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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  March 19, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to larry: yeah, mob justice. new york and saturday on the trump case but you know what, i think the eighth amendment is mr. trump's best way out, excessive fines and excessive everything else i think he can go and get the supreme court involved on that. we're going to all get david asman involved in the conversation. david: thank you, larry. good stuff. i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now.
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so as larry just mentioned, the clock is ticking for former president trump to put up the $464 million bond in his new york civil fraud case. lydia hu has more on this. lydia, i -- every time i read that, i think i've made a mistake. it's just couldn't be that much money, but it is. >> yeah, it's hard to wrap your mind around that much money and the deadline is quickly approaching for that bond that's now less than a week away. as you pointed out, his lawyers tell the court he's encountered insurmountable dis-cuffty and without -- difficulty and without that bond, district attorney letitia james said she'll seed his properties. in new york city alone, she could go after trump tower, trump park avenue, trump international hotel among others and james could go outside of the state of new york if she chewing to do so and try to seize properties like mar-a-lago, that's the former
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president's former home. trump's lawyers previously asked the court to accept a lesser amount, $100 million, but the attorney general's office opposed that request. now lawyers have asked the court to wave the bond requirement and if the court denies that, the former president could be forced to sell his own properties to raise the cash for the bond to stop the attorney general from seizing properties. with the need to come up with cash in less than a week, the concern is that the properties would be sold quickly, at a discount and he'd never be able to get them back at the same low price if he won the appeal. the former president posted on truth social today "if i weren't running for president and leading be allot, none of this legal law fair would be happening. election interference, maga". david, we think of trump's assets including sizable real estate portfolio, but i'll leave you with this, attorney general letitia james could go after bank accounts and art.
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david, back to you. david: going after him for all that, they can go after anybody for anything. i mean, that's the problem here. businesses are run together high hills to get out of here. lydia, thank you very much. joining me now, former reaction and former congressional investigator sam dewey and oversight council mike howell. sam, let's get right to it. larry mengeed the phrase d mentioned the phrase mom justice and used i did jonathan turley early. roll it. >> many people look at this as a type of almost mob justice as, you know, the attorney general ran on bagging trump, she's now pledging to seize his property just because he can't come up with this bond. at some point, the courts have got to step in and say, look, this is just simply enough. you're requiring this astronomical bond just for this guy to be able to get any other judge to look at this decision. david: sam, could the trump team
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jump the fence and go to a higher court to try and get some kind of appeal on whether it's the eighth amendment or whatever? >> i think they will and not getting relief in the intermediate appellate court and high court and supreme court because this bond is so large and it's not necessary. the bond is supposed to prevent someone from being unable to pay. trump's real estate isn't going anywhere. it's not an asset that can be disbursed and there's a court-appointed monitor that has to approve large transactions so this is not an oligarch that can sprint money offshore. it's not going to happen and the only reason from the attorney general's perspective is punitive. david. mike, it's the law itself. we've seen the law used against exxonmobil once and it failed. partly because of the fact that they have this clause law that
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few don't need a victim to define fraud but in fact, the very definition, you go into the federal register and look up the definition of fraud, meaning of fraud in and dishonesty. i'm going to "it now"usually implied under state law is the term fraud or dishonesty as matters like larceny and left and resulting in financial loss". there was not a result in financial loss here. there was not a victim. >> that's absolutely right and basic tentative law and for there to be a crime, there needs to be a victim and there was no victim here. talking about some of the most sophisticated financial operators in the world in new york city and all led to president trump again. what this is is this is a campaign fine masquerading as some sort of legal fine and know what they're doing and they know the impossibility of coming up with half a billion. it's not like he's fani willis and has all the money sitting around in cash in his home.
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david: that's a good analogy. sam, then the hypocrisy and the article by miranda divine proving muster as one of the best journalists around and had a delicious piece about how letitia james is guilty herself of doing what she's been claiming trump is doing. acting on behalf of the organization in new york that has a big house they said was worth $80 million and someone gave $3 million because they were in dire straights and found out it was only worth $20 million and tried to give it back and she's denied his claims so she's doing exactly what she accused trump of doing but in her case, there's a victim. >> yeah, it's just -- the law has never been applied this way to mike's point. it doesn't apply when you have sophisticated counter p parties and do apply the law this way, to sophisticated business transactions, you better believe more people will leave new york.
