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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 25, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> this type of law fair is not something we associate with the united states of america. it's much more soviet, third world republic. >> president trump had the upper hand and used his leverage appropriately to ensure that the government of mexico did things that we wanted them to do that were not only good for our immigration and border security laws but was also good for theirs. >> we've got to blow up the whole budget process, stuart, and start over, rewrite the budget rules so you can get spending down and borrowing $2 trillion a year and nobody in washington is doing anything about it. >> probably what the supreme court wants to do is try to come up with some common sense standards to protect the president. stuart: i'm not sure of the relevance of the song. you can't hardly bait.
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okay. lauren: i love this song. stuart: neutral on this. absolutely neutral. lauren: trying to get the relevance. what's the next story? stuart: i don't know. let's get on with it. 11:00 eastern time, monday, march 25th. here we go. check the markets and still a bit of red ink. down 100 on the dow, small losses for the s&p and big tech, not all are up or down and meta, amazon, apple, alphabet down and 10-year treasury yield 4.25% right on the dot. now this, living and working in new york city has been exasperating. to see it go from the greatest city in the world to a dangerous joke is not easy. it's not the people, it's the city's leadership. it comes to a head today. new york's judicial system is geared up to seize the property of a presidential candidate,
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donald trump. this is a politicized judicial system, driven by attorney general let's james who's made no secret of her intention to get donald trump. is this a judicial system to be proud of? no, it's a disgrace made worse by the failure of judges and bar association to stop injustice and election interference. there's more, first, the migrants, anyone who walks the streets or rides the subway will have seen them, new york had big hearts but they're not happy with the crime, the third world look at streets and extraordinary cost of feeding, housing, educating and medically treating hundreds of thousands of people that happened to walk across our southern border. incredibly, the city cut back social services for home grown new yorkers to pay for the migrants. second, workers are actively avoiding the city. they prefer working from home or living some place else. the giant office buildings in midtown half empty. that means less business for
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restaurants, bars and convenient stores where everything is locked up anyway. tax revenue straight down. let's see now, a politicized judiciary intent on getting republican presidential candidate in the middle of an election and unsafe city in the hands of radical da. a city overrun by illegals but don't say that word, please. a city where it seems there's no standards, just decline and embarrassment. the only way out is a change of leadership and that won't happen any time soon. how sad because when new york had solid leadership, at all levels, it was indeed the greatest city in the world. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: perfect time for steve forbes and the demise of new york and lived here all your live and what's it going to take
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to get the city back? >> they've had bad times before and old enough to remember the 1970s and whereupon name and key thing is back then leaders stepped in and got the city back on its feet in the 1990s under rudy giuliani, say his name. today you can see the situation and looking to andrew cuomo coming in as a savior, running for mayor of new york. stuart: i didn't see that, steve. really? >> yes. so he's tough so maybe there's something to it. but the state of new york talking about donald trump, a couple of weeks ago, governor hochul said to businesses, don't pull out of the state, it's a one on, an exception. no, it is not. it's going to be hitting all businesses and you're seeing that where you go around. so new york is hostile to business, they can't keep the streets. it's a third world city out there. and people have to rise up and
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say enough. the fact that people are leaving you'd think somebody would get the message, but florida is booming, texas is booming, is there a message there? stuart: yes, there is a message, do it another way. over the weekend, president biden signed the $1.2 trillion spending package, the threat of government shut down base chips act that's over. no one though -- this is my opinion, no one, not democrat ore republican is really serious about cutting spending. none of them. what do you say? >> well, the problem with the republicans is that they have a one seat majority in the house and they've got a bunch of people that if it's not 100% pure, they want to throw out the speaker. so they're changing governments like italy used to do decades ago. then a situation where they don't control the senate or white house. this is why this election is so critically important not just on the spending side but the regulatory side and they'd suffer immense damage economically and in terms of security an the world. they're taking note of the deterruation of this country.
