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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 1, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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>> welcome back it is time for the big both of morning today is april fools' day, lighthearted pranks and jokes with some parents are taking full advantage of tickling someone tiktok uploading these bringing videos, were they serve their kids, person ♪ ♪ serial, and look at this price planned this year. >> yes we do this to a dog. but in the big easter baskets essex room for develop the school with laudable up with by saturday so absolutely. >> okay class. >> i don't have anything planned it was no wonder because norms are so neurotic these days people playing tricks on them amount of youtube videos, that is astronomical on the serial prank and estate all i will say suet happy april fools' day, thank you great show dan varney and company source right now student taken away. >> good morning christina money we would like to show you what's
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happening with your money in a three-day weekend socks are opening just a little bit higher january to march coming strong in his second quarter and started reasonably okay and the dow is probably down a few points for the opening bell, the winner is the nasdaq, it looks like my be of 30 or 40 points at the opening bell. bitcoin well that is back below 70000 bucks a share, the coin of sure i'm 69.8 and little change for interest rates, 4.25 percent their belts on the tenure there it is for reporter and on the two here, were looking you know for 62 were from hundred for 63 gets a gold that is a standout coming again, well over 2200 bucks nelson 2270 for the royals moving to $83 robert guesses kind of start at 353 a gallon on for regular these below $4 as for what an average right now i'm politics heavy criticism president biden at these drag
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role, youngsters will not be able to paint their eggs with any religious symbolism the president designated easter sunday is transgender visibility day and donald trump has demanded an apology missing today and i'm good friday, the administration revealed a new and rustic electric vehicle mandate trucks the next eight years, 15000 truck charging stations have to be billed every month. to make way for the changeover, tremont the show today, this day, the $20 per hour minimum wage takes effect in telephone investment furious and workers getting laid off. and it is monday april 1st, 2024th yesterday is april fools' day and varney and company is about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> those of the bengals. stuart: [laughter] [laughter] is very, well it is so quiet out there is calm on this monday morning were starting monday and degree from the means green for the stock market and sick maybe of 31 this another very impressive rally however central spain is here to sort it all out of the monday morning a very strong first-quarter valley. strong anything to be kept up in the second largest by this estimate think so cute the most important particular the last couple of weeks was a transition from those growth stocks, fuming of sent seven, and lastly, last week on the growths area let us actors and the s&p three of the regrowth, communication services and technology and s3 were down, through the weekend market was up and 82 percent of the sox and the s&p are now trading above two and so you have momentum and you have even small caps are
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soaring want so this is what we want to see a markets where it's not just a handful of names, masking normally otherwise would be a sideways or even downmarket, so this is really amazing strong momentum and the question marks now course, is where the feds going to be on all of this, daniel powell is kind of agreeing on friday saying that we are not in a rush of the streets honey confused on that and you know other than that though, it is just jeff and i were talking, don't fight to take a listen, trying to guess when this thing is going to change, that has been well nobody is done fireworks in the last few years than the smart money and is income of all the trend right now and is through the upside c1 most folks are doing quite well at this moment and you've mentioned jeff to left and jeff, the inflation indicator which the federal reserve botches closely, it ticked up in february comedy what is called a continuously compelling rate of percent.
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that sounds kind of hard to become a 4 percent with the fed book. jeff: given with the fed is been stuck on this 2 percent from this the mantra, 2 percent inflation, that's what they want and then with the personal consumption expenditures, coming in at 4 percent, then jerome powell as charles said, he came in and he said that it was expected it. there's in anticipation reese will stay higher for long about what you see the futures market has to the direction of interest rates, as you see that the chance of interest rates, not going down in june, has just increased and it was at 25 percent and now at around 36 percent that they will stay the same and so when you look this inflation data, it is what we have to ask ourselves what is the fed going to do about it. and most people think nothing. but do the investors care.
