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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  March 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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freeze in your tracks? or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we ask smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow. better questions. better outcomes. truly, truly i want justice and fairness to come to donald trump maybe this weekend, maybe not. he built a fabulous successful business empire and if you give it a chance he will rebuild america as well. someone who's always just and fair, liz mcdonald -- no, david osmond. >> is not just donald trump, it's you and me. he went to trump, they can do it to anybody, that's really it. have a great weekend, thank you very much.
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i am in for elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ >> shocking video of el paso, texas showing hundreds of illegal migrants racing through wire traveling texas national guard trip. greg abbott said it's a direct result of president biden's policies. fox news nate foy is in eagle pass, texas with the latest. >> at least one migrant is charged with assaulting a texas national guard soldier after a group of over 300 single adult men, many venezuelans rushed the border wall and el paso. take a look. sleep. >> migrant charged with assault was accused of pushing texas national guard soldier down and trembling over him. texas governor greg abbott says texas dps may arrest more migrants for criminal trespass and destruction of property. border patrol process 300 single adult men and 300 more women and
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children under title eight. that means they will get a notice to appear immigration court and then released into the country. governor abbott's office this is sgt. el paso is the direct result of the unsustainable chaos president biden unleashed on the border. it happened while texas awaits an appeals court ruling that will determine immediate future of senate bill four. the lock would allow texas to arrest and deport migrants without turning them over to border patrol. it will affect every migrant in the video could have been arrested and reported. try getting reaction from democrats on capitol hill. >> when you look at the video, idiomatic. >> i haven't seen the video democrat playing in the neck veronica escobar represents el paso and she points the blame elsewhere writing texas national guard are not trained to process migrants and their presence impede federal law enforcement. according to new cbv data, el paso sector led the entire southern border illegal
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crossings border patrol processing over 1200 migrants in that sector alone under title eight. >> thank you very much. joining me now with reaction, national border patrol council resident, brandon judd. last february donald trump was at the texas border, he was criticized by the media for calling what was happening there and invasion. it looks like this is an invasion, doesn't it looks. >> it certainly is and have to go back and look at who is orchestrating everything the facilitators and chaos are criminal cartels, bear military organizations and when they crash borders and ten people cross the borders and bring drugs in, criminal aliens and countries that want to do as arm, of course that is an invasion and governor abbott is doing the exact approach and we seen a huge drop in the number of apprehensions in texas simply because governor abbott put in place certain policies that
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helped create the hands of border patrol agents to work alongside texas dps as well as national guard. it's amazing what happens when you actually enforce the law and go back to what veronica escobar said, there's no actual law enforcement going on, there -- national guard is not competing because we are not enforcing any of our laws. >> this was, what you're saying, this was a message from the cartel to texas, essentially i think a message perhaps to president biden saying you have to deal with governor abbott, stop and because he was successful in closing off the entrance into the u.s. and that's why migrants have been moved to the west, california and arizona but could this happen message from the cartel to get tougher with greg abbott? >> the cartels orchestrate everything from a they facilitate all traffic coming across our borders illegally so they are the ones behind all of this which is why i believe this is an actual invasion. what they did here was clearly
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show they can control any part of our border if they want. it wouldn't matter if it's border patrol agent standing there at the fence, they would have done the exact same thing. the cartels are strictly sending the message that they control portions of the border when they want to control that portion. david: somebody on the line there, i'm sure you know him, robert el monte, former u.s. marshal in el paso. he spoke out about exactly who has been coming in recently, something should be more of a shock to all americans but particularly folks at 1600 pennsylvania avenue, roll tape. >> since october, 2000 known metals, gang members, child rapist have crossed into the el paso area. southwest borders, over 6000 known criminals. those are the ones apprehended, how many were not apprehended? >> warning about this for a long
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time, now we are seeing it on city streets, organized crime like gangs that appear to have been organized before they entered the united states and go as again to various these throughout the united states, if that's what's going on? >> it is and we seen it time and time again, it doesn't matter what your we are looking at. when you have young adult males crossing the border illegally, you look at the tattoos of the ones take into custody, it is clear they are affiliated with gangs. unfortunately this administration don't let us investigate, they don't let us begin, prosecute these individuals crossing a reporter for criminal enterprise and we could do that but we have to have u.s. attorney's office on board and on board because the biden administration controls everything they do. david: unless there is massive amnesty for the 10 million migrants that have come in since president biden has been in power, there's going to be major deportation going on in the next
