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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 19, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: good tuesday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it i hope you're having a good tuesday morning, it's tuesday, march 19, 7:00 a.m. on the button, almost, on the a east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. a media research sensor study finds google interfered with u.s. elections 41 times of the last 16 years. mrc free speech america vice president writes this, in every case google harmed the candidates regardless of party who threatened their left wing candidate of choice. mrc finding that from 2008 to
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february 2024 google, quote, utilized its power to help push to electoral victory the most liberal candidate while targeting their opponents for censorship. google pushing back, saying it has business incentive to keep both sides happy and safe guardeds ensure non-biased and accurate search results. non-biased and accurate search results, joe. your reaction? >> you really have to be in a hole or a cave to think that social media companies, tech platforms aren't biased towards the left. we saw this happen in real time. you can see this happen right now on facebook. you can see it happen right now on other social media platforms where certain news articles jeep rate more likes and views and -- generate more likes and views and comments. the companies can't be treated like a utility because they're not. if any one of these companies put up a giant billboard on their headquarters and said vote
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for joe biden, they would have to file a campaign disclosure, they would have to say they're doing a campaign expense to help a certain candidate. they are doing that. they're doing it on their tech platforms and yet they're not required to do any of that disclosure. this is something that i think needs significant, significant investigation and oversight. it is not a first amendment infringement when you do the curating of what people see. you're infringing on the first amendment ri rights of american, not the government. this what is they should look at when looking at new ways to regulate the voice of tech companies. maria: i just googled donald trump. i did trump news now. here are the stories. number one, trump unable to make bond. number two, trump is unable to get bond for judgment. number three, stormy daniels danielsdescribes how trump compr
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to ivanka. trump's campaign is about making biden look bad. not a word about how trump is beating biden in every poll, only negative stories. i just googled it now. cheryl, your reaction? ?>> this is why gemini is such a mess, maria. you think about it. we talk about a.i. well, there's a programmer, there's an engineer sitting there, probably in silicon valley somewhere, downtown san francisco which is another disaster and they're telling these chat bot what to say and how to think and now they had to pull back on gemini. this is a perfect example of the way that these companies and these tech companies are programming the algorithms on facebook. twitters is different now because of elon musk. i'm taking twitter out of this now. but before elon musk bought twitter, especially during the covid-19 pandemic, there was so much suppression of anybody that spoke out against the u.s.
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government around anthony fauci and we learned they were being stifled. this is coming from the companies and their employs ease and this study shows exactly now we're talking about election interference. maria: yeah. so i just googled joe biden. okay. top story, joe biden puts trump on blast in ominous new blood bath attack ad. near's another one. joe biden signs executive order on advancing study of women's health. i mean, come on. the supreme court meanwhile voicing skepticism over social media censorship, claims that the government did censor during yesterday's supreme court hearing. we've all been following this supreme court hearing, want to know what the supreme court says about censorship during covid. we all lived it. the republican attorneys generals accused censor ing
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posts. >> your view has the first amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways in the most important time periods. the government actually has a duty to take steps to protect the citizens o of this country. maria: it doesn't sound like me thinks the government did anything wrong although we're not going to get the ruling for a couple months here but your thoughts? >> that was one of the most terrifying exchanges i've ever heard from a supreme court judge in the history of the union. there is no exception in the first amendment for times of emergency. it is -- if your right to speak, if your right to y assemble is
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infringed on by the federal government, what do we have left as a free and open society? there are speech crimes all over europe and they're starting to come here and now to have a supreme court justice to suggest that you could suspend the bill of rights for a quote, unquote, emergency just goes to show how far left the left is and how -- like how compl completely disend from reality and the point of the first amendment is, this justice ijust terrifying. maria: your thoughts, joe. >> this is the most egregious example of -- tech companies have an obligation to regulate speech when there's an underlying crime. the internet, there could be sex trafficking, harassment, all sorts of images that are based on an underlying crime.
