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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 1, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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aaron ♪ ♪ i do like this song.
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i will wait for you, a romantic song, i like it. thought i would play on a monday morning. alert media, guy benson cannot give us so fix his audio. good morning, 10:00 eastern time, straight to the markets. the market showing little diversification here that was a -- dow is down 140, the nasdaq 90 points as we speak. look at the ten year treasury yield, it had been going up and still going up. a strong-willed, up ten basis points to 430 on the tenure. oil about $83 a barrel. and for going just below 70 grand and recovered 270, right now 6298. just coming out us, do we have a number? >> 50.3 is the number which
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means expansion. about 50, it looks like this is the first expansion in 17 months. the break was 47.8. prices paid going up. 55.8 was at level. >> 4% inflation rate in the manufacturing sector turning around 17 months showing expansion, i can see the federal reserve lowering rates anytime soon. >> there's a hike coming in 2 2025. >> the dow is down 150 as we speak. >> in about 20 minutes, easter egg roll begins of the white house. it may be a little different this year. youngsters who paid the eggs are not allowed to include religious symbols or overly religious themes on the eggs. apparently is not an easter egg roll, it's a secular eggroll. agriculture departments
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promotion, are you kidding me? it seems like this administration has little time for christianity especially after easter sunday designated as transgender day of his ability. easter sunday is the most sacred day in the christian calendar, the day of resurrection. reaction came in fast and furious. speaker johnson proclaiming sunday as transgender day is outrageous and apartment. franklin graham, son of late billy graham shows how little respect biden administration. kristin no posted joe biden ended the white house made it clear people of faith have no place in his america. part of the problem is march 31 has been designated transgender day 2009. mr. on easter sunday. biden can withdraw without upsetting his face so he put out a statement saying in part,
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today would send a message to all transgender americans, you are america and mike administration and i have your back. donald trump's campaign jumped on it saying is just another example of things ministrations yours long assault on christian faith, the demand the white house issue formal apology to all catholics and christians. no religion at the april, transgender physical the day on easter sunday. joe biden could have sent so much better but he's scared of the left which runs the moderate democrat party. just getting started. ♪ ♪ guy benson with us this monday morning in new york city. these two events want to they give the appearance the white house does not respect to christianity? >> americans, guess what well
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this is been going on for years and on the transgender day of visibility, the calendar happened to fall on easter this year, it wasn't designed by joe biden. the easter egg roll, the rules up in a place predating biden. generally americans look at the policies of this administration and what i choose to highlight and lean into and say they are our values. the question i have is, i looked it up to fact check myself and i was right, november is trans awareness month. we have a month, it's november. why is there an extra day stuck on in march that happens to coincide with the holy day of christianity every seven years? necessary? they're talking a small fraction of the population a lot trans people and they should be treated with dignity and respect we have an awareness month with them during which there special
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weeks and days and remembered stay and then there is this made up additional thank that gets shoehorned into the end of march and i don't understand why it is necessarily important. >> unadorned. democrat order number jahmal : demand netanyahu be removed from office. >> benjamin netanyahu, one 100% senator schumer, he needs to be removed. he's a blockade to a pathway to peace and we need a cease-fire. humanitarian aid, not weapons. >> republicans senator rick scott wants to request to change their tune. >> the biden administration and democrats need to change their tune. they voted against israel aid, america didn't stand up for israel with the un resolution.
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discussing what the biden administration is doing. it got to kill hamas, they will never get the country back. >> would ever come together? >> i hope so in washington d.c. because israel needs our support. when chuck schumer gave the speech he gave it was genuinely shocking given his history of vote on the issue. jamaal bowman, not shocking. the guy who pulled the fire alarm and let got it and was caught on camera : is a clunk about disgraceful a lot of issues including this one. just after october 7 about those about to condemn boss the slaughter of jews in israel, mid to late october, he was one of ten members of the house to vote no on the resolution. they were talking about cease-fire before israel began any response to the massacre of 1200 people so israelis will absolutely not just ignore but maybe cried to do the opposite
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of what he has to say because his loyalties are clear and disturbing. >> guy benson on a monday morning. good to see you. president biden has plans to adult floating. off the calls coast as a way to make it easier to deliver aid but there's pushback. >> the word national security writers of all places, they said putting a. puts u.s. troops in harm's way. close to a war zone, stationary care, it doesn't suit appear to have security so relegated to a static target at sea. is it an election gimmick? it sounds like it. how do you execute this plan? you have to build it, you have to get back and figure out a way to get supplies to shore. where the plan? will take time. >> a plan, they will try to do something, i thought the post would be in favor of it.
