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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 26, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: good tuesday morning, everyone. thanks very much for joining us this morning. we're covering breaking news this morning, it's tuesday, march 26. baltimore's francis scott key bridge collapsing overnight after a cargo ship hit the bridge. we heard from local baltimore officials, at least seven cars fell into the water, search and rescue efforts looking for seven people right now. two people have been rescued. one of whoms is in critical condition.
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maryland's governor declaring a state of emergency. we're waiting on the maryland department of transportation press conference that will happen any moment now. we'll take you there live as soon as it happens. there were 20 people in the water. they are looking for seven people unaccounted for, two people have been pulled from the water. time for the hot topic of the hour. vice president kamala harris is taking back her border czar title as she welcomed the president of gawlt guatemala to discuss legal pathways to migration, the administration pumping $1 million for private sector commitments in honduras, guatemala and el salvador. politico is reporting that president biden has gone a silent on taking executive action to deal with the flow of illegals coming through the border. the white house blaming congress for the border chaos. watch this. >> border patrol chief yesterday suggested an
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interview, the situation at the southern border is a national security threat because of the 140,000 known got aways. is that the position of the whole biden administration or the white house, the situation remains a national security issue. >> if you care about the security of the border, the president sure does, we ought to get that funding passed. there's only so much you can do through executive action in order to get more resources to prevent more people from getting in illegally. maria: how misleading to say if the you care about the border, you have you to get the supplemental package passed. your reaction to president biden trying to blame the border and the impact on republicans and president trump. >> this is their gas lighting response to any sort of probing question as to what he's occurring at the border. we know that. jon: goa and his first -- know
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that joe biden in his first 100 days reversed president trump's executive actions undoing the security we had. how laughable that kamala harris is meeting with these presidents to try to understand the root cause of the border problem, throwing billions of dollars at the problem. when she looks in the mirror, it's her administration that is the root cause. we're seeing all sorts of deflection as we've been seeing all along from this administration and no action, except inaction and it's again, the border czar, she abdicate canned her throne. maria: at this point they figured out immigration is number one issue for voters in an election year so they're efforting making people believe that they're actually doing something about it but they want the open border, changes the census and gives democrats more congressional seats, the more people in districts of big cities. house republicans are demanding federal records on migrants' backgrounds be res leased.
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a new york city council is asking the state's highest court to overturn rulings to allow noncitizen migrants to vote in city elections, krysia. so now the jig is up. we understand why the democrats want wide open borders. they want illegals to vote. >> right. exactly. s this is their plan. as you mentioned, this is backfiring because people within those communities especially those who have been displaced are seeing what is actually occurring. it's right before their eyes. and they are struggling as a result. it's hurtings minority communities who the democrats have claimed to help and in every aspect this is america last because essentially we're putting all of these illegal migrants, the biden administration calls them newcomers, first, and as a result everyone is being displaced even people coming into our own homes. americans are losing their fundamental freedoms and their rights. maria: yeah. cheryl, look, at this point it's
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no surprise that the new york city council wants noncitizens to vote in local elections, the democrats can't win on their policies because we all have been impacted negatively by them. >> right. that is why you've seen people vote with their feet out of the new york area and the new york city area. you know, our colleague studentt varney pointing out if you're in new york city today it looks like a third world country, they're seeing what the wide open border has done to the once great city of new york and the other issue i have with all of a sudden kamala harris is the border czar again and meets with the president of guatemala, what i find interesting is where are the conversations with venezuela, those horry particular comments -- horrific comments from the president be of mexico, it's not our problem unless you give us a lot of money. that was rich in that interview. it is a political problem.
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i will say this. as far as new york city, what you're talking about with these -- we've known this for a while that they were going to try to give them 30 days, you get to vote in new york city. absolutely. and not a shock. we've been talking about this. maria: how ridiculous. what you mentioned is real important. because the president of mexico is making all these demands that he wants the united states to do this and that, send mexico money and then in an interview he was asked what if that doesn't happen, then he says the flow of illegals will continue. that's like a veiled threat. >> it was a veiled threat, absolutely. i was shocked and a dismayed. i guess not shocked but dismayed and upset listening to the interview. that's supposed to be our partner. partner in what? a wide open border. maria: when trump was in charge they were a partner. joe biden walked into the oval office and overturned all of trump's security at the border. now he's trying to blame trump. he used the executive order to o
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reverse everything. we have breaking news, the francis scott key bridge in baltimore has collapsed overnight after a cargo ship hit into the support beam of the bridge, one of the key support beams. we've got the update for you on that situation when we come right pack. then, trump's truth social is going public, set to trade publicly today. the stock is already up 25% in the premarch account. the word on wall street panel is here with expectations there. then our power panel hour, kayleigh mcgee white and leo turell will join us in the entire 8:00 a.m. hour. don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back.