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david: that's the part that hurts new yorkers the most and we're a broke city and essential lay broke state and ag of the entire state and shouldn't she have come compassion and one for the fact we're running out of money and businesses are fleeing, denying us tax revenue and two, the fact that she's not doing what she's supposed to do, stopping crime and the crime in the street is rampant. >> she absolutely should but of course she does not. she's there for one purpose only and what she ran on. it's for her to be a low-level crook in this operation spread out through multiple jurisdictions to go after president donald j. trump, rozlovich crime is only have -- whose crime is only haves the fortitude to stand up to this all over the country to save the country. david: mike howell and sam dewey, thank you for being here, gentlemen, great stuff. it's been 125 days since
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president biden held a solo press conference and edward lawrence questioned white house press secretary karine jean-pierre opport on all this. watch. >> when will the pes hold another news conference to ask a question of him without helicopter noise or jet noise in the background? >> i don't have anything to share. the president as you were just saying, the president takes questions pretty regularly and enjoys having engagement with all of you. i don't have a press conference to lay out for you at this time? >> is there a talk of one? >> i don't have anything. the president enjoys engaging with all of you on a regular lay bisand he'll continue to do that. david: trying to skip over that president and if president biden won't meet with the press, how can he run a ahwautukee cespedesful reelection campaign? here to help me short it all out is new york post political reporter john levine. john, great to see you. when biden was hiding out in the basement in 2020, he didn't have a record to defend. now he has a record to defend. now more than ever the public
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needs to hear how he will defend that record based on everything that seems to be falling apart. >> they don't have coronavirus as an excuse anymore. i'm struck by something even observation john stewart said on his show talking about biden is so amazing and the aids say he's incredit card and will smarter than people 20, 30 years younger but the public never seems to see that biden and the one on camera, it's a dotterring old man and doesn't know whether he's coming or going and ask for permission to take tafanely question to the aids. the fact there's been no press conference in monarchies is concerning and trump never stopped talking to the press and gave too much press conferencess and overload. david: there's clearly not going to be a debate if he's not doing press conferences and never subject him with two hours of debate with one of the toughest debaters in history. >> his age is an issue and if they don't let him debate, it'll
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be a real problem for the reelection campaign. david: trying to slip out stuff through the propaganda machine and upset with the fact the polls are going and showing he's engaged, but i don't buy that, do you? >> i think he'll day debate. i think he has to debate. he will -- even if they say joe, don't do it. he's going to do it. maybe to the detriment and maybe not, but it's going to happen. david: propaganda arm is in full gear and putting out posts in x and his name is on it and nobody believes he writes those and then we had the blood bath hoax, which just streamed through the media and that's who he can depend on, the mainstream media and picking off a lot of stuff thrown out and s spawn out by te propaganda arm and we've seen sound bytes and a montage of what i'm talking about and roll tape of the blood bath hoax. >> reports on the "blood bath" at rnc.
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>> if he doesn't run there's going to be a blood bath at democratic party. >> people don't think this election will be a blood bath are mistaken. >> the administration braces itself for a blood bath in 2018, and a wave of staff departures. >> breaking news in the money lead in what's being described as a market blood bath. >> ohio, boom, gone, was that a blood bath. david: the problem is nobody believes the media anymore. >> it's going to get so much dumber, especially as we get close toter election day and they're grasping at straws. this blood bath, it's not the first time throughout his presidency, when he was president, we saw this over and over and over again and there's legitimate stories they could go after and legitimate ways to hit trump and go after him on his record and manufacturing invested controversies and talking about the auto industry. anyone can just go watch the clip. they're just relying on their audience and readers not to go look and take it at favor and this is why no one trusts the media. david: moving from something
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re-deck louis to serious and sensitive topic to question of voter ids. all of these illegal migrants and there are questions about whether since they can get driver's license and they'll just walk into a voting booth and won't require them to write their name down and show the license and used for voting and ag garland gone against the suggestion there should be voter id requirements and saying it's unnecessary and discriminatory but how else can noncitizens be prevented from voting? >> voter fraud is real and here in new york they're trying to pass laws to make it legal for noncitizens to vote. david: not in federal. >> not federal elections but the local process. david: it could happen. >> it's a slippery slope. i've interviewed people when it cops to mail many ballots and operatives working in nursing homes and you have like 100 b100%return rate and people mige comatose and getting bal ba baln okay, grandma, we're signing the bballot now and that's how it
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works. david: eight out of ten want voter id. eight out of ten americans want it. >> when i vote in new york, i volunteer to show my id and makes them so angry and so upset. david: is that right. >> sir, please put that away. my id like i've done something wrong. david: like you're violating someone. >> i would encourage everyone in new york to do that. david: eight out of ten americans are correct. we need voter id here. jon levine, great to see you. thank you very much. former reagan economist, art laffer and can't say art laffer without saying the great. art laffer coming up on whether the biden campaign lost its claim to represent blue collar workers in america when the middle class actually did better under trump. democrat-led cities and counties across the u.s. are handing residents cash with no strings attached. what are hard working americans thinking of that? economists say this is part of the left's play book saying this will lead to higher taxes and
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more spending. we'll ask art about all this next on "the evening edit". ♪ ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. students...
