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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  March 25, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. social start trading officially tomorrow and nasdaq djd had a big day as john carney set up 49%, 4995 was number. a very fun conservative website. take a look, i know i will. elizabeth macdonald. >> it's good to see you again. a fun weekend fun show. joining us now, former d.o.j.
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official, it's francie, thank you for joining us tonight. john, these cases crumbling in real time? 's this new york appeals court ruling giving a reality check that bounced long ago with some cases, we are meeting with the appeals take did, a bigger wind than the media is reporting for trump right now, cut in half by more than half. it's a bond letitia james wanted cut down to 175 million's. it cut before and now it's taken. before he can appeal. this looks like it's saving trump from potential financial disaster, letitia james cassie's claims on compass bank accounts or properties, they are safer now. what you think? >> i think you are right, we are not seeing the full importance yet but one thing is this appeals panel that the trial
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judge and attorney general here were playing fast and loose with trump constitutional right to due process. essentially they came in and that's as it they took the house, froze the bank accounts and said go ahead and appeal what we did, good luck trying to find the money to do it and appeals court, i think they realized donald trump like every american, has due process right to appeal losses to the trial court. the second thing interesting is the appeals court got into the nitty-gritty of the issue which is a technical legal issue about how much money you have to post on bond to appeal it looks like it will be difficult and the other shenanigans letitia james engaged on at the trial level and you might see it is presaging other reversals of their decision. >> you see what john just said,
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the appeals court, open terms court in another way and the appeals court put on hold the three year ban against trump from applying for loans and he cannot do that. they put on hold letitia james to your fan donald trump jr. and eric trump serving officers directors and your companies and they stop the permanent bar against former trump organization cfo alan voiceover from serving under control positions and businesses so is is looking for the appeals court did, does it look like the case could be put on ice for now? >> i think you have great points and to me after reading what the court of appeals did, it's much bigger than what everyone is reporting, not just about the appeal bond, it's the other
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orders the judge put down on the trump organization to try to push stranglehold on them to prevent them from doing business and prevent donald trump and his sons from doing the business they've been doing and new york for many decades and i think it does foreshadow what the important appeals court will do when they rule on the substantive appeal later because they thought think was copacetic, everything was logical, all well-balanced and well-founded, i'm not sure they would have done any of these reversals like they've done so it's a foreshadowing by the court and it should be because this court from a this case is an outrage to due process. >> former president trump saying he's going to fight this to the supreme court, he saying how can they take away your properties before you can even appeal? former president trump did show up in court for manhattan da alvin bragg hush money against them, that one looks tenuous, too. watch the case and the new york
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civil fraud case. >> this case has been brought three and a half years ago and they want to try to do it over election, it's election interference. that's all it is. disgrace. on the other decision, they will close what's necessary for the cash or bonds, a decision we appreciate and respect the decision very much. we have a crooked judge and attorney general, absolutely crooked. cash he will put it up 170 million in cash so that the new york civil fraud case, inflating
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his assets people saying a victimless crime the new york state ag letitia james using consumer fraud law meant to fight overpriced refrigerators to take an empire away but let's talk about the alvin bragg case, manhattan da. trump but not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, this case the 2016 payment he allegedly made for stormy daniels. trump is facing a state criminal trial but for filing federal election laws alvin bragg has no jurisdiction over or to enforce that bragg is trying to force federal law when the federal enforcement agencies opted not to charge trump in that case, what do you think? >> i think that's a powerful handicap with this prosecution. state officers are not allowed
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to go around and say is a federal law the federal government decided to drop, not to prosecute and then prosecute. liberals are running into a contradiction because this argument they are using against texas governor abbott. >> what do you think? >> i think it is completely unfair what bragg is trying to do is take misdemeanor charges of the state level and bootstrap it into a federal case so he can escape statue of limitations problems he has that will result in this case being tossed out on constitutional grounds eventually. >> you guys are the best at breaking it down for us. we appreciate you and your big smart rains, thank you so much. let's move onto this, here's the back story to the democrat push to wipe out trump financially be accords. trump is expected to make billions of dollars because social media site to social the parent company is about to go public. a could start training soon a