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getting aid in, isn't that what everyone is demanding x. >> not quick enough and not putting troops at risk. >> politics can get real tangled every year. get back to the markets, mark is watching the markets for us today. welcome back the "wall street journal" says magnificent seven dwindling and now it's about fabric for. what you make of this shrinkage? >> they did take for the best, a contrived index but they did the best for of them. we just think even those great companies will have run up significantly, it doesn't mean you have to bail out, it just means to look beyond the four and seven and diversify risk, take advantage of low valuations
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of certain other sectors of the market that dramatically like in the traffic and that's where our take is. >> is ai on trial? if company says we've adopted ai measures, here's the results, that's what we are waiting for. ai as to the bottom line. >> would love to get positive but what we see is it's permeating a variety of industries, there are a lot of companies tech enabled. look at megabanks using it, the big record companies, it goes into industrial manufacturing and defense systems and automobile car components and so many industries so we are seeing it, it's game on, it not only benefits tech companies but will we could have is an earnings
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boom because of massive efficiencies and industries that embrace tech and our tech enabled and that's why the market has been rising because there's a hope ai will add to the bottom line. >> big coin hovering around 70000. >> i'm happy for the people in their and in hindsight with an atf launch, simple laws of supply and demand should have resonated more with me. this could be a chance people are bidding up the stock price or etf price. there's an underlying value, i noticed the wrong side of the short-term but if you are disciplined investor with cash flow, market shares, strong balance sheets earnings, it's not a place i want to be an so i acknowledge it's a place to make money but so have a lot of other great companies with strong foundations.
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look at a company like meta, i'd rather own a company that has profits and loyal users and growing market share than something still unproven and to me doesn't have economic value. >> thank you, good stuff and we will see you again soon. lawrence looking at the movers, what is with micron? >> bank of america raised the price target to 144 from 120 so at 125 going to 144 writing the ai boom. >> expedia. >> wells fargo is cutting price target to 149 so higher than it is now but they seem soccer booker trends. i've been trying to plan a getaway, softer booking trends? everything is so expensive. they lowered their full year gross looking predictions for expedia. >> then the trump media technology group dj t.
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>> they are releasing numbers for all of last year. revenue $4.1 billion, loss of $58 million. operating losses raised doubt about its ability to continue is a growing concern. former president's popularity. or both. the coming up, the president of mexico wants $20 billion from the administration to curb the surge of illegal migration into america. donald trump says diplomatic blackmail is biden's fault. we'll get into it. the judge in texas or the release of illegal migrants who accused, or accused of storming the border last month. national guard troops were assaulted, border patrol council brandon judd has been following this closely. he's next.
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my wife making me take relief factor literally changed my life.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly.
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you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. on the markets this money, expect to, dow is down 200 points but the nasdaq up 72. a judge in el paso, texas ordered the release of migrants accused of being involved in a border right. national guard troops over the rio grande. casey, why would the judge do this? >> yesterday during an online teleconference bond hearing linda magistrate judge ordered the release of some of the migrants involved in connection with that march 21 incident here
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in el paso. the judge cited courts and ability to hold bond hearings for each person with an 48 hours required by law. a similar hearing for additional defendants is reportedly scheduled for later today. the judge accused the county district attorney's office for not being ready to proceed and rule an unknown number of migrants released on their own recognizance. however, the court noted anyone with a federal immigration hold would remain behind bars. fox news reached out to the judge's office, county clerk and da and have not heard back for comment. tensions have remained high in el paso at order gate 36 where the madeley happened. cameras captured back-and-forth between groups of migrants and national guard troops.