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i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. david: how financial assets for the middle class have noticessen
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under biden at all but rose 13% under former president trump. with me now to discuss is former reagan economist art laffer the great. art laffer, great to see you. thanks for being here. >> love it. thank you, david, it's really fun being with you. i love it. i really do. david: i love it too. we've known each other for a long time. >> a long, long time. david: let me just compare trump with biden specifically on middle class issues in trump's first three years, top 1%, the top, top 1% share financial assets. they grew just a bit. 0.6%. i've got -- not denying them their share but 0.6% is not a whole lot. a bottom half grew a whopping 13% under president biden, the bottom half was flat but the top 1% grew 4.9% so it seems like biden is favoring the rich and trump is favoring the middle class. am i right?
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>> you're right. prices have gone up 18, 19% under biden and they didn't go up anything like that under trump and if you look at median wages, they've gone way, way up under trump and i think the median income went up by $6,000 and under biden it's gone down and interest rates the same thing. go through any number of measures and, david, we should just sort of summarize everything and tram was a very good president -- trump was a very good president when it came to economics, performance and results and he was as good as any president i've experienced and i've experienced about everything from thomas jefferson on. just joking, he's a great, great president. looking at policies and transparency executive order tax cuts and jobs act. no president has done anything like that in the first term. david: deregulation. >> and monitor policy and all that oil.
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we became energy independent under tram and all that stuff he did. he doesn't get full credit for it because people don't like his style or whatever it is. i'm a guy that looks at fact i don't look at talk but look at what they do and he did the best job in the first term of any president i know of in the last half century, century. david: there's another thing he did, which this is what is not that necessarily great at and person productivity was through the roof as president. maybe it's not all biden is some comes from bernie sanders and wants to have a 32-hour workweek about half of what i spent half of my life working at and then there's a new thing about governments all over. this all progressive ideas, handing residents cash. no strings attached and just handing out cash to guaranteed income programs.
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>> i think they're giving out cash because they think it's other people's money and giving credit for those people giving other people money and it's a political points in the paint and contested work but i don't understand why they do that but i mentioned operation what were speed and hit with covid-19 and got a vaccine out within 11 months. that's just amazing. the amount of medical research that was done in that period because he expedited the whole process, put in a trillion into it. i've told the story on tv a number of times about my daughter, rachel, with mel static melanoma and because of that research and the work done she now is living, she's surviving and the tumors are shrinking. it's amazing. i give trump a great deal of credit when it comes to actions. actions always speak louder than
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words. words, words, words and trump actually walked the walk and that's what i consider being serious. david. he got stuff done. that's the bottom line. >> he really did. david: stuff that really helped a lot of people and a lot had the same theme which was deregulation. let american ingenuity win the day. >> it's our money. david: certainly did it. got to leave it at that, art. always a pleasure. >> i love being on with you, david. always a pleasure. david: always sad to say good-bye. take care, my friend. see you again. heritage foundation tech policy center kara frederick over the supreme court voicing skepticism over censorship claims from the white house and carlos gimenez from the house homeland security committee with haiti and the state department saying close to a thousand americans are stranded in haiti and reached out about ways to leave after saying it was just several hundred last week. all of this is coming next on
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david: nearly a thousand americans are stranded in haiti and pleading for help as the nation descends into chaos and violence as many fear haiti's gang crisis is only just beginning and brian for the dominican republic and it's the very latest. brian. reporter: david, u.s. state department says they're exploring safe evacuation options for about 1,000 americans said to be stranded in haiti particularly in haiti's gang-controlled capitol. in fact, u.s. embassy said they're looking into efforts to fly americans from port of prince to the capitol of santo domingo and many americans trapped in haiti are getting help elsewhere. republican florida congressman cory mills, a florida combat veteran is helping americans trapped in haiti.
