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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 2, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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marymac good tuesday morning, thanks for joining us this morning. i marie about romo and it is april 2nd. the hot topic of the hour, 200 migrants being charged in connection with the ride in el paso last month. a spokeswoman with the county sheriff's office saying 3 doesn't have been processed to be released to immigration, customs and enforcement custodian and they will remain jailed on immigration detainers. texas governor greg abbott posted this on x. ice confirmed it is getting custody of those charged with rushing the border and will start deportation proceedings against all of them, send them back, rights the governor. the white house is blaming donald trump and republicans for all the rioting. watch. >> most of the border crossers
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accused of beating up national guardsmen were released on their own recognizance. how does that make people safer? >> there is a challenge at the border. our immigration system has been broken for decades, even before this president became president. this president a couple months ago went to the senate to get a negotiation done. what we saw is donald trump told republicans in congress not to move forward with this agreed negotiation because it would help joe biden. donald trump got in the way it because he got in the way republicans are getting in the way. marymac that's not the whole story because as soon as president biden walked into the oval office he overturned all of donald trump's security at the border, the president can do an executive action to put them back in place but is not doing it.
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>> he didn't do it at the time is the bill was being debated in washington. that bill they keep leaning on as a defense for the border was a processing bill. let's hire more lawyers, faster court dates to get everybody in our across the southern border and as far as the ryan and those migrants, the judge called out the federal government when he made his ruling and was releasing those migrants, 222 of them, he said the da was not prepared, that was one insured number 2, no federal law on the books to hold the more to deport them and give ice jurisdiction or send them back to where they came from so the judge is like i don't have any legal basis to act. their own recognizance. we will see them again soon. marymac it is worse than that.
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that senate bill allowed 5,000 illegals into the country every day before anything could be done about it. republicans said we've only gotten 10 million illegals here on president biden's watch, it needs to stop. bill melugin posted this on x, new internal customs and border patrol data shows 52,000 and counters at ports of entry in march. when you add border patrol's numbers between ports of entry that brings the overall southern border encounters in march 2nd/189,000. that would be the third-highest march of overall encounters, your reaction? >> things are not getting better at the border, they continue to get worse and it is not the republicans fault. you go back over a decade, president obama at that time said we cannot allow half a million migrants to cross the
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border every year. he said that over a decade ago. under donald trump's watch, what were we seeing? see in? 400,000 a year crossed the border. under president biden's watch, we've seen over 10 million so things are not getting better, they continue to get worse and what was wrong with hr 2? hr 2 which got approved went back to us building a wall and only granting asylum if you came through an official port of entry and more and forces to enforce our border, not processors to get people into the country more quickly. marymac what is more compelling is the administration's secret program to fly migrants from latin america, dumping 90% of those people in florida and texas according to the center for immigration studies.
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over 347,000 migrants have flown to the southern states who are governed by the president's harshest border critics, republicans. >> i don't understand how this is not one of the biggest scandals we've seen in recent history. this is mind blowing. they are taking foreign citizens and flying them into this country and dumping them in republican states. i don't understand how americans aren't up in arms about this, this is insane. of this was happening in europe or england, this would be mind blowing but americans have to stand up and say this is out of control. how dare they do this, the federal government are importing foreign citizens into this country. marymac it is working get for them because they are hoping these people can be counted in the census, that will mean more representation for the democrats of some of these people go to sanctuary cities. it is impacting the census.
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>> in new york, in the courts it got overturned but democrats, progressive democrats wanted after 30 days you can phone and be part of the electorate in new york but really quick. we were talking about this earlier, this is a big issue for england, this is a big issue in the dr, you've got migrants trying to cross the english channel to get into england. we are not the only country dealing with this but we are the only country saying sure, come on in. the british are saying no, stay out. marymac what do you think? we are an island. is much as we are saying stay out we are still struggling, people getting on boats and coming across but that footage from he is crazy. they are storming the border. that looks like an invasion to me. you see in the video they get
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to the second wall that only there because he was putting it up and if the biden administration had their way they would tear the whole thing down. it is crazy that this is happening. marymac it is unbelievable and the fact that they are flying people on separate flights is more like a stick in the eye. we are just getting started, we will keep a spotlight on that, more on the border with jonathan fahey coming up. he has a response to the el paso judge releasing the migrants who are accused of beating up a texas national guardsmen last month. the dow dropping 200 points the first day of april trading about the second quarter may play out, you're watching mornings with maria live on foxbusiness, stay with us.
