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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  March 26, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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stuart: robert f kennedy junior will announce his running mate at 2:00 pm eastern today. we have a report he will choose nicole shanahan who was previously married to sergei. how many jellybeans do we consume on easter. >> >> lahren? and going with a low number, 12 million. 60 one. 3, enough to circle the globe three times. how many pounds of candy for purchase each year. that's it for "varney and company" today. coast-to-coast starts right now. >> more details on the bridge
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collapsed. the bridge went out. let's get right to it. what we are learning and how long this could be to disrupt grady trimble in maryland. >> reporter: could be a disruption they can't focus on that. the search and rescue operation. we know there were 8 construction workers, when cargo ship came through and struck the support beam of the bridge, crumbling into the river below. they were able to pool 2 of those workers out of the water, one was fine which was miraculous and didn't want to
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go to the hospital. they are looking for those other six with crews from the fbi using tell our copters, they've got it out here searching for anyone who may have been on the bridge. listen to governor westmore an hour and 1/2 ago describing search and rescue operation? >> reporter: response teams are doing everything to rescue and recover the victims of this collapse as we speak. people are out there, divers, people who are working to save lives. >> reporter: officials told us the ship maida made a call, the between the mayday call and when the ship struck the bridge, they were able to stop traffic from getting onto the bridge but when we asked the
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secretary of transportation from maryland, were there any cars on the bridge and they said we don't know. those who were on the bridge, they were looking for anyone who may have been driving over the bridge when it collapsed. we know this river flows into the porch of baltimore which handles vehicles, fertilizer, construction machinery as well as farming equipment. no ships are going in or out of this porch. we know the mayor is trying to figure out what other ports to use, royal caribbean has said that it is not -- it is rerouting ships that are supposed to go through baltimore harbor. i asked governor westmore how long are these shipping impacts to cruise ships, how is it going to happen? they don't know.
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they've got to deal with search and rescue and focus on the porch and rebuilding the bridge and figuring out what is next in terms of the bridge and the porch itself. neil: thank you so much. let's go to an instructor at the maritime institute, thank you very much. the cargo ship, the lights went out, had an uneventful weekend, the baltimore sun is reporting the crew on board spent and otherwise uneventful weekend taking in the sights in baltimore or heading back out to see, there were no problems being reported, no power issues. this happened early this morning, giving you scant details, what do you think of that? >> doesn't tell me a lot other
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than the crew had to set time over the weekend, where maintenance issues had to be completed on the vessel, did they follow the checklist prior to getting underway. then they start looking at whether there were few problems or fuel on board in baltimore, did they use the right fuel? all different things like that that could have anything to do with propulsion in the vessel, why did they use -- lose complete power? these are things they are looking at initially, but when you get an incident like this there's a lot of factors, the human factor, mechanical factor, could have been both of them simultaneously. the ship is coming up to speed to get through the bridge, at a
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crucial point they lost control of the vessel and steerage, these are big ships with a lot of power and tonnage, a lot of weight. once momentum gets going it is hard to change direction. once the engine stops and you don't have propeller wash going by the rudder how does that handle as well as it should, she will turn very slowly. it looks like this was a rapid catastrophic event that happened to the ship at a critical time and they lost power and hit the bridge whether it was human failure or mechanical or some of the things they look into, in one specific item, it is multiple things, that caused this incident to happen and it had something to do with it.
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that something to look into. stuart: i wondered what the safety protocol is, is it akin to what we have for jetliners for passenger cruise ships. >> those are the things, all the checklists and safety features, nothing has been missed, when the vessel gets underway at won't be a problem but it's a mechanical vessel and things can happen. you can have things get clogged, lots of things could happen but these are things we train for, we train for them in simulation. see what the crew can do to handle it by dropping anchors, get emergency power to the
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vessel and there are things that can be done but looks like it was at a critical time, getting close to the bridge and picking up speed, total loss of the vessel. that was a major casualty and it has happened to me several times, not something that is uncommon, you need to look at the reason why. it could be as simple as a fuel problem but also someone turned it off. lots of things to be looked at. without having a lot of information, you can't make that without doing a proper investigation. that needs to be done so a lot of questions being asked to the crew as to what they do prior to sailing the vessel. was everything done, were they sucking on an empty tank? several things like that.