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and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street. top investors watching your monday. joining me right now is ryan belanger. also with me is chris mcmann for the show. great to see you, ryan. thanks for joining the conversation this morning. take a look at few futures, thew
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industrials up 92, nasdaq up 93, s&p up 20, another good opening in about two hours' time. stocks slipped monday to kick off the final trading week of month andnd of the first quarter with a decline, dow industrials down 162 yesterday, nasdaq was down 44. bitcoin is up this morning, $71,000 and keep on going as you can see, bitcoin jumping above 71,000 to start the week, but is now just below it. ryan, your reaction to the euphoria, does it have legs for the rest of the year? >> oh, my. it's hard to tell, maria. honestly. it's been such a ride for all these investors. the wealth effect is real, for bitcoin investors they're feeling it, for people in the stock market, they're loving it too and people that are savers, they're flush, money market at 5%. people are feeling really good about what their investments
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are. i feel like it's the tale of two economies. if you look at the lower end consumer, there's troubling signs in the market. we you saw that last year from a lot of consumer companies, the lower end ones, and we're starting to see it perhaps in the higher end ones. we saw that in lululemon last week. you have data out on 401-k harhardship withdrawals, they'rp year over year significantly. people under 30 are missing credit card payments three months a row, the highest level since 2008. i think there's a tale of two economies, the lower end really getting stung by this inflation. the higher end consumer just not feeling it as much of course as we know. so it will be interesting to see the next couple months when the data comes out just to see how much longer the fed can keep these restrictive policies in place. maria: would you put new money to work in stocks right here, ryan? >> i think you've got to be measured about it. if you've got three to five year time horizon, the stock market's the greatest wealth creation in
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the history of the world in my opinion. if you're shorter term, i think you've got to be much more thoughtful about that. i mean, money markets at 5%, treasuries, but people have to start getting a plan for some of their d cash too. people are hoarding cash and some point when the fed cuts rates those payments are going to come down too. you've got to extend your duration and your fixed income portfolios. i think that's a big mistake some people are making right now. maria: it's a good point to make because chris, one number that really was stunning to me was the six plus trill chron dollars in money market -- trillion dollars in money market accounts. it looks to me like dry powder when you decide that the stocks are attractive you move that money. it's mobile. look at what's going on with truth social, former president trump's newly merged company going to begin trading today
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under the symbol djt. the stock soaring this morning in the premarket. your thoughts on the broad rer r market and the trump media and technology ipo up another 5%, at 52, 50, off of the highs of the morning, by the way. >> i think it's a tale of two economies. there's an ex youuberance. people are excited. when the meme stocks go up, we see the dow follow. we've been at 25% annually in the dow since the lows of covid. this market is on fire. at some point there's going to be a reckoning. at some point the trillion dollars of credit card debt and consumers not being able to spend is going to -- i think it's six months out. i think we still see another 10% in the dow before this thing feels pressure and starts to back up a bit. maria: you're looking for a good year then? >> absolutely. maria: are there areas that you
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think will be a lead in terms of that rally, chris? where specifically do you want to be exposed? >> i think we really want to be in regional banking, particularly if they're well swalletted with commercial real estate. -- situated with commercial real estate. i think there's traditional value stocks. we want to be far away from the technology. the magnificent six -- let's look at the fabulous 50 which are value and dividend paying stocks across the. maria: we'll leave it there. ryan, thank you for being here. chris, you're with us all morning. we're grateful. quick break and then rick scott says president biden and alejandro mayorkas create ad the worst border security crisis in the nation's history. we'll talk about it with the florida senator. he's here to tell us about the leadership denouncing the administration's open border policy after the break. we're covering breaking news out of baltimore after the major bridge collapse, the francis scott key bridge struck by a
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container ship. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. if your business needs a new application then developers will have to write code. a lot of code. if an application needs to be modernized then you'll need time, resources... and caffeine. if this sounds daunting then use watsonx code assistant ai designed to multiply developer productivity so you can generate code quickly. let's create a more modern foundation for business, with watsonx code assistant. ibm. let's create.
