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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  March 18, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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with larry page, this guy is huge tell me your opinion the company and the stock. >> i will say by jensen by all accounts is a much nicer saner human then steve or elon. it's nice to see a nice guy w when. it's a solid company and he's a good leader he's been doing it for a very long time and i think the stock is red-hot and can easily burn you not necessarily a name i'm buying into but it's a solid company. >> i know you like to get them a little bit cheaper, thank you so much always appreciate your expertise on all of these things. this program is already started the woodstock a.i., jensen is going to speak real soon you have the next hour liz claman is back. >> we will be over the headlines, thank you here we go on this monday after three weeks of losses for the dow in two weeks for the s&p and the nasdaq, the grab the spotlight
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and still a firm grasp as we kick off the final hour of trade we have the dow jones industrial up 144, the s&p is gaining 40 points the nasdaq 173 points were wonderful% two of the big lures that are grabbing the bull's attention at this hour the doubleday's alphabet and apple alphabet a heavy hitter number two on the nasdaq 100 and number four on the s&p 500, number three or four depending on which sackett you are looking at it we have alphabet, google up three in a 40%, apple number four on the dow earlier it was number one we have apple up three and a quarter percent, the games gains appear to be the apple is in talks with the google parent to license google training model, apple which is playing catch-up in a.i. development could fast-track the process by using the gemini to
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power apple devices, the major focus could swirl around the user experience for the upcoming iphone 16 rumored to be released this fall, tech is overall the data chunk of the market gains, look at tesla and nice move of 6% after the ev maker said is hiking a price for all of the model wise by $1000 that will happen april 1, meta is booming about 2% got a price target height of $609 it is at 493 at the moment we mentioned nvidia it kicks off the four-day developer conference up under 1% followed by amazon a quarter of 8% and microsoft up a half 8%. now all is well in a.i. supermicro computer is falling at the moment by 7% much worse, 11% on a day that should've been a very easy win for investors, the key supplier of servers to generative a.i. officially
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joined the s&p 500 today in the high flyer initially spike the open to $1147 you can see the price right now something spooked the horses as mci down to $970 losing about $71 or 6.7%. to be fair shares are up without percent just under a thousand 944 just over a year lots of tech and market bubble from a whole host of wall street voices and taking profits that would make sense let's not forget fed week tomorrow the federal reserve begins a two day interest-rate setting meeting jay powell and company expected to lead to rates unchanged for the fifth time in a row the ten year treasury yield is moving higher by 3.3 basis points to 4.34% that looks like it's on pace to close at the highest level since november, considering the hot inflation numbers over the last two weeks
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the market is discounting any rate cut at the may meeting 4.6%, not going to happen and barely above 50% for a june rate cut possibility. for the near future, markets and risk asset like golden bitcoin continue to climb, let's decide for the market for show ubs managing director allie mccartney's wealth management team year-end s&p target is 5200 with an ultimate goldilocks target of 5500 that would be perfect circumstances and pence wealth management who says by apple, will get to you and a minute. i want to turn to allie. bond yields are jumping the stock market is up even last week's reveal a february retail sales missed so we start to see a few hair stick fractures, green stick as they call them in the labor market and elsewhere,
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what is your outlook you're at 5200 and some of them on the street or at 5400. >> even the investment bank is at 5400. what you start to see is the market and the fed coming together. at the beginning of the year with a market that was expecting 160 basis points and cut the fed was telling us they were anticipating three and wanted to be cautious those two things have come together. when you take all of the ups and downs of data a lot of which you pointed to the markets are trying to figure out whether this is a wait-and-see for the fed were whether to go forward on earnings which look great were to be concerned about the crooks that you finally start to see after the quickest deepest hiking cycle ever. >> it's not that you're totally bearish on stocks, you like stocks but you said lock in longer-term treasury yields and
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this is a point that we see the two-year, the three year, the five-year, ten year, they're continuing to move higher on the yields. >> exactly, that is what were talking about coming into the show it's really hard to send people out of short-term yields. as you start to see the market and the fed expectation come together what you see you know that rates are going to go the other way they're knocking to go the other way as quickly or deeply but the opportunity to lock in for - 7 year is not good to be here forever we want to see people getting into stocks the rally is broadly behind the magnificent seven and we want to see people diversifying, diversification is back it is working. >> today you have the mag seven looking very robust particularly apple and google. you coming in saying by apple i know you're bullish it's not
