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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 25, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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it is monday, march 25. your top stories right now, today, markets lower, kicking off the pie final trading day oe month of march. dow industrials down 82, nasdaq down 53, s&p 500 lower by 12 points. for the first quarter of the year so far, stocks are looking good. take a look at the market this year with the dow industrials up almost 5%, in the first quarter, s&p 500 and nasdaq all showing nice gains, nasdaq up 9 and-a-half percent in the first quarter and s&p 500 higher by almost 10 of%. the price of oil for the quarter, elevated this morning, at 81, 11 on crude and 85, 87 on brent. we'll get the federal reserves preferred reading on friday. the ft 100 is lower by 23, cac
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cabbing correspondent is lower c quarante is lower by 4o. the asian indices are down across the board. the nikkei is down 1.1%. ag latisha james looking to seize president trump's property if he can't come up with half a billion dollars in bond by today. a eric trump responding yesterday with me on sunday morning futures. >> i don't care what they do to him had. i don't care if they strip him of every building, every property, he will never stop fighting. maria: chaos in the house after president biden signed the 1 and a quarter trillion dollar spending package into law with no the new security at the southern border, sparking another fight to remove the speaker of the house. joining the conversation all morning long, strategic wealth partners investment central gist, luke lloyd is here, fox and friends first co-host, todd
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piro is here, "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪ i get knocked down but i get back up again. ♪ nothing's ever gonna keep me down. ♪ i get knocked down but i get up again. ♪ nothing's ever gonna keep me down. maria: time for the hot topic of the hour. former president trump is expected to you attend a hearing in new york city today at 10:00 a.m. eastern on his hush money case, the same day of his deadline to post the $454 million bond in his new york civil fraud case. if the former president doesn't pay the bond today, the state could begin freezing his accounts and co seizing propert. i spoke with his son, eric trump, yesterday on sunday morning futures. he says this could hurt more people than just his father. watch. >> this is new york state. this is what we're seeing. latisha james campaigned on this
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promise and now they're making him do something that's not physically possible. putting up a half a billion dollar bond, bonds that size don't exist in this country. the banks testified, trump was the greatest borrower we ever had there was no victim. this is a crooked system with a crooked attorney general with a crooked court that wants to put my father out of business. you know who they're going to hurt? they're going to hurt the thousands of employees we have in new york state, these are janitors, doormen, people that work in commercial buildings. maria: the trump family has now appealed to try to put up less than the half a billion, luke. your reaction. we're waiting to see if that would be acceptable. >> so let's put this into perspective. bettebernie madoff who defrauded people of millions of dollars had to put a half million dollar
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bond. the fact of the matter is, it's politically driven. every american should be scared they can go after someone like donald trump who is a bail billionaire n can come after you. with the irs agents added over the careers, that tells me the government is looking to get involved in our pocketbooks. $500 million of cash, that's like if you had $300,000 mortgage and $100,000 in savings, it's like getting completely wiped out and you have to get a home ebbing which you at this line of credit to -- only equity line of credit to pay for it. maria: it's the reason so many empeople are worried about doing business in new york. todd piro, your reaction? >> you've seen the people with the money who despite what the
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democrats love to say about them, are the engines that keep our economy moving because they're the ones that hire team. if they're not going to come to new york city, new york city is in big trouble. it's that doom loop we talked about with these big cities. right? if you don't have those big investors in the city, you lose your tax base. if you lose your tax base you lose the ability to pay for these programs because the people that will then fill the cities are not the ones that are supporting the tax base. that's a huge problem for public safety. it's a huge problem for the politicians who run it. and nothing will change unless the people that vote, vote those individuals out for people who have their best interest in mind. this all comes back to trump. he's shining a light with his legal difficul difficulties on e horrific situations in the big cities like new york and let me add, you can work in any place in our country right now,
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following the pandemic, because of remote work. you don't need to be in new york city. the only reason a lot of people are in the city and you well know is single people trying to find a mate. that's how the city moves. at some point that's going to go away. there was an article in the post about it, saying even singles are moving out of the city. that's a huge problem. taken as a whole, new york's in trouble. maria: it's the reason i'm wondering why you're not hearing from real estate y titans, business people in new york, outraged with this treatment. bloomberg is out with a piece about titans overtly or quietly supporting trump, including nelson pell. he saids he's concerned about president biden's mental condition and the 91 criminal charges in federal and state court that trump is facing represents what he calls a miscarriage of justice, he
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reportedly says he may not give trump financial support and he and tesla's elon musk hosted a dinner to talk about what the country needed. he said he's ready to settle for, quote, not a perfect candidate. looks like trump is all we've got. he supported trump but doing so in a muted way, todd. your reaction? >> well, i think they're going to support him in a muted way like that or to your earlier point in the wall street journal article, they're going to quietly or not at all support him even though they're going to vote for him. why? they don't want the latisha jameses of the world coming after them. that's the simple answer. they have all these billions. they don't want latisha james putting them through what they're putting trump you through. maria: they're worried about retaliation. we're staying on this unprecedented story all morning long. stay with us. first, markets in the green this year remarks a first quarter it's been as we kick off the final week of march and the first quarter ending this week,
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because committee for a responsible federal budget president maya mcginnis to talk about the budget and the debt the u.s. economy faces with the additional federal reserve spending. don't miss a moment of it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love.
