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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 2, 2024 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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good tuesday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. i hope you are having a good tuesday morning. tuesday, april 2, 8:00 a.m. on the east coast hot topic of the hour former president trump posting 175-million-dollar bond in trump's civil fraud case preventing letitia james from seizing his assets trump called the case election interference con job on trumps with no victims except him he will be holding rallies in michigan, wisconsin will address the border crisis try to win swing voters there joining me for power power former georgia congressman house speaker newt gingrich, former georgia congressman, ranking member doug collins
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gentlemen thank you so much for being here good to be with you -- >> your reaction to president trump posting that money. newt: i think remarkable he can do it more remarkable biden administration presiding over an effort to destroy their opponent by financially destroying him, i mean there is no question that trump is not running as biden, trump is running against entire publish the whole machine is do everything to undermine weaken president trump, so, in a sense this is a victory a victory shouldn't even be occurring. no normal american would be under this kind of assault it is a decline political effort to in a sense financially kill him. and cripple him so he can't really be effective candidate, every american should be worried if they can do this to donald trump they can do it to you.
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maria: will there be successful there may be a trial before election he will be on trial perhaps get a very you know, one-sided jury. newt: well, look. the whole question whether or not american people decide in a this is a legitimate legal process, or that this is a political -- destruction effort, and much closer to putin or fidel castro or to current dictatorship in venezuela an effort by the democratic machine, at state level, local level the federal level to destroy their opponent because they know that he is currently the front runner that he is likely to win and take back the white house. that is so frightening to them. so the question is at bigger level do all these things ends up convincing americans yes, we have to elect trump purely
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to clean up a corrupt system or do they decide trump is the problem? so far, every indication is that they are getting more and more alienated from biden more angry about democratic machines clear illegality clearly illegal doug how do you see it. doug: i think speaker right i am taking a ten further we have been going back how many times has he talked about this since 2016 election the night you know, tears we're hillary started before he got elected now people this is the aamazed me newt brought it up the fact people actually running on a platform of getting donald trump, you think about that leticia james, alvin bragg, the folks that basically ran on i am going to get donald trump, would be of those as a
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lawyer a set of laws that you say i don't take this law i am going to find somebody to charge that is what american people are looking at here, yeah you've got some being affected by trial in new york city, coming up, but i think donald trump has done a good job talking about how this is an attack on the single person during a single campaign for political purpose not reality. 175 million, imposed a pond shnd have been any bond that case should have never been brought i think the problem most people are seeing when they look at this, yeah. going to be interesting year for that i think they framed donald trump has done the best to frame it if after me they are really after you -- >> donald trump, the government like this has done this to other folks all the time people can relate to this when dealing with doj, irs, others, they can understand, so there is a relationship there correlation between
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trump what he is going to do what people have gone through. maria: exactly you talked about, that, and this constant attack on president trump, let's just look at president biden's agenda, want to point out we're at lows of the morning this morning with dow jones industrial average down 213 points, stocks are plummeting, as oil prices are rising oil prices right now highest level since october you've got, crude oil, 85 dollars a barrel, newt. and this is a direct result of you know, the policies coming out of this administration which is pretty much shutting off fossil fuels, one -- and a third percent on oil off the highest levels of the morning. newt: well -- the fact is left wing ideas don't work not working in europe where a constant movement, weren't working in turkey where the
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erdogan regime has wiped out in local elections they don't work here. biden has made a commitment very interesting historically to create a socialist antireligious apart, doubling down on weird left the processes are profoundly out of touch with reality we are the largest producer of oil and gas in the world we could easily be supplying western europe, liquefied natural gas driving down the price. maria: yeah. newt: i said when obama was president left has policies that hurt normal americans, and normal americans i think understand that. maria: yet doug the president keeps touting what he says are economic gains he did an interview on easter monday of during east egg roll take a look, watch this. >>. >> when people saying but mr. president, i am feeling --
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you know my buck isn't going as far what do you say to to say folks about the economy what is going on. >> well, i say we have the best economy in the world we've got to make it better, jobs are up more than they have ever been we're in a situation lowest unemployment rate 15 years plain contained i think this country is ready to come together in a way -- i mean that sincerely, i am purely optimistic. >> attributing optimism to except for bunnies road to disconnected from life, the problem did you notice how waifl giving him softest of soft balls mr. president people are hurting, handing it to them, saying please answer this with compassion he goes off on tangent the best economy in the world everything is okay, again perception is reality i think speaker newt made that point
