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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 29, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good friday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us, i'm maria bartiromo i hope you're having a good friday. it's friday, march 29, good friday hole day. time for the hot topic of the hour. mike johnson telling chuck schumer the house will send impeachment articles against alejandro mayorkas to the senate on april 10. this as a massive caravan is on the way of at least 2,000 migrants expected to you arrive in el paso in the next few days. thomas, your reaction as another caravan makes its way to texas. >> well, i'm telling all my friends in europe to go and join the care b van. -- caravan.they're not only goit them in, they're going to give
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them green cards and citizenship. can you imagine a more against your job to secure the border, and what he's done, it's open, wide open, not just the southern border, the northern border as well. i think he does deserve to be impeached. i think that's probably going to happen very soon. maria: that's what happens when you come open arms to foreigners, cheryl, and when you say yes, come on over, the border is wide open, we're giving you prepaid cards, giving you healthcare, giving you food p stamps, then people will come. >> why do i have a passport, maria? i'm trying to -- right, because i actually obey the laws of our nation. and other nations, by the way. i think what is so interesting about this whole argument about the border is the fact that even in chicago which we are now learning is actually taking those migrants and moving them out of the parks and giving those parks back to the children
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of chicago, you still have blind cities like new york who are opening up that golden door to the migrants. more are going to come to this city because other cities, not just chicago but also denver, have said we have had it. we can't y you afford this. we don't have a place to put these people. we have taxpayers paying for services that they are not receiving because of the migrants. they say it's enough. who is left holding the bag? new york and los angeles. that's not going to stop. it's a local story. i'm sorry to side track on that, that's a local story more than the border is. maria: it's an important one. immigration and customs enforcement arrested 216 illegal migrants, they had cocaine, fentanyl and heroin convictions in a 12 day operation. those arrested coming from 30 different countries, including mexico el salvador, india, 36 have been deported. another illegal migrant was
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charged for raping a mentally incapacitated 14-year-old girl in alabama. john, the stories keep on happening and the mainstream media just ignore he it. we are seeing serious migrant crime. >> this is horrible. it borders on being criminal to yallow the border to he remain open, to facilitate the transfer of drugs, transportation of drugs into the united states which go ahead and kill young people. imagine how the families of these victims of the fentanyl overdose must feel about this and as you said the mainstream media doesn't want to cover it p. they want to stay away from he it. they're much more interested in what you thought of what happened in the 2020 election. total nonsense. it's sad. maria: it's absolute nonsense. mexican president obrador is speaking out, he says the collapse of the francis scott key bridge in baltimore,
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maryland shows that, quote, migrants go out and do risky jobs at midnight and they do not he deserve to be treated as they are by certain insensitive, irresponsible politicians in the united states. police identified one of two bodies recovered as as a 35-year-old construction worker originally from mexico. the others are from gat guatema, el salvador and honduras. they were asked whether they would offer humanitarian subsidies co to come here and mourn. >> there is humanitarian parole where people are able to come in for a limited period of time for reasons exactly like this and so
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we're continuing to work with those families and we're trying to address all of their needs and we're going to continue to do this. maria: so we'll probably have the families of those people here. cheryl, look, i guess what obrador is trying to say here, okay, but there's a legal way to do it. of course people want to come to america for opportunity. of course they want to come and get jobs and help their families rise. of course. we understand that. but the u.s. is among the most generous countries. we issue 1 million green cards every year so there's a legal way to do it. the problem with coming through the border illegally, we don't know who the good guys are, who the bad guys are. we see the people on the terrorist watch list. >> there are several industries in this country that will and can still benefit from immigrant labor. to your point, do it correctly. as for tom perez, maria, as for