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(luke) so... i hear some of you are concerned about the fact that i'm taking over the company. well, rest assured, company's in great hands. marci, hit the vid'. (both lukes) homes-dot-com. we've done your home work. (luke) now, that is worth celebrating! (brad) i love it. (luke) thank you. (brad) very clever. (vo) ding dong! (luke vo) homes-dot-com. maria: welcome back. let's take a look at futures this morning on this the beginning of the final trading week of march and the end of the first quarter this week, dow industrials right now down 82, nasdaq down 57. but it's been a pretty good year, markets closed mixed on
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friday, the dow was down 300 points. the dow industrials down 305 on friday, nasdaq was up 27. look at the market year-to-date. it's been a great first quarter with stocks green across the board, dow industrials up 4 and three quarters percent, nasdaq up 9 and-a-half percent, s&p 500 up almost 10%. joining us now, jay jamie cox. thank you for being here. it's been a great quarter. does the rally have legs for the rest of the year? >> i think so. i mean, there's been a lot of talk about what has been fueling the rally of fueling the stock market over the last couple months an everybody's been concentrating on the largest tech stocks. what people are missing is that last week, for example, 77% of the s&p 500 was up. so you're starting to see lots of very good breath in the market and it's starting to spread out to other sectors,
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you're starting to get participation with a lot of other areas which had not been given any coverage. one of the things i like, you're still seeing some of the strongest sectors still leading. you're not seeing defensive sectors starting to take over which is typically a bear youish side. you couple that with earnings growth being 8, 9% or higher this year, it's really a good recipe by for stocks to continue and it doesn't seem like -- there's a lot of talk about whether or not the fed might raise interest rates because inflation may turn the other direction. if you're paying any attention to what the fed said, they're definitely not raising interest rates. tthe debate is when, how, how many times they're going to cut this year. regardless of what that is, a stable interest rate environment is also positive for stocks. if you look at history, the period in which the fed basically says we're at the terminal rate for the rate hiking cycle until which time the fed the starts lowering interest rates is the strongest part of the market. actually, we're in it.
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we're in the strongest piece. it's going to continue until probably the time they start the first cut which could be july, it could be later. it's certainly not going to be in the first half of the year. maria: sounds like you would put new money to work in the stocks right here. >> yeah, i think you also have a lot of mo money that's sittinn money markets that come out of the market to try to take advantage of high interest rates in money markets. the fed started communicating what the balance sheet will look like in the next couple quarters. when that happens, the money market interest rate is going to start changing and some of the money will come back into the market as well so you have a lot of horsepower to fuel stocks higher. you have good earnings, the recipe for higher stocks, plenty of money being put to work and it's seasonally some of the strongest parts of the year, from october to april, you have quite quite a bit of positive influence and i don't think that will change. when you have stocks up 17 out of the last 21 weeks, generally
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speaking it's going to be a positive year and unless something really, really changes, i have a feeling we'll be even higher by the time we get to october and november this year. maria: are you surprised we haven't seen a bigger impact from the 11 rate hikes? look at where we are in the 10 year this morning with yields right around 4.2 or so. we're of course waiting on a big week of inflation data on deck. you have the 10 year up 3 and a third basis points at 4.23%. ahead of gdp on thursday and the pce on friday. we saw some elevated numbers last week with the cpi hotter than expected. what are your expectations for this week's data? >> pce comes out on friday. that's the big he day. but the market's closed. you're not going to see much reaction. you'll see a little bit in anticipation of maybe next week. i'm not sure. but the summary of economic pro projections last a week, the fed
