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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 25, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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we on inflation in our portfolios. we think inflation will continue to go up. we don't look at pce as much. i look at headline cpi. i don't have cpi dropping below three the whole year. oil being where it is today, gold up today, i think that is an environment where things continue to be where the fed does not want them to be. the big question does the fed raise their inflation expectations from the low 2s. liz: new normal. we shall see. michael lands berg. closing bell on this monday. [closing bell rings] holiday shortened week. markets closed on friday. we have a tomorrow barstool, dave portnoy. ♪. jackie: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. all right trump wins a big one. the appeals court grown-ups finally modify his bond for
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appeal in new york state appellate court, slashed mr. trump's payment by about 70%. we'll talk about it with gregg jarrett and joe concha, just a few moments. why are democrats declaring war on israel? john ratcliffe will weigh in on that. plus let's keep speaker mike johnson speaker mike johnson. we have congresswoman claudia tenney and truth social goes public. it will enrich mr. trump in the nick of time. "breitbart"'s john carney going to tell us all the details. so for more on president trump's bond being slashed by almost 2/3, our own lydia hu is live from manhattan criminal court with the details. hello, lydia? >> reporter: hi, there, larry. the slashing of that bond certainly a very big development, a positive development for former president donald trump. welcome news to him and his camp. we're outside of the criminal court here in manhattan because there is another development in the case involving the district attorney alvin bragg, the hush-money case there.
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we now have a jury date, for jury trial to begin, that is april 15th. only about three weeks away. that was not the events that the former president was hoping to unfold here at court today. this hearing was an effort by his legal team to get that case dismissed or delayed of a documents they say were produced to them late. but even as trump was arriving to the criminal court today for this hearing, reporters obviously much more interested in this bond issue as they were shouting questions to him on the day that the deadline, that's today, that which he needed to file this bond, $454 million originally, to protect his assets from seizure by the attorney general let tish that james. but in this late morning decision you're referencing here, a new york appeals court slashed the amount of bond reducing it from 454 million to 175 million. also giving trump 10 more days to post that bond. the decision was very welcomed one for the trump team who
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earlier asked this bond be reduced to $100 million. trump said earlier he would say for this bond in cash. watch. >> well as i say i have a lot of cash. you know i do because you looked at my statements. you've been examining my statements for a long time and i have much more than that in cash but i would also hike to be able to use some of my cash to get elected. they don't want me to use my cash to get elected. >> reporter: a spokesperson for the attorney general's office issued a statement saying quote, donald trump is still facing accountability for his staggering fraud. the court has already found that he engaged in years of fraud to falsely inflate his net worth and unjustly enrich himself, his family and his organization. the 464 million-dollar judgment, plus interest, against donald trump and the other defendants still stands but note this, too, larry. donald trump is appealing that judgment and now he need only post a 175 million-dollar bond to protect his assets from
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seizure while that appeal moves forward. larry, back to you. jackie: that is the key to it. lydia hu, thanks ever so much. a couple words to me about all this stuff. finally some grownups entered the donald trump lawfare fiasco as the new york state appellate court slashed trump's bond payment by nearly 70%, knocking it down to 175 million payable in the next 10 days which would have been combined 550 million had he been able to post this outrageous bond. positive day for former president trump. the grownups emerged hours before the crazy people, new york ag letitia james and democratic club, hack, judge arthur engoron would have had their way. i'm not a lawyer. i'm more interested in the political fallout. i try to keep one the league beagle stuff, but politically i thought it was very interesting that mr. trump said this about
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the biden legal weaponization attack on him. take a a listen. >> i think so far it is backfiring because the people of this country understand it. it's backfiring but they're being run and they're running all of these different cases, so ridiculous, this is all weaponization of doj and fbi. they raided my house in violation of a thing called the fourth amendment. larry: so, actually biden's attempt to throw in in jail for 700 years and take all his cash and businesses away is blowing up in biden's face, as mr. trump suggested. now look, a new poll by mcglocklin and associates showed a clear majority of 56% believe joe biden is looking to win the 2024 election by jailing his opponent, donald trump. 56% while only 30% said no. independents agreed by a margin of 50 to 33%, seeking jail for