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additional 700 soldiers were searched to el paso since the episode including 200 members of the elite texas tactical border forced. we continue watching a new migrant caravan marching north toward the united states and the group is about 2000 in size and still remains deep inside southern mexico so it's unclear when and where they will actually arrive although senior border officials say the cartels will likely strategically breakup the caravan as it gets closer to our border and send smaller groups to multiple locations for them to eventually cross the border illegally. >> all right, thanks so much indeed. brandon judd, he joins me now. another caravan heading to the southern border, why do you say
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mass amnesty is coming? >> that's what president biden is pushing for and what is unfortunate is that is what's causing people to cross borders illegally. anytime they believe there's going to be amnesty, you will see a large number of people crossing the borders. we have to look at that, the magnets causing people to cross our borders and if we get rid of the magnet, we can drop numbers but as long as we talk about that, discussion about amnesty, you will continue to see people crossing our borders illegally. that talk has to stop until we get borders under control. once you get that, then he can potentially talk about doctor but it's dangerous to talk about it while our border is totally open. >> so this caravan arrives at our border, we just let them in, process them and release them into the country? >> we take him into custody but ultimately they will be released and they know that that is the
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driving force behind all this, anytime reward illegal immigration releasing them, they want to be here in the united states. if you don't hold them for deportation or asylum proceedings, they will continue to come. you can't release people expect the flow to stop, you've got to stop, the poor people in the seat of local don't. >> counterterrorism expert warning isis k could look to the border. moscow style attack. mike pompeo. roll tape. >> this is a classic case letting inmates run asylum and it's deeply dangerous to our country. they believe this will give them the power and capacity to control the country for decades ahead. incentivizing bad actors to put their worst characters at the southern border and bring them across. bring the drugs and weapons in
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crime. >> it seems like a silly question but how worried should we be about a terror attack? >> extremely worried. all we have to do is look at the number of people we've arrested on borders in the last three years on a terrace watch list. the should be concerning to everybody but until something happens, we've been loath to sleep. too many people talking they are coming for a better life, they are not coming to make friends when we seen regularly the past three years a lot of these people are coming to commit crimes and then we know sleeper cells will wait until they are activated. look at the number of getaways, yesterday we had 1000 getaways, people we do not know where they are coming from or what their intentions are and that is the dangerous aspect of border security and why we have to get everything under control. it has to be about productions and until we get under control,
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we can expect something bad to happen. >> without message that keeps coming at us, thank you. we appreciate it. the president of mexico demand $20 billion from the administration to halt the surge of migrants. good morning, actually. how is donald trump reacting to that? >> just as you would imagine, trump telling brian kilmeade the mexican president has no respect for the biden administration is. >> is it okay for the mexican president to dictate the policy? >> he wants to essentially just talk and that's come out but that wouldn't happen with me. i get along great with him. 28000 soldiers. >> what changed? >> lack of respect for the president. they would never say that to me. i would never say -- 10 billion a year, mexico has asked for 10
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billion a year. i wouldn't get 10 cents. >> i wouldn't give him 10 cents. mexican president says the flood of migrants will continue unless the u.s. we test demands. trump finishes interview by saying if things don't change, who will not have a country anymore. >> and that's his issue. thanks, ashley. king charles attended easter church service, hit his first public appearance since announcing his cancer diagnosis. details coming up. the white house raising across after declaring easter sunday as a transgender day of visibility. the proponents say they don't see why so many people are so outraged. joe concha is dealing with all. next. ♪
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one hour into the trading session april 1, april fools' day, dow is down 200, aspect of
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the. let's start with google, up nearly 3%. >> 155. alphabet. jeffries with a note, they see potential in ai if users don't shift to checkbox in a huge way. if this old, this would be a record high, first record close google since january of this year. >> united airlines. >> united is up and going down 2%. there is a report united ask pilots, you got to take unpaid time off because the aircraft are delayed. going down 2%. >> unpaid time off. get out of here because we've got no planes for you. >> the cut price target by a dollars to 20 but look at this
