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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  April 1, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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>> 1878 and you told me that was correct. >> i think i'm ready this morning what is doing the easter egg white house. 1878. [laughter] implemented the annual event that takes place easter monday in 1969, the administration nixon was the first java staff member dressed as an easter bunny for the event. president nixon did not trust as a bunny no way he did that. [laughter] 's staff said. a tradition. okay. we are almost out of time. thank you for being here. we had a great long weekend, at least i did. thanks, everybody. see you tomorrow. coast-to-coast starts now. >> thank you, good to have you back. ahead on caboodle coast-to-coast, it's a new month
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and a new quarter. the blockbuster rally in the first quarter, markets are not off to a great start. we will ask why. also, ace market panel mitch roschelle and rake one here to take you through that. plus california fast food workers getting a raise today, $20 an hour and among but can the mom and pop franchise, they only have about three or 4% profit margin, could they afford a 25% increase in salary selects will consumers except price hike for burgers and fries? how will businesses absorb? i will ask north dakota governor and entrepreneur doug burgum coming up. i am david asman and for you and you are watching kudo coast-to-coast. ♪ first our top story, market trying to find their footing to kick off the new month and
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quarter. let's get the read from mitch roschelle. we should mention markets go down and there is good news on manufacturing. that may have investors worried they won't be worried to cut rates in june. >> i think it's more about the fact that any corporate earnings to be honest. if you look at fourth-quarter we are entering seasons, profits up 4% and that's ahead of inflation so the real story will be inflation for the rest of the year. what the fed does or doesn't do to curb inflation, what happens with interest rates, i think that's what will drive interest markets. >> let focus on one sector, tech sector and the general had an interesting piece, "wall street journal", as if it seven has
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become the bad for, couple and tesla sort of trying to find a way to get above water and unable to do so but the journal says is a good sign because there's an overall, not just dependent tech market on the seven stocks, now a broader increase in what's happening, what do you think? >> you're right. mitch is right, good to see my friend. part of it is interest rates but the big pieces that ai story, fabric for for a couple of reasons, they are playing the ai game really well. also that will come back so bad five, not bad for but couple and tesla are under pressure for china and china sets and the market and this is happening at the same time as they are not able to tell their ai story. >> one thing is disney, disney having a terrible time when the former ceo made that errors,
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they got rid of him and brought back bob iger who's done a terrific job and made amends with the governor of store, desantis without upsetting his workers and the stock is showing positive signs, do you think it will continue? >> it's a tough one. i own and i wish i would have bought more. the reality with disney is you look at the different lines, they of the most in the industry but a tremendous investment in parks and what is a get to the consumer think the cost of taking my family to one of these has gotten extensive? i think they have retooling to do but it's great to see the iconic brand like disney didn't find themselves wrapped in a political story and they are able to charge forward. >> although we should mention bob iger will -- he can't stay
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on indefinitely. is gone and come back several times and eventually will leave the thinking about what happens. i want to move to commodities because called in particular and big coin and creek does have been done extremely well. is that because people are losing faith in the dollar? what is going on? >> what's going on with gold, five 100% since 1995, seems like a lot but compare 1500, it's not a real comparison compared to 1995 but with interest rates coming down, gold is seen as a good repository of value but we have to compare that to where inflation is going and what's happening in the long run so because it's a finite supply people say they have a great role dozen argument for bitcoin, gold is 30% inflation but bitcoin is up three 100% for the
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year. so an interesting comparison but this gold rally is interesting. >> somebody else is interesting, the election coming up, how do you think the election will affect markets one way or the other. >> i will stick with the cold story, pending election is art of the rally. history is permanent in times of uncertainty, people rotate investments especially in the volatile basket like stocks, bonds and commodities, what is the safest bet for many? so we are seeing uncertainty regarding the future of what is driving the gold with the gold rally. >> one final question that could be directly affected by the elections, we know people in the biden administration want to move ahead on this wealth text where they would be able to tax
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unearned income in the marketplace. if your stock goes up even if you haven't sold it, you have to pay taxes, what would that do to the markets? >> i think that is taking the markets backwards if that happens it will change the way we look at stock options and evaluations so i think that's going to be a bad thing for the market overall. we'll see what happens, the election is a tossup. >> very interesting. which, you're coming back to talk about housing toward the end of the show, we look forward to that. fast food workers in california are getting a raise, $20 an hour minimum rule for fast food chain workers kicks in today and businesses and consumers are bracing for the impact. madison alworth is here with more details on this. >> thousands of workers in california got a race just like that today but also hundreds of thousands lost their jobs today.
