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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 19, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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thank you so much for the questions. we'll continue ask maria coming up in the weeks ahead. take a look at markets, we are 30 minutes away from the opening bell and we've got a market that is under some selling pressure but we did get better than expected housing data. the dow down 37, the nasdaq down 10 to -- 100, and the s&p down 16.25 as the market awaits results from the fed meeting, day one of the two-damon tear policy meeting happening this morning, and we will hear from jay powell tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. ian. we'll find some clarity in what he's thinking about a cut in interest rates. you heard jeffly lacquer say they're not as -- jeffrey lacker or. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. the ceo of nvidia updates the company's a.i. chipsing talks about the glowing future for the company. it's the stock that's tom may noted the technology world this
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year. it has buzz. i guess this is buy on the rumor, sell on the news despite if nvidia's dazzle. the stock will open lore, down about $20. don't know know it's going to close. politics. donald trump's lawyers say it will be impossible for him to come up with the near if half billion dollars in cash he needs by monday. if he can't raise the money, he can't appeal. the right to appeal is fundamental. to be denied because you can't raise a half billion fast is a perversion of government. a.g. leticia saw james says if he doesn't come up with the money, she will seize and sell hiss assets. to the markets. the fed meeting starts. the big question is when or if rates come down this year. dow down 30, nasdaq down 100. bitcoin down as well. you're looking now at $63,000 a coin, just a week ago it was $73,000. interest rates at elevated levels. the 10-year treasury at 4.30, the 2-year, 4.72 last time i checked. yes, you're now at 4.700 on the
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2-year. the price of oil, $82 per barrel and moving up. well, we're down about 1 cent, but it's been moving up earlier. regular gasoline up 2 cents at $3.48 and diesel up 2 cents at $4.04. on the show today, trouble in the biden cam rain. the rivalry with barack obama getting out of hand. the speculation is that obama is undermining biden and trying to ease him out before november. what was obama doing visiting britain's prime minister monday? it's primary day in several states. the most important race is in ohio where three republicans are fight it out. key question, trump has endorsed bernie marino. what happens if marino loses? and coming up, this is special, emmy award-winning mentalist oze perlman. every time he comes on, he blows us away, and he's on the show again today. you've got watch that. it's tuesday, march the 19th, 2024, two days after st. path's. how you feeling now?
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"varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm coming up, so you better get this party started ♪ stuart: this is the pink. i know that because the producers just told me. [laughter] that's a slightly different shot for sixth avenue. maybe a bit lower down. lauren: okay. slightly more. stuart: we adjusted it. all right, let's go. nvidia has kicked off its a.i. developers' conference. this is a really big deal. lauren -- lauren: is it getting the party started though? look. stuart: not exactly. down $20. those producers didn't get this one right. lauren: buy the rumor, sell the news. there -- it's day two of their meeting, their four-day meeting week today, can and this isings we'll get some more answer as on the new chips that they unveiled. stuart: i warrant to know about
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the new chip -- lauren: blackwell. the ceo of nvidia call called it a very, very big gpu. it's 30 times faster than the current chips. far more energy efficient. it'll be available later this year. ubs says it'll cost $50,000. as i said, today is day two of this a.i. woodstock event, and investors will get more detail on the transition to these new chips. why the stock under pressure? they need to tell the financial world that they're meeting with today that they have the horsepower to maintain their lead over am if d and the other chipmakers, so they've got the goods. will people buy the goods when there's more competition. stuart: the stock's down, but it's exceptionally volatile. i don't expect it to stay down $19 all day. it'll be all over the place, presumably. we shall see. thanks, lauren. turning now to politics. the race to watched today is ohio's republican senate primary. trump-backed senatorial
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candidate bernie moreno up against senator matt doe -- dolan who is backed by governor mike dewine. molly hemingway, what happens if trump's candidate loses? >> well, this is a very close race in ohio, so that could happen. moreno is up in the polls a little bit here, so he might be able to built off. but more than anything, i think the big picture for 2024 is that the senate feeds to have better members in pit -- needs to have better members anytime, and that's on both sides of the aisle. it's been a very ineffective senator for the country in terms of economically, foreign policy or other big issues. whoever ohio republicans pick, they will also have a tough race in the general, and it will dictate a lot about how well things go in the future. stuart: next one, mollie. it seems we have a rivalry between president biden and barham massachusetts according to axios with concern barack obama. biden often a brags the his staff about a doing better than
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his predecessor saying, quote, obama would be jealous, end quote. obama met with britain's prime minister, richie sunak, yesterday. is obama undermining the campaign? >> it's always been weird how involved barack obama is in politic, never leaving washington, d.c. after his term in office ended. and i think he wanted, this biden presidency to be his third term, a continuation of what he did. it has been that in many ways. he has no right to be upset. the problem is that just as it was during the barack obama presidency, americans don't feel as good about what's going with on as barack obama did. the economy was struggling during his e presidency, and it is once again now. foreign policy was something of a mess, ors and it continues to be. and so i think he's upset that joe biden is not doing a better job with handling the legacy of the obama-biden presidencies, but that's just a reality that happens with these the policies.
