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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 18, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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off its meeting tomorrow? >> here is the surprise. we think probably you know, it has to come with a very slow economy. the market is not expecting anything but a soft landing. we're not so sure about that. the fed might hold. not necessarily tighten. tight spreads, record stock market. i'm not sure they're that tight. liz: boy, i know. listen i personally think how can they? it would be a little strange considering how well the economy and the markets are doing. good to see you. [closing bell rings] here is the closing bell. most of the major averages, dow, nasdaq closing higher again. two day fed meeting begins tomorrow. we have minnesota vikings owner mark wilf in a fox business exclusive. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. no matter what the liberal media says trump's bloodbath comment about the chinese attack on the u.s. car business is right on
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target and speaking of unfree speech the supreme court debates biden collusion with social media companies. judiciary chairman jim jordan will weigh in on it all in just a few moments. finally when will tiktok be sold from the chinese ccp? senator kevin cramer will tell us. we're not a banana republic says israel's benjamin netanyahu about joe biden and chuck schumer. kash patel has more on that. odor of mendacity according to mr. jonathan turley, he will be with us also. first up the supremes hearing arguments on the first amendment today. our own lydia hue is with us. what you got? >> the question today, did the biden administration overstep constitutional boundaries by leaning on social media platforms to silence conservative viewpoints. they debated that question
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through two hours of oral arguments before the bench today. state attorneys general for missouri and louisiana who brought this case along with several private parties are claiming that the biden administration violate first amendment protections by improperly coordinating with social media platforms to remove or limit the communications that the government did not like. the state's pointed to a mountain of evidence, larry, that included government e-mails showing officials demanding that platforms remove certain posts or accounts and statements from white house officials suggesting that social media companies should be held liable for so-called misinformation. from the bench the justices appeared divided, some convinced that government officials should be able to persuade companies not to pull like information. justices brett kavanaugh and elena kagan compared the interactions between the government and social media platforms to communications
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government officials share with news outlets, when, for example, a news story could have a dangerous impact. their questions suggest that efforts by officials to influence coverage can be valuable. but it was justice samuel alito appears sympathetic to the states their argument first amendment rights have been trampled. alito reminded the court about section 230 protects social media companies from liability and has been the subject of scrutiny. here is his take. >> only reason why this is taking places because the federal government has got section 230 and antitrust in its pocket and it's, to mix my metaphors, it has these big clubs available to it and so it's treating facebook and these other platforms like they're subordinates. >> reporter: justice alito suggested that "the new york times" or "the wall street journal" would not have been subjected to the
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same type of pressure campaign that the social media companies experienced, suggesting social media companies experienced far too too much from the biden administration. we expect a decision early this summer. larry: early this summer. thank you very much, lydia hu which appreciate it. just a couple thoughts from me. of course the liberal mainstream media quoting donald trump completely out of context with his bloodbath comment. anybody who actually listened to what he said, even the dummies in the liberal media no full well that mr. trump was referring to the assault on the u.s. car business from china and their latest ploy to assemble and sell cars in mexico to come into the u.s. tariff-free. take a listen to what he said for yourself. here it comes. >> now we're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line. and you're not going too be able to sell those cars. if i get elected. now if i don't get elected it
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will be a bloodbath for the whole, that will be the least of it. it will be a bloodbath for the country. that will be the least of it but they're not going to sell those cars. larry: clearly, mr. trump was talking about a bloodbath in the u.s. car business and it's important also, that he said he would stop the chinese auto onslaught using mexico illegally as a launching point for cheap cars exported to the u.s. which should be a violation of usmca agreement and the former president said, if they, the chinese continue this subterfuge, he would slap up to 100% tariffs on these chinese-made cars. all right. i think that is correct. now here's mr. trump's own response, let me quote. the fake news media and their democrat partners in the destruction of our nation pretended to be shocked at my use of the word bloodbath even though they fully understood that i was simply referring to
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imports allowed by crooked joe biden which are killing the automobile industry, end quote. and free trade objections notwithstanding i say mr. trump would be exactly right because it's a case of our adversary or enemy china, not acting in any reciprocal free trade manner. remember mr. trump's key word on trade is reciprocity. if another country harms the u.s. with higher tariffs or subsidies or other non-tariff actions then the u.s. must retaliate reciproally. in other words, defend america's interests. the bidens don't do this but trump would. for those skeptics who think tariffs being used to negotiate america's reciprocity, mr. trump has been talking about a middle class tax cut, perhaps a payroll tax cut, that would be funded by potentially enormous budget cuts and savings.
