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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  March 20, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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and she said, i'm glad it helped. i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." see how relief factor can help you feel better every day. call or go online to try it for yourself and get our 3-week quickstart for just $19.95. my wife making me take relief factor literally changed my life. larry: i say it again, the excessive fine clause of the the eighth amendment, which goes all the way back to magna carta, that is the way out for mr. trump to get away from this mob law in new york. and i was there at the magna carta. not liz macdonald, i was there at the magna carta. [laughter] elizabeth: magna carta, harry -- [laughter] that's hilarious. didn't ruth bader ginsburg or write that opinion and even just a $4 42,000 suv seizure for a
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drug -- larry: yes. and and the one that used the mag a that if car that reference. anyway, have a great show. elizabeth: we're lucky that you've been around this long are, larry. it's good to see you my friend. [laughter] from house oversight is, congressman pat fallon and former assistant u.s. district attorney andy mccarthy. congressman, you were at the house impeachment hearing today. lots of fire works with former biden family insiders tony bobulinski, devon archer testifying about a biden family corruption allegations, selling access to joe biden and the government. congressman, what came out of the testimony? >> what i saw i from tony bobulinski was -- he seemed, he came off as highly credibility. he has no -- credible. he has no incentive whatsoever to tell anything but the truth. and and the democrats cannot tell us what the biden family did to get $24 million of foreign money. nobody can say what goods or
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services did they provide or render. nobody can tell us except influence peddling and selling access. elizabeth: so what the congressman said, andrew. what do you think? bobulinski is saying if everything was aboveboard, why mislead and with dishonest -- be dishonest about it? why bury nearly $30 million in cash flows in nearly two dozen shell companies that no one can track? >> i think the best way to look at this is the simplest way. a normal transaction, no matter how big the dollar figure is, when you see money going one way, what you see coming across the other way is an asset of some kind, you know, a baseball team, a golf course, a building, what have you. here you don't see any asset coming across the table. you see money going one way and you see it being handled in a way that the you would expect like a mafia family or some kind of an organized crime money laundering network to handle
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money by breaking big amounts into small amounts, but you don't see any asset going in the other direction. the only sensible conclusion to be drawn is the asset was access to joe biden and his political influences. it's that simple. he was the business. elizabeth: yeah. i mean, so let's get right to it, what you both said, and andrew, that's a great point that you just made. let's watch tony bobulinski call out, first he calls out democrats for lying to the media. they went into meltdown mode. then you're going to hear him testify that hunter biden and jim biden perjured themselves by lying to congress and much more. watch this. >> they continue to lie directly to the american people without hesitation and remorse. rep dan goldman and jamie if raskin, both lawyers, and mr. goldman, a former prosecutor with the sdny, will continue to lie in this hearing and then go straight to the media to tell more lies. hunter biden gave his transcribed interview on
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february 28th and lied throughout his testimony. he lied on important details concerning his money demands and threats to cefc. of jim biden also lied extensively throughout his transcribed interview on february 21st and is perjured himself. joe biden was more than a participant in and a beneficiary of his family's business, he was an about active, aware enab abler. elizabeth: a lot of lying going on. congressman p did jamie raskin and dan goldman go into meltdown mode when he call called them out? >> they melted like the nazi ises in reeders of the lost ark -- raiders of the host ark. as they said in elementary are school is, they can't take it, and they did go into meltdown mode. the witness can say whatever the witness wants to, and he did just that. i do think that hinter biden was lying. i sat in on this seven-plus hour deposition, and he lied repeatedly. elizabeth: what do you think, andrew? if congressional a investigators
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say the white house has been obstruction -- obstructing the impeachment inquiry right and left when they've got bank records, e-mails, text messages, photos, visitor hogs, whistleblower testimony -- logs -- showing joe biden was selling his, quote, brand overseas. what do you think, andrew? >> well, i think that, you know, the democrats and the administration are being basically bitten by what they themselves did in the past, you know? this was, when they did the ukraine impeachment against trump when there wasn't exquisite cooperation coming out of the administration, they tacked on an obstruction article of impeachment so that a when they voted the articles. you know, this is kind of what you would expect. i think realistically nobody thinks, because the votes would never have been there anyway, that the president is going to be impeached and removed. but this was about political accountability, and i thought the committee did a very good job tracing a lot of money for
