash. tell me more. >> yeah. i think we got a lot of backlash from people that said i'd never charge my kid rent, they can stay forever for free, but we wanted to make sure that she knew that nothing in life is free and that you're going to have to learn to save money, you're going to have to learn that you have to pay rent will be or pay a mortgage to live are somewhere. and she did eventually move if out for a little while. she wanted to explore on her own, or but now she's back. and so i think it taught her a lot of lessons in the long run, and and now she's back and we've got other arrangements where where she's kind of working for her rent right now. stuart: well -- >> it's all good. stuart: when i was young, and it was a very long time ago, a half century ago, it was very common in england to be you get to the age of 18, your up or -- you're
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up or you're out. you pay your parents represent. that's the old-fashioned way of doing it. most people don't do that these days, do they? >> i don't think so. i don't think we see it a lot, but it's definitely something that we teach our kids because we're not going to give free rides are around here. we're not going to teach them that they can just stay forever and live off mom and dad's dime. stuart: well, i approve. so do a lot of our viewers too. cody and erica arkansas a chi, thank you very much for being on the show today, we appreciate it. good luck to you. see you soon. >> thank you. [inaudible] stuart: what was that again? bar 7 ranch, i think. coming up, four trump cases with delays, complications and legal maneuvering. this is not the way it was supposed to go. the democrats wanted to parade the wicked trump through the courts to convince the country that he's a bad guy who should be excluded from the election. what does that tell you about the democrats' commitment to democracy? that will be my take coming up, top of the hour.
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biden was forced to pump the brakes on his electric vehicle mandate. senator pete ricketts says the backlash is working. the senator joins me on set here in new york after a this. ♪ ♪ ♪(relaxing music)♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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♪ ♪ stuart: the biden administration intends to relax the push towards electric vehicles. nebraska senator pete ricketts has been a staunch critic of biden's ev mandates, and the senator joins me now. you're saying these mandates don't work for nebraska. tell me why. >> yeah, absolutely. so ev iss work in urban areas really well if you have chargers and and it's not too cold, but nebraska, we have 99 of our 147 cities don't have chargers. there's many communities like bloomfield, lyons, valentine that are 45 minutes from the nearest charge, so it's not practical from that standpoint, and it also can get cold in nebraska. if the temperature drops to, like, -20, you can lose 40% of your charge, and we saw this in chicago where it was like car graveyards and dead robots when
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the temperature fell and people couldn't charge their cars. stuart: how do you get rid of the mandate entirely? >> well, the get rid of it entirely, need a new president. that's what's really got to happen. i'm working with senator sullivan to bro if deuce the congressional review act to block the regulations when they get finalized. but at the end end of the day, the president would have to sign that, and he's not going to the sign it. we do want to highlight just how detrimental this is to americans, to have this ev mandate jam ised down our throats. stuart: nebraska, as i understand it, was one of the first states to ban tiktok on government phones and devices. would you be okay in nebraska if techton were american-owned -- tiktok were american-owned? you okay with that? yeah, absolutely. we need to make this happen. look, a friend of mine owns a t and radio station. he told me, hey, i've got to certify that i'm an american, i'm a citizen without a felony. why are we with allowing the chinese communist party to have access to a network of 170
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million americans to push their e propaganda? it makes no sense. they should be held to the same standards as we do for our media like tv and radio, that sort of thing. stuart: but you're going to really annoy the youth vote is. tens of millions of youngsters use tiktok. they don't think of it as a national security issue, they're going to be angry if you ban it. >> well, all you have to do is sell it to an american owner, and they can keep running it the way they were doing before. tiktok claims this is not feasible, that this is a ban somehow, but they won't really explain why they think that. but if it's because the the algorithm. 's in china and it's secret, that's kind of the point why we don't want the chinese owning it. stuart: so you don't want a ban, you want the sale. >> absolutely is. stuart: how do you get that? it's going to go for $60-10 billion? >> certainly a lot of money. they've not made any money -- [laughter] so you've got to keep that in mind when you buy this thing. stuart: i would say that it's the impossible to buy the ban or
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sell tiktok before the election in november. what say you? >> well, i think what the president needs to do is call on chuck schumer to put this up, right? the president said he's going to sign it, my understanding is they've actually provided some technical help to congressman gallagher to get this bill written. this should be our top thing to get done once e get through the appropriations process, get in this done, knock it out. stuart: quickly, david, if it were banned, that would help meta and some of the other social network, wouldn't it? bigtime. >> that's the idea, they'd have less competition, but i think there's going to end up being a sale. there's too valuable an asset there. and $100 billion's a big number. there are private ebb bity pockets than get that. the issue is it can't be with strategic because of antitrust. i just don't believe that they will allow google, amazon, facebook to end up buying this, so you're going to need private equity. stuart: senator, sell this thing so it's american owned and get rid of ev mandates. can we leave it there? >> i'm to good with all of that.
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stuart: glad you're on the show today. [laughter] thanks for joining us, appreciate it. thank you very much david and taylor for joining us for the entire hour. >> pleasure. stuart: here's what's coming up -- we're watching you you at 1 p.m. on fox business. thank you very much. check those markets, please, the dow is down 140, and the nass damage's down 100 points. this is the early going. don't know how we'll close. still ahead, kevin o'leary, tomi lahren, general jack keane and shannon bream. the 10:00 hour of "varney & company" if is -- is next. ♪ give me everything tonight. ♪ for all we know, we might not get tomorrow -- ♪ if let's do it tonight ♪
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