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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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thank you so much for watching this special edition of the pokémon tune in tomorrow and kellyanne conway and senator kevin cramer joined kudlow but first, time for my good friend, liz mcdonald next to take you to the next hour. >> good to see you for terrific show. we got congresswoman claudia, nicole malliotakis, scott perry
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and kelly armstrong does that but first, we want to get to this, growing backlash against the white house proclaiming transgender day of visibility despite it falling on easter sunday. white house working hard to do damage control and may not be playing. peter doocy live at the white house with more and it's good to see you. >> it is you, thanks for having me this was the first question that came up in today's press briefing asked by the associated press where officials insisted transgender visibility day happens every march 31 for us easter doesn't. >> folks to understand the calendar and how it works, easter falls on different sundays. every year. this year it happened to coincide with transgender visibility day. >> the white house easter egg hunt, speaker johnson called it outrageous that easter sunday was transgender day of visibility. presidents had thoroughly
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uninformed. the president says i didn't do that but a proclamation was all the white house commemorating transgender day of visibility at easter. the spanish language x account ignored transgender day of visibility. conservative republican's are saying they are upset. >> i think everyone should be consulted by this intentional nature of this easter is a religious holiday. it is such a sacred day where we all meet at the cross. >> when we look at every recent goal, this is not an issue driving voters on either side as they pick a candidate but it is something that presumably entire day at the white house when they would rather talk about just about anything else. >> thank you so much. always a pleasure having you on with your terrific reporting. we appreciate you so much. let's welcome to the show congresswoman claudia tenney.
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people get how the calendar works despite press secretary sounding dismissive. this sparked outrage across the country around the world. the white house did not apologize the president tried to claim i didn't do that. yes, he did. what you think of the white house saying it's a coincidence? shouldn't they have checked the calendar or are they just out of touch, which is worse? >> it's not easy to say which is worse but they could have talked about easter first at least. this is what i don't understand. we have three devoted to b dq issues. transgender entire month, not just a day in november. we have pride month in june and lgbt history month, the month of october. charlie kirk of turning.usa says altogether there's 145 days on
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the calendar to these lgbtq issues and sexualization of our world. yet, the one most important day for we recognize easter, jesus christ has risen, a sacred day in christendom, we have to get into this issue. why so much confusion for children? this is the part that concerns me. what about the children out there? the biden administration did not apologize for the fact that you could not have any religious reference on easter eggs to the white house. this is a christian holiday a religious holiday. that's it. >> the president called the easter bunny the quote oyster bunny. the white house about easter egg, it comes on top of what you're talking about, arch archbishop, the former apostolic the united states public announcement, unprecedented scandalous. we don't see it hitting the polls yet but gallup is
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reporting the president, president biden approval is below levels of jimmy carter and george bush when they lost their reelection bids. >> i've heard about this all day yesterday and have been throughout the district today and everybody is talking about it. people are talking about it and people are appalled. you don't have to be, shouldn't be left -- right issue, it's a sacred day especially celebrated by christians and respected by all religions. we need to respect religious sectors. everything on the left, not focusing on the things that are important, getting to work, getting cropping prosperous, caring for families and shouldn't it be about families? everything from the left is against families and that is the part that concerns me, we are losing the family unit, the
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holidays which is supposed to be celebrated by families yet we got to celebrate -- all the respect in the world for people who are transgender but they need 145 days of lgbt recognition? we don't even recognize our veterans that many days a year and this is why it concerns me, over hyperfocus on these issues. >> we hear you loud and clear. we have they felt entitled to interrupt easter services at the saturday night vigil. this recent poll, 47% of democrats approved of biden's handling of what's going on so like hitting church services, alienating many americans no matter what race, what path they are walking, the religious base and people around the world saw it, how you think persons around the world saw this?
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>> i think something everybody wrote about the president trump, there was a work on christmas, he couldn't say merry christmas, you had to say happy holidays from a this is a war on christianity in the most pervasive around the world other than the obvious historic acts against the jewish people including the holocaust or horrific acts of october 7. only 17 million jews in the world but well over a billion cushions yet there seems to be were on christianity and i don't understand obvious foundational way of life, jesus is recognized and understood by all so i don't know it seems like it's a way of destroying america because judeo-christian ethics are the foundation for read him and human rights recognized and people and that is certainly the lesson of our country but the attack on christianity seems to be particularly acute.