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stuart: do you think barack obama in the background with, fairly quietly, is trying to ease biden out before no? -- november? >> i think all smart democrats are concerned about the situation. obviously, president biden has horrifically low approval ratings and the track record of his policies is not meeting with approval. the problem is he's a very difficult person to oust. he doesn't want to go anywhere. his vice president is even less popular than he is. there aren't a lot of good alternatives. it's very difficult to get rid of them. but i would remind everybody, you know, barack obama had a key role to play in getting biden the nomination. obviously, he didn't want biden to run immediately after a his presidency ended, but he really helped him in 2020, and so he will be involved in whatever they do to fix the mess they're in. stuart: it's a mess. mollie hemingway, thank you very much, inkeyed. see you again soon, i hope. with the white house was pressed on the report that biden lashed out behind closed doors about his slipping poll numbers. what was the response? [laughter]
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lauren: yeah. this is from the national security advise everything jake suggest. van. he denied that biden was anxious or ang ally ant those poll terml numbers. watch here. >> reporter: there's a report that when president biden was told his handling of the war between israel and hamas was starting to affect his poll numbers, the quote is he began to shout and swear. so when he does that, is he shouting and swearing about netanyahu or about hamas or about his poll numbers? >> this is the when did you stop beating your spouse question, because i don't think he ever did that. well, you used that as a the principle of your question, which is when he does that. i've never seep him do that, shout or swear in response to that, so from my perspective, that particular report is not correct. lauren: just odd, right? an odd parallel to bring in, in such a setting. i mean, if i were jake sullivan, i would have said, yeah, he's really mad. he's mad about these poll number, and he's trying to
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change them which is why he's going to these swing states. stuart: and he's forceful. lauren: the state of the unii don't thinker jacked-up joe -- stuart: you stole that from -- lauren: from sean hannity. stuart: everybody did. check futures, please. there's a fed meeting starting. we're down on the nasdaq, but that may be in large part because of nvidia. nasdaq's down 100 points at this stage. david nicholas watching the market for us this morning. david -- [laughter] are you trying to persuade me to buy an airline stock? because you're touting delta very heavily, and i've never bought an airline stock in 20 years. >> stuart, before you roll your eyes about another unprofitable airline, i think delta -- this is an atlanta-based company -- is one of the most undervalue ised, underrated airlines in the sky today. the first numbers to report next month, but with a 5% operating mar jinx or they may be the only profitable airline in america today went we get earnings next quarter because manager's happening in the economy. this happened post-covid.
