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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 29, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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short-term needs. i mean, this is the time where you have to take a breather and make sure you understand what your goals and time frames are. and if you have a short-term cash need need, meaning anything that's coming up in the next 1-3 years, this is a fabulous opportunity to take money off the table and secure it. because who knows what tomorrow brings. kelly: oh, gosh, seriously. that always is timing the market. nancy, i wish i had more time with you today, but i do have to say, go, huskies. i saw you were a u-conn grad, so a great march madness run. thank you so much, nancy. >> thank you. kelly: everyone, have a happy easter. markets back open on monday, and the best in business news will be covering all the business news. that'll do it for "the claman countdown". i'm kelly o'grady. hello and welcome to special
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edition of kudlow, i am david asman and for larry kudlow. inflation taking up osmond ag again, prices rising 2.8% annually .3% the prior month. this was all expected but personal income, important to pocketbooks, missed expectations and oil and gas prices are still up significantly and they weren't in the insulation number which means things are getting tougher for average americans. you will president biden's loudest new york city fundraiser last night with golden $26 million. we are talking about that with north dakota governor doug burgum. edward lawrence is live with all the details of today's economic numbers and political impact as well. >> the reserve chairman today jay powell saying inflation report came in meeting expectations but still too hot to talk about early rate cuts. in the report shows inflation
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rising but when you talk about the personal income you mentioned, missed expectations that rose .3% but the important statistic when you compare the with personal spending .8%, that's the largest increase in 13 months and follow both expectations. it shows people are spending more making less because of higher prices. it may be the reason by 11 points or more registered voters trust former president trump more on foreign policy, immigration and the economy. >> we are a nation in decline. totally fixable but we have to do it fast. the most important day in the history of our country will be number fifth, election day. the most important period of time. >> fox news only showing inflation on the mind of registered voters. it's by far the number one issue that will be extremely important deciding who will get their v
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vote. president biden last night at his fundraiser says this about the election about more than the economy. >> our democracy is taken. i think democracy these to be safe. >> the fundraiser bringing in $36 million former president donald trump says this will boil down to how people feel economically right now as opposed to or years ago under the former president before the pandemic were now they are seeing prices up 18 of the percent since president biden came to office. >> people didn't have a biden record for years ago another do. edward, thank you very much. we will turn out to north dakota governor doug burgum the joins us, thanks for being here. let's talk about the economy, joe biden would rather not talk about it but average americans are still getting screwed by economics, we see that in
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statistics, my take was pce, inflation does not include gas and oil and food which is very important for americans. that's about the same as it was last month but personal income is less than expected so people are making less in real terms. isn't that why by economics is not working? >> absolutely. americans can feel that because they're not watching statistics, the average hard-working american that supports president trump knows that pay more for food and gas and more current. with biden policies, they pay for electricity so they can feel it, they know their life was better under president trump and biden, they donate economists to tell them that and if any of them are lucky enough to have savings, they know their savings are worth 30% less today under joe biden been under president
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trump so of course that's why they trust donald trump and want him as president. >> this pce, or pce inflation index kills me abolished larry kudlow, he has his own index and what the kudlow core to be just be food and energy. i understand why the fed takes the core rate so important that doesn't include what's most important in the american pe people. >> exactly and i love his index, the misery index but the average american working paycheck to paycheck to mark the got to put food on the table and gas and pay rent and electricity and all these things are more expensive under joe biden and lasix expensive under trump. he can make america affordable again. >> biden doesn't seem -- he had this cake extravaganza last
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night at the music hall the pulled into the 6 million so filled his coffers but at the same time the way he announced it was popes, you don't want to join this one talk join us for a grassroots fundraiser. he's dealing with the cheapest seat was $225. the most expensive was 50000, he thinks it's a grassroots fundraiser. he seems out of touch with what average americans deal with. >> completely. then you've got obama telling most of america they were clean to guns and religion and the clintons were saying we are all the portals and joe biden whose policies are bankrupting our country. the three of them together is unbelievable and what is president trump doing the governor of the state and commander of our national guard. i had to attend funerals for