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tom perez, way to spin that in two seconds to make a political point and take a tragedy which we are again looking at on our screennd a turn it into political points for you and for the administration. that's one thing. you mentioned obrador. pot meet kettle. all of a sudden now he cares, maria. now he cares. after that -- i mean, that interview that he gave on 60 minutes last sunday was egregious and disgusting because he basically in spanish, with the translation, said yeah, sure, i'll help the united states with your border product. but here's my handout. pay me. we need millions of dollars here in mexico. yeah, well, the cartels are making billions. maybe you need to talk to them because they've got all the money. maria: yeah. no, that's exactly right. basically, thomas, that sounded like a threat. he said i'll stop it but you need to send us billions every year. >> very much so. and what a different move from the trump era where it was
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they're going to build a wall and mexico is going to pay for it. we had such a different situation now and it's now been kicked back and it shows what happens when you have strong leaders abroad, mexico is standing up because they know that joe biden is not a strong leader, doesn't have the guts to stand up to them and push back on this but i also find his comments very offensive. you know, the only people in this country that are doing the hard working jobs are immigrants. it's not true. if this happened in alabama or many other states, those people would have been americans, they would have been citizens and they would be from people that had been in the country. they're saying the only people fixes the roads or working these jobs are immigrants. it's not true. a lot of americans do that. i think it's offensive to say that. maria: that's a great point. thanks for the claire you at this. obrador called on the u.s. to send $20 billion a year to latin american countries, they want the sanctions lifted on venezuela and an end to the
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cuban embargo and legalize millions of hispanics to worked and lived in the u.s. for at least a decade. those were the demands in the 60 minutes interview. florida congressman around house financial services committee member byron donalds is here, ahead of the football pce index, -- february pce index, reacting to why so many are unhappy with their fina finances. morgan ortagus and kevin o'leary will weigh in on all the top stories of the he day. that's coming up at the top of the hour. you're watching "mornings with maria" on this good friday. stay with us. ♪
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maria: welcome back. we are you waiting on key economic data this morning, the federal reserve's preferred read on inflation is out, the february pce index coming out at 8:30 a.m. eastern. here are the expectation, up three tenths of a percent, up 2.8%, gasoline prices may rise above $4 in the summertime. take a look at the national average right now, at $3.53 a gallon. new fox news polls find 52% say they're financially worse off today compared to four years ago. 26% say they are about the same. a separate fox poll finds 61% of the people asked disapprove of biden's performance on the economy. a full 65% say they disyou approve of his handling of inflation. joining me is florida congressman, byron donalds, a member per of the house oversight and financial services committees and the house freedom caucus. great to see you.
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thank you you for being here. >> good morning, maria. thanks for having me on. maria: give us your reaction to the polls. we're waiting on another inflation indicator this morning with this pce index out in about an hour's time. but we know what inflation has done to people and we know that once again it's elevated even as the fed tries to reel it in. >> this inflation has been awful for the american people, maria. i mean, look, gasoline prices almost up 50% since joe biden took office. food prices up 20%, airline tickets up 31%. the list goes on and on. i was talking to one of my local shop owners, he owns a barbecue shop in southwest florida, he told me last week the price of meat went up 10%. it's making it incredibly difficult for small business owners, middle income americans, working americans, even poor r americans -- if you're wealthy in the country you can deal with inflation. you'll find a way around it.