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>> thank you so much for joining us and happy easter to you. happy passover day. joining us now from the house law enforcement, nicole malliotakis, it's good to see you again. your reaction to the turnout for the taylor family to back the blue? funeral procession for murder lease officer donovan diller was massive, everyone has had with criminal first policies, what do you think? >> beautiful showing of support for his family. we lost a husband and a son and a father. tonight tragic for the entire city and state particularly fellow men and women in blue but there is an underlying incentive we had enough with pro policies of the democrats. you look at what's happened over the last couple of years, failed reform, less is more act. new york state federation of
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public employees sent out a note saying this individual, rivera was on the streets because of less is more act, he was on parole and supervised release early because supposedly he was on good behavior yet he violated terms with his parole so it shouldn't have been the case but it's another law kathy hochul signed and made our street less safe all while you have a mayor telling new yorkers everything is fine, nothing to see you but when police officers are not, they are tested to protect us and if they are not, how are the rest of us supposed to believe the streets of new york city or say? you see the staff the stories of the tv like everybody else, you can't fool them. >> the president has not issued a statement, written or public or called a family, president
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biden raised 26 million a celebrity filled extravaganza thursday night, the night of officer dealers wake. all that outweighs the call or visit to the police officer's family after he was murdered? >> the president doesn't have the obligation to go to the weight but what happened a nice thing to do and what happened much appreciated by nypd and all new yorkers to come to new york city to attend a fundraiser to raise money for your campaign, a campaign on friday and not rejected the family, not show support i think was missed opportunity not political but in terms of the right thing to do is a decent woman being. this is a police officer put his life on the line, this country and our city and the fact that the president was here in new york city and did not reject the family i think was sad but shows true colors. >> already the news is coming
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in, this is a record number, nearly 100 police officers nationwide shot so far this year. joe kamali says is a top police executive, one cup, one cup shot every 22 hours. that's far outpacing last year's record numbers. this is violence that's exploded in america 2020 and the social justice rise no cash failed reform. compare violence in america to know versus pre-pandemic 2019, it's gone up. watch officer dealers widow, stephanie diller. >> how many more police officers and families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before you start protecting them? i am so proud dozens of people across the country are calling jonathan a hero but the truth is, he's always been a hero to ryan and me. the rest of the world is just catching up. it's been two years and two
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months detective rivera and detective zamora made the ultimate sacrifice just like my husband, jonathan diller. rivera stood in front of the elected officials pleading for change, change never came and now my son will grow up without his father. i will grow up old without my husband and their parents will have to say goodbye to their child. >> have to say this, my family, i hate to bring up personal stuff, this hits home because my sister's husband is a fireman, he dug out his brother-in-law new year's eve after 9/11. chuck mendez died 9/11 so when cops are shot, police officers are attacked, often the fire department get hit, too. often they deal with rising crime as well so i hate to bring up personal family stuff, i'm just saying this because people need to understand and i know the american voter gets it and
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you get it, when our men and women in blue are on the front lines and not protected by elected officials and put their lives and families, it's way more dangerous. your word? i hope every radical left politician in america especially here in new york here's those words from his widow because it's so true. we see this coming, we say laws need to be changed, they've emboldened criminals, empowered models and released criminals back to our streets. we need commonsense policies and keep the bad guys behind bars and support for law enforcement they deserve or, they put their life on the line and we need to have their backs, city, state and federal. >> appreciate you. coming up tonight, congressman kelly armstrong, columnist.
