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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 18, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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- to feel like myself again. - and now i know anything is possible. (gentle music) ♪ ♪. stuart: walk away i know what
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they're doing we're going to do a story how the vice president should step aside our producers came in with a song walk away kelly clarkson. it's so brilliant, good morning it is 10:00 o'clock eastern time, the nasdaq is up to a point on a monday morning, the s&p is doing okay up 43 the ten year treasury continues to go up up 432 on the tenure weigh about four and a quarter% a couple of weeks ago the price of oil moving up and $80 a barrel 81.80, bitcoin retreating from the 70-dollar per coin we are at 674 down on the day the latest read on the home buyer sent sentiment. >> elder confidence rose three points 250 won this month that is the highest since last july in the first time since last july that it surpassed the
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breakeven of 50. uptake on demand in they're down taken mortgage rates that pushes more buyers off the sideline into the market and unfortunately builders have to cut prices of 20 only 24% are doing so. stuart: that the positive side for real estate industry. now this. i was surprised to read this i was surprised the washington post published, here you go for the country's sake vice president harris should step aside that speaks volumes about the high anxiety in the white house. kathleen parker wrote this the democratic party indulgence of identity politics proves successful in building a diverse organization but strategy of pandering to minority voters is the road to ruin, ruined for the party and room for the country
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and he goes right to the heart of the problem with identity politics. kamala harris can take off the boxes female, black asian dissent, may be good politics but it means nothing if she can't do the job if called upon to sit in the oval office. fighting cannot fire her that would be a betrayal of minority voters, they are stuck, there's a dilemma in road to ruin. an incompetent vice president locked into a job by her identity and 81-year-old biden spiraling down in very few believe he could do the job for four more years the only way out is for harris to step aside that way biden could reassure voters with the vice president and avoid the direct entry disaster of a harris presidency i have no idea what she will actually do kathleen parker ends with the desperate plea. please madame vice president do it for your country. second hour of "varney" just getting started.
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steve forbes joining us on this monday morning i think that was a strong editorial. i'm surprised they came from the washington post do you think she would ever step aside. >> it's amazing the post did it and poet surprises you can't dismiss the messenger and what it goes to the democrats relays republicans are going to make this an issue if you vote for joe biden you're voting for kamala harris as the next president of the united states and i think the democrats are freaking out about that and the question is how do they get rid of her the only way she will not step down a mission that she's a failure and joe biden made a catastrophic mistake and what the democrats are praying for somehow someway joe biden get to do lbj lyndon johnson withdrawing that way in new nominee can pick his or her own vp choice and shove kamala harris aside without any undue embarrassment. stuart: i don't see any of that
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happening. >> a wait on events he may do something in public but can't be brushed off anymore something may come out, who knows but they cannot let him be the nominee with the democrats and republicans say you're voting for kamala harris. stuart: the vice president of the united states right now with this pressure coming on her, step aside, your failure, it must be awful to be her frankly. >> prove us wrong. >> is a catastrophe that those who work for her she's never been known as a kind and gentle boss that office must be really toxic right now that's why she's making speeches and the like but the republicans are going to say who's in charge of the board of the last four years this is our arena and we saw where that led the democrats are in a dilemma and the fact that the post to publish this speaks volumes about their state of worry. stuart: is good to be brutal. >> it can. >> they thought the nfl was h
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hard. >> president biden is going to hit the campaign trail is starts tomorrow, he is going to tout lowering costs for american families, that is a big deal, grocery prices are up 25% since january of 2020, is anybody buying biden's view that is lowering prices and lowering costs for families. >> people go to the supermarket to were three or four times a week to buy stuff and every time stuff is going up eggs have gone up other things have gone up, gasoline even though goes up and down people know it cost more today that it did four years ago and if they don't the republicans will remind them of it. it's an insult to say the things that they see every day they don't look at the whole cpi and say how much is for housing they go into the marketplace and they don't like what they see. we will see you soon, let's get back to the markets, you're going to like what you're going to see the dow was up 100, the
