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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 28, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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morning. thanks very much for joining us. i hope you are having a great thursday morning. i am maria bartiromo. thursday, march 28. it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast time for hot topic of the hour former president barack obama and bill clinton to take stadium ad radio city music hall with joe biden for major you fund-raising in new york city, oeb fares biden loss to trump writing president biden making regular calls to former president barack obama to talk about family mr. obama is making calls to his own -- his own to jeffrey, the white house chief of staff to top aides at biden
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campaign strategize i spoke asking about any plans to campaign in new york city here is what he said. >> he going to do rally in south bronx i think one maybe at madison square garden too i think we have a chance new york changed a lot last two years me of might having all over the street living on madison avenue i mean, it is nothingo nobody can believer what happened to new york people are new york are angry people that would have never voted for me because i am a republican the democrats -- i think going to vote for me i think giving new york a heavy shot they are very unhappy in new york what is happening in happy with the crime take a look at the crime in new york record levels. >> karoline that was february president trump told me he wanted to make a big deal at madison square garden now you see joe biden going to radio city music hal.
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>> taking a page out of the book if migrant crisis persists boroughs can urn turn red if obama is there to reas you say kate the pain you know vulnerable never a bromance also a. >> never for gay biden for 2016 reported troubled marriage hillary clinton was third party are a testament to the dem's will ability to consolidate double down. >> it took a long time before he no, sired endorsed joe biden obama not stupid knows what is going on trump beating biden by largest margin fox knew polls finding a majority voters want to see trump and biden debate a very important to see debate 35% say somewhat
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important not important at all, joe. >> i think best thing for president trump to do is sit back watch joe biden dig his own grave, proverbially speaking, of course, every time in front of a microphone whether trying to convince american people, he still has vigor he makes gaffes that let you know he should be nowhere near a 1600 pennsylvania avenue look i think you look at bill clinton his slogan for reelection building a bridge to 21st century go to barack obama slogan reflex it was forward i don't know what slogan is? neutral? i am not the guy but i am not the other guy. >> crazy. maria: what do you think -- >> we're talking about most powerful position in the world, and i mean american. maria: it was. >> american voters deserve to see the quality of the candidates deserve to see
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whether or not president biden has the mental fortude for four years hasn't done of much for last three if easy mandates why not a debate mandate on something has the ability to impact our country, but literally, being tee entire world, that is how important it is. the reason, president biden is bringing obama and clinton with him to fund-raising event because, just like he can't get onstage and debate for an hour, he inspire confidence for an hour needs oxygens. >> right now trump is beating biden by 5 points, this is the largest lead the trump has had over biden, in these fox news national polls, the worst part for joe biden is the fact that you look at where you are today, and it is -- remote
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people there are in worse place than 2020. >> you look at all kind of subcategories of voters young are voters 2020, only 10% voted for trump looking like 43%, of them support trump now look at black vote trump gaining ground there look at hispanic vote trump gaining ground there average american is worse off today than pre-biden. i hate to look at different categories you what biden administration wants to us do to divide and coming questioner but important groups can swing an election, we're seeing increasing support from black and hispanics. >> i think there was always this thing about obama coalition, keep it together that coalition was fractured four years ago the only thing kept it together were covid voting laws democrats shoved down our throats, 70% approaching now people saying not likeing the job he is doing ever subcategory if you
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care about the economy, it is not working if you care about environment the prohibitions on exporting of new natural gas at a time the world needs american natural gas more than ever before, so those are issues that all the voters no matter what they care about, are seeing, every day with this administration. >> a face on it tonight radio city hall talents expected just getting started a quick break tennessee senator marsha blackburn is here tiktok bill border crisis and more. don't miss that. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ ♪ forever ♪ together, together ♪ ♪
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(♪) (♪) (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. migrant influencer using tiktok to teach illegal