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the 20 dollars minimum wage applies to franchises in their warning of the fallout blitz includes layoffs. pizza hut plans to lay off 1000, 200 employees. a franchisee around taylor pizza hut plans to cut driver 73 of them and outsource the jobs in april. that's 21% of their workforce and mcdonald's and aaa are already warning they will need to raise prices in order to comply with the new law in effect today. it's not just franchise owners in california that are concerned. a small business restaurant owners tell us minimum wage hike also applies to them and changes the landscape of salaries, prices and ultimately viability. >> will have massive layoffs, massive job losses and when it comes to being a mom and pop shop, if you can get $20 an hour
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dropping fries at mcdonald's, what do you expect me to pay to make a nice meal or hamburger? i don't even know if i'll be here at the end of the year. >> it's tough to follow for the consumer particularly lower income consumers who rely on affordability of fast food. it's unique to have been mom wait for one sector of workers. in this case, this just applies to fast food workers and fast food chains count that as any location without 60 locations nationwide. to summarize, this raises minimum wage for fast food workers from $16 an hour to $20, that's 25% increase overnight. >> a lot of these guys can't afford it. a lot of franchises, sounds like mcdonald's is a big corpo corporation -- they can't. good to see you. governor doug burgum, good to see you. i know you are a businessman but
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high-tech sector where profit margins are good, these profit margins are like two and 3%, how can they afford 25% increase in income for their workers? >> they can't. when i was in the tech sector, who were selling accounting software to small businesses, hundreds of thousands around the world and they can't. it's not a job killer like medicine was talking about, it's a business killer and i put this on biden, not just on california because we didn't have small majority in the house of representatives, these are the kind of things biden administration would be jamming on businesses across the country so it comes down if you want inflation, you cap joe biden. if you want regulations to tell every business what to do, joe biden but if you want freedom,
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liberty and markets working, that's why i support president trump this book. >> california now has the highest unemployment rate in the country. the break came at 5.3% unemployment rate. governor newsom also has $68 billion deficit so i'm wondering, do they think they can print money there? it's not only hurting their increasing unemployment rate but also deficit is booming. they are going against what is feasible, reality. >> people keep voting with their feet, california is losing congressional districts and people are leaving the state and record amounts and states like north dakota or we've got the lowest unemployment in the country and highest workforce participation because we believe markets versus regulation. the studies about helping race poverty, these are flawed
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because studies from 1994, 2010 talking about ai with automation, the only way fast food restaurants will survive with automation because nobody can pay 25% higher labor and will affect every business in california that has anything to do with food. >> the unemployment rate now the highest in the nation will continue to go higher, no doubt about it, that's what businesses have to do to go to automation make a profit. i want to keep it on a different aspect of money, money for presidential campaigns, president biden : a record 26 million with this event. now president trump trying to get 33 million from an event he's having in florida. he can dagen, a lot of people think he will, the money he's made as a result of truth social going public, do you think the
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gap between the amount of money democrats have and the amount of money republican taft will equal out a little? >> republicans have work to do because between the union said liberal billionaires, biden may continue to have a fundraising advantage but with lara trump, new leadership and are is the president trump, i expect the gap will close. i think you will see strong numbers out of the rnc under the trump of wanted going forward. that's a critical signal because when you're talking to real people affected by this, talk to a family of four or five at drive-through fast food restaurant and they have to fork over 80 or $90, they say they can't afford this. hunter biden whether it food, gas, rent, you name it, electricity, they are going up. america is looking for a different economic direction, new leadership and whether small or large dollar owners, people
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get behind president trump because people know they are worse off than four years ago and ready for change. >> you mentioned electricity, we are now expecting, this came out last week, startling by 2034 will need 80% more electricity than we are now using even though grades are already overwhelmed by the amount of electricity but add to that, the various mandates the president wants on cars going to ev from gas powered cars to heating our homes, electric heating rather than natural gas, how are we going to do it next. >> we want. it's impossible with economics, impossible with physics with the regulations they have in place because as you said, demand will skyrocket. ai and electrification in the economy, that will skyrocket demand. the biden administration is shutting down baseload at record amounts. 20000 gigawatts of power under threat biden regulation.