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nasdaq is up 207 points, ryan payne is with us, you are saying nvidia is the new cisco. explain yourself. >> a lot of parallels between the late '90s, it was a great time as far as i'm concerned. what you're seeing with nvidia, cisco at the time provide the routers in the switches for the internet and everyone had to have their equipment because it was going to change everything which it eventually did and right now nvidia their chips are the hardware that you need for a.i. artificial intelligence that's all you hear about demand is through the roof and earnings us supposed to go up another hundred% on analyst projection which is a phenomenal number. stuart: they have this big thing today i don't know what is called but the p100 the brand-new chip coming out today, is that right. >> expected to announce the be 100. >> it's a big deal markets are forward-looking and they prices ahead of time and if you look at
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last year's revenue 20% came from one big mega cap buyer meaning that you have basically only a couple of companies for a chip grab trying to avoid the chips because they don't know the supply and i suspect were overzealous right now on how much artificial intelligence will change the world short-term long-term it will dramatically change the world and that's how cisco demand got so hot for a short period of time in the late '90s and at one point was trading at 100 times forward earnings which is crazy from 80 down to eight once the demand dried up and if you get the same risk with nvidia you getting to a point forward earnings and that evaluation and expectations might not end pretty. stuart: if a.i. is the new internet and new iphone carrying us forward everybody has to have a piece of the principal a.i. company which is
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nvidia should we just buy it? >> i think you avoided because the evaluation you buy every other company because it's going to be in a.i. company and they will benefit just like they benefited from the internet back in 2080% 120 but every company improve their margins and productivity went up because of the internet same with a.i. everything else but big tech is a phenomenal by an all portfolios everybody is way over weighted and when the music stop that's awkward be great. >> verizon, at&t and t-mobile which of them would you buy at&t looks the worst but they are able to pay that down they spent $200 billion setting up their 5g network now they have a lot of cash flow $17 billion in the 6% dividend pay down their debt and only trading at seven times
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forward earnings i would buy that over nvidia every cheap stock emergence can improved dramatically. >> 6% on a 17-dollar stock in all this money to pay the dividend so insecure? >> free casual 17,000,000,010,000,000,000 per dividend about a room to pay down debt and dividend meanwhile the fed will cut rates near 5% money market will go away be proactive not reactive. >> insecure but always attractive thing, it just is. >> you could buy that instead of nvidia diversify your money. >> this is a grandfather stock of the 1970s for widows and orphans. >> it's been a horrible stock for a decade now is a good time to buy. thinking some attending, lauren is looking at the movers tell me about going. up across the board but witnessed on 178. >> a report that a injury sent a
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subpoena to boeing over the door blowout back in january this broadens the criminal investigation and the grand jury could be used to decide if criminal prosecution is warranted add that to the list of boeings worries. >> what did the united airlines ceo say. >> the stock is down 1%, the ceo scott kirby sent a letter to employees saying our plans are safe there has been so many recent instances of a plane going off the runway into a patch of grass. on friday a plane landed with an external panel missing so the ceo is addressing this and thinks the stock will go up saying they're getting an extra day of training and person not over zoom. >> attention is focused on anything that goes wrong in any place in the world. >> then launching a cheaper
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brand by may that would start at $14000, the stock is up 5% and that is the china company don't sell here yet. >> the dow was up 144 points, a market check under 240 up for the nasdaq, chaos continues in haiti as the first charter flight carrying u.s. citizens lands in miami this is florida's governor desantis says they seized a boat with weapons and drugs on board we have the storyboard patrol lebanese migrant who has below terrorist with hopes of making a bomb, kt mcfarland, that is next. ♪ at ameriprise financial our advice is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice...