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for working people in our country it's a k killer, it's because of joe biden and a his reckless spending that he refuses to. maria: the spending continues and the stimulus continues as we speak because the president wants to forgive all of the student loan debt. that in and of itself is stimulus. so i don't think the president recognizes or maybe he does and he's not saying it, that it's actually his policies allowing all of the spending that are stoking inflation. >> he doesn't care. he doesn't care about the impacts of this. he and his administration are trying to buy votes, let's call it exactly what it is. that's what the student loan bailout is. two thirds of the american people didn't go to college. so you're asking two thirds of the american people to pay for the loans of a third and, listen, i had student loans, i went to college. i picked a major that was economically viable so i was able to repay my loans. we have a lot of students who
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went to college, they went and had majors in fields that make it very hard to actually earn money in our economy. that is partly the fault of our colleges and universities. you've got to stop putting kids in these majors when you know they're not going to be able to earn money in the real world. we've got to stop that. but to go and bail everybody out, that's not going to fix the matter, it's only going to make it worse. maria: you make a good point because in terms of buying votes, you know, he wants young people to come out for his re-election and so he's promising the student forgiveness but there's more than that. you've got the new york council asking the highest court there if they can redo laws that would allow illegals to vote. i mean, there are a lot of questions about some of the efforts around the open border and what it means for the census and what it might mean for the upcoming election. what are you doing to ensure a transparent and free election in
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november? >> well, the first thing, i want to be clear on this one, maria, the federal government, we don't get involved in elections, we should not be involved in elections. that's something that states have to do. unfortunately, new new york hast their ever loving mind. i don't know what they're doing. it is up to the states to make sure that illegal aliens don't vote in our elections. if we were in mexico, they wouldn't let us vote. there's no reason to have illegal aliens voting in any election at all. when it comes to the census, i'll tell you that we'll make sure there's no possible way that illegal aliens will be counted for the census because you cannot assign congressional districts based upon just gross population. it has to be about the citizens in those jurisdictions, not just about the people that were let into the jurisdictions because they do not have citizenship in this done you tri, they don't get to vote -- country. they don't get to vote in this
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country. they shouldn't be counted for the purpose of setting congressional districts. maria: a lot of people are complaining that is happening. let me turn to the oversight committee and your investigation. james comer inviting joe biden to testify 3 publicly on the family's business schemes. in a letter comer says impeachment investigators accounted to $24 million from foreign sources that was sent to joe biden, his family or business associates. the i committee identified no legitimate services to merit such lucrative payments. has the committee the heard back from the white house in terms of whether or not joe biden will answer questions on this influence peddling? >> we've not heard back yet from the white house but i will tell you the last hearing we had with tony bobulinski and mr. galanus itit demonstrated that joe biden had conversations with both men, that joe biden wanted to be
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aware of the people doing business with hunter biden and jim biden and wanted to make sure that joe biden had a quote, unquote, plausible deny ability. he has yes, sir he needs to -- o answer. there's thousands of fictitious e-mails from when he was vice president of the united states that the national archives has not released to the oversight committee, we're talking about with fictitious names like robrobertpeters or robin ware te biden was using. we need to sees these e-mails so we can finish our investigation. maria: this is incredible. what's going on with your majority that you're hanging on by a thread, florida congresswoman anna paulina luna joined me yesterday. i asked her why congressman mike gallagher resigned the way he did. you can't even hold a special election to fill the seat before november's election.
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luna suggested more gop resignations could be coming. watch this. >> we had a newsweek article come out with ken buck saying that others would resign and we're hearing potentially two more may resign. we are the only thing standing between whatever's left in the biden administration coming after the american people so i'm making a public call to ask representative gallagher please don't leave at your predicted time, please resign now so we can fill that. maria: what about that, congressman? is he basically saying look, you screwed over kevin mccarthy and now i'm leaving and making sure you don't even have the majority? >> well, look, i haven't talked to mike about this but i'll tell you no matter how he feels about what happened with speaker mccarthy, this is not the solution. all you're going to do is empower the democrats. so personally to mike i would say if you're going to leave, please leave now, don't wait until we can't fill your seat. it don't make a lot of sense for the country or for the house of
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representatives. secondarily, every member makes a decision when they're going to leave. yoi don't know why mike isdoing. my hope is that it's focused on his family, if he's making that decision, but if you're going to leave, give your constituents an opportunity to fill that seat so they can have representation. maria: what did you make of the big party last night with three presidents at radio city you music hall while president trump attended the wake of the fallen hero at the nypd? >> look, presidents fund raise. what was more disgusting was joe biden had nothing to say about the fallen officer in new york city. he was in new york. he could have stopped by as well. but he didn't do it. had nothing to say. karine jean-pierre had nothing to say. i found that to be much more disgusting. at the end of the day, our leadership has to empower law enforcement, not undermine them had and joe biden has undermined law enforcement the entire time he's been president and that's why the country's in the shape
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that it's in. maria: we'll leave it there. congressman. thanks very much, byron donalds this morning in florida. markets are closed today for the good friday holiday but all three major indices showing major gains for the first quarter. s&p 500 up 10% in the first three months of the year, word on wall street panel is coming up with a recap and a look ahead and we're looking at key inflation data coming 0:out this morning, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ every day is a winding road. ♪ i get a little bit closer. ♪ every day is a faded sign. ♪ i get a little bit closer to feeling fine. ♪ ♪ hello, mia.