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back you know 30 years ago, ever since we made it last few years saying people understand, that there are not better off they ins this costing more for gas they understand costing more for food this understand that their paychecks are not going as far, is to for a president to sit there talk about an economy as if it is working for people with a disconnect is just you know, again mind-blowing pandering to the far-left the statement sums up best president biden so is worried about the -- pro-palestinian vote in michigan than uaw workers in michigan i think that sums it up pretty well. maria: we are going to take a break then your take on that speaker we are getting started quick break the biden administration seeking revenge on biggest border critics as we learn more about the secret illegal migrant flights courtesy of the biden administration our power panel reacts when we come back you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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maria: welcome back. more than 200 migrants no i charged with rioting after attacking texas national guard el paso border last month the sheriffs office saying about three dozen processed for released into ice krud greg abbott forfeited on x ice confirmed krud of all those charging rushing the border will start deportation proceedings against all of
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them send them back writes governor abbott gus who white house is blaming for all the border chaos. >> most of the border couriers accused of beneath up texas national guard guardsmen riots released on own recognizance sn how does that make people safer. >> there is a challenge at the border our immigration system has been broken for decades even before this president became president this president couple months ago worked with senate in bipartisan fashion to get negotiations down; right? what we saw from last president, president trump called republicans in continuation not to move forward with agreed proposal because it would help joe biden, president trump got in the way because president trump got in the way republicans are now getting in the way. >> newt do you think anybody is buying this? >> is this. newt: shire if you are hard
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left. the hard left lives in echo chamber talk to themselves live in alternate reality, the fact the biden illegal immigration policy is working for biden. millions of people are entering united states illegally, new york city council, has now asked the state supreme court to allow illegals to vote city elects imagine on presidential election day under new york law you have several thousand illegal immigrants loud to vote the attorney general is opposed to any identification, how are you going to know who they vote for whether or not they vote for president, they under counterlaw all illegal immigrants count towards next census, you may be able to stain your position on census gaining illegal immigrants
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whole thing is nuts. what there are asking us to believe is that the people presiding over this are innocent. the people who have not been in charge, by the way, who were successful in stopping illegal immigration when in charge it is really their fault? i think she may be the least believable press secretary in history because the alleviate believable president. maria: you think this is all about, getting more democrats' seats boggling. >> it is deeper than that i think weird left dominates now a enact party defining the biden administration, the weird left doesn't believe in borders, they believe everybody out to have right to go wherever they want if that means extra hundred million
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people you should be happy they come here i that i deep passionate almost a religious believe on the left. maria: are doug what is worse i think the administration, secret program to fly migrants into the country from latin america, they you know, there is argument that they want to border not to look as bad as it is so going to put them on planes fly them here now that is we are learning that they have dumped more than 90% of those illegals flying into the country dumped them into florida and texas center of immigration study says over 347,000 migrants have flown directly to southern states governed by president's harshest border cites texas greg abbott florida ron desantis doug. doug: to hide them emthere one of the, the texas especially assimilated in away
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from border don't want people on bridges across the river fulfilling role here if you want to get blunt taking them over border putting them fushth in texas florida try to assimilate them or move through ngos throughout rest of the country the interesting part look at what we talked about why letting this map again weird leftist far-left biden is beholden to also believes government is the answer to every solution. so if you have as you talk about more people in your state that are illegal, they are getting government funding government subsidies government checks, going through -- then feeds bigger belief government is the only way to take care of people, you know, in by increasing that that dependence trying to beat down american people to believe government is our only solution the real problem is when southern governors started sending to new york, chicago places where only the
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proclaimed sanctuary cities now having to deal with reality this is a problem that their trying to overcome, karine jean-pierre is awful trying to explain this trying to blame on anybody else go back before trump to joe biden, joe biden vice president obama was president i was in kofrng immigration subcommittee in judicial surges under obama talking about pathways to citizenship everything else this goes back a ways, there are not about fixs it they are about exploiting it,. maria: the democrats were not happy with journalist filled with migrants showed up in martha's vineyard, no, no, no a step too target more with power panel coming upright rite. . (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪
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deal chinese markets are not as strong as some would expect given the macrostory what is your reaction to this? >> i mean maria, as we know chinese markets are the last 15 years down over 30% as growing gdp 500% this was a national listing for national company listing on chinese exchange going to trade in china's uay trying to raise 9 billion dollars the hope is that the people that have the rights to trade a shares were going to deposit dollars, they heard crickets the second high-profile cancellation in the last week, the other one alibaba logistics arm in hong would require all dollars to get done the hong kong dollar, u.s. dollar have the peg no
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one is interested in investing in china or hong kong right now no one kind of the majority of investors have taken their money the other way, hong kong's index down 50%, since the chinese communist party took over in 2020. implemented their ill-fated national security law, xi jinping worst had the enemy in financial markets that is just going to continue. maria: you've been saying this for a long time finally some wall streeters catch up i read report goldman sachs said china uninvestable you toll us editors ago there is still a wide-open u.s. market for chinese companies the chinese company shein, public naimentz on u.s. exchanges american investors buying stocks in effect funding expansion of communist china doesn't it start at the top?