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in terms of the spending thing, yeah, we need real spending reform, reagan tried it, coolidge did it and no one remembers that name. he cut the budget and there has to be a change, systemic change and willingness of the president to do it on regulations say we're going through item by item and coolidge by the way, every week sat down with the budget director to find cuts, and he left office with a budget smaller than when he took office. stuart: i don't think either party is serious about cutting spending. i think the crunch comes when we have a debt crisis where lenders say enough. we don't trust you to pay us back. a debt bomb explodes and that points in the paint you get something done. not till then. >> may take something like the bond individu individual leeann- vigilantes to get them when it's not acceptable and federal reserve has to print money to
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finance the federal government and moral thing is our massive borrowing is sucking capital out of the world and hurting developing countries. the republicans should make that an issue. all the free spending, there's a price to pay. stuart: there's not going to be change for a long time to come, we'll probably agree to agree on that one, steve. yes? we'll agree on that one. steve forbes, everyone. good stuff. thank you very much indeed. >> thank you. stuart: the markets and dow down 120 and minuscule losses for nasdaq and s&p. jason katz with us this morning. why do you say this is the most misunderstood and unloved bull market of our time? >> so we've been doing this for such a long time. i don't recall a time where we saw markets so unloved and misunderstood as evidenced by the $6 trillion of cash on the sidelines. i'm talking to real investors every day and what are they telling me? inflation and recession risk,
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election, border, i mean there's a litany of reasons notwithstanding the fact that we've come so far, so fast. why then are we groping for new highs? the answers are really simple. number one, the fed is at least done raising rates. that's number one. and number two, at the end of the day, stocks follow earnings and earnings follow the economy. thanks to ai and a variety of other factors, both continue to surprise to the upside, and i'll leave you with this thought, what happens, what happens when the fed starts cutting rates? to all that cash? it has to find a home. i can hear the conversations already with my clients so i think you're going to see a lot of that money come back into the market, not necessarily with the stocks that took us to the party, but that'll find a home in equities. stuart: if i buy an index, spx or something, i'm good for the end of the year? >> i think so. even though large cap tech, which dominates those indexes
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are coming under pressure and those indexes will hold levels here. stuart: no big selloff and possibly higher highs at the end of the year. >> we average a 10% correction every year. i'd be surprised at some point this year if we didn't get that but on index level, i think we end where we are if not higher. i think beneath the surface, there's a lot of money in this market. stuart: getting the right stock and check them out properly. jason katz as always, thank you and good to see you. okay. lauren, what's with red -- 9% up this morning. lauren: yeah, went out on thursday at $34 a share. that was its public debut. look, it's a 19-year-old unicorn. it has not turned a profit ever in two decades. so is this now, this phenomenal gain sending a message to other unprofitable startups that the ipo waters are just fine because we haven't had a lot of ipos this year at all. stuart: is that ai driven? lauren: could be in the sense
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that it's a forum. data of what people say and think and it's categorized. if that's used and starting to be used to train ai large language systems, yes. it is an ai stock. stuart: those forums can be somewhat feisty, can we use that expression? lauren: i enjoy them. >> or toxic. lauren: yeah, but you get what people really think. if you thought twitter was toxic. stuart: not much content moderation, huh? lauren: no, not at all. stuart: micro-strategy. lauren: it's up big. stuart: $70 or 70,000 and they're up. lauren: correct, they're up 71% and they're a proxy for bitcoin and own more than 1% of all bitcoin in existence. it's a software company that has, what, 215,000 bitcoins i believe. stuart: a lot. lauren: so all the crypto stocks are sharply higher today because bitcoin is pushing back towards the 74,000 record high. stuart: i know of lucid.