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stuart: 45 minutes in, the dow was up 126 points in the nasdaq 244 most of that way for the trading session today. president biden once again pushing house lawmakers to pass a bill to send aid to ukraine it's been approved by the senate. edward lawrence from the white house, what is holding this up. >> a number of things the white house president refuses to negotiate over the border security and the house speaker would also like to see the president push for border reforms and hr2 and what was originally passed by the house. 95 billion-dollar package includes aid to gaza and includes money for humanitarian aid for gaza is really money and support for the indo pacific, the house speaker also wants to settle the government budget this year end the deadline for
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the partial shutdown is march 22 and that comes first the chairman of the foreign affairs says a supplemental funding could be wrapped into the negotiations. listen. >> we are moving to the normal preparation process. it should be done by this friday after the speaker indicated he is putting the supplemental on the floor that would be israel and we should attach a rain and sanctions that would be a ukraine and indo pacific. >> working on the budget and get all the other stuff done, the president on st. patrick's day standing next to the irish will continue to push he would like to see it as a standalone package. >> economic partnership is grown tremendously in both directions i might add ireland is one of the top ten investors of the united states economy and our country stand proudly for liberty and against tyranny we stand together and oppose aggression in ukraine, you can clap for that please.
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>> the white house putting more pressure on the house while not budging over the u.s. border sanctions or issues that they want to resolve that the house speaker would like to see. the national security advisor john kirby saying the ukrainians are running out of bullets. >> thank you very much, donald trump called on israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu to end the war in gaza quickly. >> biden is so bad for israel they should've never been attacked if biden were good to israel they wouldn't of got attacked if he were a supported ivory and nuclear deal never would've been signed and israel would've never been attacked. >> what would be your message if you talk to benjamin netanyahu. you have to finish it up and do it quickly and get back to the world of peace we need peace in the world. >> kt mcfarland there is a thing or two, kt joins me now. the way trump's says it sounds simple it's not that simple.
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>> it probably is that simple to let israel do what he needs to do quickly and in the war and eliminate the leadership of thomas, i think it's pretty quickly the longer this stretches out the more israel loses global support and certainly the more it loses support from president biden this is a political from president biden he cannot win in november unless he carries michigan and in michigan there tens of thousands of voters who are pro-palestinian anti-israel and that's what this boat is all about. stuart: at the republican party the gop via party supporting israel far more than the democrats? has history been reversed here? >> completely. a lot of that is donald trump i've been watching him a long
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time before he ran for the presidency and is been a pretty consistent peace monger and a certain sense when he wants to resolve differences he wants use economic warfare trade warfare he does not want to go to war with anybody when he's calling for an end to the ukrainian war or to gaza he is saying get it done on the terms that you need to get it done and then go about winning the peace this is a huge economic toll on israel as well the gop is going down and the tech workers are on the battle lines the nonproducing economic advantages for israel, get it done quickly. stuart: chaos continued in haiti over the weekend the first charter flight of citizens arrived in miami they seized a migrant boat with weapons, drugs and night vision gear, what are we going to do about this in the situation has gone on for a very long time should america step in
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and take control of haiti. >> no for the united states to take control of haiti there would have to be a full-scale invasion and occupation and another forever war and occupation that's going to take years get the american citizens out and there are aid workers, get them out protect them the same way in israel if you making hostages out because at the end of the day haiti has two govern the south we can take it on as the 51st state israel has to govern itself we could not take his problems on either. you win the peace by ending the war as quickly as you can on terms that you can accept. >> the new york post reports border patrol, a lebanese migrant at the border earlier this month he claimed to hezbollah terrorist who came to the u.s. with hopes of making a bomb. i don't know if he said that easily to the border patrol and