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migrants how to take vans of u.s. squatting laws to skwaet in people's homes takes over reportedly on the run from immigration authorities this morning, tiktok finally suspended his account only after millions viewed his videos, new poll finds 51% voters support the house bill that forces chinese company bytedance to sell tiktokor face ban in the united states, joining me now he tennessee senator marsha blackburn member senate judiciary congress veterans affairs committees when will senate vote on the tiktok bill. >> maria, my hope that is we will take it up soon, senator blumenthal and i have written director haines said release the classified material from the briefing we had so that the american people will know how intrusive how invasive, dangerous tiktok is, they scoop up your data, and hold
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that data in beijing, build a virtual view follow every key stroke you have on iflt phones when you have tiktok app on your phone, so it is so important that we have people realize that this is propaganda spyware, if anybody has any doubt look at how quickly they weaponized tiktok when the house vote is coming up. maria: i mean does chuck schumer understand the issues? isn't it up to him to bring this to the floor for a debate? >> it is. it is up to him. my hope is that we move forward on this quickly. we should require that they divest moving from bytedance, because american people do not want their data their information held in beijing china, right now that is what is happening zwrus i want to ask you about trip you got back from eagle pass, texas, you were at the border i want
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to ask in a minute first your thoughts on the squatter situation because we just saw governor ron desantis, make it unlawfully for anybody into person's home in florida say it is their home take over that home he made it unlawful full why can't we do that peopler worry about strangers into their homes taking them over as elected official can you do anything about this? >> this is something that is going to have to be done at local and state level but maria, you are exactly right people are quite concerned, about leaving their home going on vacation feeling going to come back have squatters who have moved into their home their yard, their garages their barns we hear about it you know this is not -- a he you see on southern border
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ranchers farmers many that you have talked to i have also, who say they wake up and there are guns illegally in the country kitchen chickens in barnes farm equipment, and it is very difficult to secure their private property. maria: good for ron desantis making it unlawfully we are going to watch this this is outrageous, the person who was putting the videos, on tiktok, is now on the run as i reported, but he was trying to talk to the migrants coming in, through open border you were just in eggl pass texas met with ranchers had homes invaded by illegal immigrants, when i was there one of the ranchers told me she and husband will not even throw trash out without carrying her pistol scared to go on their property because strangers are always there. >> that is exactly right. of course, eagle pass buoys in
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water taifrnz at water's edge fencing razor wires have been able to stem the flow, the private property owners ranchers farmers, maria a greet hope for that of this fields cannot put cattle will into because the fences are constantly cut they go in barn have to carry a pistol going out because there may be illegal aliens in their barn. one rancher told me that they came home for lunch their daughter was doing homeschool during covid, and there were two illegal aliens in the kitchen. and another said they woke up in the night, and there were illegal aliens broken in eating their food in the kitchen. and this is what they are dealing with. they are losing their private property. but that i think goodness for
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texas, stepping up, and whether texas dps, brandan judd border patrol young they are determined they are going to secure that texas border, maria, eagle pass looks a lot different than it did the last time that i was there, in january of '23, because they have said we're going to be spend billions that are necessary the counties are spending millions that are necessary ranchers farmers spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, all in order to secure their property, their counties and the state of texas. maria: who would leave the border wide-open where we don't even know who is on the terrorist watch list whose mot invasion ofs are against america? why? why won't president biden use executive action here? >> do you have any idea. >> i think, it is baffling to
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me when you do not know who is coming into your country, and do you not know their purpose the number one issue with the voters are is the wide-open border the terrorists coming across the people from countries of interest we have given the senate the opportunity to take up the house bill has been over there h.r. 2, a border security bill, there since may of '23, in if recent "minibus" negotiations, voting act very simple maria it is to the court criminal illegal aliens, when they commit a crime, letting local law enforcement apprehend them, requiring ice deport them every single democrat ever single one voted against that. how can you be for allowing
