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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 27, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: a long time since i've heard staying alive by the bee gees. new york city looks hazy this morning. a pleasant day. 10:00 eastern, straight to the money, the rally holds especially on the dow, 317 points, 27 of the dow 30 are in the green. it's a modest rally for the s&p and the nasdaq, straight up, the 10 year treasury yield moving down a little, 4.22%. price of oil, 80 one dollars a barrel, 8109, bitcoin, $70,000, 69-9 to be precise. that's the market on wednesday morning, now this. biden's strategy is clear, keep donald trump in court to the
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election, load up the charges, bend the law a little, drain his finances, vilify him, run on trump the criminal, starting april 15th trump will be tied up in court. his criminal trial requires his presence so four days a week he will be in a manhattan courtroom all day. it could go on for weeks. the biden team want trump off the campaign trail branded a criminal. they may be underestimating the former president, he will have weekends away from the court and knowing his energy, you can expect him to hold multiple rallies in battleground states. you can't confined this guy and when he leaves the courthouse you can expect a campaign speech, can't put a muzzle on donald trump. let's not forget the public's reaction to biden's strategy, he may win some sympathy. if voters believe he's not being treated fairly. biden sets off to campaign around the country and it will be very apparent.
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biden's speeches lack force. 's presentation is week. he's low-energy. there will always be the nagging question, how could an 80 when-year-old president do the job for another four years. trump is not slowing down in court or out, he looks capable of being the president for another four years. second hour of varney just getting started. listen to this. guy benson on the other side of the screen. hold on, listen to this, karine jean-pierre conduct during interview with a radio host after the host asked if biden has dementia. >> when i told a number of people i was talking to you, they all said will you please just ask her, does the president have dementia.
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before i move on from it, 30? >> i can't even believe you are asking me this question. >> you know people will ask it. >> you are taking us down this rabbit hole. >> how does mr. biden win votes when people don't have as much disposable in. 's but >> the tailspin of the last administration, what donald trump left us with, costs have gone down because of what this president has been able to do and they end with that, have an amazing day. >> wow, wow. neil: guy benson. asking about the president's mental condition is out of bounds at the white house, is that right? >> seems that way. can i just say when she claimed prices are down on groceries, that's not true. prices are still up. that a lie. the question, not sure how she
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is supposed to react to that, she's not going to say yes, he does, the physician has not claimed that he has that condition. he couched it, people have been asking me to ask you this and if she were may be quicker on her feet, unfortunately for her, communication is not her forte, she could have more deftly handles it. if you played the full exchange, she was grasping for the phrase i'm not going to dignify that question with a response, couldn't remember the word. you have a lot of stuttering and she was flustered. i don't think that's a great question to ask even though it's on many americans minds, she's not going to make big news on that certainly but they moved on to a more pertinent topic perhaps on inflation and she told a whopper and have a great day and hung up, not sure that's a tremendous performance by the press secretary in an interview on a big radio
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station in a state the campaign is trying to target, a swing state that is often decided recently by just a few points. stuart: i want to get back to april 15th and the start of the criminal trial in new york where donald trump has to be in attendance, four days a week, going on weeks at a time. the strategy of the biden team seems to be get him in court and keep him quiet. i don't think it's going to work, do you? >> i would love to know whether they are happy or unhappy about often brag going after these charges and filing this case against trump because most legal observers, i'm not one of them. i'm not an attorney, won't play one on tv but i read a lot of smart people, jonathan turley and people on the left% of the cases against trump this one might be the weakest, the biggest one legally they are trying against him, for this to
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be the first case brought against donald trump in the first trial against trump with the weakest set of facts, you suggested this in your monologue, might go to his benefit of people look at this and say the feds passed on this, other jurisdictions past on it because they didn't want to go to trial in this left-wing da decided to bootstrap the thing into a sitting case against trump, it could help trump on the flipside, he will be tied up in court day after day after day and the jury is going to be disposed to hate him so a conviction is in the offing. that could help biden. stuart: politics has come to this. thanks for being with us, always appreciate it, see you again soon. more problems could be on the way for tiktok. what new issues are they facing now. lauren: politicos reporting the
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ftc is likely to probe tiktok over its data security practices. it would be in coordination with the department of justice and could result in a civil lawsuit or settlement. this is unrelated to the house bill forcing the sale of tiktok. while unrelated it no doubt lends fuel to that fire that whatever the ftc finds it is a security violation. stuart: what a tangled web we weave. to the markets please, doubts of 270 points but the nasdaq is turned south, that's a split market, luke lloyd with me now. i want to talk about dj g, donald trump's media company, it is up another 8% today, up 60% yesterday. are people buying it because they want to support trump or because they think that company will be worth something in november?
