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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 2, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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he stops! ...for the championship! nice shot, marcus! sweet, turn simulation off. tssk, tssk, not so fast. what, why? did you forget marcus? forget what? your chem exam? uggh? flashcard time! the atomic weight of boron. the future isn't scary, not investing in it is. 100 innovative companies, one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges expenses and more in prospectus at dav--w, larry: that's it for "kudlow," thank for watching, folks.
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maria: good tuesday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is tuesday, april 2nd, top stories right now, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. today futures indicating a lower opening at the start of trading this morning, take look. we're talking about a decline of 134 on the dow industrials, nasdaq down 46, s&p 500 lower by 10. this after stocks traded lower yesterday kicking off the second quarter on the down side. stocks lower on strong manufacturing data monday, suggesting less need for aggressive rate cuts. when all was said and down the dow industrials yesterday down 240 points, nasdaqs was up 17 at 4:00 on wall street. this week clarity on jobs, we are waiting on the jolts report out this morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern, followed by the march adp number out tomorrow morning and the march jobs report out on friday. we're all about jobs this morning. meanwhile, trump media and technology group this morning trading this way after yesterday's selloff, the stock extending the losses right now,
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djt finished down 21% yesterday and this morning is down another 3 and-a-half percent after the huge runup and the successful ipo, despite declining cash and losses, will the volatile situation continue? back in washington, more pushback on speaker mike johnson's plan to move a bill sending aid to ukraine. we're on it this morning. european markets are mixed, take a look at the eurozone. we see gains in london and paris. the ft 100 up 22, the dax index in germany lower by 31. in asia overnight, also a mixed showing, mostly higher, however. hong kong's hang seng index up strong, up 2 a 2 and a third pet on the session. president trump gearing up to campaign in michigan and wisconsin as the former president posts the 175 a million dollars bond in his new york city fraud case and a federal judge denies all of hunter biden's attempts to
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dismiss his tax case. we're getting into it. joining the conversation all morning long this morning, strategic wealth partners ceo mark tepper, former u.k. prime minister advisor, thomas corvette dylan and fox business' cheryl casone. "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪ calling gloria. ♪ gloria. ♪ i think they've got your number. ♪ gloria. ♪ i think they've got the alias. ♪ gloria. ♪ that you've been living under. maria: time for the hot topic of the hour. former president donald trump posted his $175 million bond in his civil frau fraud case preveg latisha james from seizing his assets. trump writing this the case was an election interference con job with no victims except him. the former president holding rallies today in michigan and
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wisconsin where he'll address the border crisis and try to win over swing state voters. mark he t tepper, your reaction. >> i'm glad that in the latisha james fraud case, i'm glad president trump posted his bond and hopefully this thing gets overturned on aappeal because i've said it before, this is a straight up confiscation of assets by the government which is scary for all of us normal americans. if they can do it to a big guy like trump, a former president, they can do it to any of us. that's incredibly scary. with regards to what's going on in the swing states, i mean, when you look at head to head trump is ahead of biden in all seven of those sw swing states. when you complicate things by adding in a third party, rfk, trump's lead widens further. so look, i think what you're seeing happen right now is you're seeing trump at a bare minimum put his efforts where
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it's going to matter the m. maria: yeah. and you know, it's interesting, hillary clinton was on a show yesterday somewhere and she said look, i don't understand what the debate is. you've got one candidate who has a heart and the other candidate who has 91 counts against him. that's what they wanted to do. they want to be able to say he's got all these indictments against him, cheryl casone, to muddy up his name. that's the whole point of all of this. >> right. we know what the two lines of attack are going to be from the biden campaign from now until november. and that is going to be going after the legal issues that are facing former president trump and then they're also going to talk about women's rights, those are the two things they feel they can win on. but it's not about the strength of the biden/harris agenda that they're going to run on which i find is very interesting. they're going to try to gaslight the american people about the southern border and the economy. maria: president biden is touting his administration's economic gains. he did so during the easter