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marymac it is time -- joining me now is asset management investment analysts mark tepper. thanks for joining the conversation. let's look at futures which are lower across the board. the dow in the s&p 500 overall yesterday, looking at the selling extent this morning, dow industrials down 151, nasdaq down 63 and the nasdaq lower by 13. markets did well in the first quarter and higher across the board year to date. looking at rethinking the federal reserve and how many
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cuts we will get. looking at ism manufacturing index. that was the trigger that sent stocks lower, you get good news on manufacturing which we ordinarily would say that's a good story. manufacturing index above 50 and stocks sold off. investors said if manufacturing is doing well, the highest print since september 2022 may be the fed rethinks the interest rate cuts. is that what you are thinking? >> that's the train the market is starting to embark on because we 've seen this happen before. we've seen this story play out that whenever the economy is strong that's a cause for concern because we have strong manufacturing data and stronger consumer data and stronger consumer data means the fed wants to remain hawkish longer so even though you start to get the verbalization that they are
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looking at cuts this year you see investors get a little bit concerned about whether that will endure because we are in a month by month by month when it comes to the data and already blown through first quarter without the cuts that were pressed in for march. that's where the concern comes in. maria: that's appropriate, three cuts to me sounds wildly optimistic and then you've got this narrow rally. i wonder if you feel will broaden out with tech's top performers, nvidia, meta, amazon all up so far this year. atlanta has a trailing behind, some strategists say the market's magnificent seven the journal wrote yesterday the magnificent seven is the fab 4. what you outlook for tech in the second quarter? >> when we look at the evidence it leans more toward the rally being more narrow. notice the fact that the magnificent seven is breaking off, that indicates that is where the concentration of
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success and valuations is going to stay. there's a chance of the economic data works in favor of optimism is that we do get a little bit more of a run up but i'm looking to see small caps. that is when i would say okay this rally is spreading out. maria: i've been waiting for small caps to catch a bid. you think will happen? >> it's a possibility but it will depend on interest rates in a similar way that rich valuations in check depend on those cuts. in the same way that a holding period or holding pattern has rewarded text, cuts will start to reward small because those are the companies that have really high debt borrowing costs and less equity by the sake of market. maria: good point. continuing rally. it may depend on where oil is. $85 a barrel for the first time
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since october after opec cut supply outlook. you've got crude and 8514, up 3. 4%. >> we are approaching the danger zone as relates to oil prices. crude oil at $85. once you get above $90 we enter that danger zone whereby it's going to hurt us economically and the stock market is going to start to take that into consideration. high oil prices is inflationary. it is not just the amount of gas you putting your car and how expensive that is, it's every things that you buy, the food you eat, the goods we purchase, the services we spend money on are all impacted by higher oil prices and when you have oil prices going up which is inflationary and we have already seen a reacceleration in inflation over the course of the last few months looking at month over month data. i find it hard to believe the
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fed is going to cut any time soon. the chances of june rate cut are now at 60%. it was almost a guarantee a month ago that there was going to be a rate cut in june, now it is down to 60%. look at these things happening, look at opec deciding they will cut production, the united states and opec, we have two opposing objectives. opec wants to keep prices high. in the us, we should want to make prices low. we want affordable energy for all of our consumers. things are working against us right now. maria: a lot of unknowns you are laying out. gold is increasingly seen as a safe haven, fresh record highs this morning, $2266 an ounce. do you want to hold gold here. i don't look at gold as a commodity but as a hedge. if i think the world is about
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to see some real volatility, something bad is going that to happen, get gold. >> look at gold, gold is known as the ultimate risk off player. the market has been anything but risk off. it has been risk on. stock market was up 10% in the first quarter. gold has done very well. the momentum is behind it. i think it is going to continue to climb higher. gold has a place in someone's portfolio. maybe one% to 5% position, you have to right size it, 20% of your money and gold is not the best location of your money but your point, it is a calamity hedge. we see continued geopolitical tensions, gold should do well but a lot of people think it has a good player during times of inflation. it's also strong during times of deflation as well so regardless what is happening now. i mentioned earlier i think
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inflation is accelerating, gold should continue to do well. maria: i think it 3 inflating as well on inflation. shelby, you want to hold gold or oil here? >> it comes to the portfolio well location at that point and it comes down to your objectives. it's going to be a hedge. you have to ask what do i need this to do? if you are wanting to hold it down you might choose yields at that point. an asset is going to give appreciation or appreciation and inflation hedge so you right size it as needed but it won't drive can turns the same way securities will. maria: great to see you. thanks for joining the conversation. let's take a break. when we come back, jonathan fahey is here to react to donald trump's announcement he did put up the $175 million bond in his fraud case which after the break, and up, low watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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maria: donald trump posted his bond in his civil fraud case preventing leticia james from seizing his new york assets while he fights to appeal. he posted in truth social with the sadly failing and very troubled state of new york based on a of judgment attorney general who used to statute there was never used for this before, he called the case a, quote, fabricated election interference can't jobs. joining me now is former dhs to beauty assistant secretary and holtzman vocal partner jonathan fahey, thanks for being here, your reaction to the fact that trump posted this money and we will wait to see how this plays out, what are you expecting? >> i'm glad he was able to post this money, this prosecution is so, he's exactly right,