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this type of advocacy from senior members of his own party on this issue. >> speaking about a senator, the bipartisan agreement that came out of the senate to deal with immigration, to deal with immigration policy and the challenges at the border, we've been very clear at executive actions. will we look at exec fief execue actions to see what would work? we have to move forward with legislative action to make a difference here. maria: the bottom line is 10 mill i don i don't know illegal- million illegals in america under joe biden's watch. karine jean-pierre claimed the executive order would not make a difference on the southern border, insisting congress has to approve the new laws first. the administration considering placing restrictions on asylum. white house staffers not feeling a sense of urgency to take action on the border because of a slight decline in crossings in the winter and less intense media coverage. senator rick scott introduced a
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resolution denouncing biden's open border policies, pointing out the president's power to secure the border on his own without help from congress. joining us now is florida da ssenator rick scott. thank you very much for being here. how are we supposed to believe an executive order won't help when we know during the first week of his term as president joe biden walks into the oval office and overturns all the executive orders that were in place opening up the border. trump put those executive orders in place. he overturned them. >> well with, we don't need another law. what we need is, we need a new president, a president that's going to secure the border. trump secured the border. biden, his first day in office, signed unbelievable numbers of executive orders, eliminating everything that trump was doing and we have 10 million across the border, 70,000 americans dying of drug overdose. why don't democrats care about this, the criminals coming
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about, the people trafficking humans coming across, the 50,000 military age men from china coming across the border last year. why don't they care? biden doesn't care if the democrats don't. maria: is it because they want them to vote? is it because they want them to vote, senator? a new york city council is trying to get illegals to vote in new york. >> well, they won the vote. they get to count them in the electoral votes so they get more electoral votes in a place like california because of all the illegal immigrants. there was an estimate they could lose as many as 10 congressional seats, two electoral votes, if we stop counting illegals in the census. this is just a complete invasion. maria: yeah. well, that's certainly what the pictures look like. do you have anything to say about the breaking news this morning, baltimore's francis scott key bridge collapsing after a cargo ship hit the bridge.
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the department of transportation conference is happening right now. any word from you on this? >> oh, boy, your heart goes out to what happened. i hope everybody -- they find everybody safe. it's hard to believe this happened. pictures are devastating. maria: they really are. we're going to switch over to the press conference that's happening right now. my apologies, senator. thank you, so much, rick scott. let's listen in on the maryland department of transportation and update on the bridge collapse. >> what role is the fbi playing in the investigation? >> the fbi has basically looked to see if there is a terrorism connection, which there is not. no confirmed fatalities. >> any recovered from the water live? >> that's still -- the rescue mission is still active. >> do you have any sense of what happened to the cargo ship? there were reports it suffered major power outages just before. >> too early in the
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investigation. >> was it a port authorized -- was it the captain of the ship? >> pilots move ships in and out of baltimore. >> what's happening to the other ships that are waiting, the backup, how are you navigating that? >> we're communicating with them. they understand the situation and we'll deal with the logistics later. >> was the you crew evacuated m the ship? >> this is being done right now. i don't know the exact details of where they all are. obviously we're contacting they them. >> is this investigated as suspicious? >> any type of incident like this fbi would be engaged, just to be sure. that's what they did. >> how many people are in the water? >> any idea how could this happen? this bridge -- >> too early. >> should not have collapsed like this. >> too early in the investigation. >> do you know how deep the water is there in this area
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where it happened, the conditions? >> approximately 50 feet. 50 feet. >> how many people are you looking for right now m? >> how many people were rescued, how many were pulled from the water, how much you're searching for. >> this is what we're doing. we're basically searching for everyone that was potentially on the bridge. as you can imagine, it's the middle of the night. you know, what type of traffic was there, how many workers were there, workers of -- they obviously come to a project but other workers show up sometimes. that's what we're investigating right now. >>s has anything like this ever happened? >> not in baltimore. >> can you talk about the workers on the bridge, what was going on and how many do you think might be in the water? >> they were basically doing concrete repair. we don't have the number of people. >> do we know who they work for? >> i don't have that offhand. >> how long will the port be closed? >> too early to determine. >> are you looking for seven people? >> a number of people.