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which there's no good explanation. and they can get as hysterical as they want to get. i think what the public wants to know is what was going across the other side of the table in exchanging for all those millions of dollars. elizabeth: yeah. so what andrew is saying. you know, the white house counsel asked house speaker mike johnson to drop the impeachment inquiry. congressman, are you guys going to do that? are you going to file criminal charges to the doj or obstruction charges? in we might, liz. we've always gone where the evidence leads us. the preponderance of the evidence, in my humble opinion, clearly shows that joe biden and his family were involved in an influence-peddling scheme. and so we are, we're compelled constitutionally to move forward. and, you know, every time we subpoena more bank records, we find more foreign money, so i think find more in the coming days and weeks. elizabeth: congressman, andy mccarthy, good to the see you. joining us now, national border patrol council vice president
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art del cueto. art, it's good to see you again. texas is fighting back. it's fired up. it's not going to back with down as the fifth circuit appeals court blocked texas' new law that lets authorities arrest and deport i legal immigrants. i mean -- illegal immigrants. i mean, this appeals court move came just hours after the supreme court gave the green light to texas doing that. that's a major blow and loss to the biden white house. >> no p i mean, it is, but it's a common sense if thing if you look at it. what is it that they're asking more? if -- for? they're asking to protect the nation's borders. you constantly hear, look, the immigration, the protecting of the border, that falls on the federal government. but what is the state supposed to do when the federal government is failing to do that? and make no if mistake, for the last three years the federal government, you know, the biden administration if has, they've ignoredded the problem, they've said there isn't a problem, and now, you know, every time that somebody tries to do the lawful
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thing and, you know, try to protect the borders, they continues to get involved and stop it. that's where the frustration lies. it just comes down to this administration just does not want law and order to prevail. elizabeth: yeah. i mean, the gop is saying instead of securing the border, the biden white house is suing texas and arizona for border barriers. watch this from texas lieutenant governor dan patrick. you're also going to hear a new announcement out of the los angeles police department off the l.a., they're launching a new special task force to fight home invasion robberies by organized criminal gangs of illegal migrants from colombia, chile and ecuador. watch this. finish. >> whoever loses this hearing will appeal it to the full fifth circuit. whoever loses that hearing will go back to the supreme court. and that's where it was always a going to end up, and we feel very good about that ruling yesterday, 6-3, going back to the supreme court. >> we are being invaded by land, by sea, by air. it's drones, it's boats going
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into florida. they have been taking drugs and illegal immigrants to florida for years across, millions have come across the border under joe biden, but it sounds like the court has made this decision that texas has the right to defend ourselves against this organized, mobilized, car carte e l-driven invasion of our country. >> we have a significant increase in burglaries from organized groups that are outside this country. they're coming into the country, and they are targeting high-end residents, and we are addressing that that specifically in a task force fashion through multiagencies. elizabeth: so they need a task force of multi-agencies to stop this. they're talking about criminal illegal immigrant gangs doing home invasions using wi-fi jammers to knock out surveillance cam rahs at homes and also -- cameras at homes and take out the security systems and the alarms. >> elizabeth, how many more red flags, how many more facts, how
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many more clues does this administration need to realize that, you know, all this is caused because of the mess today created for the last three years on our nation's borders? what else needs to give? and that's where -- they need to put ego aside because that's all i can think of right now. elizabeth: yeah. >> it's still hard for me to belief that these individuals want to destroy the country. they need to say, you know what? we were wrong. the last administration's policies worked, we need to bring some of them back and fix them because now even texas when they're trying to make this push, mexico has said we're not going to allow you to send people back to mexico. well, that takes the federal government. president biden needs to go down there, talk to president obrador down in mexico like president trump did and say, look, this is what's going to happen because with this is the way we secure our borders -- elizabeth: well, art, there's big, there's big concern about illegal immigrants getting the vote, that democrats are giving illegal migrants the right to vote without ids.