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monastic with multibillion-dollar valuation. kelly o'grady live in new york with this. >> it's going to start trading tomorrow, and back. technology group will list on nasdaq under the ticker the jt or tom's initials and folks are excited about the prospects of the parent company is merging with the digital world acquisition group. sort today, it finished 35% up and aren't their institutional investors, smaller retail investors trump supporters and they want to plug the candidate so this could potentially become the ultimate means tomorrow. especially with legal troubles the president is facing, it could benefit even further from that support. here's a former president addressing this. >> is doing well or very well. it doing great and it's going public. the new york stock exchange wants it badly and i told him we
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can't do the new york stock exchange, who are treated to babington new york. people are going to the exchange because of happening in your what they want to be attacked. >> the nasdaq is also in new york but trump will own 58% soaked with the current share price, that's value not over 3.5 billion right now. i do want to underscore can't sell or secure a bond with those shares to fund his current legal issues, a common practice for leading shareholders to sign a six-month lockup agreement because sales what caused volatility in the stock. the new one could grant a waiver to change conditions and given the civil fraud bond delayed and produced, that something to watch closely. >> you are the best, thank you. appreciate you so much for joining us now, wall street pro and author carol roth, what do you make of all this development here? we heard from trump supporters going to go fund me page to help his court cases and now it's wall street could go public. you think it's going to be worth 8 billion apps some have said?
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>> you don't want another stock situation, toys difficult you have a company like these technology companies echo public when they have incurred lots of losses as well as very little revenue so still a risky proposition and a merger into traditional ipo process so if you're somebody considering this, note that this is a risky speculative endeavor and investment banker, what ipos play themselves out before you make a judgment. >> your recovering investment, you have seen what can happen in wall street. we don't know how fast we can access the money, apparently he owns 79 million shares but when you see a move like this, by the way, truth social is a fraction of the followers and users on twitter. twitter is making -- having a
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hard time making money even though evaluation is different from the prophets but we don't know what trump they could be worth, he could be less before caches and. >> certainly we have to look at the timing obviously. this merger was announced in october of 2021 and there is a long period of time, a lot of drama to finally get the merger voted on and approved. the timing they don't think is coincidental although he does in agreement and to share some of the board could make a move, whether it's fully or conditionally to let use those and watch them as collateral and post as part of bond if he can so i think it's not a coincidence timing we are looking at. >> interesting stuff. look at marco rubio here, marco rubio talked about as a possible trump running mate listen to this.
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>> i do think there's a legitimate issue we need to talk about at large especially after what we have seen the last three years and we want to live in a country where the opponents of the president can extort them and have leverage during the entire presidency is a worry what's your out of office, who will prosecute and come after you and charge you for this crime, clearly many countries where you have to think yourself i got to be careful what i do as president. >> i think it's why it's hard to characterize as a win for trump or even reduction and bond because it's an absurd scenario to begin with i think you'll have to be careful with everybody coming after him from any entities that purchase stock it could open up any other can of worms so something to be careful of. >> you are terrific, thank you so much. we got a jampacked hour, a lot of lines coming in a lot of use development. senator markley joining us along with tammy bruce. megan majority io ned ryun
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medical contributor, doctor janette nesheiwat. what happened to present staying out of elections? for president obama brady norms, he could lose but telling biden to attack trump. "breaking bad" same too many in the democrat party rooting biden's chances. guess who fired back by preaching aoc in the new bite off mike johnson. arc republicans again shooting their feet off? bill hagerty and summit democrats voting against his amendments to stop the biden white house flying into the u u.s., hundreds of thousands of legal migrants out of their home countries. there is, they are not being vetted. here's how crazy it's gotten caught democrat senator says the lines are too long at the border and ports of entry.