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fallen officers and president trump is at the invitation of the family doing the right thing honoring law enforcement yesterday. >> isn't it ironic joe biden considers himself to be the man of the people, man of the middle class, the union that went all those types of people gravitate more toward trump than they do now after seeing biden as president for four years? >> absolutely because president trump understands and fights for the people in america are working from of the people producing energy and food and building cars and joe biden with this fantasy dream policy, trillions they settlement, it's going to help the environment, we are exporting overseas and enslave ourselves to china and none of these policies make sense and the one coming is self-inflicted, all of these policies the country will not have enough electricity in two years and that will be at joe
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biden's doorstep. >> while this administration is pushing more electric items whether electric cars americans don't like or electric heating as you say, by what he 34 and ten years is expected electricity demand will grow by 80%. we are -- electric grids are overwhelmed by demand, how can we do that if we have a lot more electrical items on the grid? >> the plan is complete fantasy. demand is skyrocketing, areas of our country predict they will need five times as much electricity whether it's for ai, data centers or current manufacturing for chip and more power. other agencies are shutting down american baseload so the biden administration is driving the man up while driving supply down
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not will mean prices going up and reliability going down. those things don't work and even a third grader could tell you you have a shortage of something, the price will go up they create thousands of prices for americans. >> secretary of transportation is not a third-grader but doesn't have a lot of expertise transportation. i have an interview with him in december about ev's and all of these mandates and they want to drive gas powered cars of business by upping the regulations involved but it's not working because americans like it. here's what he had to say. >> i don't know a lot of people who think americans in 2050 are still going to be driving the old technology, combustion technology we inherited. >> americans -- the question i is -- you will not need a lot of people who back after they've gone electric and i think that tells you something.
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>> and a lot of electric car drivers in chicago dealing with old batteries over this harsh winter will not go back to ev so he is wrong on that, isn't he? >> absolutely and that is the same for any northern tier state. these policies and nine states banning the purchase of electric vehicles by 2035. i heard that and it made me want to become a car dealership on the border and the other pieces if you care about the environment, we have like technology, we are doing it in north dakota, we can peak organize if they care about co2, we can take that out of a tank of gas. we can do it with carbon sequestration, it's happening right now so we don't need to switch ev to solve problem, their solution is we buy batteries from china and china controls 85% of rare earth minerals and they tear up the planet without epa to produce
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those batteries so it's not helping the environment, it's hurting american jobs empowering foreign dictators and everything about the plan is backwards. >> the grassroots of america understand that no matter how much the president would like to put himself out there is a representative. leave it at that, thank you for joining us. coming up on fox news embeds with an elite team of ice deportation officers but they are not getting help from sanctuary city officials whose actions have been letting child rapist and gang members roam the streets freely. are we close to an end to the century city madness? attorney general chris goldbach is here to awaken ♪ ♪
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everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis.
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i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. her uncle's unhappy. i move so much better because of cosentyx. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis.
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i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. fox news embedded lucidly with an elite team in boston were officers arrested five illegal migrants this yesterday. all the suspects were previously arrested on phonies but later free because of the sanctuary policies. bill melugin live in boston with the story. these are beyond bad dudes, the crimes they are accused of our
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monsters, nothing less. >> really bad. we watched ice takedown for alleged child rapist and violent ms 13 gang member in a single morning out here. although spasm the streets because local jurisdictions did not on other detainer request to hold them in custody as a result of sanctuary policies here in massachusetts. >> any question? >> the predawn hours in boston and this baby team of ice officers briefing on their target list for the day. [sirens] illegal aliens charged with egregious crimes. all targets today, everyone of them is an aggravated common law so these are the cases that are the worst of the worst. >> ice takes on its first target, illegal alien from guatemala charged with aggravated child rate.
