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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  March 26, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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to say, i am very worried about those missing from bridge crash, very worried. hope the lord looks after them and congrats to mr. trump for his truth social stock market success, those two. i know this mcdonald is going to be all over these stories. liz: thank you so much. coming up in a few moments, senator ted cruz and mccarthy
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and mcfarlane. trump media company skyrocketed in his debut, trump net worth more than doubled today, he's now 6.5 billion, he's now one of the 500 richest in the world, this will help trump and court battles. wall street investors want to hear from trump clearly, breaking news coming in, a judge that the new gag order on trump in the new york has my case. we will break this down in the second. rhonda mcdaniel morning over her coming to nbc plus a new political bombshell about the justice department doing criminal probes into business dealings linked to joe biden's brother, james biden but first, let's get to ready trouble live on the scene of bridge collapse in maryland. what's happening now? >> local state and federal officials have been searching since shortly after the collapse around 1:30 a.m. we can tell you
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they are still searching for six people in the water. they have boats from helic helicopters, he may be able to hear them overhead, using technology like sonar. crews and six construction workers, working on potholes. suddenly they are like lives changed, it hit the support beam and it collapse. we do know from officials here there was a mayday call, the ship reported losing power, officials with the date were able to stop people from driving onto the bridge and it may have saved lives but the ntsb says it's early days of the investigation as they tried to figure out what caused the ship to lose power and lose control. we are told they will try to find the black box, a voice recorder if you look to see if
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give them any clues. listen to the transportation secretary here and he talked about what's next as far as the supply chain rebuilding the bridge and this important shipping corridor. >> in many ways our work is just beginning to rebuild the bridge and deal with impacts in the meantime, to reopen the port and deal with lighting impacts in the meantime but today we are most acutely focused on the emergency operations underway and on the families impacted. >> this is a hugely important shipping corridor, this port of baltimore handles more vehicles in terms of imports and exports than any other court in the country. that of course is going to be a priority but we know board, general motors and automakers are trying to find workarounds while it's closed for ships going in and going out of the
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port of baltimore but of course, right now the top story is the search underway for those six people who have yet to be found speech of great reporting, thank you so much. appreciate this very much. joining us now, ranking member of senate commerce transportation center ted cruz. your reaction to the story -- you got bipartisan legislation signed into law to do things like bolster infrastructure in texas, how can it serve the nation's infrastructure? connect very concerned. at this time we are dealing with tragedy that unfolded a container ship on the key bridge and we have had two people rescued but 67 people are currently missing. the search and rescue operation is underway an event in touch with the coast guard and ntsb, the coast guard right now is searching and hopefully we will find these survivors and pull them to safety but this time we
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don't know so our prayers are with people missing, with their families and also first responders. after that, ntsb is going to begin investigation. the ntsb does a thorough job whenever you have an accident of this sort examining what was the cause, went went wrong and why did the ship hit the bridge, closet operator error, something else they will investigate and get to the bottom of it but then we will begin the process of rebuilding the infrastructure and that is enormously impo important. it's something i'm focused on as you noted, just this week the president signed into law legislation that i altered bipartisan legislation, designated number of new interstate freeway, i 27 that in texas will run from laredo all the way up from south texas to west texas. i'm right now in midland, texas. it will run through here to the panhandle and ultimately up into mexico, colorado, oklahoma and all the way up to canada.