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americans have to get ids checked in the airports. all this coming up in "the evening edit". ♪ e i ever got was to invest with vanguard for my retirement. the second best? stay healthy enough to enjoy it. so i started preparing physically and financially. then you came along and made every mile worth it. hi mom. at vanguard you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. helping you prepare for today's longer retirement. that's the value of ownership. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. her uncle's unhappy. i move so much better because of cosentyx. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. okay, joining us now or in relation bill hagerty funds deal with this, i went to call on
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audible. all senate democrats voted against german to stop the biden white house from letting illegal migrants overseas used to cbp one to fly directly out of the home countries into the u.s. eddie murray democrat thing the lines are too long the ports of entry of the border so why them in -- americans have user ids at u.s. airports? >> it's shocking. they all voted, every democrat, they waited until 1:30 a.m. saturday until he brought this forward to every single one are in lockstep and continuing to use of taxpayer funds to do t this, last year alone 320,000 illegal migrants used this program for joe biden to fly them into the interior of the united states. now they don't have to cross the border, he just flies them over the border. we try to get information where these people are going and whether they are resettled and they are saying but there is a motive behind all of it.
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exactly two weeks prior i was able to get every single democrat in the senate again on the record stating that we should count illegal migrants for the purposes of allocating and apportioning congressional seats in electoral votes. don't count people indication or diplomats serving here, why would become people who come here anyway? that's what they want, it's about power and backfilling and blue states using population, new york, illinois, california sanctuary cities are located right there, manhattan, chicago, los angeles, san francisco. it's obvious what they are doing and more ever. it's no longer a conspiracy theory, it's an outright conspiracy to change the electoral here in america. >> that's the equivalent of 13 house see, right? with a number of illegal immigrants coming in. >> just sent joe biden came in, the 10 million let in on his watch and it doesn't count the others but that's what he is
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doing, the equivalent of 13 seats and i would be 13 additional electoral votes. think about control the house of representatives right now, it's going to get down to one person, it really matters if you think about how close the presidential both have been. >> it just feels so unfair to people who came legally and did it the right way to american citizens pay taxes. you and i have talked about this a lot representation without taxation. isis terrorists took responsibly for the massacre in moscow, 139 people released and more than 140 shooting at them moscow concert hall in the suspect showed up in court showing signs of severe beatings but political reports white house insiders say president biden and his white house team no longer feel the same sense of urgency to press forward on any executive action to stop the border crisis but at least 600 terrorists were caught crossing since fiscal 2020, fly
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do they not have their hair on fire about this? >> they are not having you covered, they ramp up media coverage before their bait border security mode and i was just talking. democrats say they support border security. joe biden has had the ability for the entire three year term and he is executive orders to destroy the very successful policies donald trump put in place to secure the southern border. biden is the one that did away with protocols and building the wall and catch and release is brought back. it's amazing what he's done and now because the media stop covering it, they won't do anything about it. >> let's listen to tom cotton and marco rubio one about this. >> you don't have to sit on the intelligence committee and have classified intelligence, just listen to the committee general in the middle east. it turned out to be six, it might be a little longer to protect attack against the american homeland for western hemisphere so i am worried isis
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from afghanistan fonda targeting americans work rather than la later. >> largely to afghan wing of isis, reconstituted itself is what happened when we have this disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. we should be very concerned is the fbi director confirmed to me there's a trafficking network that specializes in moving people, they do it for profit including across our southern for with leaks isis in common sense tells you if they run a network of people and we will use it to move operatives into the united states. if they can do what they did in moscow, they want to do it. >> they want to do it. they want to do it. generation after 9/11 and his white house collapse the border. 1600 terrorists, causing. the senior leader of a notorious violent ms 13 gang on the fbi most wanted list, his caption at the california mexico border a few weeks ago, more than three
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years on the run and then you got home invasion gangs of south america reportedly an 25 u.s. states and they are coming in and stealing all through california on the west coast, the east coast and northeast. they are going into houses and dealing and rubbing. those are home invasion robberies. the biden white house, do they care? >> don't seem to care and these criminal things expand understand what they are doing. it's lenient toward certain countries like chile and peru and corporate come to states with a note there will not be fail requirement, some states have prosecutors who want to enforce the law and property crimes little, they will be in jail. they can rob with impunity. >> bill hagerty, you're standing
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up, we hear it loud and clear. we appreciate you very much, we know it's tough but telling the truth. it's good to have you on. coming up, the push to out speaker johnson. can republicans get out of their own way? spending is feeling inflation. less tammy bruce, controversy over former president obama breaking u.s. norms and traditions not only warning his campaign is in trouble, obama is getting more involved. plus democrat strategist james cargo causing a poor getting bartlett democrats like aoc met. he said too many females are ruining the democrat party and wrecking it for biden. coming up in "the evening edit". ♪