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i know it's an electric car company in the luxury range. lauren: it is. stuart: why surging 7%. lauren: a $1 billion capital injection from the majority shareholder, which is a saudi investigationment firm and have 60% of the company and giving them more money. stuart: thanks, lauren. coming up, jeff bezos' ex-wife mckenzie scott given away about $160 million in charities and most to left wing causes like supporting trans athletes. we have the full story. senator marco rubio says presidential immunity is a serious issue. if he has immunity, what's the limits? rampant crime plaguing businesses in new york and one super market chain placing bar codes on ice cream to track it down once it's stolen. that's outrageous. the full story coming up for you. ♪
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and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217. stuart: just in new york, shoplifting is costing businesses billions of dollars and thieves are now stealing items then reselling them online. it's a business. madison alworth at a super market in new york city. what's the number one thing being stolen there? reporter: the number one thing they're having problems with shoplifting right now is ice cream. specifically the small containers like these items sell around for $9. the thieves are coming into stores and they're packing as many as they can into bags and
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then they head down the street to flip the ice cream. so stealing it and then immediately selling it. it's gotten so bad that the store came up with a code and if the code is on the ice cream and flipped and sold to local bo diego, they can go in and see if it was one of their stolen pieces of inventory and then pursue action. that's what they've been doing to crack down on ice cream left. it's been successful in the two weeks implemented, theft of ice cream has gone down by 90% but thieves, these organized shoplifting rings is smart. the next thing they're targeting is laundry detergent and it's something that also very small, high resell value and gab as many as they can and the store talking about doing the same thing with the detergent because the ice cream was so successful. when it comes to shoplifting,
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ice cream, a very small piece of the pie. looking at shoplifting in new york city, it's increased over 60% since the pandemic and some of this shoplifting, which you're seeing locally and steal from a grocery store and flip to a bodega and there was a raid of a pawnshop in suffolk county and hundreds of stolen goods recovered ranging from kitchen items to luxury goods all recovered and the intention there was for them to be sold on things like ebay, facebook marketplace and even etsy in a shadow retail economy. that shadow retail economy is thriving because a lot of crime is not prosecuted and results in billions in losses for these companies. bennys on the dollar for the shoplifters making a profit. stuart. >> got it, madison alworth.
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john is joining me now, he owns the stores. >> shoplifting of the ice cream is down 930% the last two weeks and what hap happens is hagen dz is liquid gold and sell within three blocks or it melts. and they go to local laundromat in the neighborhood and sell them the tide soap and sell them the soap that's available. like i said to everyone, stuart, it's not about -- it's about professional shoplifter. if people came in and they were hungry, we never got them
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arrested for being hungry and buying a can of tuna and a can of -- bread. professional shoplifters that are wiping out the stores in new york and the drugstores, it's -- we have taken a position where we deadly weaponed our stores. the big corporate stores around the country, they fire their employees that defend their stores. i can't understand it. i would sled those. stuart: at the top of the hour, i was saying i think new york is in serious decline, the judicial system has become a joke and migrants are everywhere and crime and shoplifting, et cetera, et cetera. is that decline irreversible, john? you're a lifelong new yorker. >> 70 years in new york, i love new york, if we don't fix it up on this year, when there's a big election in november, and all we
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want is -- we love new york. all we want is new york to go in the right direction and enough of the crime. stuart: it's a leadership problem. change the leadership and you maybe the problem improves. >> absolutely. stuart: on the subway, it's getting more dangerous to ride the subway. crimes on trains and in stations are up 53% since before the pandemic in 2019. if people don't feel safe on the subways, they're not coming back to live or walk in new york city. how can we krugere a some-back if working people are afraid to get on the subway. last word to you, john. >> stuart, yes, there's 8.5 million new yorkers in new york city that want to live in a
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civilized way. and there's millions of repeat violaters arrested 50 times. the state said it. are they working for the 8.5 million new yorkers that want a civilized city or are they working for the 3300 criminals? i mean, that's what it comes down to, stuart. stuart: good question. john catsimatidis, you're right in the middle and we thank you for coming on the show and telling us how it is. good stuff, john. see you again soon. >> thank you. stuart: owner of iconic new york restaurant chain is fed up with crime in the city. ashley, come back in again, please. who are we talking about? >> his name is allen rosen and he's the owner of junior's restaurant operating three in brooklyn and rosen is curious with new york politicians that made it okay to shoplift without consequences and he's very concerned about safety of workers when they leave the job
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and his for own daughter was assaulted-sumsumsummer and his restaurants close before midnight during the week and told the new york post "we feel uneasy and unsafe, we want our city back". rosen said the lack of support and protection for police is elmore boldening criminals and the city streets are dirty and too much aggressive panhandling and the city must and can do better. amen. stu. stuart: that i canning them to that. check the market and dow down 130 points and minor losses, and special teams p and nasdaq and bitcoin at 68,000 and now at $69,390. we are also getting reports that the bond, trump's bond, may have been reduced in size. okay, we're going to have more on that a bit later. also coming up. king charles frustrated at pace