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the mission creep happened when tech companies decided they're going to be the a arbiters of truth. we're to be the arbiters of truth, not them. that's the problem. mission creek. maria: i googled hillary clinton. top story, donald trump's latest clinton conspiracy about bleach bit and hillary's e-mails is a owe tall p trip. second story, hillary clinton partners with ham i'll p ton star lynn manuel miranda to host broadway fundraiser. it's all rain poes and puppy dogs when you look at hillary clinton and joe biden and it's all negative around donald trump. >> it's the algorithms. that's exactly what they're programming it this way. now we have proof. now we're seeing it. maria: we are just -- go ahead. >> 90% of search, over 90% market share of search and over 80% of internet advertising, this company is beyond a monopoly. it's a threat to our freedoms. it needs to be broken up by the justice department. maria: look, that's what jd
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vance wants to see happen. he said that many times, the senator from ohio. but you just google people and you see the kind of stories that you get on one side versus the other side. these are the stories that are being curated on google as cheryl said. that's how they're putting the algorithm together. we're just getting started this hour. quick break and markets are on the move as the federal reserve kicks off day one of the meeting today. why one portfolio manager is saying if they want to bring down inflation, all they have to do is cut mortgage rates. the word on wall street panel is here with expectations. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street. top investors watching your money. joining me right now is sit investment associate senior vice president, senior portfolio manage e bryce dough at this d. also with us, mike lee. bryce good to see you. we were looking at futures, we have a pretty good selloff underway. the dow industrials down 89, nasdaq down 93. mike, we're looking at stocks lower going into the open after a big day yesterday on the upside. of course, that was led by tech and a.i. optimism in the middle of nvidia's kickoff to its annual a.i. conference yesterday. nvidia announced a new generation of a.i. chips and software. it includes a new a.i. graphics processor named blackwell, this stock is incredible. it's down this morning but it is up 240% in the last year, mike. did you learn anything from that
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a.i. conference yesterday? it's continuing today. what do you make of the nvidia story? >> so, the big headline is this blackwell chip which is five times as powerful as their hopper series. which is catapults them back into the lead or leaves everyone else in the dust as it comes to these gpus or graphic processing units that are needed to put together the computing power to use j generative a.i. the other thing that's not talked about enough, they want to transform themselves into a platform company. similar to the way that everyone has an iphone and now the real profit, the real growth in apple is from its services, from its app store, all the various things that they can sell you around it, about having this tool in your hand. so with everybody having the nvidia gpus out had in they their data centers, what services can they sell on top of
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it. they can have developers develop applications that run on this that they can install and they have the software package to go with it. it goes from a one time hardware sale with an upgrade cycle to a constant fee revenue at very high margins, lot more predictable and a lot -- you don't need to manufacture anything to sell services, to simply be that platform so it's a much different business. they're going to transition themselves into after all of corporate america makes this upgrade, this is the largest technological upgrade cycle in the history of the world. nvidia is at the forefront. i think the stock has a long way to go. the stock's up 250, 300%, earnings are up 500%. i think earnings could double or triple over the next cup can he'll years if what the ceo is predicting comes true so it's a really kind of unbelievable time
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in technology investing. maria: it is. it really is. i mean, it's analogous to when we were first talking about dot-com, when we were first talking about the pc. i guess then you're in the camp that believes corporate america is going to start spending on these a.i. chips because the last time we discussed nvidia earnings in the last quarter, the journal was writing about how, yeah, meta and google and tech names are all in and buying and spending money on a.i. chips but the rest of corporate america has really not and so they had were making the case that could suggest a longer runway for this. i assume that's what you believe. >> so the ceo said we not only think companies are going to invest in a.i. but that all data centers in the world are going to need to transition to these new generation gpus and so if that happens, this is an even bigger cycle but if you're a
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large corporation, you're not using some form of generative a.i. to crunch data, so we entered the era of big data in 2011, and companies are sitting on the information. how do you process it into actionable ideas that can increase productivity, revenue and profits. you're going to need to make investments into this generative a.i. so either spend the money or you get left in the dust. that's the viewpoint now. we'll see how it had plays out. i tend to think this is going to increase productivity, s&p 500 wide. i'm very, very bullish on this entire a.i. train and the trend. maria: i think i you agree with you. we have issues with interest rates, the federal reserve. the 10 year is at 4.31%, the federal reserve kicks off day one of the two day monetary policy meeting today. the fed is widely expected to hold rates steady for a fifth consecutive meeting but the futures market is still pricing