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>> heavenly the latter. they are buying it to support donald trump. i had a couple clients myself call me up and say i want to buy dj t, my portfolio, quick conversation how much that was, not a lot of money but enough to feel they are supporting him. with game stop and amc bailed out bankrupt companies, this is the same thing not from a bankruptcy standpoint but a political standpoint this is a new way for politicians to raise capital, after $450 million, trump has an extra $3 billion to spend on his campaign. lauren: of the stock trades above a certain point for an extended time does that mean donald trump could get more shares? >> it is 60%, that's not going
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to increase. he has a 6-month lockup but say he values the market to $30 billion market, he has $15 billion, to do whatever else you wants. this is the power of the financial markets, the capitalist system. our financial markets are so liquid it allows politicians to finance their campaigns through that. stuart: it's interesting, brand-new. essentially buying dj t is a bet on the election, placing a bet. if trump loses in november that stock is not going to be worth that much. >> in september, it's going to unload his shares. that's why investors should not expect to make money. this is not a way to make money, this is way to put your foot in the door and say i support donald trump and i like
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what he's doing and i think he's going to change the world and this is my way to get involved. stuart: welcome back, good to see you and see you soon. look at the movers, disney is moving again up. lauren: ubs is raise their price target from one hundred 22-one hundred 40, stock is up 33% this year. ubs thinks disney will have $14 billion in cash flow by 2026, and investments bringing streaming. stuart: it's, long way in a past few weeks, in the 90s. three or four weeks, nice game. carnival cruise lines, why are they down? lauren: they are warning of a hit from the baltimore bridge collapse of up to $10 million, separately they did reporter earnings, they raise their forecast saying really strong demand, reporting a quarterly loss of $200 million but when
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warning that we are going to take a potential $10 million hit because what's going on in baltimore, rerouting and the like, that's an issue for investors. stuart: carnival cruise lines, interesting. dollar tree, what is this about selling items? >> they plan to sell 300 items for up to $7 and eventually increase that to $10 because they are taking advantage of rich people who shop there. if you are going to the dollar store and buying anything above $5, come on. would you spend $7 on one thing at the dollar store? i would spend money on gas and drive. stuart: thank you. anti-israel protesters shouted at president biden during a campaign event after benjamin netanyahu pulled the plug on allocation to washington. peter doocy will have the story from the white house. isis taking response ability for the terror attack in moscow.
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former centcom director says this is just the beginning of more isis attacks, joe will be here next. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities.
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stuart: president biden was heckled by pro-palestinian protesters in north carolina. all right, peter, what happened? >> reporter: benjamin netanyahu ordered his officials to cancel planned meeting at the white house because the us abstained from voting on a un resolution
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that called for an immediate cease-fire. netanyahu warned them to vetoes that but just because the meeting is called off doesn't mean netanyahu people and biden people are not talking. >> important that they are having this meeting. those conversations are happening daily with our counterparts. >> reporter: white house officials say they are gravely concerned about planned israeli operation into the rafah where more than a million displaced palestinians are at the moment and white house officials continuing to hear it from young people mad that president biden continues to act in his relapse effort. >> president biden: everybody disarms something fair. [shouting]
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>> president biden: be patient with them. they have a point. we need to get a lot more care into rafah. >> reporter: a majority of americans are objecting to israel's operations in gaza. this represents a shift by president biden, he's not trying to talk of these protesters matter disposition, he saying i agree with them. stuart: thank you, peter doocy at the white house. let's get to the deadly isis k terror attack, one hundred 30 people in moscow over the weekend to a retired us army colonel joe, you were the former director, you are the former director of centcom. very important position. did you see this attack coming?
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>> last year us central command where i serve as communications director, we inform the senate armed services committee in early 2024, isis k, the external facing arm of isis would have the ability to attack inside europe and we saw this attack inside europe and eastern europe and that by the end of 2024 isis k would have the ability to attack inside the united states and so years, the intelligence community did see this. moscow was warned two weeks prior to this attack, the intelligence community did see this coming. stuart: in your opinion will isis attack inside america, from what you know is an attack likely here? >> isis has global aspirations, you know that. isis would like a spectacular check. i think there i is on paris.