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gangs control tons of haiti's capitol and gangs and hospitals and more are ransacked and humanitarian aid is stole and yesterday at least a dozen people killed when gangs violently attacked two wealthy neighborhoods in port of prince, americans need help. >> every day nothing good comes of it and i want change for the country. yes, i'm afraid of the gangs. we can't go outside, the kids can't go to school or eat. life is very difficult. >> to solve the gang problem, we need before national armed force because we cannot do it alone. reporter: dim can immigration official -- dominican immigration official said dozens have crossed since march 1 warning americans to travel at their own risk and keep a low profile. david. david: brian lenas, thank you very much. joining us from house homeland security carlos gimenez. congressman, thank you for being here.
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jack brewer, he's a former nfl football lair and does a lot of charity work including in haiti. he know as lot about what's going on this, and he has very disturbing suggestions of what might happen. i want to play that and get your reaction. roll tape. >> i'm told that emptying the prisons and my question is are those people going to end up coming to america? >> it's highly likely, stuart. unfortunately there's about 4,000 individuals let out of the prisons and they're some of the most horrific people you can ever imagine and they'll end up at our border. there's nothing we can do about this. david: congressman, he know what is he's talking about and we saw what happened with a lot of venezuelan gangs that came here to new york and chicago .x nothing we can do about haitian ganging being let out and coming here? >> the florida governor has taken some action by increasing and giving the coast guard some assets from the state of florida, fish and wildlife officials and sending some more
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personnel in the keys and tip of the spear here in the united states and if we do nothing, it's going to become our problem and already is our problem and i think we do need an international peace keep force to go into haiti and bring that to the nation and don't have a mass migration like in the past. >> one thing that really pains a lot of people that noisy recordings about haitians in america. they had a great reputation and haitian migrants into america usually done very well and have family oriented, the ones that come legally that is and such a shame and gangs who are released from prisons come in and ruin that reputation. >> yeah, about a month ago fish and wildlife captured a boat of about 25 haitians and guns and night vision goggles, drugs. i don't think they were coming here for, you know, to work. i think they were coming for
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nefarious purposes and have all these gang members and all the jails are empties in haiti and i wouldn't be surprised to see migration of this gang element coming to united states just like he said, like you said, you know, the thing that i want from venezuela, ms13 got from central america and they've invaded the united states and this would just be another gang element from a different country coming into the united states. david: by the way, there's another problem in the hemisphere and not far away and nine miles from key west and happening in cuba and great news that the cuban people standing up to the communist regime they've been under for so many decades and on the other hand we remember what happened back in 1980 when we were flooded with migrants in a very similar situation. they opened the jails and insane asylums. could that happen in cuba? >> it could happen. every time the pressure builds in cuba, they release the pressure by just having a mass migration of the people that
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want to leave. and the problem the cuban government has right now and everybody wants to leave cuba and hell hole that is cuba, my native country. i'm happy the people are standing up and biden administration has to give the cuban people the ability to communicate with themselves and so that the government first thing they do is shut down the internet and then they start cracking down on the leaders of this group. they're asking for freedom and food and they're asking for energy. david: thank you if being here, sir. appreciate it. >> thank you. david: the first amendment thwarting government censorship saying "my biggest concern is your view as the first amendment hamstring the government in significant ways". that was said in a debate yesterday at the supreme court
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challenging the biden administration's alleged coordination with big tech to sensor certain messages and former facebook leeanne list and director of innovation tech kara frederick. thank you for being here. i had to read that twice before i understood what she was saying. her biggest concern above all the concerns above government trying to censor information going on social media and her biggest information is government would be ham strung. isn't that the very purpose of the first amendment to hamstring government from interfering with our rights? >> on my reading, that's exactly what i see congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. congress shall make it a law and it's self-evident here and i don't want to just pick on her. i want to pick at people from frankly my side of the isle justices cavanaugh and roberts. at this point, you know, they seem to be living in a world
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where the last four years hasn't happened starting with the presidential campaigns of 2020 when we saw the biden campaign and now in office working with the tech companies to silence speech they didn't like and then they get their booties in the seat and they're actually there, jen psaki, former press secretary at podium july 2021 telling people we're actively working with with big tech company silencing people per seeing dis--- purveying disinformation and information that was correct in so many ways and 30 days of jen psaki made that announcement from the podium, all of those 12 so-called dirty dozen disinformation accounts or the users that were behind them, they were taken offline so if that's not working together with big tech companies hand in love with the government to suppress and silence the speech of americans, i don't know what is.
