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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 20, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> this is literally an open sore for the biden white house. who is he pleasing and taking on greg abbott? >> this is exactly the wrong policy and what does it do? it drives our allies into the arms of our adversaries: russia, iran, qatar, they're all looking at increasing exports to them. >> right now the federal reserve doesn't want to rock the boat. they're basically telegraphing to cut rates three times. but in fact inflation in the last two comings have been a bit stronger.
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>> i'm surprised there's no deep pocket individual that works out a deal that's a very pro trump guy and doesn't care about the ramifications and i expect that'll be the next stage in all this. stuart: okay, not sure of that song. american ride, toby keith, like that guy and the voice. it's 11:00 eastern, wednesday, march 20th. start with the markets and 1.5 hour withs a business under our belt and little green and tiny bit of red and dow up 40 and nasdaq down nine and everyone waiting for the fed rate the yield on the 10 year treasury going up lower today at 4:28. now this, can the border become
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anymore chaotic. yes, it can. it just did. okay, to a texas lawyer allowing police to arrest migrants coming across the border illegally and looked like a big win for texas. hourslater, an appeals court said oh, no. the texas law stays on hold while an appeal is discussed. that's a win for biden. he says sb4, the texas law, is another example of republican officials politicizing the border while blocking real solutions. isn't that rich? just who razor wire and container walls have cut the flow substantially and so much so that the cartels are now directing migrants of arizona. in february, 54,490 came in through arizona, 42,000 through texas.
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texas you have to wonder if biden controls the border and the solution to make mar border guards for processing and that's not a solution and normalizes mass illegal migration. what a wasted opportunity. if the texas law stood, other border states could have copied governor abbott's lead. we could vascularized gotten a real -- have gotten a real handle on an invasion and we'll be treated to delays and courtroom haggling and another couple hundred thousand people crossing illegally, maybe even a million depending on the delay. that's what biden wants and that's what will be forced on us till there's a change at the top. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: former arkansas governor mike huckabee joining me now. i sense americans are frustrated about this border problem. >> i think they're angly and
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demand something. it's not just on the southern border anymore. people in new york realize that the resources that they should be getting as citizens, taxpayers are now going to illegals with hotel rooms, three meals a day, gift cards, healthcare. same thing as happening in places like chicago and washington dc. they've had it up to their eye with balls and it'll be a significant election shift because a lot of people who may be typical democrat voters are going to say, i can't do it this year. i just can't. these people have betrayed my trust. they've taken my resources and they've handed it to people who shouldn't be here and some of those people, not all, but some of them are murdering innocent people in this country like we saw in georgia recently. stuart: just goes on and on and on, done a lot it? next one for you, outside groups have pledged more than a billion, 1 billion to biden's
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reelection efforts so far according to the new york times and biden campaign is flushed with cash but donald trump is not. how will he catch up? >> i think the same way he did in 2016. he used a lot of own money and used media and more than anything he used the movement. most of biden's money cops from globalists and these are very high net worth individuals and companies that want joe bide ton be president, not because they think he's a good president. they know he's a horrible president, but they make money with joe biden because he allows all kinds of globalist activity without any regards of trying to protect american workers and open boarders mean slower wages. there's a rising number of people that don't care how much money joe biden has, you can't somehow make it appealing, and i would hate to be the ad person for joe biden.