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look at their social media yesterday, their social media purported an attack on paris. we got the olympic games this summer, that would be a big target on the global stage, global audience but isis k, they want to attack inside the united states, our intelligence community, customs and border protection, department homeland security, national security council all taking this very seriously. stuart: but we don't know who crosses the southern border, do we? 6000 got aways, don't know who they are, presumably some are members of isis. >> you are really honing in on it. that is the softest point of entry, the weakest point and so that is where we believe isis k would enter was once they enter
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they have to galvanize and organize but it wouldn't be that complicated. you wouldn't need that many members, you wouldn't need that much weaponry for an attack inside the homeland but our intelligence community is taking it very seriously. stuart: but question from your knowledge of what's going on here do you think russia is winning the war in ukraine? >> yes. this is a moment where russia can throw mass at this problem until ukraine breaks. ukraine, they are consolidating ammunition, trying to galvanize conscripts, they are fighting with older troops now, russia now has every advantage two years into this, they have the advantage of size and speed and they can continue to push on this and throw mass at this problem until ukraine breaks. stuart: got it.
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thanks very much, appreciate. enjoy hearing your inside knowledge. the administration hurt ukraine by highlighting the war in israel. did ukraine get lost in the shuffle? ashley: yeah. analysis shows president biden shifted his public remarks away from ukraine towards the final months of 2023, it is a critical moment in that war. according to politico, officials began to sound the alarm about western aid slowing down, it hinged on support from the us and other allies. biden's comments about ukraine have picked up since then but key of wants more action, the white house insisting biden's
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attention has not wavered on ukraine and that remains a top priority but research shows after the october 7th thomas attack biden has mentioned israel twice as much as ukraine. stuart: several women in new york city say they have been randomly punched in the face by strangers, the assault happened in broad daylight. we have that story. less than a week on the job, ronna mcdaniel is out at nbc. this highlights left's cancel culture, that report is next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: on the markets this morning a split picture, the dow is up 233 points but the nasdaq is down, lost a lot of ground this morning, it opened 100 points higher in the nasdaq is down. check out big tech, apple is up, amazon is up, microsoft,
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alphabet and meta are down. let's have a look at nvidia because i believe that's sharply lower. that could account for some of the nasdaq -- lauren: it's down for the second day. a couple things to remember, it's a holiday shortened week, good friday is a holiday, you also get the inflation data that day and the market to respond to it. a little bit of a weird feeling as we finish up this week. nvidia down two days in row, they unveiled a couple days ago there superpowerful black well ai chips but barons is making an argument that nvidia is losing steam because traders are looking for volatile stocks like dj t, quicker way to make money if you will instead of buying an expensive stock that has come up so much in value. stuart: take it out of that and get into dj t. coin base, are they up or down? they are down?
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lauren: after a federal judge in manhattan says the sec lawsuit against coin base and major crypto platform can move forward, the sec sued in june, saying coin base allowed some tokens to trade that should have been registered. stuart: syntax, i think of them as the uniform people. lauren: they also make office eagleman, they are leading the s&p, 10% gain, they raise their annual forecast on resilient demand, shares are in a record high. maybe this is indicative of the job market. stuart: uniform required. nbc anchors salivating the network's firing of ronna mcdaniel's after four days on the job. how has she responded to her firing? >> reporter: she hasn't responded yet and she's getting a lawyer to sir -- to sue the network, she said she had no
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idea she was getting removed from nbc until she heard about it from the media and this morning she's still not heard from the network officially. she was only working there for a short time after major outrage many msnbc hosts. one of the most vocal, rachel maddow who was pushing hard to drop mcdaniel. >> you wouldn't hire a wiseguy, wouldn't hire a mobster to work in a da's office which i find the decision to put her on the payroll inexplicable. >> reporter: nbc stressed the importance of having a voice like hers on the team but yesterday this demo from nbc universal saying mcdaniel was no longer with the network saying i want to apologize to our team members who felt we let them down.