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that's one number that we had but obviously we're going to -- we're researching to see if anyone else was on the bridge. >> can you speak to the challenges, the current -- >> all a all of the above, to be frank. it's a tough situation. 1:00 a.m. in the morning, very limited information at the time. it happened instan contain a ins you've seen. >> what can you tell family members that might be watching about any hope you might recover survivors. >> we've set up a facility for any familiarly famil family mee help. >> are you ruling out any kind of intentional motive. >> we don't see anything that leads to that at this time. it's an open investigation. but there's nothing that points to that in any direction. >> the first call of the
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incident that came in from the ship, who is the first one to make the 911 call. >> i don't have that information. >> do you have any information whether the ship lost power? >> it's too early. >> for clarification, the port is closed except for trucks moving out. >> we'll be back shortly, about 9:30. >> [ indiscernible ] >> too early. we reached out to a number of engineering companies and so obviously we have a long road in front of to us get to that point. thank you so much. >> thank you. maria: we are listening to the maryland department of transportation news conference. i am talking with florida senator rick scott this morning. and senator, we just heard from officials that the water underneath the bridge is 50 feet deep. we know earlier officials told
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us 20 people were in the water but now they say they're looking for seven unaccounted for so far. two people have been pulled from the water. one is in critical condition. your thoughts on how something like this could have happened, sense r tore. -- senator.what are the questiod to find out in terms of how something like this happened. this is a major shipping route, not just a national story, mass casualty story but an economic one as well. >> well, whenever somebody's coming to a harbor, the first thing you have to do is who is directing the ship, what is the process, did they follow the process. we have harbor pilots in our ports in florida. you want to understand exactly what was going on. these are typically very experienced individuals. so it's surprising that something like this could happen. there's a lot of unanswered questions. but sounds like there was a harbor pilot on the boat that was in charge.
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it's really remarkable that something like this could have happened. maria: maersk is out with comments this morning, the container vessel that collided with the bridge was char trd by maersk. you're on homeland security. i want to understand the threats or the potential threats that this country is facing right now given the wide open border, the fact that we don't know who is in the country. we heard from officials that the fbi is looking into that but this is customary. fbi is always going to look into a situation like this to ensure there was no foul play. so far, what we're understanding from the white house, the white house said that there were no indications that there was foul play here. >> yeah, it would be surprising. in our ports and a i'm sure it's the same way up there, we have experienced harbor pilots that are responsible for taking ships -- bringing ships in and taking ships out. so that's what's really
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surprising. if there was something that was unusual, they would know it immediately. maria: okay. >> so this is -- it's just hard to believe this happened. maria: it sure is. let me get your take on what's going on in terms of world affairs. the white house issued a statement on this saying there's no indication of a nefarious intent in the collapse of the francis scott key bridge. the ship involved in the collapse is 948 feet long, a singapore janan flagged contain. you've been talking about potential for foul play, given the wide open border. that's why you're so adamant. why do the republicans have such a hard time securing the border. president says he's not going to take executive action. you know that. >> we all have to stand together. it takes 60 votes to pass anything in the senate. so republicans have to stand together and say look, we're not going to do anything else unless
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we secure the border. we can do that. in the supplemental, we said what we want is we want any money that's going to be tied to ukraine would not be released unless the border is secure. biden can s secure the border today, he can wake up this morning and say i'm fed up and he's going to secure the bore b. that's all we're asking for. the republicans should say nothing else will happen in the senate unless the border is secure. if you the talk to the american public, that's what they expect. it's the number one issue in the country. secure the border, no more drugs, no more terrorists, no more criminals, i don't want this in my country. look at new york city, look at the sanctuary cities, look at the crime. this has got to stop. this has got to stop that we're just allowing anybody to come into the country and demolish our way of life. we've got-car we don't know where these people are coming from. but i think it was 50,000 people be military age coming from china last year. this is scary. maria: i mean, you say that if the republicans stick together you'll be able to actually
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secure the border but the republicans are not sticking together, senator. you know that. look what's going on in the house. marjorie taylor greene is threatening to take the speaker out, mike johnson. he's got his hands full, trying to get the proper votes so that the government doesn't shut down and yet you all just -- the president just signed in the 1 and a quarter tr trillion dollar bill last week. it was no border security in the bill. there was no border security in the bill. >> there's no border security, no requirement to secure the border, 8,000 earmarks, almost $35 trillion worth of debt, inflation is not going away. it's hurting the poorest families. we need to you address the issues of the country, the border, inflation, and do nothing else right now. get those things secure. solve those problems first. that's what the american public wants. maria: i'm wondering if the disaster in baltimore, two people have been rescued, one in