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i think it'll be trying to like sell beefsteaks to a vegan community. it's going to be hard to convince people, hey, this is what you ought to be buying this week. stuart: seems to me, i'll change the subject if i may, seems to me that biden has turned against netanyahu. is -- that makes me think our foreign policy is directed by domestic political concerns, namely the vote in illinois. am i right? >> yeah, illinois and michigan. he's trying to somehow approve he'll really stick it to netanyahu but in doing that he's sticking it to israel. this is outrageous and chuck schumer's speech and biden's policies where he's now basically siding with hamas and trying to blame israel for the fact they were attacked and these butchers from hamas went over and slaughtered a bunch of innocent israeli citizens on chabot. this is insane. the reason people are dying in
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gaza is because of hamas. you know what joe biden hasn't talked about, what chuck schumer hasn't talked about, the hos hostages. some of them are american citizens. when do we hear a demand from joe biden is chuck schumer that hamas let the hostages go that are american citizens and then maybe they'll talk about some aid to gaza. stuart: netanyahu speaks with senate republicans and it's a video conference today and remembers -- the republican party is now the pro israel party. it's not the democrats any longer and it's the republicans. what do you say to that? >> it's totally switched and used to be that democrats were a reliable supporters of israel and republicans were mixed. i think now republicans like they have become the party of trump, say what you want to and no one has done more in the relationship of israel and no one did more for israel in moving the embassy and
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recognizing on heights is belonging to israel and accepting that jerusalem is the capitol. these are huge things and it's done by donald trump and republicans and i totally agree that republicans become a reliable ally by the state of israel and i'm glad we have. we should be. see you later. >> thanks. stuart: back to the markets, please, i see the dough up 34 and nasdaq up three and s&p up three waiting for the fed of course. jeffrey small is our market watcher of the morning. on the screen are big tech stocks with your 12 month price target and you're saying buy the dips on them; is that correct? >> yes, i am, stuart. the dips are like wobbles now and they drop a bit and buyers come in and we've got 6.1 trillion sitting on the sidelines right now and investors are underinvested in
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the stage and 45% of all managers surveyed in a tech bubble and 40% don't think we're in a bubble and 50% don't know. the market is priced in a bubble range and not insanely priced like the nasdaq bubble was in 2000 in the dot com crisis and in terms of value vagueses and earnings projections going forward. the good news or bad news and market deja view and market up 7.5% year-to-date and nvidia and microsoft are responsible for 60% of year-to-date and it's a tech bull market. stuart: producers, what do you put that graphic up again with the target prices outlined by our guest jeffrey small? there you go. sir, amazon getting to 235, apple to 230, google 180, meta 607 and microsoft 525.
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that's the 12-month -- your 12-month target for all big tech and clearly you're saying buy some now because this rally in big tech got a way to go; right? >> it's got a lopping ways to go, stuart. we're not near the peak yet and there's ai more so materializing and leading and producing fancier chips and we're going to see the marketplace rally and rally and rally and big tech carrying the market again this year and not just a two month interlude here and happens in the year 2024. stuart: big interesting outlook on the big tech companies see you again soon. lauren is back with us and we've got movers super micro-up down 3%. lauren: s&p 500 now with shares down five days in a row and make ai servers with nvidia chips and they price a plan 2 million
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offering 875 and that was yesterday when the stock closed at 910 and it was weaker and they want to use the money to expand the manufacturing capacity and it's down five days in a row and tripled and then some. we should remember that. stuart: carmax, they got a outfit with target price on them and buy them and the price is 82 to $99 a share and industry leader and they think the used car market has recovered. stuart: american allies. lauren: we don't like allies. american and delta up 2% and initiating both buys and american expect strong free cash flows and higher profits and not just this year or next year but the year after and the next three years and that's good news. stuart: above 44 i believe. lauren, coming up, thanks very much. if you want to own a piece of sports history like a used
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lionel messi jersey, now is your chance and ken goll den telling us how much it costs and the podcast about why it's okay to stop catapulted -- hate capitalism and giving money to fund the podcast. attorney general in dc dropped charges against a gold star father who was arrested disrupting the state of the union message and darryll issa filing for charges to be dismissed and we'll ask him because he's next. as an independent financial advisor, my promise to you is simple. as a fiduciary, i promise to put your interests first, always. i promise that our relationship will go well beyond just investment decisions. it's the intersection of your money and your life
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stuart: benjamin netanyahu is renewing pressure from the white house to call the whole thing off. trey yingst is tel aviv with us and why is the operation so important for israel and why should americans care? reporter: yeah, hey, stuart. good morning. a lot of politics involved in this and benjamin netanyahu briefing senate republicans on the situation and it does come amid the push for the israelis to try and get the americans on board with this operation into gaza's southern most city of swimming and we know the issue has been a point of contention between netanyahu and president biden disagreeing on a path forward into the war. national security adviser will visit washington to speak with biden administration about plans to enter rafah where more than a million palestinians are sheltering and the palestinian
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prime minister meeting with lloyd austin ask comes amid military action inside of gaza. >> i'm send ago message to the whole world, to the whole arab world. people, enough, enough, find a solution for us. stop this massacre. stop it all. reporter: an israeli air strike killed at least 15 people. stuart: okay, i think we've lost contact. reporter: the rising death toll among palestinians comes as there's ongoing conversations between the americans and the israelis trying to reduce the amount of civilian casualties inside gaza. stuart. stuart: trey, thanks very much indeed. attorney general in washington dc dropped charges against the gold star father who was arrested for disrupting the state of the union. joining me now is congressman
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darryl issa, republican from california. congressman, you personally delivered the news to the gold star father. what role did you have in this? >> i think all of us including congressman walsh who signed on to the ledder and pushed had some smart part in it, but i would hope the sergeant in arms and calmer more sensible minds made an appropriate decision that this grieving father should not be punished yet again after losing not one but two of his children. stuart: reaction when you broke the news to him? >> he cried and thanked god and obviously a huge load and nine days before having to appear and that's after the loss of his sons. stuart: the general admits the botched afghanistan evacuation was too little too late. roll tape, please.