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monday interview yesterday. watch this. >> people are saying but mr. president, i'm feeling my buck isn't going as far. what do you say to those of folks about the economy and what's going on? >> i say we have the best economy in the world. we've got to make it better. jobs are up more than they've ever been. we have the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, it was maintained. i think the country is going to come together in a way -- i mean that sincerely. i'm truly optimistic. maria: he's truly optimistic, thomas. >> well, you know, look, as someone who worked on campaigns, i don't think i've ever seen a campaign in a worse situation. there's obviously been history in the candidates. they haven't achieved much in the policy. that's fine. what do you do, you run on personality, you say he's a great guy, everyone loves him, kissing babies and things. they can't do that. they've got a terrible candidate, a terrible legacy. they're in a real problem. the idea they can keep
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gaslighting the nation, saying you're wrong, what do you mean you're money's not going as far as it is, of course it is, you're completely wrong. they're in a difficult situation. it seems like the only base of people they have supporting him are trump haters. there's no one out there that's passionate to support biden, they're just passionate that they don't get trump again. that's not a good situation for the campaign to be in. maria: tell me it's sunny out when it's pouring, tell me the opposite of what's happening. while biden is touting how great his administration has made progress, a bank rate study shows americans in nearly half of the 50 states need a six figure sal salary to afford a n priced home. the cost is increasing more than 42% from january 2020 when joe biden walked into the oval office, a full year before he took office until february 2024. in that four year period, up 42%, cheryl. >> right. i mean, it is the economy. it is the inflation story up 18%
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under president joe biden, a lot of that is the fiscal stimulus and policies we have seen coming out of washington and the administration. nobody wants electric vehicles note to white house, we don't want evs. we want to get the economy back up and running. there's a great these in the journal called the biden trump economy and nostalgia, talks about the shifting economic story of the nation and how that needs to be addressed over the next several months before the election all right. we're going to take a short break. when we come back we're talking about this huge rally in oil, crude and brent up this morning as stocks are down. stocks are slipping this morning, negative start to april and the second quarter. where investors are putting their money in this week of jobs data. our power panel is back this morning, former house speaker newt gingrich and former georgia congressman doug collins will join me at 8:00 eastern. don't miss it.
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traded up. this morning we have another wrinkle in things, that's a spike in the price of oil. brent is now at $89 a barrel. that is up almost 2%. crude oil is up better than 2% right now. sitting at a level of 85, 42 on the price of crude oil. interest rates meanwhile hovering around 4.2%, take a look at the 10 year, and we're looking at a 4.3% this morning, up 4 and a quarter basis points. big move here in the 10 year to sit at 4.35%. this week is all about jobs, we've got the jolts report out this morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern and the march jobs report out on friday, economists are expecting 200,000 jobs have been added to the economy in the month of march with the unemployment rate at 3-point of 9%. join us for the numbers throughout the week. joining me to get ahead of it is ceo ken mahoney. great to see you. thank you for being here. what do you think is troubling markets this morning? you've got yields up, oil up,
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stock's down. >> right. so we saw that yesterday. nasdaq gapped up 130 points and before noon reversed a lot of it. this has been a strong market since october. we went from keeping interest rates higher for longer in october. here we are five months in a he row. coming into earnings season, is some of this priced in? probably. the cross currents, prices are going higher. yesterday that moved lower, flushed lower, because 10 of 10 ofyear treasury went higher. we could have a technical correction but when earnings season comes the next few weeks, big tech earnings and those companies i believe will beat and raise guidance, that will be the focus. the next couple weeks, there could be some chop, chop, higher interest rates, higher oil, lower stocks but earnings season, the microsofts, nvidia, the big names coming out, i think investors will be happy with those reports. maria: it's a great point we
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will certainly watch earnings dictate performance in the coming week and-a-half. we'll start with of course the major banks in two weeks' time, reporting first quarter numbers. mark tepper, jump in here, because in the vacuum of no earnings, we're focused on oil and it's not a good picture. >> no, it's not. i mean, ken, when you look at oil prices, oil's up over 20% so far year-to-date whether we're talking about wti or brent. at some point high oil prices will negatively impact the economy and the stock market will throw a fit and start to sell off. my guess is when you're at 85 and $89 a barrel we're probably not too far from that point. i would think anything above $90 a barrel becomes a big challenge to the market. i would love to hear your a take on that. >> obviously you hit it right on the head. gas prices going up again, crude translates to higher gas prices and consumers pull back, say wait a second, we're back to