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stuart: thinking that mostly really focus that much on the federal reserve right now jeff. jeff: i believe there's been a continual fixation on the federal reserve and i think that there is an anticipation the federal reserve will lower the rates in this what they said payments and lower rates up to three times that in 2024 and so i do think the invested investors are concerned and i do not think the investors believe that jerome powell is going to do much of anything except lower rates before the election. stuart: nobody seems and i was going on the fed is watching the industry and closely had full screen well. jeff: when the rally started in october based on the cutting rate six - seven times even as they realize it was to optimistic again steamed because there rallying on a strong economy was the new narrative and what happens we have a weaker economy and high
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inflation and both of those narratives of the disappear, went to the polls alone and that's the one thing that i'm anxious about. stuart: okay i like that in jeff and elvis, democrat from california, said that he would consider voting against against posting speaker johnson another was keep you in place and watch the. >> i would consider it under two conditions and when that get the aid into ukraine so we stand up to person and let's get the $600 billion to rebuild the bridge in baltimore) summer consumer would think three or four years and china doesn't three months. stuart: what you think about that. jeff: china's noise while you know he's always a provocative kind of but i think republicans have to figure this out you just can't keep changing leadership in the really will they shot themselves in the front of the really just making mistake after mistake after mistake. if to be a smart horse trader when you go down to dc get have a temper tantrum every time you
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don't get away for rose is not guy, republicans need to sit back and give it will the election as this year, stop with the dome infighting and get a few things done which get done don't and unnecessary victories to president biden for daily things that will hurt americans right, because most of president biden is for the wealthy and it is a pro bumpy agenda. republicans need to be hunting on that particular fact. because of party of the working force no longer the democrats will stop shooting themselves they've gotta stop. stuart: president biden declared easter sunday transgender day of visibility and ban any religious depictions today's easter egg arts contest pretty see a lot of backlash with this you come from. jeff: here's the thing in your transgender everyday should be your transgender date visibility every day should be black history month and every month
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and day should be women's history with all of these things are bs, they just grab and designed to pits us against each other braided is so dominant and unnecessary. the other part that is anger me the idea that you cannot express your religious beliefs. on easter egg and, i mean, to me, to somebody's chosen one, listen from this transgender thing was already positioned in every now to get welcome of the same day as easter, i think these days and months are while americans will have general played a role in building this country and the people you want to be i don't care, just don't influencer try to influence me and just don't try to change me but if you started talking about interfering with religion, this is a nation based on religion i know a lot of people going to believe it but we believe in god in this country and people who tried to take that away and by the way they did a successful job for the last 50 years is hard for people to believe in god to fight back. stuart: charles payne on the
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monday morning, will be watching you at 2:00 p.m. making money with charles payne and foxbusiness a new poll brothers for the voters trust morning a nuclear emergency. the trump of item. >> true trump is up by more than ten points having an emergency remembering the names some of the world leaders and actually being able to sit down for an hour is one of the birds trust with the records of the office right and is kind of like will phone rings in the white house at 3:00 a.m. to do you to answer it, president biden or president trump folks are going to say the letter like this another poll shows that trump these michelle obama and hypothetical matchup, by three points which is the same exact margin that he beats biden by and under your single will he said repeatedly, that she is not running, yet the party seems to think that she's going to be there savior and the but this poll shows that she loses to trump by the same amount provided does margin of
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error. stuart: let's move on to this new $20 per hour minimum wage source today. the morning of. liz: that's 25 percent goes from 60 after 20 for the half-million fast food workers in the state of california. and already mcdonald's starbucks jack-in-the-box to fully they have come out and said, were going to raise many prices because of this. in the hidden cost of playoffs, where the self-service we have to do yourself, automation and robots in the kitchen. does this matter, no end in november, a measure on the ballot in california to raise the state minimum wage of $218 is less than 20, but the moving in that direction anyway. charles: encouraging people not to be brave, you're saying hey, proponent high school pursuant to make good money. there's a hidden cost to this in a message to the kids already getting a bs education to begin with don't worry about even the
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state will take care of your free housing food stamps we should breathing corporate america pays see warming and you should be earning some will promote mediocrity in a nation was built on the exact opposite. liz: what about the low wage workers work in home healthcare. charles: or the patient's there. liz: this message is sent. stuart: moving on, thank you, is how we open we are down to other now 30 in the nasdaq, illegals who accused of border riots in texas just been released more guy printed judge said mass amnesty is coming he's in the next number like progressive to push through $2,204,000,000 worth of earmarks the pet projects and home states, this was one point $3m of an advocate for illegals allowing them to vote and how about that in full story after this.
