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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 19, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪. maria: good tuesday morning everyone. thank you for joining us this morning.
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i am maria bartiromo tuesday march 19, your top stories right now, 6:00 a.m. on the east co coast. the fed and focus, futures indicating again at the start of trading, take a look, as the central banks march meeting begins today at 9:00 a.m. eastern the markets are lower the dow industrial down 56, the nasdaq 1055 and s&p 500 lower by 11 and three quarters. the meeting is coming up and were watching for any clarity on when the federal reserve cut interest rates this year. data on deck housing starts and building permits 8:30 a.m. eastern. european markets are mixed. eurozone next down two points, the cat crown up to 20 and dax higher by 30 points. the bank of england will make the right decision on thursday. in asia overnight markets finish mostly lower, the bank of japan raising interest rates for the first time in 17 years. that has the average overnight up two thirds of 8%, the others
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were lower. the worst performer hong kong with the decline of one and a quarter percent. back at home, house foreign affairs committee holding a hearing on president biden's disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan nearly three years ago. house republicans are urging the budget administration to take immediate action against the new potential haitian migrant crisis pouring across the u.s. border to no avail. instead biden fuming over his plummeting poll numbers as many charges foreign policy decisions as the reason u.s. adversaries have become more aggressive. the supreme court taken up censorship during covid and whether the budget administration violated the first amendment, free speech with it censorship on social media. one of the conversational morning long new york city council majority leader joe borelli, michael e strategy founder michael lee and fox business cheryl casone. "mornings with maria" is live right now.
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♪. maria: time for the hot topic of hour. president biden hitting the campaign trail as he heads west for three day tour. the campaign team telling fox they want an aggressive posture going into 2024. it's going to take a rel relents effort to reach the voters but the white house is not giving details when the president will do a news conference again. edward lawrence questioning karine jean-pierre about this yesterday. watch. >> when will the president hold another news conference so we can ask a question without having helicopters in the background. >> it have anything to share obvious. the president as you reducing he
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takes questions pretty regularly and enjoys having engagement with all of you. i don't have a press conference to lay out for you. >> is our talk of one. >> i don't have anything as a president enjoys engaging with all of you on a regular basis and he will continue to do that. i think i have to go. maria: joe borelli i'm not sure she's referring to that the president takes all these questions on a regular basis i have not seen any of that. maybe when he's walking air force one he'll take a question when is going on the airplane but he does not take questions regularly at all what is she talking about. >> one thing symbolic of this a administration that the president does not take questions. he is not taking questions like president trump did certainly not like president obama or anyone in the modern presidential era. karine jean-pierre is not even go to what she does because these are things that are easily fact checkable and lucidly not helping biden doing messaging,
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she should be out there trying to find ways to distract people from the fact that he's not taking questions not outright saying he's taking them. maria: she just says things and she just thinks were to believe everything she says. >> a lot of the mainstream media does take them at their word but the knee of edward lawrence from fox business asking the wrong questions, peter doocy asking the real questions and this is the strategy and we know this will be the campaign strategy until november and the campaign from the basement we talked about that already because he had so many missteps in front of the reporters, so many missteps in the go to try to hide him and protect him as best as they can. maria: axios is reporting on the massive rivalry between president obama and comparing himself to his former boss behind closed doors, biden does. biden aid saying obama and his team did not appreciate biden's experience with foreign policy
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congress and gripping grim politicking were disrespectful hours after that report obama was seen at london's ten downing street for a surprise meeting with uk prime minister rishi sunak. this is interesting, what is president obama doing meeting with the sitting prime minister of the uk. >> there was always a huge rivalry between these two that whole best friends was a sharad. barack obama was into joe biden because joe biden from an intellectual standpoint he's an idiot that guy knows how to do backroom deals and enriches family on the back of his government positions and prior to his steep mental decline when you get him in a room he was charismatic and excellent retail politician but in terms of obama thinking he's the smartest guy in the room at all times really