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because of this gemini deal because this is not even a deal is a rumor you're saying that apple is trotting were getting close to the bottom after having a week year to date compared to the other names is that behind your whole thesis that is profiting. >> the fact of the matter is, because of a lot of concerns from china and things like that people pull back on apple and it's gone down, the biggest dragon s&p for the year, when you tear apart the fundamentals, you recognize that apple is a tremendously large company with a tremendously large ecosystem and as you begin to see the economy continue to be robust it's going to benefit from that. if you just look at the app store alone that is a $1.1 trillion ecosystem that is is as big as the entire gdp of the netherlands the 18th largest country of the world. if you think about apple as an enterprise and ecosystem and as
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the economy gets better, they are going to benefit from every part of it so it doesn't necessarily justify the fact that it's been pulled down. if you have as many people two-point to billion people using the system and all those devices those devices are more. >> you recognize a large piece. liz: the china business is down significantly in the vision pro i don't know if that was ever a real thing in their minds it would be some type of blockbuster product but where is the buzz on that several months after launched. >> i think you can't say it's been a perfect launch but it takes sometimes for the product to catch on and we see this before with apple, sometimes it took a little while for things to take off and once they finally did they got a broader spectrum. i think we believe that apple is
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the largest and greatest consumer products company and consumers have money and are continuing to spend it on their product, we think long-term there at the j curve in the growth going forward. >> the court equity play has been tech but now you say broad and not out i keep hearing that but much of the gains that we have seen so far have been driven by the mag seven. if you want to be a little bit putting the horse before the part in the smaller capsid make caps. >> first of all we have two things into the small capsid make caps, this is value as w well, first you have historical underperformance, relative to the counterparts, the second when you look at small and make caps the majority of debt for those companies is floating-rate debt. if you anticipate a multiple effect in the market based on interest rates coming down then you would also expect that to decrease the cost of debt for some of these companies which
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would make them more profitable. in addition to multiples that has been the expansionary factor in the last number of years now were talking about a earnings recession behind us and real earnings growth 9% this year end 6% next year that are going to take a lot of rising tides up, the one thing i will say last week when we had the 17th for the s&p and the cycle we also had a historical high for the equal wave, that story is real we are so clouded and focused on a.i. and the mag seven we sometimes to understand what's going on under the hood. liz: you upgrade healthcare and industrial cindy downgrade consumer staples and energy. >> asked. >> why. >> the energy has worked against us in the short term with what happened in the energy market over the last two weeks. in terms of industrial, think about the secular trends that were started by the pandemic.
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on shoring, more geopolitical defensive spending. it's also one of the widest sectors in terms of what it covers and when you talk about downgrading energy think of the geopolitical risk associated across the world with energy. as a counter to that we have the exact conversation were having today, what fuels a.i. and crypto currency that is more energy and more semiconductors which is the story of some of the names we've been talking about. >> you point to a good earnings season, were almost at the tail end but i would remark wednesday and thursday we get very big names, wednesday were getting general mills, micron, thursday feta, nike, lululemon. when you look at some of these names do they have the opportunity to propel the market and are they big enough i would think micro and nike in their sectors. at the same time give strategist
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warning when investors in risk assets have a double attitude and you pair solid companies and their moves to something like the record highs in golden bitcoin over and over over the last couple of months how do you square that with your investment entire pie. >> we're going to focus on fundamentals sometimes things get ahead of themselves, but when you take a look at fundamentals across the board companies, majority of the companies beating and we see the broadening out of the 473 the fundamentals are strong were excited about taking a look at the positive data because we think the first quarter and second quarter you will see this broadening out in the fundamentals are coming in and earnings are coming in and continue heat chakra so were excited about that standpoint folks can get ahead of themselves in the high flyers but when you take a look at the market in itself and the economy we think that were positive around all of these.