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politically motivated. everyone knows that. even campaigned on it and this idea that a fraud case where no one lost money in the victims actually benefited, never heard of anything like this. a lot of chances of success on appeal particularly on the eighth amendment constitutional issue of excessive fines but everyone knows what this is, politically motivated and leticia james doesn't care if they win. the whole purpose was to get trump during the election year, tie him up in court and that's what's going on. it is really said if you think about the biden campaign strategy is primarily reliant on prosecuted and tying up his political opponent in court, shows how weak his position is on the uses and anything else that matters. maria: jonathan turley who was a regular guest on fox said the whole thing is testing the credibility of the legal system
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in new york. do you expect trump to be in trial given all these indictments? >> it seems like it. jonathan turley is exactly right. all these cases, leticia james is harming the citizens of new york not only by distracting from more important issues about undermining the judicial system because it's going to take a long time for people to restore their trust in the judicial system but at least one of these cases will go to trial. the alvan bragg case even this month. whether or not they are successful or not they will tie donald trump up in court and prevent them campaigning at this helps president biden and these jury pools in new york and other places, donald trump's chances of a fair trial are very small, and every one is intent on seeing him prosecuted for political gain
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and no one really cares where these things go on appeal because the purpose is dealing with it, putting him on trial now before the election because that's the greatest political benefit to president biden. maria: that is unbelievable, to say we are watching this unfold in real time is stunning. do you think it will affect trump's ability to win the election? >> in some respects it may, but because it will take him off the campaign trail which maria: bleed him of his money too. >> i think a lot of people are seeing this as a bridge too far. to have someone who has never been charged with a crime in 70 some years of his life and all of a sudden and liberal jurisdictions he's charges everywhere during election year. most people aren't buying this i think. but i think it will harm him. maria: it will harm him.
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>> he can't raise money. juxtapose that with president biden who doesn't want to be out there so it helps him. maria: the federal judge in los angeles is denying from hunter biden's attorneys, they want to dismiss tax charges, we strongly disagree with the court's decision and continue to vigorously pursue mr. biden's challenges. juries election expected to begin june 20th, hunter has pled not guilty to all 9 charges, these are to be clear the tax charges, nothing to do with the foreign registration act or influence peddling, the investigation the house is pursued. >> it is interesting because they are complaining these are politically motivated charges but they didn't dig deeper into where zisman coming from, simply the tax charges. this is another interesting one because they are in court arguing this was politically
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motivated when no one has been a greater beneficiary of his name at all the advantages than hunter biden is, somebody paying his $5 million tax bill just to be a good friend supposedly but the real thing for hunter biden most people need to know is whether or not he is convicted or not at trial, a foregone conclusion he will be pardoned after the november election by his dad win or lose and everyone knows this so in a way this is sort of just going through the motions but at the end of that he will be pardoned, he will walk 3, he will make millions of dollars playing this victim card. maria: what will happen to our country in the middle of all this, look at the open border and ramifications of it, 222 illegal migrants have been charged with rioting after rushing the border in el paso, texas. on sunday a judge ordered the release of some of those
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migrants accused of injury national guard troops. peter doocy asked the biden administration about it yesterday. >> most of the border crossers accused of beating up national guard were released on their own recognizance sunday. how does that make people safer? >> i have to refer you to department of justice and dhs on that particular reporting. as the event unfolded the border patrol was able to act quickly and get the situation under control and apprehend the migrants. we were grateful that border patrol was able to do their job. maria: i spoke to the el paso country sheriff's office, 39 of those 222 will be released ice, 39 of them, they will remain jailed on immigration detainers. your thoughts on this? >> it will be interesting to see if they are actually
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deported because the said ministration hasn't deported anyone and it is also amazing they have harsher words for governor abbott than they do people attacking national guardsmen. it is such a disgrace, they wanted this to happen, they invited this and are trying to place blame on republicans. a true disgrace and national security risk to boot. maria: national security issue. keep following it, great to get your insight, thank you, sir. we will be right back with steve scalise after the break. personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. i can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about.