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>> c1 were back after three-day weekend for the market that is, it is not look like we've gotten that much price movement. the dow is down 30 fractional moved to the s&p in the nasdaq thus far today pretty new report shows lawmakers have secured billions for pet projects and home states, sticking taxpayers will build henry bowen on capitol hill, which law makers and what kind of projects are we talking about lori. >> the republicans in the present capitol hill are guilty of this, they all cash in on these pet projects for the big
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problem with that is that the government is spending money that it doesn't have but it's handing out taxpayer cash. stu.hillary: like you just won e lottery for the rest of the government invest getting bills latest, they secured billions of dollars to fund the projects back home and so far, they many spending bills, they expand the government were 8000 earmarks, and costing taxpayers over $15 billion spinning they think this type of reckless spending needs to stop spinning. >> is a pleasing on the market taxpayer in the past two years, there's been $32 billion worth of earmarks and nearly 16000, of these pet projects and everything a dollar from there was earmarks, was borrowed against the national that. hillary: normally view of this tax pair cash meant you were fighting for the springville the latest from congress awarded more than $71 million earmarks were lawmakers who actually
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voted against it senator michael bennet from colorado voted against the bill because he did not have ukraine eight but he still got almost $26 million, for his district compass in her tummy to prevail, but no say in the government funding will reinforce the status quo, please to get over $2 million storms auburn alabama senator bernie sanders got over 50 million approver things like a theater in vermont but he voted no on the spinning package because it is not happening for palestinian relief organization sister, hit is very clear that now the norm here capitol hill is used to get the cash even if you do thought help the spending bill passed. stuart: you got that right and thank you new york congressman mike vogler choices there was a bipartisan problem by the looks of it and it's always been like this has in it earmarks, wheels really changes doesn't. >> twelve and speaker bader came back in 2010, the republicans did away with earmarks nancy
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pelosi back when she became speaker. mike: it in the first two years of the biden administration spending increased by $5 trillion when we came in, to the majority of the house, we put in new restrictions on how these earmarks could be spent and i would venture cover the unit of earmarks secured by people like amc have the support of kiersten joan brandon chuck schumer as it would not have advanced forward the way they did in the district that i represent from the 17th district of new york is one of the highest tax districts in america and so i'm proud of the fact that is able to secure taxpayer funds to support my district and you know if it is not members of congress, to determine how the funds should be spent on the biden administration is going to determine how these funds are spent. the project that i secured work for critical infrastructure,
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water, sooner super cycle completes communications on these are projects that are critical to taxpayers in my district. in helps offset but they be paying property taxes coming up on them. while understand we spent a lot of money which is wide white house ought to rating the spinning while the republicans fought to fight the spinning reduce it down to trenton for over the next six years, so a lot of work to do and in a divided government with chuck schumer, controlling the senate and joe biden in the white house, there's limitations on how much we can rain and right now. stuart: the wife of the slain nypd officer, laid an emotional plea, for the policy change. watch this please, roll it. >> my son will grow up without his father i will grow old without my husband's peers have to say goodbye to their child read how many more police officers and how many more
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families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them. i wish this kind of pain on anyone. jonathan lived his life doing good for people and is now time for people to good vote good for all of the officers he represents. stuart: this is having in norma's impact in this area which both you and i live in. in our working. imprints understand the consequences of their policies hasn't sunk in yet. >> no, sadly now. you know, the fact is the cashless bill any's ago in new york state is the only state in the nation that does not have a dangerous as standard and dangerous criminals they need to be held behind bars and 21 arrest, one of the perks, and 14 for the other including an illegal protection of firearm charge released on bail. as far as i'm concerned, the laws need to change if you're illegally possessing a firearm from you know the guys talk about gun control all of my many
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people criminals were illegally possessing firearms governor released back onto the street, the balsamic and harm. resolving the death of the law enforcement officer. i introduced a bill in the state legislature. it would require life, without possibility of parole pardon or work clemency, for killing a law enforcement officer that should be the loveland. in respect law enforcement, no family should do with the dealer families going through know why should have to bury her husband and 31 years old when -year-old son to grow up without their father pretty and for easter sunday. because of the disastrous and ridiculous policies enacted by the roads in new york state bridge getting local should be embarrassed and ashamed of herself and she had the gall to show up to the wake and that is a disgrace see when i was about ready to do that because you know that did happen in this area thank you so much for joining us appreciate it a quick
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check the futures please move on to the opening bell we are down in the dell fractional gain for the s&p for the nasdaq of the opening bill is next. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education
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the all new godaddy airo. put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. stuart: on marquez three minutes before the opening bell and we have minor moves, down 30 in the dow, and up 17 on the nasdaq, and keith is with me this morning when a minute keith, you expect tesla to triple in price in the next three - five years, do you expected to triple and make your case. >> will i do and call me crazy and i do love an underdog's minds me about when the early steve jobs days when he came back any windbreak bankruptcy c5 factors are usually wrong about definition of the manufacturing line and a.i. and charging network and all of which were the ability of dollars if you gt the right numbers will every bit of discipline but i do like it. stuart: and trying to do the math three times 176, while at $600 a share about their.
