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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 18, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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illegals in america which helps democrat redistricting and blowing off laws regarding crime, the border, student loan debt, so much more, the destruction of democracy will only get reversed after the leaders of this country start enforcing the law that means accountability for your actions if you get arrested prosecuting for breaking the law, secure the border, put them in jail for breaking the law stop trying to prosecute people who do not agree with you that include your political opponents like donald trump and his allies many behind bars for january 6, stop trying to pack the supreme court and going against the constitution in joe biden has been unwilling to do any of that. another question on instagram more pictures of dusty, here they are, dusty doing a sunset walk the other day so great we will have fresh pictures of my baby girl dusty. lliz peek thank you for being here. take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone, for those who love politics this presidential campaign is every bit as contentious as expected, donald trump uses the word
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bloodbath, the media jumped on it suggesting the blood will flow if biden wins, they got it wrong we will play the tape trump is referring to disruption in the current industry if he wins. the present is reportedly upset in his low polls and is been yelling at his staff he cannot be happy with this either. an op-ed in the washington post asking vice president harris to step aside for the good of the country, let's get to the markets, a big rally at the opening bell for tech stocks on the nasdaq the dow is up 73 s&p of 38, look at the nasdaq 221 points to the upside at the opening bell, that is a rally despite interest-rate holding at higher levels the tenure is well above four and a quarter percent, for 33 in the two-year above four to half percent, 473 this morning, bitcoin as job lot $70000 no big selloff, 685 at the moment.
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oil above $80 a barrel 81.47, gasketing close to $3.50 a gallon, 3.46 as of now in diesel 4.02. politics the president leaves the white house tomorrow for campaign swing, we're told his theme will be how to cut costs for consumers that is his answer to inflation. on the show the lessons of covid for years on, lockdowns don't work and bring serious psychological damage, masks don't work in closing schools direct the education system, what will we do next. wyndham clark needed to sink this to ensure a player for the players championship, play it again, he came so close he went all the way around the outside doesn't that break your heart, look at that it did not go when, no playoff. monday march 18, the day after st. patrick's day, how are you
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feeling. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪. stuart: bad blood in that play used by donald trump. a little bit of a stretch but nonetheless monday morning, were to kick off with politics, let's roll the tape you can see and hear what donald trump said about bloodbath, here he is at a rally this weekend. >> let me hear tell you something if you're listening president xi, you and i are friends but he understands away ideal the big monster car manufacturing plants that your building in mexico right now and you think you're going to get that not hire americans and you're going to sell the cars,
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we're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line injured not to be able to sell those. if i get elected, if i don't get elected it's good to be a bloodbath that's good to be the least of it is going to be a bloodbath for the country. look at this on your screen the word bloodbath sent the media into a frenzy, charlie hurt with me take the word out of context, do you think he should've expected this if you use that word? >> sure, i think that is part, certainly part of his brand but is very comfortable in that realm using evocative vivid language and i think it's a secret to his success but it is remarkable i think the thing that was shocking to most people in the media and democrats you have a guy running for president
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who goes to a place like ohio and talks to people about an issue that people actually care about and obviously he uses that evocative language and people applauded, when was the last time you heard an applause line from joe biden. it does not happen because he is incapable of talking to people on a level of anything that they care about. if you want to talk about evocative language, let's not forget think about the state of the union address that he just gave think about the fact that he came to virginia a couple of years ago and told an audience of black voters that if the republicans got elected republicans will put black people back in chains that is the lunatic that is in the white house. when we get all of our pearl clutching about evocative language i wish the media would remember that. stuart: look at this headline,
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from nbc, behind-the-scenes biden has grown angry and anxious about reelection efforts, here is a quote, president joe biden was seated at a private meeting the white house in january, allies of the president had told him that his poll numbers in michigan and georgia had dropped, he began to shout and swear that's what a lawmaker familiar with the meeting actually said perhaps this was plaintiff by the white house to make biden look strong and in command, would you buy that? >> i think that has a lot to do with it whether it had to be planted or not i don't know because nbc and all of these people in the media they don't need to be told a story doesn't need to be planted to pick up a ball and run with it to do exactly what you're saying you're trying to make it look like he's in control. i would argue it's like the state of the union where the idea of him getting angry and lashing out and cursing out his
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staffers is not necessarily indicative of a guy who is in control but more of a guide who is not in control and all he realizes is that he is losing and he's angry so he lashes out. i don't even know the trick that they're trying to play works to his benefit. >> charlie hurt on a monday morning will see you again soon. the washington post has an op-ed that calls on vice president harris to step aside. that is extraordinary. >> the author is kathleen parker she did not mince words in her post column saying democrats should divest with one of the greatest mistakes let's pull "the conundrum comes down to this she was picked because she was black and female a combo to job security, now that she's become a burden to the