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in a cut to come, a 58% chance of a rate cut in june. earlier in the program i spoke to wall street journal chief economic correspondent nick timiraos on what he expects to hear from the fed tomorrow. >> the fed is in a better position now than they were a year ago because a year ago inflation was running more hand double their target, 4 and-a-half percent inflation, and they were in an interest rate just below that. i think the challenge now is even though they could cut if there's a recession, if there's no recession, if there's no sign of weakness, what do you do? you stay where they are. they're concerned you just overstay your welcome, stay there too long, things begin to weaken and you have to cut aggressively because once things start to slow down a little bit they tend to feed on themselves. maria: the bank of japan raised interest rates for the first time in 17 years, finally ending the overall global era of negative rates. bryce, your thoughts on all of
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this? >> well, i think with the fed meeting that concludes tomorrow, you're going to see that they will not raise rates and bond investors have been very nervous about the fed and the lack of direction or outlook. as to when they actually will cut rates, we personally think they might do a small cu cut ine third quarter but won't do anything serious until the third quarter. there's death, taxes and the fed being behind the curve are the only certainties we know of. the 10 year is over 430. even if the fed is hawkish but they still hint there be a cut this year, i think bond yields will decline and the fed will wonder, we were hawkish, why are yields declining. i think it's because they've risen so much going into the meeting. and the reason they're not declining is because as you mentioned earlier, because
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mortgage rates are so high which is driving housing costs. housing is the largest component of core cpi that the fed follows. and it's the only component that really sticks out and it's still up over 5%. the thing about the costs that go into a building a home, it's really expensive for a builder that had has to finance construction costs at 10% and the homeowner that has to be able to afford it at an elevated mortgage rate. of course housing expenses are high. if they want to bring down that component, they need to cut rates, not keep them high. and so it's becoming a self fulfilling problem for the fed and that's why they'll wait too long to cut. maria: do you want to buy stocks here or do you think we're in for a disapontment? >> well that's reverse psychology. while the fed will not cut soon enough, people are so pessimistic about what the fed does that i think as long as
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they keep in any rate cut possibility on for the year, you'll see stocks and bonds both do well today. maria: okay. all right. bryce, great to have you. mike, you're with us all morning, we appreciate that. stay with us, everybody. quick break and then florida congressman michael waltz is here, he's introducing a bill that would a allow coast guards and agents to work off the u.s. coast. we'll get into that with the congressman when he joins me live coming up on how this could intercept migrants, drug dealers and human traffickers all a after the break. "mornings with maria" is live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪
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netanyahu. biden warned netanyahu not to go into a major ground operation in rafah, saying it would be a mistake. you just heard jack keane talking about this as well. israeli officials are now going to washington in the next few days to discuss this and to discuss what the white house says is an a alternative strategy to an israeli ground invasion of rafah, it doesn't appear that netanyahu is looking at alternatives to going into rafah. joining me now is florida congressman, michael waltz. he's a retired green beret himself. thank you so much for being here this morning. >> thanks, maria. maria: we just spoke to jack keane about this, how joe bide, chuck shy schumer and democratse basically turned their back on israel and chuck schumer's speech on the floor the other day to say that netanyahu was out of touch, he's no longer serving the needs of israel and there needs to be an election, to say all a of that in the
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middle of literally israel's fight for survival has gotten many people up in arms. your reaction? >> well, i think it's politics as its worst, maria, and this is just shameful pandering to the political left. many of us saw it coming, that first it would be the europeans and then it would be the political left in the united states and eventually biden would get weak kn kneed in suppt for israel. every decision you see this administration make between now and november is sadly going to be made through a political lens and that is just a shameful reality of it. maria: that's what senator john barrasso told me on sun that the only reason biden is making this big stink on everything and
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suddenly appears to be against netanyahu and israel is because he's worried about pro palestinian votes in michigan, which is shameful. >> essentially, biden had no primary. 100,000 people after work and busy lives made a point to go to the polls to vote uncommitted. i think that was a shock and a wake-up call to the biden political operation b but that's not how we should determine policy for our greatest ally. biden should set red lines for hamas, not for a democratically elected israeli government. one of them should be you don't get a dollar offed additional aid until you release americans you're holding hostage of. there's at least five left as we speak. maria: i haven't heard a peep out of the hamas group or side about releases hostages.