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where we were a couple years ago. we know the start of this is we were energy independent and upon the new president, 14 minutes later we're energy dependent and this started pretty much if you think about it the summertime, low $70 a barrel and the saudis came to the table and they cut rates. and they cut rates again. they cut supplies. i'm sore. that's what you see is the game gamemanship, cutting supplies and you get a lift in demand arrest here we are, $88 a barrel will translate to higher gas prices and can potentially weaken the consumer confidence which we've seen actually consumer confidence been going up the last couple quarters, you may see that receding as people start seeing a bigger bite of the wallet is going for gas prices. maria: you look at oil and say does $85 a barrel, is that attributed to the fact that there's more demand, a growing global economy? or is this ultimately going to be a negative because it's going
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to cut into individuals and businesses' disposable income. it can be a big negative. you wonder is it supply issues? why are we seeing the rally in oil this morning, up 2% on crude, now 85, 40. >> right. again, you mentioned the supply cuts. you've seen some demand go up a little bit. it's mostly supply side that we see and that's why we're seeing higher oil prices. remember, we're fighting two wars here. there's so much that's going on at the moment. it's hard to put all this stuff together but at the end of the day what's more important for the average consumer in the u.s., you're seeing $3.70 a gallon, $4 a gallon, the $4 is a psychological fact where consumers say we'll pull back on the restaurant tonight or pull back on this when they see $4 at the gas pump. maria: what do you think about when you see trump media and technology group, the stock, djt the, selling off yesterday, down 21% after the company reported
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$58 million loss for 2023. i spoke with devin nunes over the weekend, he's telling me, look, we've got cash on hand, we're going to the business out. we're a startup. this morning the stock is extending losses, 21% decline yesterday, another 3% selloff this morning, down 2 and two thirds percent. what do you think about this? what would you do as an investor. >> we would stay far away from it. we're growth managers to begin with. i know a lot of people or some people really like trump. that's who is buying the stock. don't confuse your hobbies, your interests with the stock market. you'll get crushed. i wouldn't go near the stock. there's opportunities other places, especially a.i. maria: great point. great to see you, ken. thank you. ken mahoney joining us or markets. pvh is down sharply in the premarket. the company plunged after issuing lower revenue
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forecast for the year, saying the revenue barely grew in fourth quarter, reported a net profit of $271 million on the north american performance. they're warning first quarter sales will d be down 11%. the stock is down 23% right no. more discord in the house as speaker johnson's decisions on ukraine aid are questioned by marjorie taylor greene. house budget committee member buddy carter is here with information from the hill. then, the white house dismisses concerns of americans over squatting laws. wait until you hear this one. it's making a buzz this morning. back in a minute. ♪
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stevens dribbles up the court... he stops! ...for the championship! nice shot, marcus! sweet, turn simulation off. tssk, tssk, not so fast. what, why? did you forget marcus? forget what? your chem exam? uggh? flashcard time! the atomic weight of boron. the future isn't scary, not investing in it is. 100 innovative companies, one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges expenses and more in prospectus at moving forward with node-positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe,
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with golo, i can do it. (announcer) change your life at that's maria: welcome back. house speaker mike johnson says the house will act in the coming weeks to get more funding for ukraine when congress returns from hits two week recess next week. georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene going after the speaker for committing to a vote
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on ukraine aid without securing the border. she writes this on x. quote, if speaker johnson gives another 60 billion to the defense of ukraine's border after he fully funded biden's deadly open border, the cruel joke will be on the american people and it won't be april fool's. joining me now is georgia congressman buddy carter. congressman, good to see you. where are you on this debate? >> always good to see you. maria: marjorie taylor greene attacking mike johnson, marjorie taylor greene attacking mike johnson for trying to move forward a bill to send money to ukraine without securing the border. your thoughts? >> well, first of all, with all due respect to my friend, marjorie taylor greene, i don't think that's what we need right now. we don't need another speaker's race. look, we've been consistent and concise since mike johnson took over as speaker of the house and that is that we want to make sure that our southern border is
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secured and we want to do that before we send money to ukraine and to other countries to secure their borders. however, another speaker's race at this time is not what we should be concentrating on. what we should be concentrating on is wins for the american people, what we should be concentrating on is bidenomics, the southern border, biden's radical environmental mandates. these are the things that we should be concentrating on, not another speaker's race. maria: yeah. but i mean, what are you going to do to actually have success in securing the border? why is it that still after all of this time the administration refuses to do anything and you all -- you republicans, your colleagues cannot make a difference? >> well, what we've got to do is we've got to insist that we give money for the southern border, that we get changes in the southern border, changes in policy. the president can change this.