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look who's here, fox news contributor tammy bruce, always a pleasure to have you on, your
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so. what you make of former president obama morning at his campaign to win again is failing to when the white house and he told to attack trump. he said obama had two visits with biden where he told biden you got to make changes to your campaign or trump the wind so attack trump. >> i think this shows you, it confirms what we've all felt, joe biden is effectively the captain's doing of america, not the real captain. he's the captain goes to the dinner parties and barack obama is a real captain of the ship, effectively. including when biden first took office, he said obama did that about 90% of the people in the white house were his people, moving through his agenda so this is an extension of the nature of what barack obama wanted and it's great because he doesn't have to be the face of burning the country down because it's a dumpster fire right now but it shows you whoever is
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around joe biden is not telling him the same thing. you don't need barack obama to say look at these goals, americans don't like what you're doing, you got to stop this, you're going to lose, there's a dynamic happening, it's keeping them from believing what the polls are saying. part of comes from a disconnection from the american experience and the lives of break their american citizens. barack obama is smart enough to know what that is, smart enough to read the newspapers and believe. the polls, we don't know what the polls are going to be on election day but the shocking gap between what biden was in 2022 where he is now with women and blacks, hispanics. it is a remarkable trajectory dooming his campaign i think. >> also this : top democrat strategist james breaking bag,
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triggered a new uproar, aoc is not. too many peachy females dominating and ruining the democrat party that they could be to blame for biden's losing support from key voters. the attitude from peachy females is don't drink beer, don't want book, don't eat hamburgers. eat your peas. also looking at biden's pulse is like walking in on your grandmother naked. black americans are leaving the party in droves in the past three years, down 20 points among black voters. hispanic adults voters support biden at the low since 2011. >> it's strange because people would like to be able to eat hamburger but the can't afford it. there's another protein the cap get on the table. maybe was thinking about hillary clinton when we think about democrat woman does not like at all by the american people. those are not the complaint
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people here, that's not what is upsetting the democrats -- it doesn't matter your party. you can get passenger car, you still can't get the right food for your kids lunch. you still have problems with the supply chain and baby food. these things are reported on anymore but there are still major issues and an example of their panic and the fact that they don't know what they are doing, he's trying to blame people. his plan but he's not the spokesman he used to be. >> biden's approval rating hovering between 37 and 39%. gallup is reporting nonpartisan balancing george h.w. and jimmy carter lost went approval ratings were even higher but hbo's bill maher assange -- battleground states, trump is up, tied her up. the country is as you are saying, malaise and no matter your race or class, people don't
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feel the wonderful success of the campaign trying to tell them going on. let's listen to bill maher telling democrat stop pandering, stop always talking about race. >> auto think it went one vote from 2010 to 2020, the number of people identifying us multiracial in america went up to 76%. morgan freeman said the way to finish off racism stop talking about it the financial times writes, democrats are going backwards faster with voters of color than any other demog demographic. >> what you think? it's because no one likes to be pandered to, no one likes during smoke patronizing slogans. this is all the democrat note though. they have no new ideas, they are going back to the idea of fear and demonizing and making people feel like victims.
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no one wanted regardless of your skin color. >> demoralizing going on, it's like we are living in a nation of -- remember the beverly hillbillies jean hathaway, you are terrific. thank you so much. please come back soon, we love having you want. joining us now, senate armed services oklahoma senator mark mullen, thank you for joining us. it's good to see you. the republik and majority in the house is getting slimmer by the day, now 217 -- 213. republican congressman gallagher is going to leave soon in a few weeks, what you think of what's going on in the house? >> i think there is disarray. i've said this part of it, people will hurt you a lot to gain a little was happening is they seem to be eating their own, i have great friends and house, the speakers a good friend, jason smith is a friend,
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marjorie taylor green i consider a friend. a large group of people i have friends with but the can't get out of each other's way because they are upset the way the government is running which we all are, they are upset at leadership which they had a leadership change and that didn't help. now they think changing leadership will help. was going to have to happen is in the house they have to come together and decide we will not all get what we want we will have to negotiate on things we can get accomplished and considered a win as a team even though there great players, as a team they are not functioning well they will start showing the american people where the world right party for change. >> they have had victories, people don't talk about them. the revolt is about stopping runaway government spending you
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really like inflation, by the way, inflation is a 19% the biden. it's been pointed out the u.s. federal government took in tax revenue, 4.5 trillion last fiscal year, that's more than the gdp in every country other than china. president biden signed $1.2 trillion spending bill marjorie taylor greene wants to oust house speaker mike johnson. >> you want to do is make sure the american people can win at the end of the rainbow. the bill is passed, we are spending money we don't have and we will crack up more debt and i disagree. i want to focus on securing the border of the united states. >> we are barely hanging on to our public, a nation $34 trillion in debt we cannot have a republican the courthouse willing to do the bidding of chuck schumer. republican voters want them in the house of representatives to fight like president trump and that is exactly what i'm doing.