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spending on travel is growing at 2-3% above gdp. and what that shows us is, stuart, americans are placing a premium on travel. i think this trend continues, and i think delta is the beneficiary of this extra spend. stuart, it's a buy for me. stuart: wait a second. what is delta doing so right that the others are doing so wrong? >> here's one for you with, stuart, i think you'll like this. delta's one of the only non-unionized airlines. their pilots are part of a group i don't thinker but their employees are non-unionized. delta that treats their customers well, but they treat their employees extremely well. when you do both of those things, stuart, profits follow. so i think that's what's happening under the surface. stuart: do you have a price target for delta over the next the months? >> i would say $55 a share which is about a 20% upside. so it's a good time, i think, to get in, before earnings. stuart: quick question. many of the guests of this program the last few days have said there won't be any rate
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cuts from the fed this year. where do you stand on that? >> well, stuart, i think that's right. credit is flowing, unemployment is low, inflation is stubborn. but here's the problem, the fed is political. i hate to even say this. you want to seem that it's separate and distint, but the fed -- distinct, but the fed is political. i think you get a consistent in june. i -- a cut in june. this is nuanced, stuart, but if the fed waits til july, that's going to seem political. the fed is political, but they don't want to look political, which is why i think you get a cut in june, stuart. stuart: got it, good thinking. see you again soon. coming up, our own edward lawrence pressed the white house on when biden will hold his next press conference. roll it. >> reporter: when will the president hold another news conference so we can ask a question of him without having helicopter noise or jet noise in the background? >> i don't have anything to share. obviously, the president, as you were just saying, the president takes questions pretty regularly, enjoys having engagement with all of you.
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i don't have a press conference to lay out for you at this time. stuart: wondering if we will ever have a full scale press conference. you know, it's rather risky for the president, isn't it? jack brewer, he's got close ties to haiti. i want to know in the chaos over there, are they emptying the prisons, and are those folks going to come here? he'll answer the question for us right after this. ♪ ♪ meet ron. ron eats, sleeps and breathes hoops. and there's not a no look pass, double double, or buzzer beater he won't wax poetic on. ad nauseam. but oh how he can nail a software solution like the best high screen pick and roll you've ever seen. you need ron. ron needs a retirement plan. work with principal so we can help you help ron with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours.
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stuart: we'll start with bitcoin. last week it was $73,000, right now it's $63,002. as for futures, it's tuesday morning. a little bit of red especially on the nasdaq, but it's not that serious is. and there's this: the state
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department is racing to evacuate a near 1,000 americans stranded in haiti. bryan llenas is with us. actually, he's in the dominican republic right there. what's the latest, bryan? >> reporter: hey, stuart. well, yes, the state department saws it is about a thousand americans who have reached out seeking to be evacuated from haiti. they say the situation is 234r50ud, and we are work on new evacuation options from the capitol. behind me is the border into haiti from the dominican republic. those are all a haitian migrants standing there waiting to get in. this is the a huge commerce opportunity for them to be able to come and go from the dominican republic. yesterday a dozen people were killed in the capital of port-au-prince when gangs launched attacks in two upscale neighborhoods in haiti. the airport in port-au-prince is under gang control making airplane evacuations difficult to um possible. so now the u.s. embassy says it's working on options to get americans out of haiti's capital and to the dominican republic's
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capital. project dynamo, which rescues americans, tells me helicopters have been the preferred method in getting people out. traveling by land through gang-controlled territory is also dangerous. in fact, a charter flight organized by the u.s. from cap haitian over the weekend was a 6-hour drive from port-au-prince and was mostly empty with just over 30 americans. there are also concerns from american parents who are in various stages of adopting children from haiti who have been displaced. yesterday we were at the binational market here in the dr which is open several days a week to thousands of haitians, and we spoke to some of them about the horrible conditions back home. >> translator: i want the inter, national community to collaborate to help haiti deal with its biggest problem, the insecurity. we want to work but there's nowhere to work. i don't have a house. i live in a room with six children. the father of my kids died. the gangs rape, kill and kidnap children. >> reporter: stuart, many of the haitians we spoke to say