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came out and admitted it, i don't know but he was headed for new york, could hezbollah, could this happen hezbollah cells. >> absolutely it's a ticking time bomb of an open border estimates are up 10 million people coming to the united states and they disappeared, unaccountable we don't know who they are or what they're doing or what countries are coming from you cannot tell me 10 million people, half 8% of the 10 million people, 50000 what is the potential of how many of those that will be terrorist and doing bad stuff i think we will see the results of this foolish open border policy not only inviting in the cities and crime in the city particularly the democrats in sanctuary city say defund the police but you see an uptick in terrorism and what nobody is talking about were thinking through what if we seal the
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border to think the drug cartels which are making billions of dollars off the human trafficking in the 10 billion people do think they can give the revenue stream up without a fight the good to be well armed the cartel the drug smugglers are the people smugglers there to be out our meeting outlining our border patrol so we could have a serious problem on our southern border. stuart: it is a mess on so many fronts, kt mcfarland see you soon. chicago started eviction from the migrant shelters, i need to know something, where are these people going to go. >> is a very good question they don't know what's going to happen and that's a big problem. these evicted migrants -- is a very slow process. out of nearly ten or 11000 migrants living in 23000 shelters or 23 shelters,
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fraction, 34 single adults were asked to leave this weekend 34 of 11000. many people are eligible for exemption including pregnant women and people with medical issues, families with children can receive renewable 30 day extensions but officials say more than 2000 people would be evicted by the end of april. i wanted to bring this to you, the tsa is requiring migrants who do not have sufficient id to submit to facial recognition technology to board domestic flights. incredibly the agency of previously allowed civil arrest warrants and deportation orders to allow migrants including those illegally to get on a plane that is until some people said isn't that a security problem? it's remarkable to me, now they're not able to do that. it's a mess on so many fronts. thank you you shake your head on
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this stuff, still ahead modular homes were hailed as a more sustainable solution to the housing crisis but the companies that are making them are struggling to get off the ground, what is the problem will speak to the national associate of homebuilders. activists in chicago demand they way property taxes for black residents. it's a form of reparations, kelly sadberry has the latest on the preparation situation in the windy city. that is next. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills
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look at that google is up 7% of market cap is greater than amazon for the first time since july of 2021 the latest number off about 1.88 trillion and amazon 1.83 trillion. stuart: tell me about pepsi, nor get enter morgan stanley and beverages overall package goods to the equivalent of 190 price target the 4% gain is the largest for pepsi since october of 2022 it's not just big tech doing well. stuart: pork rinds do they sell them at pepsi. >> may be one of their companies, sorry, uber they're paying a big fine. >> the pain $170 million fine in an australian taxicab represents 8000 drivers in the drivers say uber moved into australia and killed their business, however,
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while uber is down. >> a little competition you lose it so you find the 178 million. >> that is a fine and australian history. >> uber is up 140% this year. >> you should not have to pay that money in my opinion. >> i'm not going to argue, i agree. >> working to get back. the market index climbed three-point our reading of 51 that's a positive jim tobin with me, new listings at a 17 month high in the month of february total number of homes at a one-year high now a positive reading on the homebuilder sentiment, it seems that the market is beginning to look up a little. >> absolutely right, the market finally is absorbing the lower
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interest rates wells fargo nhb housing index fourth montenegro for an increase over the magic number of 50 which means were in positive territory in all three metrics are current conditions looking forward six months and then traffic right now the builders are feeling optimistic about the future of the market. >> they probably know mortgage rates are not going to go down that much that quickly that most worry them to some degree. >> sure, yes, i think we will find ourselves settling inside the 6% range for most of it not all of this year but that's a break from the 8% rate that we saw last fall for the builders and for existing homebuyers were starting to find out what the new normal is we think it will unlock the marketplace a little bit more as we progress and see some of the new fed rate cut that they keep forecasting over the course of their meetings.