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it's not 2035, 2025 -- 26 will have skyrocketing electricity prices around the corner because of what biden is doing driving demand up and supply down with red tape. >> if trump becomes resident again, what governor burnham become secretary of energy? >> i think the key thing is to focus on president trump win winning. it's flattering to be considered the key thing is everybody has got to pull together because none of these changes can happen in a second biden term, back to obama's second term, that's when they dialed up regulations so what we see today is horrible, job killing stuff but second biden administration would be devastating for our economy in the world because when you kill u.s. energy, you have dictators. >> i've got to go but if asked
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by president trump if he comes next president, would you accept the job as energy secretary? >> i think president trump will have plenty of good choices and a great team at the time of his choosing. >> great to see you, thank you for being back with us, appreciate it. >> thank you, david. >> mike johnson had to get a vote on ukraine aid soon, thus the issue that could threaten his speakership so what is the speaker's game plan? we are going to tell you after a quick break. ♪
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don't settle. you want fast. get fast. you want reliable. get reliable. you want powerful. get powerful. get real deal speed, reliability and power with xfinity. she shoots from here? that's kinda my thing. house speaker mike johnson going to bring a bill to the forefront ukrainian aid when congress gets back in session but speaker johnson facing backlash from his own party says the bill will include innovations, what does that mean? for all that, fox news senior congressional correspondent chad pergram who joins us from capitol hill, good to see you. >> good afternoon, mike johnson floating a new plan to get aid
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to ukraine. one idea is alone supported former president trump. another idea is to approve the money a condition. a rollback on the administration's plan to suspend exports of liquefied natural g gas. then there is the so-called repo act. >> the repo act. if we can use seized assets of russian oligarchs to allow ukrainians to find them, we are not just giving foreign aid, we are -- they can provide it back to us when the time is right. >> democrat california senator up onto beutler tells fox she supports aid for ukraine quote and whatever form it comes but beutler says the lng issue creates another delay. mitch mcconnell agrees. >> the only way to get relief to the ukrainians and israelis quickly as for the house to figure out how to pass the bill.
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anything sent back here even the simplest thing can take a week in the senate. we don't have time for all this. >> marjorie taylor greene threatening to oust johnson if he puts ukraine aid bill on the floor. some gop members are weary of the infighting. >> ultraconservatives forcing the agenda to go left because we can't get their votes and they are threatening our speaker again. this whole episode of removing and threatening chris, does nobody any good except the democrat party. >> nothing on ukraine will move until at least midmonth. congress is out for easter and passover and any bill for ukraine in the house likely gathers more support from democrats than from republicans. >> very interesting moment. thank you for that, let's ask mark wayne mullen of oklahoma,
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he's worried about this. senator, good to see you again. your friends with republican hardliners who want to vacate the speaker's chair or moving in that direction. you don't think it's a good idea, what you tell them if you're friends with them, how do you try to persuade them but that would be a mistake? >> i'm friends with speaker johnson and the moderates of the house and a lot of the are right guys -- >> guys and gals. we are from oklahoma but speaker johnson has aligned he has to walk and this loan idea started with president trump, he put out untrue social several weeks back we should do this, it says if you strike a bridge, pay us back or turn your back on the united states, pay us back.