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trump for political reasons. the polls surveyed 1000 likely voters between march 9th and 14th. those are likely voters, very important. it also showed trump with a six-point lead over biden right now 49-43. now another political point. i think it's important that during mr. trump's press conference outside of the courtroom today, even though he blasted the lawfare crusade from biden and james and engoron he also injected key issues messaging, take a listen. >> we're going it get our country back. that's what's going to happen. november 5th, i believe will be the most important day in the history of our country. we'll get these people out of there. we'll seal up the borders and, as i say, drill, baby, drill. we'll be drilling. we'll get energy costs down. we'll get rid of the ridiculous electric car mandate so nobody's
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ever heard of anything so foolish and so stupid and we'll bring crime back to law and order. jackie: so you heard him, these are very important issues. the border catastrophe, the crisis of affordability, where middle class folks can't afford the biden economy because huge gains in basic consumer goods like groceries and gasoline while they suffer declines in real wages. mr. trump reminds folks of this when he talks about drill, baby, drill and the ridiculous electric car mandate where people are sick and tired of having washington bureaucrats tell them what to buy or not to buy, denying their freedom and consumer choice and trying to jam these regulatory decisions down their throats. elsewhere in his news conference today the president mentioned the catastrophic withdrawal from afghanistan. so my point is, mr. trump has
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brilliantly combined his legal battles with the key issues. it's a great strategy and that's one reason he is way ahead in the polls. legal, blowing up in biden's face. issues, everybody agrees with trump. so let's talk about this. we have joe concha, fox news contributor, best-selling author, we also have gregg jarrett, fox news legal analyst, and author of, the constitution of the u.s. and other patriotic documents. gentlemen, welcome back. gregg jarrett, i will start with you, i mean, i think it's great that the adults from the appellate court came in, knocked down the bond but i have to ask you, why do you have to post a bond in order to appeal? it seems un-american to me. either you appeal or don't appeal. why do you have to have a ransom known as a bond? >> that is the way it is in other states but new york is different and, frankly it's
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typical of the very different things in new york but you know, your point is correct, larry, that grown-ups have finally entered the room. i said on the air early this morning i did still have confidence in the appellate court to do the right thing and it did knocking down obscenely high appeal bond to a reasonable amount. i think this, larry, is a huge slap in the fates of arthur engoron and letitia james who conspired to manufacture this ludicrous fraud case against trump where all the banks testified there is no fraud. they exhumed this consumer statute where no victims, dollar were losts, yet engoron announced damages on a case where there were no damages. this boasts poorly for engoron and james. the high court will carefully
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scrutinize what they did. and i think donald trump has a decent chance prevailing on the merits. jackie: let me get this right, the grownups beat down the juvenile delinquents, gregg. that is a big win. just saying. >> yes, exactly it. finally some objectivity and restraint has been restored. jackie: joe concha, on this other point, thought mr. trump slam all the decisions. he was slamming juvenile dell link wents as he should. he made two cases were politically significant. he reminded people, this legal warfare against him by joe biden is blowing up in joe biden's face. that is point number one, and point number two he put issues
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schupp. talk about the blowup in joe biden's face. john mclaughlin, polling, most biden show it is not working for biden, what do you think? >> you look at numbers. we're not cherry-picking one poll by mclaughlin. i'm looking at polls since october, show donald trump leading nationally and all seven swing states. north carolina, arizona, nevada, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. that is what the election comes down to. trump wins four of those seven states he is the next president. he is leading in all seven. people are seeing it for exactly what it is. not just letitia james, but alvin bragg. that case appears to be going nowhere. fani willis didn't stand by her man as you talked about. that case is a laughingstock at this. here is the big picture consequence of all of this outside of trump, did you know nearly 160 wall street firms have moved their headquarters out of new york in the past five years? they have taken one trillion in assets with them. so when they see alvin bragg and
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letitia james pursuing these endeavors, look at that, a tax on new york city transit up 50% in the last year. subway murders are surging. these are the real problems that the attorney general, manhattan district attorney should be focused on, not the weaponization of the justice system but that appears to be their orders right now but it is backfiring bigly to use a trump term on them right now. larry: i wouldn't say the juvenile delinquent have done a very good job on crime, law and order, the local economy. what was your point the other day? all these firemen have left? i believe a lot of policemen have retired. you know way before their retirement kicks in. that's unbelievable. all the uniformed services are walking away, joe concha. what does that tell you? >> 2500 new york city police officers have left the new york city police department because they don't feel appreciated obviously, because they keep arresting them and see them back on the street because of people like alvin bragg.