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>> on 14 august, the noncombatant operation decision was made by the department of state and the u.s. military alerted martial mobilized and rapidly deployed faster than any military in the world could ever do. it is my assessment that that decision came too late. >> i was concerned by the middle of july, i was concerned about the different pace of department of defense planning as compared to department of state planning. it's one thing to have a plan, it's the second for the actual coordination on the plan. >> that was too little too late? >>ny my judgment was far too little, far too late. stuart: congressman issa, clearly admissions of mistakes. what should we do about it now? >> i believe when there's going to be an evacuation, whether it's an embassy or entire country, it has to be -- if talking about potential bullets being fired, we have to have it led by the department of defense and not by the department of
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state. the reality is the ambassador and his team did not plan, did not execute properly, and did not even give sufficient understanding of americans outside of the embassy or his own afghan employees within the embassy and as a result many left behind to die. that has to change and we cannot let this happen again. stuart: biden told netanyahu reportedly in private that he's not trying to push him out of power. congressman, the same question i've asked many others, is our foreign policy being dictated by domestic political concerns? namely the vote in illinois? >> absolutely. there's a tough unity government including all the factions and they're at war with an
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organization, hamas, and the terrorists that attacked on october 7. there is no comparison between bb who has an -- all the parties at the table and biden who doesn't even have his own party at the table. stuart: congressman, thank you for joining us today and really appreciate it, and all good stuff. thank you. ashley: ashley, what's the one condition? ashley: pay your fair share. he will defend the fellow nato allies who have fulfilled their defense spending commitments and the u.s. paid a disproportionate share of the cost for that military alliance and in an interview with nigel fert faragn
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bbc news and there's the respective gdp on defense and number of european leaders concerned about what a second trump term could mean for u.s. foreign policy. trump criticized usa to ukraine and kyiv to negotiate with russia and all the european lieders lined up on the tarmac and all stood like guilty little school children and red them the right act on paying their fair share. it was a great moment. stuart: it was great. they weren't paying their fair share and now some are because of him. that's the truth. thanks issue ash. coming up, orange county plagued by burglary tourism. that's when criminals fly here from south america, rob mansions then fly back. caitlyn jenner is a california native and find out if anyone she knows has been targeted. biden's new strategist to win
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over voters is attack landlords going off rent gouging. jon levine takes that on next. ♪ investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we ask smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow. better questions. better outcomes. (bobby) my store and my design business? we're exploding.
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stuart: microsoft and alphabet up and nvidia down at 888 and apple 176 and tesla 172. 10-year treasury yield, please. well above 4.25%, 4.28% right now. bitcoin 63,000 and change. that's why we were earlier this morning and now. 74,000 and small change. president biden obanya day duoof western campaign swing and he's making stops in arizona and texas. rich edison joins me. will biden visit the border? reporter: well, stuart, he's in the neighborhood but there's no border trip on the schedule. he is in arizona today, move onto texas later today and yesterday he was still in arizona and latino con biden
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campaign. >> it's an election between me and the guy named tram and this is a guy whose -- the way he talks about latino community is, well -- 2016 called latinos criminal, drug dealers and rapists and now says they're poisoning the blood of our country. what the hell is he talking about? reporter: biden says he desperately needs voters there and this election comes down to a handful of swing states like arizona. recent fox polling shows biden up only 6% on trump among hispanic voters in arizona. biden has been criticized congressional republicans from blocking by-hard san immigration bill and trump campaign and republicans have ripped the white house reversing trump administration's border policies and trump is promising to do
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that himself. >> very quickly and i'll tell you, it'll be with deportation and criminals out of the country right away and our country is being invaded and many of these people are criminals. reporter: while in arizona today, the president will switch to the economy he'll announce $20 billion in grants and loans for intel to build semiconductor manufacturing here in the united states. stuart. stuart: rich edison at the white house. this is just coming to us now, the white house announced the strongest ever produce standards for cars. i'm sure this is a complex thing. lauren, can you show me the details? lauren: went through the public comment period and affecting cars model years 2027-2032 and slash 30 billion tons of climate pollution by strengthening tail pipe emission standards and biden will meet the ambitious target of having half of all new vehicles be zero emission in the year 2030. here's the compromise.