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minutes later, ice arrests a columbia national charged with rape of a child about age 14. >> , have enough officers for resources to tackle every one of these threats. are we going after the child rapist or the two-time border fentanyl steel? we can't get both. the mark next arrest, combative ms 13 gang member from el salvador charged with a slew of violent crimes. >> [bleep] [bleep] >> officers arrested this brazilian man charged with five counts of aggravated rape of a child. >> are you not notified about a child rapist released? >> in massachusetts, that's how it is the sanctuary jurisdictions. >> a short time later, ice took down the middle target, brazilian gang member first with child rape.
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>> this morning today, or accused child rapist and one ms 13 gang member, those of the people you're going after. >> that's everyday. a great day for the team, five public safety threats out of the community that can't victimize anybody else. >> and trade policies are putting up risk not just the public but officers. the policies only protect dangerous criminal aliens. for the guys they arrested yesterday, isaac tells us they are we to stay in ice custody until local charges are resolved and then ice will be for all of them. >> has the city of boston, those behind the century city that allowed creeps to roam the streets, have they shown any interest in changing the policy articulate the light of your report? >> no, zero. the governor of massachusetts, saint tri-state said the other day she was questioned about the
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haitian man arrested for raping 815-year-old girl inside of master to shift migrant hotel. the governor was asked and she essentially said we have betting and security but unfortunately things happen time to time. >> yeah like kids get raped by criminals that we knew about, we couldn't get because same tri-cities. the reporting as usual, this is particularly important. great stuff. for more, let's bring in gaza city attorney general chris, thank you for being here. you talk about the insanity of the idea of the sanctuary city, nothing has brought it home like this, century city policies were allowing child rapist, not just one or two but a slew of child rapist who have common illegally from all over to get away, their crimes may not have been committed. >> that's exactly right.
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it violations of law by the government on multiple levels, the federal government does not enforce the law when they were supposed to detain them in the local governments are violating federal law when they have sanctuary policies illegal since 1996 so you have the federal government failing to enforce the law and local government. >> we now have a new caravan, remember the caravans, a new one from southern mexico all the way down the south of mexico. coming up, there are no signs the federal government is going to take more action. will texas be allowed to use its own restraint with this law pending? the supreme court allowed them to stay, the removal of the law but will texas be able to hold them back? >> the state of kansas according to the state of texas in this litigation as are a number of other states, they have the right to do so.
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as texas points out and there legal briefing, they wouldn't have joined the union doing settlement they could no longer control their own so the state have the interest. the reason the caravans are coming because the messages sent you are going to walk through the biden administration will not stop you, work with border patrol to stand on in multiple ways. what does it change the behavior is when you have the government sending a message to someone president trump came in, he changed everything and said we are enforcing the law and caravans the massive flows stopped. if texas conveys the message that we will stop you from coming across our border, they probably won't stop the caravans but will send caravan to a different border like new mexico or california or arizona remark we had the border czar doubling as vice president of the united states, there was a time when people were throwing your name somebody to be a border czar during first trump
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administration. if you work order stock, had got knows what powers she actually has but if you had the power to deal with immigration and dhs and others, what would you do? >> a number of things. first of all, reinstate remain a mexico policy of the trump administration and that wasn't invented by the trump administration, they were just the first administration to follow the law, is invented by congress in 1996, the law says if you come across over the border from one of the two adjacent countries, you must either be detained, held in custody or sent back to the neighboring country you walk through so reinstate that. second, start rebuilding the wall, we have a lot more thousand miles of national border that still needs walls fortified and that's a huge multiplier. third, take the handcuffs off ice and border patrol, the
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president issued a number of policies in 2021 that prevent them from doing their job forbidden from reporting people and they have committed the most heinous crimes and all the other illegal aliens who are also terminals, many of them they are given a free pass so those are the three things i would do right away. >> on it quickly, we are running out of time but we want to switch to continuing student loan bailout despite the fact that supreme court nebraska case told him they couldn't do that, it's too much money you have to go to congress get that kind of money, tens of billions leading into hundreds of billions of dollars for bailouts, you have a lawsuit you filed, explained that briefly. >> kansas and ten other states filed a lawsuit in district court yesterday basically saying the supreme court ruled on this already, the same arguments apply that apply to the first
