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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  March 19, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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on the west coast we don't use lawyers, buyers' agents are doing all of the negotiation and contracts as a well. and now we're suddenly expected to maybe do that the for no commission? i don't really understand how this is going to work with. and, frankly, i think that the problem actually has more to do with a lack of inventory and the fact that a lot of homes are owned by privating equity firms. charles: right. >> this is the problem. charles: right. >> a lack of inventory. charles: right. >> i would agree with that statement. charles: sorry, we've got to leave it there. we'll follow up again tomorrow, but we're out of time, and aye got to hand the show over the to liz claman p. looks like we've got some momentum. liz: yeah, a little bit. and what's interesting, charles, the question, are we finally witnessing the broadening out of the market beyond mega-cap tech that wall street has been anticipating the. as we kick off the final hour of trade, the answer could start to be a definite maybe.
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if you look at the market at 30,000 feet, looks like it. while the nasdaq, which had been middle around in the red for the first half of the session, is up about a third of a percent. right now the dow jones industrials are doubling that percentage gain, up 234 points powered by, you know what? let's zoom in to about 10,000 feet with the heat map, two nontech names, mcdonald's and home depot. then, of course, in the third position here we have apple. so you've got two names having nothing to do with technology. and then let's switch it over to the s&p leaders. synopsis. now, that is a tech name. it makes hardware and software products for validating chip design. synopsis is gaining about 4%. then aes gaining 5.25%, that's a utility and power generation company. but international paper far and away the winner here. look at this pop of 10.8%. when was the last time we saw international paper leading the s&p? i mean, not only leading, but
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hitting a 1-year high. it did have a nice pop in december but lost all of that at the start of february when it dropped to $ 33 a share. this big move that brings the news the packaging company has named a new ceo, former kkr executive adviser andrew silvernail. he has deep industrial experience having worked at knew ifwell rubbermaid. so with nontech names flourishing right now, many of the chip maker es are falling. you've got the sox index chock full, down three-quarters of a percent. the big laggards, amd and marvell semiconductor. it's not a huge move, but perhaps analysts were looking for a huge upside move in nvidia after they blasted out blackwell to the world. the gb-200 gpu, graphics processing unit, packed with 208 billion transistors on a circle
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silicon square -- single silicon square, promises to build and run realtime generative a.i. on trillion parameter large language models at up to 25x less cost and energy consumption than their predecessor. so nvidia up about 1.5% the price of the new chip? $30-40,000 apiece. so why did much of the session, at least the first half of the session, did this stock fall in maybe analysts had predicted the price to be higher than nvidia's current can hopper gp, -- fbu. for the moment web bush deciding to stay put and maintain its $1,000 price target. the stock's at a $897.32 right now. fox business' kelly o'grady live in the newsroom with the business applications and implications of nvidia's big reveal. kelly, you're looking at nvidia's market cap here above $2 trillion. it's -- let me just check, $ 2.238 trillion.