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raised its expectation of pce core which up to 2.6% that is correct see that in-- they see that inflation has risen in the last couple months. we see it at the gas pump, the grocery store, everything we do. what they're telling us is that's temporary y temporary. we'll see whether or not that plays out. as you go towards june, we should start to see the pce start to trend lower. if that's the case, it will tee up one or two interest rate cuts in the back half of the year. the most important thing when people are thinking about interest interest rates is that the fed is trying to thread the needle on its dual mandate of maximum employment and price stability. one of of the things the fed has the wind at its back right now is unemployment is really low. they don't have to focus on whether jobs are a problem and people will lose their jobs. they can completely focus on inflation fighting, which is
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good. because that's needed. and what you're going to see is the fed can be patient. they don't necessarily have to turn the dial on the fed funds rate in order to worry about whether people are losing their jobs. they can really focus those rates. what you're going to see is the fed taking other tools and applies those to try to make sure they don't torpedo the banking system. that's one of the reasons they're talking about changing or tapering or the rate of change on the runoff of the balance sheet. from 95 billion to something lower. so they can actually use the multiple tools they have at their disposal to try to tamp down inflation but at the same time not cause the economic problems. the other thing that's important to think about, number one is short-term interest rates don't have as much of an effect or immediate effect. they have a lagging effect on economic activity. if the long end of the curve were to go up fast that would have a sledgehammer effect on economic growth of. the long end has stayed fairly tame. as long as that happens, the fed
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can start to maneuver the short end and play around with that and get markets where they need it to go or inflation data can trend down which is needed. maria: alongside with trimming of the balance sheet which we're also waiting on. great talk with you. thank you so much. >> have a great. a great.maria: intel and amd an across the board, reports that china is planning to phase out the microprocessors from government, personal computers and servers, amd and intel declining to comment on the report. intel is down 15% this year, this morning down 3% on the news. amd is down 2 right now but it's up nearly 22% year-to-date as you can see. we'll take -- over the last year, rather. quick break and then president biden signs another 1 and a quarter trillion dollars in spending into law, republicans slamming the handout towards a new fbi headquarters.
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congressman ralph norman is here to talk about what people are saying is an untenable level of spending, he'll join me next. then judgment day for president trump as new york officials are looking to seize some of his assets as soon as today. we're on it. stay with us. back in a minute. ♪ how can you just leave me standing alone in a world that's so cold. ♪ maybe i'm just too demanding morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot.
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i noticed a change within the first week, and each month the weight just kept coming off. with golo, you can keep the weight off. maria: welcome back. president biden signing a massive 1 and a quarter trillion dollar spending package over the weekend, that package includes $200 million in funding for new fbi headquarters and just 120 million for border patrol. biden calling the bill good news for the american people but is also urging congress to pass the additional bills. the $118 billion national security supplemental package and that senate border deal which of course died in the senate. joining me is south carolina congressman ralph norman, a member of the house budget, financial services and rules committees. congressman, thanks very much for being here this morning. what do you have to say about this bill? >> well, the bill should not have been -- we should not have brought it to the floor.
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anybody in their right mind, presented with a 1,000 page document, given 24 hours to read it, you walk away from it. that's not that hard to do. now, speaker johnson, who is an honorable man who wants to do right but he not shutting the government down ahead of anything else and you can't negotiate like that. we hoped he would send it back and we would have time to digest it. we didn't. we didn't have the time. this happened over and over again with the senate and the president waiting until the last minute. maria: i mean, that is why georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene basically sent you all home with a wrecking ball, threatening to that down the speaker. she joined me yesterday on sunday morning futures. she said unless there's significant changes to spending or border security she will bring the motion to remove speaker mike johnson to a floor vote. this is what she said yesterday.