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a.g. garland recently slammed vote orer id as discriminatory, but a pew research poll found 8 in 10 americans say, or yes, we need voter id. are we changing the system for people who don't pay taxes into it? we get it, democrats are saying they add a to the economy, but house judiciary found that illegal immigrants are a net if drape on the u.s. democrats said basically, yeah, they get about $42 billion in medicaid, food and housing benefits. taxpayers pay for that a when they're not paying taxes into the system system. >> look, i've said it in -- many times before, and i can tell you right now i am 100% pro-legal migration. but we have a lot of criminals in the united states already. i don't want more to be imported into the u.s. and what we continue to see or under this administration is a lot of individuals that have come in here. the gangs throughout the world, they're growing their empire by -- because this administration's lack of border enforcement. elizabeth: got it. art a del cueto, thank you so much for joining us tonight.
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it's good to sew you. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: sure is. we're got a jam packed news hour. joining us senator tommy tuberville, former treasury secretary for public affair if monica crowley e and wall street pro if carol roth. americans trapped in haiti prompting new fierces this is afghanistan -- fears this is afghanistan 2.0 where that botched exit stranded 9,000 americans. and more bad news for bidenomics, the federal reserve keeps interest rates at a 23-year high as a inflation is trending higher again. it ain't so transitory as the white house claimed. and this, the fed now sees real u.s. gdp growth flatlining at just 2.1. how do you campaign on that? and we've got the sound, even the president, president biden admits, quote, the dream of owning a home is out of reach. we've got new gaffes too. texas, again, delivers another big hit to wall street. misusing your retirement and investment money for ideologies. we're going to explain it.
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plus, former deputy assistant attorney general john yahoo!, a new setback -- john yooo and the new constitutional fight over that massive civil fraud judgment out of new york against trump. coming up on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ >> it's election interference, and we'll see is how the courts rule on it. and i'll be guided, i'll be guided -- [inaudible conversations] excuse me. i'll be guided by the courts. if. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos.
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elizabeth: okay, former president trump has until monday to come up with that big $464 million bond before he can e even appeal that new york judgment. now, legal pros cite major constitutional a due process violations here and also excessive fines. lydia hu has the story. lydia. >> reporter: good evening, liz. according to donald trump's lawyers, an unwillingness to accept real estate as collateral was the reason 30 insurance companies turned turn away, but sources say they're also worried about potential investor or public bash backlash. insurance companies call it headline risk, something that could the create a negative if reaction for the company, and that happened earlier this month when insurance company if chub posted a near -- 92 million appeal if bond for donald trump in another case, the federal
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defamation matter filed by e. jean carroll. last week chub's ceo, evan greenberg, was forced to defend the bond in a letter to investors writing this: i fully realize how polarizing and emotional this case and the defendant are and how easy it would be for chub to just say is no. however, we support the rule of law and our role in it. we consider this the right thing to do and we, frankly are, left our own personal feelings aside is. now, one bond expert called the letter surprising and said it could illustrate the headline risk other companies now seek to avoid. >> if there was already back with lash supporting another bond or having that much of a credit risk one individual is definitely something tear going to take into consideration. you know, it's obviously not helping the case. finish it's not a positive. >> reporter: we are only day away from the deadline for the bond, and it is still possible for trump to raise the capital, oring we could see the court agree to a lesser amount. but if a bond is not posted,