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of cancer recovery according to his nephew. the bond reduced and full details on that coming up. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute news and insights. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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stuart: a new york appeals court has agreed to hold off collecting trump's civil fraud judgment by the way they've reduce it had to $175 million from $454 million and i believe he's got ten days to pay. lydia hu joins me from manhattan criminal court. have i got that right, a lower bond price -- bond need and ten days to pay? reporter: yeah, high there, stuart this. is a very big development coming in the civil new york fraud trial and before this development he posed that roughly half a billion bond and the reduction and ten days to go and that extension there and one would think this would give trump more opportunity to come up with that money. we have to remember that previously trump's lawyers requested the bond be reduced to
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100 million since he's a move in the direction that the trump lawyers wanted to see all though not reduced as much as what they had hoped. we're standing outside of manhattan criminal court because another very big legal development is his lawyers are inside the court asking for a delay on the hush money case. but as trump arrived to court here around 10:00 this morning, the news reporters outside and all they wanted to know about was about the bond. listen to the exchange here. tram's criminal lawyers are arguing they've only just received a big dump of discovery documents, roughly 100,000 pages that could be used as evidence against him in the criminal trial and because of the late production, this case should be delayed or dismissed and we're going back now to the civil bond
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reduced down to $175 million and one would think it would be possible fur trump to come up with the money in ten days. if he does not, he's looking at slate of possibilities with the attorney genesessing his properties and filing leans and freezing bank accounts and now we'll wait and see as trump now has an additional 10 days to post the bond and the criminal case is on recess for about another 30 minutes and waiting to see what the judge could side should happen with the criminal case moving forward. stuart. stuart: lydia, thank you. bring in former u.s. attorney brett tollman this. is a very important day for the legal system here in new york. brett, are you there? there he is. brett, two points, i think this is a win for trump, this scaling down of the bond requirement and the extra time to pay and that's a win for trump and asking what does this mean for the judge in the case and letitia james? what's their standing now?
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>> i think you're exactly right and this is a win for trump. some of this may be the result of a lot of public outcry of such an outrageous move with a bank that wasn't harmed and wants to continue to do business, and you have a individual -- i mean, this is a civil case and they're threatening to take down an entire enterprise, a very important business in new york and this very well could be the outcry and it gives them a new opportunity to put the bond up and get the appellate court to rule in this decision, this outrageous decision. stuart: how do you think it'll play out now? >> well, you know, it's interesting because the appellate side will go forward and you have judges that will be analyzing whether or not the
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facts were sufficient to justify what the court ruled, and there are issues relative to the facts in this case. on the other side, you have the trump team and there's due process they have to fight on the practical side and they'll be fighting the amount of money and whether or not there are other owners of businesses and those individuals get to file claims and you're talking a legal mess as a result of really what is poor lawyering on the part of of the da. stuart: senator rubio from florida said trump is raising issues in terms of immunity claims. >> there's a legitimate issue we need to talk about writ large especially after what we've seen in the last three years and do we want to live in a country where the opponents of a
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president can extort them, can have leverage over them during their entire presidency and say don't worry, once you're out of office, we'll prosecute you and come after you and charge for you these crimes. stuart: brett, what should a sitting president be immune from? from>> well, it will be importat but there's no evidence and they didn't want the executive bran touch go after their opponents, political opponents. you can have a felony and can run for president. now the founders of the constitution telling us don't use the criminal law to eliminate your political adversaries and while they're president, they outlined one way
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to go after them for high crimes and misdemeanors. that was through impeople peachment. if there's a congestion in the senate, they could be impreached and removed from office and forbidden to run ever again. that was the solution going after political opponents and they were students of histoand i we need to be students of history at this point in time and recognize there's a reason why immunity is so important. i think the senator rubio is absolutely right and should apply regardless whether you're democrat or republican or whether you like or dislike trump stuart: brett toll map, thanks for shed -- tollman, thanks for shedding right light on what's going on. congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez speaking out about the possibility of new york seizing trump's assets. ashley, supra aural headphones is she saying?
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ashley: she can barely contain her glee. let me say that. aoc selling cnn there's a risk of more corruption unless trump's assets are indeed seized. >> it is my belief that all people should be treated equally under the law, and if that seizure of assets would be pursued to any other american, than donald trump should be treated the same. i think that there is risk in not seizing these assets and the open window that exists in him trying to secure these funds through other means. we've seen a lot of interesting transactions happening with truth social and other means and there's a very real risk of political corruption. ashley: alexandria ocasio-cortez claim that had trump ordered a terrorist attack on the capitol and argued he should have his assets seized along with not being allowed back in the white house.