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maria: reprieve for ships helping to clear out the wreckage from the key bridge collapse next week. cheryl: a temporary channel has
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been opened, some shipping traffic and resume for that porch at least for now. some trap boats stuck in the port can get clearance to leave. or 210 chunk of the structure was lifted away. steel and concrete, 350 tons. some barges and tugboats, not larger ones because of the depth of the water. president biden is planning to visit the site. >> the president is going to see for himself what happened, the work being done. i don't want to get ahead of what -- i don't have any details at this time. >> reporter: that will be friday. officials will hopefully open two more alternate channels in the next days or weeks.
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it's a slow process. disney is winning its proxy fight with tryon management, apple shareholders have voted including blackrock and t. rowe price. details site the coup as a victory for bob iger who stopped the attempt to get two border seats on disney. shares of disney in the free market down 3. 4%. there is new concerns about a deadly bacteria that is spreading quickly, the cdc issuing an alert to watch for serious bacterial meningococcal infections with unusual symptoms, refers to any sickness that can lead to sepsis. when one in 6 people with bacteria have died so far this year and striking middle-aged adults, usually these forms of meningitis -- cases right now, 80% higher versus where they
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were this time a year ago. to women's march madness. i westar player caitlin clark leading her team to victory over lsu. the hawkeyes sealed it. >> the ball is up another deep one. he scored. the hawkeyes are headed back to the final four. maria: taking iowa to next week's title 4. lsu head coach tim wilkie having to expend what her team was absent for the national anthem. watch. >> i don't even know when the anthem was played. we kind of have a routine, they come off at the 12 minute mark. we just, i don't know come in and do our pregame stuff. i'm sorry, listen, that's nothing intentionally done.
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maria: the uconn women holding off a comeback attempt by the trojans to win their region. the women's final four offsets. iowa faces yukon, south carolina takes on nc state and those are some of your headlines. maria: thanks very much. mike johnson says the house will act to get more funding to ukraine. congress returns from its recess next week, marjorie taylor greene going after the speaker for quitting to a vote on ukraine aid while still no new security at the border, she writes this on x. if speaker johnson give 60 billion to the defense of ukraine's border after he fully funded the open border, the cruel joke would be on the american people and it won't be april fools. joining his majority leader of the house and louisiana congressman steve scalise. great to see you this morning, thanks for being here. you've got this very narrow majority hanging on by a thread
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and all this in finding, marjorie taylor greene going after the speaker again, you just took down kevin mccarthy, people are looking at this saying what's wrong with this disruption going on in the republican party, how do you see it? >> the house has been taking care of its business but we have a one seat majority, razor thin and it got more razor thin when micah gallagher resigned the other day. every vote we take, are majority, more than one person says they go a different direction we won't be able to pass that bill but we've done big things. our strong border security package we passed in the senate could not come together to pass anything, they tried to pass and open borders bill, we passed a strong border security package with a narrow razor thin majority in every democrat not a single democrat voted to secure america's board but we passed that bill through the house.
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when it came time to come together, this house delivered for the american people. we need the white house was we need donald trump back in the white house, get our economy on track to secure the border, to get energy security and the stand up to the evil people around the world who want to do not just us harm but our allies around the world. maria: you passed hr 2. that should have been a blueprint for the senate. should have been the principles of putting those principles to work on the border, they started from scratch with their own senate bill which allowed 5000 today to come in. to stop mike gallagher from trying to get everybody back from taking kevin mccarthy down. is leaving at a time that forces you to have no representation in his district until november, you can't do a special election.
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leadership your self, mike johnson convince himself to leave immediately so you could do a special election so you don't lose that vote? >> we not leave at all. we have that conversation too. he is free to do what he chooses, he chose to do that. i wish he wouldn't have. at the other end of the spectrum, we have special elections coming up for kevin mccarthy's seat, it will be a republican win for us next month. we have to wait to get the special election for real. that we have a two razor thin majority. the most important thing is having a majority and not having the minority, not having her team jeffries means president biden's agenda doesn't get through the house and the far left agenda has more taxes, wants to lock in
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the green new deal and open borders. we've shown a different direction. the country has to decide this in november. biden does not want to work with republicans to solve these big problems. we've shown the country how to solve them. it is not complicated. president biden refuses to negotiate. donald trump needs to be president if we want to get our country back on track. maria: all these issues will be front and center when trump speaks in michigan and wisconsin. he's going to swing get states in an effort to win over swing state voters which i want your take on the election. president biden is touting his administration's economic gains. he did so during easter monday interview. got to get your reaction. >> mr. president, i'm feeling my book isn't going as far, what do you say to those folks about the economy? >> president biden: we have the best economy in the world and have to make it better.