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david: kara, what's your impression and the supreme court giving the federal government a free pass to interfere whether he ever they think it's an emergency? >> unfortunately, that looks to be the way that we're trending. if it weren't for the lions like elito that understand what's at stake and understand that a lot of this collusion only goes in one direction and that is against the prevailing narrative of people who propagate the biden administration's narrative, then i think we'd be sunk. i hope that reason prevails and i hope that people who understand frankly what time it is and what has happened in the past four years and understand reality as we're living in it today. i hope that prevails along with original interpretations with the constitution. we need it. david: we have new ownership at what was twitter and x and elon musk has done so much to reveal what was going on that there was
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real censorship and stuff done on social media and elon musk kept x open and there were pressures on him and david sacks with the great hedge fund out west and friendly with elon musk says forcing elon to divest x would be the single biggest win for advocates of online censorship and biden makes this a key priority in a second term. that is scary, is it true? >> some people are twisting saying it's the government to get it is hands on american companies and there's so many guardrails and backstops in the bill to prevent that that i don't think that's true. obviously biden administration would love this thing, but it's based off misreading of the tic
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tock bill and it's not going to happen. david: kara frederick, good to see you. thank you. >> thank you. david: coming up, brian babin and biden administration taps brakes on ev mileage rating rules and critics say green energy push is damaging oil and gas industry and provides less choices for consumers but first, let's check in with our friends dagen and sean for what's coming up in the next hour on bottom line. >> hey, david. donald trump can't secure the half a billion bond then what comes next? no justice, no due process. we have the great steve moore here on that and gold term father that spoke out at state of the union and still has charges pending and brian mast. he'll be here on the show. >> tomi lahren, a win for all americans and a big loss for that jerk joe biden. the supreme court gives the go
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ahead for texas to start arresting illegal border crossers. it's a win for america. and then we have congressman john moolenaar on a chinese battery giant accused of bullying rural michigan residents, a community there in his district over a plant in that area. at the top of the hour. only at vanguard you're more than
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okay, that's uncalled for. david: now turning to the biden white house green energy push, the energy department unveiling final rules today that significantly soften a proposal to slash electric vehicle mileage ratings. grady trim seatbelt live from the whitous -- trimble live from the white house on this. hey, neil -- david, sorry. this department of energy rule changes the fuel standards or fuel efficiency standards for electric vehicles and it's really seen as a win for the auto makers, and that's because it's less strict than the original proposal that the department of energy released about a year ago. the auto makers and the uaw lobbied hard against that original version saying it would cost them billions of dollars in fines because they just couldn't meet the standards. this new rule is complicated,
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but essentially what it does is it allows the automakers to make more gas-powered vehicles for a longer period of time. but environmental groups are also claiming victory today. the sierra club and natural resources defense council say this: this important update from the department of energy will curtail automakers use of phantom credits they keep using to sell gas guzzlers and need to hit the accelerator on more fuel efficient vehicles and saving consumers money at the pump. the bottom line is it slows the trajectory toward an all ev future that the biden administration is envisioning but we're still headed in that direction. also moving the country in that direction is the epa's rule that we're expecting it to release tomorrow that has been widely criticized by republicans as an ev mandate and as a way to get americans into expensive electric vehicles that they simply don't want.