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we're talking about cease fires and not finishing the job. there's no conversation about releasing the hostage, another good point poo. -- good point. retired generals testifying on president biden's botched withdrawal from afghanistan last year, the biden white house released a report. it blamed former president trump for the chaotic withdrawal if you can believe that one, claiming biden was severely constrained by trump's decision. congressman, you've been talking a lot about this for a year and-a-half since it happened. your reaction to the biden white house actually claiming that it's trump's fault for this botched withdrawal and what are yexpecting to hear today. >> importantly, maria, we're going to have a number of the gold star families from abbey gate at this hearing. they deserve answers. the american people deserve answers. the veterans that have been so scarred by how the shameful
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withdrawal happened deserve answers and what i want to know is these two four star generals, the chairman of the joint chiefs, the other, mckenzie responsible for all middle east operations, what did they advise the president and what did he ignore in terms of the military advice. one of the things i expect to hear is that the state department under blinken waited way too long to order take thatt withdrawal and start getting american sit p citizens, allied embassy personnel out. and put our military including the 13 that died at abbey gate in an impossible situation. the thing that biden said, the generals never told me we should leave a small force behind, the generals never told me we should leave bagram air base on top of being i'll to keep a lid on
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afghanistan, my alleys were perfectly -- allies were perfectly fine with it. the generals consistent are tray general contradicted that.we'lln front of the american people, everyone deserves answers on this. maria: i recor remember when ts taking place and joe biden wanted to give a press conference on september 11th, he wanted to be able to we're out of afghanistan, the war has gone on too long, it's 20 years, we're out. and so that was one of his motivationses, wasn't it? he wanted a press conference to be able to say it so he botched the withdrawal and did it real fast. >> yeah, did it unconditionabley and when it went horrible he tries to blame president trump that his hands were tied by the agreement. he had no problem walking away from border policy, canceling keystone xl, getting us back
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into the paris agreement, walking away from trump's iran policy, the abraham accords but we're going to believe his hands were tied here. it's a bunch of garbage. maria: a group of florida lawmakers are urging the president to use executive action against migrants from haiti and to intercept the migrants before they reach u.s. soil. this is bad on top of worse. cory mills aannounced the rescue of 13 more americans success in hey he at this. haiti. he says they've rescued for americans than the biden administration. here's what he told me last week. >> i got a call from representative lisa mcclain who compexplained to me they had constituents trapped in h haiti. the state department said we're in the midst of planning. they were in the midst of planning their own evacuation. the next day they evidenceing waited themselves and --
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evacuated themselves and these individuals no longer had anyone they could contact at the state department. we put our team together, went into a neighboring country, conducted our concept operations, made contact, total time in, total time out. was about 40 minutes. we did a makeshift hlz, had everyone prepped, documents, laptop, bags and was able to get everyone out successfully in one fell swoop. maria: what a great job core hcorymills is doing, what a greb you've done. what is joe biden doing about all of this? i know you're trying to bring lelegislation down to discuss hw to stop migrants from coming into the border a couple miles out so your reaction to that and also real quick on this legislation you're working on. >> my legislation passed unanimously through committee. it would double the amount of territory that customs and border patrol's maritime units, we have 1300-mile coastline in
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florida, that their maritime units could go out and work with our coast guard. look, maria, our coast guard, our customs and border patrol, even our military, they're ready to go but they have to have the authority, my legislation would do it and they have to have the guidance from this white house that's been so lacking. maria: well, will you get the guidance? >> well, we're certainly going to push from congress. but we can't leave americans behind as we did in israel and as we did in afghanistan. enough is enough. this is a sad trend. maria: yeah. congressman, thank you. we'll be watching your work. michael waltz joining us this morning. we appreciate it, coming from florida da. quick break and then republican lawmakers calling for an immediate response from president biden over the haitian migration into the united states. former acting i.c.e. director ronald vitielo is here with the impact on bor border and destinn cities. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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maria: welcome back. president trump's legal team making admission about his new york city fraud trial bond. cheryl casone with details. cheryl. >> yes, maria, former president trump is having trouble securing the $464 million bond following the judgment in that case, his legal team is calling it, quote, practical impossibility. 30 companies that provide appeal bonds said no and there's a chance he may have to sell off some of his properties. according to forbes, trusm is trump isworth $4.6 billion. his lawyers say for a judgment of this big, bonding companies won't accept real estate as collateral. they want liquidity or cash which trump doesn't have in that particular amount. if he can't come up with the money on march 25, new york