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attorney general letitia james can start the process to seize trump's properties and bank accounts. finish liz, we'll send it back to you. elizabeth: wow with. lydia hu, great reporting there. joining us now, former deputy assistant hyten yoo to. it's great to have you back on. what do you make of that report that they could begin seizing trump's assets on monday? can trump even get to the appeals court? he has to post the bond first before he can appeal. legal pros are calling this mob justice. >> you don't need a brilliant brain to figure this out. a state can't go ahead and say we're going to fine you a billion dollars, and you have to put that money i up even to a appeal -- appeal that you should have been fined a billion dollars. a state violates your due process rights if they make the conditions of your right to appeal so impossible to meet that you really are just stuck with the trial court judgment. and it makes it worse here because the substance of trump's complaint is that the original
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fine is far too large. under the theory of letitia james, it would never be possible to a appeal an excessive fine because with they always a fine you more than the money you have on hand. elizabeth: the trump team is citing ruth bader ginsburg, the late justice, in a case involving a $42,000 suv that was seized -- he was a drug dealer. she said that was excessive. what they're talking about here is ten -- way beyond that. let's watch frequent "evening edit" guest kevin o'leary slam what's going on here in a heated cnn segment, and then you're going to hear from former president trump. watch this. >> this may be great -- >> well, kevin -- >> -- for the attorney general, but this is not good for america. >> i hear you. >> forget about trump. do you think this is good for business in new york? do you think this is good for business in america, to take a law that we use to protect people against buying refridge if raters at an overpriced value decades ago and apply it against
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an individual and then talk about seizing assets hike he was in venezuela? or in cuba? and let's make a penalty of half a billion dollars against a crime, apparently, where no monies were lost. absolutely horrific! elizabeth: i mean, this sets a big precedent, john. i mean, the trump team is pointing out that the new york times reported trump's going to have difficulty using real estate as collateral. the new york state law is very tough about that in order to post the bond. new york real estate has been destabilized and dropping, commercial real estate, due to rising crime and people fleeing. >> actually, liz, i think we first discussed this on your program back when this whole trial started, was putting aside what the judge here found, think about the incentive this has on businesses in new york city which are already fleeing to places like florida. if you can be attacked by the
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attorney general for a case where you didn't actually cause any damages to anybody if, or all the people you contracted with said they made money off the deal, what's that going to do to business stability in maces hike new york city? elizabeth: right -- in places like new york city. there's another new setback in the court case against trump. what do you make of judge mcafee down in georgia letting trump and eight co-defendants appeal the judge's decision to let fani willis stay on the georgia 20020 case after the judge said is, yeah, she has the appearance of lying and misconduct for hiring her boyfriend on the case? does this mean no georgia 2020 trial before the election? >> well, this just shows that fani willis is the gift that keeps on giving to donald trump, because this appeal if could go on for some time. and and you're right, liz, it could end up pushing the trial date even further. there's still even more legal claim that have to come up about that case before it can ever get
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a jury even seated. it's a hard to see that one getting done by november. elizabeth: got it. john yoo, thank you so much is. we appreciate you. coming up, congressman mark alford from house to agriculture. law make wears are raising more concerns about china stealing u.s. farmers' intellectual property as china again increases its investment in u.s. farmland. plus, look who's here, former treasury secretary for public affairs monica crowley. new setback, another one, for bidenomics. the federal reserve keeps interest rates at a 23-year high after a inflation is not going away. it's coming up on "the evening edit." ♪ muck. ♪ ♪ meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer!
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elizabeth: joining us now, former treasury secretary for public affairs monica crowley. monica, it's so good to see you again. so what do you make of this? the federal reserve kept interest rate at a 23-year high after inflation for 2 straight months is going up.