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i immediately got on the phone and said with the speaker on president trump, are you serious about this? how can we work on this? as we dug in, from 1941, this exact same things, it allows you to do it alone to the country and increasing past the united states, they turn it back. there's also the brand lease that allows us to go after the minerals. ukraine is very rich in min minerals. one of the largest rare earth minerals surprised in the entire world estimated $1.33 trillion which allows us refusal in the repo act which allows russian assets, it's a win-win and i believe president trump 100 will endorse. if he endorses this, which i believe he will, it gives
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speaker johnson all of the cover he needs to do what is right and that is to stay with ukraine because as you know, it obligated us to stand with ukraine in the event they would get nuclear weapons and the united states said we would be there and if russia invades you. we have the obligation and it's a smart way to do it. >> they have an obligation to us after all the money we've sent to them much more than what the entire european union has, do you think -- it would take arm-twisting on the part of the commander-in-chief and i don't think this commander-in-chief is up to this, you see what's happening with the mexican president trying to take advantage of us. >> we have a week president, we understand that so congress has to do their role and our role is to make sure we have a strong bill that protects taxpayers of the united states and our interest moving forward here in
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the country and abroad so when we do the ukraine bill at the same time, we had to do the border because the president of the data states unfortunately we have right now, will not protect our border and stand up to rogue regimes like china, putin and he's turning his back on the united states. so we as congress, we have to do our job and this is the best path forward. it is not perfect but there's never a perfect bill in the house or the senate so we have to do what is right and none of us can do it by ourselves but at the same time if we work together, the best as we can. i know it won't get everybody but the majority of us if we work together -- >> you can't afford to lose more than two or three right now because of the slim majority in the house, that's the problem. you think we will have another vacancy in the speaker's chair?
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ten seconds. >> i don't think we will, i believe president trump supporting this speaker johnson doing what's right, democrats support us we are going to do what's right for this country to go forward. >> thank you so much for your time, appreciate it. the biden administration amy is latest green agenda crackdown on big rigs that deliver goods over the country, we will break down the economic consequences and what it means for drivers and consumers coast to coast. we'll be right back. ♪ and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away.
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biden administration and epa set to issue another crackdown. they are taking aim at gas powered trucks and tractors and heavy duty vehicles. new rules require a move toward electric. a major cause to industries and consumers that rely on these vehicles big time, power the future founder and ceo daniel turner joins me contractors are calling these new ev mandates unachievable. what say you? >> totally unachievable because they are not based on any market forces. these are arbitrary numbers both percentage of vehicles that want
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to be electric and the date they want them electric i. they are arbitrary numbers so the biden administration will have to use a lot of political force to achieve this unrealistic goal. >> will a put truckers out of business? >> i will put truckers out of business without a doubt and raise the price of a lot of goods and services. electric truck may have a bright future but they can only go around three or 400 miles before they need 12 hour charge. diesel truck can go 1200 miles and refill at about ten minutes so adding pauses electric shot have to take if they can even find a charging station, it will add to the overall cost of the things you are buying at home on your phone that you want delivered next day service. >> talk about rising prices, when you fill up gas, you're in for a shock. sticker shock is back, gas prices up and oil is 82, $83 a barrel right now. one reason might be this, we seen oil production mystically in the u.s. go down.
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it had been going up which is good, it went from 13.3 million barrels a day in december down to 12.5 million barrels in january. we've lost 800,000 barrels a d day. what's happening? is that white gas prices are going up? >> we've been denied permitting for the last couple of years. oil takes a couple of years to come online so if you stop processes in 2001, it's catching up to us and this will continue especially into the summer when people are driving more and demand for oil continues to go up. we will seek prices continue to escalate. >> the other thing that worries a lot of folks that have natural gas to heat their homes and fire the ovens and etc., this administration doesn't like natural gas even though it's responsible bringing down carbon emissions dramatically in the united states the past 20 years and particularly lng, a pickle
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about lng being somehow one of the worst things since i do know, since the invention of turning oil into electricity, could the current because the biden administration has on lng exports turn into an outright ban next. >> it will turn into an outright ban if biden wins reelection. right now it's a pause because they are doing it for political purposes. they have to appease the environment the left which is a lot of money and enthusiasm for their campaign but if you are a senator like bob casey in pennsylvania about the second largest lng producer, where do you stand on this? brown in ohio, a huge natural gas estate, where you stand? political cowardice during election year end american people are suffering as a result. >> a guy named robert, methane researcher cornell you that president biden is listening to says ending completely the use
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of lng should be global priority so that's where president biden apparently stands right now. we got to leave it at that. as always, great to see you. president biden targeting nikki haley voters in a new ad. more on the new strategy to sway republican voters away from trump coming up next. ♪ all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work. i can make this work. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us. because advice worth listening to is advice worth talking about.