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liz: if we can freeze it the market is higher obviously we have pretty solid data, enter and that looks like a goldilocks scenario at least in a way, good to see you, allie mccartney, thank you so much. >> we are still not finished with fourth-quarter earnings season. netflix is blasting out the date of the first quarter earnings report. we will tell you when to mark your calendar shares are hitting a two-year high on a big analyst call but could netflix maybe look over its shoulder added new streaming upstart he may be better known as a singer-songwriter but ray j who showed his chops as a successful entrepreneur businessman is about to bear his teeth in the cutthroat world of streaming platforms the entrepreneur is here as he launches his newest venture, his newest venture streaming service tronics.
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what is it about a fox business exclusive next on "the claman countdown".
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liz: netflix right now is moving higher by two and a third% it is hitting a multiyear high 11:00 a.m. eastern time at all started to get exciting, 30 minutes earlier luke capital raise the price target to $700 a share, right now it's $619 and change. in addition j.p. morgan reiterated overweight rating on the streamer today as well analyst expect that netflix will improve the free cash flow and
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accelerate revenue growth this year we shall see when it reports its earnings on ap april 18. it announced that were coming out with the first quarter numbers april 18. at a time when customers all over the place have streamed platforms are slashing and burning the multiple subscriptions here comes a new entrance in the streaming wars joining us on a fox business exclusive music producer and entrepreneur raymond norwood junior, ray j. i need our viewers to understand something you are the founder of the multimillion dollar electronics company ray kohn and today you're launching tronics which is a streaming platform it is 3:18 p.m. eastern and you say it's going live right now. >> right now it just went live today is 318 march 18:00 p.m. on eastern time and you could see the trailers next monday will
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release the episodes and we've come a long way we've been in this business for almost two decades we have dominated in the reality space. from ott platforms like zeus that we partnered with to vh1 and viacom and our partners were still in business with we know we have the sauce something new and groundbreaking. liz: disney thought it had the sauce and is still struggling a bit with disney+, max, you look at paramount plus and they are not yet making money hand over fist and they have huge brands behind them what is going to be on tronics that will were a lot of viewers and. >> are content is extremely loud it's always been. liz: i'm surprised you're so low-key. >> we have balance a lot of networks to only show the loud the fights and the drama but
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this network we have at a high level but we also have substance and emotions in the story that lead you somewhere. liz: the theory lights camera reality. >> what type of reality shows are we talking about. >> were talking dating shows, transgender shows we have a new show called the girls club a transgender with 14 transgender's in one house trying to survive and tell their stories. it is a really good show. we also have my show inside of the network and we take you through every artist that i work with and we show you the drama and the trials, the ups and downs and also the positive side at the end being able to drop this network. liz: how much is the service going to cost $4.99. high octane content but you also get stuff that will make you cry and think that is
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thought-provoking that is all there we are scientists in this reality space in the ratchets shakespeare. liz: you want to take on the vh1 of the world. >> that's family we still have deals. liz: what about bet. >> we just had to hit shows collegeville wanted to and were working on something new now, i think this is the first time that you get somebody who is still in business from viacom doing something special with amc and then you also have zeus network which we've been a part of shout out and now the tronics network is all about and one is a hybrid of it all. liz: paramount is looking to get somebody to buy big portions of its business, people would be sitting here especially our viewers business smart audience where is this guy getting the capital you sold your stake in electronics ray kohn which you built over many, many years you are not a newbie, i have covered
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him at ces you sold the east scooter business. >> i had you on the first episode in your voice and your support is in the first episode. liz: you do not need my support, you sold the stake in ray kohn and i'm hearing $45,000,000.80 million to fund tronics, which is. >> i've spent five or six just getting it started on my own capital before we did the deal with ray kohn. this was just to have enough to dominate in the space as far as the market inside and also just put 100% of mic time into this network in any business it takes five or ten years to get something going speed button but you sold raycon seven years. >> i sold them back and i think it was a perfect time because where i'm going.