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it's going in the wrong direction. and the big back story, the federal reserve said u.s. real economic growth after inflation is flatlining at just around 2%. >> yeah, not a big surprise here, liz. look, there were some expect anticipations at the end of last year when -- expectations when the rate of inflation taliban to slow that we would be entering this period of economic healing and disinflation and bringing inflation back to the fed's target of 2%. but that has not happened. in january and february the cpi, those inflation numbers, they showed that we are going in the wrong direction, and inflation is ticking back up. so the fed's language today, chair powell was very careful in his language saying, look, we're leaving rates the way they are right now. we're keeping a close eye on this data, and we'll be able to move with dispennsylvania but anybody thinking -- dispennsylvania but anybody thinking that rates are going to be cut in may or even june, i think you're going to be sorely disappointed. i think they're going to have to wait far into this year before they begin lowering rates.
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elizabeth: how do you campaign on this, monica? gallup is saying biden's approval rating is now below george h.w. bush, below jimmy carter, much further below them, and they lost re-election are. also this, economists warn biden has driven up inflation with excessive government overspending. gas prices are up nearly 3747% -- 47% since biden took office. the president now admits, yeah, housing is out of reach for a lot of people. you're going to hear that and more biden gaffes and blunders. monica, he had a really curious moment talking about where to fly to get cheaper drugs. he seemed to saber lin and london and toronto are in america. watch with them start the music while he was still speaking and watch him awkwardly walk off the stage. watch. >> but with we have a lot more to do. for too many people, dream of having a good home, it still feels out of reach. i get it.
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la tree, where's latree? excuse me. let's fly to toronto or to berlin or london or to rome or any major city in america. i apologize -- ♪ ♪ [laughter] >> -- progress together, but we know that that there is still work to be done which is why we are going to organize like never before and insure we are turning out the vote. elizabeth: monica? what do you think? >> yeah, you know things are bad, liz, when your own staff is giving you the vaudeville hook to get off the stage. they won't allow i the president to speak because with he's incapability most of the time he doesn't know what planet he's on, and that's not very comforting for the american people. look, he's trying to go out there and sell bidenomics, liz, but it's still a pig they're pry trying to put lipstick the on. the american people know it's a pig with lipstick on it. tear lived experiences, sky-high
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inflation as we just said remains incredibly sticky and persistent. rising energy prices, rising housing costs. it is squeezing the middle class, working class and the or poor. elizabeth: look at larry summers tweeting that that's why u.s. consumer sentiment is down. you know, he's trying to get the latino and black vote. biden in 2020 got nearly 90% of the black vote, about two-thirds of the latino rote. now that's dropped more than 20 points to just 63% of the black vote in a "usa today" poll, and both polls also show trump winning latinos, new york times and the "usa today" poll, trump's winning latinos right now by 6 points. final word. >> yeah. it is an incredible rea alinement that actually began in 2016, liz x and this is the trump reassignment. two major -- realignment. two major issues bringing black votersers, latino voters, women, one is the economy which has faltered dramatically under joe
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biden and the second is the wide open border and illegal immigration which is flooding their communities with illegals and draining all the resources that used to flow to them. they are really angry about it, and and they're looking at trump and the gop with a new eye. elizabeth: got it. monica crowley, good to see you again. come back soon, okay? >> thanks, liz. you bet. elizabeth: okay, this story, lawmakers sounding warning bells, they're zeroing in on china's threat to u.s. farmland. chinese ownership of american land has dramatically increased. hillary vaughn has the story on capitol hill. hillary. >> reporter: good evening, liz. china is buying hundreds of thousands of acres of u.s. farmland, and lawmakers here on capitol hill say that is a huge national security concern. between 2012 and 20222, chinese ownership of u.s. land has increased by 256, 346,000 acres owned in 2022 alone. but it's the not just how much land, it's where china is buying it. lawmakers say the chinese are
