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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  March 22, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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>> that the problem, and how to fix it. what's going to happen, when the titanic was going and they showed the propeller that stops abruptly, you get to a precipice of collapsing if you don't systematically deal with the issues. it no longer can be printed and printed and printed. gold is doing quite well and i'm sticking with gold. charles: great stuff. this is a sideways day. the last hour could be treacherous. liz: you have to stay and watch as we kick off the final hour of trade for the entire week. don't think you can relax and turn away from your portfolio.
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the rally is off, even though the house past one. $2 trillion funding package. what government shutdown is still looming as we await the senate to make a move, and bitcoin is 10%, the emperor has no yoga pants. lululemon shares in during their worst drop in four years. the major indices on pace thanks to the post fed meeting power part, we saw wednesday afternoon and yesterday. look at these numbers. the weekly line charts ring the bulls to the terrific 2s. the dow and the s&p having their best week since december 15th. the dow and the s&p would look better were it not for nike. nike is a component of both and
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is the worst performer of the dow. and the top and bottom of, nike did note, direct to consumer strategy, is not driving the growth they expected. the company is losing ground in the running category. at the bottom of the s&p, down 15%. stock at 406 in change, if double dead budget percentage losses the yoga apparel giant looking at its worst day in four years. lulu says revenue will drop expectations on waning demand in north america. got to check publicly traded companies losing 5% of its
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stellar 48% jump on day one. apple tanked 4% after the department of justice, accusing it of a massive monopoly built around its iphones. is up one%. had been down, then came flat and as you see we are seeing strength here. it could be huge for the smart phone and apps store king. congressman ro khanna is here. silicon valley as his district. does he think the doj is going too far saying it won't rule out breaking up apple. in the last hour or two he voted against the anti-tiktok legislation. he voted against the extension of the spending bill but he voted against the tiktok
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legislation. to the markets specifically, the s&p is broader index gaining 32% over the past 12 months, wall street continues to pump in higher. reaffirmed the end of year 5500 call on "the claman countdown" and today society general hosted the outlook from underway to overweight. price target $5500 and not everyone is going with the blue sky scenario. a strategist at be riley wealth management now says he sees a recession this year, even a mild one would force overstretched stocks to retreat pulling the s&p underwater by 40% to the lowest level since
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the pandemic crash. let's get to the floor show. teddy, you are not as do men and gloom, you thought valuations were pretty stretched here. >> the bad news if there is any bad news, we had a terrific market, 4.5 months and it has run through january. this month, in the past couple days, have been terrific. the good news is market brett has improved. that means the strength in other sectors needs to come through and, and i think that -- sorry about that. liz: i know you are rookie, you've only been on tv -- >> the small-cap and mid-cap
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sectors are really starting to come to life and i think that is where the value is landing. i would say small and mid-cap. of our mid-caps ran out of steam, a little overbought but the market remains positive. liz: it remains positive but yesterday, we had someone talk about turnaround stories. he liked to buy companies that were doing buybacks. stock buybacks. do you go that route? a lot of these companies have decent earnings, taking a big chunk of that money, turning around and buying their stock back which tends to float the stock higher. teddy? >> buybacks on the back of all
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equities doing these programs. they are terrific but net/net they tend to help with the earnings and is a positive sign when they do that. it is buybacks and dividend increases. if you combine those ingredients with decent fundamentals it's usually a very positive tax in the stock market. neil: do you see a significant correction like paul dietrich does? >> there is always on a even a broken clock is right twice a day. diane: wilson of morgan stanley has not been right and it's several years he was calling for a big selloff and had people listened to him he missed a huge run-up this year alone. the s&p 500 gaining 32%.