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infrastructure is critically important for transporting goods and services and crops and livestock and people and we need to be investing in our infrastructure. liz: let's move to this story, trumps media company took off in his debut trading on the nasdaq. trump had something like 4 billion through net worth in just one day. he's not worth six and a half billion, he owns more than half the company. one of the 500 richest in the world. this will help him with his support battles. it's an amazing stock performance company reportedly has $3 million in sales, what is your reaction to this box. >> i'm glad to see it happen, i got to say, what's happened with the legal education of donald trump has been an outrage between for criminal prosecutions ongoing, a partisan prosecutors who hate donald trump and then the civil case on this outrageous $1,150,000,000 judgment that they are trying to take half billion dollars from donald trump is something that
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involved no victim, no bank lost any money, the banks make money on it, they wanted to make more loans and get partisan new york attorney general who campaigned on saying i'm going to get donald trump is reveling and trying to take half billion dollars from him. it's banana republic stopped at a practice i, anyone doing business in new york has to scare you democrats think they have unfettered ability to confiscate millions from any business they don't like. it's frightening and really bad for your business and new york. liz: wall street and investors want to hear from trump but breaking news coming in, a judge slapped a new gag order on trump in the hush money case saying he can't talk about it is a case legal process say is how problematic. records case of the manhattan da can't hire into federal felony for supposedly influencing the election but the review says
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trump democrat enemies are moving to destroy trump and business, drained his resources, blacken his reputation, stop his presidential campaign and literally lock him up but you can't stop trump. >> this is alvin bragg, the democrat da, george soros da elected of millions from george soros and this is a partisan abuse of power. and more than 200 years of our nation's history, no present has been indicted, no former president and that, trump has been indicted four times. understand when these artisans democrat collector trump, yes, they hate him but what this really is is they are attacking the american people. this is an assault on democracy because these prosecutors are terrified the voters are going to reelect donald trump and november, they are trying to stop that and every democrat that beats their chest and says we are dependent democracy while turning a blind eye on this assault on democracy, they are guilty of historic levels of
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hypocrisy. liz: we hear you loud and clear. we appreciate you so much for coming on the show and helping us out tonight. good to see you again. let's get right to former deputy announcement security advisor to former president trump, katie mcfarlane, it's good to have you on. refusing to veto the security council resolution yesterday calling for cease-fire in gaza, they only abstained from the vote. former u.s. ambassador tumbled because it dangerous, confused what he says hamas has terrace veto over israel's right to self defense, what you say? >> the tragedy is it has nothing to do with israel, gaza, the war and even u.s. or israeli hostages, it's only everything to do with public 20000 american voters because joe biden knows
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unless he wins michigan, he doesn't get reelected. the wind michigan it will be a close race, swing state and he needs ten or 20000 voters likely, they will vote for donald trump they could stay home it's all about the american politics, nothing to do with the merits of the case and the tragedy is he's now thrown israel under the bus and made it clear the united states is willing to walk away from israel. the resolution was always supposed to tie any cease-fire with the release of hostages but the resolution that passed in the resolution that passed with the united states not be telling but abstaining. calling for cease-fire but not calling for the release -- not linking it to the release of israeli or american hostages. liz: russia's un ambassador, saying what you are saying, he mocked biden saying u.s. politics for plaintiff voters as a boycott vote against biden
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over gaza and spread to the states. the other thing is, here's the problem with what's going on. does this embolden hamas and hostage negotiations? >> absolutely. they will never give up the hostages now because they smell blood. the reason it's a bigger problem than just war in gaza as soon as i read, iran the saying goes, pulling all the strings, iran is a supporter of hamas and hezbollah. iran is a supporter of the lease and yemen, going after israel. once the world looks like it will include, maybe separating from israel, maybe israel is vulnerable and it's going to estimate because the houthis will come after israel and the red sea, has a lot welcome hamas well and they are trying to drive a wedge between the united states and israel and once they smell there is a wedge, a
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division on daylight between the united states and israel, that's when they escalate. netanyahu said are going to defend ourselves no matter what the united states does. liz: israel cancel delegation to meet with biden white house officials, they are furious. didn't the biden team worn any resolutions like this would only obligate talk of a temporary cease-fire in exchange for hostage relations because they give musk threshold? the resolution did not require hamas to release israeli hostages as a condition of cease-fire but didn't biden white house make that a requirement in three previous proposals previously vetoed three un proposals not directly linking cease-fire to bring hostages? what is happening now? >> united states walking away from israel. the un has always been anti- israel and voted against israel, any resolutions of the u.s. has always balanced it out by