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he's relaxing standards at front end, 2027, 28, 29 to give the car makers more time to get the technology right. more hybrids, more evs and affordable ones and tightens at back end and needs goal and sell by administration is over the lifetime of a vehicle, if you're driving an ev, you'll save $6,000 over the lifetime of ownership on fuel and repair costs. stuart: how on earth do they know that so far out in advance with so many availables that are unknown. it's propaganda. thank you, lauren, now this. president biden going after rent gouging landlords. watch this. >> my administration is cracking down on big corporations and great antitrust laws by price fixing to keep rents and you happen landlords keeping to give folks the best deal and not conspiring to charge more. going after what i like to call unfair rental junction f fees ad we're tired of being played for
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suckers. we're also expanding rental assistance for over 100,000 loan income families. stuart: john levine joining me now. go ahead. >> price fixing is a crime if it's happening and prices are just high and we have been through several years of very high inflation and has obviously come down but th things are stiy and even janet yellen on this show said that high prices will be with us for a long time. and it's going to take awhile for things to adjust from the inflationary period we came from. i think rents are high right now. nothing we can do about it. stuart: i suspect that going after landlords will be popular and you gouging rent, landlords are never popular and easy targets. >> he's shoring up his base in advance of the election. stuart: going after big food companies, get your price down. shrink fellation, put nor chips in the bag. >> student loan, free money.
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don't pay your debt. vote for me. lauren: the problem is his policies have hurt the big guy in all these situations, landlord and companies. their cost haves gone up so they're passing them on so maybe rents have gone up but there's a million reasons why. stuart: prices are set by comply and demand, aren't they? >> right. the federal government getting involved in housing and remember the 2008 housing collapse and that was because the federal government tried to incentivize home buyer ship in a way that wasn't supported by the market and just distort real prices and it only can lead to dead ends. stuart: i think so. senator bernie sanders is launching a podcast and asking for money while promoting a book that bashes capitalism. don't shake your head too vigorous about that. go ahead. >> for a man that hates capitalism, he does a will the of capitalism. that's the epitaph for bernie. forget about the podcast, the book is called the problem with capitalism or reasons to hate capitalism or something. he's got three homes, he is a millionaire, used to talk about being against the millionaires
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and billionaires till someone pointed out, hey, you're a millionaire. i have to feel bad because he's made a lot of money and he's been financially very successful, but he must have -- must be consumed by self-loathing and hatred for what he's -- he can't take any personal joy in what he's personally achieved for himself. it's pathological. stuart: what has he done? been in the senate for how much years and mayor of burlington, vermont and then in the house and honeymoon in soviet union and never came back. what has he done? >> never a real job and always a government employee. stuart: i think he once had a post-office name. i do believe he did that. >> there was a post office. stuart: eternal shame of the united states senate that the chair of the senate budget committee is a socialist. that's appalling thing. >> after the cold war we put that ideology to bed but lingers on like a zombie. stuart: 82-year-old brings it
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back home. lauren: he honeymooned in russia? stuart: no the soviet. lauren: the good old days. stuart: he's on tape talking about how wonderful the moscow melt row system is and nothing wrong with their control. >> these ideas continue to linger on and never die. maybe today but not yet. stuart: thank you, john. >> thanks for having me. stuart: alabama's legislature passed a ban on state funding of diversity, equity and inclusion problems at public universities. i like the sound. tell me more, ashley. ashley: well, the alabama measure bans state funding of dei programs of public universities and local boards of education and government agency. the legislation also limits teaching divisive concepts about race and gerunder and prohibiting transgender students from using the bathroom that aligns with gender identity of public universities and colleges
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and the bill ads that concepts teaching a personal is inherently responsible and alabamas committed in the past and all though a person should accept and acknowledge affirm or consent to a sense of guilt, complies sent or immediate to apologize based on race is divisive. the legislation heads to alabama's republican government kay ivy. if she signs the bill, the law goes into effect october 1. stu. stuart: refusing to negotiate with the basketball players who chose to union ice. we have that story for you. caitlyn jenner supports nassau county's ban on letting transgender female athletes to compete in female sports. we'll ask her next as she's on the show. ♪
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>> any fear is if this woke agenda that's out there, dei world that's out there, if this continues, it'll ruin women's sports over the next 10-20 years. let's stop it now while we can. stuart: that was caitlyn jenner and caitlyn joins me now. is there a difference between trans-athletes competing in contact versus noncontact sports? do you oppose trans in all women's sports? >i think we have an audio problem. caitlyn, can you hear me? >> i can hear you but can't see you.
