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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 18, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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. maria: welcome back. good monday morning thanks very much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. i hope you are having a good monday morning monday a much 18, 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, former fullerton county prosecutor nathan wa de withdrawing from georgia election interference case you former president trump 18 deters fullertoni coin judge rulingwide step down or fani willis -- >> the two having an favor using money on themselves on trips, trump rallying in ohio. >> for all the persecution only happening because i am running for president leading in polls all local cases,
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fani, fawni -- it is spelled fanny, mr. and mrs. wade, like -- not pressure can you imagine two trying to tick down a very popular i am a very popular president these people are low lives, and there are sent here by the department of justice, this has been a local georgia thing this was done they would go in to washington, d.c., have meetings that lasted for eight hours on numerous occasions with justice department and white house. >> harvard lay pro confess or emeritus the author of "get trump" threat to civil lightens due process our constitutional rule of law alan dershowitz back with me great to see you this fani willis debacle with conclusions i want your take on that also broadly speaking what is going on for trump because looks like it looks
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like all four of trump's criminal trials are now likely to be delayed the new york hush money a kid to start next week that is pushed to late april, january 6th case florida documents case likely pushed to september. the georgia trial in august at earliest your take on all of this alan. >> first of all, these cases are not being delayed they are -- it is being pushed to go before election. the timing is the function of prosecutors they want to get cases rushed, to legitimize to get down and dirty convictions may be reversed on appeal want them to o occur like district of columbia fullerton coin, new york would convict a ham sandwich if name is trump the lawyers doing right thing trying to get enough time to prepare defense, on fani willis case this judge made up his mind i -- i predicted this totally from the beginning, made mind didn't want to get
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rid of -- fani wanted to get rid of wade concocted a crazy opinion achieved result he wanted to achieve he says in his opinion basically calling her a liar mendacious not to trust full testimony not trust full then when it comes to deciding whether they paid back money in cash, he says the testimony, just can't do that if a witness lies about so many things, affair when it began, et cetera, you can't suddenly say ahhbut she decides to tell truth about the most unlikely offense mainly paid back money no receipts no documentation no photographs no notes in notebook nothing i can't believe -- her even though i think a liar bizarre judge tried to cut it in half, the baby died.
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>> florida judge cannon not decisiving the classified documents case cited unconstitutional vagueness as why cannon not ruled on other motion based presidential records act some call this a bad outcome for jack smigs alan. your thoughts. >> the decision down in florida is complicated one there is no this constitutional basis for dismissing a case just because the same facts didn't lead to prosecution of president biden they are the same facts basically both showed documents one to ghostwriter other to journalist saying classified, that is the crime, and identical crimes, structure, identical crimes but courts have held that is not a good enough reason for dismissing. but i think in the end this judge will place constraints
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on the prosecution to appoint where he may actually get a fair trial on that case, that is the only jurisdiction where there is any possibility of a fair trial, in the other three jurisdictions forget about it as they say in new york, new york jury, 85% against trump d.c. jury 97% against trump not getting -- in either two places a prosecution picks places carefully calculated way to assure down and dirty conflicts before elects does constitute kind of election interference it is prosecution rushing cases to trial if i were defense do exactly what with trump lawyers are doing give time to prepare the justice department has given a load of material to new york case, i don't know why, new
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york judges admitted to put off the case because you can't just go through thousands of pages of material in two or three days, look, these are political prosecutions, donald trump i am not going to vote for us absolutely right when he says if he were not running for president none of these prosecutions could have occurred -- influence the voters at how to vote in fact jack smith said so -- >> what a sad state of affairs if this is where we are it is so biased meanwhile, we've got you know evidence, of a corruption in plain sight when you look at all of this influence peddling that has gone on, this week, there is going to be open hearing hunter biden not expected to appear before house committee for public testimony this week, his lar lowell dismissed it as quote carnival sideshow, oversight committee chairman james comer joined me on "sunday morning futures" yesterday saying a is about
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ready to start sending out multiple criminal referrals listen to this. >> there were massive discrepancies between what three of hunter biden's birs associates said pertaining to hunter's development of and per training to president biden's involvement vertsdz what hunterer testified i expect hunter biden to show up if he does not show up not going to end well for the o bidens because we have three witnesses that are testifying already testified under oath. >> how many criminal referrals have you expecting. >> multiple criminal referrals evidence he overwhelming because immediate white house want to indoctrinate america say no evidence doufbt change the fact a lot of evidence of criminal wrongdoing by biden family. >> alan he says multiple criminal referrals having to do with foreign registration act influence peddling potential money laundering bribe. >> we have to have same rules