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supporting israel by vetoing the anti- israeli resolutions. this time the united states didn't veto and abstained. doesn't sound like much but it's a huge difference in the middle east. liz: thank you so much for joining us, it's good to have you back on the show. >> thank you. liz: congresswoman victoria spartz, political editor guy benson, arizona county sheriff, mark lamb and a host of customer tudor dixon. president biden reported talking about green cards and amnesty for the explosion of illegal migrants crossing the border on his watch. white house person downplays the border crisis quote the could be national security threats is terrorists and gang members o'clock crossing and more on the sharp focus of president biden's brother, the justice department politico says for the road business dealings went to james biden in florida and
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pennsylvania. another new pole, six out of ten voters do say they have doubts about president biden's mental fitness. plus, former assistant u.s. attorney andrew mccarthy coming on. former president trump to social thing of the story, it took off like a rock rocketship and debut today. become more on new york judge his gag order on trump and hush money case plus a new fight between the trumpet biden campaigns, the biden team again accused of misleading america. details coming up on "the evening edit". ♪
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tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. trading today on the nasdaq. former president trump now more firepower and cash to deal with his multiple court battles. kelly o'grady live from new york with mark. you been all over this story. >> what a story it is. the jt, sorted and it's stay on the nasdaq and parent back gains in the last hour of trading but trump media technology hit over $79 one time during the day. it did vanish the day at just under 58, a gain of 16% versus yesterday. training was all that one time because of this volatility but overall, even though it did gain
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back, it did the plan. the company is worth just under $8 billion and analysts are arguing it doesn't represent the underlying business, under 5 million abusers the last 49 million in the first nine months of last year. the platforms focus on free speech, they are optimistic about growth potential. >> an incredible debut, what evans newness has done to take the silver over the finish line is nothing short of incredible with the warchest they do have, you can get serious about their plans. >> those platforms got a boost today on the jt's rise, roughly 15% up from a public where gaining 8%. realistically set the jt, they are not your traditional shareholders, they are mueller retail investors, not worrying about underlying financial, he's a trump supporters want to plug a candidate but not necessarily
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the type to hold the stocks. analysts are hypothesizing those betting on the stock are betting on trump election campaign. it florida half-billion today but remember he can't access the shares unless the board votes. otherwise, they are all to him for six months or so. >> i think donald trump jr. cashed on it so probably a lot of money. give so much. always terrific. let's welcome back to the show, u.s. attorney andy mccartney. you heard back. trump is on the 500 wealthiest. the socket evaluation nearly a little more than ten a half-billion. he lost more than half the company so investors and wall street want to hear from trump, what you think about the gag order on alvin bragg's custody case against trump? >> i'm not surprised for a couple of reasons. first, the judge said yesterday the trial was imminent, usually
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when you get to the trial where they will jury, the judge cracks down on what everybody is it publicly about the case. i do think it is peculiar trump is gag from talking about witnesses which is not unusual condition but want to make sure i was right so i checked before we went on, apparently there's a documentary out about tony daniels where she's talking about trump and i think michael cullen has a youtube channel, i would get a root canal before i wash that for some people watch it and they don't seem to be any inhibitions talking about trump yet is cracks down, he can't talk about them under circumstances where he's running for president. i always thought was odd that you can clampdown on his speech but everyone else is running against in the race can speak to their hearts content about legal troubles so it is peculiar
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having someone run for president and be a criminal defendant. liz: there is this new big fight breaking out between the trump campaign and biden's campaign, trump set, he sank i'm not going to take her cash to pay that $75 million bond new york state law says he's got to put up before he can feel. this is a new york ag leticia james but the biden campaign is distorting party saying, media is distorting what trump is saying is not there is a gag order on trump on various things. watch what trump said about foreign money. watch this. >> paying the bond -- [inaudible] >> i think you would be allowed to possibly, auto. if you borrow from the big bang, many thanks outside of us, the biggest banks are outside of our country so you could do that but