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that's aoc for you. stu. stuart: say no more. thanks, ash. back to the markets and lauren looking at the movers and disney is a moving. lauren: at new annual high at 119 after barclay's upgraded to overweight at 108.72 and $135 price target and their earnings have bottomed and up from here. stuart: united airlines, don't tell me they're down. lauren: big type, 5%, almost 4.5. faa stepping up it is oversight of united. several issues involving the boeing planes they're flying with the wheels falling off and at takeoff going into agriasy pennsylvania bloomburg reporting that investigation could lead to routes being curbed so no expansion for united and boeing is up and they're the source of a lot of united problems and they're getting a new ceo hopefully at the end of the year when dave calhoun steps aside.
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stuart: thanks, lauren. former brand president of levis launched a new clothing brand to support female athletes and working with people like riley gains and here to tell us all about it. princess kate received outpouring of support after revealing she's got cancer. her popularity is surging and we have information on the britains after this. in a rocky mountain setting spanning over 280,000 acres. three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy fly fishing and america's finest trout stream. kick back
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stuart: trump wins and bond reduced from $454 million to $175 and he has an extra ten days to pay this. is coming at us. who do they think is involved in
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the conspiracy theories, ashley? ashley: stu, it's russia and iran and they're worried that the foreign adversaries are fueling the rise of conspiracy theories on social media about kate middleton's health and her video message of cancer diagnosis is met with outpouring of public sympathy but unfounded conspiracies have questioned the truthfulness of the announcement and the cancer itself. ken polcari at a timers online are -- commentators are questioning the efficacy of chemo therapy and the covid-19 vaccine and rishi sunak condemned the social media trolls and announced fresh sanctions on chinese individuals involved in state-backed hacking and they'll do anything to stir the pot. stu. stuart: thanks, ash. prince and princess of wales say they're enormously touched by the outpouring of support they've received since kate's
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cancer announcement. nile is with me. is there a complete change in the public opinion of kate? >> thanks for having me on the show, stuart. i think that the princess of wales has always been an immensely popular figure with the british public. the british people are rallying around her now. of course you have a lot of interpret trolls out there some of whom are frankly manipulated by russia, china, iran according to british sources last night. i think you have a nefarious campaign against the royal family, which is driven by various quarters on the internet and the british people are 100 supreme courtive of the princess of wales and wishing her a full recovery and supportive of the
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british monarchy as a whole and this antimonarchy campaign, nefarious campaign isn't going to succeed in any way. i think the british people and much of the world are rallying around their very brave and courageous princess of wales. stuart: a friend of prince harry and meghan accusing the palace of lying about princess kate and insisted recent photos and videos of her were fake. this is a friend of the prince, prince harry. nile, this is outrageous. >> it is, it's outrageous and appalling and you've seen a number of self-styled members of the sussex squad supporters of harry and meghan advanced outrageous and crazy conspiracy theories and it's a really sad state of affairs when you have some people out there, some of
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whom are holding, you know, senior positions in companies for example, who are spreading these kinds of malicious rumors. it's an absolute disgrace, and i think a very poor reflection on supporters of harry and meghan when you have these kind of lunatic theories being put forward by a friend of harry and meghan so it's crazy stuff. absolutely insane. hopefully we'll see the end of this. stuart: one last one for you, peter phillips, son of princess anne said king charles is hugely frustrated about how long it's taking him to recover from his cancer. he wants to get back to normality. do we have any more details about the king's diagnosis or recovery time? >> that's a good question.
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reportsfrom london show she's going to return to duty this summer and he wants to get back to leading the country front and center as soon as he possibly can. that's very encouraging that the king is returning in the summer and prince william has been outstanding standing in for his father and i think the future of the monarchy is in very safe hands. stuart: next time you're on, nile, we'll talk about the wonderful margaret thatcher. see you later. >> looking forward to it. thanks very much. stuart: this is coming at us now and just in, digital world am we cigs and trump's media drop announced completion of business combination. trump media and technology group corporation and treading on the nasdaq tomorrow under the ticker djt as in donald j. trump. up 10% right now.