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keeping the focus on 2024 as the kitchen table election hammering away at bidenomics in a new way. we will show you squat democrats the many hundreds of millions of your tax money for hundreds of projects. we will explain that and talk democrat strategist says rfk junior could swing the election to jump. we will explain that. also, minority voters are leaving the democrat party in droves. we got the sound. truckers slamming biden white house rules pushing electric trucks saying this will wreck the u.s. economy. intentions are intensifying in the middle east. airstrikes reportedly killed two iranian generals including the top commander and revolutionary guard. former state department person morgan ortega's, who got the sound warning about isis quote
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from desire to attack america. majority disapprove of biden on the border including majority of minority voters will president trump says he will be tougher on the border crisis. coming up on "the evening edit" ♪ -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to. it's advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. ■ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. ■
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let's welcome to the show, spokesperson for the state department former president trump, morgan ortega's, good to be in studio with you. let's get your reaction, he's pushing back hard on the president of mexico saying i want $20 billion to stop the border search. let's listen to former president trump here. >> sixty minutes the president of mexico says we are not going to shut down the border until you change the policy in cuba and venezuela. is it okay for the mexican president to dictate american policies? >> he wants $10 billion just to talk. let's come out -- that wouldn't happen with me. very simple, lack of respect to the president. they would never say that to me, before -- 10 billion a year, texaco asked for 10 billion, they would never i wouldn't give them 10 cents and they know t that. >> what you think? mckee so right.
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trump is already present a lot of people were running because over door as far left in the how are they going to get along? they ended up negotiating the trade give between u.s., canada, united states, usmc renegotiating -- in mexico obviously from renegotiating from the 90s and we started to work together incredibly close he on security issues. what happens with somebody with these leaders around the world, the get away with what they think they can get away with an president trump is right that there is no way he would demand 10 billion or even 10 cents but this is just a precursor to negotiations like give me the money before we can even talk. it's crazy, ludicrous and people are doing this and leaders are doing this simply because they know they can get away with it. >> look at this recent poll, seven out of ten disapprove of
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biden's handling of the border look at this number, or intent democrats disapprove and subdue 55% of black adults, seven out of ten hispanic adults. this recent poll, 45% of americans describe the situation at the border as crisis. you see was going on in texas where a judge recently let go over the weekend, people arrested because they weren't ready for detention hearings, what you make of that? >> new fox news pulling one was showing biden's approval rating for immigration policies around 30%. what is really shocking in the polls you are talking about and the new fox news goals is how much independence are unhappy with his handling of the economy so it is puzzling from political perspective from how can you go into an election year into november load numbers, independent, not even any republicans and democrats, just
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independence. i think they're trying to appease their base and willing to sacrifice independence because they think we'll talk about january 6 an abortion and that will be giving independence back. i can't make sense of it. >> we hear you loud and clear. retired general frank mckenzie commanded the u.s. forces in the middle east including withdrawal from afghanistan, let's listen to him running about isis. >> isis k in particular but isis in general has a strong desire to attack our homeland. we should believe them when they say that, they are going to try to do it so i think the threat is growing, it's begun to grow as soon as we left afghanistan and took pressure off isis k so we should expect further attempts of this nature against the united states as well as our partners and other nations abroad. i think it's inevitable. >> eckstein hundred terror
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suspects including those on the watchlist have been caught trying to cross and there wasn't isis connection in the smuggling network so why are we playing with fire here and just a generation after 9/11? the next few weeks after the attack on moscow and russia. i've been warning about this for the past year end a half, isis k about the isis affiliate in afghanistan has a foothold in every province in afghanistan. we were told when president biden removed every trip out of afghanistan and all of our counterterrorism intelligence capabilities, who were told they would have over the horizon capabilities without u.s. forces presence in afghanistan. let's still true from acquiring not very nice k today? you are so smart. thank you for joining us, it's good to have you in studio, we
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appreciate you. congressman kelly armstrong from kelly. truckers slamming the biden white house rules pushing for only all electric trucks morning this will wreck the u.s. economy plus americans tax reform economist, this new economics, americans need six-figure salary to afford a median price home at nearly half of the united states, 25 states. barlett lawmakers for hundreds of millions in funding for pet projects at home. then researchers one government overspending fuels and placing and rate hikes. coming up on "the evening edit" ♪ so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking...