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he has the ability, he has the tools at his disposal to secure that border. he can reinstate the stay in mexico policy, he can stop the catch and release, he can continue to build the wall. all of those things can be done by the executive branch, by this president. to secure our border and that's what we've got to insist on that we have that done. maria: yeah. i mean, so far you have been unable to do that. so i mean, i understand how dysfunctional the republicans appear because of all of these fights over the speaker but that's what marjorie taylor greene is talking about. the failure to secure the border. and this expectation that you're going to move forward with business as usual sending money to ukraine, again, without any success in securing the border. look at these pictures from last week in el paso when all of those people stormed the border, running over our national guard. >> well, you're right. it is a mess. listen, i've been to the border.
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i was there six weeks ago. it's as bad now as it's ever been. i've been there eight times in the last 10 years. i can tell you, we've got a serious, serious problem. today i'm in atlanta at the prescription drug aabuse conference. the amount of fentanyl coming across the border, killing 200 americans every day, this has got to be addressed, it's got be addressed immediately. and then a we look at pictures that you're showing right now of people storming the border, all of this is unacceptable. you're absolutely right, marjorie's right, we've got to secure that border. now, if speaker johnson proposes funding without securing the border, i think we're going to have a mess to be quite honest with you but as i say, we've been concise, we've been consistent in our conference that we have to secure that southern border. maria: do you have any indication that mike johnson is going to send money, bring the bill to the floor to advance a
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move to send money to ukraine without having any success at the border? do you have any insight in terms of whether or not he's willing to just move forward and forget the border right now? >> i do not have any insight into that. i think that would be a serious error on his. maria: yeah. okay. all right. look, we want to talk about the rest of the agenda out of the administration. because u.s. exports of liquefied natural gas declining slightly in march, nearly half of march and last year's lng exports were sent to europe. europe cut imports of russian pipeline gas of course and was filled by those exports from the u.s. fox business' grady trimble pressing white house press secretary karine jean-pierre on how long this pause on lng will last. watch this. >> going back to the lng export ban, the energy secretary has said that h that's a temporary y
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pause. i wonder how long temporary is and whether it's to the level related to the climate crisis, are there plans to make it permanent. >> i would refer you to the department of energy. maria: that's it, go to the department of energy. what's your take in terms of the lng pause and the impact on economic growth? >> let's face it, it's not a pause. it's a ban. that's what this administration wants and this is another example of joe biden and his policies supporting russia and funding russia against ukraine. let's face it. when other countries cannot get lng from america where will they get it from? they'll get it from russia, putting money in their pocket, giving them the ability to fund the ukraine invasion. what will they do when he's sending billions of dollars to iran, he's sending billions of dollars to iran so they can support hamas against israel. this is another example of the poor pol policies of the biden
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administration that lead us to know that the world thinks of this administration as being weak and having no leadership whatsoever and therefore they can do what they want to do. maria: all right, congressman, we'll be watching your work and certainly next steps when recess ends and you all come back. congressman, good to see you this morning. thanks very much. buddy carter. >> thank you, maria. maria: quick break and then iran vowing retaliation against israel after an air strike destroys its consulate in syria. everything you need to know coming up. then president biden denies responsibility for declaring easter sunday trans day of visibility. if he didn't do it, who did? that's coming up. stay with us. ♪
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maria: this week on "mornings with maria," tomorrow senator bill haggerty reacts to the biden administration refusing to stand with israel at the u.n. p. thursday, we take you to the water cool for the stories creating the biggest morning buzz. and friday, the march unemployment rate revealed right here, live, with the top minds in business. it's all right here on "mornings with maria." at ameriprise financial our advice is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work. i can make this work. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us. because advice worth listening to is advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial.