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>> reporter: that is amazing, liz. and nvidia seems to have room to run. i was listening to jensen wang, his speech, and he's looking to go beyond a chip maker and create an entire ecosystem. the new blackwell line presents a massive upgrade from the hopper. that mold did catapult nvidia above that $2 trillion market cap number, but the ceo said we need bigger g pushess, and that is exactly what blackwell is providing. it's being billed as faster, large arer and more efficient. it will provide users five times more a.i. performance power. nvidia also a highlighted that blackwell is designed specifically to support the core technology that underpins those large language models like cat chatgpt, so that really underscores how important the company sees these chat bots becoming. the chips will start to ship later this year, customers already include amazon, microsoft, google and oracle. wang promised that blackwell
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will usher e in the next revolution. take a listen. >> anything you can ding cantize so long as there's structure, we can probably learn some patterns from it. and if we can learn the parents from it, we can understand its meaning. if we can understand its meaning, with we might be able to yen rate it as well. and so, therefore, the generative a. a i. revolution is here. >> reporter: nvidia's had monster run this year, up over 240% in the last year. but another announcement yesterday promises that there's still room to run. the company shared a new revenue-generating software which allows customers to run and develop new practice on top of that the hardware. that not only provides steady the licensing revenue, but it gives customers a another reason to stick with nvidia chips as competitors seek to steal market share. and he says blackwell is not a chip, it is a platform, and that language makes you think of how apple and microsoft grew into entire ecosystems. liz: well, he's smart, and he
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knows we can't just be a chip-making company. dell -- kelly, good stuff. thank you very much. you just reference ared intel? speaking of the semiconductor sector and intel, we are expecting another major announcement out of arizona at intel's chip manufacturing plant if tomorrow. i'll be speaking with ceo pat gelsinger to discuss the future the semiconductor supply chain in america and the big, hopefully for them, the big chunk of money that they could get from the chips act. all right, let me give you a fact. led by nvidia, microsoft and apple, the largest 10 stocks now represent 25% of the s&p 500 fact: that is a record. should investors continue to hitch their portfolio wagons to those stars, or do you get the shovels out and dig into way less loved stocks? let's head right to the floor show. joining me now, crossmark global investments' ceo bob doll. this is a tough one, bob, because if a year and a half ago
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after these same names enjoyed extraordinary runup, which they did, investors if they had thought, you know, let me move if on, they would have missed out on more gains. is now the time though to pick up the shovel somewhat signs are you seeing? >> liz, i don't think it's either/or. i think it's both/and. you've got to have in your portfolio things beyond these 10 stocks, but i don't think you run from the 10. they're nowhere near as expensive as they were, for example, at top of tech bubble -- the tech bubble. are they extended on a momentum basis? yeah. if you want to ache a -- take a little money off the table, that's okay, but you should not abandon these stocks. liz les well, what, all 7 of the mag 7, do you have some that you'd say, you know what? if let me leave something -- >> absolutely. so is we're short tesla, and that's been a good move. we are overweight microsoft. most of the others we're a little bit underweight. so i've taken some money off the
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table. but if they pull back noticeably, which they've had a few minor pullbacks, we would add to those positions where the earnings and cash flow are intact. you're absolutely right, it's not necessarily the mag anywhere sent seven anymore, you've got to go to the individual starts. -- securities. liz: the fact that you guys are shorting tesla, to me, that's a big heedline are. let's talk about the fact that the largest 10 stock, as we spoke about, they meet 25% of the s&p 500. and on so much that, you look at the bull-bear a ratio, explain what that is and why that is starting to look a little bit like something's going to happen here. >> yeah. sentiment is a clear measure of what people think. sentiment is defined, and the bull-bear ratio, number of bulls to number of bears, is higher than it's been in quite some time. and so you want to lean the other direction. it's among the reasons we with think that we're vulnerable to some sort of pullback here, liz,
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along with some of the economic slowdown we're seeing. but that bull-bear ratio does have us a bit concerned. we'd be a little cautious. liz: you'd be cautious. bob, let's just bring up the federal reserve. the 2-day meet meeting began today. right this minute the federal open market committee is behind closed doors clust arerring, hovering, you know, coffee crotch, whatever it may be. we know that there will not be a rate move at least according to the markets. the announcement is tomorrow, 2 p.m. eastern, and then the big news conference is right during this hour. we hope everybody tunes in because it is often a market mover. but may doesn't even look like an option for a rate cut, and june is now at about 59% for fed funds futures. what are you predicting as far as how many rate cuts you expect this year? >> we do these 10 predictions every year, and our first prediction was we're not going to get 6, and that's where the market was at the start of the year. we've been using 3.