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they fully support international police force led by kenya to come into haiti and fight the gangs. that police force is on hold, kenya a says, until a new government is in place. stuart? stuart: bryan, thank you very much. jack brewer joins us now. jack, you have close ties to haiti. are they -- i'm told that they're emptying the prisons. and my question is, are those people going to end up coming to america? >> it's highly likely, stuart. unfortunately, there's about 4,000 individuals let out of the prisons. these are some of the most horrific people that you can ever imagine, and they will end up at our border, stuart. there's nothing that that we can do about a this. we currently have a team on the ground, and you heard that a there's a thousand americans being evacuated. our organization is helping to lead about 107 people right now as we speak to be sack waited -- evacuated. i've been up all night working on those logistics from the ground. this is real. this is dire. you saw those numbers. i mean, we have dear friends and close allies of ours who have overnight held off these gang
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members who are trying to break into their homes trying to steal everything that they have. there have been a number of casualties. it is a war-like situation on the ground right now in haiti. stuart: i just want to ask, what happened to the billions of dollars that were pumped into haiti after the 2010 earthquake? where did that money go? if. >> it went into the hands of these same criminals that are now running the country. you have to understand that that these are massive criminal organizations that are funded through sex trafficking, through major drug trafficking rings that go through haiti. so these gangs are well funded. unfortunately when the clintons oversaw $13.5 billion coming into haiti, this money was misappropriated. it was put into different places and given can to big organizations and never really touched the that haitian people. think about it, stuart, from a financial perspective the gdp in 2010 in haiti was just over $10 billion. that country received, excuse
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me, $13 billion. so over 120% of their gdp. have you ever heard of a country receiving over 100% of their gdp at one time and still it's not rebuilt? stuart: okay. >> you don't see any infrastructure, no schools. it's ridiculous. stuart: all that money failed. what should or america do now? >> now it's tame to take intervention because, one, we have to secure our own borders. so to do that, we need to have a presence in a haiti. we can't sit back and wait for kenya. we need to go and secure north, and then from the north we need to start to put in place a core of engineers -- corps of engineers. our military can wipe out these haitians in a matter of 48 hours. we have enough haitian-american military men, stuart, that have a vested interest in this country that could go in there and and completely wipe out these thugs. it's time for us to secure our own border, and we do that by being smart about going to haiti. and joe biden getting off his
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hands. if this was ukraine or another country, we would have a totally different response to this humanitarian crisis. you have over 4 million haitians that are going to starve to death if we don't do something about this. stuart: is your organization handling, what, 10% of american evacuations? if i mean, there's a thousand people, you're handling 100? >> 100, over 100, and it's it's growing by by the day. we need support, stuart. if anybody wants to help us with this crisis is, visit the jack brewer stuart, i don't get paid money ooh too this, man. -- to do this, i've been in haiti for two decades. we have the logistics on the ground. we're able to move these people out. more importantly for the long term, we want to establish opportunities to field these starving in children. no matter what we think about the politics if haiti, no kid should have to starve to death. and right now we have kids that are experiencing starvation as we speak. they don't have access to clean water, and the water supplies are cut off a by these gangs. and so we have a real humanitarian crisis going on
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right now, and and i'm calling on all a americans to lobby your congressman. but more importantly, support organizations like ours. stuart: got it. jack brewer, thanks for being with on the show and telling us how it is. we appreciate that. hope to see you again soon. >> god bless you, stuart. stuart: god bless you. one indiana couple going after the state department. their adopted son remains trapped inside haiti. tell me more. lauren: after four years of e trying to adopt, the tenets finally were able to adopt two boys from haiti exactly one year ago. but because of paperwork, they still cannot get them to their home in the united states. >> most of these children are already legally adopted, and our children are legally adopted. what the state department is currently asking for is absurd when haiti 's on the verge of collapse. what the state department needs to do is waive visa ises, they need to -- visa ises, they need to waive haitian passports and ask the haitian government to do so, and the haitian government will take the lead from our state department on this.
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the planes are coming to rescue some americans, but they're not rescuing our legally-adopted children. lauren: those boys are 13 and 15, and imagine -- they haven't been in contact with them because of the detier ration on the ground. i mean, are they okay? it's the paperwork right now. stuart: lots of stories like this. thank you, lauren. check futures, please, real fast. red ink on the dow, down 17, nasdaq's down 88 points. and bitcoin is at $63,000. the opening bell is next. ♪ ♪ (♪) (♪)
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this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain.