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jobs are up more than they have ever been, the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years is maintained, the country is going to come together. i mean that sincerely. maria: he is optimistic and sticking with it. >> his doubling down on divisiveness. you saw that in the state of the union address, the most divisive state of the union anyone has seen. is living in a parallel universe. celebrating easter sunday. he things the economy is doing great. most hard-working families will tell you what is not because of president biden's policies and furious about the open border when they see thousands of people coming across including people on the terrorist watch list. we've seen chinese nationals of military age, go across every single day. president biden let it happen. he could stop it on his own today, with his own pen that he signed executive orders but he won't because he wants of this to happen and families are fed
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up with it. that's why donald trump is doing so well in michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, and others. maria: can trump win with these indictment and the fact that he may be in trial before the election? >> people have seen through it, the politicization of government being used to weapon eyes government against a political opponent and they are disgusted by it as they should be in which this is 1/3 world nation, you see the teacher james and others abusing their position. we put bad guys in jail and say i don't like that person so i will put that person in jail. not how america works and people are sickened by it. maria: can you do anything about these lacks squatter rules? look what ron desantis did making it a felony if you try to steal somebody's home. k jp was asked about it the
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other day by grady trimble and she had not a lot to say but the squatter rules allow somebody if your house is unoccupied, and take over your house and go to the legal jeopardy to get your home back. >> something we were looking at and you see a few other states follow, and you see illegals coming in posting youtube videos showing how to do this. this is part of president biden's open border policy. not the only reason you've got this problem. you have a lawless america, the democrat party wants to defund the police, doesn't respect the rule of law but back to property ownership and the price of hard-working people who made this country great.
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president biden's tough economy, they know how tough it is even as president biden does it. maria: we will see you soon. presidential candidate hillary clinton. hillary clinton slamming voters and you won't believe why it's making a buzz this morning.
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maria: this week on "mornings with maria". tomorrow senator bill haggerty reacts the biden administration refusing to stand with israel at the un. the march unemployment rate revealed at the top lines of business. it is all here on "mornings with maria". oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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>> biden versus trump. what do you say to voters who are upset those are the choices? >> get over yourself, those are the two choices. and it is kind of like one is old and effective and compassionate, has a heart and cares about people, one is old and has been charged with 91 felonies. [applause] >> i don't understand why this is even a hard choice, really. maria: that's the morning buzz. hillary clinton slams voters who are upset over a presidential election rematch between trump and biden. she says when is facing one is facing 91 counts, that is the whole point.
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that is what trump supporters believe as well, that it is all political, the whole point of these indictment is so she could say what she said. he is facing's facing 91 counts which how can you vote for someone facing these indictment. >> she selling voters don't think, don't pay attention, listen to me, here's your two choices. it is about the economy, the border, safety, security, so many things happening in this nation. people go to the voting booths and make their choice. hillary clinton also have to pick, doesn't mean that is what they will do. she did run for president and didn't exactly win. maria: she did come up with the russia collusion nonsense which divided and ripped our country apart. your thoughts on hillary clinton weighing in. >> a strange appearance, she
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originally came out wearing a which's hat. it interesting. one of the things about this campaign, in 2016-2020, scores of celebrity's wanting to come out and back hillary and biden, there is no one this time. it is only bill and hillary and obama. they seem to be struggling for celerity endorsements. beyoncé was out there, we are cheering them on. she's the best they've got. maria: no word on all those millions the biden family including joe biden have taken from foreign adversaries on the house oversight committee. >> of course, there have been so many sources. can you imagine if this had been trump or trump's family or anything close to this there would be outrage. a speeding ticket, people would
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go crazy. maria: mark tepper. >> she pointed out biden's old and effective and i would say he's been anything but effective and there was a new york paul that said 18% of people think biden's policies helped them, 43% biden's policies have heard them. you see that all the way across his policies. a record number of people working multiple jobs, part time jobs, rising crime, disasters at the border, issues overseas. he's been anything but effective. maria: effective at what? cheryl casone it, it's been a great couple of hours. see you soon.
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