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and if 3 cuts is right, that means inflation will stay calm but maybe not go down a whole lot more anytime real soon. look, the fed's between a rock and a hard place. they've got to buy some time here so they can see more about the exhibitioner about the inflation statistics -- economy, about the inflation statistics before they have to decide to cut rates. the dot plots -- that is, what each fed governor thinks it is about how many cuts will happen -- will be interesting to watch. , and of course, the fed chair probably wishes he didn't have to do a news conference post it because he's between a rock and a hard place. he needs some time to pass. liz: well, indeed. but i think overall we've been talking about this, the risk-on behavior whether it is stocks, bitcoin -- which happens to actually be down. and, by the way, we have the top policymaker at a coinbase coming up because, boy, there is a lot to the talk about with those guys especially considering it's the ohio primary. gold has been hitting records. oil is back on the move to the upside is. it feels like nothing shakess
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this market. from your experience over decades, do you get the sense that now we are getting frothy and toppy? if. >> yeah, a little bit is creeping in, no question. you're right. look, the consensus out there io oversimplify -- we're going to have a soft landing, don't worry about the economy. earnings are going to grow double digit, isn't that great news? the fed's not going to have to tighten anymore, they're e going to start easing and inflation's going to come down 2-3% that's a wonderful wish list. ooh i'm not sure all of it hangs together. so at these elevated prices, i'm going to call it 21.5 pe elevated. i'd take a little money off the a table, liz, and wait for a pullback. liz: you know, maybe you gave a hint as to the financial weaponry that you are wrapping your clients' portfolios in by saying that the you are shorting tesla. when did you start shorting tesla, bob? if it's down about 30% year to
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date. >> last year, quite some time ago as we thought the magnificent seven would begin to fracture and not all would do the same is. you know with, i didn't understand, i still don't understand the valuation. i think the fundamentals are mixed and the stock too often gets hyped. so that's among the reasons tesla a's been on our shorting list. liz: yeah. i see forward persian ratio 57 at the moment that looks rich. >> yeah. liz: a lot of those stocks are right up there. bob, good to see you. thank you very much. >> thanks, liz. liz: all right. folks, to recap, we're 11 minutes into the hour, nvidia unveiling its powerful new a.i. chip called blackwell that will reportedly replace thousands of general purpose computers and help out with a.i. and generative a.i. big tech continues to reign, the largest 10 stocks now the represent 25% of the s&p 500's index market cap. that is a new record. something bob doll says should send i off a yellow flashing warning light. and the federal reserve kicking off its 2-day policy meeting.
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the fed is expected to leave rates unchanged tomorrow but will give some major hints because of the so-called dot plot about how many rate cuts each of the federal open market voting committee members think will be this year. now, with fed funds futures pricing in 2.5 rate cuts in 2024 the down from 6.5, i'll call it 7 at the start of the year, it's going to be a big day tomorrow. we hope you join us. today though is the ohio primary as the candidates angle for donations. there is a new kid in superpac land that has a youthful group of diehard followers with diamond hands and muscle. the coinbase chief policy officer is here live to tell us how he's working to get politicians behind crypto, and we will ask who might be more sympathetic to his cause, president biden or former president trump. coinbase may be slip aring todat over the past 52 weeks it has been pure gold or bitcoin for
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investors, gaining 205%. "the claman countdown"'s coming right back. dow jones industrials gaining 231 points. ♪ ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh!