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and then releasing -- giving cashless bail to these illegal aliens who are committing crime after crime. they are very violent people and they need to be deported. maria: the pictures are incredible we were looking at thursday's you know, rush to the border by -- those people from several countries, just extraordinary, obviously, looks like an invasion i want to take you back to new york president trump the attend the awake of nypd officer diller killed at traffic stop in queens by suspected career criminal he had 21 previous arrests including nine felonies white house blaming the daet on gun violence president biden in new york city not going to that funeral attending a fund-raiser with barack obama, bill clinton not expected to attend awake of nypd officer several women in
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new york have come forward on tiktok claiming punched in the face by strangers walking through new york city out of nowhere punches them in the face crime out of control your thoughts. >> yes deed you have mayor adams saying these are bad people doing bad things, to good people, and that they are violent. and, indeed new york city needs to look at what they're doing, as they are releasing these criminals on cashless bail, when of you someone with rap sheet offenses let out in no regard for life or law and order, there comes a time you say maybe this individual needs to be incarcerated, maybe we need to hold them but
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prosecutors d.a.'s that are appointed by george soros cashless bail policies i've got a bill that would that end, we have to look what it is doing to the safety and security of our -- of our nation. and open border, and crime in the communities, top issues, with the american people. they want their family secure community secure they want this nation secure. and i think it is going dominate this year. >> see what policies the three head liners have tonight at radio instead of music hall joe biden barack obama bill clinton what do you think they are going to promise for another four years. they are going to promise a bigger government more government spending 7.3 trillion in one year isn't enough for them, and what you
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are going to get out of them is more power and control for the elite, and less power and control for the people. they are for a government of, by, and for powerful in their book is totally them they are not for a government of by and for the people, i think the people have about had it. >> senator this you we will be watch we preserve your time this morning senator marsha blackburn this morning in tennessee thank you. we'll be right back.. . (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (players) security! grab him! (marci) great student-teacher ratio... (luke) marci! we've got to go! marci! we have got to go!
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she shoots from here? that's kinda my thing. >> future on this final trading day of the first quarter the month dow industrials up 12 nasdaq and s&p 500 down by a fraction. we've had a great first quarter for stocks take a look at markets across the board higher for this first quarter, year-to-date, the s&p 500 set best start to the year since 2019 up better than 10%. in the first quarter dow industrials up 5 1/2% nasdaq up 9 quarter percent first quarter ends today from trading perspective final day of the quarter for trading, tomorrow the markets are closed for the good friday holiday, ahead of easter sunday 10-year yield 4. 3% up almost 4 basis points ahead of final read fourth quarter gdp
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four minutes' time economists expecting growth 4.23% the pc-- out tomorrow joining me macromavens president stephanie pomboy how are you doing tell how would you assess this market throw minutes away in gop expectations for where we're going next several months. good morning. thanks for having me maria. my examinations unchange will unfortunately i still expect a hard landing for the economy i guess the question to me is, why are hasn't it happened already? and frankly i think we've had a recession, in the consumer sector that has been underway quite sometime. and is evident in rising credit card auto lon delinquencies highest rate since last recession also as you and i talked about prior real real sales have gone nowhere two years now, so in other words,, if you deflate
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retail sales by prices you are looking at unit sales have stagnated literally not increased at all for two years, so the strength of the consumer is really inflation illusion not buying more stuff they are paying more for same amount of merchandise the question i think is how long, can the broader economy defy the recession that is going on in the consumer space how long can corporate profits more specifically continue to expand when top-line growth collateral slowing compounding issues rising commodity prices over 81 dollars a barrel this morning shipping costs, the world composite for shipping doubled from december, beforet baltimore port situation. that is not going to help shipping i think corporate sector looking at some tough