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attorney general latisha james could seize and sell trump's assets unless an appeals court grants the request to pause the judgment. some of the properties, trump to ytrumptower and golf clubs in te hudson valley. new reports that salina gomez is weighing a sale of her cosmetics brand. bankers have met with potential suiters. gomez hasn't personally done so. she is said to want to remain involved with the company. rare beauty is valued at $2 billion. representatives fo for gomez refuse to comment on the reports. her blush, a viral had hit on tiktok. and let's stay with some music because a recent study of taylor swift's tour, found that many
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moments of her show were considered seismic events. five of the loudest momentses ms included the song, shake it off. it was ebb equivalent to a magn2 earthquake. other songs on the list of the highest energy releasing moments, you belong with me, love story, cruel summer. i can't sing apparently right now. maria: that is amazing. wow, she certainly has an impact, cheryl. thank you so much. all right, meanwhile this, the supreme court extending a pause on a texas bill that would allow you the state to arrest illegal migrants, this puts the state in federal government at further odds on the front line of this border crisis. white house press secretaries karine jean-pierre reacted yesterday. watch. >> the department of justice makes clear that sb4 is flatly inconsistent with the supreme court's decision in arizona v
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united states in 2012 and more than a century of additional precedent. sb4 is another example of what we have seen from the governor of texas, governor abbott, attempting to politicize what's happening at the border, politicize what's happening with the immigration system. maria: joining me now is former border be troll chief and deputy commissioner, ronald visit develvitiello.thank you for bei. your reaction to this pause on texas' efforts to arrest people who break into the country illegally. >> good morning, maria. thanks for inviting me. texas is doing more to help protect our border and national security, homeland security, than any other entity except maybe the front line of dhs. this ruling by the court to stay implementation of sb4 is a setback for sure. but we all know that texas is going to remain in this fight to protect us and so we hope that
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this review goes quickly and the law -- they prevail in the law. it's interesting that the white house is now asserting primeacy over immigration banners which is press precedent in law, yeto nothing to secure our border, to implement policies that work on the southwest border that a would reduce the flow of illegal migration. they the do none of that but they aassert against texas who is doing what exactly, protecting all of us. it's hypocrisy that's pretty rich. maria: it's just incredible. they try to fight with texas at a every turn. meanwhile, it was good that texas got some of these migrants be put them on busses and sent them across the country particularly to democrat run states and cities because it opened up the issue for those mayors and governors to deal with so that everybody understands what's happening at the u.s. border. >> yeah. governor abbott, his team, the
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texas guard, the department of pubpublic safety, my hat's off o them because they're helping my former colleagues in the border be a troll. they brought this problem front and center in the headlines because of the busses to new york, the busses to washington, d.c., chicago, denver, et cetera and these cities let's just be clear. these cities are already overwhelmed without what texas has sent them from migrants. we see images all over the country, all over -- and the crime and the deaths and the mayhem that these venezuelan gangs ares causing all over the country. that's got nothing to do with texas trying to secure the border. that is the result of this chaos at the border in which the cartels have operational control. who is a better president than joe biden if the you're in the taliban or you run a mexican drug cartel. he's been a boom to their economy in ways that was unfathomable before this administration. they have the largest--they have the lowest level of illegal
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activity on the southwest border when they took over and now we have the worst ever situation. maria: incredible. and they're taking home billions of dollars and amazingly they're the ones, these drug cartels, who are deciding who comes into measuring and who doesn't. we're showing on the screen as you're talking 132,000 got aways have come into the country since october. and by the way, these are the got aways that we know of. right. we've seen people come in on surveillance cameras, we know they're here, they got away. we don't know the got aways that haven't been on camera. and 800 of them a day. so we don't know what the motivation is. diswrjust to be clear,they neede trade center and cause the worst terrorist attack on our soil but border patrol agents arrested an a illegal migrant from lebanon near el paso last week. the man from lebanon claims that he is a part of hezbollah. he told them i'm a member of hezbollah, he told the border
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agents he wants to make a bomb and he's headed for new york city, hezbollah, with a bomb, headed to new york city. he's in custody and is under investigation. how should we be viewing this? >> this is the threat that's in the mix. human trafficking, cartel the taking advantage of the border, and then inside of all of this chaotic flow you have individuals likes this who are coming to do us harm. we are in a problems hey war in the middle east. we're in a proxy war in europe. and if we don't believe that chinese communists, the russians or hezbollah is not going to to take advantage of the chaos at our border, then you're not paying attention. this is the threat we all face. you talked about the got away numbers. that's just what the border patrol saw but couldn't apprehend. these not the thousands that are getting away, what are coming to a city and town near you. we know the numbers of young men from china are off the charts