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>> modular homes were supposed to have a sustainable solution to the housing crisis we're told the sector is struggling, what is wrong with the modular homes, what is a modular home tell me exactly what it is. >> is a panel construction which is an off-site construction on manufactured homes when you think of trailers and those kind of things were talking about modular homes which are homes that are constructed walls built with modern codes in the current code that are off-site into the foundation in the jobsite and put together on-site. stuart: i would've thought that was doing well what is holding the industry out. >> after the manufacturing capacity we have some of that in the u.s. and modular homes make up about 1.5% of the new home
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market construction phase right now but then you have to have the builders on the other side of the pipeline i want to use the technology in receipt not slowly come them and what we do see were optimistic that modular homes are going to be more commonplace over the next five years and if you use modular construction you're looking at a construction of two months last then it would take on the traditional stick built construction. there's a real opportunity for builders and home buyers to get their homes faster and cheaper. >> i sound like a good thing, thank you for joining us. next case activists in chicago want reparations for black residents. kelly subareas there. they want to waive property taxes for black people? >> that's right the black
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population in chicago has the smallest homeownership rate of any racial group in the city now the billboard like the one behind me trying to get people on board with the fight is exactly what you said they want to waive the property taxes asking cook county and the city of chicago say because of slavery black people were not able to generate generational wealth so the group is reran. the billboards around the city's tensor reconstruction ever reparation act, some of the descendents have gone so far as to return to the south where they could live more comfortably anyways to the influx of migrants living here. >> what about black chicagoans we know historically not just in our state and city in chicago that taxes have had a lot of the tax codes and laws have not been very just when it comes to black
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folks. >> roughly 45 minutes north of the chicago neighborhood is a wealthy suburb that became the first municipality in the nation to make reparation a reality. in 2019 it allotted $25000 for some black residents have faced housing injustices the money was slated for use on their homes whether mortgage, down payment or home improvement. picking up steam around the country and receiving different studies and task force in states like new york, colorado and massachusetts and california liberty introduced a slate reparation bills is be what i hear you. coming up from ramping up his warning on banning tiktok he said facebook is far worse than the chinese own apt and we have details, the wall street journal says meta is being investigated for facilitating a property from drug sales on this platform
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stuart: donald trump is once again warning lawmakers against banning tiktok. what is he saying now. >> also influenced by china, take a listen to this. >> what happened if you ban tiktok and take it away and we avenue concept but if you take it away those people will go to facebook and facebook in my opinion is worse than tiktok by a lot if you could do it to tiktok do it to facebook and what you can do is let them sell
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tiktok into the market let them get a good price or not a good price, i don't know to get away from china control but i think china controls facebook also they have tremendous power in the company there's no question about that they want to be in china. >> there you have it back in 2020 trump committed to signing an executive order to ban that but to federal judges block the attempt at that. the former president says banning tiktok in his mind is a problem because the freedom of speech issues. he flip-flopped and now is like freedom of speech, interesting. >> the wall street journal reports that meta is under investigation. kelly o'grady has the story what is meta being accused of doing. >> the under investigation for their role on the illicit sale of drugs the concern being that the company may be facilitating even profiting from the alleged
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activity on their platform like instagram and facebook the wall street journal is reporting the prosecutors in virginia of subpoena of a criminal grand jury in partnership with fda, the big tech giants is are working with the state department to crackdown on activity and they share this with fox business, the sale of illicit drugs is against our policies and we were to remove this from our services. it cooperates with law enforcement authorities to help combat the sale and distribution of illicit drugs but there's broader questions about whether meta another company should be responsible for the content sellers and users post. during the pandemic telehealth flooded the social media platforms with ads for prescription medication even now, they are promoting fake versions of weight l weight loss drugs on the meta platform. it is into legal action 41 states plus d.c. are suing over allegation including child safety, facebook whistleblower
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described the instagram as a narrative given send a marsha blackburn share these thoughts with fox business. it's no surprise meta is peddling illegal drugs to users we seem drugs, dealers, cartels and companies utilize to push illicit substances onto americans especially our children to be clear, simple because there's an investigation doesn't mean charges will be filed but it does appear that appetite old big tech accountable is growing stronger. stuart: thank you. benjamin netanyahu responded to senator schumer's call for leadership in israel. >> schumer statement is wholly unappropriate. without a banana republic. >> is the gop the pro-israel party. we'll get into it, trump defending his rhetoric after democrats and the media pounced on him over the use of the word bloodbath even bill cassidy said it's concerning to some voters, does john barrasso agree with that, he is next.
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(luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait. (marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com.
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stuart: republican send a bill cassidy claims trump's rhetoric is concerning to voters. trump is defending himself. watch this. >> we can talk about joy want to be politically correct but we have people coming in from prisons and jails in long-term burgers there being released into our country, these are murderers and people at the highest level of crime and also gets people thinking about a very important issue if you don't use certain rhetoric and if you don't use certain words that are not very nice words nothing will happen. stuart: john barrasso republican from the great state of wyoming joins me now. mr. senator i was going to run a different soundbite where he use the word bloodbath the media took the out of context because he was really talking about the car industry and not about something that might happen about the election, what do you think about trump's language
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should he use an expression like bloodbath. >> this is dishonest reporting on the media and the democrats and the media set their hair on fire when he use that phrase why so many people in wyoming and across the country don't trust the media when it comes to reporting a president trump. >> do they not like his language they did a pickup on his language. >> there always looking for something for one new wants and he was clearly talking about electric vehicles and the reason is so critical, the biden administration is going to come out with new regulation make it harder to buy up gas powered vehicle forcing you to buy an electric vehicle something you don't want, can forward, those don't work for the people of wyoming. this is part of the administrations terrible mistake on a suicide mission in the name of climate change are not doing anything to help the climate and they're doing a lot to hurt the economy. stuart: i'm going to press the issue, forgive me.