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democratic ticket biden cannot fire her, he cannot risk alienating his base. the seriousness of the situation cannot be overstated biden's diminishing faculties notwithstanding the relatively successful state of the union is increasing physical frailty are concerning. harris is a heartbeat away from the most powerful position on the planet. a year ago in april 2023 biden launched his big concerns about kamala harris will raise then, what has she done in the past year to convince you make a public that he was worthy and credentialed to be president of the united states if it comes to that. i don't think kathleen parker as a triable and we are past that. stuart: she concludes by saying that a vice president step aside for the good of the country. that is pretty dramatic. >> she's being attacked for being racist and misogynist. stuart: check the market, you won't see this is a monday morning you have tech stocks, you looking pretty good at the
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opening bell, the dow up 60, the nasdaq up to 21. jeff sica back with us. i want to start with bitcoin 68 and change today, where is it going. >> i think it's going to go higher, people are focused on that having event which happened on april 17, there can effectively pull supply out of the market, you have all these institutions that are buying into bitcoin and accumulated as much of it as they can and less of it to accumulate. bitcoin being the cat with nine lives has shown that even those volatile, we've said it since we started talking about this in 2019. if you can own the stock this is one of the most speculative investments that you're going to make but you have to know bitcoin the more crazy and chaotic and reckless the
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government becomes the more attractive and alternative currency like bitcoin is. stuart: if i put my money into a stock of buying a piece of a company with profits in factories and staff. if i put my money into bitcoin but why got i have nothing. >> you have an exchange mechanism inability to do the alternative to the fiat currency, people think that we needed alternative because were running a massive deficit because the government seems to not know what to do about inflation so people are looking for the alternative currency. stuart: otherwise known as gambling mania. that's why i say if you're going to miss a meal because bitcoin goes down in price put your money in something else, this is
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not buying a blue-chip stock this is by no lottery ticket. stuart: i have gold $2150 an ounce as this morning, is the deficit because it's growing so fast, is the deficit pushing gold up. >> what gold is becoming it's a direct reflection on the recklessness spending of our government. you have a $35 trillion deficit growing by 2 trillion a year and people on both sides of the republicans and democrats who can't seem to figure out and show much initiative to remove the deficit, what is that doing is annihilating the dollar i've been a fan of gold since as long as i could remember and what i would say gold is the right thing to be invested in when you're concerned about the strength of the dollar and whether the government will be
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able to take initiative to bring us out of the deficit. stuart: i think you're going overboard on the dollar is as strong as ever. were out of time, i hate to do that to you. jeff sica you're alright. trump had a warning for lawmakers over the crackdown on tiktok. roll tape. >> what happens if you ban tiktok and take it away and we have a new concept but if you take it away those people will go to facebook and facebook in my opinion was worse than tiktok by a lot. stuart: working to tell you who we think controls facebook, growing frustration with israel benjamin netanyahu, new leadership over there is the gop the republicans are the principal supporters of israel. i'll ask for the congressman byron donalds next. ♪ (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like
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stuart: future is looking sharp dow industrials 70, s&p up 41 but look at nasdaq up 236-point that's opening bell we don't know how it closes but 1.3% president biden accusing israel's leaders of using humanitarian aid as a bargaining chip rich adsitt is with me what is white housing about biden's relationship with benjamin netanyahu. >> the white house says that president biden and prime minister benjamin netanyahu have their differences to leaders have known each other for quite some time and they are comfortable discussing their differences frankly. >> they don't agree on everything and they haven't for 40 years in certain aspects to the under prosecution in gaza
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where we obviously don't agree with everything that israel has done and they have a relationship that they could talk to one another, they do and they will again he is the prime minister of israel and we respect the sovereignty of the israeli people. >> biden top administration officials have warned the government that the united states cannot support a massive military operation in raw file without a plan to take care of the refugees there. israel must continue pursuing hamas leadership. >> when people tell us don't go into rafah that's like telling the allies don't going to berlin leave a quarter of the nazi army intact, that is ridiculous. if we leave a quarter of the hamas fighting tears battalions in place regroup and reconquer gaza and in fact perpetrate once again what they vowed to do. >> last week senate majority leader chuck schumer says
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benjamin netanyahu has lost his way into willing to tolerate and driving down worldwide support for israel, schumer called for new elections once the war dies down he added the u.s. cannot dictate the outcome of the election there, benjamin netanyahu called it wholly inappropriate. president biden said that schumer delivered a good speech in its entirety says that he believes that his concerns that schumer raised as do many americans. stuart: i would get more on benjamin netanyahu who called for leadership change in israel, watch this again. roll tape. >> i think schumer is taking a wholly inappropriate. without a banana republic when they have elections who to elect and is not something that would be wasted upon us. it is wrong to try to replace the elected leaders of the sister democracy and american ally at any time. especially during the time of war.