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it's the middle class that does pay the bulk of overall tax burdens. so if a trade tariff is implemented, a payroll tax cut would offset any possible tariff tax hike. meanwhile it would be win-win, for the u.s. in trade reciprocity terms and pro-growth tax cut terms. now here's the real meaning of what the president was saying in ohio. the other point is, the liberal media will do anything to take a trump statement out of context and try to bash it. they will do anything else to distract from trump's immensely popular policies, protecting america from unfair trading practices, cutting taxes for the middle class, impounding massive budget, biden budget overspending, closing the border and ending the biden illegal immigration crime crisis and oh, by the way, defending israel, which is the only democracy in the middle east and one of america's greatest friends internationally. these are enormously popular
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policies. they would promote economic growth at home, pay raises for the working class, safety for all families, restoring america's standing overseas. liberals know how popular these policies are. that's why they keep defending joe biden's goofiness and all the biden support for two-tiered justice system that would throw trump in jail for 700 years, and take all his cash away. basically, folks, ignore the liberal media. don't read it. stay with the conservative viewpoint. that is the only be a objective game in town and that's my riff, there, i said it. all right, joining me now house judiciary committee chair mr. jim jordan, welcome back to the show, mr. chairman. >> good to be with you, larry, well-said too, well-said. larry: thanks. i want to talk to you about this bloodshed thing, this whole statement. i want to get to the supreme court in a minute. i know it is important to you and important to everybody but on what trump said about
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bloodshed and so forth they're taking it completely out of context. this is typical of what the liberal media does. >> i was there, larry. as soon as he said it, the left will run with this. they will turn it into something it isn't. the context was clear, talking about trade with china, talking about auto industry are are clear as could be, sure enough they will do it. left has a template. left will till a lie, big media will tell the lie. when we tell the truth they attack us even more. the country is wise so it. the context is clear. flynn who watches gets it. this is how the legacy media and mainstream press and left are going to operate. larry: you were actually there in the ohio with the speech? >> yes. as soon as he said it they will take the term bloodbath turn it into something that wasn't. you knew it would happen. i was sitting there with senator
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vance and marino. the candidate who will win tomorrow. they will take the one word and run with that and make sitting that it isn't. larry: the thing is, i think he is right. i'm a free trader in theory. the fact is if the chinese cheat and they are now assembling cars and exporting their cars, cheap subsidized cars into the united states. i think it is a violation of the usmca, and i think trump is right. we should retaliate? >> i agree. larry: they're break the deal. if he has to go to 100% tariffs so be it, jim jordan. i think he is right. this bloodbath thing that the lefty media is running it, they're trying to obscure this important trade point. >> well-said. i'm with you, larry. i'm with the president. we saw him, we saw you guys do this in the first term, cut taxes, put in smart trade policies. we're for free trade.
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we're for smart trade. sometimes you have use tariffs. he did it for whirlpool. did it for one place in america we put together abrams tanks, lima, ohio. that is pro-family, pro-growth, the kind of policies you had when you were with president trump, doing things that made good common sense but not this administration unfortunately. larry: what about this idea of a middle class tax cut a payroll tax cut? suppose, we're doing some work on this. we're doing some noodling and good pencil work. i don't want to break up the social security entitlements, but the fact is the middle class pays most of the payroll tax. if i cut the payroll tax, if the trump administration cut the payroll tax, we offset it with budget savings there, is so much waste, fraud, abuse, subsidies, green new deal nonsense i think that would work.