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yes, stuart i was in los angeles this week on monday, a couple days ago. in support of what nassau county is doing and they had bruce blakeman put out a order, a executive action that on any -- there we government i got you now, stuart. i can see you. that on any county facility, you know, they have soccer fields, this and that, any of the womens sports that are out there that trans women are not allowed. they want to just cis women and grade schooled old xx and boy, did he start getting a lot of flak. and then a couple of days later after this executive action went into order -- went into effect, who do we hear from? well, you may have heard of him, you have a attorney general in new york city called letitia james, have you heard of her? stuart: iowa, yeah. >> yeah, we've heard of her. this girl loves the camera and
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here it is a high profile case and she files a cease and desist order. of course nassau county comes back and has a complaint against her and they start suing back and forth. basically, i mean, stuart, this whole issue is getting lawyered up. i mean, it's just going to kind of the next level so it's all getting lawyered up. because letitia james is a state issue. title 9 is a federal issue. this is federal protection to women in sports and it's the law. it's also the 14th amendment, you know. you can't discriminate against somebody. they go on that and now they're in this legal battle back and forth. i am on the side of we have to keep women sports credible. we have to keep it -- to make
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sure that biological men have a tremendous advantage, okay, over women. we have to stop it now, stuart. we done want to get 10, 20 years from now when young women thinking about getting into sports, when we've come so far with title nine, they say, oh, i don't want to get into sports because i got to play against the boys. stuart: you told me you could drive a golf ball 250 yards and that implies haves trans in women's golf is unfair and trans in a contact sport is dangerous. those are your two objections? that's where you're coming from? >> yes, i gave the example of volleyball. think volleyball a noncontact sport and saw the video of what happened in north carolina. this'biological boy spiked the ball and hit the girl in the head and she fell to the ground
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and got a neck injury and had a concussion. stuart: not good. >> it's not fair. it's just not fair. stuart: i will save time for this, caitlyn, southern california we understand is dealing with a burglary tourism crisis. criminals fly in from south america, rob mansions in los angeles and fly back to south america. do you know anyone that's been targeted? you're la based. >> i don't know anybody personally but i know areas. my country club where i play golf, they have been hit on multiple occasions. these people, i think that one is the venezuela gangs. these are very sophisticated, they have drone surveillance, they surveil these homes and they go in, they put guns to the people's heads, they can take their safes out of the ball and literally in seconds and they're off.
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i used to live in hidden hills and my family lives, these would think of secure place withs guarded gates and security there and somehow they're still getting in with surveillance and these are all, you know, come into the country illegally. stuart: amazing. fortunately, i get it, my family is the position with their own private security. i have my own private security when i need it and unfortunately that's the world we're living in. stuart: caitlyn, i've got to go but that's not a nice world to be living in and we all feel for you right now. caitlyn jenner, thanks for being here and see us again soon. don't be a stranger. >> always my friend, stuart. stuart: see you soon. thanks, caitlyn. ashley: well, golfers are upset over brokers or artificial
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intelligence bots. what they do is they secure tee times before golfers can purchase them at public courses around the city and ask called brokers online and sell the tee times at a $10-$20 markup and frustrated golfers taking complaints to the golf advisory committee saying public courses are only low cost options for people playing in the area and can't even do that. online booking system under fire called golf now. critics say the problem has been around for years, but nothing has been done but according to the la times, an investigation is now going to be conducted involving the city attorney's office. the dreaded bots are taking up all the tee times in la. what's next? stuart: bring in the lawyers, that's america. ain't that right? ashley: yes, exactly. stuart: thanks, ash. folks, don't go anymore because the king of collectibles ken goldin has some highly sought after sports memorabilia.