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we had to look at different procedures like they do, getting escort tugs through critical points, it could be critical, helping them get through the bridge so on the deck side and the engineering side, this happened at a bad time and event in the port past the bridge that would have been able to do something and had a grounding, the vessel stuck but only had a structure like a bridge that's catastrophic unfortunately. >> thank you very much for that insight, former us secretary of transportation had a chance to listen to the captain, what he was raising, it does raise other issues about what the crew could have done. power is completely out, if that means you are unable to
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drop anchor, that too, so much we don't know but it gets back to the issue of safety standards and protocol we have. are they strict or how would you define? >> i would say they are very strict, reliable, what the airline pilots use and the other thing we have that is so important to recognize. we have the ntsb, an organization that's not accountable to anybody except the american people and they will do an investigation, we won't know for a while what their investigation comes up with. they take a very deliberate approach but they are not a part of dot, not part of dhs, they are an independent agency that has very affectional staff that will investigate this in
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every way possible and tell us what went wrong and answer a lot of these questions but we know that for a long time. stuart: so many companies that do business, shipping concerns, norwegian, carnival and a host of others find alternative routes to disembark and embark from that area, popular cruise ship stopping point. you can already see how this extends beyond that area. it takes quite some time. >> it really does and this is a huge shipping lane connected to one of the biggest largest comprehensive ports in the united states and then you couple that with this bridge that now is disabled and not able to be used by 37,000
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people a day in the washington baltimore area, a huge amount of infrastructure and transportation has been inhibited today. the one point i want to make, there is no good time ever for an accident like this. this accident occurred at one:30 in the morning, there were six workers on the deck of the bridge, repairing potholes but this occurred at a time when there were not 37,000 vehicles during the day and that's one blessing get, not a lot of cars moving back and forth. neil: boeing in the news, a heap of trouble, the ceo leading a couple of other top executives. what do you think now about
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where boeing goes, confidence in air travel has been tested as a result? >> for a long time boeing has been a good company and the board has stepped up and listened to the airlines and listened to the public and listened to other groups and has decided boeing needs new leadership, leadership that will place a big emphasis on safety, developing a safety culture, that is what people want, they want to know when they board an airplane manufactured by boeing that it's the safest plane possible and the board made a decision that i think is a good decision for the company and a good decision for the flying public. boeing is going to have new leadership.
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and and and safety is number one. stuart: very good seeing you again, thank you very much. raymond lahood, former secretary of transportation. thank you for monitoring these updates on getting every 20 or 30 minutes or so. we pass anything or get anything including these six missing individuals and three to four deals that we will update you on. updating you on donald trump and the social media concern of which he has an 80% stake, he's a rich man because of it, stock is soaring at his portion of that is up $5 billion. (vo) what does it mean to be rich?
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adam: the truth social thing and trading active stock, bottom line for donald trump is it means on paper he could be sitting on $5 billion. charlie gasparino reminds me on paper. charles: if he's home right now it would be more than paper. this is what he needs to sell,
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has to come up with $175 million. if you wants to sell his stock he needs board approval to sell it. it is a 6-month lockup on it. to get it approved, stock would go down dramatically. if he sold 100 million, see that as a sign at 40. so the minute he says he's going to sell, stock will go down because it is a chunk of change. for him to sell it, sell it to an individual, to buy this thing. to get the money all at once,
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always rules about it, really tricky. for the average person getting into this, call me a hater, i've seen this play before. amc, game stop, bed, bath, and beyond. mm tlp, a stock that was a preferred stock. these are all companies with rational exuberance and people start selling and it goes down and we should point out trump media is a social media site like twitter with a fraction of users which means one fraction of the prophets since twitter doesn't make profits, has bigger losses. six months from now, he would
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rather have the money and stay locked up in something. just remember, if you are the average guy playing with this, guaranty bloomberg puts more by this, playing this thing for the average person, he'd what i said. this has happened in the past. anybody, tv or the internet the told you you would get rich on amc was basically one hundred% wrong, probably of fraud and same with this. this is scary stuff for the average person. do you think he will hold onto it? neil: he is the story. charles: i don't see him holding onto the stock. it is difficult now. he knows of this thing isn't
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making money, the balance sheet and at some point it will be shorted very soon and there will be a mean stock flavor to this where his supporters will buy it, but at some point if it doesn't make money soon, they will be called bag holders. holding a bag. that's called stock market analysis. other journalists may tell you to buy it, they cost you a lot of money. neil: thank you very much. to shannon bream on the supreme court two years after shooting down roe versus wade, the future of abortion pills, a hard-line, can't get engaged of where the justices are but i know shannon bream can. what's the latest?