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this was a collective recommendation by some members of the leadership team, i approve it and take full response ability for it, so many people were mad they had to send a memo internally, mcdaniel was on meet the press talking about her time at the rnc and why was important to reuters and everyone else. watch. >> i think you should trust me. i can't speak to people who don't trust different voices, you should hear from different voices. >> reporter: hear from different voices, that will not be happening on msnbc. a source who knows about the deal says nbc has to pay her after the 2-year contract and she's planning to sue the network, she's talking to a high level lawyer but it comes down to this, that they were -- allowed her to drag her through the mud saying nbc is letting the inmates run the asylum. stuart: that is one way of putting it. nice one. thanks, see you again soon. jason rantz joining me this
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morning. this fuss at nbc seems to be all about silencing trump in that newsroom. of i got it right? >> are one hundred% correct. they have not hidden their agenda. they believe everyone associated with donald trump's administration at his campaign and administration are enemies of democracy, fascists trying to destroy our government and they are using the same talking points over and over again and what is particularly problematic is with ronna mcdaniel the issue is she dared to say there were irregularities in the last election, she's not saying there was widespread fraud that stole the election, she's merely bringing up points that are true, there were some problems in the last election, you can thank covid rules for that. what alarming and that is you start talking about it, i start talking about it, any potential issues, simply saying we want to make sure our elections are
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as secure as possible you're going to be labeled election denier by nbc and have voices on the nbc side start calling you out and trying to get people to stop talking about an issue they don't want us talking about. stuart: it's just not healthy. professionally, journalistically this is not healthy, this is not the way newsrooms ought to be run. >> or one hundred% correct. we are better when we are challenged and have viewpoints challenged. on the conservative, one of 17 in seattle and i'm better off because i'm constantly being challenged by people around me who don't see things the way i do and sometimes i will see a point i wouldn't have otherwise seen in hopefully i'm doing that for them. stuart: president biden may start handing out green cards, 4000 year and they go to migrants, to get when you've got to be in the us for ten years and have relatives who, quote, suffer if they are
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thrown out of the country. i want to know why can't we all work on we have 8 million people in this country illegally, why can't we let them work? they are not going to leave and are not going to be thrown out so why not let them work? why do we have to keep paying all the time? >> that's a valid point but there's the problem that if you allow folks to work you are showing an incentive for people to continue to come here so can't just be let's allow folks to work, it has to come in concert with securing the border, having policies in place that will prevent people from coming here. we are not going to mass deport 15, 20 billion people and i think it can be cruel depending how long they've been living here trying to make a life. at the same time you have to understand there's a reason people are coming here and it's because we make it easy for them to come here and set up a life. they have to go through the right way, the legal way, we have to make sure we are balancing that out.
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stuart: and figure out what we are going to do with the 8 million already here. jason rantz, thanks for being with us, see you soon. this is a disturbing trend. multiple women in new york city have reportedly, reported being randomly punched in the face. you've got this story, are these unprovoked attacks? ashley: yes. apparently as you say several women posted shocking tiktok report about being randomly punched, just walking in new york. watch this. >> i was just walking at a man came up and punched me in the face, it hurts so bad. i just got punched in the face walking home. >> i was looking at my phone and texting and out of nowhere this man came up and hit me in the face. >> goes sorry and punches me.
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ashley: the random attacks may seem similar to the knockout gang where young people encourage each other to randomly sucker punch strangers. nypd confirmed it is investigating these attacks and say it is unclear whether the incidents are connected. ashley: still had democrat senator john fetterman has made some unexpected friends on the other side of the aisle, he sided with republicans on major issues like the border and israel, we have report on that. do you have trouble falling asleep, experts warned lack of sleep could lead to serious health and mental disorders, dock siegel will tell us how much sleep we should be getting, what's good for us? that's next. ♪ ♪
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ashley: democrat senator john fetterman split from his party on issues like the border israel. ozempic teen sat down with the senate. what did he tell you about working with the other side? >> reporter: john fetterman is not the figure people thought he would be, imposing at 6.7, he sat down with me to talk about his struggles with her prescient, his recovery from a stroke and how his political views shocked democrats. >> i'm not a progressive. i've been saying that for years. i am committed to being on the right side on these things, politically it might be less
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popular with the base. >> reporter: fetterman endorsed a strict border security plan beyond what most democrats could support at he backs israel and its war with hamas. fetterman has been outspoken about new jersey democrat bob menendez and his legal problems, but fetterman is also focused on mental health. >> talk about the challenges as you were trying to represent the people of pennsylvania, take on this new job, understanding the senate. that a lot. >> please consider, get help. it is an important conversation we have to have and now we have over 50,000 americans have chosen to take their life, that's epidemic, the highest level ever. >> reporter: fetterman spent several weeks in the hospital suffering depression. he chairs the mental health
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caucus with senator tom tillis. >> a great testament. he recovered from behavioral health issues, member of the u.s. senate, and legislator. i don't think i would vote for him. >> reporter: fetterman describe the dealing with mental health as neither red state nor blue state issue but as an american issue. ashley: thank you. stuart: new research shows lack of sleep could lead to mental and physical problems. big picture. how much sleep does the average person actually need? >> reporter: at least 6 or 7 hours a night. as you get older you need a little less but let me tell you why that number. what happens when the
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melatonin, the brain puts out melatonin to calm things down and you go to sleep. when sleeping the brain is restoring itself. you are going to have almost a vacuum cleaner affect going out of cerebral spinal fluid and cleansing the brain and restoring the brain, hormones reset and the brain resets. we have a problem with 40% of americans saying they have mental health issues and 18% have considered suicide. when you sleep, it decreases that risk, the decision-making improves, creativity improves, happiness improves, decreases depression. all of that means it is part of the regular program i prescribe. exercise, sleep, eating right. stuart: what about people like me who have a body clock that just won't quit? i get up every morning at to:45 every morning, never set an alarm. i always wake up on time, i am never late. is that a problem? >> no. the lack of alarm is terrific.