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the nasdaq is even better. these guys are not corrected. >> they are wrong, not right, we are down 40%, or are we down 10%, markets don't go straight up, look at a chart of the dow, going down to 1973-74, at the depths of the market in 1973 was 580, and here we are at 5000, and glitches along the
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way, and and hound great time to buy stocks. the bears can make a good case. being a long-term holder of equities has proven to be very rewarding. basically to bet against the overall trend is a fools errand. anybody can get lucky. sooner or later one of them will be right, but even when they are right it's not the end of the world. it's a better buying opportunity and selling opportunity. liz: when teddy's is a fools errand, one thing he has not been foolish on is a multi-year call on meta. you were wrong for about a year when they went to the meta and it was disastrous. if you are a long-term investor you have been right on that.
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you also like csaba, financials, schwab. >> other than meta we don't have a lot of exposure to it, what i call high octane tech sector and that has been a mistake. luckily for meta, at least it's been helpful for the overall portfolios. i continue to look for the exits like when you go to a movie theater, first thing you should do is not look for a seat but where the exit signs are. i do the same thing with the stock market. we are heavy in the short-term trends, it is a great business, warren buffett and berkshire hathaway have proved that. if you don't believe it, the insurance business in that
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sector, still like meta. i don't want to get into it. if meta were a country it would be the world's third largest country, china, india, and meta-blooge no company has two 23 billion eyeballs looking at their product every day. liz: interesting point, happy friday and you are just like my dad, look for the exits. >> sorry about the telephone. liz: thank you very much. electric vehicle stocks pulling back as the wave of would-be buyers and battery-powered cars slows to reveal let's. hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicles are seeing increased sales. the clean energy revolution as it powers its new big rig electric vehicles with hydrogen fuel cells. a fox business exclusive, a publicly traded company is here
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to tell us how he plans to keep on trucking as ev euphoria fades in part due to her looming lithium shortage. let's look at the global x tech etf. it does reflect concern ticker symbol let. 69% over the past year. claimant countdown is coming right back. dow industrials down 222 points. we are coming right back.
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stevens dribbles up the court... he stops! ...for the championship! nice shot, marcus! sweet, turn simulation off. tssk, tssk, not so fast. what, why? did you forget marcus? forget what? your chem exam? uggh? flashcard time! the atomic weight of boron. the future isn't scary, not investing in it is. 100 innovative companies, one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges expenses and more in prospectus at
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liz: tesla is losing its charge down 1.5%. today, the issue is a report
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that says the ev america will reduce car production due to lower demand in the region. bloomberg reports tesla told workers to lower production of the model 3 by working only 5 days a week instead of the usual 6.5. that's the usual for the average chinese auto worker. if tesla sales in china over the ev sector it is not just consumers slowing their purchases of evs, analysts he trains like locomotives speeding toward the industry, a worldwide shortage of lithium. a key ingredient in batteries by next year. enter a fuel-cell technology company who's 0 emission vehicles bypass the need for lithium because it is hydrogen fuel cell powered. competitor nikola claims to be the only one making heavy duty commercial vehicles.
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highs on was like not so fast. the company just delivered 19 heavy duty evs to three different continents. it is forging ahead and publicly traded. joining me is parker makes life from company headquarters in illinois. parker, let's get this out front. an important point that you are not up your play automaker, you make fuel-cell technology that happens to be in trucks. can you flesh that out for our investor viewers? >> thanks for having me today. it's a leading fuel-cell technology company. it has been in development for years. we have the largest fuel-cell in terms of power output today, our 200 kw fuel-cell system can do all the work a luncheon typically does.