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>> reporter: a busy day out here. one of the issues when it is argued at the court people turn out in force on both sides. they just wrapped up arguments inside and they spent so much time in the arguments talking about standing but basically, the right ones, do they have an injury to show to be here and present this case before the court? a lot of skepticism across the bench. an organization representing pro-life doctors, presenting one of the two pills and medicated abortionists who show up in emergency, in a situation where they have to end of pregnancy when it is in conflict with their own personal beliefs. the court heard most of these justices did not think they
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could get back the issue of whether they had any injury. these doctors haven't taken mother prestone they can't show that harm and we are going to wait months to get this decision but it will be on the issue of standing, and the merits of the case, whether the fda has properly handled safety restrictions. stuart: follow those developments, a lot of people thought they would be a dovetailing from that decision two years ago and this would complete that are bookend that, not such a sure thing. all the fuss and attention to cruz social, the eyes of the markets are on it but there's a way to draw attention and they rumble. it gets the right balance and
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attention. the company ceo is next. ♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire.
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stuart: getting all the attention now because of the name that represents the company, the concerned with what was truth social, soaring 40% and the fact that as its floors, valuation of donald
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trump's holdings is in this or whatever you want to call it north of $5 billion, the rumble ceo, not too shabby in that arena and looking at a fair and balanced form. >> thanks for having me on. stuart: let me ask you about trump media technology, how long that can hold. >> it's a credible debut, what devon nunez has done over the finish line has been nothing short of incredible, as you might already know or the audience might already know, trump media technology group is sitting on one of the largest cloud customers, one of advertising partners on the publishing side, we provide them with the units for the platform.
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they got them over the finish line. i think with the warchest they have now they can get very serious about their plans. stuart: i certainly get that, no disrespect, it's common for you. when looking at the users are political leanings, not sure how accurate the numbers are, 35% are democrats associated with democrat or republican. robert f kennedy junior, high profile customer. how do you explain your base, your niche? >> this is one of the biggest misperceptions about rumble. we recently brought on barstool
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sports, a sports category of content. we invested in sports leagues and exclusively, across racing, skateboarding, rumble extends different verticals, attracting talent from different areas, not like what a lot of news media and corporate media would say we are, we do extend it to different areas. the data you are referencing is late last year in 2023. that in combination in the last few years, broadening the portfolio content. a lot of political content for a while so broken 2 different categories. neil: are you more fair and
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balanced version x? how do you describe your self beyond politics? there is talk you would love to acquire tiktok to invest the whole thing? explained that strategy? >> when it comes to the tiktok strategy, when you look at tiktok, who is going to be the consortium? you are not going to have google or meta, there will be antitrust concerns, who else out there is working on a video platform who built a video platform working on an algorithm that's going to provide proper recommendations and who is operating the video platform on top of the crowd? we have those tools. as a technology partner we want to come to the table as part of the consortium of other partners to look at tiktok and be part of that. i don't think anybody else has
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the experience we do and the technology we are working on to do that. we have four pillars in the rumble business, what is the video platform a lot of people are aware of. the other one is the studio which is a live streaming software we've built. the third one is rumble advertising center that's competing against google access ecosystem and their publisher business and the fourth one is what we recently launched in the last couple weeks, the rumble cloud, building a new highway off of the grid of big tech and taking the fight to big tech directly by offering the service of which truth social is a large partner for us. neil: to the average passive investor there are so many of you guys, distinctions among each of you, it big the issue whether there is a weaning out, clearing out, consolidation
