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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 15, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> pulling a # 2 workweek and destroys what america is founded on. >> i see this being the country for president trump. >> we've been in the game long enough and realize when you put on your stocking, the government will say they'll give you or some company will give you, you'll be fine at the end of the day. >> why are we allowing the chinese communist party to have access to a network with 170 million americans to push the propaganda. >> this judge in georgia seems the most fair. compare that to new york. there's no fairness coming out of the court system here.
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stuart: yes, we're playing irish music today, irish drinking song and it's st. patrick's day on sunday, march 17th. it's 11:00 right now here on the east coast. friday, march 15th and it's the ides of hayes when julius cesar was murdered. not that big of a move to the southland. big tech all over the place. all of them are down, me taxer amazon, app fade pattern pet, apple and -- apple, microsoft and alphabet all down. 431 is the yield on the 10 inform rear right now. now this. i don't think the tiktok continue versey will be resolved before the election and house passed a bill that would ba ba if they don't sever ties to chai that . sounds simple, it's not. imagine trying to ban something with 170 million users in
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america. deal with the ban first. not going to happen before the election. if any politician stands up saying you can't have that, that politician loses archon of the youth -- chunk of the youth vote. biden needs the youth vote and he's not going to alienate them as he uses tic tock on his o -- tiktok on his omalu own campaign. chinese government said they don't want a sale and would rather lose control than have a ban. you've got to come up with 60-$100 billion. who's got that kind of money? only huge corporations like microsoft. with biden's government, big is bad. i can't see them let ago $3 trillion company get bigger. how about alphabet and google? foreman treasury secretary steven coming up with a ban and
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courts may have to decide and they're not rushing to judgment. tiktok is popular because the algorithms work well and buzzes work on it because it brings in more business and efficient platform and competes well. there's a strong body of opinion saying capitalists should compete, not ban, certainly not in the middle of a presidential election. third hour of varney starts now. look who's here, tomi lahren leer in new york. thank you, tommy. president biden will sign the bill to crack down.
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if you ban tiktok, you'll lose the youth vote. >> you're exactly right. it's hard for the biden administration and several other popular members of congress on the democrat side to say they want to ban something they actively use and have a lot of followers on. i don't see this happening before the owe election. but my concern is a different one than yours. mine is about the government forcing a sale but the precedent this sets. we know that the government is well aware of the censorship, the bias, silencing, and deep platforming especially of conservatives on the other plat for the purposes so it's hard for me to believe that there's a bipartisan coalition that wants to crack down on this and suddenly wants to crack down on misuse of social media platforms. where are you with google and meta and all the other i wanties doing this, well documented by the way, for a long type. when they get excited something, i get suspicious and worried about the precedent this sets and i agree that a platform linked to communist china is a
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dangerous one, but will they then be able to use this and say x owned by elon musk, that's dangerous as well. that's election interference or there's hate speech we must ban this or force a sale. the precedent is what i worry about, but i don't shed any tears for tiktok influencers they are sad not spending nine hour as day searching through videos. i cry no tears there. stuart: that's a good point-blank layups. it set as precedent and we don't want to be use against conservatives or other outlets. bad precedence. another one, i don't quite understand this, generation z just filed a new and what i'm told is a ridiculous way to make fun of millennials. roll tape. >> there's a new way to age ourself and having a wallet. gen z uses phone as wallet and have pay in their wall and the id in their wallet. wallet. how do you have state queens in your wallet. is this a thing?
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did i miss the memo. stuart: how can carrying a wallet uncool. >> i'm a millennial and pushing back and gen zers with everything on the phone, what happens when you lose your phone and need to have physical possession of something. also, your parents probably are buying you the phone and watches and everything that you use to pay for things so i'm sorry, as a millennial, i'm pushing back and wallets are not uncool. what's in your wallet maybe makes you cool and look at that, i like the paper clip and it's the coolest of all, stuart. stuart: this is my wallet. a little cash, a paper clip to hold it in place and an id and driver's license and credit card. that's it. that's the modern baby boomer wallet. how about that? stuart: it's the coolest thing i've seen yet. gen z all over it and they'll steal it from you and they thought of it and they minimalists. don't let them take it from you, stuart. stuart: tomi, you're all right, thank you for being here with us. check the market.