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some are even retiring before they get their pension. that takes 20 years of service i think. they're saying sorry i'm out of here. not totally retiring. they're working in places like florida where they're incentivized to come, where they feel appreciated because they maybe have attorney generals and district attorneys down there actually enforcing the law. larry: gregg jarrett, this other case, this alvin bragg case turned down by the justice department, turned down by the federal election commission, turned down by the former new york county district attorney cy vance, i say even andy mccarthy, i say even andy mccarthy he good friend of mine, no fan of donald trump, that this is nonsense case, phony baloney. >> andy is right. bragg has still not identified the underlying crime trump committed. it cannot be campaign finance. that is federal.
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this is a state prosecutor. he has got no authority. bragg is playing hide the crime, but regardless the payment to stormy daniels was not an illegal campaign donation, larry, as you point out, according to the fec, they investigated, no crime here. the feds stepped in, they investigated no crime here. mainly because, larry payments in exchange for silence in an nda are not criminal at all. they're quite common. corporations do it every day but the biggest charade of all is that bragg's star witness against trump is michael cohen a notorious liar who told so many whoppers he was convicted of perjury and sent off to the hoosegow. it is true that cohen pled out to a campaign finance charge, he pled guilty to a northern crime just to curry favor with prosecutors and shave time off his sentence. bragg is essentially taking a misdemeanor case and he is bootstrapping it to a mystery
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felony federal charge that doesn't actually exist. larry: cohen, this geico hen is bottomless pinocchio to use "the washington post." i thought, joe biden was the only one because he keeps telling us that he cut the budget deficit. that is a bottomless pinocchio. colen is bottomless pinocchio to the third and fourth power and the other thing, whatever john edwards, former senator john edwards, former president bill clinton, they had, shall we say personal issues and they did, shall we say, take care of them with a certain degree of remuneration. none of them got busted, thrown into jail for federal offenses and federal crimes, did they? i'm of a certain age that remembers all of these things? >> prosecutors -- >> for me or gregg. go ahead. >> all the shenanigans generals john edwards.
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larry: yeah. >> campaign finance and you know, they got a eviscerated at trial. you would think they would learn from their own mistakes but apparently alvin bragg is oblivious to that and he is decided by hook or by crook i'm going to use lawfare to go after trump to prop up joe biden and you know, americans are smarter than that. they see this for what it is as joe pointed out. larry: joe concha, as this thing proceeds, right, first of all, trump's got to pay this bond in 10 days. that whole phony trial is going to keep going on. the alvin bragg thing is probably going to keep going on. fani willis seems to have a big problem in georgia. we'll prey, hopefully producers can get stand by your man before this segment is over my favorite song with fani willis who kicked her man under the bus.
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joe, at the end of the day, as you look at all of this stuff, joe biden helped or hurt by this whole legal warfare, throw trump in jail, kind of thing, helped or hurt, joe concha? >> the answer is both. it helps him, what is the news cycle dominated by today? it is dom neyed by donald trump and this judgment reduced by $300 million. the alvin bragg case was supposed to start today. in other words the conversation is solely about trump and legal problems and not about the issues, issues that joe biden has failed on as far as inflation and crime and the border and immigration and foreign policy and education, energy, trade. we're not talking about those things. it helps him in that regard but it hurts him because obviously this is something that is providing 1.21 jigawatts petroleum for donald trump's campaign. he looks like he is a victim here. larry: yes.