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much as we had after the internet boom went bust. >> we are at a point we are in our own market with our own demand. when you look at the cloud business it is an oligopoly of three major businesses and there are smaller ones. we have microsoft as sure, amazon aws, google cloud, they are all catering and doing the same thing whereas with rumble the values rumble cloud has are going to be completely different. we are really inheriting the same values as the rumble video platform and that means being extremely neutral, not picking sides. one of the other things we are focused on the cloud side is we think there's a real opportunity to be competitive on price. the incumbents are gouging on the prices and we think we can come in with transparent
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pricing models. neil: i want to be clear, are you a parent for tiktok? are you interested bidder? >> we are interested in being a consortium that's part of that. neil: in florida you heard governor desantis wants to enact a law that those under the age of 14 can't have social media, too young. >> yes. i saw that yesterday, talking internally about it. this law wouldn't apply to rumble based on the criteria that there is for it. i believe it requires 10% of users under 16. neil: what i'm asking, a more macro question, the government taking a role.
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>> yeah. child protection is important when it comes to younger kids, pornography and different things, it's very important children are protected when it comes to different social media internet. neil: looking at technology investments, i grant you a wide kind of -- do you ever look at this, your own stock, 14% today, not you specifically but you get caught up in fraud and excitement for all these others that are untested, not so much nvidia but to make money, does that concern you? >> at rumble i'm focused on building those four pillars looking at the market on a day today basis is not something i
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take into account where we are trying to build a solid business long-term. neil: you are a very rich man because of that. >> definitely take a peek at it but not something i look at every day and stare at. it is most important to make sure it is as sustainable as possible and we want to grow the business and be bigger. our ambitions are much bigger, we are not looking to be where we are now. we are looking to be bigger than where we are now. we want to take a big chunk of the cloud market, we want to take on youtube and go after google's add market marketplace. and launch the products in the current quarter and i'm excited about generating revenue. i don't think we have started yet. now that the fun begins, we have these four product in the market it begins here in the next few quarters for us.
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neil: you are very focused in what you do. >> thanks for having me. the rumble ceo. they are having a nice run of it? how long does it go on? only two more days in the third quarter. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone.
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neil: a good trading day as we wind down, two more trading not for the month but the quarter and this first quarter, the best on record for major averages. let's go to peter tuchman. >> reporter: thanks for having me. i think it is a spectacular quarter but even on the eyes of the cpi and ppi number, jay powell said on wednesday they won't overreact to those numbers. it's the first quarter of the year. a lot of moving parts in the game, we are ending up that way. the stock is trading up another ten dollars today.
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neil: a lot of news disarmed investors to the point to delay rate cuts. where are you on this? do you worry about it? >> reporter: i was impressed with the news conference, and markets don't like unknowns. jay powell said it is clear we've seen the high that interest rates and won't see anything higher. it goes on with economic battle. the follow-through was super solid and you will get one there. we close above 40,000.
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the market is telling us what it thinks of jay powell, 3 cuts in 2024, 75 basis points. economic data and all the relevance of historic data, has to be reevaluated little bit. what the investors and investment community, ending a spectacular quarter across the board. pullbacks and markets, if you call this, we've had three months of solid bullish market down 100 points. nothing to know about. neil: a lot of people saw this as the internet boom all over again, you 've covered many a boom and bust.