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washington accepts and deals with digital currency. the crypto exchange is part of the new kid in supera pac town ready to lobby for its crypto cause. coinbase has poured pd $24 million into the first ever pro-crypto superpac if falled fair sake which has spent a heavily on the ohio primary. joining me live from washington in a fox business exclusive, chief policy officer farriar. that is not pocket change, the coffers are up to about $85 million now. you just demied some of that -- deployed some of that cash super tuesday. let's talk about ohio right now. >> well, ohio's a big election, obviously. it's a big state with a lot of crypto users. a lot of people are going to the ballot box to vote is. we've been quite excited by the fact that the republican nominees in a very tough primary have all come out favorably on crypto policy. they want to keep the innovation
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in the united states. they want to make sure that ohio innovators have a place to build their businesses and create jobs. and we're excited about that. i think that's the theme that a we've seen across the country. we have about 52 million americans who have bought crypto, and we at coinbase have felt like it's our job to gave these people the tool they need to have a voice in the political toes. so between the superpac, the grassroots organization, there's a lot of exciting stuff going on. liz: i would imagine. and right now in ohio there is quite the battle for the senate seat which is held by democrat sherrod brown. he is a crypto e skeptic. he's been very clear about that. in fact -- [laughter] i saw some of the things he had said, and he basically said crypto appeals to crime rings and scam artists. his opponent, bernie moreno, the gop candidate, much more embracing. i know that it would be seemingly obvious to say that the superpac would help somebody like moreno, but is that true? i mean, you just talked about 52 million people who own crypto,
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and it's split if between equally divided democrats, republicans and independents. so how does the superpac decide? >> well, as you know, superpacs are independent organizations, so they make the decisions tactically about how they deploy their funds and it can impact the elections. companies like ours and other contributors gave money to the superpac so this could make a difference. and they did very much so in the california primary. think what our job is as a company is to serve our customers expect if broader ecosystem. and as i said, there are about 52 million americans who have bought crypto, more americans than have unioned cards, that hold -- own electric vehicles. and we've polled them and as have ore -- others. there's a huge number of the american people disaffected with the current financial system. they feel like the system needs an update, it's not responsive to them, it's more -- too exeducation pence i. crypto's a really attractive
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alternative, and these focus are a broad carrots-section of the population. -- cross-section. they skew a bit young, a bit you are banker probably a bit diverse. they were in the last election are, generally speaking, democrat voters for biden in the presidential. but they've also shown themselves willing to split the ticket. and i think for candidates who are watching the data and understand the scale of the community, that's out there as an exciting demographic to target with constructive pro-innovation message. liz: well, a year ago when the entire process was stuck in quicksand mixed with mud, you had republican cynthia loomis and democrat senator kirsten gillibrand of new york come together with a pretty cogent plan. you have a big event tomorrow called update system. update the system. this is in washington d.c. you're hosting it for the very first time. which senators are going to be there? which lawmakers do you expect to come, and will you have some skeptics who just want to learn more about it?
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>> we have some great speakers lined up. so we have senator loomis, congressman himes, torres, chairman mchenry, congressman a davidson is. we have a great cross-section of members who have agreed to come, and the well theme of the summit is to talk about use cases of crypto. so there's a lot of policymakers who are interested in the technology but always ask the question, so how does this technology get used resultly -- ultimately beyond a speculative asset. we're using the summit to demonstrate use cases whether it's as a ledgering technology, as a payment technology, whether it's a remitt dance technology. and there's some really interesting use cases, and we're going to use about a half a day with officials from state and local government, federal officials, private sector representatives to sell the story of crypto as a tool to update the system. liz: sure. you know, faryar, i know as a donor to the superpac, you don't
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make those decisions. but in the presidential race as you have listened and scrutinized, i am a sure, both president joe biden and former president trump and the things they've said about a crypto, who is more open to the crypto story from where you stand? >> well, i think we have a few months left between pow and november -- the. [laughter] for each of them to really take a clear stance on it. and, you know, as i've said before, you know, there's some people who are crypto skeptics, and there are some people who embrace with crypto. i think whether you're a kept cantic or not, the answers probably shouted lead you to the same place where we need clear federal rulings around that trading, around the issuance of stable coins and, ultimately, we'll have a system that allows for innovators to have some certainty around innovating in the united states and it'll give consumers the protections that they need. and so in the end of the day, the issue is less about where people's emotions are and more about where the substance the of the policy is. and i think you could be a
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skeptic and still land in the right place. and we're hoping the next six months produces outcomes in congress and on the campaign trail. liz: and there's got to be a way to teach those inside the beltway how to use crypto as a payment. you have a major announcement to make right here on "the claman countdown" involving that. tell us what it is. >> so we're with very excited. tomorrow we're going to announce a pilot program with compass coffee,s a local coffee chain here that has about 16 outlets, rain compass is going to allow people to use u.s. d.c. which is dollar-backed stable coin to pay. and you can right off your phone pay for a cup of coffee. the money moves instantaneously. there's zero credit card fees or charges associated with it. and as you know, liz, with a food service businesses, particularly brick and more or tar small businesses, they operate on the smallest of margins. if you can save that 3-5% or to credit card companies pay or charge -- liz: oh, yeah.