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a little red inc. dow down 50, nasdaq down 114. look who's here on a friday as he usually is. jonathan hoenig. think there's been a change in leadership in the markets? who is leading the market now? >> well, not big tech, stuart. great to be with you. the old saying, to everything there is a season. for so long it was names like teas la and app and will both ol both down today and don't talk about them as much. the guard is changing and talk about gold as all time high and i'm not a dip buyer. the fact so many of the big tech stocks are lagging now and i mean, microsoft was up this week and so many of the nag nevins sent seven aren't that -- magnificent seven aren't that magnificent anymore and looking at commodities and the hurt is not there. they're not talked about every day like the big tech stocks and putting my money to work in places that are off the radar screen and leading as inflation readers that it had. stuart: time for the exotic investment of the week and this
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week it is palladium, that is a rare mineral or metal of some sort and etf on palladium, which is parf. what's the story? >> sounds exotic and three years ago we don't know what dog coin is either and it's precious metal used for jewelry and iphone. it's significantly undervalued and breaking out. old saying is a rising tide lifts all boats. with gold at all time high and cocoa, orange juice, silver and all the markets are breaking out. i like palladium and own it at and scarcity and all the palladium ever mined in history would fit in the average living room and pulls talk about the scarsty of bitcoin and palladium is extremely scarce and it's a commodity that everyone uses.
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>> we'll be talking about this for years to come. stuart: next week, we'll check it out again. jonathan hoenig, thank you again. have a great weekend and great st. patrick's day. see you later. ashley, come on in and you're take ago look at movers. what's with adobe down 13%? ashley: you know what that is, poor guidance. investors worried after the company forecasted lower than expected revenue for the second quarter. it is an ai stock but analysts say, you know what, they could suffer from all the competition in that space down almost 14% and rivian headed higher to overweight and stock up more than 3% and analysts also increasing price target to $21 from $15 and right now at $11 and they like strong demand rivian is seeing from the new r2 models. they've already seen 68,000 deposits and just 24 hours after being unveiled.
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not too shabby, stu. stuart: thanks, ash. coming up, we've got a decision in georgia's election case against trump. the judge ruled in district attorney fani willis can stay on the case but only if she cuts tie withs her former romantic partner nathan wade, one of them has to go. shannon bream on that. what does general jack keane make of the hostages being released in israel? we'll ask him, the general is next. ♪ (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more.
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stuart: new ceasefire proposal and alex hogan joining e
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movement what's in the proposal. >> yeah, we don't know exactly all of the specifics but as it stands right now, the israeli government says that this is unrealistic and it will send a delegation to doja to negotiate and they met to discuss in tel aviv and hamas gave the guidelines to negotiators yesterday. what we do know about this potential deal is that this would ra reportedly free hostags that are women, children, elderly or ill in exchange for about 700-1,000 palestinian prisoners and this plays out and families of the israeli hostages are in the streets demanding the government take this deal calling it the last chance. system of articulation we know there's a deal they'll come out with hamas giving an answer and we expect israeli government to do what it needs to do and close this deal and bring all the hostages back. >> we can't leave them there. we just can't.