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>> you see the bragg case for example, a federal judge called michael cohen, a serial perjurer, which may explain why he goes on cnn and msnbc so much. that is the thing they see these clowns like fani willis, michael cohen or alvin bragg. no one is taking this seriously, no one. larry: every time one of these cases comes up now, it helps trump. every time one of the issues comes up it helps trump. joe biden and his crowd dug themselves into a real bad legal, political hole and one of the many misjudgments of that administration. thank you, gregg jarrett and joe concha, we appreciate it very, very much. folks coming up here on "kudlow," former director of national intelligence under president trump, john ratcliffe. he will talk about lawfare against the president. he will, i will ask him about democrats declaring war against israel, right? that story continues to get worse. and remember, you can catch
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♪. larry: all right, very important about it of news business today. the boeing company, boeing ceo david calhoun, out. chairman of the board out. head of the commercial plane division out. all of this with a series of major securities, safety problems. our own grady trimble however is in and he is standing by with more. grady, what you got? >> reporter: well, larry it was a crisis that led boeing ceo dave calhoun to his position. it is a crisis seeing him out. he will step down at the end of the year and as you noted it is just not calhoun who is out, but also the head of the company's commercial planes division, stan diehl, long time board member and current chair, larry kellner. it is safety concerns and production issues that have plagued the company for the past several years are leading to
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this shakeup. it all started when the door plug flew off of a plane in january of this year. since then boeing has been under the microscope facing increaseed scrutiny from the feds and general public. he will have to do a a lot to wn back public trust. to that end in a letter to employees calhoun says we'll remain squarely focused on completing the work we have done together to return our company to stability after the extraordinary challenges of the past five years with safety and quality at the forefront of everything that we do. you may remember, calhoun took over of ceo of boeing in 2020 after another safety blunder at the company. those deadly 737 max crashes. calhoun was brought in to right the ship. apparently the board feels, a lot of the flying public, larry, feels he has not done that. larry? larry: steve medical len could have is coming in, former head of qualcomm, ceo, head of the
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board. very smart guy. grady trimble, thank you very much for the report. folks more on the democrat's lawfare against former president trump and other matters. we welcome the great john ratcliffe, former director of national intelligence during the trump administration. john, it is not a new subject. you know after today's news, i still can't figure out why new york state in order to exercise your constitutional right of appeal, you have to put up a bond, any bond, whatever, or cash. but the question for you is, how do you read this biden lawfare attack on trump? i mean some of this, myself included, think it has completely backfired no matter what these juvenile delinquent local judges say, what do you think? >> well, larry, if you heard president trump's comments coming out of the courthouse today, one of the things that he said, he highlighted which was right, is that you know, they waited almost three years to
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start all of this. larry: yes. >> they waited because they didn't think he was going to run and they didn't think he could run and win. only when it became obvious both of those things were happening did all of this ramp up and because of that, larry, because they waited so long, everything that we're seeing is so unprecedented. what i mean by unprecedented not just the fact it is a case against a former president of the united states but unprecedented, legal theories, unprecedented novel legal they're riffs and unprecedented coordination between the white house and state prosecutors and prosecutorial discretion or abuse of discretion in all the cases where you talked about it with jarrett, in alvin bragg case where they took an expired misdemeanor and somehow have turned it into 34 felony counts under some novel legal theory that nobody can understand. the case with judge engoron where no damages and no victims