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share reaction for walgreens, don about 15%. walgreens supposed to have a turnaround but it's uncertain according to the folks at jeffries. i will give you the exact price. $20.67, a decline of 4.7%. >> will hurt the dow big time. annual easter egg roll underwrite on the south lawn of the white house. i've started. jackie heinberg is that, the white house faces criticism after easter sunday transgender day of visibility. watch their response to the criticism. >> good morning. this event today was delayed a couple of hours because of thunder and lightning. whether is holding for now but this event was marked by controversy as the president commemorating transgender day of visibility that called on easter sunday. it falls on the first sunday after full moon or on or after
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spring equinox but transgender day of visibility has a fixed date held march 31 every year since its inception in 2009 and president biden issued white house proclamation as well as a post on twitter, he wrote today on transgender day of phyllis ability, i have a message to all trans americans, i see you, your made in the image of god and worthy of respect and dignity. biden marked easter sunday in a message extending well wishes to christians around the world. biden is catholic and regularly attend mass but critics seized on this. >> joe biden should be ashamed of himself and all these people say this is the day we voice recognized transgender visibility day. recognize that another day, not on easter sunday, and frankly, it's in the front biology. there are two genders, people can just going and out like a revolving door. >> andrew bates roback is a
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christian celebrates easter, biden stands for holding the dignity and freedom of every american. sadly unsurprising politicians seek to divide and weaken our country with cool, hateful and dishonest rhetoric. this morning president biden said he's feeling good about 2024. >> i think people are going to surprise people again and they are overwhelming. we have tens of thousands of people controlling five, $10 a pop. we had people waiting to get engaged. >> president biden and first lady will spend time with 40000 or so visitors at the white house this morning and remarks are slated for about an hour from now barring any more changes because of the weather. >> thank you so much indeed. joe concha in new york city, what you make of these moves? easter egg roll into transgender visibility day on easter sunday.
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>> i want to talk about what might company said in that soundbite, he says they should recognize it on another day. if there's a potential of it running into easter, this will upset a lot of up next and rightly so. it is celebrated on another day. guy benson said earlier but it bears repeating, there's already a transgender awareness month in november. within that month there is a transgender awareness week, november 13 -- 19th and a transgender remembrance day which happens november 20. it gets better, there's an lb gq month all of june. california declared that there will be a transgender history month in the month of august this year. they're getting plenty of visibility so maybe this day randomly created 15 years ago we don't necessarily have to say that's the day the president should put out statements and declarations and go with all these other options you have, something like 60 other days or
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you can make a statement and not anger so many catholics. all in the name of 1% of the population. >> so much promotion for a tiny sliver of the population. the whole month, a week and a day and who knows what else. >> you keep seeing the polls coming out when it comes to transgender's sports, biological meant competing by logical women, it joe biden thinks the american people, a majority agree with biological women in sports like boxing and field hockey and soccer, swimming, i could go on and on, seven and ten are against that putting this attention, i don't think it will give the other tutorial investment he thinks it is. >> the governor of new york states as kathy hochul, she echoed transgender day of visibility and order 13 landmarks to be lit up in celebration, is that what she
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should be focusing on? >> we saw thousands of police officers and people come out for officer diller right after he was gunned down. to do this on easter, if you ask siri what is pandering that's gonna hochul because that's all that is. one of the days are 13 landmarks lit up? does that even happened on 9/11? the priorities are out of whack. >> think the killing of a police officer on long island, eight huge event which galvanized the community and made kathy hochul. at, whether she attended the wake or not. her policies have something to do with what happened on long island. >> the suspects was arrested 20 times, what does it take to be incarcerated in new york city? more people are moving out of new york than any other state in
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the country for places like florida, tennessee, north carolina. >> the biggest exodus? >> california is right there with them as well. >> safety versus feelings, it seems like this administration's policies all about making people feel a certain way. it's all about feeling safe between how you feel or are you safe, can you afford this? 's. >> you are all right. james clyburn says bill clinton and barack obama will be a common presence on biden's campaign trail. is that a winning strategy? david webster taking on. wants to hold parents accountable if there children missed too many days in school. this will help the district