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>> speaker johnson knows this. biden has a $350 billion green energy/fund the budget. he's using direct deposit money to his climate change donors. just like student loan bailout. watchdog sound hundreds of billions and waste, fraud and abuse and pandemic spending quantity american people see the money could have been used for teachers raises and cox raises? refund the police, give firemen raises, fix roads and bridges let's common sense stuff. >> i do agree all those raises are handled at the state level and not necessarily federal level but when you talk about cutting bending, the dirty secret is 12 appropriation bills we passed the last few weeks, they represent 30% of the budget. 70% is on autopilot. there's no way we can possibly balance the budget and get into
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70% on auto spending what that will do is touch at least 50% of everybody that votes up there, catch them in some way because 50% of the population is somewhat dependent on federal government so if we are going to get serious and the republican party will have to open up to 70% take away mandatory spending and start having actual votes on the spending bills as well. >> we love having you want and it's always great talking to you. thank you for joining us, we appreciate you. look who's here, america majority do net ryan fired up. look at that smile. the big fight over google's outsized power over changing the national conversation, swing it too far left making the national conversation toxic. also, government surveillance, federal investigators google to turn over user info.
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we will break it down. how can kamala harris not answer why the biden campaign is using tik tok when biden administration officials, fbi and congress wants china's tik tok is a national security threat? first, they can and sean, let's see what they have coming up. >> the new york appeals court, have a billion-dollar bond to 175 million and it gives them ten days to pay. we'll unpack that and more stories with charlie hurt. >> and david wed on the day donald trump's net worth hits six and a half billing dollars. you want to talk about good day because of his investments trump media, he's one of the 500 richest people in the world and michael dell, attorney general in minnesota blames car manufacturers because cars are getting stolen. not the criminals. upside down world of the
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left-wing, more on that, top oft the hour. ♪oo
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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should you be concerned if you watch youtube videos that the government will start probing what you're watching? federal investigators are demanding google turn over user data from youtube. that's all unconstitutional by
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the experts. hilary vaughn has a story from capitol hill soon a good evening coffee don't know whether or not google that over the information but the fact that law enforcement is asking for it has a lot of privacy experts taking notice. forbes broke the story up in court documents were law enforcement officials asked youtube to turn over ip addresses, names, telephone numbers and huge activities for accusers that you do certain youtube video for 30,000 he is. all in the effort to figure out the identity of a google user they thought could have viewed the video suspected of money laundering. the amount of information law enforcement was asking for meant potentially thousands of innocent google users would have been caught up in law enforcement for the money longer. thousands of users who presumably has nothing to do with it. all they did was watch a video on related to the crime. the executive director of the surveillance technology oversight product saying it is
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unconstitutional, terrifying and it's happening everyday. youtube warrants are just as chilling allowing police to target people simply for the content they consume. no one should hear a knock at the door from police include because of what the youtube algorithm serves up. google says they take law enforcement requests seriously unbalanced helping them while protecting user privacy. we have a rigorous process designed to protect privacy and constitutional rights of users, we examine each demand for legal validity, consistent with developing case law and routinely push back against overbroad or otherwise appropriate demand for user data including objecting to demands entirely. google does not have specific cases so we don't know whether or not they complied with warrant in this situation or if they gave some of the information over or none of it at all. >> thank you, hilary vaughn. we appreciate you so much. let's welcome to the show american majority that ryan you
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heard that story. then this story, media research center report google has been manipulating the national conversation to favor democrat candidates for 16 years. google has interfered with u.s. elections 41 times over the last 16 years. what do you think? >> only 41 times? i think that's a little bigger. it struck me in 2013 i was on a conference in which google puts on fox republican and democratic operatives, small gathering and it struck me in the meeting that google has the ability to manipulate red rig elections by manipulating flow of information on candidates and information voters get and put their thumb on the scale and it doesn't come as a surprise. the only surprising fact is they only list 41. i wouldn't doubt if it's hundreds of cases in which they attempted and successfully manipulated elections in this country. >> almost like a symbiotic relationship between the government social media, big
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tech and companies like google. google is accused of refusing to answer damaging questions about biden, google reportedly wavered barack obama over john mccain 2008 and favored obama over mitt romney and 2012 the search results and how the algorithm was suppressing concern search result. it's accused of concealing most republican campaign website for like a dozen competitive senate races in 2022 and help biden bearing search results against biden. >> again, not a surprise. talk of collusion in the last few years, the real conclusion is between big tech and big government from a left-leaning ideology and i would argue the left idea of democracy, there's no free speech, only collusion between big government and big tech to silence dissent and opinions they don't agree with and amplify improved narrative and we can sing that play out in recent times.