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this is our family. this is my blood. >> today the first ship making the trip from cyprus to the coast of gaza is approaching the strip and it's a spanish ship holding about 200 tons of aid and it's all part of the effort to ramp up humanitarian support by sea, which will allow for more relief from flyovers and safer journey than by truck and the u.s. works to build a floating pier to provide another aid corridor for gaza and potential negotiation and ceasefire from families that i've talked with, they say this is such a painful day because yet again they're longing to see their loved ones but they are desperate not to get their hopes up too much. one family actually just texted me from one of those protests saying "those of us who try not to let our expectations get too high are falling for it once again so we are hoping that this happens". stuart. stuart: alex hogan, thank you very much indeed. i want to bring in retired four star general jack keane on this. general, i get the impression
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that hamas is trying to take advantage of senator schumer's call for new elections in israel to get rid of netanyahu. that's what's got a lot to do with the timing of the proposal. what do you say? >> well, yeah, it's that and a number of things and they believe they have wind at their back as the international condemnation of israel for its behavior has obviously increased. we now have the president of the united states publicly criticizing israel and senator schumer's statement yesterday in his proposal was likely made before that . but nonetheless they know full well that there's opposition to israel in the united states government and what hamas has put on the table is not all that different than what was on the table a month ago, and the two things israel will certainly object to is a permanent ceasefire. in other words stop the war as it exists right now and withdraw
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completely from the gaza strip. that is unrealistic proposal using their words and that will not be accepted but nonetheless it was willing to negotiate and get down to something hopefully more reasonable, stuart. stuart: different subject and the president's defense budget includes only a 1% increase from last year. china is increasing military spending 7%. is our 1% increase enough, general? >> no, it's not even close. i mean, with inflation, it's actually a reduction because inflation is signature around 3, 4%. that's the reality of it all for biden's budget proposals -- all four of biden's budget proposals have been a reduction, not increase. it's staggering when you had just this week all of his intelligence chiefs came before the congress of the united states and said in so many words our adversaries, global
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adversaries, russia, china, iran and north korea, they've increased aggression and it's -- the danger we're facing we haven't seen anything like this in decades to includes trans national extremism like isis et cetera. no mention of the scale of the danger in the state of the union to set the stage for the american people to deal with this and so this defense budget is really inadequate anded aerer sayres look at us -- and adversaries look at us and see weakness in terms of political leadership and dysfunctional and that's in the congress of united states and lack of social cohesion and part we're talking about here. united states military who hasn't recovered from the 9/11 war and it's not as good as it used to be despite all the stations that we are. the fact is that we are losing ground to china in a very rapid
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fashion. they have more ships, more airplanes, more offensive, defensiveness than we have and they're finally developing the kind of silent submarine that we have. yes, we don't have to go platform to platform but the fact is the army is going to be the smallest it's been since prior to world war ii and the air force is going to be at a 40-year low, the navy is trying to get to 355 matt forms as an -- platforms as objective state and budget take it is down below 290. makes no sense whatsoever, the direction we're going in. going in the wrong direction but our threats are increasing. stuart: is it a national security risk? is that what we're talking about here and deflating the mail tear for a security risk? >> >>, you're absolutely right and put your finger on the real problem and if our adversaries don't see us in the same light they used to and we lose our
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ability to deter them from going to war, then invites that conflict because they see in the united states vulnerables and they're seizing the opportunity, that is why iran has operation rationalized them in the middle east and russia in ukraine and they see opportunities and see opportunities beyond what we're talking about just there. iranians to dominate them and destroy the state of israel and expand into eastern used to own once before and stuart: marines on the ground in haiti and protecting embassy and haiti in
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chaos and take >> the other threats do and what we're looking at is a failed state and we've learned how to deal with something like this and the necessary condition to make progresses security and i believe this should be an effort by the caribbean countries, latin american countries, united states have contributed with our leadership on how to go about doing that. we have a lot of experience bring in a multinational force to secure and stabilize the situation getting people out
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safely and that should be the end of it. stuart: quickly, "the wall street journal" says the military could soon use swarms of drones, hundreds at a time. if drone warfare changing the whole nature and how do we stand it, are we good at it? >> not changing the nature but certainly changing character of warfare and, yes, we're on a path for major technological breakthrough here in terms of swarming missiles, swarming drones, surface ships incredibly vulnerable as many of them are right now in my view just due to missiles alone and swarming, you can't warm them right now and don't have the ai and the kind of computers to be able to do that. that is, we're on the cusp of that happening and you'll see