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keith: i know it will call me crazy, may be out of the field there, but you know what and again, i feel this one coming. stuart: even worse you're on videotape at $600 a share and then they can come right back at you you know, you are watching big tax investment in artificial intelligence start is what you have for us. keith: if you look at amazon anthropic that's the tip of the iceberg many people think they will find small a.i. stuff i never the big companies are being narratives of the smell of the small a.i. going public and you really do want to stick to the big players like the underdogs with england like microsoft, and effective leaders you want to go with anthropic, given that give google those of the place to tell me about the costco walmart you like them both. keith: will you costco has been the upper thermal artist, they had trouble bringing earnings on the bottom line but i think this could be the code word for the begins optimistic the warmer will come up and play catch up
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which is good. stuart: who never think costco walmart is benefiting from benefiting from a.i., do you. keith: absolutely because management is one of the single most complicated managerial task for any business, please when you to leave the business at scale, those businesses have also got logistics to work so a.i. will help them deliver better little faster, keyvalue, more accurately and keeping it on the cost, which is important to the consumers. stuart: have costco at $731 assured where is it going. keith: they go split concede $900,000 within the same sort of 36 month timeframe that amount lining for tesla. stuart: and walmart is 60 worsley going. keith: 85. stuart: okay, well keith you're already will see you again real soon were about to open the market, somebody will lean forward and pressed the button and we be in business on this april fools' day, that's a forget that in okay here we go, we are open and that i was
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flashing well down nine points, that's .02 percent, nothing split market and about one third up and two thirds down on the down 30. 30.hillary: the second quarter. stuart: always looking on the bright side so is a look at the s&p and how's that open hardly any movement at all. .02 percent up and okay, nasdaq composite, maybe some movement that they're not much well that ..12 percent higher there you go, a big tech please, talk microsoft which is up to boxes morning. >> on cellulite a bit. stuart: alphabet isn't that was on his open benefit have all are down pretty i was going bitcoin is still this morning finally just a little bit is right there is $70000 per bitcoin so what we have with starts see a little days away from that expected it having event where is avoid
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noodles and widows in the event probably goes up and i want to talk about micro strategy in particular, this is a software company that, take a bitcoin is about $15 billion right so is considered a proxy, for the bitcoin sure should be moving down the executive chairman michael silver who is enthusiastic still 4000 shares as we quit again, in general, crypto currency very volatile because a lot of this year bitcoin is more than 60 percent 20 whispering of troop and trump social, those seeking it of this morning at when we have their. >> we are a little late for stuart: was a problem. >> it is not even a week ago, that terms media company merge so many investors are small vice to prop up former president because they wanted to win again. they're doing this even though the fundamentals are week unprofitable, and hope now the trump like board of directors
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will grant donald trump we were to either sell or borrow against his years company for campaigning before the lockup expires three to 4 percent decline of it this is talk but as of 250 percent since january. stuart: people want to see from when they're investing in bad start to make that, yes, i would make an argument near this earlier story, tesla will triple. and present model why see back here in the u.s. by thousand that was very well telegraphed. so this car or vehicle will start a $45000 for the big news is when you come tomorrow for tesla today we first quarter delivery numbers/of the numbers were 41,203,000, the consensus is about 430,000 i think about 423 is a win for tesla and locum of the produced 6 million vehicles their existence and that was a milestone they announced a couple of days ago and a lot of people like tesla because they like elon musk and their sense of competition and
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80s so well point to be pushed into electric vehicles which one would you go with. stuart: i am entering the key said will triple. >> last week over the condor price target down to 300 and, i mean, even that is so much further than where we are at now the chinese ev maker, neo, they announced the deliverers i think financial report from the deliverers in the first quarter. >> i think they think it will save about 30000 which is in line from the stock is because they also announced a big subsidies of you trade in your gas card intranet, for new neo ev and get a big deal. and other chinese ev maker so they also reported there first three numbers but the three of them together, 132,000 cars delivered in the first three months of this year in china 30 percent from the year before. that is not to be demanding of the prior reporter gives of more than 50 percent in the bottom line is on the demand is