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♪ president biden hoping to appeal to nikki haley voters with a new ad saying donald trump doesn't want you to fox news white house correspondent jackie heimlich has a story for us. >> a new foxhole last week spell trouble for the biden campaign especially third-party candidate in the mix. the survey showed the election for happening now, biden would lose to trump 38 to 42% in part because robert f kennedy junior would claim 12% of the vote. 10% of democrats and 8% republicans backed kennedy but this morning biden didn't seem too concerned.
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>> we have tens of thousands of people contributing five, $10 a pop. one hundred headquarters. i just think people are so tired of negativity obligating, they just want to get engaged and change things. i am optimistic. >> biden's campaign has not been targeting moderates or disillusioned republicans, they see the path to victory through pockets of registered democrats who did not come to vote in 2020 but mobilized midterms to vote against republicans. with support sliding within the democrat base over biden support of israel's war against hamas, the new strategy seems to be a change, biden according warmer nikki haley supporters with a tweet he woke this weekend, nikki haley voters, donald trump does not want your vote. i want to be clear, there's a place in my campaign to get in a video was attached to the
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message. >> i don't need votes, we have all the boats we need. >> she's gone haywire. >> how do you bring nikki haley voters back in? >> team biden trying to loosen rfk junior's grasp on voters dedicating entire team for attacking kennedy calling him conspiracy theorists and likening him to drop. the dnc is challenging kennedy's candidacy legally. >> thank you, appreciate that report. let's get reaction from former democrat pennsylvania congressman patrick murphy and "wall street journal" editorial board member bill mcgurn. i salute you. patrick, i want to focus in on the younger voters because a lot of people presume they would go for biden going to regret but he is leading a lot of support
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among 25, 18 to 25 -year-olds, he's losing the truck even though he's trying to cater to them by student debt loan forgiveness, etc. why do you think he's losing the gunboat? >> i just came from business, i asked my class, really it's about they are a jump ball because they want to make sure the country is moving in the right direction, they care about the stock market at an all-time high but not investing, they don't see it. they are saying what's in it for me? what's in it for them is 77000 now have the student loans forgiven under president biden. what's in it for them is an all-time low record unemployment rate, they have good paying jobs and when you look at things like investments in chips act, the chips act itself, bipartisan under president biden, we've
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already had two thirds of trillion dollars in private, not government investment, private investment. that is a huge deal. >> you are ignoring the fact that there are billions of dollars spent, i know it's bipartisan there was a lot of government -- as much as i love patrick, he didn't answer the question, why biden is leading young voters, it reminds me of biden pandering to the latino vote with open border policies that turned out black voters didn't like the fact that we had open borders. >> i think they don't feel security and if you look at the protests over the israel policy, joe biden has been too soft regarding israel, he's backed down from his initial strong support but the wildcard here is
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all those protesters carrying genocide joe signs, you would think there would be rfk voters but rfk has been strong on israel, not well known. his vaccine status is far more known, auto they will do when they find out their hero is very strong on israel. that seems to be something in joe biden's favor. for nikki haley voters, nikki haley campaigned as republican, she got a lot of boats that were independent and democrat. i don't know this new push is going to change everything. >> i'm going to give you another crack at this young voters situation because we went back to 1984, 1980 ronald reagan did not win a majority of the young voters but 1984 when people had a chance to compare young people to compare his policies on tax
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cuts and regulatory cuts, he got 61% of the young voters. do think the same is happening right now? you mentioned how much young folks you deal with our interested in economic prosperity and they don't see that prosperity right now because of what's happening with inflation and regulation, maybe they are growing more conservative. >> but i do think at the end of the day it is the economy. economy is stupid so i think job growth and other things are positive and will get them back on for president biden but i will say, i do think what's going on with israel and hamas war is a big deal and people care about it. when you have a republican congressman, they will flatten gaza, that's not the right answer.