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critical condition, seven people are missing after the bridge collapse, i'm wondering if this will stoke inflation again because let's face it, it's expensive to be transporting all of these goods and we saw what happened in the red sea when the ships were getting attacked. is this another element to watch in terms of the potential for inflation stoking again? >> every time transportation goes off it is passed onthe consumer, impacts the poorest families the most. it's always going to happen. maria: good to talk with you. thanks very much for joining me, even as we went back and forth to the live pictures. fbi in baltimore saying no indication of terrorism this morning. rick scott, thank you. we'll be right back. (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪
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maria: welcome back. we are covering major breaking news this morning all morning long. the fbi now on the scene of the bridge collapse in baltimore, maryland as the search effort operations are underway. cheryl casone with more right now. >> we've been getting a lot of details into the newsroom. here's what we know right now. the bridge did partially collapsed at 1:30 a.m. eastern time, local time. two people so far have been rescued from the water. one refused medical treatment. the or is in critical condition, after this large contain r ship, you see it happening right there, caused the collapse. it tossed multiple vehicles from the bridge into the water. that's the video interest the moment the ship hit the bridge. it shows the ship was on fire before it hit the bridge if you watch the video. local authorities telling us they're looking for up to seven individuals, possibly seven vehicles in the water. dive teams are currently in the r water and they are using sonar. the maryland transportation authority says all lanes of the
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bridge closed, all traffic detoured, this is the francis scott key bridge, about a mile and-a-half, goes across the potapsko river, it feeds the baltimore harbor. reuters reporting that the harbor, any ship traffic in and out of the harbor is closed. any ships that are in the harbor are now stuck in that harbor. the ship is a sing more flagged container ship, called the d a ahli. it's chachartered by be maersk. maryland's governor he declared a state of emergency, he said he's communicating with transportation secretary pete buttigieg. the white house issued a statement, they're monitoring the situation closely. they the say there's no indication there was nefarious intent. i want to adhere take that i'm talking to another port official who is telling me-d -- likely wt you're going to see. this is a major american port.
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likely what he's saying is going to happen, you'll see the shipping traffic inbound right now get redirected to norfolk, philly and new york and the new york harbor as well but this is going to be a major disruption in particular the local baltimore economy. with a major ship like this. ma.maria: even broader than th, this river is a key waterway that serves the port of baltimore as a hub for east coast shipping. we're talking about commodities including y autos, forest products, cargo. the port of baltimore had records in 2023 for 52.3 million cargo. so look, yeah, we've seen shipping issues affect inflation before. i know you'll be watching this at the upcoming inflation
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reading so we'll keep an eye on the economic angle of this as well as of course the people we're worried about that are still in the water. meanwhile, a new york appeals court reduced former president trump's $454 million bond judgment in the civil fraud case, took it down from 454 million to 175 million. president trump says he's going to pay it in the cash. fox business' lydia hu is here with more. lydia. >> good morning, maria. it was a surprise decision yesterday when the new york appeals court issued the decision, slashing the bond requirement for the former president donald trump in his new york civil fraud appeal in order to protect assets from seizure by new york attorney general latisha james. trump now needs to post $175 million instead of 454 like you mentioned. the court gave trump another 10 days to file that bond and trump said yesterday he will respect that decision, honor it, and plans to obtain the bond with cash. listen here.
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>> well, as they say, i have a lot of cash. you know i do because you looked at my savings. you've been examining my statements for a long time. and you i have much more than that in cash. but i would also of like to be able to use some of my cash to get elected. they don't want me to use my cash to get elected. >> while this decision from a five judge panel means trump needs only to pay a fraction of that judgment to protect his assets while he appeals, trump could still be on the hook for the full near half a billion dollars if he loses the you apee appeal. a spokesperson said this in a statement, donald trump is facing accountability for his staggering fraud. the court found he engaged in years of fraud to falsely inflate his net worth and unjustly enrich himself, his family and organization. the $464 million judgment plus interest against donald trump and the other defendants still stands. now, the decision to slash the bond came after mixed messages
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from trump and his lawyers. his lawyers recall yesterday told the court efforts to secure the bond for the full amount from insurance companies was unsuccessful. they asked the requirement be reduced to $100 million. on friday, trump posted he had nearly enough to cover the bond and a fees. some legal experts wonder whether the reduction in the bond amount could foreshadow a decision from the appeals court on the merits. could this mean that the judge's order finding trump liable for fraud be reversed or revised? it will be months before we get an answer to that question. but yesterday's victory in the civil case, although crucial, accompanied by a set back in the manhattan criminal case. the judge rejected the trump lawyer's requests to delay that trial setting a date for jury selection on april 15th. if that sticks it appears that the district attorney's hush money case will be the first of the criminal matters involving trump to reach trial. back to you. maria: we will keep following that.