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we would be giving working folks a tax cut for a change. >> here is what i know the tax cuts we got when you were in the white house with president trump, helped families keep more money, worked across all demographics in our population. letting moms and dads, businesses keep more of their money to we can grow and a roaring economy we had four years ago for heaven's sakes. that makes sense. what the specific tax cuts are, i let you and experts figure out. what i know letting moms and dads keep more of their money is a good thing. right now the worst tax of you will is inflation, take your family out to dinner. goodness sakes, what it cost to take your family out to dinner is unbelievable. americans know that the worst tax of all is the one joe biden put on them, this big inflationary tax. larry: let's go to the supreme court. somebody said you were there today during this hearing. >> yeah. larry: okay, good.
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so the collusion between the biden administration and various high-tech social media companies, i mean, i think with respect to covid vaccinations, forcing the social media, facebook in particular, also the old twitter, they have gone after the nra, what is going to happen here, what is your read during the supreme court hearing today? >> well the big takeaway was actually judge ketanji brown jackson, what she said something i couldn't believe. she actually said to the solicitor general to the state of louisiana, he said your position on the first amendment, you have the first amendment hamstringing the government. think about that, larry, that is what the first amendment is supposed to do for goodness sakes. she actually said that, oh, my goodness. that was pretty scary. judge alito had it right. this was government pressuring big tech to censor their political opposition. the way they, the leverage they had as judge alito said they had
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section 230 and of course the antitrust in their back pocket to use implied, if you don't do what we want we can -- in fact we have an email from nick college, one of the people at meta, we have bigger fish to fry. we is may have to go along with the government. there is other concerns here. i think that what is judge alito said, that is a big concern. day three from the biden administration, email from the white house, january 23rd, 2021, email from twitter take down this tweet asab. the tweet was from robert kennedy, jr. hank aaron took the back seat, to encourage americans vaccinated. the statements were true. the government didn't like what it said. they tried to take it down. if you step back and think about it, larry, they were going after the very guy that would run against them in the presidential primary. that is frightening. that is what the first amendment is supposed to protect, political speech.
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here they were on day three going after their political opposition. larry: listen, we'll talk about the stench of lawfare later. we have jonathan turley. they are trying to do the same thing to trump, throw him in jail for 700 years, take away all his cash, bankrupt him, it is two-tear justice system. we are running over, we'll run the quote of katanji brown. take a listen to this. >> i guess some might say that the government actually has a duty to take steps to protect the citizens of this country and you seem to be suggesting that that duty cannot manifest itself in the government encouraging or even pressuring platforms to take down harmful information. larry: yeah. so i always thought the private sector had a duty to express its own opinion and that was a foil for the government power. this is not the soviet union, at least not yet, thank goodness.
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>> right. jonathan turley talks about sensorship by surrogate. you can't do something through private entities you can't do on your own. that is what is happening here. pressure and coercion from the government, suggestions from the government, that is scary. you know, what is the old line gingrich had, if the irs shows up at your door, fbi shows up at your door, knocks on your door, answer at the door, your first response is typically not oh joy, one of my public servants is here to ten me today. just the fact that the fbi is suggesting something sends a huge message. i think that is coercion in of itself, part of the argument you heard from the solicitor general from louisiana. that is scary stuff. for the supreme court justice to suggest otherwise, say the first amendment is hamstringing the government, if that is happening that is exactly what is supposed to happen under the first amendment. larry: yes, sir. jim jordan, chairman of the house judiciary committee. thank you, sir as always. >> you bet. thank you, larry.
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larry: folks, next on "kudlow," whennistic tock going to be sold from the chinese ccp? we've got senator kevin crimer will tell us. catch "kudlow" monday through friday 4:00 p.m. here on fox business. if you can't catch us at 4:00, just text your favorite nine-year-old, she will show you how to dvr the show, you will never miss a thing including protecting america against china everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. uuu, this looks romantic. [bell sounds] welcome, i'm your host, jacob.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity.
