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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 1, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: thanks for watching the. that's kudlow. please have a great weekend.
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maria: good monday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. hope you had a great easter holiday, i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, april 1. your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. today, the first trading day of the second quarter beginning with momentum in stocks. the momentum is building. take a look, markets are rising this morning after the holy week holiday and the market close on friday, right now the dow industrials up 108, nasdaq up 97, s&p 500 higher by 19. the dow and s&p 500 finishing in record territory last week and the record performance continues this morning. for the first quarter, stocks closed up 10% in the first quarter with the s&p 500 higher by 10.1%, nasdaq up 9.1%, s&p 500 higher by 5 and two thirds percent for the first quarter. we're onto the second quarter. we're looking ahead to the march jobs report out this morning, out this friday morning at 8:30 a.m. eastern and the start of first quarter earnings is upon us, happening in the about
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one and-a-half to two weeks. right here. we're also watching trump media and technology group this morning after a stellar debut on wall street last week. now an 8 and-a-half billion dollar valuation with president trump 60% stake valued at $5 billion. the stock this morning is down 5% in the premarket after that huge runup. can the company keep on running. devin nunes joined me this morning on wall street with plans to grow the company. watch. >> we effectively are now kind of you true startup. we're really a true startup that has access to the capital markets, zero debt, cash in the bank with a lot of plans on the way. maria: european markets are higher across the board, take a look at the eurozone, ft ft 100, cac quarante up 1 point. fractional gains across the board in europe. in asia overnight, mostly higher. the weak spot was japan, nikkei
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average down 1 and-a-half percent. back at home, an el paso texas judge releasing migrants who rushed the border last month and bombarded agents at the wall. plus, a new warning this morning about a moscow like attack on u.s. soil from isis-k terrorists entering america through the open border. we're on it this morning. the white householding traditional easter egg roll today without any religious themed decorations, the administration getting slammed over the weekend by critics with president trump demanding an you apology after the white house declared march 31st this year easter sunday as transgender visibility day instead of easter. we're getting into it. joining the conversation all morning long, columnist and fox news contribute rer, liz peek, luke lloyd and fox business' cheryl casone. all right now. "mornings with maria" is live right now.
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♪ maria: it is time for the hot topic of the hour. an el paso judge ordering the release of some of the illegal migrants that stormed the texas border, knocked over of national guard members, arguing the da's office is not prepared to hold detention hearings for the migrants. this comes as a leaked memo warns this, migrants have become more aggressive towards law enforcement, not to mention the heightened terrorist threat at the border. the new york post warned that isis-k members could stage an attack like the recent how could you attack. we heard this from fbi officials recently. your reaction. >> this is o why one of the
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stocks like axon enterprises is up. it's up 50% this year. they the i supply hardware and software to police officers that are trying to tame this thing. a lot of migrants are coming to new york, roughly 175,000 migrants are in new york. it's costing taxpayers $12 billion. you do the math on that, that's roughly $68,000 per person. the new york po police departmet costs new york roughly $6 billion. the small business administration costs $6 billion. if we use that kind of money to support small businesses, imagine how much we could do here in new york when it comes to if financials of how much we're spending on these migrants. maria: cheryl, what do you think? >> look, as far as the concerns about the southern border, i mean, the judge did say in his ruling that basically the da in les else really didn't have -- in el paso really didn't have his act together. he insinuated that.