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welcome back, did you check the weather forecast? elected politicians through 32 billion spending, more than 8000
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pet projects in their own home districts, far left squad democrats including aoc want to 24 million or more than 200 products reportedly since last year. hillary on all over this story live on capitol hill, good to see you. >> good evening, earmarks cost taxpayers but only a few get the benefit from these projects that lawmakers congress to pay for back home in their district. so far, 8000 earmarks in the spending bill to fund government costing taxpayers over $15 billion but these projects aren't paid for. the government spending money they don't have adding to the debt. critics say this reckless spending needs to stop, calling it legalized bribery. >> we like earmarks to the method of governing, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine, spending bills go down but here
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is what every member of congress needs to hear, there's no sugar left. when bottom is pulling out and national debt is heading to $34 trillion market can only be bribery if the money is like to get the latest round of spending bills, congress awarded 71 million earmarks for lawmakers who voted against the spending bill caps off bernie sanders was one example of someone who got over $15 million to his state for different things but didn't vote for the spending bill so he didn't help spending bill passed the limited he got the cash. >> it's good to see you. joining us now, grover, it's good to have you on. what you think of that report? >> it's very bad news, they do use those goodies to buy votes and further increase funding, unpleasant. >> inflation nearing 19% compound the biden, hot money
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thrown into the u.s. economy driving inflation, driving interest rates higher. does affordability crisis hitting letter to lower income, black, white, hispanic, you name it. the launch a new international website to compare grocery bills to former president trump, what you make of that move? >> people notice groceries everyday. they notice buying gas everyday but they also look at housing prices when they decide what am i going to stay in this state or go somewhere else? they're going up everywhere but into states you add regulatory burdens on new housing as well as tax burdens on the house and property taxes. one more thing driving people out of blue states into red states. >> alienating minority voters. listen to democrat strategist james -- watch this. >> president biden said friday he would visit the site of the
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baltimore bridge collapse because like the bridge, biden is no longer connecting with black community's. [laughter] >> younger voters, particularly younger blacks, younger latinos or whatever, younger people of color, we are not leaving in the droves. >> leaving in droves -- wait, let me back up. we've seen this in other polls, biden's support among black voters is plummeting now just around 3% in the hole. that's down from 92% of the 2020 election.
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james carafano the biggest story of 2022 midterms was low black turnout. what you think of this angle? >> it shouldn't surprise you all people have been damaged by this and they keep treating some groups as if they owned them, and tell them what to do and some time you will take not anymore. the inflation, taxes, everything getting too expensive, attorney everyone biden has no answer to talk to any of those commu communities. >> will have you back on, thank you for joining us. it is the great work on this story we brought to you by tonight, biden white house launching new rules to the carbonized the entire u.s. transportation sector essentially forcing many trucks and buses to go electric. truckers warn you will pay for this the damage u.s. supply chain. grady trumbull live with the latest.
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>> this new epa rule is into cutting pollution from commercial vehicles and a similar manner to the epa's previous role from a couple of weeks ago regulating tailpipe emissions from passenger vehicles. as america, environmental groups like sierra club class this, it's crucial truck manufacturers getting to the fast lane was trucks to deliver economic benefits we deserve. the rule will apply to semi trucks, city buses, box trucks and garbage trucks starting with 2027 vehicles and getting progressively stricter 2032. practically speaking, what this means is a lot more electric semi trucks and buses on the roads by then. representing the trucking industry and bus industry say the new rule is unrealistic and affordable and will hit smaller businesses the hardest. >> these are businesses that can't afford trucks three times as expensive assuming they can
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get these electric trucks. they will have a place to plug in, they will have the power to the infrastructure to charge, they are out of business. >> these numbers from the clean freight coalition going all electric, the entire trucking industry to go electric would cost about $1 trillion. the grid upgrades, it doesn't even count the expense of electric trucks the companies would have to invest in as a result of this rule. as you know and as you mentioned, cost for transportation goes on, cost for everything we buy because of and that's what these trucking groups are morning. >> thank you for your terrific reporting there and breaking it down. kelly armstrong, it's good to see you. your reaction to the report? are china and india pumping out pollution but we take the hits? >> yeah but process lithium to