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resented having joe biden with him. all of the factors have led to trump leading substantially in the polls are likely to get worse for joe biden as we head into november. it's going to be really hard to reverse any of these trends that we seen in the swing states because the quality of life of the average working man and woman in the country has been devastated will joe biden has been president. maria: can you imagine the storm that would've happened if president trump had a casual meeting with the sitting prime minister of the uk. i heard uk citizens were not happy they were probably sitting there plotting how to stop donald trump. >> exactly another thing that is interesting. if you go back to the campaign of 2020. remember how long it took barack obama to endorse anyone because at the time the relationship, we've known their relationship
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was not good axios is doing new reporting but we know for a while. at that time there was a lot of chatter that obama's were actually more excited about kamala harris as a candidate and ended up being biden. maria: kamala harris was obama's pick. but i think he wants susan rice in there. and when she left the white house that's when it hit me they might want to put susan rice out there to run for president because she left and she said i'm leaving because i'm going to work on the campaign and never to be heard from again literally never to be heard from again she says she's working on the campaign but you never heard from her again. were just getting started we have a lot coming up, the wall street journal corresponded nick timiraos is with us the federal reserve's march meeting begins today. we will hear from jay powell afternoon. then the power panel is back at 8:00 a.m. eastern. arkansas governor mike huckabee with steamboat institute kaylee
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mcghee white. they will be with me for the entire a.m. hour with their thoughts on the stories of the day. you're watching "mornings with . we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ so i started preparing physically and financially. then you came along and made every mile worth it. hi mom. at vanguard you're more than just an investor, you're an owner.
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maria: let's take a look at futures ahead of the fed meeting, dow industrials down 33, the nasdaq is down 44 and s&p 500 down by eight and a quarter. interest rates have been hovering the elevated levels take a look at the ten year
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treasury example .31% as the federal reserve kicks off of the two-day monetary policy meeting this morning kicking an awful hear from the fed tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, 2:30 p.m. the fed is widely central widely expected to hold interest-rate study for the fifth consecutive meeting, the futures market pricing in a 50% chance for a rate cut in june, the wall street journal chief economic and sport enter correspondent and trigonometry out, nick timiraos back with us, thank you so much for being here. i want to get to your new piece in the journal this morning, you rate the fed is playing a waiting game moderate cuts in the looking ahead to recession risks. you say that the fed is not going to discuss recession possibilities today but what is the likelihood that we could see a recession which probably would force the feds and further to cut interest rates.
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>> it with the fed is in a better position than they were a year ago because a year ago inflation was running more than double their target for a half% inflation and they were in interest-rate just below that, the challenge now even though they can cut if there's a recession, there is no recession or sign of weakness you stay where you are and they're concerned that you overstay your welcome if you stay there too long things begin to weaken and you have to cut aggressively. once things slow down a little bit they tend to feed on themselves on appointment rate goes up by a little bit and it tends to go up by a lot. maria: i guess things are getting complicated now because things have not gone exactly the way the fed wanted. we had hotter than expected readings on inflation this week. certainly the cpi. that is causing some people to raise questions about whether or
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not inflation will get to the target. i spoke with jim grant of grants interest-rate observer, watch this. >> you're not expected to cut in rates anytime soon. >> no. they might decide that three issue is fine. maria: 3% inflation? >> and to focus on financial stability and where to find it. however, i think there's a chance that the fed raises if they are confronted with an accelerating rate of inflation. have a feeling they have no choice and choose to say the 3.2% could not go up living 80-dollar oil price, no longer 70. maria: what about that. he said the fed could say 3% inflation is a target and maybe we will raise interest rates instead of cutting them. >> i don't think the fed is going to change their target it is a risk that the slowdown in inflation that you saw at the
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end of last year does not continue so i think march inflation report will be very important because if the fed is going to cut in june they will want to tee it up before they do it later want to take people by surprise they want people to understand what they're doing and they're going to need a credible justification for starting rate cuts. if the economy is not slowing down the march inflation in april inflation report will be very important. january and february were firmer than expected so the question is are those the blips for the slowdown of the end of last year too good to be true, maybe overselling the progress that we thought we had on inflation, the risk here would not be so much that the fed raises interest rates again. you would need to see a supply shock and something pretty unexpected happening but the risk is the fed will postpone the cuts that are priced in and