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you're saying this is a pink slip. you may not bring it to the floor when you come back from easter recess to get mike johnson out but you want to bring a message that you won't accept any more of no security at the border, is that what you're saying? >> that's what i'm saying. it's a promise to my conference. keep the investigations going, keep the committee work going, lelet's do the good work we're doing. i haven't drawn a deadline. that doesn't mea mean i won't cl it to the floor. maria: we know this keeps happening and you're forced to take on more cvs or follow nancy pelosi's spending and budget. what is it going to take to affect change? >> well, hopefully mike will start listening to the conservatives and will do the right thing. he wants to. he just at the end of the day, he would not do it. what's got to happen is, i disyodisagree with marjorie, shn
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threaten to file the motion to o vacate but who is going to do it. the bill passed. the imaormajority of the republs didn't vote for it. you have to have a speaker to keep the functioning going. i disagreed with mike and what he did with accepting the 1,000 page, not have read it, 500 million for jordan, 225 million for egypt. things like that should not have been in there. marjorie was right on that. just because i disagree with him, you can't put him out, that's my opinion. congressman ken buck resigned over the weekend, congressman mike gallagher won't be finishing his term, leaving congress on april 19th. when he resigns it will leave
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the gop with a one seat majority. you can't have a special election in mike gallagher's district because he's leaving early, instead of waiting until the 2 2 23rd or earlier to allow for a special election. those people in wisconsin don't have a representative at all. you can't even replace him. why would he do that to his former colleagues? >> well, you know, i don't know. unless it's for health reasons, you fill out your term. i like mike. he should have resigned -- if he's going to resign, do it early so they can have a special election. april 19th is the end date. and i understand he's going to do it after that. ken buck, i do not understand. he's putting the country at risk and the fact that he's leaving early just for other reasons which are unknown to me, mike the same way. he ought to stay the term and fill it out and give his people
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in his state of wisconsin, his district a chance to elect somebody else. it's a republican district. maria: feels like these guys are basically walking out and giving you the finger. they're walking out and you've got a one vote majority. all mike gallagher had to do was choose a different date so you could replace him and have a special election. he didn't, intngs nailly. intentionally.>> you no who he? america. he's harming the country. they were good members. they voted conservative for the most part but you don't leave your job, leave the ship in the myof a storm. we're in a storm now. we've got issues in the country and we need their votes and the democrats are off the rails and we've got to have a checks and balances and them leaving is not helping. maria: todd piro, jump in. >> this death by a thousand cuts to the republican majority looks like it is having some impact with the mind of the voter.
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they do perceive dysfunction. how worried are you that not about the majority up until november, but what do you think about the majority coming forward, 2025, 2026, how worried are you that this death by you thousand cuts is going to jeopardize that? >> the good news is, it's waking people up to what's happening to america. look what this administration is doing. they've got a front row seat when they saw the illegals, disobeying of authority and bum rushing to get in the country. that's in every agency of this administration. floss consequences. no consequences for tearing up cities, no consequences for coming across the border and i do think we will have conservative candidates that run. i think the american people now know that votes matter, who you put in office matters. it's not what they say, it's what they do, it's how they vote. so i think they see it for what it is. i think we're going to get some conservatives electednd a i think we'll have the majority
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come november of this year. maria: we'll leave it there and we'll be watching certainly, congressman many thanks very much for being here this morning. quick break and then p gatestone institute senior fellow gordon chang is here previewing wednesday''s meeting in beijing between american ceos and xi jinping coming up. plus college basketball teams entering the sweet 16. we've got all the highlights. back in a minute. ♪
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narrator: sometimes we hope a problem will just go away. but some things need attention before reaching the breaking point. (glass breaking) narrator: you don't have to face these problems alone. visit for any age, any stage. boys town. maria: welcome back. a deadly terrorist attack in
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moscow leaving more than 130 people dead, the suspected attackers in court. cheryl casone with details. >> good morning. in the wake of that deadly attack on a moscow concert hall that left more than 130 people led, you may remember that russian president vladimir putin dismissed u.s. warnings about an imminent attack, the head of u.s. and central command said this earlier this month. watch. >> the risk of attack emanating from afghanistan is increasing. i assess isis retains the capability and will to attack u.s. and western interests abroad in as little as six months and with little to no warning. >> so putin dismissing the warnings as blackmail days before the a attack, isis k claiming responsibility and the u.s. has confirmed that, despite russian officials trying to point the blame towards ukraine. they opened fire and threw
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grenades. nissan is targeting an additional 1 million vehicle sales over the next three years and a 30% reduction in electric vehicle production costs, aiming for 2030, amid a cooling in the ev market with ford, gm, mercedes scaling back or delaying ev plans. even elon musk saying in january he was bracing for a, quote, notably lower rate of growth. this as stellantis confirmed friday it will lay off hundreds more u.s. workers as it tries to transition in the ev space, they're reporting 400 people were laid off, many of them white collar workers in software engineering and technology jobs. and finally, we are down to the sweet 16 for march madness and last night's matchup between texas a & m and houston a must
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see. of watch this. >> bradford, inbound there, looking. garcia. we are tied! >> well, t t houston won the g. marquette took down colorado. the coach had this reaction afterwards. >> what emotions are you feeling right now? >> just gratitude. gratitude for these guys, our fans, our guys hang in there, continue to fight and now we get to keep playing. >> for the women, stanford surviving the second round game with iowa state. watch this. >> dimitri, they have the lead