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stuart: on the markets this morning, we've got a few minutes to go before we open up business. we're up 5 on the dow, still down 80 on nasdaq. ray wang joins me. the ceo of nvidia said the company is becoming more of a platform company like microsoft and apple. what does that mean? >> yeah, i think it's important to realize that nvidia ooh -- nvidia's more than a chip company. they're a platform. classical computing has given way to accelerated computing
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which is really what they've been doing, and we have things like moore's law that used to talk about how fast computing was moving and how fast you could double compute. what's happening right now is jensen's getting to 1000x if every 8 or years in the accelerated computing market. stuart: fell -- tell me more about the chip that he introduced yesterday. i've seen the video. best -- it's bigger than a regular chip and 30 times faster. does that keep nvidia ahead of the competition for a long time to come? >> it looks like they're going to be ahead for quite some time. the blackwell platform actually is a series of chips named blackwell that they've putting together that a allows you to swap out the old chips, put the new chips in and actually connect them all together like lego blocks which means you can create one super gpu with smaller gpus along the way, it and acts like one chip which is an innovation in this market overall a. and that's just the chip market. we're not talking about the software market that has yet to be built, and that's really
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where we're going to see these gains, really the partnerships that were announced at nvidia. those were important ones to look at. stuart: would you say that this is a very glowing, rosy future that was painted for nvidia yesterday? >> i think jensen is painted a picture that was very glowing, very rosy. i think investors are still digesting what that means, but the bottom line is their chips are faster, better and. cheaper. they've got a software platform. it's four times faster in training and 25% lower in energy use with which is incredible. and there are no competitors in sight that can actually make this happen. stuart: you're a believer, i can tell. ray wang, a believer in nvidia and and the blackwell chips. thanks very much, ray. see you again soon. all right, we're about to open the market. boom, there you go, it's 9:30. press the button, and off we go. the dow is opening in the green for much of the early session, premarket session it had been in the red e slightly. now you're up about a 38 points having opened, 38,800 for the dow. the dow 30, an even split
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between winners and losers. not that much price change. as for the s&p 500, where's that at the opening bell? it is down 9 points. nothing. the nasdaq composite, where's that on the opening bell? it's down almost a half percentage point, and i suspect that's got a lot to do with nvidia. so let's have a rook at big tech, the usual suspects there. all of them, alphabet and -- what's that, apple are up, but microsoft, amazon and meta are all down. let's have a rook at nvidia and johnson & johnson because they are teaming up. what for? lauren: surgery. so is j&j has a med tech unit with. it's going to use nvidia's a.i. chips to handle the pre-and post op documentation. you have a camera in someone as a you're performing the surgery, can transmit data and information directly to the surgeon. at the bug nvidia conference that started yesterday, the ceo said there's $100 trillion of the world's industries sitting in that huge arena. i mean, $100 trillion of wealth
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just getting into a.i., and medicine is just one of those areas. we're looking at nvidia, which is down 2% right now, but at least three brokerages have increased their price targets today. us we hand -- susquehanna, wells fargo and goldman. is nvidia cheap and a stock you must own after what we heard yesterday? stuart: fascinating. you can't take your eyes off this thing. lauren: i know. stuart: fedex and and am amazon, they're partnering. what are they partnering to do? lauren: returns. 17% of what we buy is actually returned, and most of those returns happen in the mail, so customers if would be able to bring their amazon packages in to fedex like you do with ups, and they send them back with. stuart: increment 58, small move to. lauren: exactly. stuart: unilever looking to restructure. what's this got to do with ben & jerry's? lauren: banana split.