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that's -- most americans don't want that. we don't want to see people be decimated in a nuclear attack. >> final question that has to be quick, the president we heard him say people don't want negativity. what you call calling trump voters nazis if not negativity? >> biden gave a whole speech outside independence hall the millions of people outside, i think he's a long the most negative, he completely turned on his postelection speech where he called for healing we can reaching across fellow americans and he wants to pretend is not about that. i don't think on the economy, same thing. people feel they've been gas lighted and told how good it is and inflation is not a problem. they buy a nine dollar box of
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cheerios. >> the same candidates running in november but this time biden has a record the people will vote on his record. we got to leave it, more hurdles for homebuyers and 22 states, how much you need to make if you want to afford median priced home, will break down the soaring housing costs with mitch roschelle right after the break. ♪ advanced network solut
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soaring home prices and mortgage rates pushing buyers out of the market completely. data showing how challenging is going to be in 42 states in particular. gary fani willis joins me now. >> this is hard for a lot of people to buy. the average home buyer needs over $110,000 bill for the average home. of new and great showing the
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salary to make that purchase jumped 46% in four years. homebuyers only need to make 76000 and 2020. the issue? widespread. you now need six pay her salary to buy the average home in 23 states including the district of columbia work years ago the number was six. mortgage rates playing a small role but home prices have kept pace with the needed salary to buy them. average hope 42% at 400 and 12,000. where you need to make the most by the average home? some places won't surprise you. california tops the list almost 200,000 by the average home followed by hawaii, washington d.c., massachusetts and washington. the flipside, least expensive state starts with mississippi and the list includes ohio, arkansas, indiana and kentucky.
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even though the housing market may be pricing people out, don't be too quick to think renting is the solution. since biden took office, rent is up 21%. >> to get you either way. you just can't win in the situation. back out with mitch roschelle, 46% rise in what you have to make in just four years to buy the median priced home. make over 100,000. this is incredible. have you ever seen a jump this big hugs. >> no. even when you look at inflation completely down when i bought my first apartment in the early 80s, at least sort of prices were going up but not at a catastrophic rate like they are right now. salaries were going up much more quickly then, too.
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the real issue here, this is more about price appreciation that i interest rates and i think people need to focus on the fact that we have price appreciation because we have a supply and demand imbalance. if government wants to interfere and try to fix this, we need incentives to create more supply of homes if not more for people to buy homes. >> you had an oxymoron, government fixing something. [laughter] government has to get out of the way. the bottom line is a lot of politicians want the government to get involved even more, have more public housing, more help with mortgage etc. when i say help, i put it in quotes because i don't see the government as the answer, do you? >> no. the reason things were more manageable in the 80s with an inflationary period was there was a push toward the regulation
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and there were incentives in the tax code for builders to build more supply so supply was able to keep up with demand and prevent prices from getting out of control. all we have a state and local government telling you what you can't do and no incentives for builders to build. whenever they create more public housing, it chips away at it but these incentives to get people to buy homes isn't going to do anything if the home is in there to buy. >> preserve incentives for renters and people squatting and homes that may be throwing potential homebuyers off saying i don't need that headache of having somebody when a modification for couple weeks, come back and find squatters in my home, is that affecting the housing market at all? >> i think it is on the margin but it's helping, ring doorbell
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cameras because more and more people are buying cameras to keep track of their home when they are not there, worried squatters may show up. >> is there any way to pick up supply getting more workers in the industry were our supplies a problem in terms of building homes? >> building materials, the supply chain is better than it was, still not great but the supply have a shortage of his workers, there still are not enough construction workers to build homes and skilled laborers so i would say those amongst the challenges and the supply of land approved for building more housing a lot of work needs to be done to create more supply. >> mitch roschelle, we covered the waterfront, good to see you, appreciate it. that does it for us, thank you for watching. now it's time for jackie deangelis to take us to the big money show, good to see you. >> thank y


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