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and yet half a trillion dollar liability finding that was made, in fact before there was any testimony in the case and that is before you even get to the jack smith federal prosecutor who has violated the federal principles of prosecution every single day, the principle that says that a prosecutor shall take no action, the timing of which will impact an election and every shingle day everything he does is to impact the election with the timing of his actions. so the, my take on it though is one thing i maybe would disagree with some of the conversation is, even president trump said that he thought these cases were making him more popular, i don't think they're making president trump more popular. i think they're opening peoples eyes, he is more sympathetic as a figure who is being unjustly prosecuted. what is making president trump more popular is joe biden. joe biden's unmitigated failures
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both domestic policies and foreign policy failures across the board are making president trump more popular every day. people are longing for a return of those policies and the results that they had in the trump administration and i don't see that changing over the next seven, eight months before the election. larry: you know, you know, john, the other thing that is interesting to me, even today in his press conference mr. trump's press conference outside the courtroom which by the way he used no notes, no nothing. he just spoke and took questions for anybody that doubts his energy and cognitive acumen but he also, john ratcliffe, worked in the issues. the border, the inflation, drill, baby, drill. he mentioned afghanistan. i mean i think that's pretty smart you know? in other words not only the legal protests and all the juvenile delinquent judges in
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new york state, ags and all of that ridiculous crowd but he got in the key issues that you just referred to where biden is flunking. now i think that is pretty darn smart by our former boss. >> well, i think it is because what it does, this election, unlike 2020, allows for a side by side comparison. for the critics of trump who didn't like certain things about him or the way he went about business, you know, didn't really know what they were getting with joe biden. we were told what joe biden was going to deliver but now everyone sees that he has been a miserable failure on every single one of those issues that you talked about, larry. i mean that in the sense of americans suffering here at home and americans standing and american's allies suffering abroad because of the foreign policy failures that have continued, so president trump is very smart to, whenever he gets the chance to line up the side by side comparisons, people
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remember now what they loved about the trump administration and they see that joe biden can't deliver the things that he promised three or four years ago. larry: john, can i, running out of time, always run out of time, i love talking politics with you, but i want to ask you something. the democrats from biden on down appear to have declared war on israel. the latest one is, in addition to chuck schumer's remarks he wants to interfere with the election, biden backed it up, the latest one in the u.n., they want immediate cease-fire resolution, immediate cease-fire resolution which runs counter to israel's, in fact we have -- here is vice president kamala harris, hang on one second. you got to hear this one. >> we have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in rafah would be a huge mistake.
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let me tell you something, i have studied the maps there is nowhere for those folks to go. >> are you ruling out there would be consequences from the united states? >> i am ruling out nothing. larry: i mean there you have it. israel should absolutely not crush, annihilate hamas. i mean, john, this to me is unbelievable. i will give you the last minute on this. >> well, larry i think that you know, the contempt for israel that was hiding beneath the surface is now open and notorious. you talked about the u.n. security council actions, absolutely stunning u.s. would abstain on resolution called for a cease-fire not conditioned on the release of hostages. that is an absolute shift in policy. look, i think that you know the united states should not be interfering in is israeli military operations as kamala harris just suggested that we should be. we shouldn't be interfering in
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their political processes like you mentioned chuck schumer doing calling for elections. you know the israelis shouldn't be taking advice from biden national security team that has been the architect of disaster after disaster everywhere around the globe. what we should be doing supporting israel who i can tell you as dni, other than the brits is an ally we work more closely with than anyone else, and whose partnership is more important in issues like keeping iran from getting a nuclear weapon. those are the kind of things why we should be supporting their efforts to go into rafah to wipe out the same four battalions, larry, same four battalions just didn't kill israelis and murdering 32 americans and holding at least 10 american hostages. larry: that is key. that last point, that last sentence. anyway, john ratcliffe, former director of national intelligence. we appreciate your wisdom very much. folks, more coming up on