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back! >> stanford wins, 87-81, advancing to the sweet 16. i've got to clarify this with my colleague, todd piro. did i get it right? i don't know. >> fact check. everything is correct. including you called them the stanford cardinal, it's not plural. a lot of the intelligent people who watch the show may have gone to stanford, they're happy with you that morning, you referred to them at the cardinal of. and that shot from the texas a techtexas a &m player was sick. maria: it's day two of the china development forum, executives in beijing today for the annual meeting including apple's ceo, tim cook among others china's premier trying to
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down play investor concerns. xi jinping is planning to meet with u.s. ceos a after the business forum on wednesday. joining me is gatestone institute senior fellow, the author of the coming collapse of china and china is going to war, gordon chang back with us. gordon, great to see you. interesting to see the ceos that went to beijing to meet with xi jinping. your reaction? >> well, you know, this is tim cook. last week he was in shanghai. he met the leaders of lens technology which is an apple supplier which at the end of 2021 was accused of using uyghur force labor. what we have right now is a host of ceos, just a moral failure, going to beijing under these circumstances, also it's a failure of the biden administration to not use emergency powers to get american companies out of china. xi jinping at any time would love ceos to go to chinese soil because that's sort of like the
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imperial era of the foreigners paying tribute to the grand chinese leader. 3w-9but this is just hideous. maria: sentiment changed from a business standpoint with all the new national security laws that xi jinping has dropped and certainly the backdrop of communist china and everything they're willing to do to foreigners going in there and raiding the place but even goldman sachs says it's uninvestable to invest in china right now so what do you think they're thinking this time around, now that the sentiment had has changed so much? are with seeing the same kind of support? is it always just about money? or are they finally getting the national security risks? >> no, they're not getting the national security risk at all. really, what they're trying to do is appease xi jinping. you know, and we heard all of these soothing words from the chinese premier about what they're going to do to provide equal treatment to foreigners, and at the same time we hear this headline from the chinese
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central government that they're going to phase out the use of intel and amd chips in government devices so really what you've got is they will say anything but really what they're doing is making sure that foreigners have no role in the chinese market because xi jinping believes that they should not be making money in china at all and that china's market should be reserved 100% for chinese state enterprises and maybe, maybe chinese private entrepreneurs. maria: politico is reporting that treasury second janet yellen is also going to travel to china to meet with members of the country senior leadership next month. she keeps going back for more. doesn't look like we're getting anything from come china with ca with all these meetings, does it. >> certainly not. someone should remind secretary yell yen yen she is the secretaf the united states. it doesn't include strengthening
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china. what will she say this time that she hasn't said before? are the chinese actually going to be moved by her paying tribute to lower chinese officials and as you show in the graphic, there she is bowing to a minor official is lower in ranking than she is. this is a f failure of american state craft. maria: and remember they fed her mushrooms when she went the last time which is just outrageous, as the ccp continues to undermine the united states on so many levels. a south dakota governor kristi noem joined me yesterday to discuss the threat of communist china from a food angle, she said they're buying up farmland and we need to keep beijing out of the american food supply. watch this. >> what i hope the american people realize is that the country that controls our food supply, they control us. and so it's incredibly important that we pay you at attention tos
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been happening for decades. i've watched them come in and buy our fertilizer companies, stolen our genetics, bought up processing systems. where we have programs where we've given ccp members and chinese citizens s citizenship e in exchange for investment in processing systems and now they increased the amount of purchase bees of egg land in the united states many that completes their control of the food supply chain. the country that feeds us, they will control us. maria: gordon, should we be worried about this? >> absolutely. oh, absolutely. china does intend to control our food chain as she said. you know, in 2013, they bought smithfield, the world's largest pork producer, and we thought that was a commercial transaction. but during the pandemic, smithfield was exporting pork to china in circumstances that were commercially unreasonable because they could have made much more money if they sold it
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at home which shows that china has a geopolitical angle to all of these purchases. we have seen especially in places like maine and oklahoma, chinese parties coming up and buying up farmland and using it for criminal purposes and then of course in north and south dakota they've been buying land close to military facilities. he's that's something that also happened in texas. you just go through the range of it. and no american can buy a square inch in china. why are we allowing the chinese to buy farm and ranch land in our country? maria: yeah. it's a great point. let me bring luke in here. luke, goldman sachs recently said china is uninvestable. how do you see it? >> you can't invest in communism, right? this started when we added china to the wto in 2000. we made china rich, we plugged into china, invested in china to help make money. we helped make them a lot of
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money. we're so engrained in china, as we unplug it will be inflationary to us in the united states when we plug into other countries. we want to invest into mexico and japan as we invest and move away from china. maria: gordon, your reaction? >> absolutely right. this has become a national security issue. the chinese regime made it clear they consider the united states to be an existential threat, the declared a quote, you unquote, people's war in may of 2019. we dismissed propaganda, what our enemies say about us, but this has great meaning in communist party lingo. if we don't understand that, if we don't unplug our you economy, we're going to lose our country. the chinese will use points of contact to subvert our society and bring it down. maria: we will leave it there. gordon, always a pleasure to talk with you you. thanks so much. >> thank you, maria. maria: gordon chang. quick can break answered then deadline day for president trump
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to put up half a billion dollar bond in new york. fox business' kelly o'grady with more now. >> reporter: with that bond deadline upcoming, a lot of folks are wondering if the former president could use the wind fall he might get from taking his company truth social public. i will break that down next. ♪ okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours.