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administration no matter whose president next line, there needs to be either amnesty of these 10 million people or deportation of those here illegally. under obama, we saw a lot of deportations, about 1.5 million deportations under obama and he was called the border in chief as you probably remember back then but 1.5 million deportations, sounds like a lot but can we handle seven times that to do it again? >> struggling depends on how fast we can get him out, the courts moving and that's one of the biggest problems we see, how backlogged the courts are. we certainly can go after these individuals and card target them but will be sent the message, stop people from coming and that's what we've got to do first, shut off the people comig across our borders illegally so we don't continue to add to the 10 million number and then once you shut that off, then you can go after the individuals and when they know they are coming after you, oftentimes they will
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self deport and that is what we want to see. you have to show law enforcement and posture and then she will get reaction. david: the problem, unlike when obama was president, we have this battle between century city's and ice where sanctuary cities and other cities that may not be officially century city for acting like it won't cooperate with ice, it will be tough to get everybody working together on deportation, is it not? >> that's when people go into custody of municipalities when they go into custody, they don't support ice. ice can work around that. i second walker individuals before they go into police custody so you can still do that, you can enforce federal law, is just went municipalities take them into custody, they don't notify ice. david: god bless the work you do, we are all behind you. stick to it, i hope morale stays high because keep getting beaten
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down, it's tough to maintain but you are a good man, stay with it. switching gears to follow from janet yellen's congressional testimony where she revealed president biden has quote, no plan to fix social security not just principles. edward lawrence also the white house with details. >> a shocking revelation, the treasury secretary janet yellen testified the president has no plan to fix social security. the benefits come in two stages, two parts, the old age and survivors insurance trust fund and disability insurance. reserves in both of those fronts will be depleted the end of 2033 and benefits are reduced by 20% for 2034 if nothing changes. the benefits for the produce by 26% without a fix. inflation keeps rising, here's the secretaries testimony. >> the president doesn't have a plan, he has principles, he wants to work with congress to
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find a way to protect social security and extended solvency between -- >> at the president wishes to work with congress, why does he continually demagogue republicans on anything that doesn't exactly line up to what apparently suits his reelection? >> treasury spokesperson clarified the secretaries testimony saying the secondary yellen made clear in her testimony president biden put forward an approach that would strengthen social security by protecting seniors from benefit cuts when solvency asking the highest income americans to pay their fair share. senator john thune says the white house had not even tried to engage over saving social security. >> they have no plan, they don't want to talk about that issue and all they want to do is pile on or debt on the backs of the american people and put our country at greater risk fiscally the benefits actually get reduced, ten years away.
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david: thank you very much. joining me now reaction, new jersey congressman jeff van drew. we have a problem here, if anyone in congress says there's a problem with social security, they are immediately labeled by the other side is wanting to destroy social security and medicare how you deal with that? >> the first thing you got to do is lay down the groundwork president trump put out a statement on this as well that we are not going to cut social security we are not going to cut medicare. it really bothers me we are spending money moving people all over the country who are illegal, spending money on legal fees spending money on their housing and spending money on a host of different issues to take care of them. we can't afford to do that and talk about the budget where we spend money on tourism in egypt and subsidizing tuition costs for egyptians, you can't believe it but it is true. let's make sure we tighten up the budget and the money we save
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their which will still not be enough but the money we save, we use toward saving social security. you know what i will do? i will cut benefits for seniors, i'm not going to cut their medicare, they paid into it. i'm not going to cut social security. david: how about retirement age? mimic right now we have to start with the provision that we are going to save money everywhere else on garbage we spend money on. this budget we did today and just voted on, i voted no on was five and a half million dollars award if you can break that down, over 1000 pages, there's so much, i don't know if we have the time . david: before you go into the details, you got a cohort in the senate being pretty much the same thing, quote from him to get the senate side, senator taco bell, let me say that and get your reaction. >> if you see what's in the
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bill, it's with nicholas. we owe it to the american people to cut back on spending -- >> what happens now? some republicans in the senate against it and some publicans like yourself against it but it did pass in the house. >> it passed in the house. the majority of republicans voted against it but i certainly voted against it and cover bill has good points, here's the deal. we have to stop this spending. david: but how if you don't have the votes? >> i'll tell you how, we need a new president and a new majority in figure majority the house and a majority in the senate the guaranty you can do this and without hurting the average american person who breaks their back working day and night just to make a living. >> again, the numbers are the key element and you had news gallagher will in april, next month, he will be leaving. you have one fewer republican
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congressman with you so again, i just ask what are you going to do if the numbers aren't there? i know we have an election coming up but between now and the time the next president is inaugurated, what do we do? >> and around as much as we can, we shouldn't close government. the speaker has dealt a terrible hand, an impossible situation on his hands and i hate to say this, you know what i was for originally? as was congressman jordan doing cr that would go to the end of the year with 1% cut and not expanding as we have now, extended government where we spent money where putting a lot of money into the border in this budget but not for what you and i wanted see, putting up the money into the border to actually facilitate quicker catch and release, process . david: not the actual border guards but i want to get your yes or no, i assume the fact that you back voted against it