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why are u.s. officials so afraid of to pull the cal market lever get these off our exchanges if china is be haifg. >> we just need to require chinese companies, same audits the rest of the world lifrdz up to including u.s. companies. maria: exactly right. >> that is all we do, level the playing field require them to live up to same standards u.s. companies live up to all forced to leave we don't have to be as deliberate as that we need legislatively playing field. maria: i think that is a great point you are right. you know. we are a free market that is what we want so we have to preserve that i believe that deeply but given china's behavior, in terms of undermining united states every turn, something should be done, even just talking about it i feel we're only ones talking about it if
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philippines foreign ministry accusing china last week of taking aggressive actions in the fill clean exclusive economic zone south china sea area china claims they own despite international law you say china's activities around phillipines state controlled propaganda outlets setting the stage for chinese attack tell us more what are you expecting. >> yeah. i think when you try to understand what china has done in drawing their own line, nine dash line around south china sea in 1949, this was tan to international tribunal in hague in 2016 ruled china has no claim no claims to the phillipines or outer islands, we have a defense treaty with philippines longest running ally in southeast asia what you see chinese coast guard, military basically trying to
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block access to philippines largest protein sources, shallow what is happening the chinese belligerence, threatening to attack attack chinese the shoal if that happens we will the be there to help philippines stop chinese attacks, this is, in the intelligence circles kill the chicken to scare monkeys a harbinger of things in taiwan, with chinese recent diplomats or let's say exdiplomats to meet with combatant commanders saying we're going to take the shoal mind your business that is not the way the world works i think china's economy is
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forcing xi jinping to move plans forward from 2027 invasion make it a 2024, 2025 invasion >> do you view communist china as nazi germany with equivalent do you glue as similar to the kind of aggression we saw from nazis in 1930's historical analogies very difficult because nothing is ever really the same but do i see xi jinping, autocratic ruler yes does he believe chinese only perfect race you have seen what he has done in tibet mongolia i don't believe we can tall him another have it already or nazi germany but doing this in a deliberate way
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and doing it overtime so since insidious as evil as hitler? he could be but not acting in exact same way but the world has to wake up realize that you can't integrate two economies or two spears of the world all authoritarian regime if you have different valuesets at the top strategic goals that is how you end up getting into a wartime i believe xi jinping-vladimir putin ayatollah take us into a potential war setting. maria: and we're watching pictures of u.s. ceos meeting with xi jinping,, ceo, schwartzman expected to go, fedex, qualcomm others, quick i want to take you back to domestic issues before you go
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that is the report yesterday seemed to put a rate cut in june in doubt what are your thoughts on the federal reserve and macrostory right here? >> have well, you know i have been watching your program earlier this morning, i want to make one comment to answer your question, but when joe biden says the economy is doing great jobs are great, this and that i think what there are missing i think what media is missing not necessarily you, the rest of them i think you know scenario inflation, the economy two different things, but inflation the price of milk up 40% in 3 1/2 years the price of soda up 45%, nahb home builders price of dwellings up 47% usually government numbers ever since increased money supply by 40% other covid what is happening, affected that
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poll 65% disapproval rate what american public is doing is central bank central bank treasury, fiscal policy of congress have taken inflation to new levels i think you know it i know it everyone that spends a dollar today knows it i think that inflation on border two things going to sink biden. maria: great point, kyle we are feeling it, yep. >> i was going to say on ism, i believe there is a political economy i believe the fact the fed start talking about going from -- taking a strong stance against inflation, to three rate cuts this year i think you can bet your last dollar they will cut rates going into the flex you can bet your last dollar treasury will train general account bet last dollar everyone in treasury
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administration will do everything to a keep economy propped up into november. >> you think political going to be political? >> i mean, anyone with half a brain knows they are political. maria: thanks very much good to see you, sir kyle bass joining us this morning, quick break race for white house heats up president trump gaining support among uncle registered voters democrats worried we are breaking it down with our power panel after this break you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . at ameriprise financial our advice is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work. i can make this work. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us. because advice worth listening to
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scarborough shoal maria: welcome back. the "washington post" reporting democrats are sparring over voter registration, they write about a quote confidential memo among top democrat donors sparked a debate in democrat
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are er circles whether to narrowto voter registration efforts to avoid signing up likely republicans reportedly states if we were to blindly register nonvoters get on rolls we would be distinctly aiding trump's quest for personal dictatorship, data shows 14i69ing more of towards gop than past newt interesting development your thoughts. newt: i think you are seeing a trump coalition emerging if successful will replace the roosevelt coalition for the first time since 1932. trump is attracting people for a lot of reasons partly because weird democrats totally unacceptable culturally to vast numbers of african americans latinos the performance of biden numbers showed earlier people hurt by biden administration economically younger people polite not be fondleed by some