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maria: welcome back. hunter biden getting some bad news in the federal tax cases, cheryl casone with details. >> a california federal judge rejecting all eight motions from huhunter biden's attorneys to dismiss tax charges. the judge saying the motion is remarkable. it fails to include a single declaration, exhibit or request
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for j judicial notice. they cite internet news sources, social media posts. these citations are not evidence. biden's lawyers saying we strongly disagree with the court's decision, we'll continue to vigorously pursue mr. biden's challenges. those charges include two counts of filing a false return, that's a felony, one count of tax evasion, that's also a felony and six misdemeanor counts over failing to file and pay. one of biden's claims by the way, selective and vindictive prosecution. well, house speaker mike johnson calling out president biden for his decision to declare march 31st, easter sunday, transgender day of visibility. speaker johnson posted on x, in part here's what he said. the president betrayed the central tenet of easter, writes the proclamation a was outrageous and abhospitaller. ab-- abhorent,the president rese
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speaker was uninformed and he said i didn't do that. a man was arrested after he drove his vehicle through the security gae gates of the atlana fbi office. he left the car on foot and tried to enter the facility before he was detained. united airlines is asking pilots to take unpaid time off as delivery issues with boeing continue. united already warned it's going to have to slow pilot hiring. the time off request is coming as united confirmed due to recent delays of the boeing deliveries that were forecasted, the block hours they put out ahead of time, those are now getting all reduced and the request is for the month of may, just as the nation gets ready for the busy summer travel season. united of course a major customer of the 737 max and of course that jets has had several
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safetysafety incidents this yea. those are some of your headlines. back to you. maria: thank you so much. iran's foreign minister is warning in a post on x that america must be held accountable for supporting israel, that after the deadly israeli air strike on iran's embassy. the missile strike reportedly killing at least three senior iranian commanders and four officers, had that includes a senior leader of iran's islamic revolutionary guard who overoversawt's tehran's military operations. joining me now, fox news strategic analyst, general jack keane. great to see you. thank you for being here. >> glad to be here, maria. maria: what should we think about the post from iran america must be held accountable? >> well, it's not surprising they're including america in the threat of retaliation. obviously, the focus will be on israel. but given the significance of who israel took down, i think
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that's why they're including the u.s. in that. and certainly when we killed qassem soleimani back in january 2020, iran retaliated with their own resources, not relying on their proxies. i think the focus here will likely be israel for all the obvious reasons. and they will -- they have their own choice to make, whether they want to make a direct hit of israel with resources from iran or use their proxies. i think they will likely lean toward their proxies, namely hezbollah. hezbollah restricted targeting inside israel to the north. they have not targeted israeli cities which they can reach any one of them with the longer range and precise and lethal missiles. they may choose to do something like that now. obviously there's always a calculation in terms of israelis retaliation and what that would be. also, if it comes to the united states, i suspect they would
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probably -- they haven't attacked our bases in iraq and syria for weeks now, ever b since we killed their proxy leader inside of iraq. they can return to that methodology again and put our bases vulnerable in the region as retaliation. it remains to be seen. iran says a lot, certainly. in this case, there will be some kind of retaliation against israel, for sure. maria: that's what i was going to ask, what kind of resources are we talking about when pertaining to the iranian revolutionary guard and its ability to hit back at america? >> yeah, well, they could conduct it at any time, a direct attack from iran on any of our bases in the middle east. i suspect that's not going to happen. if they're going to retaliate against the united states i would suspect it would likely
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involproxies that operate in sy, in iraq and follow the pattern they've done before with attacking the bases which we have managed to stop them from doing and that's a good thing and hats off to the commander in sent com, for achieving that end. but i think the focus will be on israel and they pretty much hinted as much. obviously, israel did use f-35s which is airplanes purchased from the united states, our most advanced fighter aircraft in the strike but i think their focus will be on israelis and likely israeli civilians, tragically. maria: let me get your take on the fight over rafah, israeli officials agree to consider u.s. concerns about the planned rafah offensive after a two hour long virtual meeting yesterday, both sides walking away saying they plan to hold follow-up talks in person as early as next week, general. of course, the u.s. is trying to stop israel from going into