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liz: in my right 45 million. >> i don't like to talk numbers. i'm humble with that. liz: you know me i'm pushing y you. >> it is about the people, the story and it's really not about the number. i might spend all of that trying to get it going and i still need more. liz: you can sell your bling. >> and i give you a gift. liz: it depends. can we please. liz: do i get a present? >> only for you i've never done this. liz: i don't know if i can accept that. >> is a logo chain. this is for you liz. >> thank you. liz: all check with compliance to see if i can keep it.
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the ratchet shakespeare made the quote. a very competitive space where people are cutting the streaming not just cutting the cord by cutting the streaming. i have ten seconds make your pitch. >> there's nobody like us we dominated number one on every network. not scripted but just reality shows that is what we doing what i live for. i don't even need to do it but i love to do it i live for it i'm a scientist and it and when they see the shows it's not just about the fights or the drama you will see the art and the story of positive at the end. liz: good luck i'm so excited. tronics network we are live now liz: we are going to follow it. this is our area we are watching a bitter battle in streaming and you are the new entrance. liz: good to see you. let's go liz. we are live, let's go.
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>> the road is getting bumpy for ev makers for screw the company desperately struggling to keep his head above water at painful but critical moves to avoid the sinkhole bankruptcy details on what it's doing to keep the ocean ev alive and added pinnacle in 2022 the daily electric autonomous vehicles etf ticker symbol top 265 today it's dropping to an all-time low of $22. "the claman countdown" is coming right back d dow jones out 22. mt reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts.
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liz: fox business older ev news dominated the headlines you know that tesla is doing really well, gaining that fisk is tacking on more losses after the maker of the ocean ev said its pausing production for six weeks. it'd worn last month that it may not be able to survive, fisk is not dead yet california-based company says it continues talks with the large unnamed automaker and today announced a secured $150 million in financing by selling notes to an existing investor the stock has been battered down 97% over the past year, u.s. listed shares are off
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session highs after the chinese ev maker said is planning to launch a lower cost ev brand in china and the stock gaining what it half percent but no word on the name of the brand but the cars will be priced between $14,021,000. the brand is set to launch in the next month the news comes on the heels of rival byd recent price cuts in as mobilephone maker announced it's going to start deliveries of the first ev and china at the end of this month. canoe is paddling higher at a rapid clip of 53.6% after the u.s. department of commerce approved the oklahoma city facility as a foreign trade zone that means the ev maker will be able to sell his vehicles overseas without customs duties and be able to defer duties on important parts used in the ev vans and buses sold here. canoe said it'll help speed up its plan to build ev's in the u.s. while improving profits and cutting costs.
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the final frontier is an absolute gold mine for one defense contractor locking up the u.s. space force. we have a first on fox business interview with tony townes whitley the ceo science applications international on her company's role in the global space military race. from outer space to those of us with our feet planted on earth how do you disrupt the sock business. david is buddies were on backpack toting tours, entrepreneurs when he founded the colorful sock company that leads the market, he is my guest and the latest everyone talks to lose episode you have to hear the story the amazing story of one small factoid he read about the homeless in the clothing that they need and want the most gave him the idea the podcast shows how he managed to turn an act of kindness into a hugely successful business that is expanded at light speed, it
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makes and donates the number one, two, three most requested items in homeless shelter socks, t-shirts and underwear for those of you like me who have hungry dryers that he tingles socks doesn't happen to you happens to me, bomba's has your foot, your back they will send you a replacement sock so you can get your pair back together. you have to listen to the podcast opposite apple, google, wherever you get your podcast, right now the dow 30 heat map we have up to present at the very top and at the bottom but wind down one another percent, "the claman countdown" is coming right back we're talking u.s. spaceports. ♪ ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard.