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weird ideas butted offended can't buy a car can't get a job can't afford groceries a luge shift among younger americans based on perform they can't afford joe biden i do think something very big is happening i think a test of whether or not the machine will be able to hold on, despite american people drifting towards donald trump, and rejecting joe biden. maria: i think even more than that, yes, i agree this election is going to be about the economy, going to be about fairness unfairness as relates to trump also crime people are scared about security, national security and personal security yet the biden-harris campaign, continues to claim that crime is down under joe biden's leadership do said that in a press conference yesterday watch this. >> yeah. this campaign is going to campaign every day on truth as you pointed out the truth, is
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that -- skyrocketing, crime under donald trump presidency fallen under joe biden presidency donald trump again talking about defunding law enforcement, every day. >> doug i don't know where he gets this so-called truth. doug: he didn't will to media doesn't push back allowed to say whatever he wants nobody going to push back on him the o problem the bigger picture i think the reason you are seeing some numbers by the way, if the numbers hold, i think that maybe newt will agree with me 6 to 7 months out see how these look in september october a hispanic number african voter numbers if they move two to three% especially i don't think african americans hispanic voters biden campaign is finished, republicans are getting better at going after
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voters saying look are you really better off under the administration do you really like policies bringing them down that is again allowing younger voters can't apply homes have trouble getting out of student loan told we will pay it off realize not happening moving thwarted republicans, and when you look at crime you look at issues, donald trump is one passed criminal justice legacy biden talked about it talked about it, obama talked about it nobody did it. donald trump actually worked to make streets safer police more improved so they can get the help they need people have held accountable for what they do taking communities saying how can we get you back in community not resid recreated size, authenticity young peopledrawn to authenticity,
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may not like some tweets from donald trump rut weapon he is telling the truth they see nontruth telling from biden and gravitating toward truth. >> rfk, jr., slammed president biden yesterday for what he said what going a weaponization of federal agencies, to censor political opponents. >> people talk about democracy that trump poses are you ti that is equal. >> biden -- >> listen, i am a -- president biden is much worse left democracy. >> bing ooh he said what everybody knows, joe biden is a bigger threat to democracy, given his plans to censor speech his plans to pack the supreme court, newt how do you see? newt: robert f. kennedy, jr.,
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to say it means left a huge problem, because, lots of people inidentify with him everywhere they've bone democrats actively tried to keep them off ballot i cannot overstate, that this is a campaign between a corrupt democratic machine and donald trump. not a campaign between biden and trump, biden wouldn't have a chance, if it was only him but the machine is enormous ironically, the last president to lose get reelected was grove er cleaver landed took on corruption in tammany hall politics famous they loved him for enemies he made the fact is trump is in the same position he is taking on total corruption, robert kenby is exactly right, an i think having him say it, is going to validate for a lot of young
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people, that the biden system is a remarkably corrupt system. maria: go ahead doug. doug: i think, robert kennedy proved he is more threat to biden by his vice president pike far-left into defunding police they are concerned because he went after that disenfranchised they are having trouble with i think biden administration has serious issues not only with robert kennedy but how he is positioning himself. maria: a great point let's take a break the white house is demanding no religious themed decorations for easter, they did so yesterday easter egg roll allowed easter sunday to share holiday with transgender visibility day former olympian kaitlin jenner here to react you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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president biden making an official proclamation on easter sunday marking that day as transgender day of visibility white house doubled down on defense of the day saying he is not abusing faith for political purposes during annual easter egg roll yesterday any decorations tied to religious aspects of easter band no religion. >> former champion caitlyn jennerwrote i am absolutely disgusted joe biden declared most holly of holly days of transgender day of visibility the only thing should you declare on this day he is risen joining us, caitlyn jenner thank you for being here tell us more. >> well -- it is just a shame to see ways happening to our
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country first i want to say is maria, thank you for having me on your show first time i have been able to do your show. it is kind of tough getting up this early but i am okay with that because this is a very important issue. this is a very important issue. joe biden has been absolutely as we all know a disaster as president one more step in that direction to be honest never should have said anything leave this issue alone i don't bloovr he is one coming up with all decisions, somebody in his administration, said hey, you know here we have easter but also trans day of visibility, i have no problem with trans day of visibility, 2017 i posted something about it no problem with that joe biden makes a statement on the holiest day of the year.