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basically, or they'll pin off the ice cream unit which is good for about $8 billion in annual sales -- spin. new ceo wanted to save money, 7500 jobs could be affected. stuart: okay. i'm not keen on ben and jer eye's. -- jerry's. for political reasons. astrazeneca buying another fam suit call company, fusion. lauren: stock is doubling. astrazeneca is looking to build up their cancer pipeline by buying it. they're buying fusion pharma for $2 billion cash. that works out to $21 a share, essentially where it is now. the on you -- crown jewel is the mid-stage trial to treat prostate cancer. basically, the goal is to are replace eventually traditional cancer treatment like chemotherapy with targeted treatments. stuart: got it, thanks very much, indeed. kroger, they plan to sell their pharmacy business. what do we know about this? lauren: yeah. this isn't the pharmacy in the grocery store, it's a specialty
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farm -- pharmacy. it serves patients who need to talk to pharmacists about connick illness, after effect, side effects of drugs. think america s, room toiled -- ms, rhyme toiled arthritis. -- i rheumatoid arthritis. not much reaction on the street, but why are they doing this? the they want the ftc to approve their merger with albertson's, so they have to continue to divest properties and stores to get the green light from federal regulators who are not keen on bringing grocery price prices down because that's what this would do. if krogers andal a bertson's team up, they have bigger market share to compete against walmart and costco. stuart: but they would be bigger and, therefore, they are bad. disney's chief, bob iger, of course, he's getting some support in his fight against the activist investor nelson peltz. from who? lauren: george lucas. it's huge. so disney bought his lucasfilm
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back in 2012. that makes him one of the biggest disney shareholders and, obviously, we can't understate his stature in hollywood. "star wars," indiana jones. he says no one knows disney better than bob igerer. stuart: that's big support. how many millions shares has he got? 37 million shares of disney. check the big board, please. four minutes into the trading session. it's in the green, you're up 6 points right there. dow winners, show them to me, please. headed by 3m, boeing, home depot, mcdonald's, united health. s&p 500, where are winners and hour they? etsy, international paper, ebay, 3m, cooper companies. the nasdaq composite, the winners there, please? we have cadence designs, tradedesk, o'reilly automotive, ill human ma and moog. i need to know the 10-year treasury yield. slightly higher today, 4.31. gold, nowhere -- not quite, not
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even close are, $2,200 this morning. no, it's $2,179. down a fraction. bitcoin, good story here. was $73,000 last week, $63,000 now. down 10 grand in a week. the price of oil moving up a bit more, $83 per barrel. nat gas, i believe it's still below $2. yeah, $1.755. average price of gasoline creeping up again. $3.48. up 2 cents overnight. diesel at a $4.04 for diesel this morning. coming up, trump heavily criticized by e the media for using the term bloodbath, but some in the media have used the same word in the past. roll it. >> the midterm elections may not be the bloodbath for democrats that's been predicted. >> it's going to be a bloodbath in november. >> it would be a bloodbath -- >> they could see a blood bath too. >> a bloodbath at the ballot box if. >> the republican party would be destroyed. it's going to be a bloodbath. stuart: how quickly they forget. apparently not for trump. a resident in aoc's district
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has had enough of the migrant crisis. he says it's turning the neighborhood into the epicenter of crime and pros constitution. his words. -- prostitution. he's doing something about a it, he's running for state senate. can a republican get elected in new york city? he joins us next. ♪ go easy on me tonight. ♪ if. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies.