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for everybody -- about to go to jail can't get a pending appeal doing exactly what people on the other side have don namely failing to comply with a subpoena because they challenged the subpoena, may be referrals but to justice department that is, obviously, a democratic justice department, words you a part, trust whether justice department will take seriously criminal referrals key point same law has to apply to democrats republicans to trump people biden people the american people people like me democrats, do not believe we are seeing equal application of the law that is why i wrote the book "get trump" this is attempt to get one person, that is not the american way. maria: um-hmm yep alan we leave it there great to talk with you as always thank you, sir. alan dershowitz on a whole set of issues thank you, sir. stay with us. we'll be right back. you are
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these cases are not
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being delayed there are it is being pushed to go before the election. the timing is the function of the prosecutors they want to get these cases rushed to legitimize to get down and dirty convictions may be reversed on appeal want convict oxygens in jurisdictions like new york would convict ham sandwich if name is trump. >> that was alan dershowitz with me talking about the case
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against president donald trump nathan wade withdraws from the case in georgia. doug: right the problem i had now had for years with democrats and lawfare going to be on in congress try to do it on procedure or go after donald trump like new york, boston, atlanta here is the issue of it is always been in the defendant right to have a speedy yie trial or a fair trial never prosecutor has a right to a speedy trial the prosecutor has to present evidence go through process as it comes. what we're seeing prosecutors under a deadline waited i think intentionally to get close to election as possible donald trump lawyers fighting back properly prosecution case falling part they are scrambling to get something don before election american public not affected when it comes to legal issues they see
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this for what it is attempt to get donald trump that is right should be a concern to everyone if they want to do this to donald trump could technically do it to anybody they wanted to. maria: i think what is unnerving people, people see treatment donald trump has got frn day one they say guess what today is him tomorrow it is me. liz: i think it is backfired because by piling on, to donald trump with so many cases, so many indictments, many which really never held water to begin with,starting with the one in new york, accusing him of inflating asset values when every real estate person in the world will tell you that is absolutely normal behavior, in real estate. i think what -- created is the reaction where people are angry about it i am angry about it it seems so obviously unfair over the top, et cetera. they are trying not only to abrupt joe biden's main political opponent trying to put him in jail how does that
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make our country look? how does anybody think that that is appropriate or right. i tell you a lot of american voters don't think it is right and they know if they can come after donald trump like this they can come after everyone, we have seen this, maria wsh when kevin o'leary says, in the wake of a huge judgment about donald trump why do business in new york a valid case if you are a right wing business manager operating in new york you step over the line, in the view of the democratic administration, you could end up in trouble who wants to put up with that. maria: exactly, all right. we are take short break on this, and take a look at market on the move this morning ahead of federal reserve march meeting that meeting kicking off tomorrow morning we have proou where central bank stands now on rate cuts happening this year my next guest is here lookinging for the deflation
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okay, that's uncalled for. take a look at futures we are expecting a gain start of trading pretty good nasdaq up 2121 points ahead of nvidia's annual a.i. conference underway this week, a lot of ai spots on fire nasdaq up better than 1% right now dow industrials also going into positive territory, now up 80 points take a look at interest rates meanwhile, 10-year treasury yield this morning, sitting on level 4.3%. it has been moving higher. going into the two day monetary policy meeting begins tomorrow fed likely to leave interest rates unchanged fifth executive meeting we will hear from jay powell wednesday we will see what he says about the possibility of lower rates we are also hearing from bank
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of japan tomorrow bank of england thursday central banks globally with news this week joining me to get a i heeded trendmacro chief investment strategist don luskin great to see you. thank you for being here i got to play you a sound bite from jim grant, i was with jim grant last week i don't know if you saw what he said he is not buying a rate cut anytime soon he told me, that he would not even be surprised if the fed decided it might have to raise interest rates because inflation is elevated we saw that in cpi and ppi last week your thoughts? >> well -- grant certainly,waerdz pretty bow tice i do not agree there is no way facing any kind of risk of row surging inflation for rate hikes to chuck it, you know there was that time in late 1976, when jim grant and
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i were young looked like inflation was slain then came back, so inflation is hard to kill you think you kill it, it comes back it happens that once when it happened money supply was exploding largest year-over-year change in money supply in history, until three years ago when we did pandemic spending that is what caused this inflation the money supply is in first ever outright contraction in the modern history of data inflation going lower, not higher, the fed probably isn't going to lower rates as much as avhops it wishing but raising interest rates i will bet any amount any odds. maria: hollywood prices marriage part of hotter-than-expected last week you have oil 81 a barrel on