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sledding, to say nothing of interest expense massive refinanceing corp great which is great except refinancing at rates most cases basically double what they were paying prior. everything turns on their ability to service debt at higher rates, again, if consumers in recession, profits are going to go down, i think the wherewithal is going to be quite limited. maria: you've said recession is already, underway, but, you know,, we're wondering why we haven't seen more impact i spoke with nancy lazar from piper sandler says not felt true effects of 11 rate hikes from federal reserve last year watch this. >> on average, how long does it take for cycle to impact the economy, on average 10 quarters, not four quarters not even eight quarters on average 10 quarters just right
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now eight quarters moving into timeline where affects others should be having a negative impact. >> couple with over time 82 dollars a barrel you have to believe that between inflation, and the impact of those rate hikes, we will start seeing a slowing down is that what you are expecting? >> absolutely. i mean we have seen a doubling in s&p interest expense last four quarters again now seeing a massive refinancing wave so that is numbers continue to move sharply higher is a mentioned do i believe the rising energy prices will be perhaps biggest thorn in corporate sector side to say nothing of shipping at the same time, you know you've got silent lein background you are seeing real deterioration in corporate credit quality not surprisingly we talked about rise in corporate bankruptcy in february up 118% year-on-year not good sign now
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seeing downgrades, one thing that is -- is worth noting, for example, yesterday, s s&palities owned 85% clo's have to sell that position, that is going to cause you know strainscan that can reverberate through credit chain to watch closely. >> breaking news markets have reversed categorize trading higher no doubt on this gdp number cheryl has. cheryl: it is they knocked it up higher to 3.4%, maria. the expectation in previous read had been 3.2%. fourth quarter gdp, 2023, that is certainly what is moving the markets right now, claims coming in lighter to 10,000 looking for 212 continuing 1.819 million looking for 8.15
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million a tiny bit higher fourth quarter gdp numbers that we're looking at right now that is certainly what is moving the market, then remember tomorrow, a big one tomorrow we've got income spending pce price index tomorrow, 8:30 that can be a market he mover. >> of course tomorrow markets closed still get data tomorrow the bond market today closes 2 pm eastern into good friday easter holidays reaction to numbers? >> i guess the critical question what was the consumption number within that upward revision i know the atlanta fed forecast for the first quarter for pce of 1.9, substantially slower than we saw in terms of the 3% the initial report here. and, again, i think you are seeing clear signs consumer slowing see what unfortunate of michigan says at 10:00, but
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the sentiment numbers have been perfect inverse of real gallon prices, just overlay two together you have a perfect model for what is going to happen with sentiment so rising gasoline prices obviously, will dampen sentiment then one would imagine, slow discretionary spending as a consequence. we will see. maria: we will be watching all that, certainly, you're looking at hire costs pushed up energy certain ships given events of the moment thank you he we appreciate your time this sponsoring stephanie pomboy on this economy and fourth quarter gdp actually better-than-expected, 3.4% versus estimate 3.2% stay with us rite light with more you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. .
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♪ ♪ .maria: welcome back.
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. we have fox news polls this morning find 67% voters disproovr of president biden handling of immigration, in "new york post" interview border patrol union president brandon judd warning biden administration is flying migrants into the country so that, the border doesn't look as out of control as it is he expects an amnesty program in the future to accommodate millions already come into the country on biden's watch since biden took office 2021 post reporting texas authorities charging nine illegal
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migrants, stormed borrowed charges assault damage of property over 2500 dollars texas l.t. governor dan patrick good to see you. thank you so much for being here perfect your racks give your assessment where we are after that pretty much invasion we watched, video of all people from several different countries you know rushing through border into soldiers. border patrol soldiers. >> great to be with you, maria. so i look back on the bill sthat bill 4 that is going to the court process, that i wrote along with senator charles perry end of last year that we believe clearly says the federal government is violating the constitution because article iv section 4 they are required to protect states that are being invadeed you said exactly right i have been saying this probably a decade, we are being invaded slowly, slowly faster than expected faster trump slowed it down now back on warp