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court officials made the point when the el paso ruling happened with the migrants usually, said basically if there was a federal law, if there was federal backing, the migrants would have remained in jail but they were released. you mentioned isis k, general mckenzie who was in charge of afghanistan, warned about isis-k yesterday on another program. he said we should believe when they, meaning isis, say that they're going to do something. they're going to try to do it. the threat is growing. and that is also an open southern border gives isis-k an easy entryway into our nation. maria: of course. we've got all these people that are apprehended on the terrorist watch list. what else should we expect? of course we should expect something. meanwhile, liz, you cannot write this stuff up. former president trump slamming president biden for mexican president obrador's demand for $20 billion in aid to latin america each year for, quote, the flow of migrants will
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continue. trump telling fox's brian kilmeade this weekends this would not be happening on his watch. watch. >> it's very simple. lack of respect for the president. they would never say that to me. they want $10 billion a year, mexico just asked for $10 billion a year. they would never ask that. i wouldn't give them 10-cents. maria: liz, your reaction. >> i think he's probably right. he wouldn't give them 10-cents, and by the way, mexico wouldn't ask for that. we see weakness across the spectrum of this administration. it's weak to allow people to come into this country unfettered and basically unpunished. it's weak to go hat in hand to foreign governments like mexico to help us protect our own border. by the way, we're going hat in hand to venezuela to ask them for more oil and saudi arabia as well. i mean, this administration just exudes a lack of power everywhere you look. and i think americans are fed up with it.
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i hope they are. it's an embarrassment to this country. maria: liz, let's be clear. this is by their own doing. >> yeah, no question. maria: when joe biden walked into the white house, there were already deals in place. trpresidenttrump did a negotiath mexico, negotiated with el salvador. joe biden walked into the oval office and overturned all of the deals. of course they're going to do what they want. >> it's entirely purposeful. this is their plan. but also, joe biden is a very small angry man and he has wanted from day one to undo anything donald trump did even if it was bad for the united states to undo it. that is truly the guiding principle of this absolutely inept white house, not just inept, but also dangerous white house. maria: and now new york wants to offer mental health services for free to all the migrants as well. so we're going to get into that this morning. what n a incredible moment in
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time we're in. quick break and then president trump's wall street wind fall, we're talking pout the stellar debut of trump media technology stock and what ceo devin nunes told me about the company's future plans, a that's coming up. first, a new month, a new quarter for trading, a look at where investors are putting their he money ahead of the jobs report this friday. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out
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new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. maria: welcome back. take a look at futures this morning, got a rally underway
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once again, the dow industrials up 105, nasdaq up 97. it is the first trueding day of the second quarter. beginning with real momentum in this market after the market was closed on friday and the holiday last week, the dow and s&p 500 finished in record territory on thursday's close. the dow industrials up up 47, the s&p was up 5, and the nasdaq down 20 points at the close of trading on thursday. markets were closed on friday. interest rates this morning look like this, take a look at the 10 year treasury yield at 4.19%. joining me is u.s. bank wealth management senior vice president, head of public markets group, lisa eric as eri. great to see you. what a great quarter on top of a great year in 2023. do you think the rally has legs further into 2024. >> we have a balanced view right now, maria. to your point, we've had really nice upward momentum and that's well supported by you a consumer
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that's been very resilient in spending, supported by a strong labor market. however, we're not full-on bullish and the reason why is we've had a prolonged period of higher prices and that is starting to show some signs of impact on the consumer, particularly in those lower income cohorts. so we want to monitor that carefully to see, again, if that middle income and more affluent cohort starts to be impacted as well and in addition we have seen more just moderate economic activity. so again, we feel glass half full but in a more middle of the road balanced view on where the market's headed. maria: top story in the journal this morning, lisa, the stock market's magnificent seven is now the fab four, so we've seen the magnificent seven euphoria die down a bit. are you betting on tech to be the leadership group in the market or a broadening out? what do you you think happens this year?