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the only thing that we should be focused on is changing the regime and gaza the terrorist regime of hamas and not the duly elected government of israel that is the right policy. >> florida congressman byron donalds, is the gop the republican party the principal supporter of israel in america. >> that is 100% correct the reason why republicans are particular in two occasions have tried to fund israel and make sure they got the weapons that they needed in order to defeat hamas. if you go back to a couple weeks after october 7 house republicans passed a measure $14.3 billion, we use the irs slush fund the joe biden created to pay for the aid to israel, past the house with overwhelming support and you are democrat supporting a bill, chuck schumer tabled it in the senate most people don't remember this because the day that he tabled
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it it was a big rally in the national mall for israel he went out there and show cans but when it was time to take care of business he went back to the senate floor and they tabled that bill. the democrat party has a major issue with israel within the ranks and they're trying to kowtow to voters in michigan and minnesota as well as their backroom deals with the iranians as opposed to standing with israel, those are the facts. stuart: law enforcement intercepted 25 haitian migrants off the florida coast that had guns and drugs in the boat, what should we do, should america step in and control? >> first things first, governor desantis has made this call we need to be calling out the biden administration to secure florida and the country for people trying to use flotilla's and boats and ships to come into america and get off at some point, there has to be a protection barrier or the state of florida the way there should
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be one for the southern border, that's the biden administration. secondarily were at the same issue, joe biden was 18 months ago when the haitian president was assassinated and what did the administration do then, they watch the catastrophe in we banded six embassies under joe biden's watch a catastrophe for our nation insensate he is close should we try to do something to help stabilize the country, yes we should but the first and foremost you gotta protect american citizens especially here in florida and secondarily this administration needs to go because they have no strategy, there always late to every crisis that they watch in that they create. stuart: we shifted billions after the earthquake in haiti and no idea where it went if we shipped more money we have no idea where it's going to go, byron donalds, thank you for joining us we will see you la later. what are we doing about evacuating americans from haiti
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we have some movement. >> the first charter flight landed yesterday afternoon in miami 47 u.s. citizens on board, it is not so easy to get to a charter flight it actually shows what it's like in haiti, the airport in the capital city is closed so the citizens had to go five and a half hours north to gain control territory to make it to haitian for this evacuation flight the state department warned only consider getting there if you think you can safely make it, it is very dangerous in haiti with 47 american citizens have landed safely at home. stuart: that is good news. check the futures again, the dow industrials up somebody, the nasdaq aboard 220 points. on monday morning rally. i love it. we'll be right back. ♪
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which stock are you watching most closely this week. bar none. >> why? >> nvidia is fully capable of pulling off a job like moment if you recall in 2007 when they released the iphone he change the world a.i. is going to do that and justin wang is coming in were only in the early days of what they're going to do. >> i've seen price targets, 1000, 100, what your price target. pretty convincingly i'm looking at a thousand which i don't have a higher number yet i want to see us take that out first but we are close. >> you buy it today, you like it you buy it at $900 a share, is that right. >> no question about it. i read your stuff and you say by microsoft but avoid google, let's do microsoft first, where is it going.