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rafah, israel fights back, saying we have to go into rafah because that's where the hamas terrorist leadership are. >> yeah. well, certainly what's really unfortunate about this whole thing is not so much that the israelis and the u.s. military in this case, u.s. policy makers, are talking with the israeli policy makers about rafah and its implications. there's nothing wrong with that. but all of it in public spaces, the president criticizing israel for the potential conduct of an operation, secretary of state doing much the same. i mean, kind of wire brushing israel publicly, of even conceiving of something like this. that's really off limits. israelis have a right to conduct a military operation against the legitimate military target which the four bay ta battalions in re
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and getting citizens out to a safe zone. the israelis have done this multiple times right before our eyes and certainly the fact that hamas uses civilians to shield themselves is part of the tragedy of this war we've been watching. look at what's just happened in northern gaza again, the hospital, the israelis killed 200 hamas fighters there, took 500 captured and they're operating underneath a major hospital in the northern part of gaza. they're going right back to the very thing they've done in the past and using here doctors and nurses and staff to shield their operations and hoping that the israelis are not going to interfere with any of that. and that's what's fundamentally the problem here. we've got to pin the rose on the civilian casualties in gaza on those who are responsible for that and that is really hamas
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and it's distorted the information that flows out internationally about the subject and why there's such widespread condemnation of israel, given the falsed of some of the narrative that's out there, certainly civilians have been killed unintentionally as a result of israelis bombing and other attacks that have taken place but the reason is, the civilians are forced to stay in a combat zone which is unprecedented given the numbers that are there, most civilians leave when the sound of the guns come. that's not the case that hamas affords it. maria: i feel like the administration could have more clarity on that, communicate that to the public so that it's better understood. i think you make a great point. but what about the former head of the u.s. central command, now warning about the isis terror threat in the united states. watch this. >> isis-k in particular, but isis in general has a strong
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desire to attack our homeland. we should believe them when they say that. they're going to try to do it. anding i think the threat is growing, be began to grow as soon as we left afghanistan and took pressure off isis-a k. we should expect this. i think this is inevitable. maria: general, that's general mckenzie, telling us what we know to be true, that there's a real possibility that we could see isis or isis-k plan an attack on u.s. soil. partly because of the wide open border. >> yeah, well, there's no doubt about that. this is the reason why the entire military chain of command from the on scene commander in afghanistan to secretary of defense to cia director, all oppose the unconditional withdrawal out of afghanistan. they all wanted to leave the presence of troops there and a
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small number, 2500, which is about what we have in iraq, to prevent isis from rising again. it's what we have in syria, less than 1,000 to prevent isis from rising again. two presidents made that decision. we made this awful decision to pull out of afghanistan and look, maria, six nato countries who had a total of 7,000 troops in afghanistan made the recommendation to the president of the united states not to pull out. they weren't trying to support a u.s. position or anything. they saw their national security being in peril if a sanctuary was able to form by isis. and look what happened. two days, three days after the warning that this may happen by the sent com commander in his testimony, they attacked deep into europe, into moscow itself. so certainly all of the european
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nations who participated in a war are clearly -- have got their you alerts out for this and yes, with an open border in the united states it's advertising like a flashing red light to isis to come and, yes, it is a challenge for them to put together something like that a but none the less, they have and said right from the beginning their aspirational goal, their number one target is the united states of america. maria: general, we've got to jump but who was he listening to? if he had all of these warnings not to have this botched withdrawal out of afghanistan and he still did it, who was president biden listening to? >> he was listening to the foreign policy advisors around him, namely jake sullivan, national security advisor who is his principal advisor. that's who he listened to. maria: bottom line.