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>> well, certainly for investors with that longer term time horizon we still see technology and some of those secular growth types of sectors as interesting and ones that you would want to continue to hold onto. however, to your point, really in the second half of the year there's a potential again with the fed moving to more of a pivot and softening of that monetary policy for some of the more he defensive sectors like utilities, consumer staples and healthcare to potentially do better as those rates come down. maria: we are looking ahead to the march jobs report of course out on friday, 8:30 a.m. eastern, economists are expecting more growth in jobs, 200 you200,000 jobs added to the economy with the unemployment rate at 3.9%. there's debate on how strong the economy is given the weak spots we've seen and expectations that the 11 rate hikes will at some point catch up with the story here. what do you think? >> well, we believe that more
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modest weakening in the jobs report as well as it still staying overall solid makes a lot of sense and that's supported by fact that if you monitor the other jobs indicators cont we're continuino see the gradual pace of decline in initial and continuing claims as well as job demand that we saw from last month's jolts report and so again, we're hopeful for, again, that kind of goldilocks story with the jobs report where we get some continued softening but not too much. maria: luke, how do you see it? jump in here? >> it's interesting when you talk about the the market breah widening. the s&p is up 4%. right there it tells you how much the market breadth is widening. i want to get your thoughts on why that a is and also your thoughts on what the consumer's really saying when 40% of americans have more credit card debt than emergency savings,
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people would usually say that's a sign that we've got to watch out for et i, that's concerning. i would say that's a sign that people are comfortable with debt and they're comfortable swiping the credit cards. what would you say? >> to your point, on the market momentum, we have seen, again, not only broadening in the sectors. for example, we've seen cyclicals come back in the last month but on a capitalization basis a movement away from the larger stocks outperforming to the equal weight and some of the pud and small participating -- mid and small participating to a larger degree. that's supporting the balanced view because we're seeing more participation across all stocks but ultimately we have to go back to the underlying fundamentals and again that consumer story is really going to be key to being able to maintain that economic momentum. and while credit card debt levels certainly have picked up, again, when you look at the underlying fundamentals across an y array of indicator, income,
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overall debt levels and things like that, what we're seeing is a relatively strong consumer so we're not too concerned but, again, we want to watch some of those signs of strain that were coming out in the first quarter earnings reports. maria: we've also seen a relatively strong inflation picture that is keeping on, cheryl casone, jump in here. >> that's my question to lisa, is we keep talking about how strong the first quarter was and that's great. but you have to wonder when there is going to be a pullback and what that could be, could it be a 5% pullback, a 10% pullback. liz peek was making the comment in the commercial break, it could be an energy story, you see a jump in gas prices and the consumer really falters. what's your take? >> again, we're very hopeful, again, more of that soft landing story based on the metrics that we've seen but we do recognize it's been a tough 18, 24 months for the consumer in terms of really weathering a lot of inflation and seeing economic activity while it's been solid
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continuing to be at a more moderate pace. again, the signs so far that are coming out through those corporate earnings reports are that it's really affecting to some degree those lower income cohorts and not spreading to a great degree. so we're betting on, again, that more even keel approach here for the consumer but again, we're watching for further signs of deterioration. maria: we wil leave it there. lisa, good to see you. thanks so much. quick break and then president biden has a lot to answer for this morning as the national archives releases a new tranche of e-mails for the biden impeachment inquiry, house oversight committee member tim burchett is here with the latest on the investigation. stay with us. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: welcome back. well, the house impeachment inquiry of president biden not stopping for easter weekend, the national archives handed over nearly 6,000 e-mails of joe biden's to the house oversight