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thanks very much, lydia. lydia hu. joining me is former federal prosecutor, fox news contributor, andrew mccarthy. thank you for joining us this morning. >> hi, maria. maria: would love to get your expert analysis on this. we want to understand this better. first, give us your reaction to the bond being cut down, more than half, to now 175 million. >> it's really cut down by two-thirds, maria. because i think ultimately he would have had to post a bond of closer to 550 million, than 45 a 4. the reason for that is, the interest on the judgment continues to accrue at over $112,000 a day. so had he posted a 454 bond, in very short order it would have been insufficient to cover the whole judgment. what the court did basically was slash it down to a third. i don't know that i would read into that they are thinking
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about the merits yet but the bond was clearly ridiculous. i actually think 175 million is ridiculous because -- and you know this side of the street better than i do. trump's wealth for the most part is in real estate, an awful lot is in new york. it's not going to get up and going anyplace. it's not like the attorney general had to fear she had something to execute on if at some point her appeal gets upheld. maria: i spoke with eric trump on sunday. he told me that they tried to get $500 million bond and all the insurance companies turned him down. they're talking about this being election interference. here's eric trump with me sunday. watch this. >> this is new york state. this is what we're seeing. latisha james campaigned on this promise and now they're making him do something that's not physically possible. putting up a half a billion dollar bond, bonds that size
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don't exist in the country. the banks testified the, trump was the greatest borrower we've ever had. there was no victim. this is a crooked system with a crooked attorney general in a crooked court that literally wants to put my father out of business and you know who they're actually going to hurt? that they're going to hurt the thousands and thousands of employees that we have in new york stay, these are janitors, these are doormen, these are people that work in commercial buildings. maria: what are your thoughts on the impact here, andy? we keep hearing stories that people are losing trust in new york, they're leaving. they don't want to be targeted the way trump is and how does ag -- how does the ag there get away with saying that trump is being held accountable for his taking ring fraud, what is the -- staggering fraud, what is the staggering fraud she is referring to? >> that's her story and she's sticking to it and the judge helped her at trial come up with a novel algorithm for figuring
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out fraud in a case where there's no fraud. it was really remarkable, maria. they started out asking for $250 million in disgorgementgort damages. they have an 11 week trial n prove no vic ims the, prove no fraud. she says i think my damage is 3 370 million. it shows how arbitrary this is. if i were eric trump and the trump family, what i'd be pointing out is they can't get a bond or were unable to get a bond from these bonding companies because those companies don't want real estate. they think the valuations on the real estate are too subjective and fluctuate too much and that was exactly what trump's point was during the trial, that whether or not you think he exaggerated his asset values and there's some evidence of that, his point was there are
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sophisticated financial actors on both sides of these transactions so what you ought to do is trust them to do their own valuations. that's the living they're in. that's the business they're in. maria: right. >> and what she did was she took a consumer protection statute that had never been applied in a situation where you have sophisticated financial actors on both ends of the transaction and she got the judge to apply it here. maria: unbelievable. never been applied, unprecedented, all of these words being used when it comes to trump. right? it's just a different store ily. kathy hochul in new york says oh, no we won't do this to you, this is just about trump. i mean, it's just extraordinary. >> yeah. there's no -- you know n want you to believe that like he's -- like there's trump law but trump is not the only thing that progressives hate. right? they don't like fossil fuel companies, don't like gun companies. maria: that's a good point. >> the thought they're going to
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have this precedent on the books and not going to use it against everyone is just silly. maria: no wonder people like kevin o o'leary said wire not going to do business in new york anymore. the lawyer who exposed fani willis''s improper relationship with natha nathan wade says theo way the court will proceed before november 5th. what are your opinions here in terms of where this goes and whether or not trump is going to be on trial for this before the election? >> i don't see it. they don't even have a trial date here and his calendar is already pretty stuffed up with the proceedings in the two federal cases and also the trial that's going to start on april 15th. they b don't have a trial date. i don't see that one happening. maria: and with jack smith's case, where do you see that going?