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get cash back rewards, and live large. sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this. as an independent financial advisor, i stand by these promises. as a fiduciary, i promise to be the financial steward that you and your family need. i promise to put your long-term financial well-being above any short term transaction. everyone has a big picture. my job is to help you invest in yours. [announcer] charles schwab is proud to support the independent financial advisors who are passionately dedicated to helping people achieve their financial goals. visit liz: breaking news from the middle east and washington to the last few hours president joe
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biden has spoken to benjamin netanyahu the two have been at odds on how to proceed in gaza as israel fights to eliminate the terrorist group hamas which is entrenched, the world food program boarding the battles between hamas and israel are spurring famine in gaza, this is is really military 401st brigade in the special forces conducted new raids at the al-shifa hospital, they found a cache of weapons and funds to be distributed to hamas operatives next door to the hospital director's office. the israeli defense forces said it eliminated 20 terrorist and apprehended dozens of suspects to hold for questioning. edward lawrence joins us now from the white house a lot of developments. >> under the surface the riff is widening between joe biden and the israeli prime minister drew benjamin netanyahu they spoke on the phone and the israeli prime minister said they talked about
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achieving the goals of the war, no mention of a cease-fire, president biden publicly supports israel, the president also adding more and more pressure on the prime minister to approve a cease-fire, the far left president biden's base is protesting the president at every event he faced protest votes of uncommitted in the battleground state of michigan national security advisor jake sullivan said the president bought up the cease-fire announces this. >> our position that hamas should not be allowed a safe haven in rafah or anywhere else a major ground operation would be a mistake more innocent civilian deaths or the dire humanitarian crisis, deepen the anarchy in gaza and further isolate israel international. >> the call for a cease-fire and a push to get israel not to chase hamas into rafah and a full operation drew sharp criticism from the israelis, listen to this. >> we destroyed about 19 land 24
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battalions there are about 4 inches into if we have to destroy them when people tell us don't go into rafah that's like telling allies don't go to berlin leave a quarter of the nazi army intact, that is ridiculous. >> and announced today the israelis will have a group coming here to the white house to talk with u.s. officials at the end of this week at the beginning of next week about plans to rid hamas and get into the rafah area without full operation there to listen to the concerns for the u.s. back to you. liz: edward lawrence. as the white house tries to stabilize tensions in the middle east, one company is helping the u.s. in the space race, the military space race, the ceo of saic coming up next the wall street journal reported that goldman sachs ceo david tolman is planning to host several women partners for dinner tonight they may be breaking
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bread a little too late as a female rainmaker leaves the firm, charlie breaks all of that next. we have the dow, the s&p and the nasdaq all in the green, stay tuned, become be back in a moment. ♪ everyone say space pod! (♪) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one where you'll actually like. oh, it's cold outside. time to protect your vehicle from winter's wrath. of course, the hot sun can be tough on vehicles too.
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liz: the pentagon will soon be able to spy on earth from of mu.