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crude doesn't that keep inflation elevated? >> no oil would have to go to 85, 890, to00 inflation rate of change if oil stays where it is it is contributing literally zero to inflation. by sides, that is why we look at core throw out food and energy throw out housing, energy moves around too much housing moves to a lytle, data point two yearing old take out core inflation housing cpi below fed target, low six months. >> okay, but what do we measuring taking out oil food housing? we've got a big week of data this week the march nihb out today 10 a.m. sxh.s expecting
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sentiment 48 points get building permits out tomorrow existing home sales thursday, i know this is area that has been most affected by higher mortgage rates shot up we saw a real slowdown in housing activity but if you ever talking to me about stripping out housing, stripping out oil, what do you want to measure in cpi. >> if you strip out those things looking at 65% of the basket, the idea is to look at inflation signal, flow out inflation noise jay powell famously looks at core services, throwing out commodities and goods and housing, that is his definition of inflation signal that is only looking at 35% of the basket. i am looking at twice that stripping out the stuff the lagy stuff trying to improve signal to noise ratio in measurement of inflation the important part. maria: things americans care
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about, are faced with everyday price of food go to the grocery store sticker shock the price of you know -- >> also exactly things the confessed can't do anything about, what is it that you think the fed can do to lower gasoline prices cause a depression, 20% interest rate that would be get a serve up consumers we are worried about. maria: i understand what you are saying so you are expecting the fed to cut rates beginning when don? >> so at this point i am kind of where market is at i think probably july. but, you know, i don't think any kind of inflation plrj i don't think fed sm raise rates but i will tell you for sure, every fed spokesman constantly saying how tight the fed policy is this isn't dots, there is a longer term that tells what you they think neutral rate is five years said 2 1/2,if funds rate, they
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really think they are tight by their way of thinking about it should be cutting rates a lot in fact say cutting rates 2 7/8 next three years said, the economy is booming if as tight as they said we would be in a deposition we don't have a thought plan no landing at all obviously, this economy able to stain a normal fed fund rate probably not that much lower than it is right now, going to cut rates because they say they will cut rates because they think they are tight are they tight? no not particularly. we are in 4% funds rate, so will illed goal why market making new all-time highs as we speak, when months ago, markets expected fed one hundred percent probability to cut in march, completely given up, stocks have not collapsed, new highs, real story isn't fed real story is boom that we're in.
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maria: it is certainly feels that way look at ai stocks, great to talk with you this morning. thank you, sir. >> al a pleasure. >> donald luskin joining us quick break bruno mars in trouble over hf hand at casinos wait until you hear this one you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ ♪ . you make me feel that ♪ . personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. -you can make this work. -we can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients
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york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez has a growing problem in her district cheryl casone now. cheryl: maria,there is a new video showing migrants in new york city taking over sidewalks, this is her district, the in authorized market setting up shop and congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez's district, are looking at -- third world country some say congresswoman writes what we are seeing result of anti-immigrant policies, not proper work permits in shadows undid iingfying conditions one way anti-immigrant policies hurt all of us. >> republicans continue, block votes to film people in worst the moments -- >> there are reports bruno mars may owe as much as 50
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million dollars in debt, ninth year at mgm in las vegas, after taxes barely covering money he owes spoken in past in interviews about fondness for gambling. maria: a lot of money thank you, cheryl we will watch that dozens of migrants breaching the borrowed withdrawal in arizona over the weekend taking selfies of themselves, national border patrol president brandon judd thank you for being here what is going on. >> we just don't have agents to patrol the border any time don't have that taking section part our agents are doing administrative disputes rather than active patrol on border if we had agents out able to do our jobs this wouldn't happen but because we can't do that simple processing taking
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our agents out of the field resources out of field cartels are controlling sections of border what you are seeing right there how cartels are making billions upon billions of dollars, because this administration policies are allowing them to do what they need to do to get products across hand cuffing us hurting american citizens we've seen this time and time again going to be multiple laken rileys going to don't see u.s. citizen die because of fentanyl overdoses because we can't control borders because of policy. maria: we had senator roger martial on the other day told me talking about human trafficking, as much as talking about fentanyl, in the coming two years he says that illegals led by communist party china drug cartels are setting up businesses in the united states putting some people to work.