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version of the biden to loan bailout also applied to the second version, that was for 30 billion and this one looks like it will be 200 billion, only congress has the authority to do this and what the president is doing is extremely brazen, flying in the face of the supreme court. >> he's breaking the law, that's the way our legal system works on the supreme court makes a decision you got to stand by it otherwise you're breaking the law. i'm sorry to cut you off but we got to leave it because we've run out of time to thank you. best of luck with that lawsuit, very important. the thank you. still ahead, donald trump attends the wake of a fallen nypd officer while biden campaigns to make donors at radio city. so much for the grassroots campaign. charlie hurt and to roy murdock to discuss all of this endocrine milestone marking one year "wall street journal" reporter kevin
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one year on, today marks 65 days since 32-year-old "wall street journal" reporter kevin gerstner just was detained russia. alex hogan has more on this. >> a bitter milestone, the family of evan b out saying he is in good spirits despite the fact that he's been kind first so long. one of his friends talked to fox about difficult it is to see after 12 months this is where the case stands. >> it's hard to say we made any
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progress in the last year getting released, i think of going worse. >> 32-year-old "wall street journal" reporter was arrested this time last year while on a work trip in russia taken into custody and accused of being a spy despite the fact that russia has yet to provide any evidence. the u.s. denied accusation today president biden released a statement saying evan went to russia to do his job as a reporter risking his safety to shine the light of russia's aggression against ukraine. shortly after his in just illegal detention he drafted a letter to his family from prison writing, i'm not losing hope. on top of 12 months behind bars, still no trial date and site and this week the court accepted his sentence by another three months. moscow again holding onto him
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without a trial or president biden reiterating his message saying he's done everything he can and the u.s. will not give up. >> thank you very much. or more, one approach former trump, or hostage negotiator. he still not had a trial. even jesus had a trial, today is the anniversary. what is putin holding out for? he clearly want something exchange or evan. >> these hostage situation are part, easter focus trip christmas weekend, they are missed by these hostages and paying the price for american weakness. there's no penalty for taking hostages, china, iran and ru russia, they know they can profit and ransom six billing dollars for three hostages last
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year. they can get prisoner exchanges brittney griner so there's no penalty for these countries is tremendous but the people who pay the price, they are held and come away from the families during these difficult days. >> the genie is out of the bottle and can't get back in. >> we can in the way for example, the adversaries are playing a different set of rules so we have chinese agent and military bases test security and private basis. we give them a slap on the wr wrist. we need to arrest them and the criminals to get criminals. the act civilized and don't engage.
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they continue to attack our country and this is an attack on americans it's on america and they can get away with it; to switch to another area where we have shown weakness recently, israel continued battle with hamas, a disturbing quote that came out from the head of the joint chiefs of staff, charles brown, the general. he said although we have been running them with capability, they've not received everything they've asked for. some is because the cost for the either don't have the capacity to provide or are not willing to provide mark not right now why would we not be willing to provide israel with the means of defeating hamas? >> the democrat party once the party -- [silence]
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>> we've lost robert o'brien, apologies to him on that. we want to bring in our panel, maybe they can finish the answer to that question. charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor and fox news contributor, the roy carter senior fellow at the american spectator in the daily calling. i apologize to robert o'brien, otto what happened with his speed. how would you answer that question and what is going on with israeli policy, we are not giving them the stuff we are supposed to get them right now. >> this applies here where the united states projects weakness around the world, we get taken advantage. in particular when you talk about hostages or anything else, war or anything, remarkable what happened in israel weeks after
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state aid billions of dollars for hostages from iran. iran proxies went and collected more hostages and that's how it works. >> open pandora's box. one other thing robert o'brien i was going to ask him, i know he's concerned about this, the administration focusing on apple as a monopolize or in regards to smart phones. while way by the way, for some reason this administration wants to provide support for chinese company directly related to the chinese communist party, revenues are increasing dramatically and so is market share. this attack on apple accusing them of monopolistic techniques and the way they sell smart phones is supporting china. what is up with that? >> i was in paris when o'brien announced the trump administration going after