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air forces less manned aircraft for sure, pilots operating out of black boxes and controlling multiple, multiple drones as a result of all that and obviously not being threatened of a black box in the future and this technology is enable that had and ai bringing on swarming of the drones for sure. the army canceled a man reconnaissance helicopter and invested a few billion dollars in and did that principally because they know full well they can accomplish the same thing by unmanned drones considerably cheaper. we're moving away from manned aircraft slowly but we're moving in that direction and we're going to move into drones dominating the battlefield. stuart: as long as we're winning technology battle, that's all i'm worried about. general, thank you very much for being with us this morning. always appreciate it. see you soon. thank you. >> great talking to you, stuart. stuart: the price to charge your
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electric vehicle varies from state to state. we'll break down where it's cheapest and most expensive. four of the cases with trump dealing with delays and legal maneuvers and the law fare tactic is failing and see if shannon bream agrees. shannon is next. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills
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♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ stuart: two hours into the trading session and dow down and nasdaq down. big tech, we checked a few moments ago and all down. still all down. me taxer apple, alphabet, microsoft and alphabet all down on the red side. below 68,000 for bitcoin and looking at 67 and change that's lime we checked and down -- where are we? at 684,000. 68,400. a month ago below 52,000. let's see if some of the crypto plays are reacting. i imagine they are. and most on the upside and marathon digital and all up. gray scale essentially ethereum and that's down 70-cents, that's
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it. now this, judge in georgia says fani willis can stay on the case but only if she cuts ties with former romantic partner nathan wade and one of them has to go says the judge. shannon bream with me. will the trial be delayed till after the election and that would being a win for trump, i think. >> it would be and that's the question. where do we go from here? we assume that fani willis will say to nathan wade it's probably good for you to step away from this. we got to wait and see if that's the decision they make. remember, there's so many other things that have to happen in the trial before it actually gets to a courtroom and part of that includes choosing a jury, which is now been exposed to all of these conversations and all of this testimony about trips and lifestyle and romantic relationships and phone records and all of the things and that'll make it even tougher and other codefendants and many more
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avenues for issues they've heard come up in the hearings and possibly trying to shut down or delay this case even further. stuart: four of the cases against trump are having to deal with delays and complications and attacking trump-appointed through the court and is that failing? >> while houssaying these are independent prosecutors that don't coordinate with the white house and the justice department clearly the special council has the two biggest congratulations with problematic trials for the former president and jack smith going after him on january 6 issues and mar-a-lago documents and they're very delayed at this point and going to see how the supreme court rules on immunity and if it's good for the government and adversity for president trump and taking three months to get that moving again and don't get that till july, we're in early fall and does the special council want the optics
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of that and pulling them together and the biden tactic and attacking trump-appointed through the courts and it's been slowed down and delayed to the point of that tactic with that failure and would you go that far? >> i would say the trump team would argue these things are very sped up for how you'd normally handle these with any other defendant out there and sense of urgency and pushing it forward and you know it took years to get to the supreme court and weeks in one case and it's been really fast tracked and all of the normal procedures slow it down to the point it's unlikely any get to a verdict before election day. >> it the biden impeachment unlikely? >> i think so with another gop house member and voting against it and he's out even sooner than expected and republicans are trying to be realistic with the
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margins they have and speaker seems to be signaling like we maybe aren't pushing to the floor for a vote. we'll have to see. they're going to have public hearing next week, which they invited hunter to and had press conference on the hill and now he says no thank you i don't want to come publicly and the investigation continues but i think the impeachment vote getting to the floor and less likely today. stuart: i got it. biden allies have formed a super pack called clear choice and they're going to coordinate attacks on third party candidates. shannon, does the biden team believe that third party candidate would detract from them more than trump? >> stu, sounds like it. we've heard from frustrated democrats and saying this is awful and threat to democracy and makes people chuck and will having more on the ballot it's a threat to democracy and they see it as a threat to the candidate and they've gotten very organized and rfk jr. would hurt
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them at the ballot box. stuart: can they get on the ballot? >> in a number of states there's third party candidates on the ballot and waiting to see what happens with no labels and success from rfk jr. and west and jill stein. they could make a difference in places. stuart: shannon bream, we'll be watching you on fox news sunday at 2:00 p.m. with shannon bream. >> thank you, stuart. great to see you. stuart: you'll be wearing green i take it. it's st. paddy's day. >> i've already plan it had. thanks, stu. stuart: a biden fundraiser coming to broadway. come on in, ashley. surprise me. who's hosting? ashley: broadway joe and joe and hillary clinton teaming up with
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lin manuel miranda about the women's suffrage and it's scheduled for april 3 and biden set to appear a few days before that with former president bill clinton and barack obama at a fundraiser across the street from you at radio city music hall in midtown manhattan. biden's fundraising operation so far outpaced donald trump and the president's team saying it's raised $10 million in the 24 hours alone following his state of the union speech last week. he's coming to new york city to get some big bucks, stu. stuart: can't wait to see the traffic, thanks issue ashley. the next race is this sunday in bristol, tennessee. all eyes on christopher bell after his last win last week. can he pull off another victory in the food city 500 as it's called. we'll ask him because he's next.