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since the start of this president he sigh. presidency and that there is -- we're going to pay for this in ways we're not imagining right now because they've allowed this chaos to continue at the border and they sit on their hands and they watch thousands and thousands of people come and get n countered, thousands of people come and get yo y away, and rels of people all over the country. we see cities and towns that are suffering from this organized crime that just got here from venezuela and all the existing threats , hezbollah, ms13, et cetera, that's the problems we're facing. when you let 7 to 10 million people come into the country i'll legally, we're going to pay for this. maria: some people would put the number at 10 million. it's good see you. thank you so much. ronald vitiello joining us this morning on the wide open border and its impact quick break and then nvidia shakes up the a.i. space, kelly o o'grady with
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details this morning in the middle of the a.i. conference underway. >> reporter: nvidia has become synonymous with a.i., now they're announcing a new line of chips that are faster, larger and more efficient. coming up next i'll tell you all about the products and what it could mean for the a.i. revolution. ♪ i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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maria: welcome back. nvidia unveiled new software yesterday to extend its dominance as the go to supplier for artificial intelligence products. fox business' kelly o'grady wih more. >> reporter: the next nvidia wave may be here. the ceo unveiled a new generation of chips, it's called the blackwell chip, and it succeeds their hopper line which catapulted nvidia passed the $2 trillion mark in markets cap. blackwell has up to five times more computing power. this is interesting. it's designed specifically to support the core technology that underpins language models like
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chatgpt. the kips will be slipped shipped later this year. -- will be shipped later this year. the new chips are going to power the next industrial revolution. take a listen. >> anything you can digitize, so long as there's structure, we can probably learn patterns from it. if we can learn patterns, we can understand its meaning. if we can understand its meaning, we might be able to generate it as well. and so therefore, the generative a.i. revolution is here. >> reporter: those hopper chips commanded anywhere from 25 to $40,000. ubs analysts are predicting blackwell will go for over 50,000. nvidia has had a monitor run, up 240240% in the last year. they aannounced a new revenue generating software. it's going to make it easier to deploy artificial intelligence for companies that use their chips and it gives customers not only another reason to stick with their chips but it provides an opportunity to shift into a
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platform provider on which other companies develop software. so think of nvidia becoming more like apple or microsoft. one concern from the conference, this is going to increase reliance on taiwan, those chips are going to be made more there and so as you think about potential security concerns, that's one concern for me. back to you. maria: sure is. i think it's either 70 or 90% of all advanced semiconductor chips made in taiwan, kelly, right. >> reporter: it's 90% as of now. there are measures to bring it to the u.s. but as of now, 90%. maria: that's a big number, knowing that china wants to take over taiwan. thank you for that. if we see china go into taiwan, this year any time soon, while 90% of advanced chips are made in taiwan, china will be able to shut the world on and off. these are the chips that are putting the mill military and d for advanced technology. this is very scary.
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>> it's terrifying. the china were to take taiwan, that would be devastating for the entire global economy because it's a very specialized manufacturing process, many of the line workers have pledged to never, ever work under chinese rule. so you're looking at a total and complete shutdown of the chip manufacturing for everything that we use and like you could just remember the shipping delays during covid and there's still a backlog with certain cars now, three and four years later, from the damage of that. so look, i say the stock -- i like to say, if you believe trump is going to win the election, the number one stock for that is taiwan semi. there's no china will invade taiwan if trump wins. the underpinning of this is the computing power that corporations in the u.s., because we are the first to embrace it, nvidia is a u.s. company, the design is happening in southern california and it's
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manufactured in taiwan. these are american things. these are american companies. jumping on this first, it's going to give us a massive productivity leap against every other company in the world. so while some things aren't going well in this country, this is pretty spectacular for america. maria: it sure is. cheryl, your thoughts? >> well, wasn't president biden just telling us recently that all of these chip manufacturing was going to be coming back to the united states? oh, yes he did. and we're not seeing that. we're not seeing that happen at all. so so much for that big investment in chip production here in the united states. it's been a big failure. i'll glad she brought it up in her report. maria: i think joe, these companies would like to have the manufacturing elsewhere and like to diversify but it hasn't happened and we're still reliant 90% of these advanced chips made in taiwan, if china goes in there, this is going to be a major issue, joe. >> yeah, this is one of those things where we should be rooting for the biden
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administration, whenever -- trump administration or whoever comes next to get underway. absent an a invasion of taiwan it's part of the chinese national strategy to be a global lead r by 2030 and this is something they will use to surveil their own people, foreign adversaries, use it for repress i've purposes so we should always be on the ayou lealertand do everything we canp up our industry. maria: i want to thank you for joining us for this morning. we are going to take a short break and then we've got another power hour coming up. thank you so much, great two hours. >.we're talking about the topics of the moment m m t in the powe, kayleigh mcgee white and mike huckabee will join me for the rest of the show. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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