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growing. but is slowing and big time because competition is rising big time. stuart: i've got it, headed over to ups has announced partnership with apostle shift will see the qps will move most of the usps air cargo for this big win for ubs is yours a relatively flat, ups have these intense labor negotiations of the summer what happened was a diverted business, to rivals like fedex. as the wood for ubs pretty is a loss for fedex because the usps was his largest customer for their stressor, partners 22 years now another contractor after two decades expires at the end of the summer fedex is walking away because i need to save money they have to cut costs and there is word that, get a race $2 billion in annual business for fedex which is why this year is about 1 percent to an at&t is launching an investigation into a data leak which i'm told that millions of people are affected. >> seventy $3m and mostly former
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account holders even got a social security numbers leaked onto the dark web, about two weeks ago but it appears that this attack happened it in 2019, or earlier so this is old. so what at&t is doing two things resetting the password of this current customers that are affected become a and invest getting how did this happen and we did not even notice any breach of the time or even now i'm in in the vendor 70 $3m is a lot after the outage a couple of weeks ago, this another black eye for at&t. stuart: and microsoft is on the upside this morning we have the story. unbundling some of their assets to avoid a european fine. >> silver separating teams chat video, with their software braided they did this in europe over the summer no doing it ever reversing beaches which when you want you do not have to get both okay. that's with her doing to avoided the fine which they do like
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anyway and the information is reporting that microsoft and open a.i. a.i. partner are planning a data center project costing $100 billion would be to say i supercomputer hundred times more expensive than most data centers best buy microsoft and all the money in their but this is like, this cutting edge. that's right jeffrey said that microsoft is up in front of diane mikell the starkest top a.i. winner in the increase the price target to a 427 now, hundred 50 bucks from you're welcome. stuart: yes getting on for that is remarkable. and even $7 removed it, jeffries did was go through some of the marquez on the on the ten year treasury moving up, just about four and one quarter percent in the present bold, pretty close to a record high, and the $274 per ounce coins moved back to 70. and it 699 and price of oil, $83 for that yes $83 yes and yes,
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still below $2 average price per gallon of regular is 333, and diesel it is $4.1 per gallon, chronic absenteeism is absent humanism is a problem schools dc mayors taking action she wants to punish the parents with the story and 22 states ev's six-figure salary doing for the median priced home and will break in the store and is wearing housing costs but of his administration prayed that congressman said the biden has a better economic - the trump watch this. >> people are hurting because were still recovering from the covid-19 but president biden has a better economic vision. stuart: is an economic vision for pulling shows that voters think otherwise it's even more on the next.
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stuart: housing partners andhurs keeping perspective homebuyers of the market and here's the story, how much do you need to for the median home. >> okay still yourself your community more than 100 and $10,000. yes, no kidding yes right, new bank rate study showing that the required salary to make their purchases jumped, disease percent in just four years and homebuyers only need to make $76000 back in 2022, any issue, widespread and uniting to six-figure salary by the average home in 23 states pretty including the district of
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columbia for four ago, the number was just six and mortgage rates of course have played a this but a small one with home prices have a large, kept pace with that needed salary to buy them, rising rising rising the average homes is up 42 percent so the $112,000 an hour even though the housing market may be pricing people out, people should not be too quick to think that printing is a solution since president biden took office, the resurrect nearly 21 percent and so what you need to make the most to buy the average home, some of these bacteria are not going to surprise you store, not all in california at the top of the list of course in almost $2000 by the average home there followed by hawaii washington dc, massachusetts, and washington state. and achieve estate steward, is mississippi of god, that is right coming need only $63000 there. stuart: but you still need $63000.22 states hundred grand
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jury grace of god congressman, said that biden will biden has pull those out from the economic lows of covid-19 rowlett. >> i think many people think the four years ago prior to covid-19 and covid-19 really don't hurt the folks and we really had a huge increase in unemployment and we had a lot of supply chains it interrupted, but president of biden has stirred us out about low point. stuart: right, got a seven-point is even more with us this morning all right steve, his i'm here to say the biden delivered others out of that low point. steven: a couple of things on that steward, but first of all we were pretty much the economic crash that happened under covid-19, by the end of trumps presidency in the last six months of trumps presidency, the economy grew by more than ten persons will coming out of the crisis as the businesses reopened by the way, i seem to recall that state of california,
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completely shut down their economy there at six a up their economies like florida and texas and with states like florida, new york and new jersey, completely sabotage the u.s. economy. but more important point here is when he talks about is a vision for the future of the american economy thank you so a very good question that the voters should be asking themselves, who do you trust more on economy to see, joe biden into his credit, he's laid out his agenda store, we talked about this in the past week so he wants to raise the american tax rate businesses for the highest virtually the highest in the world was a massive another 2 trillion-dollar spending spree and he wants open borders and he was a declare a war in american fossil fuel energy a look of americans think that's the right agenda, for making america prosperous, they should vote for joe biden nothing many do-nothing the most americans of all show that steward, that most