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stuart: on this program, we're all showing you the price of gas. okay, we r but what are people paying to juice up their electric cars? ashley, you're in florida. how much is it there? ashley: well, here in florida, it costs an average of 45-cents per kilowatt harpe to charge an electric car at public charging station and that's on par with the national average. the typical ev with 300 miles of range usually takes about 75-10m empty to full. you know, the price varies widely across the country. it costs on average 45-cent cents as we said before but looking at lowest price about
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17-cents in nebraska going all the way up to 54-cents in west virginia. so interesting. explain to me why that is? i'm not sure. not only that but the charging process itself is not easy either. recent survey in florida showed that 24% of ev drivers said public stations were un-reliable so bottom line, inconsistent charging prices, faulty charges and then there's a fight over who's exactly in charge of building them. it is turning green drivers red. i've said that before, but it's true. stuart: turning what? green drivers red. ashley: green drivers red. stuart: the price of gasoline varies from state to state by significant apts you've got to say. ashley: it does but maybe -- yeah. stuart: ashley, thank you very much indeed. nascar drivers headed to bristol, tennessee, for food
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city 500. christopher bell came in first last week and he joins me now. gleyses on your big win and you're no. 5 in the power sport ranking heading into the weekend. feeling confident you're about to race a car at 150 miles an hour. you've got to be confident. >> i can tell you confidence is all time high coming off a win in phoenix and amazing showing for my whole team on this 20 car and we hope to keep momentum rolling. stuart: what makes bristol and the track there different from other tracks? >> yeah, bristol is a unique place and it's super high banked and it's up only a half mile in length so while it's one of the shortest on the schedule, high banks and concrete service give it is a lot of grip and the speeds are really, really high for how small it is. stuart: have you ever driven an electric car?
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>> i've driven a tesla and some porsche electric cars so i've driven a couple, yes. stuart: would you like to drive an electric car with that fabulous acceleration in a nascar race, if it came to that? >> i'll be honest, this year at clash, nascar had electric version of our cup car and supposed to do exposition run and let all the drivers see what it's all about and they've been testing it a bit here and there and all of us were extremely excited about seeing what it's all about then unfortunately the weather got in the way and we didn't get to do that. at some point, i'm sure it's coming and, yeah, i'm going to be really curious to see how it is and how long the batteries can last. obviously our races are really long so it'll be interesting. stuart: i wanted to ask you a couple of money questions, if you don't mind. not getting too personal, but you're a very successful nascar driver and won a race last week. can you make more or less than $10 million in a year?
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will you tell me? >> well, varies from driver to driver. stuart: how about you? >> that's tough. from the years of early 2000s and stuff, it's changed a lot since then. so i would be surprised if anyone's hitting that number today. stuart: okay. do you invest in bitcoin yourself? >> i do not invest in bitcoin myself. stuart: how did you get into this? you're adjourning sterling heights, how did you get into racing cars as a youngster? >> it was a family friend. i grew up in oklahoma and there's literally no nascar racing in oklahoma. so grew up as a oklahoma sooners football fan and my dad was a high school basketball coach and loved sports growing up and family friend took me to the race at 4 or 5 years old and it was like a drug, man. ever since i went to that first race, it was more, more, more and i fell in love with it. stuart: i'll be watching the race on fox this weekend.