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committee, the documents were requested a year ago, they come from the biden's time as vice president. republicans requested all messages regarding hunter biden, james biden and any family business partner. byron donalds joined me on friday, demanding the release of the e-mails. watch. >> there are still thousands and thousands of fictitious e-mails from when he was vice president of the united states that the national archives still has not released to the oversight commit you at this. we're talking about -- committee. we're talking about with fictitious names like robert peters or robin ware that aallegedly joe biden was using. the national archives has the e-mails. the overnight committee needs to see the e-mail sos we can finish the investigation. maria: joining me now is tennessee congressman tim burchett, a member of the house oversight and foreign affairs committee. good to see you. thank you for being here. what's the point of all of this? what specifically is the
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oversight committee looking for from these e-mails. >> i would just like to see the cause and effect, what was hunter giving to these foreign nationals and what were they getting. maria: i see. >> and what access to the president of the united states or the vice president at the time. maria: you're trying to connect the dots where the biden family received money and then there was a policy change that then vice president joe biden may or may not have made as a result of getting paid. >> yes, ma'am. i would also like to see -- it's not going to be in the archives but i'd like to see proof where the president paid taxes on any of this stuff. you're talking $20 million and i have yet to see anything that proves that hunter or any of this other bunch has paid taxes on it and i think that's pretty telling too. as well, i'd like to see how many of these false names he used and why he used those names, under which circumstances he did that. to me, that's very damning, why
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would you use a fake name be if you didn't have anything to hide? i think it's -- it shows a lot of -- if you're not gil you at this then you sure as heck are acting like it. maria: fair point. james comer told me that he's getting ready to send out criminal referrals. when would you expect that to happen? >> i would think any time now. chairman comer's pretty -- he's pretty poignant in those kind of facts and thing. i don't think he would bring it ups unless he thought he had something there. maria: republican nebraskas congressman don bacon said it's responsible mike johnson will be removed as speaker of the house. he's calling for republicans to stick together. he was on fox news last night. watch this. >> i think all of he my other republican colleagues recognize this is a distraction from our mission. again, the mission is to save the republic. the only way to do that is if we grow the house majority, win the
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senate and win the white house. we don't need any dissense right now. -- dissension right now. we have a one vote margin. to get the majority vote, i can only lose one. we won't get the legislation we all desire and prefer. maria: congressman, look where we are. nothing has changed. you're still on nancy pelosi's budget, still doing crs, had to take down one speaker, now there's talk you're going to take down another speaker. do you really want to take down another speaker of the house when you're hanging on by a thread with this majority 569 mike gallagher threw a bomb at you by saying i'm leaving and you won't have an opportunity to have a special election and replace him? >> i couldn't you agree with you more, maria. all we would be doing is handing the gavel to hakim jeffries if we took down mike johnson.
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i don't agree on the funding for ukraine but i don't think that's something to throw him out of office on. the one thing about speaker johnson, he's been very forth right and told us everything he intended to do and he said this is something that has weighed on him and he's met with folks on it and again, i don't agree with it but i don't think it's enough to kick him out of office. maria: liz peek, jump in here. >> thanks for joining us this morning. as everyone went home for this recess and faced their constituents, aren't they hearing an earful about the dysfunction of the republican party. i height to be a nay sayer but republican favor ability right now of the party is worse than democrats even with most of the country thinking joe biden's white house is a complete train wreck is really the thing to do is you allow dissent -- is to allow dissidents in your caucus
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to create more dysfunction and side track this feeble majority from doing its job, passing budgets, getting aid to ukraine, etcetera. i find this -- i find it incomprehensible that no one is worried about basically burnishing the brand, getting some stuff down and holding joe biden accountable. >> i agree with you on part of that, but the reality is that the conservative folks, people that i represent, they don't want anymore funding for any more of these projects and it's been 30 years -- i think we ned to make the point that in 30 years we have not passed the budget, that's under democrat and republican control. it i rates the folks -- it i it irritates the folks back home that we're under nancy pelosi's budget. i don't see that as grounds to kick speaker johnson out. he's kept he's word and he's under a very difficult situation right now.