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delay the cuts that they projected in their own economic projections and that's where the real focuses on the meeting tomorrow there is an extraordinary amount of attention on whether fed officials will project and half of them put down three rate cuts as they had in december or whether break down fewer of two rate cuts. it's a huge amount of interest in this and i think there is a risk for the markets because sometimes those dots the interest-rate projections can wrongfooted the market about where the fed is is a bottoms up exercise they don't sit around and strategize around the chessboard were there to put their dots. that is seen from the forward guidance of the committee that's what we have to go one. look at where oil is in the last cpi number a big bulk of the move was because of energy prices and oil is at $81 a
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barrel. if oil stays where it is you expect inflation to truly continue to come down or will we see more hot readings? >> if oil stays where it is. eventually the price is not going up anymore so that's less of a concern. i think the focus is on housing housing has been expected to come down but has not then on goods, goods have been close to deflation we have seen no increase in goods prices over the last year and if the good sector of the economy heats up you could see higher prices for goods in the high service prices would need to come down to offset the increase in goods prices. think with the fed is focused can we continue the deflation are basically no inflation in goods and yet housing to slow down, there is concern about sticky inflation in the non- housing services and i think the question how much is a reflection of higher wages
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versus an echo effect from the high prices that we first saw and the goods in the housing sector. maria: i know brent has stopped going up but it takes a while to ripple through the numbers. we will probably see rent at better numbers we saw in the last report. before you go i have to ask about the bank of japan raising interest rates in the first time in 17 years finally ending the global era of negative rates were getting your from the bank of england on thursday expected to hold interest-rate study at five-point to 5%. what are your thoughts on the move in japan? >> it was fairly well telegraphed, that's why you're not seeing a big overnight market reaction. it is the end of an era. i think the verdict is still out on whether negative interest-rate policy was a success and what got us out of negative interest-rate policy was not aggressive spending
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because of monetary policy it was the pandemic and supply shock that followed and i think there will still be some time before we have a full answer on whether what the bank of japan did was a success and they have wage inflation which they wanted to see. it'll be interesting to see how the central bank manages through the next. maria: we will leave it there, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. nick timorous wall street journal we will talk soon. we'll be right back. at ameriprise financial our advice is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal.
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there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening. maria: welcome back united airlines is attempting to reassure passengers following multflight and safety problems n the jets this year. more training for pilots a technician in a memo to customers scott kirby writes that she could be confident every time united plane pulls away from the gate everyone on our team is working together to keep you safe on your trip. united airlines has had ten incidents in the past two weeks including one plane losing attire shortly after takeoff, joining the new jersey congressman jeff van drew it ahead of the transportation committee. thank you for being here, good
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to see you. >> it to be with you. >> without a lot of issues for planes and boeing planes in the debacle there. but if you going to the transportation committee and what should we be understanding better about the oversight of the planes. it's gotten downright scary to fly these days. >> it is in the ceo saying we should all be confident, let me tell you as congressman on the transportation committee i am not confident. china is working hard and they're getting into the airline industry, china is not worried about up giant social experiment, they want to have the best planes, the fastest planes, the safest, the most cutting-edge. that should be the american policy in the american philosophy and that's what the united states of america has stood up for whether our military or in our private sector but now were having a giant social experiment, were
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globalizing we are sending out trying to get the cheapest parts and materials that we can and worst of all were having the social experiment within boeing. they're more concerned if you look at what they put online over the last few years about di and are we looking like the cool kids on the block in all the right things to say, dmf were not careful working to rely on china just as we are for the batteries in electric cars. it's going to happen with transportation as well were good rely on china for our airlines. if i was to say anything, cut it out worry about having the best. maria: this is incredible that you think that china is going to eat into the u.s. market share in terms of planes but it's even more stunning that you think that boeing has been using gei practices and the new woke is