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it began with momentum for stocks. the dow up 5 and two thirds percent on the quarter, nasdaq up 9.1% for the quarter and s&p 500 higher by 10.1% in the first three months of the year. we are waiting for the fed's preferred read on inflation, the february pce index will be out at 83:00 of a.m. eastern, economists are expecting month over month to be up three tenths of a percent, dennis what do you make of this gain in the market and this weight for inflation, your anticipation? >> it surprises me the strength we've had in the stock market. i've been bullish for one thing, gold, for a long period of time. gold is up much more than the dow is up for the first quarter of the year and i'm much impressed by that fact, very few people are paying attention to the fact that gold has moved as dramatically as it has. i think with the pce coming out today, one three tenths of 1%,
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maybe four at an doesn't hads o. coffee, cocoa and y sugar are up by multiples. grain prices have stopped going down, are starting to go up. so i think that the market should pay attention to the fact that commodity prices are beginning to go from the lower left to upper right and no one seems to be paying much attention to that fact. maria: yeah. whether do you make of it, john? this market has been on fire. we'll get the march jobs report next friday, economists are expecting 198,000 jobs added to the economy for the month, the unemployment rate is expected to hold steady at 3 own 9%. 3 -- 3.9%. how do you see things? what about the rally in stocks? do you think it has legs for the rest of the year. >> >> i don't think it has legs for the rest of the year. what's going to happen is one of two things, one is we're going to have problems with inflation and thus we don't get the fed rate cuts and that will hurt the
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equity market. on the other hand, if the economy slows by enough, so the fed has room to cut rates, well then we'll have some downward revisions of the outlook for corporate earnings and that would be -- it would ad adversey affect stocks. dennis is right on commodity prices. we want to consider what's happening to consumer service price inflation. i don't think that's going to decline much from its current 4% any time soon. this upcoming jobs report, very important. 198,000 new jobs for the month of march to me is too many jobs for a rate cut. we've got to see monthly jobs growth drop to about 150,000 jobs or fewer. we've got to see some slackening of the labor market so we're no longer going to be worried about wage inflation. maria: i know. but look, i mean, you know, the
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inflation numbers are going up and yet the market still is expecting three rate cuts, john. >> well, good luck. i don't know how the thought process is going here. if you look at the consensus forecast from economists, economists are calling for quite a slowing of real gdp growth, going down from maybe 2% the first quarter to something averaging 1 and-a-half percent for the rest of the year. economists are also calling for a dramatic reduction in the average monthly increase in jobs, about 1 130,000 new jobs r month for the rest of the year. that tells me that consumer spending is going to come in short of expectations. maria: yeah. i mean, so far the stimulus was there from the covid spending, dennis, and that's why people were still seeing money and getting monday. so they felt maybe richer than they were but the money is exacted to dry up.
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>> money will indeed dry up. the fact that the fed has begun the process of allowing its balance sheet to mature off and that's going to continue for a long period of time, the fact that the consumers have used -- have spent up their credit crcrcredit cardsaggressively, ig to find that consumers are using credit cards to you buy food. that should be a warning sign to a lot of people. i'm not bullish on the stock market at this point and i'm very concerned about inflation reasserting it self over the course of the next six to 12 months. maria: d dennis, good to see . thank you so much. john, you're with us all morning long. we're grateful. quick break, nicole parker is here with thoughts on president biden and president trump's trips to new york city yesterday. we'll talk about it. then president biden's green energy push slapped down by a texas judge. we'll tell you all about that climate change agenda.