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>> a.i. will be the big driver but it's not just itself every products in every last thing it develops and software around the world, that is the upside case, there's maybe five or 8%, i think that goes to 70, 80, 90% within the next five years, microsoft is a big business, google is an advertising driven business and i has a.i. but all indications that is dramatically inferior to the version that microsoft has out ther stuart: google is up today a 5% gain. i have a deal to supply a.i. to apple as i believe it, does that change argument? i saw that crossed the line this morning and i had to shake my head, i could not believe it, if that is true i did not see that coming but no one would not change my argument would make me look twice but it does not change. stuart: does it make you think again about apple. >> it does not. i think that's one facet of what
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apple is working on how they're going to use it is much more important than what they choose. stuart: it's been a spectacular rally since october of last year all the way through to now it's an explosive rally all kinds of money has been made and it benefits america's middle class although we may not realize it. >> i would agree 100% even if you are not in the stock market you are benefiting from all of the value that is being created that's a hard argument to make when people's wallets are tight but the future doesn't stop growth doesn't stop america may have a lot of challenges but don't bet against americans. stuart: on a monday morning, thank you we will see you soon. we are about to open this market and here we go i'm looking at an immediate gain to the dow industrials 120 or 130 points your at 388, the dow 30 in almost all of them are in the green that is to say the price
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is going up the dow is up over 31%, the s&p 500 is up .8% that is a solid gain of 41-point and if you look at the dow 30 euros 25 to the upside, look at that that's the nasdaq composite 16163, 190 points better than a 1% gain, shall be big tech i presume they're all up, microsoft is the lone loser is only down 96 cents at 415. everything else is up especially alphabet and google up $8 then we have nvidia developer conference kicks up today this is a very big deal in the stock is up $28, what are we expecting. >> to be 100 is a monster chip much more powerful, the bank of america says it's going to be up to 30% more expensive ceo jensen wong will give the keynote today is expected to speak for two hours, two hours of what they're
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working on what is ahead for 2024 the technology that is powering chat bot an image generator. >> is a very big deal. the be 100 but the premium chip should steal the show. let's go back to apple and google teaming up for the iphone. >> blockbuster transformational alliance being reported by bloomberg google's generative a.i. not just a.i. generative a.i. called gemini willpower the a.i. software and the apple iphone, let me give you an example of that, your iphone can automatically create an image or write an essay with a prompt use your iphone for everything the timing could be in september with the new ios 18 is launched, both stocks are benefiting from this, google is up six and a third% and apple is up almost to the country to present. is this potential or reported alliance and admission that apple does not have the best
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a.i. by itself so they have to take google for. stuart: maybe it's scattered around and figured that the best one. >> reportedly they also spoke with openai about using there's should this not work out they have somewhere else to go. when you think of comedy people that own and apple iphone that is a huge user base for anybody who teams up with them. stuart: apple is up three bucks and google three bucks. s&p 500 another have two new members who joined the list. >> supermicro is the first one they make servers for a.i. application, $1132 per share, the similarities between supermicro and nvidia are in astounding they were founded in the same year 1993 the headquarters in california are 15 minutes away in the ceo are actually friends supermicro is not only up.