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crackdown on crime committed by juveniles who should be in school. mike emanuel has the story after this. ♪ ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪
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7:41 a.m. eastern time, massacre 12 of the dow is down to 41 points. no starts losing a lot of gr ground. the mayor of washington d.c. wants to crackdown on rampant juvenile crime did mike emanuel joins us. what is she going to do? >> the washington d.c. the mayor says she was told parent accountable if the children skip school on a regular basis. that does not mean throwing parents in jail suggesting there is a way of tightening up the system. this after three girls between 12 and 13 years old allegedly brutally murdered disabled 64-year-old man after chasing
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him down an l.a. investigators say the girls can't to death and all three have long-standing truancy issues. the judge in the case knowing one of the suspects had not attended a single day of classes here. this morning the mayor insisted some action taken by city leadership on overall crime is having an impact. >> the emergency piece of legislation last summer when we recognize disturbing crime trends making the actions permanent driving down crime in d.c. violent crime is down, robbery and carjacking is on, use of a gun is down. >> product crime on the nation's capital has drawn the attention of congress and lawmakers calling for city leaders to do more. >> we have seen his lack of enforcement, the walls are already in the book.
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we need to make sure they have resources in d.c. and political leaders to be tough on crime. >> regarding chronic skipping school issue in washington d.c., it's not clear the new proposal will have actual tease. >> so much. podcast host joe rogan praising florida governor ron desantis for taking action against home squatters. actually, what does she have to say about this? the mark rogan is applauding orders governor for fighting back against waters. desantis increased productions property rights, allowing homeowners draft squatters removed from the property without having to invoke the court system. he's increased penalties on people who squat and homes. rogan calls up, common sense. >> a bunch of steps you can do this seems to indicate you are
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illegal and you have to be taken to court and it could take months and months before you even get a trial. it's crazy in the name of protecting tenants which is important, you want to protect edits but protecting tenants, you are allowing people to steal people's houses. >> exactly. rogan says it has something to do with being democrat or republican, it's that no one should be able to steal your car, steal your clothes and they shouldn't be able to steal your house. common sense. >> take a look at this. america's local education be willing mental health crisis. watch the link between the two and we are on it. bill maher said suppressed and ridiculed during the pandemic proven to be correct. he wants to investigate the mishandling of the pandemic. doctor marc siegel joins us later on this.
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we are showing the price of oil at $83.81 a barrel because thus the highest since october of 2023. gas prices ranging there as w well. real-time post bill maher calling for commission to investigate mishandling of the covid pandemic. watch this. >> i get it, we didn't know exactly what was happening at the beginning of covid and some states were inevitable but for years on, i'm tired of hearing well, we didn't know. maybe that's why the power is the never want a covid commission. why not? we love commissions so where's the covid commission? it seems to me we haven't learned to think. >> doctor marc siegel joins us now. any medical answers or what he just be political? >> i hope it would be medical because the problem is that was political from the beginning. what we need to look at his boots on the ground and china so
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how can we from certainty, have conclusions about where it came from? by the time we looked, they had vested interest in saint it didn't come from the lab. the same think with the use of lockdowns and shutdowns based on 1918 science that works for influenza but didn't work for covid because already at the beginning of the pandemic we were seen covid spread through the air so it looks like it was more easily spread and transmissible even when you are asymptomatic. the issue of masks where it was touted and mandated mark that wasn't looked at. we know that now. vaccines were helpful but mandates were awful and a big backlash so we know all of that now. we need to as a country, learn from it and move forward. public health is the key, not politics. >> college professor claims local education feeling mental health crisis among youngsters. increased anxiety and depression
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can you link the two? woke education and mental illness. >> i can link the fact that we have about the deposit of the country, press are anxious and what i think is linked to his divisiveness and rigidity and certainty and thinking and i would be linked to woke ideology which doesn't allow all points of view. i like a debate, associating discussion for you learn from another person but the other part is, what about family values? i think families are essential in promoting kindness between people, all of which decrease is your anxiety and depression. go back to family, loving each other in person and not with is superimposed ideology that puts others down. >> covenant desantis in florida, he's got a social media ban on youngsters, does that help the