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just make the point, if we go back under pre-covid spending levels, we would balance the budget but nobody seems to want to talk about it and i keep saying what have we added to the budget, so this government that's made your life better since covid and i dare say very little. maria: meanwhile, congressman, more efforts to divide us out of the white house this weekend. president biden marking transgender visibility day on easter sunday. he posted this on x, today on transgender day of visibility, i have a simple message to all trans americans, i see you, you are made in the image of god and you're worthy of respect and dignity. congressman, no one is arguing any of that but to name transgender day on easter sunday, christians across the country felt that was a smack in the face. >> it was a complete smack in the face, maria. i posted on x or twitter, i said
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jesus wept. i know that's not what jesus was weeping about but i felt that thatstrong of a message. we see him. the people in his administration have been in trouble, that are his transgender box checking that he's done, the fellow that was in the dress had that was in the airport stealing women's clothing that was over some of our nuclear secrets. i mean, things like that, seeing military recruitment down because of this movement. they're pushing through the budget, continuation of surgeries on transgender. this thing it's a mental illness. we just got to address it. it's not a normal type lifestyle and i can't be more against what the president did and i think it shows too he is just trying to secure his base. he is losing everything but his
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base and his far left base you agrees with this type of behavior and the rest of -- maria: i don't know whether you're saying in terms of mental illness. i have no idea what you're talking about in that regard but i will say this. christians want their easter sunday. and easter sunday happens to be on march 31st this year so to declare a transgender visibility day on the day of easter holiday, the resurrection, when christians and catholics everywhere believe this is a high holy day, that is outrageous and to me, it is a means to divide us. this is what this administration does. black versus white, hispanic versus something else, you know, gay versus -- homosexual versus heterosexual, rich versus poor, it's all dividing this country and this is a key weapon this administration uses time and time again. people are sick and tired of it.
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instead of unity he divides us, time and time again. >> i couldn't agree with you more. this is exactly what he's doing with this. it creates for decisiveness in the country, there's no reason for it, you one of the holiest days in the christian year, he makes it this. it's a smack in the face of christians and shows what he really thinks of us. maria: congressman, thank you. congressman tim burr t chet burg us this morning. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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maria: welcome back. april kicking off with severe weather across the country, cheryl casone with details now. cheryl. >> that is right, maria. a major storm is expected to hit much of the country this week, bringing tornadoes, hail, severe thunderstorms with it.
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50 million americans are in the path of the storms, from texas to virginia. texas, oklahoma, missouri the biggest risk today. tornadoes, large hail and damaging wind gusts are forecasted to bring possible destruction to residents in those areas. the captain of the port of baltimore is preparing to open a temporary alternate channel near the collapsed francis scott key bridge, the move would allow commercially essential ships in and out of the port. it would mark an important first step of a phased approach to open that main channel. a time line has not been given for when the alternate channel will open, right now crews are working to remove thousands of tons of debris from the river. starting today, most fast food workers be they the state of california will make a $20 an a hour minimum wage. the new law going into effect likely to affect customers with price hikes and the possibility of smaller serving size as
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restaurant owners large and small try to pay for the new wage. fox news' alicia acuna knows the struggle restaurant owners have ahead of them. >> my husband and i had a restaurant. we closed last year and the cost of labor was choking us so badly in trying to keep it staffed and to make up for it, our serving sizes shrank. we had to take premium items off the menu. we were trying to cut corners at every step and it just became impossible. we tried to use a living wage. we started at $15 an hour when we opened. the city started to decide how things would change and we had to brace ourselves and things changed. the customers didn't like that. we didn't like that and eventually we had to close. >> that new law was supported by the trade association representing restaurant franchise owners. they acknowledged during a slowing economy there will be a significant impact.
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mcdonald's, jack in the box, chipotle plan to raise prices in california. katlyn clark is going to join the lsu tigers in a he rematch of last year's national championship, viewership expected to be massive after 12.6 million people watched the showdown a year ago. they responded. watch. >> both of us want to win more than anything. that's how it should be when you're a competitor and you get into a situation like this. we grew up loving this game and a we'll do anything we can to help our teams win. >> we're not friends. i'm going to talk trash. i'm going to do whatever it takes to get in your head. but after the game we can kick it. i don't think people realize that. that's fine. i'll take the villain role. >> okay. on the men's side, north carolina state knocks out duke and punches their ticket to the men's final four. >> o'connell, bounce back, horn giving up, rocks the rim.