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from what you're saying it doesn't mean your for vacating chris chair as marjorie taylor bring want to do. >> i am not, that's not productive. we got one job ahead of us to win the election and then we can bring america back home. >> we appreciate being with us, have a wonderful weekend, good to see you and. former deputy assistant attorney general tom to break with us next, the clock is ticking. former president trump basis and monday deadline to secure for 64 million dollars bond. how will trump social going to look impact at all, the former presence money on this next on "the evening edit". ♪ >> i built a great company, one of the greatest companies especially when it comes to real estate. some of the greatest assets in the world and there is a rigged trial by a perfect judge and
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perfect attorney general. ♪ (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back.
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when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true. xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. breaking news, donald trump claims he can secure a massive $464 million bond to appeal the case that reeks of selective prosecution. the law which was found guilty
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without a jury was already on shaky ground when misapplied by letitia james as a fraud case even though there wasn't a victim. then we had an arbitrary client applied by a political judge under conditions that were nearly impossible to meet. now we found supreme court residents from 2019 overruling excessive fines such as this one. here's what justice ginsburg wrote in 2019 the 2019 case it's the trump case to a t. i'm quoting her now, for good reason, the protection against excessive fines has been a constant shield throughout american history. excessive fines can be used for example to retaliate against or show the speech of political enemies. there it is,". welcome to the show, or a deputy assistant, she is considered a saint like most democrats, how they deal with her precedent
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which seemed tailor-made to appeal this case? >> exactly, a well-known case and i think the trump defense team will use it to their advantage. justice ginsburg was basically applying and enforcing the constitutions excessive fines clause which she points out does prohibit the government from imposing find aimed excessive under the circumstances and i think that's probably going to be the big appeal this case works its way through the higher levels of the new york court system and saying given the accents of any apparent victim, given the amount of money at stake hitting trump with a fine of half a billion dollars is excessive. >> even some new york democrats say this is going to have a terrible effect in new york. don, a democrat businessman but often mentioned as a possible mayoral candidate, he had the following to say talking to neil cavuto earlier. >> the law has to work for
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everyone and it can't be that you and force the law selectively. when you do that, it creates a lack of confidence in our legal system and again, they are going after donald trump because i don't like his politics they don't like him. that's not a reason to pursue these kinds of actions. david: larry kudlow earlier, selective prosecution, not just trump, it could be used for anybody, any business or any individual in new york. >> and that is the danger of the attorney general made no secret about her campaign platforms, she's out to get donald trump so when she brought this whole case, i think many people look at it and said wait a minute, is this really politics by other means? should you be using the power of the government to prosecute people and impose massive half a billion-dollar fines as a way of going after political enemies or people who are disdained?
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david: it was the judge who came up with a figure out of thin air and he's the one who valued our a lot of work probably over a billing dollars and 18 million so he takes this which is are more than anything imposed before, it reeks of politics but trump had to come up with some money, there is a sale ipo, truth social that might have the for billing, it might take a while to work through but can he use that to post bond? >> well, that is the question. i think president trump is still a very wealthy man but some people would say cash or. in other words, can he immediately put his hands on about half a billion dollars to get this? the pending sale of truth social could be a lifeline if, but only if it results in this cash infusion to put up as coll
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collateral. david: let's assume he doesn't get the cash by the end of next week, what happens? is it conceivable james could put mar-a-lago or the new york property up for sale? >> it's conceivable, yes but that is a long process when you try to see access like that, you got to go to court and there will be more legal battle to come. david: thank you very much, tom. have a good weekend. critics slamming efforts by senator bernie sanders and congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez to push for a green new deal for housing. got an idea what she means on that. plus retired nypd inspector paul mauro, he's the best. if you know all, you know i'm not exaggerating. squatters tormenting homeowners across the nation, all of this next on "the evening edit". ♪
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waters havoc on homeowners all over america after 52-year-old mother, nadia was found stuffed in a duffel bag in manhattan after being murdered by alleged waters. law-enforcement says the two suspects were apprehended in pennsylvania this morning. in queens, new york, a score refusing to leave the queens women's home saying he has a lease for the basement and will only leave when he gets his deposit back. all that. >> i told the lady, you want me to leave because when she was here, she said no, you stay there, i know i have the receipts these are my receipts. i was brought in through real estate. >> i can't believe this poor lady would have my has taken away like this by these cans of people.