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party candidacy, i believe we need a country that believes everyone has a stake in what we're doing and leadership that tries to bring people together instead of using anger to divide us. he's expressed concern that any candidate on the no labels ticket would help donald trump become president again, something he promises a candidate he would not let happen. well, the biden administration's climate rule has been struck down by texas judge, the rule requires states to measure and report greenhouse gas emissions from any vehicles using the u.s. highway system. the judge writing the rule was unauthorized and remember last december texas attorney general ken paxton said the d.o.t. doesn't have the statutory authority to institute such a rule. staying with energy and vehicles, nine states have plans to ban gas powered car sales by 2035. it's part of an initiative to cut climate warming emissions, the rules were adopted by
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california in 2022. washington, oregon, new york, new jersey, rhode island, massachusetts, delaware, maryland, have gas powered vehicles in their sights, they're coming for them. critics say the plans ignore the cost to consumers and lack of current infrastructure for electric vehicle charging. because electric vehicles are very expensive and apparently nobody seems to be wanting to buy them according to u.s. automakers. maria: there's a bunch of them on lots right now that can't be sold. what a night it was last night, four u.s. presidents were in new york city yesterday, former president donald trump the only one who attended the wake of nypd officer jonathan del hard d who was shot and killed during a traffic stop on monday. the man who allegedly shot him had 21 prior arrests. here's what president trump said yesterday. >> the police are the greatest people we have.
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there's nobody like them. this should never happen. i just visited with a very beautiful wife that now doesn't have her husband. we have to get back to law and order. we have to do a lot of things differently because this is not working. this is happening too often. maria: now president biden has yet to publicly comment on nypd dillard's death but he was just a few miles away from the wake yesterday in a big fund raising party and taping a podcast with former presidents barack obama and bill clinton. joining us now is fox news contributor, former fbi special agent a, nicole parker. thank you for being here. the optics don't look good. president trump at the wake talking with the family, trying to comfort stephanie, his wife, and biden with obama and clinton yacking it up on stage with a late night host and celebrities all around. >> maria, this is an absolute
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slap in the face to officer dillard, to his family and all police officers nationwide. but you know what, frankly it's par for the course. i'm not really shocked by this. and first of all, let me just tell you, the local law enforcement, they are the backbone of our nations' safety and security. look, i was a special agent with the fbi and i'm going to tell you, the fbi is not the backbone of the nation's safety and security. it is the local law enforcement, officers that are working the streets, day in and day out. for an average officer who works maybe 20 to 25 years for their career, they could be responding to approximately 60,000 calls in their career. every single day they are responding to 911 calls, you're not calling 911 because it's your greatest event, you're calling because you're in desperate need of help. you know who shows up to help you? the local law enforcement officer. they deserve our respect.