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spacex is constructing a network of spy satellites. this is part of a classified contract with the u.s. intelligence agency. spacex's star shield division is building a sophisticated system made up of hundreds of satellites that will track targets nearly everywhere on the globe, on the ground, and share that date with intelligence and military officials. spacex is not the only one angling, and working with the u.s. government to dominate space. the u.s. space force's lead systems integrator revealed its quarterly report today. science applications, international corporation, beat on revenue, missed on earnings in the fourth quarter but forging ahead led by ceo tony whitley who joins us now. tony, first of all reaction to this pretty significant news about spacex's star shield division and i want to know what
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relation if any you would have to something like this? >> well, liz, thank you, first of all, thank you for letting me on the call. we're not directly related to that particular program but we're super excited about our recent win to modernize the ground systems in space force, 440 million-dollar win a program called dpm, that sets us up with one of our national imperatives we announced that our key long-term investment areas in next generation space. we plan to show up in space exploration, space defense and the space intelligence side of the equation. liz: tell us how saic will modernize the space force? which to me we don't really have a great grasp of what the space force is looking like at the very moment. to say modernize it is pretty new right now, isn't it? >> it is. when we say modernize, we're talking about a program where we modernize frowned systems because space force is responsible for ground systems,
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how they communicate and interact with satellites in space. when you look at saic strategy we combine three elements of space. we are one of the lead integrates to with the intelligence community that deals with space and satellites. we're an enatinintegrator with space defense and space force, we're also very involved with nasa where space exploration occurs. when we think of the role we want to play going forward. we want to be part of space traffic mobility. if you think of air traffic control in space. we want to be part of space domain and identification of data, collect data across satellites that are collecting data and we're quite frankly leveraging our capability of what we call all domain war fighting. how space becomes the tactical war fight that becomes the department of defense. liz: that is really at the heart of what a lot of people have focused right now on,
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considering what is going on between russia and ukraine, israel, hamas in the gaza strip. what makes saic different from other software companies that works with the government? for instance we have palantir, bea systems? >> absolutely. this is where we differentiate. we operate like intigratetores, we bring in real time mission critical operations. we have people feel like, integrate with the customer of and know the environment incredibly well. we use open, open architecture, ways we are agnostic to specific technologies. we bring best-of-breed capability integrate it real time in mission critical environment. think of 90 environment trying to get something quickly, real time securely with all forms of technology, we use agnostic ways to integrate technology and drive that towards the mission. liz: it is so fascinating.
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we need you to come back because this appears to be moving at light spied, hyperspeed. thank you very much, toni. >> thank you, liz. liz: toni whitley of saic. goldman sachs executive stephanie cohen is leaving to come cloud fare. the bank is hastily trying to stem rumors of her departure. joining us now, charlie gasparino. >> it has been a while since we did a goldman story, what is interesting about this one disarray, sort of the real disarray at the top of goldman sachs and how just sensitive they are to negative publicity about people leaving the ranks. we should point out stephanie cohen was a long-time executive. she was recently head of consumer banking efforts, wealth management, big position, put her in line some day to take
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david solomon's job as ceo. in june my old producer lydia moynihan was reporting she might take a leave of absence and might leave. go ahead man went into hyperdrive. they went into -- i have never seen i guess a damage control effort over the departure of an executive like i saw here. they flatly denied the report. they, if you were going to write it they would get nasty with you. here we are her leaving. listen, there are two sides to every story. i will tell you what inside goldman they're telling me, up until six week ago she was thinking about staying and they were trying to get her to stay. david solomon was trying to get her to stay. there is an issue at goldman apparently with not having women at the top of the food chain over there. he understands it. so they were trying to get her to stay. and she, this is what they say, she showed some potential she might stay. then there is the other side of the story when she went for this
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leave of absence, she was not coming back and that goldman was just trying to spin their way out of it. long story short, i think, liz, fed -- goldman is still a company under pressure both culturally, both managerially, she is not the only person to leave. there are men that are leaving as well. and salomon's pr people are hypersensitivity to the notion that the bank that once you know, boasted best in breed in terms of management is losing that luster. i mean there is no way around it. goldman declined to comment publicly. like i said on background, executives there are telling us they had a shot at keeping her until a couple weeks ago. obviously she is someone in demand. she is a smart person. she was with goldman a long time. she built a great resume' there and she is sought-after but, again, this is still a firm, liz, in disarray.