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>> yeah right. joining us now, retired nypd inspector paul mauro. i want to give credence to what we saw, the guy, it could have been written by him on a piece of paper look like he was sprawled out the garbage but organized crime sees a venue for themselves. they get guys like that, people off the street or somebody a little more as to get to come in and they give them records and make them look legit and somehow they take a cut of the pay. maybe i am conspiratorial but that's what i see. >> everyday more cynical can't keep up so you're probably right because look at the most recent event here which ends up in homicide. the thing is so invasive, when somebody is watching your home and managed to get hold of it, they really steal your whole life and with homicide, they called her house and took her car and took her life and you are always a sidestep from it. a lot of people who squat, this is no revelation, they are marginal folks, they don't have credit, they don't have money so
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you're dealing with an element that may be capable of anything and one reason they often do and in private. david: it reminds me of chuck shoplifting about the way shoplifting has escalated into fashion grabs, a startup may be people want something to eat and a seat candy bar and call it and then it escalates and as the laws are decreased, it becomes legitimized by laws that decriminalized behavior, you more of it and eventually organized crime comes in and says we can make a fortune. >> that's what that tik tok or ex-con viral is advocating, he's telling all of my fellow compatriots, common and he alludes to people he knows has done a and is a misunderstanding, is normalized and now incentivized on social media but the laws in your able to squatters, a disgrace. thirty days and that's it, you
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can't get them out without going to court and it could take ye years. >> at the usual suspects. massachusetts has squatters rights, california, all the blue states, many of whom involved in century city someone if as you mentioned, if illegals will get involved in a big way and it's right up there allie with what they've been doing and other venues as well. >> undoubtedly it is going on. what this is, the erasure of more of your private equity, private base, we see it everywhere. bathroom, homes. online. it's the government and progressives reaching into our lives telling us you're the bad guy. you save for a home, you got front door? we are taking it and 70 else gets in the -- what it really is socialism. david: and we will get in to that but blue cities like new york city and l.a., chicago they
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are still stuck with this legacy of anti- police laws sometimes or at least attempt to handcuffed police in their attempts to go after criminals and get in new york but all over in different venues but right here, their jumpers, people who jump to get into subways, jumping over and cops, because of the then hamstrung, it took scott 15 minutes to arrest a single fair dodger at a new york subway, how do we deal with this? when fully have assurance to police they can do their job? >> this is related to what we were saying because this is what they want, the owner of the city council cap was lost through and in albany, they advocate for free transit systems so their jumpers on the good guys. the cops are the bad guys and remember here in new york in the city, there's a special law of the diaphragm ball, wrestling with the fair jumper who their jumpers cost the city $650 million a year from the mta, a
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city going broke will have to have all surgeons, 650 milli- but the cops manage during any of that scuffle to depress his diaphragm, they are liable for misdemeanor and there goes their life, their pension, their job and it goes out the window. who really knows and are the lawyers. david: law and order is meant to protect the innocent and punish the guilty and we been doing the opposite several years now and we are paying the price and seeing the results on the street and unfortunately everybody seems to be bottoming out before it gets better but i don't see rudy giuliani on the horizon here so i'm getting less and less optimistic. david: let's pray, paul. thank you very much. the latest on the crackdown on u.s. energy, alexandria ocasio-cortez and senator bernie sanders relaunching the green new deal with the new proposal that aims to deke organized and socialized, we will get into all of america's public housing
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investment over 100 billion over the next decade. bernie sanders says this what create union jobs. >> we are going to stand up and transform our energy system and create stable housing, not based on fossil fuel. we are going to provide decent quality, affordable housing for millions of americans and at the same time, we are going to create good paying union jobs. david: former u.s. energy secretary rick perry, great to see you. thank you for joining us. how many good paying union jobs have been threatened or disappeared by these elite green new deals over the past three or four years? >> plenty. [laughter] my question is, because the original green new deal was so successful, we need a second o one. [laughter]
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this is a bit of a joke if you want to know the truth. you know it's not going to pass, they know it's not going to pass so let's get serious, talk about something that really matters to the american people. cutting the cost of energy which means american energy drilling and developing fossil fuels. nothing wrong with electric vehicles but the bottom line is, don't try to force us, if there good, we will buy them and pay the cost. david: our to push back because you and i both laughed off the first green deal that they essentially got it and joe manchin china made the deal happen so we have to be careful and by the way, i think you put in a reference to obama's green new deal which happened when he was president, remember the recovery, biden was in charge of where he claimed 500,000 jobs in
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2010, 500,000 jobs a month to agree new deal. that summer ended up with the deficit, we had to 50000 you are jobs at the end so we know it doesn't create jobs, right? >> and this is a joke to most americans and most americans understand that. washington has a hard time recognizing they are not smarter than the american public. david: i want to talk about another aspect that i mentioned in the intro, democrat socialists who again, we try to lock them off but sometimes they get the money they are asking for, they want to socialize public housing or want to socialize all rental housing, they want the government to become the landlord in the united states and aoc let that kat out of the bag yesterday. let me roll tape.