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speed. by the way, when president flies people in from other countries, is he did he depositing them in swing states for future this is a political -- a political plan, maria, there is no question about this, you you asked guest earlier why biden do this democrats stand by quietly bite tongue not even pass laken riley bill they want to infiltrate this country with people here illegally all children they have will become automatic citizens will vote all people have come here they hope to give citizenship con take over swing states never lose white house again, god help us, look where we are today. with everything shoving down our throats could never pass congress or never pass senate
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executive orders he continues to cram policies americans disorientate want border security num one take over america will have theit plan he is puppet master the puppet master is beening danger linger on strings. >> the jig is up why would you have an open border if not for that reason in now we know talking about 20 years how about this year next year the new york city city council new york city esconce asking highest court to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections we know laps when consensus takes account of everyone in a certain area if you've got more people not just citizens, people, in a s sanctuary city the consensus will indicate more people that requires a congressional seat, so democrats are benefiting just when you look at what is going on with consensus benefiting from more people in
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century city. >> they are benefiting losing population some blue states so they want to restore that the tragedy is all the people who are dying due to this plan. one thing to have a political agenda, you shouldn't be using it for executive orders, oval office but people are dying, texas, citizens are dying, whether from fentanyl illegal drug, a killer a gang member people are dying in this country the fact president turned his back on caring as i mentioned earlier top of the of the show, he is at you a fund-raiser in new york instead of being at funeral of this police officer it is despicable, disgraceful soldiers killed tall withstand in charge turning back on ill on america since elected trying to jam evs up our
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tailpipe wants boys to playgirl sports doesn't care if jurisdiction or opportunities taken away an open border with hamas members terrorists into this country we know arrested them criminals everywhere absolutely destroying this country piece by piece every day. and only fox news talks about it texas is doing something about it, you know. maria i always say in texas we have to get it right take a stand fight because not another texas to move to we're it we're it. >> the mainstream media will not touch failed policies of the biden administration we know that, here is carolyn. >> i i mean look, new york city official recently testified to the house committee on homeland security all drug cartels organized an investigation infiltrating progressive cities including new york we know that chicago, new york, they are complaining, that overwhelmed by this migrant crisis but
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border states like texas affected first they received disproportionate interact how is texas combating all rinse from our own national government the fact that it doesn't want to put up own restrictions obstacles to keep this at bay untenable situation. , shelby park a great example we had 3,000 to 4,000 people a day under biden regime cake took over park now less than 12 people a day trying to get in through that area, look. we are, being invaded thes constitutional our framers i believe i think courts will decide i think that 6-3 decision a few weeks ago by supreme court is very positive sign, just because you don't have a uniform on doesn't mean you are not invading army how are signing men 19 to 40 coming to this country from all over the world who is getting them there paying for
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it in charge of that. maria: they are overwhelming. >>. >> they are cheflg o invasion we believe that should be constitutional we are doing everything we can spending you four billion dollars in current budget or border security risk men and women at risk in law enforcement national guard on borrowed doing it for texas, first, we're coming it for america. >> what about -- >> l.t. governor circuit court of appeals blocking texas immigration law would have allowed law enforcement to arrest subpoenaed illegal migrants deport them how this is affecting your state? what are you going to do at this point? >> well, we are, look moving forward we are going whatever we need to do like where they came in el paso last week overwhelmed the national guard there we've sealed that off, we are really not paying attention to what biden administration is doing we are doing everything to protect texas laws protected america.
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in terms of sb 4 up and down up and down up and down through court process one court says yes could become lay immediately going through process another says you can't, this is latest decision ongoing many steps yet i knew when i wrote this bill passed i knew would go through the process will end up at steps of the supreme court for final consolidation i believe they will say clearly being invaded everyone in america knows we are being invaded whether in new york or here borrowed in texas. pictures indicate that lt. governor we will we watching your work. >> thank you, in texas we'll be right back. . ♪ nice shot... shot... taker. who programmed you?! i'll see you tomorrow. the future isn't scary, not investing in it is.