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i don't need to borrow money. this is about election interference, this is all biden run things, biden and those because you know if he knows he's alive and it's a shame shame where tapping into our country, it's election interference. they are doing things that have never been done in this country before. it does happen a lot in third world countries but banana republics. if i were doing poorly like everyone else has been they are all except for quicken joe biden, this wouldn't be happening. none of these trials would be happening. liz: if he wasn't running, these cases wouldn't happen. what you make of this skirmish about the media and democrats saying he will take on money and trump is saying no, i'm not. >> again, i don't understand the democrat strategy because that would seem to underscore how much foreign money biden family has gone from corrupt
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anti-american regimes and their agents, why would want to bring that up and dwell on it is beyond me. the more profound issue is that i think it is a legitimate defense even though not a normal defense for trump to argue the l'affaire campaign is partisan combat and all of these people going after them are democratic prosecutors, judges and the like and there's a political motivation here and i think the idea behind the gag order seems to be in the four corners of a trial, we have to pretend it's a completely legitimate proceeding and we don't want trump talking down the process, we don't want him talking about, i guess he's a lot to talk about the judge and bragg but not allowed to talk about the former biden justice department official who's been recruited into the district attorney's office to do the case i think trump is
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entitled to make that. i don't like it, i wouldn't like it if i were the judge but it does seem like a legitimate argument. liz: so they are shutting down trump but then you've got fulton county da bonnie fani willis on the case breaking the rules saying the train is coming for trump. does not imply the defendants will get less favorable deals here? doesn't that violate georgia ethics rule that forbids prosecutors for making extradition promise like substantial likelihood condemnation of the accused? that's what the rule says so fani willis can say that a trump is threatened with gag orders and other cases. >> seems the ethics train left the station and georgia. i don't think they are too terribly troubled about ethics down there but i do think the greater points the right one, how is it that trump is in the
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middle of this vortex and everybody who is prosecuting him were competing against him in politics can talk about this stuff but he can't? liz: we appreciate you, you're very generous and kind. we'll have you back on. we love to your legal brain, we admire you so much. coming up -- [laughter] fox news contributor guy benson coming up. the president keeps touting job growth but the fact checkers are finally calling out for misleading america. he did not create 15 million jobs. a third of that. plus, employment in 16 u.s. states still below pre-pandemic levels. a new poll has trump leading by five-point over the candidate appeal. trump talks out of biden right now. victoria spartz megan, a focus on the biden family. d.o.j. opening a criminal
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investigation into business dealings link to james biden in florida and pennsylvania. this is a bombshell coming up on "the evening edit". ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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marcus: kaleb is my best friend. he's a fireball, full of energy all day, every day. [laughter] when we came to st. jude, it really put us at ease a lot. everyone is caring. everyone is loving here. and they're trying to save people's lives all over the world. so everything that you donated is being used. very grateful for everyone that helped out. [music playing]
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joining us now from house judiciary, victoria spartz. it's good to have you on. there with us because this is a bombshell politico. politico is reporting justice department criminal investigators in south florida are rolling transactions to james biden, joe biden's brother. james biden worked with americorps, a bankrupt hospital chain. the story is healthcare children nor in pennsylvania is not talking, he pleaded guilty to his role in alleged medicare fraud where the hospital unit got and probably tens of millions of dollars in medicare money, that's the fraud. d.o.j. investigators are seeking information about james biden's
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business dealings with americorps. his lawyer says there's something to look at but this is the first branch of what's going on with the story, there's more, what you make of this text. >> it is unbelievable. i thought it was bad but what was interesting, this year and last year with administration doing something about defrauding medicare and we need to stop hospital monopolies and try to lose billions of dollars, they actually sold. our legislation on transparency and on president trump, recently he said we need to do something, medicare is going, seven years. they attack him like he's trying to take medicare away from seniors, that's ironic for me to
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see, no wonder they don't want to deal with fraud because they get enriched by defrauding seniors. liz: there is that part and politico is also reporting what's going on florida, justice department officials are probing james biden's deals in florida where james biden pushed to get investments from the middle east for americorps, bankrupt hospital chain. politico reporting members of a joe biden's inner circle did work for americorps before biden's 2020 presidential run. here's the thing, politico is reporting this newly revealed lawsuit filed by investors alleging money manager, a friend of james biden was in charge of an investor fund : third friday total. the accusation is that person looted reportedly 20 million fund making champ wants to americorps.