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>> switching over to tik tok about the biden campaign still using tik tok. the fbi, congress moving to band tik tok for spying on americans. it can clock out of your phone and your computer, your e-mail addresses, the content of what you're writing, their phone numbers and possibly can match keystrokes and set your passwords, to. >> you have expressed national security concerns and so has the president. why does your campaign have a tik tok account where you encourage americans to follow it but. >> let's start with this, we do not intend to band tik tok. that is not the goal or purpose of this conversation. we need to deal with the owner and we have national security concerns about the owner but we have no intention to band tik tok. >> the purpose of the conversation is to answer the reporters question so what did you think of that response? >> the obvious answer is the
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guiding principle for anything that biden's administration doing this year whether it gaza or tik tok has nothing to do with principles everything to do with being reelected in november and they will do anything and everything including using tik tok. >> come back, it's great to have you on. this is hitting -- this is, we know it's a touchy issue. the supreme court again confronts the issue of abortion. this time it's access to the over-the-counter abortion pill but or women getting the information on how the bill is safe? is a fully safe? doctor janette nesheiwat will take that on next in "the evening edit". ♪ okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down.
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the american college of obstetrics and gynecology conducted a study of more than 50000 women they found and less than 1% of those women of severe complications occurred. note complications especially life-threatening complications occur. that is why it is important to have in person visits with your doctrine of one-on-one discussions. that's why this is going to the supreme court tomorrow. because of concern of listing the restrictions. back in the day you get this medication you have to have it mandatory visit with the doctor. and the doctor who described it had to be able to conduct emergency surgery if there were any complications. we no longer have those restrictions. this is all about safety. >> what you said it's really important, right? if you're getting from mail order pharmacy monette had the guard rails these legal briefs filed with the supreme court.
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one hand they say medical professional to save his medications ever provide fda. christian conservative groups groupsuing the fda attributes tf thousands of emergency complications. because of this drug. the fda's own label says roughly one and 25 women who take it is going to end up hospitalized. >> it yes all medications have side effects. even over-the-counter medications for this one in particular is a synthetic steroid that's been around for many years. some of the common side effects are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and cramping. serious potentially life-threatening complications can occur like infections, you can have a fever with infection also as well they can put you in what's called sepsis. you can have heavy bleeding that can be an em in emergency were u need immediate blood transfusion or surgical intervention. that is the most common type of severe complications. in addition to losing your life
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is the bleeding and infection and severe pain. this type of information must be told to the patient by her doctor. >> what if you get it in the mail? >> exactly. i am okay with telehealth visits where you are actually talking to a doctor yet telehealth. but without seeing eight medical provider or a doctor i think that is dangerous about it is for your own safety, health, well-being to talk to health care provider to make sure we know what's right for you might have an underlying medical condition and not be aware of it so it's all about safety. janette nesheiwat thank you we appreciate you. thank you for joining us tonight. let's send it to dagen and sean. good to see you guys. ♪ ♪ ♪


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