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>> there's an elite defense. they need to stop here. jones for 3. it's good! >> nc state is in the first final four since 1983. yukon takes on alabama. the most exciting think about march madness, it's the won m i'm saying it. back to you. maria: thank you so much. the wall street journal out with a new report this morning on the chinese exit bans that have left foreign business executives stuck inside china unable to get out. so here's the title, it only takes $7,000 in debt to end up trapped in china. the piece goes on. conducting a search of an online court database including millions of documents and turned up 37 cases of foreign nationals hit with exit bans, lawyers say the real number is much higher and academics found more than 150 cases where an american executive wants to leave china
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but they find that when they get to the airport they're told you can't go anywhere. you have an exit ban in place. joining me is gatestone institute senior fellow, author of the coming collapse of china along with china is going to war, gordon chang with me this morning. it's a scary story. if you have $7,000 in debt you can end up trapped in china. >> yes. and we've known about this for about a half decade. it's been an issue in the foreign business community. but it's not the worst thing that can happen to you if you're in china. the real problem is that you can just be imprisoned, not just an exit ban. this is actually affecting foreign business decisions about going into china or putting new investments there. and these are things that xi jinping has not addressed when he talked to american business executives on november 15th and he also didn't address it this past week when he met american ceos in beijing. maria: the journal writes the
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executive that they're referring to, one specific story, had been stuck in china ever since he was the target of an exit ban. a legal tool used by chinese courts that left numerous foreign executives trapped inside the country with no idea when they'll be allowed to leave. what are they trying to do to them? keep them there for what? for what reason? >> the purpose is to force a settlement. usually a local party asks for and gets an exit ban. that means the foreign party has to give the local party what they want in order to get the ban lifted and it's not just a ban on the affected parties. it's also their families. we are seeing innocent americans who have no relationship to a dispute other than being married to a party to it being subject to the ban and it's also children. so this is just comprehensive. maria: it's disgusting. liz peek, this must be part a of xi jinping's offensive with the
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ceos that went to beijing last week. >> i'm interested in your reaction to the meeting where xi jinping tried to woo american titans, business titans and get them to invest in china. my read is china is desperate for foreign investment, it dried up basically but to see all these captains of american industry rally around at the click of xi's fingers to kowtow to him. what's your reaction? the offenses by this man against everybody including americans are pretty profound so should american businessmen be running over there to put more money to work in china? >> well, absolutely not. and participating in xi jinping's hideous spectacle is even worse. here's a guy who is committing crimes against humanity, he's authorized multi-decade program of genocide and he's killed americans with covid and fentanyl and he's planning a war
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against us. so american business executives shouldn't be doing this. and the biggest villain of all is tim cook who has been leading the cheer for china and trying to make sure that not only apple is protected but also that other companies stay in china. so really what we've got is a situation where he's just devoid of any morality, any humanity, americans should be extremely concerned and they should be demanding that apple get rid of him. maria: well, let me move on and ask you about these national security threats that are obviously front and center. satellite images reportedly show that china built a mock-up of the key area of taiwan's capital city, where the presidential office and other government buildings are located. it's out in the desert at a military training site. a taiwanese defense analyst posting the satellite image and a map comparing it with the area in taipei. he posted it on x.