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weiway to weaken them and set them on their back heels. i've known him since he was in high school, many years. under the trump administration, weiway on the back burner if you will and that we see the other way, let's be good to weiway a double game with biden saying he might sign the bill to limit tik tok is putting out messages. >> about to ask the key question, is the biden administration compromised? the only relationship of chinese companies with the biden family but also history of secretary clinton with china group involved with the pen center. all kinds of ways in which it could be compromised. >> i think best case scenario is think of them the benefit of the doubt when they shouldn't worst case is the chinese have something of the biden administration and they do what the chinese welcome to do. >> let us stick with biden and fundraiser which by the way : 26
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million. i'm told the largest single fundraising event ever seen in a presidential event could be eclipsed, trump is going to have his own fundraiser in florida, it could be trouble for that. in advertisement put out, he called this a grassroots fundraiser. what is grassroots about $50000 seat? >> $100,000 for a picture with biden and bill clinton and barack obama. >> he called it grassroots. >> it is interesting because obviously you want to attack your opponent by going after his strength trying to undo strengths but the problem is when the biden campaign tries to do that, it has to pass the sniff test and this does not pass that. they did this thing attacking, playing golf with trump if i
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could force him to carry his own clubs as if biden is somehow a man of the people and donald trump is not. >> by the way, as if biden could carry anything. he had to be carried into meeting by president obama and clinton. >> unbelievable. >> then you have the contrast president trump at this wait for the police officer, trump is a billionaire and has a lot of money, you will have rich fundraisers as well but there's something about him that is more grassroots, he does connect more with the grassroots cops, the people on the street, the builders, folks in michigan and etc. i want to lay a soundbite of what donald trump said about this and why biden was reluctant to go to the weight where he may not have gotten but role that tape. >> i think politically he can
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support the police, i think is also making a mistake but i think politically is based won't let him support the police and i support the police. they didn't even call the family. you have to be a rocket scientist to know even a call would be perhaps -- >> has he painted himself in a left-wing order with all of his appeals to the left side base of the democratic party? >> biden very much has done that, grassroots event, grassroots in the putting green maybe, something like that but he is very much in the left but i don't think he's painted in the corner, he's been there all along. his lifetime american rating is zero most liberal, 13%. he spent left-wing all along and was able to gasify people into thinking he was centrist to moderate -- >> the law enforcement law in the 90s during the clinton
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administration a lot of people said made him enemies of the left wing of his party because it was so tough on law enforcement. >> what's interesting is the fact that he is on those issues, to me it's further evidence, he will say whatever he needs to say to get elected. it's about politics to him and i can't believe more difficult for people to swalwell than watching slane new york police officer, watching a wake for an officer which happened as a result, direct result of democrat policies in the city. >> we should mention one of the two gunmen was let out because of new york's new no sailcloth supported by governor hochul just essentially kicked out of the week. she tried to go earlier this afternoon, was told in no
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uncertain terms not to be there, joyce spent ten minutes -- >> fourteen minutes and in a weird way if you believe that, it would almost be other than a guy like joe biden has been back-and-forth on these issues, he doesn't even believe it so people are dying killed living in misery over joe biden, whatever he feels like at some of them up. >> joe biden got into the white house largely because he was the nice guy, caring, little old goat and didn't even call the family, he says i can't gat gather -- >> sends the mayor with a message. make a phone call from america greece for your family, terrible loss and he couldn't do that. a coldhearted man; this last one in here which is kind of off the grid but the fbi is trying to bury the infamous whitey, and
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infamous criminal law context with the fbi, some people say yet more context, they are burying that not releasing it all. there's a picture, he was killed in prison so somebody got him in prison. i'm wondering about the deep state. i know that phrase has been diminished, conspiratorial doesn't exist, if you know the state department and have seen the way the fbi is operating in the past, eight years or so, you know there's a deep state. are they planning something in october such as we saw with the russian collusion stuff? >> i would believe anything, i believe more the deep state that i ever did in a lot more conspiracy theories and i used to because of these people. >> the difference between a new story and conspiracy now is like the months but it does raise