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and that's partly to blame for the mistakes or the issues with planes? is that what you're saying. >> absolutely it is, when you hire somebody to work with you at your new station are you hiring the best person in the shortest person or a range of other issues? the most important thing to people, all americans that we have the safest and best planes. if you look at a lot of information, but talk about this for a couple of years you have the sites for boeing and they were speaking about all this other stuff than they were really talking about what's most important to every single american who they are what they believe or whether from intimate sugar and a safe airplane, cut it out, do your job but this is happening in the military as well in unfortunately in our budget and appropriation bills chocked full of all these bills
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of different areas are all kinds of gei requirements and personnel being hired for gei we're focusing on the wrong stuff we are not a giant social experiment. maria: that is a major charge on boeing to say that they are focused on the wrong things in terms of hiring gei woke people and that's put them at a disadvantage and put safety in question. cheryl casone the you were a flight attendant. do you hear that as well that gei is being put into the airlines right now. >> it's been discussed as far as the practices of boeing within the plants as well the whistleblower was also, the production capacity boeing and safety practices at the plants and one of the big focuses. that is gei but the other issue is oversight by the faa and that the federal level were you when
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your colleagues can really make a difference here, the faa has done a poor job of monitoring what's happening at the plants at boeing in the airlines how they're maintaining the air aircraft. >> we gotta get back on target. i have been dealing and keep discussing with faa. in my district we have one of the largest faa that does a range of different things and by and large a lot of good people that work there. it speaks to a bigger issue. as america get to be the country that still competes and is the best and is exceptional or will we fall to a global economic mediocrity and that is what really matters. and what were doing with car batteries in general with china will we be the best or not.
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i'm still hoping we could be the best but we gotta cut the stuff out. >> it also raises the question what is beijing have on joe biden nyc soft on communist china, given all of his business, the ev in climate change agenda the batteries are made in china and were more reliant if a fact joe biden's agenda is going to permeate. hunter biden's business partner eric schwerin has been described as a moneyman or an architect of the shell companies, he told lawmakers that vice president joe biden would use the private e-mail addresses robin ware 456 and robin l peters to communicate and share and also said the biden grandchild may have put in his checking account. this is extraordinary. eric schwerin told the committee in his testimony that he had access to joe biden's checking
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corporate accounts through the end of 17 and never saw any loans made out to james or sarah biden. you know as well as i know the joe biden keep saying anybody that he received was quote on quote a loan joe biden received $40000 loan repayment check from his sister-in-law september 2017 and another $200,000 check which is calling a loan repayment from his brother in march of 2018. what is with the loan repayments, the money went directly to joe biden and the republicans say this is indication that joe biden is well aware and involved in the influence peddling schemes and biden is saying it is just a loan. your reaction. >> it is so sad, first of all cheryl even said, he said during his deposition that there was no paperwork. this is the man that did all the bookkeeping for joe biden. a few takeaways. one obviously joe biden lied even as president when he said i
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knew nothing about any of the businesses. hundreds of communications with hunter biden and his business associates about the businesses. which i think is really weird happened to be a relatively new grandpa. truthfully were putting money into a in children's account they're not putting money into our accounts. i would think most grandparents that are out there that speak with you would tell you that's the way it works. i don't know exactly what's going on that's weird as well. the whole thing there is so much smoke, obviously the president and vice president are not telling the truth he is e-mail alea says private e-mails and all this going on. maria: we are waiting for the criminal referrals. james comer told me he's going to be sending multiple criminal referrals to the d.o.j. we will keep the conversation
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going and talk with you along the way. thank you, sir. >> jeff van drew in new jersey. we'll be right back. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis
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maria: welcome back citizens in ohio headed to the polls today for the gop primary race. cheryl casone with the details. >> all eyes on the buckeye st state, five states holding primary elections but that includes ohio and the biggest race will be the senate gop primary, three republican candidates are battling to flip one of the most vulnerable democrat seats in this country held by sherrod brown, challenger bernie marino making his last-minute pitch to voters on fox news.