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it's 60,000 times approximately, let's say, there's an unknown behind that door. there's an unknown at that traffic stop. but they put their lives on the line every single day for complete strangers and we deserve -- they deserve our honor and respect and for the president of the united states to not even acknowledge this officer's death is absolutely despicable and disgusting. maria: i mean, you're talking about local law enforcement versus the fbi. we all used to look at the fbi as the most important law enforcement agency in the world. you walked away from the job. you left the fbi. why? because you said you couldn't take it anymore, it was like two fbis. >> that's right. maria, i joined the fbi because i was a witness to the 9/11 terrorist attacks in new york city and i did want to give back and serve my country one day so i went to apply for the fbi after working on wall street. it was an incredible career. it started off very well. i felt like i was making an impactful difference, working
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violent crime, crimes against children, white collar prime, as time progressed politicization started creeping into the organization and a now it's as if there's two fbis. there's an article that talks about fbi agents internally that are disgusted and they're not happy with what's happening at the fbi. there was a foia request that was submitted that reveals e-mails sent by fbi agents to the ombudsman department, which is the way to provide confidential information to those up in the higher ranks to express to them what they felt and the fbi has a problem because you've got two sets. you've got fbi one which are fbi agents that are just trying to do the right thing, they came to serve their country, want to uphold the constitution, want to be fair and they don't want anything to do with the politics. fbi two on the other hand are those that are coming in and using their law enforcement power to push their political agendas and it's dangerous for our country. and internally, you don't hear about fbi one much. they're just silently holding
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the line. they're doing what they need to do to get the job done but i can tell ttell you, there's a problm inside the organization. the upper level fails to acknowledge it. there are good people trying to do the right thing at the organization. but i agree, right now we need to focus on getting back to the basics, cutting out the politics and a complete reform and overhaul at the fbi. maria: yeah. what a complete shame that you're talking about, that what has occurred at the fbi. i mean, look, we're talking about so many issues that affect all of us, for example, this squatting issue is getting me insane. florida governor ron desantis, the only one who did anything about it. he signed legislation into law this week to eliminate squatters' rights in the state. nicole, you've got people going into people's homes and saying this is my home. i've been here and i'm squatting here, i'm going to change the locks and do everything i can to make sure you don't get back
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into your home. where's the fbi on that? it took ron desantis in florida to say you're done, squaters. how come we're not seeing more of that here? in new york. >> well, because of who your leadership is. i'm a resident of florida. thank goodness. governor ron desantis is phenomenal. i think hum and governor abbott from my home state of texas, they are the best in the nation. and you know what, new york, they're not. they have such a progressive approach to enforcing laws and things of that nature. in florida the hard working individuals, the law abiding citizens, it's your right to live the way you want to live. if you're a landlord, an owner of property, it's your right to be able to do things the way they should be done properly but in new york the squatters have the rights and that's what's wrong in our country right now. it's those that are not keeping the laws that seem to have more rights and are running the country, it's got to end. and i think americans are waking you up to it, maria. i really, truly do.
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and one more point. maria: go ahead. >> one more point. i want to go back real quickly to the funeral. i want to point this out for the record. we had two fbi special agents who were killed on february 2nd of 2021. it was two weeks to the day after president biden took office after the inauguration and do you know who did not show up for the fbi special agent's funerals? it was president biden. he was not present. he was not there. and it was a very loud and clear message to us that he did not care. and that is not appropriate. it is not acceptable of. those were the first two line of duty deaths, adversarial deaths in 13 years at the fbi and the president of the united states was nowhere to be found. i guarantee if president trump had still been in office, he would have been there and he would have supported the law enforcement officers especially on the federal level. so again, i think president biden should have been there for officer dillard's memorial service. he was not. but certainly he should have been there for the federal
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agents' memorial service and he was not. this is par for the course. maria: yeah. cheryl casone jump in here. it feels like everything this administration and the democrats do is about holding onto their grip on power. it's not about the people. >> yeah. absolutely i. i you mean, look at how this president has behaved. nicole reminded me of what we saw with that disaster that was afghanistan. because joe biden whether it was the southern border or afghanistan or any other issue, what we're seeing -- i hate to say this new york bail reform, all of that is because he wants to undo everything donald trump did while in office and look where we are, nicole. by the way, nicole, you reminded me of something. by the way, when biden landed at jfk, he landed at jfk, six miles from the funeral of or the wake, excuse me, of the nypd officer. couldn't the secret service have just, i don't know, a quick