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questions, there are a lot of contracts, one fbi agent went to jail was a handling and it raises a lot of questions but who else in the fbi had the context? for the improper? what are they hiding? >> weatherby in october surprise? >> some supplies of one kind or another. [laughter] >> good to see you both, thank you check in cohosting with david mcdowell tonight 6:00 p.m. eastern time. i'll be watching. as badly as voters feel about economics, wait until they get a load of what the biden team's economic agenda is for the second term if they get one for details coming next. ♪
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i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. once again, court inflation rose annually in february but that index excludes food and energy and oil and gas prices are up significantly for the past month. personal income missed expectations so is this why americans take a dim view of the economy? former assistant treasury secretary for economic policy economist of the america first
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policy institute and economics professor at the university of maryland. your whole resume in the. good to see you. look at the polls, we can put some holes out how american real and they don't like bidenomics. they think it has failed, are they right? >> they are because if you look at how far american household budgets are going these days compared to what it was like four years ago, they they are working harder than ever get not getting anywhere near where they were before and that is because while we have seen inflation, it's not as if ice is gone down the price level so elevated compared to where was three years ago which that prices are about 10% higher than they were and what is disturbing about the most recent report that came out tonight is another month personal income went up less than inflation so once you inflation adjust, households our
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brother falling behind in that means they put more on credit and digging deeper into their savings accounts and that's why they are discouraged and they see they are not getting ahead. >> there's that old obama index, probably the only time i've credited and obama index but he cannot with one thing people vote based on how much it cost to fill up the gas tank and it's costing more. look at the prices a month ago, i think we are up about 40 cents in the past month and a half. there we go, it's not that much compared to a month ago but still 330 compared to 350 a significant. >> that's right and a lot of that is from the fact that while oil and gas finally up, refining capacity is not so there hasn't been any increase in the ability of u.s. refineries to turn oil into the gas we put into our cars and that is because as you
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talk with the biden administration today, they came out with a rule that will not make it more expensive to ship things using trucks because they want everything to move to electric vehicles. when you policies moving away from combustion transportation o reason for oil and gas companies to increase refining capacity and that will drive up gas prices. >> trying to kill gas care our cards, is it that simple? >> it is. a cap fake requirement, corporate fuel efficiently or policy that just came out with a when i came up today, all of this forces americans to cars they don't want which is away from reliable internal combustion cars have been using or decades towards electric vehicles that may not be able to be charged and batteries run out especially in cold weather and are going to give them the amount of miles they can drive
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fuel up. >> they cost a fortune if you fix them up in is my insurance rates are up. let's talk inflation generally because look at the price of gold going skyhigh and bit coin which is a play against the dollar. does seem to be signs court inflation as they call it. >> look at them, they are at all-time highs and usually we think of that as concerns about underlying inflation because if you got concerns money supply will keep increasing, another big part of the biden administration's approach is to run massive budget deficits and how much is it going to have to be monetized by the fed? what is the pressure on the money supply and does not create like gold? the mark the biden administration continues to blame explosive visits, there phrase on tax cuts but the
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income tax revenue increased 48% tax cuts did so you can't make that up. it doesn't work. tax revenue increased about 50% so what is causing explosive deficits is clearly spending. >> if you look at the school year 2022, tax cuts and job act fully in place, we had to return from the pandemic, we saw the second-highest level of revenues to the federal government as a percentage of national output world war ii so it is completely false to say the tax environment of the tax cuts and jobs act will not bring in enough revenue if it is the second-highest since world war ii. the problem is massive growth in government spending, he looked at the fact that we are at 23, 24% national output and spe spending. >> thank you so much, have a
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wonderful easter weekend, appreciate you coming in. mark kudlow coming in. ♪
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that's all for this initial edition of kudlow, i am david asman. have a wonderful happy easter weekend but first book liz mcdonald is up next. have a wonderful easter you yourself. >> happy easter to you and your loved ones. let's get right to work you talk grossman jason chaffetz and executive officer at the police
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department intelligence division


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