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what do you think of that? >> a number of people are smarter than me like dan ives of wedbush, you've spoken to him before. if i may call it that, the amount of money put into it was multi trillions on fast track, we need to note we've seen a nice breath of the russell, has also been in the solid bullish mode, it is not taking it where it needs to go today. suddenly, even if tech pools back a little bit, even with intact, even those are on the
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super cryer. there's another market performing well. neil: right on all counts as usual. good seeing you. >> see you at dow 40,000. neil: peter tuchman. thank you very much. the president commenting on the bridge disaster, griff jenkins joins us with a number of individuals missing. what can you tell us? griff:it is six individuals unaccounted for, believed to be construction workers on the bridge behind me fixing potholes. he sense however many federal resources needed to do this and this is going to be quite an operation aside from search and rescue for the cleanup. we are a few thousand feet off of the north side of this bridge.
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look at the mangled steel of this bridge collapse, a shipping container flag out of singapore, 12 at one:30 in the morning, just about 11 hours since that happened, all hands on deck, drivers in the water, coast guard ships in the water, a coast guard helicopter above us at this moment. there was a press conference with the governor and maryland us senator chris van holland. we spoke 1-on-1 with him about what he knows. here's what he said. take a listen. >> we have six people unaccounted for. that mission is going on. reached out early to the governor, to let him know the federal government is a full partner in this effort. i've been in touch with pete buttigieg, the part of the
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ntsb, national transportation safety board, and others. >> reporter: we are waiting a few feet from the ntsb press conference about to get underway. the take away headline is every official said this is all indications pointing to an accident that the ship lost power, lost propulsion and drifted into the column that brought the span of the bridge down. it's not anything to suggest terrorism in this matter. the ntsb, this rescue mission they are looking for in addition to the six unaccounted for, two were pulled from the water but the other had to go to the hospital with serious injuries. neil: they have identified at least five vehicles at the bottom of the river, three
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passenger vehicles, one unidentified vehicle. a little more after this. jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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neil: i love talking to lauren fix because she knows cars so well. her warnings about evs of come to pass, could be on the brink of default and a number of other key evmakers stocks have been downgraded in 72 hours so what's going on? lauren: tesla stock is all over the place. he is a unique piece of the pie. he's the guy and he will survive. all the things i said about him in the past i say again, he made it happen, he's making a little bit of money but makes
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it off what he sells to other brands. i give him credit for being smart. copies like lucid sold a deal for one billion dollars from the saudi's. you will will see lucid survive, $1 billion is a lot of money. neil: you don't think it's promising technology or you do but it won't dominate? lauren: it won't dominate the world, there's a place for it, you will never see all electric. i said this multiple times. cash for clunkers was a bad idea. these are the things that sound great, the cars are fantastic. every brand is putting out impreza product, honda, toyota, really cool, they have the capability. problem is the infrastructure. an electric field we were testing in northern california will four charging stations, fast chargers, one of them was working. what was there was a tesla plugged in and the person disappeared. that's great but if you need a
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charge no one wants to rely on this. the perfect answer is hybrid. think of a previous. that technology is what people want. they don't want plug-in, they want the hybrid technology. neil: get a lot of miles. lauren: you get 35 miles an hour but the gas engine picks up if you do a trip from new york to florida you can. neil: plug-in hybrids versus regular hybrid? lauren: it means you get your electricity that way, generated, it runs out of battery power 30 miles range. todd: the is that the most it does? lauren: some are 8 miles and some are 40 miles but the gas engine is a small fuel-efficient engine that uses the electric portion to get going so you hear about these cars that are electrified, 48 volt architecture that uses electricity to get going so you
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no longer have turbo lag. neil: so we agree on a standard charging method and you get more range, it changes and people rush to ev? lauren: i like that we are getting to using teslas charging stations and we will all, in europe they don't have this problem. this is a unique problem tour north america where everyone has their own charging connection. ford and other brands, you can charge -- neil: in europe it is a single standard. that allows for it. lauren: certain countries like norway are realizing this may not be the case with the weather because you can control a lot of things but not the weather. when it is cold and snowy you lose your range. neil: you are the best, she's a genius with the stuff. speaking of geniuses, brian brenberg and "the big money show". brian: big praise, i will take it.


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