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can't get his stuff any place else and ken is here to show it all off to us. we'll be back. ♪
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stuart: look who's back, ken goldin and let's go through them all. i want to see messy's jersey. >> should recollect this is from the 21/22 season and one style one game only jersey and here's the reason why. look at that, it was to commemorate chinese new year so the name messi and all the lettering is in mandarin. this is very special. this has got to be well over $25,000. his stuff is like painfully cheap compared to basketball players and we sold a kobe jersey for $1 million. messi, 500 million social media followers and 25 grand. stuart: hulk hogan ticket stuff can't be worth much. >> we never do anything with wrestling. it was the old wwf of course and now it's wwe and in is
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wrestlemania no. 1 so the first ever wrestlemania way back i believe in 1980 -- what year, 1985. it's signed by hulk hogan. there's so few people that kept the tickets even fewer that got his signature and this is the single highest graded one in existence and about 10 grand. stuart: 10 grand. got to move fast. kobe bryant championship ring. that's surely worth a lot of money. >> here you go. take a look at this. this is an actual 2,000 lakers championship ring for kobe bryant and that's the actual ring and it is a player ring. what he did he was so proud of his accomplishments and first nba championship that he got the lakers to give him an extra one and he gifted it to his father, joe bryant so this was kobe's ring gifting it to joe and comes from a letter from kobe's mother pam bryant and it's spectacular
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and only authentic ring of it is type on the market. this probably, $200,000 plus. stuart: okay. a basketball unopened wax. explain thornhill tore that. >> this is 1986. this was the first time you can get a michael jordan rookie card out of a pack. there are 36 packs per box and they average about three jordan rookies and four jordan rookie stickers per box however based on collation of this particular box, expert that authenticated it says there's four rookie stickers so a guaranteed four rookie jordan stickers and possibly seven or eight in the box and if you saw me on king of collectibles, the tv show, this is the exact box i was opening with the type of box i was opening with drake. this is like the top of the line basketball box. it is 38 years old and it will go for about $200,000 at stuart: might get lucky and have rock eye cards
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inside and be worth a great deal of money. it's a gamble. >> yeah, the good thing is you're going to get jordan rookies and at least six or seven jordan rookies in here and high graded that go for $200,000 a pop. lauren: open them? >> somebody get it is and opens the box. stuart: ken, we're out of time. the auction is live? >> it's right not at and it is the march elite option and go to and bid. i want to for one second show the date of dirtiest thing i'vt in and had to seal it because it was worn for ronald acuna's 70tt player to do so and could go for over $100,000 -- stuart: how much? >> 100k and we're done. stuart: we're done. when did the star spangled banner become the first knacksal anthem? national anthem? the anxious when we return.
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11:59 am
stuart: before the break, we asked, when did the star spangled banner become the official national anthem? we always start with ashley so we'll start with you go. ashley: haven't a clue. you'd think 1814. stuart: it couldn't be 1780
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could it? >> i was going with one of the 18's, 1814 so does ashley so i triple that. stuart: okay will i'm going with 1931. i don't to what. yes, sir, yes, sir! he comes through, the boy does. it was originally written by francis scott key in 1814 and was a poem titled "the defense of fort mchenry" and it was set to the tune of the popular english song, what? lauren: you don't know this song stuart: you learn something every day on this program. lauren, ashley, thanks very much for being with us. we'll see you again tomorrow i'm sure, "coast to coast" starts now. neil: well, thank you, stuart. the dot plot thickens two hours away from knowing which way the federal reserve will go on interest rates. not today, no one expects the fed will cut rates today although you really never know. what everyone is focused on is what jerome powell signals today , and fellow m


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