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as mentioned for that, 19 trucks and buses deployed to customers globally last year a including 5 in the us to the fifth-largest fleet in the country. we are getting started with that technology. the future goes beyond trucks. liz: sounds like that is a small approach, the hydrogen fuel cell technology is the foundation upon which you can what? >> the next uses beyond our many. at the airport, planes mayfly with fuel cells to some time but the aircraft, great use cases for fuel cells to power those vehicles. power generation stationary power, anywhere there is diesel generator power is a great use
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case for things like data centers, hospitals, schools. many other use cases the compact high-power fuel-cell technology like that can power in a 0 carbon way. liz: let's talk about new zealand, you struck a deal with the heavy duty truck fleet with hydrogen fuel skill power trucks. clean energy vehicles, looking at a situation where overseas people are interested. here, it is slower. what is your selling point? >> it's simple. when you look at a d carbonized fleet, they have a board level asg goals the take carbon out of the fleet. there's two ways to do it. electric trucks or 0 emission fuel-cell trucks. heavy loads, longer range and
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charging times. talking about tr group, the leading fleet, 5600 trucks. we are excited to have that 20 truck potential deal with them with the first trucks expected to go into trial this year and they would be the 15th largest fleet in the us if they were here. i mentioned pfg in the us as a real leader in decarbonization. we completed 18 major trials in north america since march 2022 and have a full slate of trials across class area truck and our garbage truck we should speak to playing for 2024. major fleet with major goals and they are excited to beyond the road today. liz: we did note, part of the problem with a lot of these electric startups, you actually
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brought it down to the lowest quarterly net cash level over the last nine quarters. it is not like you're throwing money away, doesn't look like that but we will continue to watch you, see if you can ramp up here. thank you. >> excited to say we are just getting started, thank you so much. liz: self-confessed chocoholics may have to pony up big time for the chocolate easter bunny this year. chocolate prices are skyrocketing across the nation, live to geneva, illinois, big chocolate area in illinois, a chocolate shop to find out what's driving up prices of favorite sweet treats, democratic congressman ro khanna live on a busy day for the silicon valley congressman. he voted on the spending bill that passed in the last couple of hours but needs a yes from the senate to avoid a
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government shutdown. we will get his reaction to the department of justice's lawsuit against apple and the possible ban on tiktok which he would vote against. congressman ro khanna coming up in a few minutes. and and if you go right up to the top, apple is recovering by 1%. amazon in second place, keep in mind, down 28% year to date. claimant countdown is coming right back, don't go away. that you and your family need. i promise to put your long-term financial well-being above any short term transaction. everyone has a big picture. my job is to help you invest in yours.
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liz: easter is 9 days away. as people rush to buy chocolate bunnies and rushed chocolate eggs for their easter back as they are discovering a bigger truth, the same one consumers taste on valentine's day. according to the retail survey, americans are expected to spend 320 one dollars on easter goodies including decorations and chocolate. that a 10% increase over last year's $287. maybe not just because they want to buy more, everything is more expensive including one of the key ingredients of every easter basket and it has soared
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in price of this year. cocoa prices are up one hundred 14%, to $8939 per metric ton mostly due to weaker than expected harvests in west africa. graham's find chocolate and ice cream shop in geneva, eloi. the cavity inflation is putting our sweet tooth. >> reporter: don't know what is more picturesque on the other geneva or geneva, illinois because it is slowing outside and this has been a staple in this community for four decades. when you walk in, you can just smell why that is. it is incredible. we have these folks hard at work turning out the candy for a busy week ahead. americans will spend $3 billion on all these sweet treats and as you mentioned, west african countries account for 3 quarters of cocoa production,
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the el niño weather phenomenon left countries like the ivory coast and ghana struggling to produce cocoa with dryer temperatures. ghana is the number 2 producer and they say their output would be roughly 20% to 25% less this year. industry giants like hershey and the mayor of cadbury are not feeling easter excitement, they say they are ready raised prices. both companies reporting sales volume shrinking for the recent quarters. jd wonder lake is the ceo and says prices are not hopping off the shelf like the chocolate bunnies we are making just yet. >> we are very small so we are very careful about when they do those price increases because we want to make sure we keep track of our expenses. >> reporter: those expenses include other raw materials, sugar and dairy and compounding all this, the increasing cost of labor and transportation.