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>> we have to return to an era of rebuilding public housing in the united states and we have to reject the idea that it's broken policy. david: governor, i used to teach in a place called green, a project and the cargo that was so bad, so crime-ridden, they had to tear down eventually. it doesn't work, public housing is broken policy, isn't it? >> i tell people, you better take better care of the car you bought belongs to you for that matter, a house you bought belongs to you take better care of the rent house, the free house. you know the answer to that, the american dream is about homeownership and we need to come up with policies that allow for people to have that homeownership instead of these conflict free, he goes back to
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your last segment where you talk about people moving in and wanting. the idea is not that we would allow this to happen in america. david: is all about socialism, that's what they've been pushing, we've tried it a million times and it's failed often with human misery. i wish we had more time. great to see you, rick perry, thank you very much, appreciate it. coming up, fox news contributor joe concha whistleblower says the cia blocked federal investigators from interviewing hunter biden's quote sugar brother, kevin morris during a five-year probe into the first signs of alleged tax crimes. that's next on evening edit the first, they can add sean, but seek what they have coming up in the next hour. >> happy friday, a great show coming up. many bus alive and well in washington d.c., not good for america. we have anna kalyna luna, as
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well as time magazine talking to fetishes and campaigners, joe biden will likely do it. >> mock the leftist wing best who are trying to dance on president trump figurative grave over the bond do monday and daniel turner, new york times says abandon your gasoline powered cars and trucks what biden is doing. i've been bottling it up all week and i'm ready to let loose. top of our. ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly.
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you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. did you hear about this, the cia accused of blocking federal investigators from interviewing hunter biden's quote sugar daddy, kevin morris during a five-year tax probe allegedly, to d.o.j. officials summoned cia headquarters told kevin morris could not be a witness for the hunter biden investigation did walking to the show fox news contributor joe concha. what the heck is going on here? >> i would -- i want to act surprised and shocked but we seen this before as far as fbi,
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andrew mccabe or james comey or cia in terms of john brennan, all of these people who went on after they were in office to cable news or making documentaries showtime about donald trump. these are folks supposed to be apolitical in their positions but instead we see who they really are after they leave those position and go to cable news where you can't tell the difference between john brenner. dear question as far as the cia blocking this, friday even involved? what purview do they have, jurisdiction? they don't. again, it shows you time and again this investigation as far as what the publicans are trying to do keeps hitting roadblocks every step of the way whether by intelligence agencies or the media itself which dismisses or mocks the investigation when there is plenty of smoke, california wildfire as far as the evidence.
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>> for those who have forgotten, kevin morris gave $5 million in quote loans 200 biden over the years, again, every time you see these checks or hear stories about loans, it seems like there's a payoff going on somewhere and maybe the cia was aware of that. >> precisely and why is this allowed? that's the whole thing and i wonder despite all of this evidence we continue see shady loans given, obviously, why would you give a loan to somebody who has a drug problem doing business overseas for energy companies when they have no experience whatsoever in terms of this? none of it makes sense that i go back as far as you have mike johnson slimmest majority in the house and i'm not saying there's a valid investigation among valid grounds for impeachment but again if the bones aren't there, does the house go ahead with impeachment?