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stuart: donald trump's lawyers say he can't secure the $454 million bond in his new york civil fraud case. lydia hu is with me. what happens if trump can't get the money together by next monday's deadline? >> reporter: well, the attorney general is, lee tissue shah james, she can then start moving to seize his assets, his property on monday. and, you know, she's already are specifically talked about 40 wall street, but there are a host of others piece of real
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estate around new york that she could also go after. we also have have here his penthouse home at trump tower, and if she wanted to look to other properties outside of the state like florida, she could try to seize the property down there, his home, mar-a-lago. that'd be a little bit more complicated because we have to get into some rules around florida real estate, but it is a possibility. now, trump's lawyers, stuart, they have said that they've tried to get the near half a billion dollar bond from 30 insurance companies. they've all turned them away. the amount of money that they need is just too much risk. his lawyers have asked the court to accept a lesser amount, $100 million, but the attorney general's office has opposed that request, and now lawyers have asked the court to waive the bond requirement entirely, but if the court denies that, the former president could be forced to sell his own properties to raise the cash for the bond to stop the attorney general from seizing the properties. now, with the need to come up with all that cash in less than a week, the concern is that the
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properties may be sold at a massive discount, and he'd never be able to get them back at the same low praise if he won the appeal. -- price if he won the appeal. the former president who wrote this on truth social today, quote, i shouldn't have to tut up any money -- put up any money until the end of the appeal. he says that's the way the system works. now, for some context on that, requiring a party who's appealing a verdict to post a bond, that's not an unusual process. those are the rules of new york. but what concerns many is the amount of this verdict against trump. hundreds of millions of dollars and the fact that letitia james campaigned on going against him, that's why "the wall street journal" editorial board is warning people today in their opinion that the judgment is overkill and people doing business in new york should be concerned. stuart: there are no victims here. normally in this kind of thing you've got a lot of people waiting to get repaid. >> no victim, no jury. stuart: nobody lost. and no jury. thank you, lydia. a queens resident says my
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fronts have turned the his neighborhood into the end epicenter of crime and prostitution. he's got the video, you're seeing it. i'm talk about ram cease pri whereas who joins me now. you've lived in that neighborhood your entire life. has it ever been this bad? tell me. >> no. i mean, we've always had our share of issues, but right now things are just running rampant. there's way too much prostitution the, violent crime and a lot of illegal street vendors that are just setting up shop and, you know, doing this in a lawless nature. stuart: now, this is as a a oc -- aoc, alexandria ocasio-cortez's neighborhood. that's her rare. where is she? -- her air. -- area. where is she? >> never here. like i said before, she doesn't come and campaign on this side of things. she likes to stay on the nicer side of town. she's never walking around here. you'll never see her, you know, stop in on one of our, one of our shops here. of she's just never around.
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stuart: what are the local people saying about this? >> well, the locals are all, you know, they're quiet, but they need their voice. when they come to me, they tell me, look, this is, it's horrible right now, we e need help. no one's helping us, no one's trying to help us. local officials turn a behind eye, and, you know -- blind eye, and constantly they try to reach out to these local officials and they tell them, oh, send an e-mail, we'll have a meeting, and the meeting never happens. the outcry there. stuart: you're a democrat turned republican running for new york state assembly. do you think a republican can win in new york city? >> we definitely can. people are frustrated with the way the democrats have been running things or not running things, i should say. they're just not representing the people. and it's just become an issue that, you know, where we have to
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step up now. the republicans have to, you know, show a strong force and keep pushing forward. stuart: yeah, make a change here. ramses, thank you very much for joining us, sir. whop to see you again. >> i appreciate it. thank you very much, have a great day. stuart: now i'm really going to change the subject, and i mean radically change the subject. do you remember when we were all a stunned by mentalist otherwise perlman? watch this. >> how many contacts do you think you have in your e phone? stuart: probably about 50. >> count the number of letters in her first name just to yourself. 7 letters. abigail, is that her name? [laughter] stuart: it is. that's incredible. >> meyers, abigail meyers? [laughter] stuart: yes. how did you know that? that's my granddaughter. [laughter] i really remember that. that was an occasion, i definitely remember. well, he's back walking towards me right now. he's going to read my mind on live television.
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stuart: we have a very special guest with us this morning, emmy award-winning mentalist and friend of the show oz pearlman is back. what have you got for us today? >> everyone's asking me, what is a mentalist, right? everyone know knows what a ma a jigs is. -- magician is. i told your producer go across to a pardon me city -- farm i city, get a brand new deck. i'm expense it to fox, so it's all good. open that up -- lauren: okay. >> there's a sticker, rip the whole thing. any way you can get in there. take out the joker, throw them away. take out everything. check and make sure -- cvs, walgreens, i don't know. mix them up, please. done, done. shuffle them up. stuart: do you know how to shuffle, lauren in. lauren: new cards are difficult. >> don't judge her, stu. and she is, lauren, have i said a word -- lauren: no. lauren goes, what are you going to do? lauren: okay, they're shuffled. >> you peal like they're shuffled. put them down. in a casino, we always cut them.