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americorps gave $600,000 to james biden and on that same day james biden got 200,000 of that. james biden gave 200 grand to joe biden out of his wife's account. the white house says it's a loan repayment but investors say it could be looted money, their money one out of an investor fund. this is according to the lawsuit. james biden's lawyers are denying this, what do you think? >> this is the same, when we have the whole biden crime family. truly what jim biden is doing, it's all using the name of joe biden, they deal with foreign governments, don't pay taxes, now defrauding our programs and using very corrupt bandits on all the corrupts around the world. there's a connection also criminal families in this
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situation so this is a very serious situation and i think the department of justice, which is very corrupt, it's unfortunate but even the department of justice now siding not to investigate not edits thanks to bringing transparency to this but we have to get to the bottom. liz: we don't know at all, politico is not saying it james biden did but the implication is he's closely involved in this bankrupt hospital chain where he's accused, it doesn't look good all around. we appreciate you, thank you for joining us, it's good to have you back on. >> thank you for having me. liz: let's welcome to the show townhall political editor guy benson, we are dealing with a lot of stuff. first this story. you know how the president is on a victory tour claiming he created 15 million jobs and now
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we see fact checkers by me saying you did not. just because the pandemic lockdowns stopped so 22 million jobs lost in the economy welcome back. what's striking is employment in 16 u.s. states, a third of the country are still stuck below pre-pandemic levels. what you think? >> if you look at which states those are, those are a pattern. you can to into together that but it is a brazen claim, you take over the u.s. economy is present in the middle of the pandemic and your hand vaccine and a growing economy and then tried to take credit for the jobs restored after the government went shut down the jobs and a lot of these businesses, people were never going to buy this. they can say we created 18 troubling jobs, whatever they want to say. people aren't buying it because you look at the polling of the
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president, his marks on the economy are quite low because the cherry picked stories he tries to tell and his team don't comport with lived experience of american voters and they hold him responsible largely for a lot of the inflation that came as a result of the spending binge is directly responsible for. one thing donald trump that and others as well i think is true, it joe biden carried out a basement presidency, if he had just gone to bed for a number of months and done nothing, the economy would be in better shape than it is because of what he inflicted upon the economy with his party. >> that's interesting what you said. now we have this new pool, translating by five points. his presidential approval rating tops biden 55% versus 45. that old shows a majority, six out of ten say they do doubt president biden should run again because of his age.
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axios and political reporting, terrified he will fall again and something like three out of ten or out of tent democrats are worried you shouldn't run again because he's too old. >> this is a real problem the white house has in the campaign has for biden. it is what he is, there's no getting around it will see it. the numbers in the pole are a little more forgiving than some of the other only but still skyhigh. it's an issue, they will limit on the edge white knuckle think this thing through november open he's okay because a lot of voters have serious doubts about it. liz: you are terrific, thank you for joining us tonight. we need guy sentence smart brain all the time. coming up, and all county sheriff mark lamb, white house spokesman downplays the border crisis. he said there could be national security threats. terrace and gang members caught crossing. a new plan out of the white house, the president may give
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more wrinkles and amnesty. first, let's check in with dagen and sean coming up. >> thank you so much. donald trump media goes public. today talking about 16%, trump media. as well as the people joe biden represents, the rich and the elite. they will host a fundraiser. including bill clinton and barack obama, we have john carney -- not in person. unpack all that. >> stephen colbert, you couldn't pay me to go. abortion in front of the high court in pill form. caroline downey on sean combs homes getting rated. it was big business is one nasty business. top of the hour. ncial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership.
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20 nato arizona county sheriff, markland. always great to have you back on want to sit tight for a second, white house spokesman john kirby downplayed it border crisis as you know, saying that could be national security threats. really? this border crisis to call hunter biden. >> dhs monitors all available intelligence at the border in fiscal day and we are certainly
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aware there could be national security threat that can arise at the border which is why we are arguing so hard to get additional resources and capabilities down there. >> i guess i should be flattered people are coming because i am a nice guy, that's why it's happening. it happens every single solitary year. liz: that was a president downplaying in 2021 when he opened the floodgates and then before that you heard john kirby downplaying it like maybe it's national security crisis. everybody else think it is what is the problem? >> they have a problem, they are the problem. they created this problem and of course they downplayed because there coming into an election year end polls show they are extremely underwater, the american people rise to the fact that this is a major crisis, it's become the number one issue not just for people across america and arizona, that's why i'm running for u.s. senate because this is what i hear