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>> it's a huge deal. and so we're using it, we're using a really vivid example for people in d.c. to see how they can use crypto, and we're excited to scale it over time. so it's a really big, it's a small step but a big, big deal, and we're excited about it. liz: i'm all about a teaching congress how to save money too, so that would be with good. [laughter] faryar, thank you very much. we will continue to watch fair shake and see where the money goes. we appreciate it. >> thank you, liz. thanks for having me on. liz: we are coming right back with much more. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ romises. as a fiduciary, i promise to be the financial steward that you and your family need. i promise to put your long-term financial well-being above any short term transaction. everyone has a big picture. my job is to help you invest in yours. [announcer] charles schwab is proud to support the independent financial advisors who are passionately dedicated to helping people achieve their financial goals. visit
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liz are liz fox business aall right, nordstrom shares are on a tear at this hour snapping a 3-day losing streak and heading for their best day since earlier february on a report that the founding family is seeking to take the department store private. if according to reuters, nordstrom has tasked investment banks morgan stanley and centerview partners with contacting private equity firms to assess their interest in a potential agreement. the stock of nordstrom up 9.25% right now. let's flip if it over to fusion pharmaceuticals, getting a bullish infusion today after astrazeneca announced plans to acquire the drug developer for $2.4 billion in cash. yeah, that's good knife for a near -- enough for a near 100%, up 98% at the moment the deal is part of astrazeneca's plan to accelerate next generation cancer treatments. fusion is current arely working
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on targeted cancer treatments using radioactive isotopes. in other words, the drugs target cancer cells directly and then limit damage to healthy tissue. as a you see, fusion is an absolute winner. that, by the way, $21.07, is an all-time high. astrazeneca down just under a quarter of a percent. unilever shares are moving higher by 2.75% after the consumer goods company announced plans today it's going to spin off its ice cream business. good-bye. unilever's ice cream brands including global brands like ben & jerry's, magnum and walls generated, $8.6 billion in revenue last year but, you know what? unilever says the spin-off will create $870 million in savings over the next three years and will include 750 job cuts -- 7500. maybe that's another victim of the we geoff i have effect, the obesity drugs.
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the drama at the top of disney continues. "star wars" creator george lucas who with sold lucasfilm to disney back in 2012 saying he backs disney and ceo bob iger in the proxy battle with activist investor nelson peltz. lucas says he has, quote, full faith and confidence in iger's track record of driving long-term value with disney, and he voted all of his shares for disney 's 12 directors. disney up just is under 1%. and, by the way, we've got some breaking news right now, the college football playoff is extending its exclusive media rights agreement with disney and espn if through the 2031-2032 season -- who even knows what's happening in 2023. [laughter] they do. if -- 2032. there is a new 6-year expense tension on their previous agreement with disney allowing the company the right to sublicense a select number of games. i hope that includes cal bears. oh, i know, they're not so great right now. but -- all right.