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>> president trump, jd vance, jim jordan have endorsed me and the swamp rino establishment and the editorial board of the liberal cleveland plain dealer. if you want the party of mitt romney and liz cheney then you have a choice on the other side but i don't think that's where ohio is they see what they want is people in office that put the interest of america first that should be how everybody in elected office thinks but unfortunately that's not how my opponent thinks. >> will see how it plays out re-candidates looking to flip the vulnerable seat, that could be closely watched race today. another headlines it appears the supreme court may be skeptical of social media censorship claims against the u.s. government the majority of the justices to limit the biden administration communication with tech companies over their content, the republican attorney general of missouri in louisiana originally complained and sued saying online companies like facebook another sensor conservative voices during the
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covid pandemic restricting pose that were true, companies are not involved in this particular case. then there's this unilever is going to split off the ice cream business which is ben & jerry's and other names in the consumer good company undergoing a restructuring plan that will impact about 7500 jobs in the plan begins immediately likely going to be completed by the end of 2025, it's saying it wants to become a simpler more focused company. there is the stock of the premarket, it is reacting to the news up 3%, those are your headlines. back to you. maria: the freeze between israel and the u.s. coming to a head. israeli officials are set to go to washington in the next few days to what the white house claims should discuss an alternative strategy to the israeli ground invasion of rafah. president biden spoke with benjamin netanyahu yesterday after the president and senator
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chuck schumer to announce benjamin netanyahu forcing him to respond on fox news on sunday. watch this. >> i think schumer statements are wholly inappropriate. were not a banana republic in the people of israel will choose when they have elections, who they elect and not something hoisted upon us. maria: the president has said going into rafah would be a mistake. joining me to talk about this fox news senior strategic analyst chairman of the institute for the study of war and retired four-star general jack keane. good to see you. you also made the point that this fight should not be in the public the way it is where president biden is publicly asking for a cease-fire. chuck schumer goes on the senate floor and says he wants new elections in israel that benjamin netanyahu has lost his way so now we have the visit that is coming in the next
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couple of days by israeli officials to washington. your reaction to all this. >> i've never seen to be there quite like it were not only interfering without israel conducts military operations but were interfering in their political process, this is a close ally and it's quite shameful what's taken place. certainly benjamin netanyahu is making a combination by sending officials to washington, d.c. wanting to lay out their plans on what they intend to do in rafah and how to eliminate the fortified battalions under their plus the leaders and also protect the civilians and where they intend to move them and how well they provide assistance and aid to them during the move and where they wind up. i understand the administration has plans of their own to discuss which would likely be a lack of air campaign and rafah
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and i don't think the israelis would propose such a thing anyway in any massive scale and also a cutback of ground operation rather dramatically and focus on leaders or focus during limited raids. the fact remains the military task is to eliminate the fortified battalions that remain in the leadership of hamas. if israel does not do that, the reality hamas will win. by that they win in a sense to be able to regroup and rearm and fundamentally re-attack. what this issue is all about, the entire campaign the israel has been conducting for months is to take down hamas military effectiveness of conducting another attack on israel that is what this is all about and you could not leave hamas with the capability and that certainly were benjamin netanyahu and i'm in complete support of what he's
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trying to achieve. maria: is not because of the hamas leadership are now huddled in rafah. explain the importance of rafah. benjamin netanyahu has said many times as you suggested that they have to go into rafah because that's where hamas terrorists are, that's the only way to end this. rafah has become a spot for hamas to stay. why so important around rafah. >> that is right. rafah is no more important than gaza city. it is another city but a remaining city where hamas capability is. there's a couple other battalions that are not as effective the israel is working against an gaza city in the vicinity beyond units as well. and rauf is there is a
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concentration of hamas battalions and also believed to be a concentration of their leaders. israel has a much better feel for exactly were the leaders are. that's challenging in itself. this is the remaining hamas capability. that's what lends it support. it's not where it's located it is who is there and that's really the issue in the problem and we rightfully identified there is always a million people that have taken up temporary residence in the town that is less than a few hundred thousand in temporary shelters and how do you deal with protecting those people at the same time destroying the military effectiveness of hamas that is the challenge. i believe the israelis are up to the challenge and are best suited to handle the challenge given what they've demonstrated so far. maria: that was exactly what i was looking for in terms of explaining the importance and why benjamin netanyahu has to go