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do you think maybe it would be better if mr. trump scaled back the language a tad. >> the former president speaks for himself and i have endorsed him, we need to replace the guy that is there now we have good cause to fire joe biden people think the country is heading in the wrong direction because it is, prices are up we have a president now with open border, high prices, people paying 21% more that's what i heard at the grocery store and saturday the high price open border, 9 million illegal immigrants in this country we need somebody that could get us back on track. stuart: i think you should go to the state department your wonderful diplomat. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has issued a sharp rebuttal to senator schumer who called for new leadership in the jewish state. watch this briefly. >> i think schumer's statements are wholly inappropriate and without a banana republic, the people will choose when they have elections, who to elect and
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it's not something that will be wasted upon us. it is wrong to replace the elected leaders of the sister democracy and the staunch american ally at any time but especially during the time of war. stuart: mr. senator is the gop the pro-israel party in america? >> we certainly support the most trusted ally in the middle east and we see that across-the-board with the republicans. the democrats moved into different direction so many of the extremist supporting hamas. i was on the floor to talk about schumer's comments after he made the comments completely out of line and joe biden did not have the guts to do it himself. he senses water boy to make the statements and go after trusted ally added time that is wrong israel is going to win the war and they need to eliminate hamas and move on from there. >> that statement from senator schumer was like the election in michigan than it was in israel. domestic politics.
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>> israel is a democracy they have a right to choose who they want the democrats are scared that they're losing their far left as well as we support thomas biden is afraid he's going to lose the election because of this but is turning against her closest ally in the middle east who's been there from the beginning. >> the gop is the ally of israel to this day. >> we support the people of israel in the right for them to defend themselves and we will continue to support that effort. >> you want to see israel go after hamas. >> until hamas is completely eliminated the people of israel long-term will not be safe. >> donald trump endorsed you for senate minority whip, who were you supporting to replace mitch mcconnell. >> where strong candidate. it's not for eight months we have a much more important election before that and that's the election of november 5 that i'll do everything to get a majority of the united states senate. donald trump in the white house and joe biden did every one of his enablers with the democrat
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senators. >> forgive me for asking but you come from the great state of wyoming which is cynically beautiful and very peaceful what on earth are you doing in new york city. >> is always better in wyoming and i invite your viewers to come jackson hole is great for skiing right now in the whole state is absolutely magnificent. >> only 400,000 people in wyoming. >> hundred thousand square miles five people per square mile. >> we have as many migrants in new york state. >> you can keep them in new york that's what's happening. were not essentially state or city and people are really concerned 9 million illegal immigrants in the united states under joe biden open border policy this is a threat these people are criminals, drug dealers and many on the terror suspect list, we have to worry about the security of our nation and border security is national security. we don't have that would joe biden the democrats. stuart: please stick around a
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little longer we always appreciate you being here. still ahead kevin o'leary on whether couples should share financial accounts. , joe concha on the media smearing the bloodbath remark and doctor marc siegel, the government made catastrophic errors in his response to covid. the 11:00 o'clock hour is next. ♪
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it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike.
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the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? >> all he realizes is that he's losing and that he's angry about it. he lashes out then. >> the democrat party has a major issue with israel within their ranks and they're trying to kowtow the voters of michigan and minnesota as well as their backbone deals with the iranians. >> we need a fed chair that'll be more skeptical of massive government spending and debt. i'd like to see the fed chair jawbone congress about bringing spending down. >> deputies realize the republicans make this issue and vote for joe biden and kamala harris as the next president of the united states and now the demo


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