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i don't celebrate easter, but how can you resist something at graham's when nothing is hollow. this is a solid filled chocolate bunny and i'm not going to lie to you. liz: i am jewish and i will bite the ears and head off at thing and two sec. seconds. i'm all about easter candy so i am with you. >> reporter: i will see if i can send you one. liz: i'm not sharing. shake shack is shaking things up with a special delivery from papa john's, the company announced the current resident and ceo and, take the helm of the casual joint, first outsider to lead shake shack, first in its company in its 20 year history, lynch succeeds randy go rudy who started with
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a hot dog cart in madison square park. he will remain with the company through years and shares of shake shack just off 52-week high here while papa john's down 4% to $65.55. speaking of executive moves, down 2% after the top deputy to the luxury conglomerates billionaire ceo, announced he would step down after 23 years. he's the head of watches and jewelry, will succeed him in april. he will leave his position as well as the company's board next month as though he will remain with lb mh, the strategic missions, will hold the position in italy. the revolving door continues.
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robin hood announced that he will step down as creative she, 4%. and entrepreneurial interests, sharing his next steps soon. the 0 commission brokerage with brad tenet and served as co-ceo until 2020 when he transitioned, the two founders control majority share of the company. look at fedex, fedex delivering value to its shareholders, on top of the s&p right now. it is soaring on track with its highest price since, with $283.57. high price since july, posted earnings results beating proper expectations and announcing a $5 billion share repurchase program.
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and cutting spending for this year. and and it would be approved before government shutdown deadline tonight. we will ask democratic congressman ro khanna about that him and what is he hearing from his constituents about the government's new lawsuits with apple. and therefrom in talks to lose podcast, the story might not be, jimmy faila drove a new york city cab for years and was so short on cash that he didn't have a bank account, took on stand-up comedy to pay the bills when he got it which got higher when he and his wife became parents. as he tossed his meager
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earnings into a nike shoe box he decided to test his jokes with cabdrivers to see if he could make him laugh. the tv producer called him and said he might have one night opportunity, just one night, but ten years later, jimmy has turned the one shot into a best-selling book, a hugely popular radio show, hit new show, fox news saturday night. he's hysterical in that podcast. i tried my jokes on him. wherever you get your podcasts it starts tomorrow. everyone talks to lose. we are coming right back, don't go away. morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot.
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liz: we are looking live at the senate floor, the spending bill got pushed through the house a couple hours ago 286 to 134 vote. it would fund 3 quarters of the federal government for the next six months and includes a raise and military pay, bolster security at the border and lemonades funding for the un relief agency for palestinians. the senate has 9 hours to get past, and will it pay by the deadline, a single senator can throw up a procedural roadblock that would force a vote days
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later leading to a partial shutdown this we can. i went to bring in congressman ro khanna, democrat from california's 17th district who is one of the 134 nées to get the spending measure. i want to get to why you voted against it in a moment but what is the chatter you are hearing in the halls about whether the senate will be able to pass it before the midnight deadline? >> i expect it to pass and that the government will remain open. liz: let's get to the fact that you are a unicorn here. not a lot of democrats were against this thing. why did you vote against it? >> a lot of parts of the bill i supported including paper military veterans but i did not agree with the ban on funding, 12,000 people who work for you when are a, the only way to get distribution to people in gaza
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who are facing possible famine, allegations of the few people who were affiliated with hamas should be disciplined but you can't shut down the entire agency and lead to a possible famine in gaza. liz: 22 democrats voted against it but i am hearing that was the stumbling block. >> that was a big issue. a hundred or so republicans voted for it for different reasons, total of 134, it was a close vote because it needed two thirds of the house to go forward in suspension. for democrats, i condemned unequivocally the brutal attacks on october 7th on the rapes and sexual violence but i don't want to see children dying of dehydration and starvation. liz: after the vote, marjorie taylor greene filed a motion to