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mental health of children? >> i think social media is bad for the mental health of children and that's been documented and leads to severe depression and teen girls and suicide attempts and suicidal thinking. i don't think banning is the answer because then people think it is more attractive once and. i think it's about education and how about replacing social media with in person exchanges? culture iphone at the door when you go to a family meal. >> what would you say about putting your iphone or smart phone for youngster in a box and they go to school and get the phone back when they come out of the class, what's wrong with that? >> i love that you told me that before, why are we doing that? why have the iphone under the desk looking like they are tired when they are really looking on social media or texting instead
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of the teacher? i agree. >> a new study finds women who drink more than eight alcoholic beverages a week have greater risk of developing heart disease and those who binge drink or even more at risk. i know a lot of young women in the 20s and 30s to of a glass of wine at the end of the day, how much of an extra risk are they at? >> i don't think an occasional drink is extra risk this is a way of saying thinking from ten, 20 years ago across the wine dilated blood vessels and was good for your heart was wrong. i don't think alcohol is good for your heart. i think a lot of alcohol is a toxin bad for the heart, depresses cardiac function get a glass of wine at the end of the day a few days a week is a going to affect the heart and most people but it's not going to help you either. >> i think you relieved many of the people who work on this program. thank you so much. >> how about the varney wine?
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>> if you want to advertise my one company, great stuff i'm telling you. the ad is commissionable to you. [laughter] let's change the subject. king charles made his first public appearance since his cancer diagnosis and fabric. where was he seen? >> the king led the royal family to easter church service at windsor castle and looked cheerful and he gathered there. doctors advised the king to limit the number of people he comes in contact with during his treatment for cancer which was announced in february. after the service, king and queen conducted a surprise walkabout. members of the congregation, state workers and general public as you can see on the screen, they gathered outside the church in many well-wishers telling the king get well soon to which he responded, i'm doing my best. several members of the royal
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family were absent including kate middleton, prince william and their children. following the announcement the cancer diagnosis last week but good to see the king out and about. >> still ahead, the autoroute on president biden's new mandate on electric trucks. radio host on democrats in illinois and a plan for $1000 a month guaranteed income program. no strings. david webb on bill clinton and barack obama becoming a regular fixture on the campaign trail for joe biden. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient, and disruptive to your life, posing a real threat to your family's comfort and safety. when the power goes out, you have no lights, no refrigeration, no heating or air conditioning. the winds are not letting up at all here, and we're going to see some power outages. the number one thing to prepare for
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is extended power outages. are you prepared? you can be with a generac home standby generator. when a power outage occurs, your generac home standby generator automatically powers up, using your home's existing natural gas or propane, so your life goes on without disruption. you and your family are comfortable, safe, and secure. stay tuned to get over a $700.00 value free on the most popular home standby generator in the world. with the generac, we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not. if the utility company does not come through, our generac does. having a generac takes a lot of the anxiety out of, there's going to be a storm. after the hurricane happened we just want to be prepared for anything. generac generators are designed, engineered and built in the usa. 8 out of 10 home generators are generac and have thousands of satisfied customers.
10:59 am
how many times have you heard people say i never want to go through that again? well the next time you go through it, don't make it so hard on yourself. have a generac home standby generator. call or go online now to request your free quote with one of generac's nationwide dealers. special financing and low monthly payment options are available. and if you call now you will also receive a free seven-year warranty valued at over $700.00. the call is free, the quote is free, and there's no obligation to buy. call or go online now. so the next time there's a power outage, your home powers up. power your life with generac. call or go online to request your free quote today.
11:00 am
>> the other part that does anger me is the idea you can't express your religious belief on an easter egg. this is a nati


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