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as disney tries to get the mouse house in order, construction of new homes made hair biggest gains in -- their biggest gains in nine months. it's a touchdown for the housing market coming at the same time netflix is launching its latest nfl docuseries called receiver. it stars minnesota vikings' wide receiver justin jefferson among other top stars. so what do the two have to do with each other? well, or listen to this as we look at a netflix, which the stock is up about 104% over 11 is year. 1 year. we've got the perfect guest to talk both finances and football. minnesota vikings' owner and principal of real estate investment firm guard homes, a giant in the home building industry, mark willth is here. we'll talk to him ab real estate, football, vikings, all of it right when we come back. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ we're letting curiosity light the way. asking smart questions
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liz: okay, i'm looking at the clock here, we are less than 22 hours, about 22 hours and 20 minutes away from the fed's a rate announcement tomorrow. so an interest rate cut is pretty much off the a table because rate cuts are used to stimulate the economy when it needs it and, i mean, if you just look at the freshest data from this morning, this time from the housing market, doesn't need stimulating. it came in hot. february housing starts rising to an annual rate of 1.52 million. that is the higher than the london stock exchange group estimates. meanwhile, building permits rose 1.9% month over month. that also beat expectations of 1.49%. all right, this means that the housing sector is getting much-needed invenn story because housing starts are ground breakings and then permits are, hey, we need a permit to break the ground. this gets home buyers' hope that maybe prices will head down. and is we got more good news,s mortgage rates -- look on your
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screen -- are doing -- going down as well. according to bankrate, the national average for a 30-year fixed stands at a 6.87%, that is much lower, obviously, or than november when it was 7.78%. and down week over week. so with rates heading down, inventory rising, are we on track for a boom in the housing market? joining us now in a fox business exclusive is mark wilf. okay, on top of being the owner and president of the minnesota vikings, he acts as principal of garden homes which owns and operates residential real estate across the u.s. what message do you get from these numbers 234 -- numbers? >> i think it's very encouraging. the fact that builders are becoming more optimistic, rates coming down, mortgage rates below 7, all encouraging signs that people want to get back into the market. liz: every tick down in the 30-year fixed, you must be so is happy because that's been the holdup. people are waiting for rates to
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come down, and the fed's not moving. but it's kind of interesting that mortgage rates are moving down ahead of the fed even moving to make any cut. >> i think the real tub bornness is people are stating on very attractive low interest loans, and they're not getting out there and selling, so the inventory's tight. but now i with these moves hopefully builders are getting more optimistic and we're seeing more housing activity. liz: do you think you see a surge in home buying once the fed cuts rates? >> interest rates are always the driver to home building and all real estate. over the long term, real estate remains a top investment. and whether it's the multifamily sector or housing sales, real estate in the united states is always a strong investment. liz: tell me the pace at which you guys are building. >> we're very act a i. we're heavily in the multithe family space, pri primarily in the new york metropolitan area, southern california, minnesota, of course. it's very market-specific. and if you're in the right markets with the right type of supply and demand balance, it's very strong.
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liz: we're showing some garden communities on the screen that you have built. what do people want these days? is. >> amenities are certainly a big deal. liz: i know, like, what? if screening room, pickleball courts. >> whatever it takes. places where they can the entertain people -- liz: you said golf simulator? >> whatever it is. liz: they're doing that? >> a little bit. [laughter] the reality is people are in their homes more and more, people are working from if home one or two days a week sometimes, so the home becomes a little more than just a home. so the amenities are a big part of making a community where their families can really entertain as a well. of. liz: what will get you to lower the price? >> well, and that's always a market situation. thankfully, rental rates are holding very steady and, again, it depends if on the market. liz: okay. speaking of the market, let's have you put your nfl owner hat on right now. we are in the thick of free agency for the nfl. so is it opened up -- it opened
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up, and kirk cousins, the quarterback, your quarterback, has decided to jump to the falcons for, i mean, this is an unbelievable amount of money. i think in the first year alone it's something like, welsh overall it's $180 million. first year is $90 million or something like that. what were the factors that a made you decide to let him walk versus keeping him in. >> well, yeah, i wouldn't letting him walk. we were very much -- kirk's been a great leader for our football team the past six seasons, and we wanted to make a competitive offer. we collectively paid a solid offer but, again, we have to do what's best for the combination of the franchise going forward as well. so is we wish kirk and julie the best, and we know he's going to have an outstanding career going forward as he has in the past. but we as an organization felt this was do our chance to be winning and sustaining a success going forward. liz: you want to build a team, you know? not just one guy at the top, i would imagine. what has this season been like in free agency and, obviously, the draft coming up?