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great to see you. thank you, sir. >> great talking to you, maria, as always. maria: general jack keane, always. we'll be right back. stay with us.
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>> there's a lot of stories, homeowners are showing up places they own where the lock is changed, a squatter moved in and the homeowner has no rights. does president biden think that is right? >> so, my understanding is that this is obviously a local issue. we're certainly tracking that issue. the rights of property owners and renters must be protected and we believe that ultimately what needs to happen is the local government needs to make sure that they you address this and take action. maria: and that is the morning buzz. that was white house press secretary karine jean-pierre on whether americans need to be worried about squatters and where president biden stands on the issue. good question, from peter doocy. florida governor ron desantis signed a bill last week allowing state law enforcement the power to remove squatters and increase penalties. thomas, i was quite impressed with ron desantis last week, we've been talking about this issue where people just go into people's homes that are on
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-- are aalone and they just take over, change locks and then you've got to have this whole legal fight on your hands to get your home back. ron desantis said no, you're not going to do that. that's a felony. and we're going to arrest you if you try to steal someone's home. what are your thoughts here? could there be something done on a federal level? >> well, i mean, her reaction was amazing, squatters, as we're not all talking about the issue. that shows they're completely out of touch. but you know, these migrants that are coming in, they are giving free credit cards, free flights wherever you want to go, guns too. now you can come and take americans' homes. i really can't understand how this is happening but it is good that ron desantis moved onto this and is being aggressive to react because it is a big problem and it seems to be getting out of control particularly in new york city. maria: you would think that somebody rises to actually take note of this and do something about it, cheryl. i mean, ron desantis did.
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where's kathy hochul on the issue. >> thomas brought up new york city. big story this morning is the fact that up in the bronx they found a group of migrants squatting in a bronx basement apartment. the owner had no idea they were down there. the nypd found guns. they found drugs. they found a 7-year-old. nobody knows who the 7-year-old belongs to. and then when they asked the owner of the building did you know that you had seven people living in your basement, he had no idea. pie grant squatters. by -- migrant squatters. two were arrested when they had guns on them. guess where they were from? venezuela. somebody ask the white house about that today. that's just now happening in our beautiful -- once beautiful city of new york. maria: you're right. mark, the one migrant from venezuela who was all over the internet, online on tiktok, telling migrants how to go and steal people's homes, he was you apparently apprehended by i.c.e. last week. he was on the run because he puts this tiktok video out and
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gets everybody riled up that he's actually explaining to migrants how to go and steal your home. >> maria, it's disgusting. the fact that we have to deal with migrant squatters in addition to the regular squatters, it's beyond me. maria: mark? >> look, one of the things kjp said is that she wants to ensure the administration wants to ensure there are rights for both owners and renters. squatters are not renters. squatters are thieves. they stole these homes from american taxpayers, you know. i mean, look, property rights are protected under both the fifth and 14th amendments of the constitution. the founding fathers said that property is the foundation for prosperity and freedom and as it currently stands, there are no rights for property owners whatsoever. maria: unbelieveable a. let's take a break. when we come back, now riot charges put up for the migrants who rushed the el paso border as the white house blames who else,
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but trump for the ongoing chaos at the border. it's the hot topic of the hour. next. then, stay tuned for the 8:00 a.m. hour, power panel is back, newt gingrich and doug collins they the house to weigh in on the biggest stories of the day. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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