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their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. larry: so whennistic tock going to be sold from the chinese ccp, aka sell bytedance? let's ask north dakota senator kevin cramer. mr. crime cramer, welcome back to the show. whennistic tock going to be sold? >> larry as you know the house overwhelmingly passed the legislation to set the table for that to happen. now the legislation comes to the senate we're duty-bound to slow it down by process, by tradition, the way the institution operates. i don't know when it will happen, larry, but i do believe the house created enough momentum, i think there is a growing awareness of a problem with the ccp's ownership and control overbite dance and as a result tiktok we have to take our duty to secure the country,
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to protect the country from all enemies foreign and domestic as ahead of those first amendment rights so many people like to tell which are important, for sure, larry, they're important. but eliminating tiktok, at least making tiktok an american company will not rob anybody of their first amendment rights. it will just help secure the united states of america. that is my view. i think it will be a more modest version probably than the house bill. often times that's the result in the senate but we need to do something. larry: you think the senate bill might give more time, what was the house bill, six months? i think the private investment sector is going to work on the bytedance sale. it is not an easy sale as you know, the chinese oppose it. >> right. larry: if you extended the selling point in your senate legislation, i don't think that would be the worst thing in the world? >> it might not be, larry. obviously there are a lot of americans interested. a lot of entrepreneurs obviously. elon musk already stepped up.
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there will be others i'm sure interested in it or some group of people that will be interested in it. those deals don't get put together quickly as you know. the financing doesn't come together quickly. there are a lots of regulatory, the united states will overregulate if no one else. it might be a matter of giving more time for the sale to take place. at the same time you don't like to give the ccp more time to use their algorithms to socialize their data to steal whatever they can so it's a fine balance. we'll have a robust discussion for sure in the senate. it's already begun but hopefully we can move forward. senator schumer has not yet said he will even bring it to the floor so we have work to do. the president does support it. that should help us. larry: the interesting part of the story is joe biden he is in favor, woe sign the house bill. since i favor the house bill that puts me in league with joe biden which is an interesting point but i call them as i see them. i think biden is right on this
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and i can't imagine chuck schumer is going to go against biden's wishes? >> well if joe biden's watching this show he might change his mind if you're on board with him. you have to be careful. larry: [laughter]. you know when he gets it right, i know it is rare, when he gets it right i have to say he got it right. maybe he will turn against it. kevin cramer, let me switch gears, you know, calling on your energy expertise. there is a bill out there, you will love this senator, biden wants eight billion dollars for his climate corps which would include 50,000 new climate activists. that is more than nasa and epa combined. so we have 50,000 of these little climate people running around the country, overturning laws and regulations and probably working to fix elections and interfere with elections. so what's up with this climate
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corps and senator cramer, can you kill it? >> well we have to kill it. the last thing the country needs are 50,000 more climate activists being paid by tax dollars that we can't afford by the way in a workforce that is already constrained which is one of the things holding back the growth of our economy. this thing is wrong on sew many levels. the honest truth the government already incentivize this is kind of activity. we're seeing it all the time in north dakota. you look at all of the people -- remember, we have a climate czar as a result of this president. thank god bob kerrey, john kerry finally retired. gina mccarthy was the first climate secretary in the white house. he is already creating positions to lead this crusade if you will. last thing we need 50,000 more paid bureaucrats running around the country, frankly for the most part don't even know what they're talking about but happy to take the cash. larry: and they will interfere with the legislation, you wait
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and, that is what this is all about. this is 50,000 left-wing democrat progreg serves activists -- progressive activists who will hear vest votes and lord knows what else. senator cramer, thank you very much. >> my pleasure. larry: coming up here on "kudlow," israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu tells joe biden and chuck schumer and i quote, we are not a banana republic, all right? we'll talk about that with kash patel. plus mark levin argues that the justice department has become the rogue operation of the government under joe biden. we've got liz peek and batya ungar-sargon all to weigh in all when "kudlow" returns. when "kudlow" returns. 50,000 climb at activists holy cow. ed a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds.