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>> every car purchased in the country becomes more efficient every single year and what they're propoiseing is something that could be more damaging to the environment because people are going to stay in cars longer and people are going to be purchasing used cars that aren't as efficient as new vehicles that are being sold at dealerships today. reporter: white house press secretary karine jean-pierre was asking if the scaled-back version of the original proposal is admission that maybe the biden administration's ev goals were a bit too ambitious and she says no, that's not the case and that the administration is still full speed ahead on the ev push even if that's not what the general public wants to do. david: exactly, they're not buying. that's simple. joining us now is congressman brian babin. good to see you, congressman. the epa screaming about
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gas-powered cars and putting out less emissions than ever before and don't be caring at all what happens with batteries, evs. batteries are dangerous to mind and dangerous and put out all sorts of pollutants and to use erics and how do you dispose? the epa doesn't seem to care about that, do they? >> no, they got their minds made up of what they want and this green new deal, and they're going to shove electric vehicle issue right down the throats of the american people who are unwilling to buy into this thing. doesn't surprise me at all that they've kind of alleviated some of it but again, david, it is hard to mind -- our biggest adversary and biggest enemy is china and they control the battery manufacturers and they control the processing of the lithium, cobalt, rare minerals that they use for these, and
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then as you said, disposing of these batteries. it's super dangerous and these llithium ion batteries are no tore yous of fires and 90% going into landfills instead of being recycled because of difficulty of recycling these things. david: causing landfill fires and difficult to put out and all kinds of environmental concerns. nevertheless the biden administration is pushing saying americans want evs but it doesn't show up on sales though. i had it out with secretary buttigieg not long ago and i want to play a little piece of that about his goals to become all electric in just 15 years. roll tape. >> i don't know a lot of people that think americans in 2 2050 e still going to be driving old technology, combustion technology we inherited. david: americans like it. americans like it. so he says everybody buying an ev wants to buy another one. not true for the people in
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chicago that couldn't get their cars started in the cold snap. >> i love the way you came back at him, david. very good interview on your parted because the man, he seems to be clueless when it comes to transportation. and especially these evs. i can just tell you this, trying to put our entire military fleet on evs, 100% of them by 2035, i believe. it's just the height of ignorance. we're not ready for this. we are the cleanest producers of fossil fuels in the entire world, and for them to be putting us on russia and venezuela and nice folks like that making our allies dependent upon them is a height of ignorance and really is. so, you know, this whole green new deal, david, of shoving these electric vehicles down our throats, the foresight of this is really hindsight. i read this the other day.
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the federal is flying -- the federal government is flying by the seat of their pants on this whole deal. it's not ready. david: congressman, we've got to leave it at that. always tafanely pleasure to see you. thank you for being here, congressman. >> thank you. david. house lawmakers hold a hearing on the chaotic withdraw from afghanistan and gold star families are still waiting for answers and accountability. senate rick scott from senate armed services committee will break this all down next on "the evening edit".
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to the families today and american people, i say, i will not rest until i get to the bottom of this tragedy. you deserve the answers. the american people deserve answers. david: we do, let's welcome from senate arm services homeland security florida senator rick scott, thank you. we had general jack keane on fox, a while ago he said you have to pin the rose on one person, for that disaster the debacle that is the withdrawal that is joe biden he ordered evacuation of bagram air force base and told military to leave before american civilians left, does he deserve the blame. >> absolutely, he made that decision, we lost 13 service members, we lost a lot of equipment, we left americans there. we brought over 70 thousand people in this country
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unvetted. we have no idea where they are. they came with no i.d.s and never been interviewed. we have a lot of risk. i'm glad that the house is doing this, we need to get to the bottom of this joaive ijoe biden is responsible, we need a committee to understand what happened here and put the facts out, let american public decide. david: meanwhile we have problems here in this hemisphere it used to be europe and middle east but now here, the blow up of haiti is getting worse by the day. since 2010 earthquake we send 30 billion to haiti, how to we help them without enabling the bad guys. >> first guy, joe biden has no plan, no idea what to do, this is not unexpected.
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i talked with the biden administration, they have no plan on what to do. i think what is important is we don't end up with a massive evacuation where we have a lot of people coming here unvetted against like with afghanistan. this is joe biden. he has no plan about anything, look at where the world s in haiti and hamas, and with ukraine. -- afghanistan, this is just. david: and our own border. that is right here, that is what concerns americans. the supreme court did just give him a rap on the wrist -- biden, by saying that texas could enforce its own border by arresting migrants who are here illegally, that is a good thing, no. >> absolutely, the bi bibiden administration is lawless, they. eliminate all border security. we have people dying across
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the stateds with fentanyl, we have terror cells because of the open southern border, and we have thousands of single adult males comes from places like china we're at risk right now as a result of biden administration to open the border and let the people unvetted in. david: insecurity is the issue of november campaign. we have to leave it there. we thank you very much for being here senator rick scott, good to see you. >> all right. david: i am david asman in for elizabeth macdonald, thanks for watching the "evening edit" on fox, now time are in "the bottom line" with dagen and sean. dagen: thank you, david. david: yep. dagen: i am dagen mcdowell. sean: i am sean duffy welcome to "the bottom line." >> a


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