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if you have a first round pix as i understand it? >> two now, yes. liz: two now. it's like the movie "draft day." trading, right? [laughter] >> i don't know about that. let's hope it doesn't enter that a scenario. [laughter] everyone focuses on the quarterback, as they should. it's an important position. but we're very excited in our free agency. we really loaded up on defensive picks. our defensive coordinator, brian thor, our gm. so we're excited about hose developments, and now we're -- those developments and flow we're sitting in a good spot for the draft in a few weeks. liz: yes to a quarterback? one of those spaces? >> again, everything's on the table. the moves we've made have maintained flexibility. we have two first round picks, so we'll see as things develop in the next two weeks. liz: let's talk about justin jefferson who who got picked to be one of the episodes in the netflix series receivers. wow, that is a -- that's a big deal, obviously. well or, he's such a rock star anyway. but what does this do for the
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franchise? and i think he has one year left on his rookie contract? does that make him all the more expensive next time around? [laughter] >> well, justin's the best. we love him as a player. he's a great, great presence in the locker room, and his ability is off the chart, as we know. this netflix show, we had the qb show last year which kirk cousins participated in. lei. liz: right. >> it's a great behind the scenes looking if -- for our fans. the engagement of these shows getting people more connected to the show is incredible. it was the number one show in the united states for several weeks last year and 14 countries, so it's really exciting. and so see -- to see justin and last year he went through the injuries, some challenge, but we're excited to have him on our team always. we're talking with him. liz: well, it's interesting what you've done, you as a new jersey ifite -- new jersey if identity. you were a giants fan. thank god i didn't get that wrong. [laughter] but the players' association, of all 32 teams voted the vikings,
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which was the team available back in the day when your dad said i want to buy a team and you guys all got together to do it. the players' association two years ago a named you number one, last year number two. as the top quality team to work for. and today take -- they take a lot into account, the weight rooms, the way families are treated. why is it important to put money into that? >> it's very important for our whole family as ownership, we want to make sure that we make it a first class operation. and the fact is investing resources in buildings, in facilities is really important to players, and it's important to giving that kind of environment. but more than the building, it's the people. and coach o'connell and we developed a real culture there where people want to play, they want to come in and work, and think that's very important. even though it's a business, we want to show that we're a family environment too, and we want to win in the right kind of way and the right kind of environment. liz: the johnny manziel documentary, i just watched it, of course, as a browns' fan, but
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he did not feel like he was welcomed in cleveland. he also a had a lot of other issues. he really didn't want to play football at that point -- [laughter] but i think that is crucial if you want to have happy players who really fight for an owner. >> the locker room's very important, and we love the fact that sam darnold has come in as our quarterback, and we're excited about the young guys that'll come in on the draft. i think our fans everywhere can be very optimistic. liz: okay. super bowl next year, vikings and browns. okay, we'll both be there and fight each other. [laughter] >> sounds good. liz: good to see you, mark. mark mark wilf. keep it here tomorrow for complete coverage of the federal reserve's rate decision. we're going to be watching mortgage rates and so much more in response because the final hour of trade is a huge reactive, gigantic melting pot once the decision comes out about the future and the number of rate cuts that might be anticipated. "making money" with charles payne will have the breaking
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news,2 p.m. eastern, and if then we bring you the start of the powell march news conference speech at 2:30 p.m. eastern. of course, postgame reaction right here 3 p.m., wharton's jeremy siegel and brad guesserrer in. we're coming right back. the dow's up 303. ♪ ma ♪ and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium.
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♪. liz: former president donald trump continues to meet with bankers to secure a bond for his 400 plus million dollar lawsuit from new york attorney general letitia james. his advisors are weighing some strategies. charlie gasparino knows some of them. >> what i, the way it has been described to me the dance between him and banks, the banks demanding lot of money for a bond, higher interest rates, him shopping around for the best one okay? not that he is totally closed out yet. he still might get bonds to secure essentially the payment, to secure and satisfy james's payment of 450, $500 million, that is what we're talking about here. that is a bond on his real estate assets we should point out. that's one strategy that they're going. there are advisors i understand in that trump world that are
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saying, why not let her take the assets and grin to unwind them? try to figure out the complicated nature of what limited partnerships are trumps, what limited partnerships are something else. remember he is involved with all these other people and then, be on the hook for if this thing gets reveried on appeal, people think it will because it is so over the top. there is a little bit of game of chicken played here with tish james if she really goes nuclear on him, okay, this is last day, i think monday he has to do this, monday is here, you don't have a plan, i want mar-a-lago, i want doral, i want this, this, and this. or give me the money. so they will turn around okay, here are the documents. figure it out, lady. liz: he has said he has to hold a fire-sale of his properties.