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i'm healthier now than i've ever been, and my doctor is thrilled. golo is so much more than weight loss, it's gonna give you your life back. maria: welcome back. time for the morning buzz. president trump's social media company, truth social, getting the green light to go public. kelly o'grady now with more. >> reporter: good morning, maria. so that's right, this is a potential major wind fall for former president trump. truth social received approval to merge with the spac and could start trading as soon as this week. it will list under the ticker djt or donald trump's initials of course. the deal has been in the works since october of 2021. truth social needs the capital to grow, maybe stay afloat. this means trump will see over $3 billion potentially. that number could change pending
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ongoing litigation. based on the current share price the company's market can cap is over 5 billion. trump will own 58% once the merger goes through. the stock lost 14% on friday following the announcement. it's regained some of that in premarket trading. here's the wrinkle. the former president can't sell shares for six months. when the company goes public there's a lockup period. the board could approve a waiver. if trump were to sell a significant portion of the shares it could tank the stock. there's a possibility he could use the shares as collateral to secure the appeal bond. any process could take multiple days. the runup was in large part due to the former president's supporters, it's an interesting way for his base to financially support him outside the traditional campaign finance route. it could can become the ultimate meme stock.
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trump supporters can be extremely passionate. over 10% of investors were short on the stock as of friday. maria: really interesting and what timing. thanks so much. todd, your thoughts? >> usually i give solutions. i have a question for everybody in the money world. i understand the tie-ups to the stock, to whatever you're calling it, maybe it's not stock yet but his interests. why can't, without involving the stock itself, why can't trump leverage the stock, basically come up with a deal with one of his billionaire friends to be like hey, i'll give you some -- i'll give you an interest in the stock, not to sell the stock but an interest in the stock at some ridiculously high interest rate, some high premium, if you front me the cash. tell me why we can't do that. maria: they could buy the stock if they would like. >> but not now. maria: no. anybody can buy the stock once with it goes public. but trump can't move the stock for six months as kelly
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reported. luke, weigh in. >> like ipo lockups, any time there's an ipo in the market, there's a six month, nine month lockup in regard to selling shares so there's not a ton of pressure on the stock. this is very interesting. i'm brett yo pretty young. in my lifetime the stock market has changed a lot. this is the power of capitalism and the free markets and the american system. 2021 we saw the meme stock craze, r reddit crowd was buying stocks. and companies were able to raise capital to stop them from going into bankruptcy. you can bia buy assets, allowg people to raise capital, allowing trump to raise capital to fund his campaign. this is american capitalism at work and how strong and powerful our financial markets are. maria: the deepest and most
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liquid in the world. coming up, illegal crossers just keep coming in, and the numbers are going up. president biden is still refusing to take executive action. it is the hot topic of the hour. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ the best advice i ever got was to invest with vanguard for my retirement. the second best? stay healthy enough to enjoy it. so i started preparing physically and financially. then you came along and made every mile worth it.
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maria: welcome back. good monday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, march 25, 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. u.s. border patrol chief sounding the aalarm on the migrant crisis, calling it a serious, quote, national security threat. the 140,000 got aways since october is what keeps him up at night apparent ily. the white house is blaming texas governor greg abbott for chaotic scenes at the border and thursday's invasion. watch this. >> has the president seen the dramatic video of migrants surging past national guardsmen of texas? >> i have not spoke tone the president about that


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