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larry: all right, president biden and israel prime minister netanyahu spoke over the phone today. it's the first time since february and this is after netanyahu called the, told biden and schumer, we are not a banana republic. fox news peter doocy standing by at the white house with the latest. peter, what happened to the bananas in the republic after this phone call? >> reporter: larry, it has been 32 days since the two of these guys talked. we're told the call was business-like, president biden used opportunity to tell netanyahu if he is going into rafah after hamas he needs to have a thorough humanitarian plan in place after netanyahu brought up chuck schumer's recent comments on the senate into about new elections in israel to get rid of him. >> the prime minister did raise his concerns about a variety of things that have come out in the
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american press. >> reporter: there is this other thing that has come out in the american press, president biden's anger boiling over in private. according to a report by nbc news specifically when aides tell him his handling of the war is costing him votes in places like michigan. >> the quote is he began to shout and swear. so when he does that, is he shouting and swearing about netanyahu or about hamas or about his poll numbers? >> this is when did you stop beating your spouse question because i don't think he ever did that and so -- you used that as the premise of your question, when he does that, i have never seen him do that, shout or swear in response to that, from my perspective that particular report is not correct. >> reporter: there have been various reports about president biden's frustration behind the scenes with benjamin netanyahu dating back to last year but the national security advisor has not seen that in his dealings with the president, larry? >> peter, sullivan says in your
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clip that they talked about a lot of things. i'm sure they talked about a lot of things. do you think they talked about schumer calling for new elections in israel? >> reporter: yeah, i do and it just is, it is putting president biden in a really tough spot because whatever he he is telling netanyahu while he is frustrated with him the public line continues to be, they have calculated the public line has to be that israel can continue doing whatever they have to do to defend themselves and go after these hamas terrorists. there is huge disagreement privately and publicly how to do it. larry: peter doocy in washington, thank you ever so much as always, we appreciate it. let's talk a little more about this with our pal kash patel, former deputy director of national intelligence, chief of staff of the defense department and at author of, government gangsters. kash, welcome back. i'm going to surmise this
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schumer business, biden backed up schumer no matter what happened on this phone call, this is not only about the invasion in southern gaza, right, rafah, finishing off hamas, which is about a two-state solution which israel totally opposes? >> you're absolutely right. they're making no secrets about it. joe biden's foreign policy is on full display for the world to see. president biden admitted before senator schumer went to the floor and made these completely impermissible and improperly statements about changing the you're of a sovereign nation they spoke through each other with their staff, joe biden as commander-in-chief could have stopped him. instead he coddled him and encouraged him to take this sort of action because he knowses that is the front line message they want in the media to carry the day which is this two-state solution and it is holy not the answer for the war that happened
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on joe biden's watch. we have american hostages stranded there. joe biden is talking about a two-state solution and change of leadership. maybe if he took time on the phone call with benjamin netanyahu they could figure out a way to get american citizens home. the priority is our doctor interests and our allies and taking out the terrorists and they don't know that. larry: just one more bite of the apple, two-state solution, the palestine authority whatever they call themselves is corrupt as you can imagine and it will be, it is today, terrorist-run. iran will finance them as they have been even more. i mean a two-state solution means that israel somehow has to share the governance with terrorists which is exactly what they don't want to do and why they're cleaning out hamas. this is the part that i don't get. it is as clear as can be yet guys like schumer and biden, i assume this jake sullivan and whatever, they want to do this to israel. like punishing israel.
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>> they have cord made this from the obama administration. these guys are the architects of the jpcpoa, given iran path to nuclear weapons. what did joe biden do when he was commander in chief, he delisted terrorist organizations that started this war, flooded iran and ayatollahs with six billion dollars in cash, lifting the sanctions regime and their money. they are singularly responsible for this war and their casualties. to your point they overly politicized the department of defense and intelligence appat race to deliver to two-state solution they have been offering for at least a decade. i'm with you, i have no idea why they want terrorists at the helm of one of our great allies in their backyard. that is what hamas is and their leadership. larry: thanks, kash, for clarifying everything. we'll switch gears. liz peek, fox news contributor,
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and batya ungar-sargon journalist, author, author of second class how the elites betrayed america's men and women. speaking of elites, i want to start with a clip of the great mark levin and two-tiered justice system and what they're doing to donald trump. take a listen to levine, please. >> the department of justice has become the rogue operation of the federal government under joe biden and his attorney general merrick garland. it is controlled by the democrat party and the radical left. it is destroying the 2024 election. it is violating every norm, every tradition, everything it inherited to insure that that department could be trustworthy and could be reliable but it has criminalized politics. larry: all right, we're going to come back after this and talk to the great jonathan turley who wrote a piece about the odor of mendacity. but look, you think levin is wrong on this, liz peek, i will start with you? flat is he wrong on this?