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and it is just wrong. another bad decision by joe biden. and he is taking a lot of flack for it in fact even last -- yesterday started really backing off on this. because to be honest i don't think joe biden you know wakes up in the morning they put a bunch of paipdz in front of him he winds up signing them this wasn't his idea it was somebody else's idea like sticking a big finger in front of religion, it is wrong. we have to stop things like this this is part of the democrats, the left would be war on religion we see what they are doing with fbi coming after catholic groups, it is wrong. and this has to stop. >> i mean we're looking caitlyn at lgbtq holidays there are a lot of holidays in terms of international day of
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pink, assail day against homophobia, harvey milk day international lgbtq day, there are a lot of them i am wondering if they are trying harding to overboard making this political. >> certainly does you put those out there, my -- printer was kind of crazy but yes, there are too many days right now every week there is something, and, as you know, that on october 19, it is the international pronoun day, you know we've gone too far with this, yes every week, every week there is another day. this is the way i look at it. these issues are important it is important that we bring issues forward. but, if you are a car salesman, and your lot is full of cars, okay what happens to the price of the car?
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you want to get rid of them it goes down same thing. if every week there is another trans this lgbtq issue, international pronoun day, losses, its special meaning. so we have to, it is every week there is a new one. maria: i am happy to hear you talk to me today on these issues because you know these are sensitive issues you really have to understand how to navigate it i want to hear the truth, from you, you also a criticized biden president barack obama bill clinton, glitzy radio city news fund-raiser last week former president trump attended funeral services for slain nypd officer diller biden could have gone there to new york 1:30 in the afternoon could have stopped by awake the biden campaign raised 26 million dollars that night you
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say backing blue should never be part of this -- >> trump has a day coming up i think tenth, where there is, 33 million, so they keep talking about 25 million president trump is doing very well. yes. i am voting for america. okay? coming in november i am voting for america, right now we have two candidates number one number two we have one candidate who was 45 minutes away from a fallen officer, officer diller, and -- and he wouldn't even show up he didn't make a phone call he was there raising money. okay being? another candidate -- >>. >> another candidate took time out of a very busy schedule was compassionate, he went to nassau county met with the family. that is the president i want,
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and you know that is why i am going to support him. not the other one he is doing the right thing. before you go, j.k. lawry could be investigated arrested for scottish authorities for migrants gendering people, he introduced if you call one he even with biological male could be criminal offense i wonder what you think about that. >> i don't care what you call me i am sfwhot the pronoun thing, okaying? i transitioned much later in life very proud of the position that i am in right now. i am very happy with the position right now. i am not into pronoun thing honestly you can call me anything you want, but -- but if you do you don't respect my rights, um -- i am not going to be i am just not going to associate with those people i am going someplace else, the
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pronoun thing is just -- i mean like i said international pronoun day we've taken it too far maria. maria: are i think we all agree on that please come back soon love having you this morning caitlyn jenner we'll be right back. you are watching "mornings with maria." .
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maria: all right. a big thank you to newt gingrich and and doug collins. have a great day, everybody. see you storm. "varney & company" begins now. stuart: good morning, everyone


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