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it is 464 million. >> there is interest. this is hitting 500 by the way. liz: but the other side would say he is a billionaire. he is always saying how much money he has. >> that's all true. liz: even relatively recently, oh, i have, hundreds of millions in cash. >> in, well, remember -- liz: he has rich friends as well. none of them stepping up? >> not yet. i don't think they will. i mean just based on what i'm hearing, it is, listen -- liz: why not? >> you're putting moo in -- liz: i am truly curious, he has a lot of very wealthy friends. if they believe he is going to win the presidency -- >> he has a bad reputation of paying people back, simple as that. we'll see if bernie marcus steps up. bernie marcus wrote an op-ed today how the country -- he is worth six billion. how country has to rally behind trump. we'll see if he does it.
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lauber, runs one of big real es state companies. we'll see if tom barrick steps up, hedge fund brill nair. the question, are aren't they doing it, it? tisch james, we have to wrap up. liz: david dietze is -- >> david will let me say this you get me nervous. liz: sorry. >> but the bottom line is this, if he has to sell all this real estate, what will that do to new york city real he state prices? what will that do with eric adams's budget if real estate tanks. these are point they will consider. can she figure it out? liz: charlie, we'll be watching. new york community bank, this is quite the drama, down 3% today after it closed the deal last monday for a major capital infusion worth more than a billion dollars, courtesy of former donald trump treasury
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secretary stephen mnuchin who led a consortium for the equity investment. the regional bank however is tell down 65% year-to-date. so do you throw all the regionals in the same can and forget it, put it outside the door? joining me peapack private wealth management david dietze. you have one regional that you say is worth it. >> it is comerica. investors used a broad brush to throw all the regional banks under the bus. comerica is different. why? because it focuses on corporate customers as opposed to retail. why is that so good? corporate lending is a relationship based on transactions for the years the lenders to get the know the borrowers, borrowers appreciate that, they will not just walk away. in addition to stickiness. in addition they ask corporate borrowers put large loans on deboss wit comerica. comerica has one of the largest percentage of non-interest
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bearing deposits. that is manna from heaven. they are not paying anything on it. the lenders have to keep it there. comerica has scale. not a little bank. not a small community bank. it is one of the largest ones. it is a question of stickiness from corporate lending. economies of scale from the size. great territory, texas, florida, michigan. liz: again very interesting pick because the whole sector, if you look at it, from afar looks kind of dinghy. you like comerica. you also like pfizer. pfizer is down 35% over past year. has not come through a on a weight loss diabetes drug which is the hot one. why do you like? >> investors took their eyes off the blue chip global franchise on the great stuff they did with covid-19. it took the stock up to 60. they have trashed it. their non-covid franchise is growing 7% a year. i have several catalysts for you why the stock will go higher. management said last month said
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they will come out with a weight loss solution perhaps by this summer. remember, pfizer, lily has 3 1/2 times the market cap of pfizer but pfizer has 150 billion more in revenue. doesn't make any sense. second they closed on the transaction to buy cege-nt. 43 billion. one of the best oncology players in the business. we see great drugs coming out there. they're still keeping, selling a portion of their haley, which is over-the-counter thing that will give them another 2 1/2 billion which allows them to buy back stock. liz: david dietze, always great to have you. by the way, i know it looks sexy, the dow up 312 points. s&p on track for a record close. tomorrow the big fed decision day. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. an eighth amendment supreme court appeal may be donald trump's best way out of the unprecedented democratic


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