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a sense of the market and even split and more selling than buying and dow is down 100 points. former brand president of levi left that company over its woke policies and now she's launched her own clothing brand. all about standing up for female athletes. jennifer sey is next. ♪ you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so...
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and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. stuart: jennifer sec left a top job at levi stauss to speak out alaska woke policies and now she's launching a new clothing brand all about standing up for female athletes and jennifer sey is with me in new york now. sounds like you oppose trans athletes competing with women in sports; is that right? >> i'll just say this, we're not anti trans, but just pro women and pro female. we think everyone deserve as right to even playing field and chance to play fairly. women are being silence when had they stand up for themselves around this issue. there's no bigger determinant of
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athletic performance than biology. stuart: how are you protecting women sports? >> we hope to give people a voice. it's a taboo subject and people are afraid to speak up and use common sense. it's common sense. i don't need to be a doctor to know that males are stronger and faster and have unfair advantage. even ruth bader ginsburg said the physical differences between men and women are enduring. they're enduring and we're hoping to encourage people to normalize this message and think brands can spark pottive change in culture. stuart: what kind of women's clothing make this is apparent? what's different about it? >> well, we've got some merri merchwith a message like my t-s. just sey it. that's for fun. a lot of messaging, a woman tm, a t-shirt and needs to be trademarked these days. the word woman. >> did does? really? >> others are trying to hone in on that action it seems like.
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we've got lot of merch with a message and forest drop out right now is casual cotton basics, but very soon in a month or two, we'll have performance gear like leggings and performance fabrics for men and women. there's a lot more coming soon and hope folk cans check it out today go to stuart: it will be available online? >> it's available right now online. orders are coming in and being shipped as we speak. stuart: say it again. >> stuart: you're working with riley gains, aren't you? >> riley and paula and other people that aren't athletes per se, but they're brave truth tellers because we want to stand for being brave and standing up and telling the truth. saying obvious things that people are afraid to say because the culture is so censorious these days. stuart: your side is winning to the side of common sense?
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don't think trans-athletes should be competing directly with women in sports. that's my position. >> that's what 69% of americans agree with. the vast majority. maybe it's 79. am i getting the number wrong. depends on study but vast majority of americans agree because it's common sense but people are too afraid to say it. women are whispering in their kitchen across the country, this is crazy, it's not fair but too afraid in public because you get smeared as a bigot. stuart: jennifer sey, best of luck with your new line of clothing. come back and see us soon with how it's going. >> thank you, stuart. so knead nice to be here. stuart: it's not a related story but interesting, mckenzie scott, ex-wife of jeff bezos donated $649 million and spread out to hundreds of different charities. lauren: 361 char charities and predominantly those with liberal causes. $122 million to illegal migrants mostly to pay legal bills.
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$117 million for ex-convicts. $72 million for lgbtq rights including boosting biological men competing as trans in women sports. $18 million for clean energy. critics say she's funding the rope that will hang capitalism. she has a fortune from amazon and her former husband. stuart: ain't she cute. i've got to get this in, just coming at us, donald trump just said he'll abide by the court decision and post either bond securities or cash. so his bond has been reduced from $454 million down to $175 million and he's got ten extra days to pay. he'll abide by those terms. that's just coming at us from donald trump himself. you know what it is, 11:55 and time for the monday trivia question. easter also falls between march 22 and which date? april 19, 25, 27 or 29th?
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the answer when we return. meet ron. ron eats, sleeps and breathes hoops. and there's not a no look pass, double double, or buzzer beater he won't wax poetic on. ad nauseam. but oh how he can nail a software solution like the best high screen pick and roll you've ever seen. you need ron. ron needs a retirement plan. work with principal so we can help you help ron with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours.
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i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. a stuart: we asked easter fallsbee april 19, 22nd, 25th, 29. again ashley you are first. >> i tell you what i'm to go
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with april 19, number one. >> i think it's a bit later. stuart: i'm going to go with april 25. reveal, the answer is april -- thank you very much, the last time easter was on march 22 was 1818 and the last time on april 25 was 1943 easter is observed on the sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox, you got that sports fans, very easy stuff, you got it right. >> i'll write that down. >> easter is next week. >> lauren, ash, great to see you, "coast to coast" start pretty soon, right now. >> thank you stuart, breaking the sour the 454 million-dollar bond that letitia james wanted from former president donald trump was just slashed by the appeal


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