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strategically purchasing land are around sensitive intelligence sites and national labs, giving them the ability to essentially plop a spy operation in plain sight on their own private property, something that came to light two years ago when a chinese company with ties to the ccp announced it would purchase land near grand forks air force base in north dakota. today governor kristi noem says it's not just where china's buying land, it's what they already own, warning that china's grip on our food supply is getting tighter. >> if we think a pandemic was scarily, can you imagine what happens if we can't feed our people? we are only three meals away from a crisis. some of our biggest processing facilities are owned by china. i mean, smithfield foods processes in sioux falls, south dakota. >> reporter: but some republicans are connecting the dots between all the a things china is trying to control here in the u.s. and say it ad as up to one thing -- adds up to one thing. >> i really do thinking, and i don't think this is alarmism, i think this is a recognition of reality if you read what xi
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jinping is saying to the party and to his people, i believe that the ccp is preparing for a war with the united states. >> reporter: and, liz, it's not just here on capitol hill where lawmakers think that china is the enemy. americans are worried too. a new gallup poll says that 41% of americans think china is america's biggest enemy. liz? elizabeth: got it. hillary vaughn, thank you so much. good to see you. no okay. let's welcome to the sew from house armed services, congressman mark alford. congressman, it's good to see you again. your to hillary's report. >> look, it was spot on. and mike gallagher's absolutely right. we need to be on a wartime fight, the unite of america. china is right now -- united states of america. china is coming into our sovereign nation and buying up land. you just heard the figures. it's grown exponentially every year. why are we allowing the chinese to buy any land in the united states of america? that's why we put forth a bill entitled the american land and property protection act several weeks ago which doesn't just
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disallow the purchase of farmland. that's a first step, and system people have done that. i don't believe that any foreign adversary y'all nation or citizen thereof should be able to buy any land, not each an outhouse in the united states of america. it's time to circle the wagons, get on a war footing. the chinese do not want to do any if favors nurse, the chinese communist party, and we need to wage. elizabeth: they could steal intellectual property like u.s. seeds used in farming and more. you know, this other story came in, congressman, let's get your reaction to the biden white house warning u.s. states to be on guard and on the lookout for cyber attacks against water systems citing ongoing threats from hackers linked to china and iran. >> well, look, china has its tentacles in everything we do in america, and i don't think most americans realize that. they are poisoning our young people's minds through tiktok, they're poisoning their bodies and killing them through fentanyl that's coming over our porous southern border which this administration refuses to
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secure. china does not want to do us any favors, and they are steal the thing our technology. -- stealing our technology. they're in our cheap drones, our cheap computers, our cheap wi-fi if systems. we have an addiction to cheap things in america, and we continue to buy their products, and they are spying on us. elizabeth: but the thing about the water systems, i mean, or we didn't see the story before: this is a new development that the biden administration is warning cyber attacks are increasingly striking u.s. water and wastewater systems throughout the nation, that the water system is especially vulnerable. it's part of u.s. infrastructure. it's fraught. it has weak controls, insufficient funding, staffing shortages, but, you know, the epa a is the lead federal agency for insuring the nation's water sector is safe, but it's focused on things like electric cars. >> i'm sure the biden administration under this budget that he's once again turning out wants more money to the epa.