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vacate mike johnson, republican speaker. this is getting crazy here. do you want to be part of the team that works together with the other side or are you one of these people who says i'm putting a rope no matter what gop people did. >> would love to work with the other side. i work with david joyce from ohio, bringing steel back to the midwest. nancy mace, i'm open to having a conversation with speaker johnson to see if some democrats support it. coming into congress together, he did disability pledge but he would have to commit to governing a bipartisan way. liz: let me dovetail to apple, this is a huge story that broke in the last 24 hours, this is your district, your constituents include silicon
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valley, and the department of justice filed a major lawsuit against apple claiming its iphones, the whole shooting match is a big blockage against potential competitors. is it too aggressive? especially the part where the doj did not decline to rule out a breakout of a remedy? >> i am proud of representing silicon valley. apple was one of the most innovative companies in the world. it is an important fund of antitrust. the legal system plays out, to intervene, in the judicial process. liz: the congressional process of tiktok you are steadfast in
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your belief that the bill that was put forward to ban tiktok if its parent, bike dance, does not divest the american portion of tiktok, why would you be against that? >> republicans and democrats, including donald trump, why not pass a law that is narrowly tailored road, going to a foreign country that is illegal, if it is interfering with an algorithm, that is illegal but to ban the speech of 170 million americans, many of them on the left and right questioning the political establishment, that's a violation of the first amendment. liz: some of the world feel that if you do ban tiktok that makes meta more powerful. it has instagram, and x.
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how should it look? how should, if you are going to rain in usage of people's data whether it is nefarious or monetary reasons. how should a bill look the would tamp down on it? >> i would say you have the right to your own data, they shouldn't be able to collect it without consent. second, it is illegal civilly and commonly to transfer any americans data to a foreign country and if there's any evidence interfering with algorithms, they make those algorithms transparent, to protecting people's data and make sure the ccp engaged in bed action is into threat to americans. liz: please join us again. we are interested in hearing your thoughts on the tiktok situation as it develops and what goes on inside the hallways of congress. >> i always enjoy coming on.
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liz: up next donald trump may have just been tossed a financial lifeline today as he seeks a way to pay a $454 million civil penalty by monday's deadline. did that money and that lifeline come in the form of one of his billionaire friends or somewhere else? charlie brexit next, dow industrials a few moments ago down 282. you see it down 247. ♪ k better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks! thanks! voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices so you can reach today's financial goals. that one! and look forward, to a more confident future. that is one dynamic duo. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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and all i have to say is, "here i am. it works." my advice for everyone is to go with golo. it will release your fat and it will release you. ♪ ♪ liz: fox business alert, former president donald trump's social media a platform truth social has been given the green light to merge with digital world acquisition corp. after share holders approved the deal. the company will now be called trump media and taj group and list on the nasdaq under the ticker symbol djt. this merger now unlocks a potential $3 billion payout for donald trump who, charlie gas with perino has some major or legal bills piling up. >> let's unpack this so people understand what's going on, digital world is a pac, a special purpose acquisition corp., something created by the sec to sort of bring companies
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public, to easier, streamlined way. it's buying the trump social media platform that's called donald trump media and merge being it in, and that's where trump gets the windfall, through stock. and it's -- if we look at the price right now, it's about $40, $37. it's worth something like 3.3, 3.2 billion depending on where this trades. that should settle the $500 million that he owes tisch james for this bank fraud case judgment. not so fast, okay? here's the problem. first of all, he can't use the money for six months, and let's be real clear, digital world acquisition corp. is pretty speculative. if you thought twitter had had a hard time make up money, known as x now, is barely profit football you listen to elon or maybe not profitable, this is, you know, twitterren on steroids in that problem. and the reason why is because it has a traction of the traffic that, and -- fraction of the traffic that x does. if you're dive spoog this stock,