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put the batteries in these trucks. it is a win. >> this will slam america supply chain. viewers out there will have to pay for this. right now, no electric long hold tractors in mass production, most electric trucks don't go more than 170 miles on a charge, they require bigger and heavier batteries along the other electric car batteries, that means bridges and roads will turn up and avoid damaging wrote that means more congestion, more trucks to transport the same amount of goods, more pollution to make batteries. electric trucks, i think they can generate more so it from there wear and tear on roads and vehicle braking tires. >> petito's, it will take him to deliver because it's an electric
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vehicle and the vehicle is heavier so the cost of french price will go up the farm in north dakota doesn't see that, your chewing all of this up to vacate the environmental left as you said, we get all of these materials is from -- it will not make the environment any clearer so it is massively unproductive and make everything you consume cost more. >> you wonder if the trucking industry will file lawsuits against us. one electric truck consumes seven times as much electricity on one charge festival home in the day but you look at the truck charging depots, they can draw as much powerful grid from small cities, focus collapse the power grid? >> it's clearly going to need an upgrade, we haven't been able to but rural farmers the have to upgrade trucks and deal with this, he got 70 degrees below windshield, i don't think it will just be the trucking industry, i think it will be farmville and anybody that actually understands how
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economics of food production works will come out against t this. >> and cold weather, one thing out because they are drained truckers inside the cabin? >> absolutely and you can't bear them, you have to work on them, all of these things, three and a half times more expensive than a diesel truck and i want to know the charging infrastructure in rural america because i could tell you it doesn't exist, the biden administration got seven charges up since the infrastructure plan let alone commercial vehicles. >> electric batteries lose half their charge in like ten years, a waste. the debacle. >> the unfunded mandates, you will all significantly less stuck or destroyed county roads which is something we deal with in rural america all the time.
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i've never had dirt under their fingernails a day in the life. >> good to see you, thanks for joining us. columnist and author, why top democrat strategist says rfk junior could swing the 2024 election the former president trump. also, the first trump trial, hush money cases said to start in two weeks and stop these trials during the 2024 campaign. we will check in with dagen and sean, they got a great show coming up. >> happy easter to you joe biden is getting low back on easter but we are so biased because matt whitaker as well as working to the former anheuser-busch executive on the one-year anniversary of bud light partnering with dylan mulvaney and what a disaster that was.
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>> what is not an april fools joke, left-wing nut actually says something agree with. they tuned to find out. ted williams on the mayor of washington d.c. bragging about how things are improving in the city and teen girls be a disabled man to death on the d.c. the street top of the hour. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session.
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okay, that's uncalled for. looked was back, columnist and author, it's good to see you. former president trump holding campaign rallies in wisconsin and michigan this week. he's going to hammer president biden, what you make of top democrat strategist all saying rfk junior could swing the race or trump physical and had hillary clinton and biden pretty progressive, too. what do you think? >> she's got in the wall, a woman who founded an organization that raised $10 million, the book which went to lawyers for illegal migrants and organizations fighting for letter prison sentences. she gave $150,000 to georgia
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custom who's one of these progressive the course duration das is constantly trying to keep criminals out of prison getting them back on the streets so a lot of people looking to rfk for an alternative to biden or trump looking for somebody is more of a centrist, this has got to break them out of it but and that's why it's breaking out the biden campaign because it looks like it's coming for progressive voters. >> the biden campaign should worry because in 2016 it looks like third-party candidates got about 5.8% of the vote, both away from hillary clinton in swing states, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, arizona, georgia and wisconsin. let's get your reaction to the "wall street journal". >> when we have elections, the last election will biden one by a margin of 43000 votes spread over three states. arizona it was 10000 votes. republicans can go out for the
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candidate campaign can go out and convince that many people in arizona but they don't want to pull the lever for joe biden but for him instead. that could change an election and that is why democrats are so concerned. >> what do you think? >> i could not agree more and i don't think it's about this margin of error, i don't think it's small numbers, look at michigan and you're constantly talking about their rights as workers and consumers and one of the main focuses of the joe biden presidency has been the ev mandates getting electric cars to replace gas cars. we know that is not popular with the american consumer or american auto worker because ev takes fewer hours to make. >> but also the margin, the swing vote like in the tens of thousands rfk could take away from biden. that's what the worry is in the biden campaign and in less than