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drive over, just to pay his respects. he was six miles away. i don't know, you tell me. is that possible? >> you i mean, i absolutely believe that you're the president of the united states, you can do what you need to do to get the job done if you want to do it bad enough and that's what it comes down to. frankly, i don't know that he would have been well received at that wake. because law enfor enforcement ks who supports them and who does not support them. you've seen it with de blasio. nypd turned their backs on him. maybe he doesn't want an unwelcomed reception. i don't care if people turn their backs on you, you show up anyway because that's you're job, you're the president of the united states. you're not president of one half of the country. you have to respect and represent everybody and these law enforcement officers, again, puting their lives on the line every day, they he deserve better. our local cops he deserve better. maria: what gets me, they lie about it. they've got their policies that are against america and then after we are clearly seeing that
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those policies fail they try to blame the republicans. look at biden saying the border being open is trump's fault. it's ridiculous. look at the democrats trying to say that it was the republicans trying to defund the police which is absolutely outrageous and not true. we all know that. but they still try to lie to your face anyway and say oh, no that wasn't my idea, that was the republicans. >> americans see through it. they're opening up their eyes. let's see what happens this election. maria: nicole, thank you. thanks for weighing. in nicole parker, former fbi agent. today marks one year since the wall street journal's he evan gerskovich was locked away in a russian prison. we're talking about his story and the efforts to bring him home, next. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on foxings business. stay with usols. the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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maria: welcome back. today marks one year since the wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich was wrongfully detained by russia accused of espionage. russia now extending his detention to june 30th as american officials continue efforts to bring him home. joining me now is the wall street journal's world coverage chief and evan gershkovich's boss at the journal, gore gone flairklow. thank you very much for being here this morning. we appreciate it. we've been praying for evan's
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return. how has this impacted your staff and the journalism community? >> obviously, everyone is incredibly shake shakenned up n disheartened about this. it's a chilling example of hostage diplomacy where russia is taking a captive for a geopolitical gain. that's a big threat for all of us. maria: we saw the last article he wrote about the russian economy and the very next day he was taken. can you share any updates on the efforts to bring him home? have you heard from him? >> so we do hear from evan via his lawyers. he's also a bi big letter writerring, it's remarkable how he's managed to hang onto his sense of humor even a year in russian jail and he still jokes with friends and family. but it's obviously an incredibly tough slog. maria: how has he been treated?
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did he give you a sense -- we don't know if he's able to tell the truth because obviously his letters are being read but what has he said about the arrangements? >> you know, the food's not great. he's in a prison which is sort of famous for holding political prisoners in russia, since communist times, and he is effectively confined to his cell for 23 hours a day. gets an hour of exercise and really has very little contact with the outside world. maria: thomas, jump in here. >> i think it also plays the o the biden administration's priorities. whenthis guy coming up to a yean jail and they're really not doing -- i think they could do a lot more to get him home. maria: what do you want to see done, gordon? >> they're doing i think pretty much everything that they can
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right now. we are right to keep obviously evan's case in the public eye to keep pressure on the administration but also to make it clear to russia that we're not going to just forget what they've done. there have been talks going on. what we hear from the team, there have been talks around an exchange deal which has sort of fallen apart. it's unclear the state of diplomacy but seems that very active measures are continuing. maria: okay. gordon, his parents obviously devastated. i know that the journal interviewed them. what was your take away? >> they are incredibly resilient people. we talk about evan and press freedom and everything he symbolizes. he's also a 32-year-old man
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whose been he deprived of his freedom for a year, has not had contact with his friends, with his family, and that's just -- it's a terrible human tragedy. maria: how did they the come up with an espionage charge? >> i mo mean, it's ludicrous. he was grabbed from the street by the fsb while he was doing his job. maria: thank you very much. we pray for evan and a his safe return. my thanks to thomas, john and cheryl casone. thank you so much. amazing panel this friday morning. we so appreciate it. quick break and then we've got a tale of two trips, president biden holding a star studded ffundraiser in new york city as president trump pays respects to a fallen new york city officer. we're talking about this and all of the big new news stories of the morning with our power panel, morgan ortagus and kevin o'leary will be here after the break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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