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♪. larry: all right, i say, keep speaker mike johnson speaker mike johnson. that's just my take. joining us now is the great new york congresswoman claudia tenney. so, claudia, all right, am i wrong? >> no you're absolutely right. mike johnson has been a very good friend of mine since our freshman year. we came in together. he is doing a very good job in an impossible situation, impossible situation. larry: yeah. >> we're seeing our own majority eries straight before -- eviscerate before our eyes with early retirements which is unfortunate. we're the last line of defense with the horrible policies you're seeing with the biden administration, everything. all we have is this republican majority as small as it is. mike johnson is trying to get us through, get us a greater majority, win the senate, get
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president trump back in office and get us back on track. this is almost going to be irreparable if we lose the majority. larry: keep the attention on biden. >> absolutely, yes. larry: why is mike gallagher from wisconsin, he is leaving late, can't you -- look, that seat remains open but if he leaves i think by april 2nd or april 5th or some date, they were they can have a election. it is a republican district. what does gallagher i this he is doing? >> i'm urging him. he came in with mike and i as a freshman. he has got to stay. if he stays in early, get a special election the very safe republican seat. will add to the majority. we don't have the other special to fill kevin mccarthy's seat until april 30th. we are perilous. we could have a speaker hakeem jeffries in the interim while we're waiting for special elections. personally if you're going to make a commitment to the people that elect you, that you're going to serve for two years, unless you have a really good reason not to serve, then why
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would you do that? aren't we team republican? i hate to be political here, it is a money show, but we're talking about money. we're talking about saving our economy. talking about all the things you talk about, without the republicans in office we'll lose all the great things we have as a country, self-governance, free market system, all those things are eroding away from because we don't have a republican majority. larry: you have people saying this mike gallagher is a traitor because he will diminish, one vote majority which could easily go away. somebody's sick. somebody is whatever? this is a terrible, i mean -- >> he is not the only one. kevin mccarthy is leaving, left early. we have bill johnson left early for something else. we got a number of members, ken buck. they're leaving when they're not fulfilling their full term. if you can fulfill your full term, i think it is important to do that. there are a lot of really good members who i have talked to who believe about our cause, staying in there, that announced retirement. they will stay up until january 3rd, next year, to
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make sure president trump gets elected. larry: we'll leave it there. claudia tenney. keep mike johnson speaker mike johnson. we'll switch gears, talk about politics, some more politics, let me say. this is a wonderful story. democratic strategist james carville says, and i'm going to quote, because he said it, not knee, too many preachy females in the democratic party, okay saying, my quote continues, a suspicion of mind is that there are too many preachy females. don't dripping beer, don't watch football, don't eat hamburgers. this is not good for you. the message is too feminine. everything you're doing is destroying the planet. you have to eat your peas 48% of people that vote who are males. do you mind if they have some consideration, question mark, end quote? whoa. got through that. joining us rich lowery,
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editor-in-chief at "the national review." batya ungar-sargon, journalist, author of second class. batya, are you preachy female? are you guilty of this? >> let me just say as a preachy female i volunteer as tribute to go to the democratic party to explain to them what they have done wrong and how to get back on track with the working class. this is just a gross thing to say. was bill clinton a preachy female when he signed nafta and sold out "the future of working" class to china and mexico? was obama a preachy female he said when those jobs came back. was biden a preachy female when he opened border? come on. this isn't about women. it is about the american dream. larry: batya, are you going to tell me what kind of of cars i have to buy, what kind of air conditioners, ceiling fans. >> how preachy are you? larry: wood burning pizza, climate change, are you preachy, look at you. look at you.