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the naval chief is set to visit next week and attend a military ceremony to discuss how to boost cooperation with u.s. officials. what is china doing with this mock-up of the government region of taiwan? >> well, china planning an invasion. they've been doing that since 1948. and what we have seen is a persistent effort certainly putting enormous resources into it. there's also mock-ups of u.s. aircraft carriers and u.s. facilities so we're just joining the party. right now, though, i don't think that china is planning anything on taiwan immediately. they had an opportunity to create a crisis in the middle of february when two chinese fishermen died on february 14 when they were trying to outrun a taiwanese coast guard vessel. china huffed and puffed for three or four days but let the matter drop but be right now in the south china sea china is
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creating a crisis, a crisis that could spiral out of control, it's against the philippines, the u.s. is involved because we have a mutual defense treaty with the philippines. last month, we issued two warnings that we were prepared to us use force against china on the fifth and 29th and china ignored all of those warnings. so he deterrence has failed and this is extremely, extremely serious. maria: well, i mean, it is all extremely serious and we've talked in the past about how american investors are unwittingly funding the expansion of communist china by buying these chinese companies that trade on our exchanges. we know now this morning that sinjenta is with drawing the application for a $9 billion ipo on the chinese stock exchange. they said they will look to restart the listing process either in china or different global exchange when conditions are right. what do you think is going on here? obviously all a these companies want to be in the deepest, most
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liquid markets in the world which is in america but they went first to shanghai and now it's with drawing the application for the ipo. >> i think it's doing that because the chinese markets are in a state of distress. since the peak in 2021, chinese equities lost about $7 trillion in value so an ipo in china is not a terribly good idea because of market conditions. but we should not be allowing chinese companies on our exchanges because as you point out, they're the deepest in the worlding, they're where everybody wants to go and we are funding china's 's attempt to gt at us. that's wrong. maria: we'll leave it there, gordon. thanks so much. gordon chang on the threat of communist china. quick break and then the wife of jonathan diller hits back at the city that fostered the crime crisis in the first place as new york governor kathy hochul is kicked out of the wake.
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wait until you see what took place. we're talking about it when we come back. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life, and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there. viking. exploring the world in comfort.
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and tragic loss for so many. our family, friends and the entire city of new york. it's been two years and two months since detective rivera and moore made the ultimate sack sacrifice like my husband. they pleaded for change, change never came. how many more police officers, how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? maria: it is time for the morning buzz. that was the wife of slain nypd detective jonathan diller, stephanie diller giving the eulogy at her husband's funeral on saturday. he was killed by a career criminal with 21 prior arrests. that person will be back in court today. diller's widow slammed elected officials for allowing the crime spike in the first place, called for more protection for officers, about 10,000 people attended the funeral. there were cops all over. police officers are from as far as miami and toronto paying
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respects. new york governor kathy hochul denying rumors she was asked to leave the wake on friday. sources told me she was. crowds cheered as she left after a brief 106 10 minute visit. we saw kathy hochul trying to tenter the wake and being stopped. the new york post reported over the weekend that latisha james wanted a speaking role. your thoughts? >> i can't imagine. talk about chutzpa. kathy hochul has it within her power to change what's going on in the city, where criminals are preferred over victims, where criminals are not held accountable. i'm so glad this young woman bravely spoke out about the horrors going on in new york city. every day there's an offense, a murder, subway shoving or something that takes place by someone who has been arrested 20 times. it has to stop. kathy hochul could fire alvin
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bragg. she could go to albany and insist on changes to the bail reform laws that were not reforms. maria: of course president trump went to the wake and they all want to turn spite a political event, car car turn it into a political event cheryl. >> he did that. basically he was asked. he met privately with the widow the first day of the weak last week, no cameras, no microphones, just with her. that's when she said during that funeral on saturday which was an incredible display by the new york police department and by the way rudy guliani was there, curtis sliwa, people that care about police officers in the city. kathy hochul is not one of them. i will say something else about the subways. now you're seeing adams come out and going after fare jumpers. this is out of control. who do you see in the subways? i see them. young police officers. they're there every day,
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protecting new yorkers. this funeral was another reminder, we are in a mess right now in the city. maria: it sure was. thank good for the nypd and we honor them and send consistent consisten condolences to the diller family. we'll be right back. are you ready to meet your demise? man, we really need to upgrade your trash talk. ♪ nice shot... shot... taker. who programmed you?! i'll see you tomorrow. the future isn't scary, not investing in it is. 100 innovative companies, one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges expenses and more in prospectus at
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