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i am never going to touch these cards, no slight of hand. you can take this one or put one down in front of you. they're lauren one card -- >> close to your body, close to you. i read people, i don't read minds, stu. did you read the card or? lauren: no. >> you got it? look at me. try not to react. heart, diamonds, clubs, spades. done, i already got it. ace of clubs in or your harntiond isn't it. lauren: stop it. >> show them. [laughter] now, stuart, i believe -- them to. i do not, this is not a psychic power. this is a skill you can learn. lauren: hold on. i was actually in my head, i wat i was, club or spade? trying to make sure i remember. >> take the cards yourself. i don't want to touch anything, and you're going to read my mind. just the same way based on watching you -- look, i'm going to write this down. before we do anything. [background sounds] done. putting down.
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you're going to read my mind. listen to the words i'm about to say. hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades. ace a, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, jack, queen, king. that's all i'm going to say. you read my mind. i wrote a card down, it's not changing. take out, don't -- can let me see it, trach out the card you think the i just taught -- thought, put it down on the table, please. of o.k. did we speak a word before we got here? lauren: no, we have proof -- >> refused to speak to her. lauren: he did. >> the way i spoke, stuart, did i inflect on the 4, did i get higher on the 10, did i stumble true an ace? did you somehow -- i said heart, diamonds, club, spades, right? was there some way that i said is it in a different manner or? that's what people always can me. so if this worked well just by my tone of voice alone, the card that i wanted you to pick out and i wrote down was the 5 of hearts.
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if how did you do? stuart: it's the 5 of hearts. that's, that's extraordinary. ed. [laughter] >> stuart, everybody watching, at the end of the day, everyone's going to say what do you need the cards for? i don't need the cards, stuart. i deal with thoughts. so, stuart, imagine that the you have in your hand -- stuart: yes. >> -- a pocker hand. -- poker hand. invisible cards. stuart: okay. >> stuart, close your eyes. stuart, this is a million if opportunities, right? let's monetize these skills. try not to react. i ask myself, would stuart have gone with the strong hand? would he are done a weakness hand? if trick question, no weakness in stu varney. let's keep going. is this a middle hand? if three of a kind, four of a kind, full house, straight, hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades. don't open your eyes yet, stuart, don't open your eyes. stuart, i had you imagining cards. don't open them.
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close your hand. don't open them yet. i think -- yes. can we get in tighter on the frame just with the camera? if i want you to see what i'm putting in there. stuart, you're seeing these cards in your mind and then here we go, here we go, yes, yes. stuart, i think that this is a relatively strong hand, am i correct in in saying that? would you say this is quite strong? if stuart's not playing games. stuart: yes, a strong the hand. i believe so. >> and i see you with three cards. i'm changing, i'm changing my mind. lauren: oh, i like this one. >> no, i'm changing. we've got to go fast. you know what? he's a ladies' ap man. you got six children -- stuart: i do, yes. >> stuart, don't open your eyes. describe to me in what in your mind what you were seeing, what was in the hand. say is it slowly, or what was in your hand that you're picturing? stuart: it was a full house with three 4s and two queens. >> really? if. stuart: yes. >> open your eyes.
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take a look. stuart: how the definitely did you do that? lauren: why did you change that? you had 10s first. stuart: queen of spades. >> we're playing a poker game, focus. crazy buy-in, let's do it. stuart: what do you mean? >> i'm done. stuart's, like, i'm not playing with you. [laughter] stuart: are we all a done? >> i think so is. i don't know if i can top that. stuart: that was spectacular. >> thank you. stuart: i want you to stay therr seat. come back in the next, in the 10:00 hour and the 11:00 hour. >> all right. more to come. you're not letting me leave. i'm going to do something better. stuart: you can't -- lauren: can you ace, like, any test? any exam? >> my kids when they become teenager, it's going to be very difficult to pull one over on me, just let me say that. stuart: okay, everybody. here's what else we have ahead, general keith kellogg, jimmy failla, pastor corey brooks. the 10:00 hour, including oz, is
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10:00 am
stuart: rescue me is the


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