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i know the alvin brag cases is april 15th, right? >> yeah. yes. alalvin bragg's april 15th. the washington case a lot rides on what the supreme court does this spring in t immunity case d the obstruction case involving the capitol riots. that's crucial in the case against trump. maria: thank you for your time this morning. >> thanks, maria. maria: all right. andy mccarthy joining us this morning. we'll be right back. stay with us.
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maria: welcome back. spring home buying season has sprung and the latest housing data shows a mixed bag for the market, february new home sales lower by three tenths of a percent month over month, the medial price down 7 and-a-half percent from a year ago, . existing home sales up nearly 10% last month, the largest monthly increase in a year. we're getting the january case-shiller home price index at at9:00 a.m. eastern today. joining us now, dave linenger. your reaction to the housing
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data so far? how would assess the market so far this morning they. >> the market we've got now is the same as we've had for the last year. it's being held back by high interest rates for mortgages, also certainly there's a problem with a lot of move-up buyers not wanting to give up the interest rate they have on the existing loan, have to take on a larger property at maybe 7 or 7 and-a-half percent. maria: the na national associan of realtors reached an agreement to resolve claims by home sellers involving agent commissions, the standard commission between 5 and 6% split between home buyers and home seller's agent. if this settlement is approved, listing agents using multiple listing services affiliated with the nar will no longer be able to offer a commission to buyers' agents. it would also pay $418 million over four years to compensate
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home sellers. >> the immediate impact is not going to be apparent for a while. the judgment doesn't say that the buyer and the seller can't agree to split the commission in some way. it just says you can't advertise that commission amount on the multiple listing service. they're doing that to keep from steering away from people who don't want to pay majority part of the listing fee, so i don't think it's going to have much of an effect. the effect on nar, i think you're going to see decline in number of agents, consumer federation reported a couple months aci ago issued a report t 50% of the realtors hadn't had a closing in the last 12 months. maria: i see. and your new book, the perfect 10, 10 leadership principles to you achieve true independence,
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extreme wealth and huge success, how do we do that? >> it's an interesting look back over 55 years of business experience, 25% of the book talks about lessons i learned. the rest of them is things that we learned from other people and looking at the leading companies that changed the world, whether it be apple, amazon, microsoft, or whatever. they have leadership principles that are more advanced, more successful than the normal companies. so this is an interesting journey through the change in leadership styles in the last five decades. maria: all right. we will leave it there. it's great to get your take on this. thanks very much, i want to thank my panel this morning, chris mcmann, krysia lenzo, cheryl casone. the major story of the morning is the bridge collapse but we also have taking a look at the economic impact with the data coming out later on in the week, cheryl. >> i'm going to have durable goods for you in about 30 minutes' time from now, maria.
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then obviously we'll be looking for another read on gdp, that's going to be important to the markets as well. certainly the breaking news this morning. maria: chris, your final thoughts in terms of this market on fire, we've got a real risk on environment today. >> i think we still have another six months but time will tell. maria: time will tell. krysia, in terms of policy, final thoughts. >> yesterday was a great day for donald trump in terms of getting the bond payment reduced and today we're watching djt at the nasdaq, it will definitely infuse him with much needed cash to go forward and promote his campaign which they're trying to stop. maria: all right. thanks, everybody. great conversation. we so appreciates it. thank you for joining us for those two hours. we're entering a new hour here. we will take a look at this market and policy issues. i'm maria bartiromo. it is tuesday, march 26th. we have breaking news this morning, just before 8:00 a.m. on the east coast. overnight in baltimore, maryland,the francis scott key
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seven people unaccounted for two people pulled from the water earlier, one remains if critical condition this morning, earlier officials told us they were about 20 people in the water, now they say there are just seven people unaccounted for joining me right now is tennessee congressman house transportation infrastructure committee member tim burchett also joining the conversation for power panel civil rights attorney leo terrell steamboat ins institute kaylee mcghee white thanks for joining on busy news do a congressman i start with you tim burchett on tragedy that we're watching in


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