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certainly there's folks to convict in the senate so i don't know where this goes. david: very quickly, clear how much time mama to switch to a story near and dear to my heart, the super sizing of the irs. i think the ira should downsize but that's another story. 50 billion is not enough and now they want to use ai technology to essentially spy on us, right? >> yes, an election year. 2024th they want to expand the irs and use ai to scale as far as not after the rich but working folks, after people who simply are trying to get by so when you hear about democrats talking about the need to protect and defend democracy, they are talking about protecting, defending and expanding bureaucracy and if you want to run on this election year, roll the dice and take a chance because the irs is about as popular as gas station sushi. david: extending their hands into our pockets.
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rich people art, they need middle-class money, that's where the real money is that they need to expand the government such as they have. joe concha, have a great wee weekend, thank you for being here. appreciate it. antony blinken meets with benjamin netanyahu who oversees diplomatic efforts ramp up is coming after anti- israel protesters swarmed president biden's hotel and dallas, texas. we will break it down next on "the evening edit". ♪
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only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. david: well, anti-israeli protesters chanting outside president biden's hotel in dallas, texas, threatening to withhold their e votes if he different change his administration's policy towards the gaza strip. for reaction on all this, let's
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welcome former pentagon official who served 25 years in the u.s. navy, brent sadler. brent, good to see you. thank you for being here. i know the military's your expertise, but i want to make it a little political and just ask whether president biden would be willing to ditch our only democratic ally in the middle east, israel, just for the sake of votes in november. what do you think? >> well, i think he's actually trying to have it both ways, he and his democrat party. and that is, keep enough of, i guess, the middle eastern because it's more than just the pro-palestinian group, on side for the election through november and at the same time keep or at least shore up his jewish vote. and i don't thinkst it's going to work. i think he's going to end up losing both. david: yeah. well, it's a tight rope he's walking, but i'm not giving him any credit for anything. meanwhile, by the way, speaker johnson on the republican side wants to invite netanyahu to come speak to congress, and schumer sounds like he's starting to get worried of the pro-israel vote in his community
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after saying he wasn't going to allow netanyahu, now he's saying maybe he'll break. so i think the pro-israel pressure is beginning to become more politically important than the pro-hamas or palestinian pressure. what do you think? >> no, absolutely. i think the only thing that was really holding up the pro-palestinian i'd say is more specifically pro-hamas was people not being familiar with the atrocities that hamas had been committing against israelis and, quite frankly, even american citizens, some of which are still there in the gaza strip. and as eventually more people got familiar with it, i think it was natural for it to e. evaporate. david: meanwhile, netanyahu is holding true to his mission of rooting out hamas in all of gaza including rafah down south. he's going in, he's saying he'll do it with or without u.s. support. could, if worse comes to worse, could israel do it without our support? >> oh, i think heavy done it before without full u.s. support in the past. of course, they went in under
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different kind of context. they didn't have a mass atrocity committed against them as they did on october 7th of last year. yeah, certainly they can go into gaza. i think they've got the wherewithal, they know the territory, they've got the people to do it. my bigger concern, the bigger concern is looking north to the border with lebanon, and it look like the israelis are gearing up to basically secure their northern border as well. remember, days after the attack in october hezbollah also started launching rockets. and so that a threat is still very real, and and they still have about 60,000 israelis that have been evacuated from the northern area. david: yeah. you know, one group that's been pretty silent recently is iran, and they, of course, were behind the original attack on israel back on october 7th and everything. i'm wondering if their silence denotes that they think they're winning in all in this. >> no, i think the silence means that they realize that they have bitten off a little too much and not -- underestimating the fact of the a matter that there are a
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lot of western powers that are pushing back in the red sea. and if i think the iranians also realize that the russians are really not in much of a support that they can rely on. david: boy, i hope you're right. i mean, i'm hoping that that they're thinking back when reagan took out half of their navy and when president trump took out soleimani and did other things. i hope that is foremost on their mind. it's nice not to hear from them recently. brent sadler, thank you so much is. have a wonderful weekend. really appreciate you being on tonight. thanks a million. >> thank you very much. david: i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald. thank you so much for watching "the the evening edit" on fox business, and now it's time for "the bottom line are" with dagen and sean. good to see you, gang. a craig thank you, david. ♪ dagen: >> the swamp is back in full force. >> we told the people we were going to have a smalle


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