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>> well really frustrates us when we see aoc deflecting talking about the way to solve this pathway to citizenship way to solve to give work permits all that does is invite more to cross our borders illegally ploouf to cartel ears they can go out transnational criminal organizations not just mexican cartels they are transnational criminal organizations love it when people like aoc talk about this allows them to go out tell people look, now is the time to go to united states this is what they are talking about, a pathway to o citizenship people don't understand going into they don't understand that going technique sex trafficked don't understand bad things about this because of people like
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aoc if we talked about enforcement this would stop if we talked about policy if we talked about actually going after cartels this would stop that is not what she wants to talk about she wants to talk pat pathways citizenship. >> illegal my han migrant charged with rape of 15-year-old girl in massachusetts, that allows up to 300,000 migrants from haiti, cuba, venezuela nicaragua to fly into the country every month each month of florida intercepted a say have han veries he will have haitian gangs armed with guns boarding florida now the haitian impact, coming through florida as well, and the administration probably
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doesn't want numbers to look as bad as they are at the border they are flying people in. >> it is a shell game playing right now that is exactly what they're doing they understood this border sayings causing a lot of problems as far as polls go what they do hide total numbers by bringing people in, and this is why secretary mayorkas one of the rvens has to be impeached all on back end when people don't show up to appointments don't show up to cis to -- they should be subject to deportation but they disappear we lose track of every single one of these people all par role in to leave in two years are not leaving, that is again, what secretary mayorkas is derelict in duty has to go after people. because they know never going to have to see ice resources don't exist that is magnet draws so many to cross
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illegally what is disgusting shell game they don't tell how many are par roled in the foia requests, it is with hiding truth from american people. >> so that liz. liz: good morning, governor ron desantis talked about really working, with the national guard in florida to prevent haitians in turmoil time in hate what a coming ashore what can he do to prevent a wave of people landing in florida? >> well, what we have to do look at the coast guard the coast guard has ability to turn people back, before they enter into u.s. waters so, desantis working with coast guard problem with that, unfortunately, coast guard is under control of dhs we know dhs is not enforcing the laws, so he unless he actually sends
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vessels out to turn vessels away not let them in u.s. waters there is no way to stop them, i do believe there are measures can be taken but you can't allow them into u.s. waters easier to stop that than having them koep up through land what i am really concerned, concerned southwest border is going to get lit hard again by haitian smooigz what do you mean by that? >> if you look at easiest way easy to turn vessels away on water as long as you watch them before they make it into u.s. territory, but coming up through mexico no way we can stop them mexican government doesn't want to see this go away they are making too much money are cartels money goes right back to mexicocan economy mexico does not want migrant crisis to end so haitians are able to continue to come up through darien gap to guatemala, el salvador to mexicocan border up to united
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states border from there. >> it is incredible brandon i don't think there is going to be an outcome that is pleasing to you or border agents until a new president is in place it doesn't appear the me president biden wants the border secure. >> no. he doesn't we see the open border basis what scars me when a eliminate duck if you don't have to run again we can expect to see numbers explode even more than what they have, that you know we never we never believed we would ever get to the point that we are currently in, can't imagine what would it be under a lame-duck president. >> thanks for jour work we so appreciate your time this morning as well brandon judd joining us this morning, big tech censorship center stage at supreme court fox business
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lydia hu with details. >> good morning, maria. some saying the most important person in the case of our lifetime is i am okay federal government demands social media posts accounts be taken down when they don't like what it says? some states say no and they are pushing back. we've got the latest. ♪ ♪ ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage?