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we're trying to make cuts to the epa. we think a lot of overregulation is leading to a downturn in business contributing to the inflationary pressures that we've seen over the past couple of years. more importantly, look, after 9/11 these softened targets were hardened. water plant, electrical grids, plants have hardened up to resist terrorism and espionage. yes, we need to do more, we need to be aware of it. i think the general message is let's be aware, let's wake up, america. elizabeth: got it. congressman alford, thanks for joining us tonight. it's good to see you. look who's coming up too, senator tommy tuberville from senate armed services. americans trapped in haiti prompting new fears of afghanistan 2.0, that botched exit under the biden white house where 9,000 americans were stranded. president biden also says trump has no understanding of foreign policy, but then the president, bind, goes on to mix up name ifs of even nato members. let's check in with my buddies
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dagen and sean. what do you have coming up on "the bottom line"? we love your show. sean: we love your show too. thank you, china influencing the minds of our youth trying to work those minds, buying our farmland and influencing american policy. we have marsha blackburn on that as well as insiders say donald trump may let letitia james take trump tower. what? rich allow arely here on that. dagen: yeah. the blowback. ken paxton, the attorney attorney general from the state of texas, will that state be allowed to enact it own law and start arresting and deporting illegal migrants? securing its own border, securing the american border. the courts, it's a back and forth. plus, congressman thomas massie on the green agenda. $15 million coming out of congress to electronically track cattle in the united states? they're spying on us, and now the u.s. government wants to spy on our steers. top of the hour. ♪ ♪
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the state department today sent a helicopter into haiti and managed to evacuate 15 americans safely. this was the first evacuation since last week, saturday, when they managed to get 30 plus americans out and land them via charter flight in miami. >> we are in the process of organizing government-chartered helicopter flights from port-au-prince to santa domingo e in the dominican republic. americans would be responsible for their own travel to the united states. >> reporter: state officials are not yet confirming how many helicopters they plan to send or how many americans might be rescued over the coming days. but on capitol hill yesterday, republicans drew comparisons to the chaotic 2021 u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan. ex-military leader testified it was unclear how many americans were left behind when u.s. troops departed saying they're seeing the same thing, quote, playing out today in haiti. >> having a plan is one thing, preparing the plan, vetting the
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plan, coordinating the plan with the people that are going to actually carry you out, the department of defense, that's another ooh set of tasks completely. >> and that was too little, too late -- >> it was my judgment that it was far too little, far too late. >> reporter: the state department disagrees. >> the largest and most successful airlift in history. 124,000 people on planes out of the country. >> reporter: we hope to get more specific details from state the officials over the coming hours about these helicopter flights. the one that's already taken place, liz, as well as any that might be coming over the coming days. elizabeth: got it. gillian turner, thank you so much is. look who's back from senate armed services, senator tommy tuberville. senator, it's so good to see you again. what's your reaction to gillian's report about haiti here? >> well, it's a disaster, liz. it's shocking to see the videos, but it's a really not because, you know, the whole world especially especially in africa and central america, we're really having problems. look at the dominican republic,
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they're putting up their own border wall to keep the haitians from coming over. you'd think we'd do something like that here in the united states. but this is the 11th embassy that joe biden's had to evacuate in only 3 years, and it's going to get worse. and sooner or later we're going to wake up and smell the roses and understand the foreign relations policy are not working in the biden administration. we're getting people killed, we're having to spend tons of money, and we've got people from alabama that we're daily trying to get out of haiti. it's just an absolute mess. elizabeth: yeah, it's so sad and unfortunate. let's get your reaction to u.s. military commanders who are on the ground in afghanistan, they were testifying about how badly the white house botched it behind the scenes. first you're going to hear from an afghanistan veteran sergeant, then you're going to hear from general kenneth mckenzie who served as centc work m commander during the 2021 botched withdrawal. he's blaming it on bad policy. then you'll hear the former joint chiefs of staff, chairman -- the chair of that, he's, former chair, he's general
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mark milley. he says the decision came too late to evacuate americans and civilians, worries it came too late. watch. >> you know, i think what we have here is the difference between weak and strong leadership. weak leadership holds zero accountability and pins the blame on their subordinates. strong leadership will take extreme ownership and accountability for their action and/or inactions. >> if there's fault, it lies in a policy decision that plaited the joint force -- placed the joint force in this situation and exposed the force over time to the possibility of these kinds of attacks. >> on 14, august, the non-combatant evacuation operation decision was made by the d. of state. it is my assessment that that decision came too late. elizabeth: came too late. are we on our back heels here with haiti and other places around the world? >> well, what happened in afghanistan, we all know what happened. people got killed, it was a debacle that's caused a lot of these things, liz, all over the