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recent fax poll shows that two thirds of americans think that these policies are in the wrong direction. stuart: nice wood for you, inflation the inflation indicator, the defendant watches processes call the pc. tipped up in february 2 what is called in putting out, continuously compounded rate of 4 percent. i know exactly what a continuing compounding radius of about 4 percent to me sounds rather i get a believe the fed will lower the rates, 4 percent pce rate. steven: i'm also puzzled by this i do not understand of this talk about the fed lowering rates right now you have the pch burton indicators about a 4 percent rate but have you looked out what is happening in the commodity prices and something that i watch very closely as those as you recall the event because i want a strong is able dollar i want to make sure they were hitting the 2 percent inflation target, you look at commodities now, just so
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far this year commodity prices are up about 15 percent printed is that fighting inflation by the way, when energy prices go up, when agriculture prices go up about when minimal prices go up on that means the price of everything, that is a overlooking indicators of my point is that i do not think that we turn the corner on inflation at all, in those numbers that you were just reciting on the house and the housing evers about what it costs in terms of mortgages and that there are why think that every you guys were talking about was that they are a 40 percent. this in four years and that is not after internet cure is elite it is cpi index pretty quickly is that i think inflation is running a lot hotter radio a lot of people are talking about and that is missing work. stuart: thank you for joining us stephen will see you again real soon and trumps super pack, has a strategy to go after inflation and watch that strategy to a website called biden march, and you can go on it again for job that they have several items
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that they can the price of your coffee, now versus what it was in january of 2021, when he left office and if you but every ottoman on this list of you paid 56 percent more. stuart: is a contrived a number i would think on can be up by the administration thought we would not notice when they released a new mandate for electric trucks on good friday and what 60 percent of the urban delivery vehicles and 25 percent of long-haul trucks to be electric, by 1932, this will surely rile of the voters. it is my take top of the 11:11 o'clock hours when when you're sent bud light mulvaney fiasco said there down double digits people beginning to come around and jeff covered your distributor with a report is next pr.
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stuart: despite the intendedcomt sales because the ground whose shelf space and many source jeff joins me now from a distributor in philadelphia and what is that
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there sing about bud light sales. jeff: we know steward here in philadelphia's a liberal him, but the onset of the thing, the sales were nothing that, but you know over time, you know only do they get into the partnership over they got out of it by the lgbtq people drinking beer as well so you know well take them off as well so legally the store shelves as you point out, yes, don't sell enough very don't get as much in terms of store shelf space is down about 15 percent what is that lead of course is all started a year ago was a year to a day a partner that is to say bud light with transgender influencer dylan bove and mulvaney but then when the unit the try to bring more people into the a lot of people left to do so hello the partnership and will you guys can take up as well toxic to marketing expert he said you know, the seed may have been
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getting into the first place, but another mistake was pulling out of it and then kind abandoning it and now everybody's mad at them listen. >> was he did a partnership, if they had stuck with it and if they had said cuomo we will support everybody if you like bye-bye, we like you only embrace that well they then could've used that to get of the people just cannot the brand. jeff: basically weighed about it but is poorly is a good although and only north america take a look into the numbers from their annual report in terms of the rest of the world south america sales of almost 30 percent europe middle east and africa, when vision percent in a shake us up as well. and out of north america, the biggest market is down about 15 percent overall on the year. stusometimes you just cannot do something right no matter how hard you try c1 looks like a case about right there are bright thank you in the market this morning, half-hour into the
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trading session, the dow is down 150 with the nasdaq about 100 points and what official claims that ice is gay could slip through the border and carry out most hostile attack were guy brandon gentlemen gets into that and joe contra just with house doubling down on their transgender proclamation on easter sunday california governor gavin newsom was a fight crime in oakland by adding five surveillance cameras doesn't is that 11 leo and did web and reports and trumps vice presidential searches, getting serious and who just thinking trump will pick to o'clock hour is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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aaron ♪ ♪ i do like this song.


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