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just tell me, what kind of speed do you get up to on the track? >> upwards of 100 feet and 150 miles an hour on the straight away and insane speeds on that racetrack. stuart: christopher bell, thank you for joining us this morning. we'll be watching you in the next race at nascar cup series on fox this sunday, this weekend, 3:30 p.m. eastern on st. patrick's day. best of luck to you, christopher bell. see you again soon. it's that time, here you go. show me the dow 30. even split and winners and losers just about even. the dow down 125 at 38,700 level. don't go anywhere, friday feedback is next. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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♪ stuart: that's the temple bar in dublin. st. patrick's day is on sunday. two days prior to st. pat's. time for friday feedback. come on in, ashley. getting started from something from christina and colleagues at washington dc fox bureau. what are your thoughts on the kate middleton controversy? can the royal family recover? ashley, your first on this one. ashley: yeah, thanks for that. you know, i'm not really sure what the heck is going on with kate middleton. you know, there's all these conspiracy theories and she hasn't been seen since having this abdominal surgery and don't know what it is and put out the family photograph which was apparently edited which she fessed up to saying i'm not very
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good at it. i don't know what the heck is going on. on top of all that, you have king charles who is certainly got health issues and things are not -- seem as bit all scrambled a bit inside the palace right now. stuart: yeah, but no matter what happens in the long run, the monarchy isn't going anywhere. that's britain and they'll keep it in place i think. fancy that. ashley: i think. i think, yeah. stuart: i think we're in agreement on that one. next one from ross, which favorite routine are you most annoyed with when interrupted? >> that's easy. try sleep. how about you, ash? ashley: yeah, i've become a lot like you, stuart varney. i hate people turning up unannounced on the doorstep. it really slows me especially in the evening settling down and no offense to anyone that might be watching this. i really don't like it. i strongly discourage it. stuart: very much with you on this one, ash.
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drop ins, it's okay at 22 years old but a little older than that, you don't want it. that's a routine, don't interrupt. good one, ash. i've been trying to find on social media the hilarious show. i did see their name on the scroll at the bottom of the screen. i'll tell you, their napes are joe joe and nicky and they're very talented, enormous amount of energy. they're trying to teach me how to speak with their accent and it was a miserable failure. it rated well though. there they are. identical twins. jojo and nicky. next one we love your british accent and don't mind any of the pronunciations and really appreciate the correct grammar. appreciate my grammar checks all the time, ash? ashley: i do. you pulled me out for saying process instead of process i think. certain words, stu, i cannot no heart what i try to do stop from
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saying. i still call it the boot on the car instead of trunk. can't get out of that and always say missile instead of missile. doesn't sound right and can't get out. stuart: you got another one and said can't. i learned after 50 years it's can't. can't do that. ashley: i don't -- to me you saying it like that just sounds off. i don't know why. stuart: oh, boy, let's move on. thank you, ashley. this is from paul, i like this one. $22 burrito, get out of town and hamburgers and i know drink water instead of soda and switch to perfect timing. this is for you, ashley. ashley: yeah, well, good for that person. you know, paul, you're right. costco is up and dr. siegle always saying hey, drink a lot more water. live a healthier lifestyle and i'm one of those people and
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whether you're like this, stu. i'll do it and maybe lasts a week and pretty sure for them back to where i was. stuart: it's a $12.50 hamburger that makes me aware of inflation and makes me go elsewhere. quickly, what happened to english football hooligans and will they be at world cup in 2026? i don't think they will be. they've been put down. am i right, ashley? ashley: you're absolutely right and in england they went away after doing away with standing up and everyone sits down now and of course make it is a lot harder for these hulick begans attack -- hooligans and attacking them and going with them with the stay away. stuart: absolutely. we agree on quite a few things issue ashley. see if we can get the trivia question right. we should be able to count this up. how many states begin with the letter m.: six, seven, eight, or nine? the answer when we come back. everybody is thinking about it.
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stuart: imagine everyone in the audience trying to count on their fingers the number of states that begin with the m.
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is it 6, 7, eight or nine? can i go first on this one? i want to go first. our floor manager sangha the state csonka she learned in second grade and i added up from the song. the answers 8 states. what have you got? ashley: i have the same, wrote them all down. stuart: what is the answer? thank heavens it is 8. maine, massachusetts, maryland, michigan, mississippi, missouri, montana, minnesota. there are 8 states that begin with the letter and. next tuesday mentalist, mentalist perlman will be back on the show. this man is a sensation. coast-to-coast starting three seconds. it starts now. ♪


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