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consistently every day, what are we going to do about the border issue mother whether it's arizona or someone else, i go outside of arizona, to because you so american people are wise, downplaying it because of politics. liz: we are hearing border crisis has taken off in arizona and in california after texas did it crackdown. we know there's a court fight, the biden white house says they are about border security but doing texas and student arizona over it for bears. can you tell us what's happening at the border in arizona next. >> we have always had a problem but the problem is getting progressively worse because texas, because of the strong narratives they are pushing, coming to the state we will hold you accountable for the barbed wire they put up in the 2-mile section they control, just those efforts they put out reduced the flow into their state and its pushed a lot of it over here
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into arizona. this is why our sector is important because this is where all of the getaways you hear about your. people who come in camouflage clothing and backpacks, many backpacks full of drugs. trafficking people who might be terrorists and people who are criminals. here in america and back to the countries and trying to come back in and they are trafficking people who work for the cartels that they will distribute throughout the country to make sure humans and drugs will be delivered. liz: now we hear reports of president doing amnesty and green cards for the migrant crisis that exploded on his watch. we saw 1600 terrorists caught fiscal 2020. fox news bill melugin reports and want to go play ice put out press releases about the border crisis. big arrests across the u.s., honduran wanted for murder, salvadoran for killings, a gang member caught in venezuela gang
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member acquitted to ms 13 arrested for drive-by shooting illinois. so the president went to executive action? reinstating 94 actions -- let me back up. he wiped out many trips border policies with 94 executive actions in the senate bill what enshrine nearly 2 million a year and illegal crossings the obama white house says was a disaster. it would force states like you're state of arizona and states like texas only push back on these bad border policies in d.c. court so that's what's wrong, there's much more wrong with that senate bill. >> you are right, they could have fixed this. president biden can fix this now, he has the resources. they made the problem so bad. they have the same amount of people president trump had and he was controlling the border. they wanted to codify with the border bill that policies. what we need is to protect american people.
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liz: got it. sheriff clamped, semper fi. we'll have you back on. keep up the fight. good to have you on. silicon valley, big tech and an appropriate ron desantis signed a new state law banning children under 14 from having social media accounts. big tech really matter. when is silicon valley going to stop profits of of parents of children nationwide? they been saying what you're doing, big tech is poisoning, harming and killing kids with toxic content. podcast host and mom, tudor dixon will break it down next on "the evening edit". ♪
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florida governor ron desantis sounds like he does a common sense thing, a new law banning social media accounts for kids under 14 years old, florida governor signing it to law, big tech is threatening to sue . y hear net choice, they have condemned the new law. >> i am probably going to have an opposite opinion on this i feel this is a situation, i want to trust parents, parents should make the decision of what is right for their kids and not. the reason i say this. social media is broad, are you telling me that messenger for kids will be taken away from my kids that are younger than 14, we don't have a land line phone any more, but my kids talk to their friends over facebook messenger for kids, i don't know that i fully
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agree with ron desantis saying government should make this dig. he is the guy that is trust parents, parents should make the decision. elizabeth: condition parents just -- can parents give their kids phones they could text each other, why do they use facebook. >> there is not that option, you could have a phone, other kids don't have the phone, other kids, other families don't give their family phones. so they can call anyone. they have just the apps. you may have a cousin in florida you can no longer talk to if you have another cousin in michigan. elizabeth: why do you need, i don't know why you need a big tech app to took to your -- talk to your friend, maybe we need to climb trees and jump in a lake. >> this is the future of technology. elizabeth: big tech cannot stop their algorithm, they have poured poison to the minds children, i hear you about the messaging part,
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but what they see is social media site, you have talked about it you will always put profits over mental health of teens with s violence content. >> i do not like the fact that kids can congress s -- can access this on their phones. that is why there are parental controls, we're always watching them, but, i just really feel strongly, this is a situation should government make the decision of what my child is allowed to have on the phone or should government trust me. elizabeth: i hear you, i get it florida following states like arkansas and ohio, they require minors to get personal approval for this -- parental approval for this would you agree to that. >> absolutey, most apps that my kids get, they require me to five them approval, often times they will try to get
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something, i am absolutely not, they are not allowed to get it most apps are already in that situation, i understand there is scary content, i think that it falls on parents to be very vigilant. there is always this stuff coming at our kids no matter what, as i can teach them younger to make good choices and we're talking together that falls in h my hands and not ron desantis. elizabeth: i hear you, it is just unfair what is happening to kids, we didn't grow up, tudor dixon you are terrific thank you. >> join us tomorrow night we have senator eric schmitt, ford o'connel and much more, stays on headlines for you, thank you for watching "the evening edit" i am elizabeth macdonald. now time for "the bottom line," take it away. dagen: thank you, emac. elizabeth: sur


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