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into rafah at this point in the war. a lot of congressmen and senators that i spoke with in wyoming senator john barrasso on sunday and he said this is all politics. joe biden is worried he is losing the pro-palestinian vote in michigan and that's what he's up in arms trying to stop benjamin netanyahu. if that is the case i don't know. if that is the case that is shameful. i want to move on i gotta get you taken washington retired generals mark milley and kenneth mckenzie testify before the house affairs on the 2021 withdraw from afghanistan. he called this a strategic failure. i believe as i view general what can we expect to hear today and were finally getting the spotlight on something many believe really was a catalyst to put our adversaries on the march the botched withdrawal where we
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lost 13 servicemen. >> certainly afghanistan is all about. we surrender the country to her adversaries and we walked away from an ally who we were supporting for 20 years. that is what the message to the world was. we focused on the chaotic withdrawal. the message of the adversaries got in many of our friends is what i just described. a judgment call in a mistake in judgment which led to strategic failure, general milley is right in describing this and recall this the entire military chain of command to include the director of central intelligence recommended that we keep the troops there the small modest advancement of 2500 similar to iraq and syria right now and eastern africa, keep them there and are six nato nations had
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more troops there than us, they wanted to stay not to please the united states but they were worried about the rise of isis and al-qaeda threatening their countries. biden was in the minority in terms of the decision that he made which was an unconditional withdrawal. that is what led to the chaos that we all saw at the airport. the military was trying to get the state department to declare a noncombatant evacuation order and they were delaying and delaying and delaying. the department of defense cannot to the state department admits that they did not do that in a timely way. we witness failure right before our eyes and i believe both of the generals will provide elimination on what was going on in the decisions in those chaotic days during the withdraw but i also think that they need
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to talk about the policy failures that led to the chaotic day as well. maria: hopefully we will get more of that. by the way did china make a move to move into the bagram airfield base that we left behind with the weaponry on the ground? >> i'm not aware of anything like that. maria: i know that was speculation. >> we walked away from three central intelligent basis in seven military bases remember where afghanistan was china, a country away from russia and boarded iran. we walked away from that benefit as well. maria: what important context that you gave. thank you general jack keane joining us this morning. we will be watching them hearing. we'll be right back. ♪
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believe. what includes university reading list should include fewer white people and european authors. your reaction? >> here in new york i observed the woke and their natural habitat. i really have to say this is an observable phenomenon. these are people that predominately moved away from their nuclear families, their extended families in ohio or whatever and they come to new york in urban centers answer planted with their book club or political activism and are never truly happy. this should not be surprising to anyone you understand how important family and children and really placing an emphasis on the things we should all placing emphasis on. when you eliminate that it should not be a shocker in the pope is catholic, woke people are unhappy. >> i think about what is happening at college campuses across this country and this is
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a good example of our youth in the way that they think and believe that the progressive ideas that permeated and being taught this by professors and now they come into the real world and realize my woke progressive ideas, pick one, it doesn't translate to reality, no wonder they are unhappy, you can't blame them they can't find a job. maria: fewer white people all european authors, it's getting out of control. >> all of the woke stuff is unmitigated disaster. socialism is the philosophy, the creative ignorance and the politics of destruction. i just butchered a winston churchill quote. what do you expect to file everything around you and the way things are how will you be a happy person. but again if it wasn't for the woke who would keep the
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psychiatrist in business in new york city? maria: we will take a break. i want to get to the media research center that says google has interfered in 41 u.s. elections. shocking that google help democrats in their election efforts over the last 16 years. the hot topic of the hour. you ask i will answer. send us your questions to my instagram or x account. i will answer them at the end of the show. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks?
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maria: good tuesday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it i hope you're having a good tuesday morning, it's tuesday, march 19, 7:00 a.m. on the button, almost, on the a east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. a media research sensor study finds google interfered with u.s. elections 41 times of the last 16 years. mrc free speech america vice president writes this, in every case google harmed the candidates regardless of party who threatened their left wing candidate of choice. mrc finding that from 2008 t


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