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i think it more than tripled last year but it's up 300% this year alone. stuart: i missed it. decker is up 1% and will be added to the s&p 500. stuart: to the tune of 1% were supermicro is up 6%. >> is there an a.i. in sneaker or uggs, that's coming to be there will be an announcement at nvidia today. let's check out tesla they are up 2% they have a new price on the model why how much are they going. stuart: $1000 opposite the end of this month is starting $44000 before potential tax credits, that's a positive for investors by the reaction it did omission the all of these price cuts have not increased demand in a meaningful way their deliveries are down the margins eroded tesla worst performing this year, goldman is cutting to 190 and out tesla's attention is on
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their $25000 car slated to launch the end of next year. stuart: let's do the ongoing battle over weight loss drugs is that heating up, who is ahead is a eli eli lilly or novo nordisk. >> lately it's eli lilly. they have that bound and 77000 new prescriptions were filled for is that bound which is 6000 more than wegovy which is made by novo nordisk. wegovy has a two-year head st start. this market is 105 billion in 2030. that is the expectation and there will be multiple players in that behalf of the market will be owned by novo nordisk. stuart: i want the pill i don't want the injection i want the pill. >> that will make the market bigger the people to take the injection say it's no big deal it's easy to not only injected with the weight loss drug when you lose weight you lose muscle
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gathering and jack keane with human growth hormones to get the muscle back so you have people who are perpetually on drugs to look good instead of just changing their diet. i feel like this is scary turf. stuart: show me meta i think there is one outfit that is bullish. >> the stock is up 88 wells fargo is raising 2609 mizuho says it's one of the topics, revenue will grow 20% this year and a.i. investment like the large language model will yield a 65% increase in revenue per user in time. they don't say exactly when but up 65%, pretty good. stuart: about a stocks on the upside, here's another one micron technology, barclays have raised the price. >> they put out 120 barclays went from 25 to 120 and micron is another stock up this year year to date up 9% 52 weeks of
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65%. stuart: thank you for visiting us we will show you what a great performance it's been this far on the day after st. patrick's day. >> there is green on the screen, no hangover after all of the guinness. >> i'm feeling just fine, check the big board 38807, the dow winners loads of them apple salesforce, intel, disney, amazon all on the upside s&p 500 for love winners alphabet, nvidia, pepsi, kla, nasdaq composite committee of the big names alphabet, pepsi, kls, ten year treasury yields have been going about the. your way above four and a quarter percent, 431 that is not stopping the nasdaq. the price of gold, $2159 an
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ounce, bitcoin 68000 and change, 685. oil has cost $81 a barrel, 8151 not gas below $2, 173. average price per gallon of regular is getting close to 350, 346 as we speak not much change for diesel 4.02. it is been four years since the start of the covid pandemic. a new report blast the government's response and issued a warning not to repeat the mistakes of the past we will dive into the lessons learned with doctor marc siegel, donald trump called on benjamin netanyahu to end the war in gaza. the first time he made that c call. kt mcfarland reacts. stephen moore calling out president biden over the magical thinking on taxes. if biden gets all the tax increases that he wants what is the impact on the economy, presumably not good stephen moore has not next.
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stuart: on the market 12 minutes in the dow was up 100 and nasdaq up to 53, the nasdaq is over 1.5%, steve moore and art laffer they floated a few names to replace jay powell as fed chair they include kevin walsh, kevin hassett and art laffer himself. stephen moore is with us right now, you help put these names together, what is it that we want what do we need and the next fed chair? >> great to be with you, first you want to fed chair that is not going to allow the inflation rate to go up to 9.1% which is what happened in 2022 in the disaster for the economy in a disaster for middle-class
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families, we are still feeling the pain-and-suffering every time they go to the grocery store in the gas pump prices are up 20% is not the performance that we would expect from a good fed chair. you need somebody who is going to do a couple of things you need someone who will promote a strong economy where production because when you produce more goods and services, what happens to prices, they go down we need a fed chair who will be more skeptical of massive government spending and debt i would like to see the next fed chair bringing spending down in somebody who understands a whole supply-side approach of lower taxes and someone. jerome powell obviously has to go, we had a committee of a number of expert monetary people and people who are in the know about the economy and the fed policy in those three people that we came up with who we think would be ideal choices are people who you have on your show all the time, art laffer the
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regular economist and trump economist kevin hassett who was the chairman of the council of economic advisors for trump and then kevin warsh who has served at the federal reserve and understands all these policies. stuart: tell me about your new op-ed president joe biden's magical thinking on taxes, the fallout of the taxes. tell me. if biden gets all of the tax increases that he wants, if he gets them all, what will be the impact of the economy and the debt. >> armageddon, i've been doing this for 40 years i started reviewing presidential budget in 1985 that's almost a 40 year period that's almost a presidential budget under the democratic president, republican presidents and i have to tell you this is by far nothing comes close. even under obama to the
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financial recklessness of this budget, 7.5 trillion dollars of spending and finance not by spending cuts but the biggest tax increase in rate increases in history would essentially reverse 40 years of progress going back to reagan when we started slashing tax rates. let me give you an example this is an investment. let's say you make it investment and you make a million dollars on the investment you are going to pay the capital gains taxes going to double under biden from 23% to almost 40% and you get to see an increase in the corporation itself going to see its tax rate from 21 - 28% he wants to raise the tax on unrealized capital gains which is never been done before i estimate the wall street journal validated this in the editorial the other day the tax rate are you ready for this 60%.