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you can see it, sometimes you see these bigger stories are told through anecdotes and this is one of those anecdotes. back to you, liz. liz: i find this fascinating, cloud flair a high speck security company run by matthew prince been on the show many times, he would look to her, whatever you want we'll give you. there had to be great money involved too? >> well, yes. she wasn't doing that bad at goldman sachs either, let's be clear. liz: they didn't pay up, maybe double the offer or something. >> i wonder, listen, this is now speculation, rank speculation, does she want to be part of what looks like to be a mess? i mean that is, that's a legitimate question to ask, given all that's going on there. obviously she is not the only executive to leave. we know all the stories that were coming up. we covered it. we've been very fair with david solomon.
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there are have been tougher pieces. >> yet he hasn't come on. >> listen if he came on tomorrow i would still do the same type of reporting. liz: it would be fair. we want to hear the story. >> that's true. >> come on, david. >> we love to hear his side of the story and why goldman sachs is not a firm in disapray. why it's not lost its fastball, despite every year being the premier investment bank? why is goldman still goldman? liz: got it. >> he would serve himself well talking, discussing that with you and i. liz: charlie, thank you very much, charlie gasparino. >> yeah. >> we've got four minutes to go before the closing bell rings. looks like the luck of the irish came a day after st. patrick's day. the dow looks to snap a two-day losing streak. s&p, nasdaq are on the way snapping three-day losing streak. the we'll see how that works out. russell down half a percent.
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one of the hottest ipos we've been looking for years, this thursday when reddit marks its public debut. in an unusual move the social media platform will offer shares to its super users, redditters as they're known, without lock up agreements. that means redditters and moderators will be able to sell shares immediately if they so desire which could lead to price volatility, so much so, the company was prompted to list that as a risk factor in the ipo filing. a lot of people waiting for exciting ipo, cliff corso, advisors asset management. cliff, what do you take of the route reddit is making when it comes to the ipo, would you touch something like this? >> when you say rid did, coming to market makes sense. we're generally in a risk-on
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market. the fed ignited by the fourth quarter, continues on here in the first quarter. we had a freeze, cold wouldn'ter in ipos, that is thawing in stock market and also in the bond market. now is the time with valuations so high it's not a bad time to come to market, right? particularly when we don't know exactly where the fed is going to wind up here in terms of how many eases and when. perhaps we find more on wednesday here. liz: yeah. >> listen, again the symptom of risk-on market, timing you know, makes sense. and obviously it seems to have done welsh oversubscribed. we'll see as you made the point about volatility. we'll see how that shakes out. you know the user base can tend to be not a longer, often tactical trading. it will be a interesting story when it actually issues and shares are freed up. liz: we will know the price is between 31 and $34. we'll see. you're more after value guy. let's talk about what you see
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when you're talking in on growth value, either one of these areas? >> sure, we still, have been for a really long time, it hasn't quite paid off, but we're seeing it now occur here in the first quarter of '24. that is we've seen the market broaden out as a previous guest on your show here today pointed out and we think that trend continues because you have high valuations in the high growth stocks, still 21, 20 two pes, if you look at the value sector, we like values in sectors like energy and large cap financials in particular, large cap financials are in good shape. pes 12, 13 versus 20s. dividends important repeatable cash flow, 3, 3 1/2% dividends those are the things we like. they build resilience in the portfolio and create a more durable portfolio construction as we look forward. liz: we have about 20 seconds left. how many rate cuts are expecting this year by the fed which kicks
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off its meeting tomorrow? >> here is the surprise. we think probably you know, it has to come with a very slow economy. the market is not expecting anything but a soft landing. we're not so sure about that. the fed might hold. not necessarily tighten. tight spreads, record stock market. i'm not sure they're that tight. liz: boy, i know. listen i personally think how can they? it would be a little strange considering how well the economy and the markets are doing. good to see you. [closing bell rings] here is the closing bell. most of the major averages, dow, nasdaq closing higher again. two day fed meeting begins tomorrow. we have minnesota vikings owner mark wilf in a fox business exclusive. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. no matter what the liberal media says trump's bloodbath comment about the chinese attack on the u.s. car business is right o


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