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three weeks trump will face hush money trial in new york, that's the only case that has a realistic shot before the election, then your case involves relatively minor charges of jumping up no pun intended, falsifying business records into a felony trying to influence the election. what you make of this case is a gag order on trump and federal election interbrand case and the new york civil civil fraud case? >> do you know what i keep thinking? i keep thinking, what if the democrats spent half of energy a lot of the energy they spent trying to tear down trump listening to voters trying to come up with policies like trump did and appeal to them? instead because i don't want to do that, they want to appeal only to college educated voters,
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abandoned the working class so of the attack trump was a proxy for the working american. >> it's good to see you again, thank you for joining us. tensions are rising in the mideast. israeli airstrike on the embassy in damascus, killing two iranian generals including self leader of the iranian revolutionary guard corps, scott perry from house foreign affairs will take up next on "the evening edit". ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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joining as note congressman scott perry from house foreign affairs. congressman it's good to have you on. what do you make of iran today harsh revenge on israel after israeli airstrike reportedly killed two iranian generals and five officers in damascus syria? what do you make of this? >> we should not be surprised by iran's response. what actually shouldn't surprise should a surprisethis is israels while the biden administration has literally been coddling iran and the ayatollahs in the irgc. we have a problem in israel because of iran for that problem exist in israel under the name of hamas or hezbollah or islamic jihad. in yemen it's the trend eight. these are the proxies of a runt while america not only won't do anything about iran it's actually helping iran by
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providing financing that they should not be in providing space regarding this nuclear deal. israel does not have that luxury and must make sure they strike first. otherwise they will suffer a note of their horrific attack like they did in october. >> they took out a top commander in the iranian revolution a guard court. they are saying this appears in iranian newspaper and media. they are saying this is an escalation of israel targeting of military officials of their allies in syria. the chief spokesman for israel army said they directed a drone attack in southern israel, what do you think? >> we could predict this again for my ron. it's propaganda. let's remember israel continues to have to respond to iran. i runt was not done through hamas on october 7 they are not done now. israel has about and rightly so any other country would be right to do the same thing.
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they are not going to wait to do proxies slaughter thousands of its people. they simply cannot wait and they're not going too. this activity can avoid should be expected as long as the ayatollahs and iran a and that e militaristic viewpoint of the irgc continue to prevail in the region. unless iran is checked, this is going to continue. >> a congressman moving on to the story it's about the have on us interpret what you make of a elite u.s. military investigator a whistleblower he had worked on the havana syndrome telling 60 minutes he believes u.s. enemies russia and possibly try to have physically been attacking more that 100 u.s. intelligence officers. military and diplomatic officials but sometimes their families using the sonic weapons with a high energy beam of microwaves or ultrasound given them brain injuries. what do you make of this? >> it happened in cuba that's why we called havana syndrome.
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but does anyone really believe the castro regime and its current form has the wherewithal to come up with something that the united states cannot identify and cannot counter? it is right to believe whether it is a russia or whether it is china or both of them working in collaboration, cluster member china operates the largest and the biggest collection operation on the planet right from cuba into the united states. these are enemies of america especially in the case of china unrestricted warfare which includes diplomats of families and everything american they can arm and degraded. i think the report is worth a second look and has a fair amount of credibility. >> the havana center because migrants, nausea, memory lapses, hearing loss. and now retired army lieutenant colonel ran the pentagon unit looking into this but he is the
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whistleblower he said america and the biden white house does not want to face the hard truths about this and how it is injuring our u.s. officials. >> let's remember that many people reported having these issues and then we were generally told it was all in their heads and this never happened. the people that have been affected by it, they certainly do not believe that. and unfortunately this is a case where i think the track record of the united states intelligence agency being truthful with the american citizen is in question. and so i think we ought to pursue this report and see how far it goes to pay. >> congressman it. thank you so i should joining us tonight is good to see if you're joining us tomorrow night congressman chip roy, keith kellogg, general keith nicalek and kevin o'leary but thank everyone for the evening at it right now it's time fo


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