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>> oh, no, by the way i think it has all backfired. look at donald trump's approval ratings, right? every time he gets indicted other slammed by another judge his approval ratings go you because americans like fair play. this is not fair play from the beginning of all the various lawsuits, all of which, jonathan turley has been excellent on all of this, they're so fragile, made up, every single one. even "the new york times" described as last minute rearranging the facts and legal procedures to come up with something to charge him with. when you have d.a.s running expressly to get donald trump how is that the legal system anyone can have faith in, larry? look the fact that fani willis and wade, all these people have spent time in the white house with the white house staff con connecting these charges is a really key point and everybody is offensive. larry: you see this for what it is, liz is right, it all comes out of the white house, that's
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all, pure and simple but they want to throw trump in jail for 700 years, take all his cash away, all his businesses away. i see this, not only as a perversion two-tiered justice system which is bad enough but also a distraction from the issues where it is so popular. trump is arguing for middle class tax cuts, close the border, stop the immigrant related crime, improve our relations overseas, help israel. in other words, his issues are so popular that i think the bidens are deliberately distracting with all of this judicial nonsense? >> it's so appalling because if you look just at trump's policies he is the consensus candidate joe biden pretended to be. he is running where 70% of the american people are at. if you just look at policy and the democrats cannot stand that, that he has shown up and
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collected the working class that they abandoned and so they have to invent outrage after outrage, after outrage and lawfare and add everything on, they want him in jail, you're absolutely right, for having the chutzpah and showing up to represent the american people. larry: is it chutzpah or chutzpah. you said chutzpah? i will defer to you. i love that word, i use it. i mispronounced it. it is a great word. you're exactly right. >> one thing, larry. larry: on chutzpah. >> on the documents case, right? joe biden is left off because he is an old man which i find a pretty ridiculous thing. let's remember this has not been in the news for a long time, merrick garland sat on the fact that they discovered secret documents in biden's office in penn center, until after the midterm elections. it was leaked by a network. they weren't even going to tell anybody.
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larry: bat batya, we have less than a minute to go, this bloodbath business, china violated trade agreements, media trying to make out of national issue, bloodbath, what do you make of that? >> i'm glad you came out in favor of tariffs, larry. what a win. larry: offset by tax cuts which i like you know? we all evolve. we all have shuts cuts paw and we all evolve into chutzpah. >> we're back in 2016, protecting middle class jobs and wages what do they have to do? the left-wing media, the same people who want the cheap cars from china, they have to create outrage to distract from the fact that he is protecting the american working class while they are selling them out. that's what is happening. larry: i think that's right, a
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big distraction. what you're saying, 30 seconds. chinese cars, heavily subsidized so they're cheap, you talked about how they're invading europe with this. >> yes. larry: using assembly and selling them out of mexico, which gives them the cover of usmca. >> exactly. larry: trump is right to attack that, isn't he? he is 100% right? >> absolutely. guess what the detroit is the issue here. our automakers are in big, big trouble. they're not doing terribly well because of ev mandates. it will get worse if a chinese flood of cars. larry: nobody wants an ev. go on the street, ask them randomly, do you want an electric vehicle? no one wants an ev. >> looks remind me of the seven yet, what was that horrible car -- >> jetta. larry: what was it called? jett. >> they insisted people buy that. larry: liz peek, batya
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ungar-sargon, terrific we appreciate it. coming up the great jonathan turley. he says there is an odor of mendacity from georgia to new york about these law cases from trump. he have joins us next. remember, "kudlow" is available as a podcast, etch seweds are available every weekday right after our show on spotify, apple and i am a perfect podcast. we'll be right back. progressive make ♪.