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of the million dollars $600,000 is good to go to the government and 400,000 to the investor what impact will that have on investments. stuart: not good. >> is going to kill the stock market is the diabolical plan and i have to give joe biden credit normally a president when is running for reelection would run to the middle and say i'm a moderate puppy under biden is saying i'm a left-wing tax-and-spend or here it is america do you want it. stuart: he thinks tax the rich is a political winner, good stuff. see you again soon. biden is going on the campaign trail this week he is going to say he lower prices for families, is that accurate? if you look at groceries is accurate that he lower prices for families? >> nobody went after the food companies for gouging new in shrinking the size of the items.
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i read the average american household goes to the food store three times a week that's three times you get a constant reminder that food cost a lot of money is the main driver of economic discontent of the voting public even though the economic numbers are relatively holding up overall. if you consider it this way and look from covid grocery store prices are up over 25% overall inflation is up a lot, 20% but groceries are costing more than most things. if you're going to the food store three times a week a constant reminder. stuart: our wages keep it up with that. >> if you look at the latest data from they find an increase in february for wages of 3.3% in the past year so the answer would be yes keeping up with annual inflation barely but if you look compared to when wages were going up 12%, 9% there's been a serious slowdown if you look at the tech jobs tens of thousands of layoffs so far this year end technology alone some is because
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of a.i. but a lot is because of downsizing. in general the economy is slowing down. stuart: thank you so much indeed. very interesting. kamala harris can take off the boxes female, asian descent. that means nothing appears can't do the job they called upon in the oval office that will be my take the top of our. the supreme court said to hear arguments that could determine if the government can tell tech companies to police their content, we have a report on that coming up next. ♪ (marci) so, how long have you lived here? (opponent) over forty years. (marci) and how are the restaurants around here? are they good, bad, meh?
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what's the average household income? is there a mall? i don't know. a hair salon? where do you get your hair done? (opponent) you gonna move, or what? (marci) oh, i'm sorry. it's a lovely neighborhood. (luke) marci, we've gotta go. (marci) i'm coming! (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. (marci) you wanna give me a hand? (luke) we bring you the best neighborhood info. (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. this small thing, is the next big thing in diabetes. woah. it shows your glucose, and predicts where it's headed, just like that. it's not magic, it just feels that way. i wanna make you go wow, make you go wow, make you go wow. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today.
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stuart: roughly ten minutes the supreme court hears oral arguments to decide if the government crossed the line by pressuring social media companies to remove content, lydia hu with me now, can you take us all the way through remixing people calling this the
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most important first amendment of our lifetime it's a really big deal brought by missouri in the louisiana in the state of the case accuse the biden administration of pressuring social media countries to suppress speech of covid in vaccines that the government did not like in the state says it violates the first amendment protection. as evidence of the pressure tactics, the state points to internal federal government e-mail showing officials demanded removal of certain poston accounts and the white house official suggesting the social media company should be held liable when publishing so-called misinformation. i spoke with one stanford epidemiologist he was blacklisted on what was twitter after he criticized school lockdown officials at the nih labeled him a fringe epidemiologist. listen here. >> the government decided that it new science better than anything else such that it could destroy the careers of people to
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disagree with them and suppress the first amendment of people that disagreed with them and as ever to the possibility of having the debate on fairground. >> here's an important note to lower courts have already agreed with the states they found the federal government appears to have violated first amendment protection this is the biden administration appeal even asking the supreme court to weigh in during today's oral argument you could expect the lawyer argue for government communication with social media companies not coercion just persuasion as you noted argument started in a few minutes we will keep on top of it. stuart: just persuasion i got it. thank you very much. we are at 954 and the markets open for 24 minutes, look at this we have the nasdaq up 226 points, can we share let's check google and apple they're getting together to supply a.i. stuff for the apple iphone the market loves it, alphabet up nine bucks, up 6% apple is
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breaking out 2.5% at 177. still ahead trump says biden dumped benjamin netanyahu and urged an end to the war in gaza. kevin o'leary says this is interesting don't merge your accounts with your significant other. is he talking about married couples we will have a discussion on that. a new report plastic governments covid response and warns of repeating the same mistakes. doc siegel response, the 10:00 o'clock hour is next. ♪
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