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it's a play on donald trump maybe of pumping in and people buying the stock because they like trump, but often that ends in disaster. the $3.4 billion now is now. it's frozen for six months for him. and who knows where this thing trades in six months. now, the question is, is he going to be making a payment of $500 million monday and not have chains put on the front door of trump tower and all these other places? if you listen to him, he's out this will on truth social today saying, yes, that he's getting the money. now, it's kind of different from what his attorneys are saying, that he doesn't have the money -- liz: his own attorneys say he doesn't have -- >> well, they're saying he can't get a bond. listen, i've always a wondered why his billionaire friends, any queens, a big real estate developer -- liz: huge. >> tom bare rack, he's worth several billion. bernie marcus of home depot,
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billionaire. howie -- billionaire. these are all people you would think would throw him a few bucks, and so far that hasn't happened. maybe it's happening behind the scenes. one thing that should be, that you might want to throw out there is helping hip out, elon musk. of he's developed a relationship with elon musk. so i think the whole thing is this, liz, we have to see this weekend. it's going to be an interesting weekend. monday is the due date. maybe he secures a bond, maybe he gets money or maybe he does what i say and what i've heard the trump people say to me as a fallback position p plays hardball with tisch james and says, it's all yours, figure it out. you have to take apart my properties to find out which part is mine and which part is owned to a limited party. you can't take their money. so that's where we are. liz: charlie e gasparino, thank you very much. quick market check because it is the last four minutes of raid for the week. closing bell right up against it here. we do have the markets mixed at the moment, but for the week the
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major averages having their best week of the year. all of them in the green by 2% or more, the nasdaq the big leader, up by nearly 3%. the s&p and nasdaq break 2-week slides. joining us now, okay, we talked a lot about him at the top of the show. he got on the horn. b. riley, paul dietrich and rbo and company managing partner jack oliver. paul, we were talking about you because you have pointed out that the s&p could pull back to a 4500. that would be a major with contraction. and a major contrarian view on the street. and your thesis is that that you do see a recession this year. tell me why. >> well, i do think that we'll have a recession. but even if we don't have a recession, we're till going to pull back to probably 4500 because that would take the s&p basically back down to its
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200-day moving average. that's kind of a long-term trend of the s&p. that would be, you know, some people would think that's fair market value. and so if we go into a recession, there's probably historically when you go into a recession we -- the market, the s&p 500 has dropped 36 percent. so we could see a 36% drop from 4500 if we go into a recession. but even if we don't go into a recession, you know, every method of valuation is showing that it should be somewhere around 4500ment. liz: well, we're at 5238, and you obviously believe tata we are in a stock market -- that we are in a stock market bubble. jack, you -- listen, part of the bubble has really been filled by these the a.i. companies and anything that says a.i. you are saying, stop obsessing about anything a.i., go elsewhere with.
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where? >> well, the three names that we have for you today, liz, aren't going to be impacted by any measurable amount by what the fed if does, what happens with this a.i. boom, and they're all a trading on average at levels below the s&p 500 valuation wise. they've been making money for over a hundred years dis, most importantly, all three of them are in the midst of what we see as strategic evolutions that should sustain their long-term growth. liz: and the names are? >> the names are johnson & johnson which has just separated from its consumer business and will be a faster growing, more higher margin company. the second is brown forman which is made well for investments outside of america with tequila,ing scotch and gin which will drive overseas growth which is now better than 50% of sales, and lastly, philip morris international which has invested $13 billion in the heat map -- [inaudible] category which now their most
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recent quarter they sold more of those products than their historic marlboro brand. liz: paul, you say no one should be investing new money in the stock market. where, 30 seconds, should they invest in. >> you know, your grandmother told grow when you were a little kid, you know, buy low, sell high. you're buying in high, and right now the best place you can be is short-term treasuries pay 4 and 5% and gold. the smart money around the world is highly into gold because they are -- [inaudible] [inaudible] liz: gotcha. paul dietrich, jack oliver, great to see you. markets close higher for the week. the nasdaq sets a fifth record close for the year. have a great weekend. ♪ larry: hello, folk, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. former president trump faces a monday deadline to post a nearly half billion dollar bond in


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