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larry: all right, the great jonathan turley writes in "the hill," i will quote, from georgia to new york, 2024, no, redo. jonathan turley writes, the odor of mendacity from georgia to new york. jonathan joins me. we have a quote. hang on, jonathan, we want do this. george washington university law professor, constitutional professor. for many citizens, mendacity or dishonesty it wafting through various courtrooms around the country. the owed door is becoming intolerable with many americans as selective prosecution is being raised in a wide array of cases. jonathan, as i read the article, we've got a case in new york, we've got a case in washington, we've got a case in georgia,
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even the case in south florida, i know you're not crazy about the phrase, two-tiered justice system, but it just kind of looks like that's what's happening? >> larry, it is becoming increasingly difficult to deny that we have a legal system now that is being heavily distorted by politics and you cannot look at all of these cases and see blind justice. you see the opposite. you see a justice that is being weaponized. and in many ways the democrats fulfill the narrative of president trump. he is now right. no matter what they thought about it at the beginning they proved him to be right with this pile-on from florida to georgia, to washington, d.c., to new york and most of the public gets it. you've got this weird disconnect. in new york city itself they still love this. they love the fact that they had an attorney general who quite
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literally ran a campaign on selective prosecution. that is what it means when you say, i'm going to bag donald trump. i don't know what for but if you elect me, i'm going to get him. that's running on selective prosecution. and obviously that is quite thrilling for many people in new york but as the effect in places like manhattan, is to turn it into the island of you know, "lord of the flies." you know, you are pursuing an individual all around the island to their great joy when the rest of us look on with horror. i mean you don't have to like donald trump to have strong reservations. larry: right. >> about what we're seeing in the legal system. larry: you know, just on that in new york all of a sudden out of the blue if i get this right, the u.s. attorney's office fines of tens of thousands of pages should been put into discovery
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in the first place. even, even alvin bragg's district attorney's office, they found tens of thousands that somehow wasn't put into discovery. now it is. so this trial will be delayed for a long time and jonathan, just to add on to, tack on to that, i'm not the lawyer, you're the attorney, these other cases are all being delayed, either supreme court reviews or documents, or crazy arguments where they should have thrown out the prosecutors in georgia with this fani willis case. like it is all breaking down is the point i'm making. i'm a non-lawyer. i look at this stuff, it is all breaking down. that is what is seems to me. >> you know the reason all of these cases are having problems is in part because they are improvizational. what bragg's doing has not been done in the past. what james did has nod -- not happened before. that is creating a series of
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novel issues. i think the public can see that as well. will he have a trouble before the election? it's possible but with this pile-on it may be becoming increasingly irrelevant to voters. i think they have so damaged the image of the legal system both in the federal and state process, that many voters no longer trust these cases or these courts. i mean we have to wait and see if new york still has a judge or two that's willing to say enough. larry: ah, right. >> when you are forcing someone to come up with half a billion dollars just to get an appeal? someone has to say enough. this is not what new york is supposed to be. larry: i am staggered on that point alone, that the new york bar association, one of the oldest bar associations in the country, jonathan, as you know, that, that group should be out there criticizing what bragg is doing and they didn't. they haven't said a single word.
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i think that is kind of quasi-pathetic. >> i think this is the test of principling. it is when principle takes you to a place you don't want to be. obviously the new york bar doesn't like trump but this is the test of your principle. what's being done here is wrong. lawyers have got to come forward and say, the novelty, the excessiveness of these cases is too much for a legal system. larry: i know. yes, it is about trump but in the broader sense, in the long run it is not about trump. it is about the law and the legal system and who, nobody want to tear that down. i mean let's go back to magna carta, trial by jury. that's what is so great about the english speaking legal system. i don't know. i know a little bit of law, jonathan. not like you. i got to get out of here. jonathan turley thank you for your time as always. folks i will be right back with my last word. maybe on the law
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