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world to happen since then. but that commander, commander mckenzie and milley, both few it was wrong and they should both have said, listen, we are stepping down if you're going to do this. that would have been the right thing to do for those two. don't stand there and take it. force the administration to do what you think is right and don't give in. that was a terrible decision, they knew it was a terrible decision, and it's as much their fought as a anybody's of assaying, listen, if you're going to do, this we're out. elizabeth: yeah. you know what else looks like a bad decision? the d.c. u.s. attorney's office a dropped charges against the gold star father who was arrested for disrupting president biden's state of the union address shouting abbey game. his son was one of thirteen soldiers murdered in the botched exit out of afghanistan. why arrest him? >> well, communication. you know, right after the speech joe biden, somebody should have gone in his staff and and said, listen, mr. president, this is what happened, ask and he should have said immediately, let the guy go, tell him come see me
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tomorrow, we'll have lunch in the white house,s i want to talk the him. but there was no communication. they now dropped the charges. what a debacle. you know, there's no communication with these people running the white house. elizabeth: got it. senator tuberville, we lo having you on. tanks for joining us. >> thank you. elizabeth: okay. this stunning blow to the push out of wall street. to use your 4011k and pension money $401(k) and pension money to push political ideologies you may not agree with. texas just yanked $8.5 billion from wall street firm blackrock because blackrock was pushing boycotts of u.s. oil and gas. we've got more and more states doing anythings like this, going after wall street firms staying stop misusing retirement and investment funds for politics. former wall street pro carol roth's going to take it on next on "the evening edit. ". ♪
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>> you done hear, that black rock is transitioning, they are not doing esg any more, they are doing transition investment and socialism pack investment and climate justice, just fancy names for the same thing. i think that texas pulling this 8.5 billion is important symbolically, they are one of many states taking a stand. the challenge from me perspective we need it to be done about a thousand times over. because this is 8.5 billion, and black rock manages 10 trillion dollars under their management. i think it is important that we continue to hold their feet to the fire as well as other companies that are doing the same thing, we need so much more of it it is to them 8.5 billion that is you know a lifetime for them it is a bad day. elizabeth: looking at nine states. pushing back. arizona, arkansas, florida,
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louisiana, missouri, south carolina, utah and west virginia, they are pulling that money out of firms doing this the executive director of consumer research called environmental social governance investing a scam that wall street managers are abusing their power and misusing investor money to advance their radical ideologies and political agendas. >> that is what it is. because it has been poison, because people like you have been willing to give it a platform, the states have been willing to take action, there are now new financial incentives coming up under different names, i would imagine that the companies will continue the behaviors and we need is a more concerted effort, more states to join in. we need to hit on all of the pension funds and pressure to be put on companies within those states, saying that esg is no longer the way of the world, you need to shift it.
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and from my perspective, crazy that we have the billionaires who don't just go off and enjoy their money, a normal billionaire goes off and buys a yacht and racing horses, but they want to try to show how smart they are and mess with -- our lives. energy has expanded life stands, we need the billionaires to mind their own business and go away do normal billionaire things. elizabeth: the other thing, too, people are pointing out that black rock is trying to boycott texas oil and gas. at the same time it is managing investment funds that profit off royalties from oil and gas. >> yes, this is amazing. the 6 thousand derivative products that are used in their and everyone else's lives, they are trying to hedge their bets and be on every side.
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layer fink said that he -- larry fink expects once in a generation financial incentives to come town the pike for things like green energy, and infrastructure and technology projects. wherever that money is, is where he will be. at the same time, you said, he also hedging his bets on the other side, it really does not make sense. we do need more people more strength coming out of texas and hope to see more. elizabeth: carol roth you are terrific thank you. joining you tomorrow night, we have steve forbes, and mike huckabee, i am elizabeth macdonald, thanks for watching the "evening edit" on fox business, time for my buddies on "the bottom line." dagen: hey eco eco emac. >> chinese communist party is not our friend, not our
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