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rich lowery,. >> getting at the wokeness, right. this is part of this. culturally out of touch and they will never do sig, the cliche for glenn beck of '90s, sister soldier. biden at state of the union the other night, uses the word illegal, the left comes down. what he should have said this guy came illegal into our country and violated laws, sounds illegal to me. did i change on substance? anybody ears perk up. maybe he is different than these other people. he can't do it, won't do it, never do it. larry: i think honestly, first of all, what is carville is getting at if you know the carville way, you know the guy, he is a hoop shooter, but it is interesting from time to time, his wife mary matalin agrees with him there, is too much week in the democratic party. nobody cares about men. not white men, any men, working men. i think, batya, that's the trouble. you look at biden's numbers. he is losing black americans
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percentage. he may lose the entire hispanic latino vote. he is also lost a lot of his advantages with women, suburban women, working women and so forth. i think that what carville is getting at. you don't strike me, you're not wokester, are you? maybe there is a hidden thing here. we have to reassess. go ahead. >> carville is talking about women because he is not ready to recognize the truth this is about economics. you're right there is a war on men. there is a war on masculinity and working men, on braun, physicality. larry: i personally feel oppressed. i completely do. all right, rich lowery, first of all do you feel oppressed? >> a little bit. i am not that brawny. larry: fries and a shake for $17. >> one reason latinos and black voters are swinging wrong way. economics has a lot to do with it. they also feel disaffected from the culture of the democrat
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party. trump is a tough hombre a guy, say things he is not supposed to do, that is attractive. larry: exact opposite of the preachy female genre. i didn't say gender, genre, political genre. rich lowery, quick one, today trump got out from under a crazy bond but he still has to do a bond. my point, does this stuff hurt him or help him with his general -- >> i think it, there's a divide, right. most people if you're getting investigated in something or wash on or politics they assume your guilty and they assume the investigation is politicized. sew there is balanced in the polling. trump wants to run up the politicized number. people focus on new york, if she goes after a building it will be a bridge too far, convince a lot of people this is wrong, it shouldn't happen this is un-american. larry: i think you pounded away, good stuff. rich lowery and preachy batya ungar-sargon. i'm just stunned about that
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you're defending it. it is incredible. cumming up on "kudlow," truth social is going public. will help the president's wallet. john carney will give us very important details. i don't think people realize how important this truth social thing is going to be. i'm kudlow, not preachy but a little bit oppressed maybe just today progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at
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larry: "breitbart"'s john karn any is here. will tell us the truth about trump's truth social, going public. i think today. listed on the nasdaq. john is "breitbart" economics editor and coauthor of the "breitbart business digest." thank you, john. your article, your piece, which was put out march 22nd, so over the weekend or friday. >> your point is, the media is making fun of truth social because they haven't made any money but the reality is, all these things, amazon, reddit, twitter, they all lost money big-time for years before they became successes. >> that's right. look it's very typical for a new media startup to lose money. we've seen social media companies lose money. we've seen a lot of these digital companies, amazon lost money for close to a decade
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after it was founded. reddit just had its ipo. they have never been profitable. they were founded back in 2005. their stock is doing very well. twitter lost hundreds of millions of dollars the very year that it went public. so the fact that truth social lost money in it is first couple years of existence is not really a problem. in fact in silicon valley if you're not losing money when you first start you're doing something wrong because it means you're not spending enough to grow. larry: you know what else? your point, you call it the balkanization of the media world but you know, truth, look, you've got your liberal sites, you got your conservative sites. truth social is going to become, i think a stomping ground for conservatives because that's the kind of world we live in and it's only a matter of time. what do you think about that? >> that's right. what we've seen is fragmentation in media where we have people, some people watch other business networks and really smart people watch fox business.
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so what we, we have conservative media and we have progressive media and what we're going to start to see so far that hasn't infected the social media space yet but it's coming. we know it's coming because they keep excluding people from social media. you can get thrown off of twitter. not anymore as much. facebook definitely suppresses points of view. it is not just social media. there is a big opportunity in things like a.i. we saw what google tried to launch a.i. what did they do? they launched woke a.i. larry: right. >> i think there are opportunities in this company people don't see yet t can become very big, very quickly. larry: i think "breitbart" which has become a terrific newsgathering operation is an example of this. they report stuff that the lefties, msnbc won't report and i think truth social -- you know what? i'm i used to do a lot of twitter. i haven't gone back, i haven't
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gone back ever since i went into the government. i'm not going back but i will sign up for truth social because i want to be part of it and the community of users and see what people are saying. i betcha that -- that attitude is going to grow that company into profitability. give you the last word. >> that's right. look one of the things we're seeing people are migrating to places where they will be welcome. truth social is a place where if you're conservative, if you're a republican, you don't have to worry about being hounded off the platform. that is going to be worth a lot. i think a lot of people are going to go there to have that kind of discussion and debate they're not allowed to have elsewhere. larry: i agree. could be worth 3 1/2 billion dollars to mr. trump which is not a bad thing at this stage of his life and he is posting it on the nasdaq as well. john carney, from "breitbart" -- >> it was up almost 40% today, larry. larry: wow. thank you for that. that's important information. we'll be right back with my last word. ♪.
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