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east coast boat beauty hopes won't lead to more inflation across the country. >> i will say you know a lot of disinflation that we've seen, has been a result of the work that the president led to improve suiting out supply klains we see clear relationship between supply chains, inflation this is more localized specialized than 2021. >> insurance lloyd's of london expectancy will lead to billions in claims may be able largest mariner losses in history carnival crews is temporarily moving operation to norfolk virginia bracing for 10-million-dollar loss in income as a result, officials have no timeline as to when shipping channel port of baltimore will be open army core of engineers working on plan to move from the patapsco river the coast guard says crane barges on the way just
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getting the port back open according to a early estimates could cost as much as 50 million dollars. and sadly maria crews here recovered bodies of two construction workers, who were on the bridge at the time that it collapsed, four of them are still missing as cries switch switch from recovery operation to what they call a salvage operation. maria: so sad. that those construction workers fell into the water that way as bridge crumbled, grady trimble with the latest there mark your reaction. mark: super sad situation for all the people involved, i mean for the city not having the bridge in place obviously, but when you look economically this is going to create economic problems we've been talking the insulation reaccelerating supply chain issues logistic issues quite sometime just further complicates all issues. >> oil is already up to 82 dollars a barrel, coal other
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commodities also something to look at, joe. in baltimore the london metal exchange 756 metric tons nickel copper, so more than just oil and more than just some of the, commodities talking about because there is a ripple effect equity. >> i think certainly the regional impact is going to be steeper than global impact, but i think in the broader context looking at the opportunity here to really put america heing innovation to work can we get that bridge back up and running quickly? we've seen ability to do that in california, or pennsylvania when we had these types of crises, i think that is pour of government ultimately to your point you have to think about unintended impacts of this type of shutdown. maria: auto sector the portfolio handles imports exports major aurting makers
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nissan toyota jaguar volvo, bentley lamborghini going up in price as well. >> i hope this doesn't bring with an pandemic déjà vu logisticing disruptions, that drove up cost the used car market was ridiculous, how expensive everything like you said new manufacturing, you know maybe don't buy a car for awhile. maria: we will see, businesses as grady reported trying to move and go to other ports will pick up the slack. so we will see about that this idea that inflation is going to get to 2% target i think goes away with all of this. >> accelerating on month-over-month basis, i think new cars were actually as one of the bright spots in the inflation report where i think down 4% year-over-year, to your point, i mean that is all going back up this is, obviously, a challenge for inflation, i think why you hear joe biden screaming the
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government will pay for it government will pay for it because he is so concerned about people trying to read tea leaves thinking here we go all over again. >> money in infrastructure package. >> the package bab all that money in the sfrir package. >> i wonder does this provide cover of darkness to push ev stuff hard-core, now that, you know, our cars are kind of hanging in the battle baltimore. >> a lot sitting on the lot the plan is just not there. >> would you think would send price down but has not. >> i know. maria: stay with us. we'll be right back. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . spanning over 280,000 acres. three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy fly fishing and america's finest trout stream. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat.
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maria: welcome back. 30 minutes before the opening bell sounds for a thursday. take a look at futures which have turned decidedly mixed. dow up 41 on this, the final trading day of the first quarter. dow up 41, the nasdaq down now 8.a 5, and the s&p 500 unchanged after of the fourth quarter gdp came can out. the economy growing at a rate of 3.4%. that was better than expected. tomorrow we'll get the february pce index. mark, final thoughts here. >> yeah. the market continues to interpret all news as good news whether it's good or bad. you would think a hotter hand expected economy -- than expected economy might cause the fed to act back off rate cut rhetoric. but when you look at the gdp number p our economy grew by $347 billion last quarter, it cost us $834 billion of new debt
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to finance that growth. anybody if can do that -- a monkey could grow the economy if given or $834 billion of debt. maria: that's a great point. caroline, final thoughts. >> it look like the macroeconomic vitals are pretty decent, stock market is still sort of rallying and there's good signs, but it remains to be seen whether that will translate to voter acceptment because i still feel a malaise over this economy x i know a lot of voters do as well. maria: joe, final thoughts. >> look, the transitory inflation is still in transit. we're still struggling here, so, look, the american people know what's going on. wall street's doing well, but their bank account, not so healthy. maria: they're tapping into the 40 401(k) and credit cards. thank you all, great show, great conversation. we appreciate it. and thank you so much for joining us. we will see you again tomorrow. "varney & company" picks it up now. ashley webster in for stu. ashley, take it away. ashley: good morning, maria. good morning, everyone. i'm ashley webster in for st


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