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that's your body clock working. the only thing i might say is take a brisk stroll out among those trees and go to sleep a little earlier. that is all. i wouldn't try to get up later. i would go to sleep a little earlier. it's better without the alarm. the alarm jars you out of deep rem sleep. stuart: my body clock jars me awake every time. fasting for certain hours of the day is linked to higher risk of heart-related death. sounds extreme to me. >> the american heart association put out something on this, 90% increase of sudden death for heart disease over 8 years looking at 20,000 people but this was severe intermittent fasting, we are talking 8 hours, the rest of the day the other 16 you don't touch a thing, that is severe and causes stress on the body
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but it is observation meaning could be those fanatics that shows that group may have an underlying tendency toward heart disease. it's not proof but i want to use it as a wake-up call, you don't have to be that severe. stop eating after 6:00, 7:00 at night, i'm for that but the idea of an 8 hour window is too powerful. stuart: cold therapy technique, that's a popular trend, ice baths may reduce inflammation but there's not enough evidence. what does cold therapy do for you? >> shocked the heck out of you. that study was a great journal of it concluded one thing i'm following which is it decreases inflammation. information leads to all kinds of disease and is bad for you and interrupt thinking processes. inflammation is good to reduce. but cold immersion is a shock
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to the system, your immersing in cold water, you could have a heart attack you can have other health issues. you need to be in perfect shape to be doing that which i like cold water immersion and relaxation but i don't like the idea of people with underlying health problems using this technique. stuart: count me out. thank you for joining us. >> great to see you. stuart: seltzer as in club soda could be hurting your gut health. i live in club soda. lauren: some experts say carbonation could cause bloating and exacerbate gerd system. listen to your body. when you drink seltzer, the opposite could help. it could help with bloating and other symptoms. stuart: this is becoming the good advice health show.
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i object to that. lauren: don't come to me for medical advice. stuart: this is more dangerous story and ringside producing story, the remaining bob is coming for your debit cards, atm skimmers and grocery stores, stealing your money. we have details on that in the next hour. the american tip industry has lost 10,000 jobs in the last 10 months. we will deal with it next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: the timber industry has lost 10,000 jobs in the last 15 months. the director of the american council joined me now. thought, why is the timber business in decline? does the government have something to do with it? >> thank you very much, mr. varney.
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recognize you get it, you run 11 acre -- you have a unique perspective and we appreciate that. it's a combination of things. government policy regulations, restrictions and that type of thing and as an example, upgraded from threatened to endangered, another tool for the environmentalists to use in their arsenal to challenge timber management. the house and the senate in bipartisan fashion voted to rescind the uplifting but this administration vetoed that rescission of the north and long eared bat protections. a lot of other things going on with the policy and rules within this administration challenging the timber industry. stuart: the environmentalists
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who are challenging your industry. >> in many ways it is. the most recent lawsuit filed last week by the environmentalists challenging the us forest service and one of the plaintiffs is the john mayer project. it is ironic because john mere worked in a sawmill early in his career so he understood balance of forest management and environmental protection. stuart: you are going to dc in april to bring your message to congress. what do you want the government to do? >> quite a few things they could do. we will be there in three weeks and our office is across the street from the white house not far from capitol hill. we invited the administration and congress to call us, have lobbyists from across the country, there's a lot of things they could do, a lot of things they shouldn't do.
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some things they are doing now are expanding protections from old growth to include mature timber, you have to have mature timber. that logic would support the fact that you have to protect seedlings and young trees. there's a lot of things that could be done. stuart: i'm sorry, i have to jump in here, flat out of time but we wish you well in april. go to battle for us would you please? thank you. still ahead, martha maccallum on firing ronna mcdaniel. christian wyden on america's ceos meeting with xi jinping in beijing. jonathan morris on why church attendance is declining. the 11:00 hour is next.
10:57 am
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