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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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to hear arguments today in the case challenging the biden administration's alleging collaboration with big big to censor information around coronavirus we learned much after twitter files lydia how a is here reached scotus. >> that is right arguments later this morning central question is was it government persuasion or government coercion, that is what supreme court wants to consider when oral argument takes off in case filed by republican attorneys general in missouri and louisiana kind of biden administration suppressing
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covid and vaccines that government did not like. >> the order of magnitude of the constitutional he violations by biden administration exceed anything else in history. when the federal government coresed colluded with big tech to silence american voices did so in violation of right to free speech we've got to vindicate kate those rights build a wall of separation between tech and state to protect our right to free speech especially as we move into election cycle. >> evidence of pressure tactic exerted by government point the interim government emails showing demanding removal of certain posts or accounts, public comments, social media companies quote killing people not snoring so-called misinformation officials suggested social media companies should be liable for misinformation with an
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epidemiologist blacklisted after he criticized full lockdowns you can expect a lawyer for federal government to argue, that the government communication was not coercion the was persuasion, that government officials must be free to inform persuade creatives social media moderation arguments kickoff 10:00 a.m. eastern we are following every step. maria: important case we are going to follow it as well thanks very much lydia hu, doug collins your reaction. doug: going feedback day really big case i think important case because what is the difference in question what is difference in persuasion coercion if sper suave said would like something to happen is that order or something you need to do a hard case for the government when you are -- social media companies saying what they are doing is wrong okay? so are going to be in lockstep with that concern about what could happen i have a bigger
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concern saying for years, section 230 always hide behind, is something i thought folks wrote this many years ago is already in violation when they become editors the problem "new york times," any "washington post" any paper when they start to edit a higher did he go of responsibility what putting in not putting in for app, social media platforms quote open to all the minute decide, when one is available which one is not they are acting as editors never part of section 230 to keep people out to me i would say next, even this administration, look at how language already there, so they can start range this in. liz: remember the administration wand to give us disinformation governance board there is no end to what
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they will do, to suppress right thing thought or centrist thought in covid was criminal biden talks about maybe killing people i would say what they did may have killed people, because they would not allow skients to discuss alternative therapies approaches to treated covid patients, imagine this was brand-new virus no one knew how to deal with it how to treat it, and so who didn't agree with fauci was shut down what we know is that this cdc made incredible mistakes didn't know what they were doing, how could they because people didn't know how to treat this virusu. so, instead of allowing a freely vibrant conversation amongst doctors scientists they basically had one point of view i thought criminal at the time i still think
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criminal the use of the government, to suppress this via social media unbelievable to me i hope the supreme court whacks these people. >> two things i think going on, because, there were two things i think going on on would be hand, it was about power. they wanted to dictate what would happen during covid, and making the rules, on the other hand they were also doing it because they wanted to get emergency approval for vaccine if something like an ivermectin, we need this vaccine in 8 months not five years, so we're going to make sure no other information exists about any other treatment or cure for covid, it was even more insidious because they wanted to basically make sure that
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donald trump could not oversee a successful approach to treating covid because that is basically what got him out of the oval office they celebrated every moment of it. maria: i wonder if drying companies were involved in that remember doug,around that time it was after the election that pfizer decided to reliefs yeah. we had the vaccine. maria: i think going to become an issue going to -- doug: like we say all of a sudden i think five, 10, 15 years going to become a bigger topic, and see what actually happened may or may not have been best interest releasing reports after the fact more and more evident, amazing to me, about the party of science, the party of distrust don't test positive don't find results don't ask questions follow what we say that has
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been amazing how they tippered it on and turned it off. maria: look how many small businesses they put out of business liz because they focused companies to shut down only restaurants outside how many restaurants went abrupt in new york as a result tlav. liz: so ridiculous what about what they did to children isn't like didn't have evidence from overseas countries, in viewership took different approach to go to school continue education we know that the damage done to the education of the young people in america is probably irreversible a horror show from beginning to end badly pg managed you couldn't christophers it you got shut don on social media incredible story. maria: that is really what gets me the fact if social media companions went right along with it they are supposed to have independence supposed to say "wait a minute" you are not going to
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tell us what to cover what to essenceor but they did not do that. liz: can i just say -- elon musk -- >> that i thinked go for elon musk i agree with you. doug: they wanted to do that following this for awhile getting away with it you still see it out there again they like being able to control what politically correct narrative is the problem dealing with north is right you have to allow difference of opinion they don't want that. maria: they also want day grip on power to stay exactly where it is, all right, stay right there we've got more coming up you are watching "mornings with maria" live fox business. stay with us. .
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>> welcome back, time for the big buzz of the morning. viewers ask me the questions that i will answer. a simple question, how do we stop the dumbing down of america and the destruction of our democracy. i would say i think americans are smarter than you think, they are onto the political tricks and efforts to undo democracy, i do believe the public understands what's happening but you are right there political tricks, so many plane included the democrats have tried to undermine our democracy by allowing the senses to count
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illegals in america which helps democrat redistricting and blowing off laws regarding crime, the border, student loan debt, so much more, the destruction of democracy will only get reversed after the leaders of this country start enforcing the law that means accountability for your actions if you get arrested prosecuting for breaking the law, secure the border, put them in jail for breaking the law stop trying to prosecute people who do not agree with you that include your political opponents like donald trump and his allies many behind bars for january 6, stop trying to pack the supreme court and going against the constitution in joe biden has been unwilling to do any of that. another question on instagram more pictures of dusty, here they are, dusty doing a sunset walk the other day so great we will have fresh pictures of my baby girl dusty. lliz peek thank you for being here. take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone, for those who love politics this presidential campaign is every bit as contentious as expected, donald


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